The Straits Times, 30 September 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,642. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1901. PRICE 15 CERTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 909 1 STEvmsht? my? wtes. J^. (>rnc«,T«LK.EAFH rVrnarr .tr A ii.ks«- K-rrii.H«Kno'ia. afaUUI KaVMATM OiMPANY. !*IAMKt »na CHt*A, JAM», PCSAKO t'STXOH. IXIIA, AnaTIIAMA, ADIH, EoTPT, Mameillss., Malta, ..aim.iM. Plymouth. akii Laaaaav Cbroogh Hiilsof Lading is>u*d for /Vtiun VWf, AmrMitfai and Antrim* PorU.oitc for OMmOmsV MAi! 1. 1NF.. urfTWAao. Hovirwuui. 1901. 1901.
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    • 605 1 STEAMSHIP CrOMPANIES. r'CNINKLUKK PAKKTVAART MAATSOHAPPU Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. i. ni Singapvrr: Hhip AoracY, lati J. Daskuils A Co., i-», CoLLria Qoav. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Expected will be Despatched lor On" Swarrdeeroon Ootie via ports Sept. 30 Itilliton and Pontianak Oct. 0
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    • 810 1 A fiAZAAR. TN aid of the "Methodist Episcopal 1 Church and Panoinge Fund will bs held in the Town Hall on Thursday October 10th. last frjin 4 to .1.3J p. and fiom h..«flto I .%> p.m. [EVERYMAN 1 The North Kechau Gold Mining Company, Limited. >'OTICE is hereby siren that
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    • 649 1 I NOTICES. *APIOL&STEEL m\^u^hk\ PI LLS ■A»rr» XOtrTHAnPTON. RNfILANU. f These CAP3OUB cure I recent and chronic ducbtrge*. THEY HEY» FAIL TIT THtM, to .If TmSHSI, co»Wi/ni Inwltm fA*M« r+mmfrimm RELKBLE AOSNTS fe, W '"•>•••. WaeasHi— .r aAsa* fa «Ur»H /A./r lnhntM r« m.m ''•^'""r «><«>« «>-. aMtwsfasf to 4>
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    • 340 1 .NOTICES, REALLY EXCELLENT!!! iNDnrioPB (x)s ALK AND STOUT. Price SI. BO per doz pints Price Sli 00 per case of 7 doz pint*. Deliver**! free within miles radius. W.A Wafford&Co., BOTTJ.ERB, AN SON ROAD, nr Singapore What we all Want. A Good Cigar. FLOR 0£ PIEDRA. nutrrtji of toiaceo qrovn
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    • 462 1 NOTICES. unwui Kiiiii wnßks r« PABIR PANJANG. 4 Rf, now supplying building hricks. X\ For particulars, apply to Chop KIM BIR, «/3-02 No •_>! Malacca Rtrwrt. COALS AT G ALLE. B»«t Welf<h and Indian (Barrakur) always ion. ock Quick despatch. CLARK, NPENCK Co K C( JA'JVS Co. Galle, September, 1H.)1.
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    • 504 1 XOTICE& I^NGLISH Mining Knclneer and SurLi reror, tbortijr terminating pre«ent -IT^'WEIT fUrthe «»P"*— Addren"MINEIJ c/o Strait, Tim,,. TANS AN In on talc at all ffe principal Tiffin Rooms, Winofc Spirit Dealers. Sole Importers... Borneo Co. Ld. Singapore. Sub-agents. McClymont Co., Pon*ckwn. Chow Kit"& Co., Kuafa Lumpur. A. Oldfield, Ipoh. t
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    • 739 1 satb tbb mum. Then it little, if any. rt.ngm from bow,| oamplaJote when properly tnwt«d. ir ""i 0»'»*» BU«r ol Mookwaller, Ohio I.H. A., UJ. *>™ a *»T v inf.nt child of our neighbour wu minWi.-r from caeirra 10'aatam. The doctors li.rt up »n b .?P" r r? T •*>»£
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  • 17 2 McClosky.— At London, on the 94th instant, Jamu Hdoh-HoClosky, late Colonial Surgeon, Province Wellesley. Aged 80.
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  • 715 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 30TH SEPTEMBER. In view of the fact that tbe StraiU Ttmet appears to have been responsible for tbe dsepatch of the subjoined letter to a Ceylon contemporary, and its subsequent publication therein, it is not out yf reason to ran""' *h« communi"..n 1
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  • 60 2 Whii.ii there's a shot in the locker there is still hope but it is reasonably to be feared that the gallant Sir Thomas Upton will not bring back the America Cup to England in the cabin of Shamrock 11. The British champion (rives Columbia a handicap of 43 seconds whereas,
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  • 7 2 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is 1/11 4
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  • 15 2 Mr. Sigmund Katz is now in charge of the Penang branch of Katz Brothers Ltd.
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  • 17 2 H. M. S. Brisk- leaves for Penang this evening. She will return bare about tbe 16th inst.
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  • 20 2 Mr. H. Abrams was expected to leave home for Singapore by the P. and O. mail sailing on Thursday last.
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  • 16 2 Liiut. Colonel and Mrs. Whitley, from Singapore, have been staying at Newara Kliya Grand Hotel, Ceylon.
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  • 21 2 Tut monthly sewing meeting of the Church Work Association will be held at the Rallies Girls School on Wednesday October 2nd.
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  • 20 2 Mr. Jas. A. Wattie, Manager of the China Mutual Life Insurance Coy., arrived from China yesterday, by the French mail.
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  • 22 2 It is reported that men who have come out to the Federated Malay States under agreement are not eligible for double compensation.
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  • 23 2 Captain H. G. Sargeaunt has arrived at Penang from Singapore, to hold the annual Inspection of the Penang Volunteer Corps on Saturday last.
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  • 22 2 A special general meeting of the Selangor Turf Club, will meet on Wednesday next to pass the programme fur the November meeting.
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  • 28 2 Thi P. O s.s. Coromandel with the mail from Europe of the l.'ttb Sept. left Colombo at 30 a.m. on Sunday, and is due here on Friday afternoon.
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  • 25 2 Thk Resident-General has sanctioned a cadet conference. The cadets have certain grievances and the Federal Government desires thus to meet them as far us possible.
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  • 27 2 Au'OßLiNa to a telegram sent to Europe by tlie Governor-General of Netherlands India, the Government coffee crop in Java is estimated for the year at 95,000 pieuls.
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  • 30 2 Mr. John Diz Morgan, representing Californian capitalists, has bought gold claims in the I'hillippinei to the amount of *SBO,OOO (gold). Ail the claims are situated in the i>rovince of Benguet.
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  • 21 2 The swimming race for the Upton Cup at Katong yesterday resulted as follows lst Doughty, 2nd A. B. Cross ;<rdC. Bedford.
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  • 20 2 The Russian transport Tatnbor arrived from Odessa on Saturday evening en route for Vladivostok. She has IS passengers on board.
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  • 26 2 Play for tbe Britk prize at the Sepoy Lines Golf Club will take place on October 12th, Saturday, and not on October sth as originally fixed.
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  • 32 2 A cricket match was played at Tanglin on Saturday between a team of the 16th M. N. I. and eleven composed of S. C. 0. tambies. The latter won by 47 runs.
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  • 33 2 We regret to announce the death of Dr. J H. McClosky of the Straits Medical Service (retired) on Tuesday last at the Seamen's Hospital, Albert Docks, London. Sprue was the cause of death.
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  • 37 2 A native of Ceylon was lately charged with branding (with a hot iron) his own wife in several parts of her body. He was convicted of the atrocious offence and was sent to prison for three months.
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  • 36 2 A cricket match between the SRC. and the XX was played at Pulo Brani on Saturday afternoon. The club having scored lull for four wickets, closed their innings. The Engineers replied with 74 for r wickets.
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  • 36 2 A Mrs. Collins, who was coming to the Straits by the Inaba, with her husband and two children, had to be removed, to the Colombo General Hospital on account of fever. The unfortunate lady died.
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  • 35 2 This morniag, a Chinaman was fined tluO by Mr. Sarwar for bringing fourteen unstamped letters into tbe Colony from Java. He was fined another SlOO for offering an illegal gratification to a Post Office detective.
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  • 45 2 Mrs. Murray (wife of Major Murray) and the Misses V. and B. Murray, who are staying at Newara Kliya, Ceylon, were present recently at a gymkhana on the Liddesdale ground in connection with the I'va Gymkhana Club. The Misses Murray look part in several events.
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  • 58 2 The postponed dinner in honor of H.H the .Sultan's birthday, given by the Pemangku Raja at the Johore Palace on Saturday was a most enjoyable function. Among the many guests present were H. E. the Governor, who returned to Singapore by the Sea Bell* yesterday. The Hon. W. 8. Kynnersley,
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  • 94 2 Du. Nieuwenhuis, who returned to Holland recently from a scientific journey in the interior of Borneo, was received at a meeting of the company for physical inquiry in the Netherlands colonies. The meeting waa attended by the Minister for the Colonies and other authorities connected with India. Mr. Pijnacker Hordijk,
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  • Reuter's Telegrams. BRITISH FORTS
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  • 96 2 Pfb N. Y. K. s.s. Shinano Mrru from London, due to-morrow evening For Singapore: Mr. A. Morrison, Mr A. Webster, Mrs. A, Hol>y, Mr. <fc Mrs. Tearle. Mrs M. A Haves <fc 2 children. Mr. Mr-. J H. Holmes 4 2 children, Miss M. B. Saunders, Miss E.
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  • 99 2 The Flnlayson Shield. Ykstkrdav a carbine competition at 2UO and 500 yards took pla«e at the Bilestier Range for the Finlayson shield The competition is open to subdivisions of tbe S. V. A. Five subdivisions entered of which Sergt. Frost's team was first with 167.
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  • 89 2 \ade, Robertson, Monro, Gaffney, I'earce, aud Earle played, but returned no Bcores. Major Jones, being a previous winner this year, the medal goes to O'Sullivan. The result of p yesterday, wu play for the medal Major Joan O'Sulli»»n.. J. H. D. Jane* Ualonel Oakea Dr. Kill.,
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  • 106 2 Thk following colliers are expected viz Anna and Emma from Moji on the 7th and Bth October respectively and the J/HCU2 and Hullmouth both from Sydney about the 14th October. The Frevia, on arrival from Muroran, in Japan, with a cargo of about S.uOO tons coal, went alongside
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  • 96 2 An Irish-American charged. BfroKE Mr. Sarwar this morning William McGann, an .Irish-American, was charged with voluntarily causing hurt to Shaik Mahomedsah, the Sailors Horn« watchman. Shaik Mahomedsah stated that at 9.40 p. m on the 17th McGann tried to force his way into the Sailors Home Witness
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  • 121 2 K. O. R. Challenge Cup. Thi following is the result of the draw for the first round for the above cup. Qarrium "A" team Capt. White (Capt), Lieut Barne X.A Capt Lyne XVI M 1., and Lieut. Gilchnst XVI MI.; twrtiM Th* Ciril Service. (Colours chocolate and yellow)
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  • 60 2 The Malacca brought the following passengers from T. Aneon via ports this morning. Miss Johnston, Mr. Downie, Mr J. G. Birrel, Mr Hawes, Mr. W. C. Brownie, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. T. Kable, Mr. Foster, Mr Leach, Mr. J. W. Stokes, Mr. S. Danes, Mr. W. A [.each, Mr. P. K
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 455 2 "notices. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturers of Dynamite, Oeligmte, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators. IH (ISPS or Safety Fuses. Elaine Blasting Apparatus. Th* above Kzploeivet, Imug all aurnifeatured in Great Britain, are made to pate th* high etmtdiird of tafetu anl punty Mi impoeed by lit* Brituh Government, and
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    • 850 2 NOTICES GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION LInT of applications for new Licences and transfer of licences to be considered on tlie 3rd October by tbe Licensing Justices. of applicant.! "j^ST E^oH^nt. HHfM-. |Mrs.R. Silbermsnn M, Hill f»tr«*«» Criterion Hotel First Class instead of 'i 1 Sod Class liosusx. vßstUnin 16, North Bridge United
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    • 959 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMEm PARSEE THEATRE. NEW ELPHINSTONE THEATRICAL CO. Of Bombay. Will play to-night, ■M.I BABA AND THB FORTY ROBBERS.* In their specially erected grand pandal on Beach Road at 9 p.m. Ritssov AoMiseioi<: Ist Class.. tJO-l Gallery $060 2nd Clau Il.fiO Native Ladies 1 11.00 Srd Class $1.0 "Zenana II0.M)
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    • 11 2 G.R. Lambert Co. ESTABL. 1873. High class Photographs, Photo Stores, Framing.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 285 2 T§l)e "Straits V>imes." SUBSCRIPTION RA TES. Tkt STRAITS TIMES Daily ittue, in Singapore —prr copy SJ CU. per montk tt.SO perytdr tsu.uo (By pott) ptr montk 1. perytar tSi-UU Tke STRAITS BUDGET: prr copy 40 fit. ptryrar OIS.OO (By pott) perytar tM.UO NOTE :—Tkt Strait, Budgtt ia publiiktd in
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  • Correspondence.
    • 330 3 Tothe Editor ol the "Straits Times." Sir lli-man ia a small state in the centre of :he Northern Section of the Malay Peninsula. Ooe of its boundaries touches that of Ulu i'erak. The country is very rich in mineral deposits. It has been for a long time
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  • 348 3 A Bill to amend the Oaths Ordinance ip to be laid before the legislative Council <>n Tuesday. The statement of objects and reasons runs as follows Section 16 of Indian Act II ..I 1846, waa a* follows:— Any person who by reason of immature age or want of
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  • 923 3 Some observations on the Hingo-Maru." Colombo, 23rd Sept. Thinkim. it just possible that the good people of Singapore might feel a kind of interest in the movement* of Mr Go Boon Quan and party who left Singapore for Europe on the 13th inst., I liave strung together
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  • 123 3 Al'mikal Lord Charles Scott, Com-mander-in-Chief at I>e*ouport, recently took |>.iri in the passing out of cadets on the Britannia at Dartmouth. The examination has been more interesting than usual, owing to the fact that Prince Vuduigai, of fiaui, was among those examined. Ue is
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  • 107 3 Th it report of the North Borneo Trading Compauy show, gross profits for the year ended Dec. 31st last of £3,190, as compared with .£639 for the previous twelve months, and after deducting all eipensfts and the debit balance brought forward from last year, there is
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  • 45 3 lnt first wedding in the new Presbyterian Church at Penang was solemnised on Tuesday last. The contracting parties were Mr. J. it. Beckett, of Messrs. I'ritchard and Co., and Miss Isabella Weir, sister of Mr. John Weir, Chief Engineer of the a. s. Mo A'uvi.
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  • 946 3 Interviewed at Colombo. Views on the Boer War. tiiMKti. Sir Hector Macdonald, who so distinguished himself in South Africa, is now stationed in India. He passed through Colombo, the other day, where he granted an interview to a reporter. The War in South Africa. Sir Hector viewed
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  • 783 3 South Africa. Lord Kitchener reports that Colonel Williams has captured almost the whole of Koch's commando west of Adenburg, including fifty-five prinoners ■irni the whole of the transport. Colonel Beiraon has captured a Carolina Commando, consisting of fiftyfour prisoners, including Commandant P. Botha, and forty-eight waguiia. Kritzinger, in
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  • 222 3 A Dismal Outlook. In view of the approaching visit of the Straits cricket team to Hongkong, the following, in the Hongkong Daily Prets will be read with interest Aa the cricket season draws nigh, there are many ominous head shakes about the poverty of Hongkong in cricket talent.
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  • 346 3 McKinley's Speech on President's Day "—the Day before the Assassination. The following is extracted from the Timet of mail day New York. September sth.— To-day was President's Day at the PanAmerican Kxpoeition at Buffalo. The greatest crowd that has ever assembled on tbe esplanade heard
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  • 364 3 Saturday's Play. Championship. S Reid neat Bradherv, 8— 1, 6—2. Wither, beat White, 6— S, B—4. Von Berg beat Mactaggut, 2-«, 8-1, 8-2. B. Singles. Foreman— 6 beat Clerk scr. 3—B, B—2, B—B. tfansfield+4 beat Hannaford— l, 7—6, •—7,8—6. C. Single*. Jliller+4 beat Edlin-8. 0-8,
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  • 562 3 SINOArOHI. 80TH BXPTBHBIR. IKI. PRODUCK. Gambier buyer* I II M Copra Ball B.f>-> do Pontirvnak 8.00 Pepper, Black buyers 30.M) do White,(«%) «.OO Pago Floor Sarawak 5.66 do Brunei No. 1 3.90 Pearl 3a«o 4.10 Coffee, Bali, 16% bants SI.AO Coffee. Palembang. 16% baaia. tt.oo Cofee, Liberiu T>To. 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 173 3 VESSELS ADVERTISED To BAIL. Penang and Calcutta, laitang, due 90th Sept.. Bonstead A Co. Melbourne via porn, Vrlana, on 2nd Oct., Boustead A Co. Hongkong, C. Apcar, due Srd Oct., Barkiet A Jloki. Klang via ports, Ban Whait Hrn every Friday, and Sappho every Saturday, 8. 8. Co. A coRKEfPCNDENT
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    • 83 3 CROUP. A few minutes' delay in treating some cases of croup, even the length of time it takes to go for a doctor, often proves dangerous. The safest way is to keep some good reliable Croup medicine constantly in tbe house There is none better than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
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    • 310 3 Wilson Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS. 17 Armenian Street. OUR Studio will be ready in afew dao. We are now prepared to take outdoor photos, such a. groups, bouses, Ac. class of work. Permanent results and reasonable price, guaranteed. H. ABRAMS, THE HORSE REPOSITORY. nAB now for wle over 100 Horses, Cobo, and
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    • 481 3 NOTICES. Robinson Co. Have just received a NEW STOCK of Kynoch's Sporting Cartridges. All specially loaded for this climate, and all guaranteed. In Gastight" cases as illustration, II bore loaded Kynoch'i smokeless powder. 4, 6 or 8 Newcastle best chilled shot. Grouse Ejector cases loaded, Kynoch'e smokeless, 12 bore, 4,
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    • 544 3 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION BALE OF VaLUaBUC HUUBE PROPERTY. SITOiTE AT THE CoRHIR or C»*»L Ril IP ami New Maieit Road, SmaAroiß. To be held at Powell A Co.'. sale-room. On Tuetday, the 2nd (Moher, 1(01, of 2 30 p. m. AREA 4,nm>q. (t. com prised in Statutory Grant No. Hfito
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 170 3 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 30th September. Higb Water. HAS p.m. 8. V. A. 2-5 Standing Gun Drill. 6.16. S. V. R. Prel. alu.k«try Drill. 6.10. Tuesday, ist October. High Water. 11.47 a.m. Pledges Sale. Leong Man Sau. 10. America Cup Race Legislative Council. 3.30. Wednesday, jnd October. Higb Water. 0.3*1
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    • 1324 4 Under tain heading thefoMnwlnra!>br<M tions areu*-d:— ttr— «teamer- nh.-smr q.— barque roh ochooner; Yet.— Yai-lil Cm. Cruiser <tbt. (innboat Tor Torpedo Up. Horte-uowar ilr.l Hritish U. ft— United StaVs p.— French fler.— German Dut.— DnU-h lob Johore 4c, O. c..— it«nrn|. •argo d.p— deck paaaengen: D.— l'nmr
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    • 306 4 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and nant of aftnlt. Htkauiu. A. Treves, Baltimore, l'ft July 91 A. \pcar. CalrOtta, Oct S: 8. k Mose-i. Ad»n» New York, left Auk 15; Ajax, China. Oct 8; Minefield. Annam. "'nlombo. Ovt 14; M M Arabia, ffinsjkons, Oct I*.; Rehn Meyer.
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    • 51 4 M AILS CLOSE. For Pur $(r. Jimm. To-Mokbow. PontmrU If. Oihr Hup 7 «.m. Colomtx) Bombay 10 a.m, T A roii vis ports Dutatitl Ip.m. Runekok U'nu ;('»i 4 p m. Mnotok Pbing G. K .Wyr 4p m. WltlßDlV. T. Annan Tiaport* Malnrcn S p.m. inhin »nd Deli JiaAan; 3
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    • 135 4 Fbom Etiaon By tbe P. t O. St. Tor.;. mandrl due on Friday with date* to the 13- h optemlM t, she firings replies to tbe mails which left Sincapuroon tin- 16th Aug. From <'Hitu:-By the I'.AO. s.s. ChuKin due on Thursday. eft Singapore Due in Lomlon
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    • 285 4 5 Vnui/a Kami I Tom.: Cahiis Kaon Siiuu.' ivwuonw. i I Bvt; i M Kian Yang Rrit «tr., 70 Tavlor Malacca Sept !C Khoc Tiong Pun 'Bag* Nor mr.; KM Nhlti< Bangkok Sept »Tm K>y l« iS ,T«niboT Ku» sir., 2.17 Hohidioieky ndetM Aug K. A. Pitlniffran iB WillO'the
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    • 132 4 Diti. Vmml's Nahi |Fiao4KiOj CirT*in Cimm I I)ESTI»4TION Dmbhii i I ol,»48 .Iton Brit sir. Corner 38 Biugars U«r sir. Meyer SO Au tralind Brit rtr. R-.dK«r •I Nud>le» ttr. Ho«™ SO i bi-l>.ir» itr. Co* 80 Sultan ur. Cbopard SO Calypto »tr. Lowry SO Penang »lr. Olhd SO
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 242 4 NOTICES. I /{languid women I PUC CHILOKEK OLO fIOPLI, WttLlDt YIN CHkPOTEftUT (oimuin v mm t ot li cio at 01/TKiTiri STIKULAKT TV. tliiiiif wlm it MMlr>lm«4 what M «to mlii 1 l«j«id h»d will naals tka raaak. lsdK.i«l is coaMnutiorul tmi It- v' '^nl U1 r NOTICE& J.
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    • 356 4 __JNOTICES. VINOLIA SOAP IS TO .BE THE FINEST *OAP IN THE WOULD. Facts V VINOLIA SOAP ia unsurpassed for the complexion. VINOLIA SOAP keeps the skin as soft as velvet. VINOLIA SOAP lasts well, and does not dry or irriUfe the most sensitive skin. VinolU Cream iorteftin* Prickly II -ir
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    • 556 4 .NOTICES. MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION rVI'I?YWHEi{R FortilJ the System .against Disease with PURE BLOOD. •JTHE. 3EST S £CURITV FOR MCALTM.' EMCNOH QK FLUID KXTWAOT Of KID JAM»IO» since 1J39. fc!3flsLiAta^A^AJt»«j»JßJt»jU Jj fjLMj as^urns torpid i m, debility, erupiiim WEAK and LANGUID FEELINGS, And all Impi -itfes of the Blood. ■*r-
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    • 176 4 i \K"! rt 1 Drt. J. D. A. PKRKIKA. HoKTinctTIIBMI 1»D FlOfclST. CoLL»-roK ARD EIPoKTKK or OBOHIM. By *pecial appointment to Hit Majesty Th.- King of Siani. H H. The Sultan of Jobore, and H. H. The BuIMD of Lingga. Orden (or Bouqtun Spraya, Ac, Ac, Carafally and promptly executed.
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