The Straits Times, 28 September 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,641. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 976 1 T<nE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED r pirß Stan H- 1 1.lf" lamaa. Hor»i' li fn.'o Kin Imnrsiim KocUty. Atlas Amrni- I'omranv (Pirn). Tke K»|uit»w. Uh «•■>»• tvxiiotv. Th* Otina Vui.-.l Mom N»iirati«a Compuy Tb* TotamhiMii Lafw Bmc Omapaav. For pattinilar< of tk«s* OosBDaBMS, M th* fall aav*rtfa*iMßt o( THE BOBNRO COMPANT.
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    • 912 1 STK^MSHIP COMPANIES. fONINKLIJKK TAKKTVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. jtiimU at Singapore: Ship Aobxct, latb J. Dabroile A Co 2-3 Colitis Qoat The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamar From Expected Will ba Despatched for On~ Svaerdecroon Cotie via ports Sept. 30 Billiton and Pontianak Oct. 6
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    • 721 1 I pOMFAUKIE DEb MESSAGEIUK* MAJUTIMEB DB FRANCE. TiuoßAraic Addsim: Mmuoikii, BHTOAJOU. rhe mail stearaen will leare Singapore on or sboat the undermentioned dates OOTWABD. HOM»WABD. 1901- 1901. l>»te>. Dates SjilaMi, Sept. 28 Indus Sept. 29 Annam Oct. 14 Natal Oct. 13 hrnrHSimom Laos Oct 27 Oct. 38 Salazie Not. 10
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    • 609 1 INSURANCES. rpHK LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £V.l2?l*>o Paid up Capital £L'li!.7flO R*»*tT» Fund £1,07.1480 Tb* nndenigned. Agent* for the Company, are prepared to accept fire riak» at current rate* of premium. ROUBTEAD A Co Agent*. rpHE CHINA TRADERS INStTaUtfCI 1 OOMPANT, LIMITED Capital Subscribed.. |S.O(X'.OOU. luwt
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    • 428 1 INSURANCES. THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (ESTABLISHED A.U. lT.ii> PHB undersigned, agents for the store 1- company, are prepired to accept Fire Kiskn at current ratca. BEHN MEYER A Co. w. A i. Sl/lt MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.U. 1884) WHE uodareigoed, agents for the abore JL company, are prepared
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    • 703 1 BANKS. HONOKONO AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. M7F CAPITAL HOfIOOJOOD. BRVE FUND.— ing Reserve..! 10,000,000 1 SilverTUserve... 3,000,000/ lS *****0 RESERVE LIABILITY OF I „nomnnn PROPRIETORS J-»10,000.000 Corn or Directors R. Smn, E^.-Cuiuu. Hoy. J.J. Bill-Istixs Dirirrr Chairman. B. E ToMxim. I B L. Bicmaamox, JBaq A Hiurr, E«i I H
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    • 531 1 NOTICES. T?NGLIBH Mining Engineer and Sorli »eyor, shortly terminating present '"gagement, wishes further employment '••'0 c/o Straitt Time. %MR. GEORGE LAWS, ME, A.I.M.M. iTI 6, Buttery Road, Singapore, having had 17 years experience in the East in now open to examine and report on, or surrey mining properties, or uny
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    • 718 1 Spniai! Sprtiu'! Sprtiu!!! TF POMIBLI TO TKKAT THE BPKAIK 1 withi .an boar after it la mxnM, er net re innarammioo haa set In. tranrlaaa the pwta and keep the banduge aatnrated with Chamberlains Pain Balm but after the parts bave becomo mflanud aod swollen, no bandage ahouM .*> used
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  • 20 2 Ik Holland, on the 37th instant. Alrsbt Blombibo master of the a. s. Sultan <•/ Laitgkit. Java papers please copy.
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  • 171 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS SATURDAY, 28TH SEPTEMBER. Th* following letter to the Governor from the Viceroy of India is published in the Government tinzetlt Sir,— The labours of the Central Executive I'oiiimittHij of the Indian Famine Charitable Relief Fund have uuw practically concluded, and Fund has been closed
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  • 7 2 Today's 4/ma bank rate is 1/1 1}
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  • 8 2 The homeward mail closes at 6 p.m tu-day.
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  • 15 2 The StraiU B*ig<t was published this morning. A supplement will be issued this evening.
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  • 21 2 Thk monthly sewing mpctiiig of the Church Work Association will be held at the Raffles Girla School 011 Wednesday October 2nd.
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  • 20 2 Mr. E. C. Howard, third magistrate at Singapore has been appointed Acting First Magistrate and .Superintendent of Prisons at I'enane
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  • 25 2 Mb. Liang Ting turn is now the acting Vice Consul for China at Penang during the absence from the Settlement of Mr Sia Yuen Kwang.
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  • 23 2 Kcu. moon to-night. The band of the Mr<l Madras Light Infantry plays for the first time in public in Singapore at the Gardens.
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  • 24 2 The Hon J. Napier's leave of absence from his dutio* as a Legislative Councillor has been extended for two months from the 11th inst.
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  • 23 2 Messrs. G. R Lambert Co., are exhibiting a large collection of postcards with beautifully got up views of the Straits Settlements and Malaya.
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  • 26 2 Tne next Children's Concert under the auspices of the Singapore Philharmonic Society will be held next Friday, in the 1 own Hall, at 5 :ki p.m.
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  • 30 2 To-day being the anniversary of the birthdays of the King and Queen of Portugal, a solemn Te J'rum will lie mug at the Church uf gt Joseph at 7 p.m.
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  • 23 2 The "Government" Gazette notifies that the New Zealand penny postage system extends ulso to specified South Sea islands now included within its boundaries.
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  • 57 2 The Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland has intimated a desire tl, it a tram of Irish cricketers should visit England next year, and with that end in view has requested Sir T. C. O'Brien, the exMiddlesex bntfrnun, to endeavour to procure a representative side. The team will probably cross in June, and
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  • 62 2 A sad dronning accident accurred off Malacca lust week The Yidar from Port •Swettenham had come to anchor, and the Boarding Officer with four Malays had visited the ship. A heavy ■wi-ll was on, and as the Boarding Oflieer's boat neared the beach on its return, the boat CApi>iz«d. One
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  • 36 2 C«ptal!l A. Blnmberg, master of the s.s. Sultan of l.anqknt, belonging to the Royal Dutch Oil Company, died in Holland yesterday. The deceased was very will known hero for tbe last q lartiT of a ccutury.
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  • 42 2 Tm rales of land on (irove Estate (Tanjong Katong) by Mr. H A. Ciane on Thursday, inaccurately noted in our issue of yesterday, comprised sea frontage lots ai ~i cents per foot and back lots Irum 6 to 3 cents per foot.
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  • 39 2 Tbi Rubittino steamer Bormid* arrived this morning from Bomba> with three cabin and 48 3rd claea passnncers and went alonmide Tanjiug Pagar Wharf. She brings cargo from Europe ex str. H tffttte Rabultino and loa\«a for China to-iuorrow uiorning.
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  • 50 2 For some time past the de*th-rate oi.Midrt- lias been rapidly mounting up week nfl.-r week, of late, and is described as never having been so appalling in a non-famine year as it has been this year. The death-rate in one division waa actually as high a* 181 8 per thousand.
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  • 50 2 Thi N D. L. steamer fjachten arrived this morning from Europe, aud brought, Mrs Campbell, Dr. M. Schmidt, Mr. E. Wolff, Dr. Kempwolff, Dr. f. C. KoniiigsLergen, Mr. II E. Elirenfels, Mr. Struben, Mr B. H.-r.y. Mr. H. C. Guoszeu, Mr. K. H. Hilder, Mr. P. Luppe aud L Wassard.
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  • 53 2 A I 'kyi os paper hears that Mr. W.T. Taylor has become an ardent student ot the Malay language in view ol his approaching departure to Singapore as Colonial Secretary. Mr. Taylor is being taught for an hour daily by a Malay, who appears satmb>d with me progress made by
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  • 50 2 Thk Bangkok Tu,u* says that Dr. Trumpp hat been eugaged as chief medical attendant for ihe Siamese army. Tho uru.y has not hitherto had a foreign medical ohVer, but the serious difficulty that was experienced recently 111 dealing with an outbreak of beriberi among the soldiers made the change advisable.
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  • 63 2 Mr. H Conway Bulfield, the Acting Ilritish Km. lent of Selaimur, left the State on leave un Monday, 1 iafc Mr Douglas (Jraliiim Campbell, Secretary to the Keeidi ut, Selangor, will act as British U.mcl.iii, in addition lo his .Iher duties until the arrival of Mr. Hugh Clifford, Rodent,
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  • 73 2 Vol. of the Proceedings of the Ro>al Colonial Institute 1&00- 1801 has basfl issued. Tilt) MMN read deal with West Australia, Kiji. the .State ol Victoria, the Nile and Zambesi river systems, noriu pole exploration, China trade, South Africa, Trinidad, the HaMit.-, and the West Indies. We have also received
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  • Correspondence.
  • 262 2 The extra M M. steamer Adour, in clearing from tin: Borneo wharf on Tuesday last, collided with a lighter which was 1 y i ni; alongside a steam collier and sank her. Another lighter belonging to the Dock Company was also damaged. The fallowing vessels will in all
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  • 1035 2 This entertaining case was continued at the Assizes on Thursday aftornoon. Owing to pressure on space, the report had to be held out of yesterday's issue The cross-examination of Captaiu Strachan was continued. Il lia.l reference chiefly to the visit of Or. Murray Ruberuon to the A'»i-y
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  • 47 2 In the international water polo match England v. Wiles, pUyed at I.iii c-i.T in the opening half England scored five goals to nil. On urtlllhm. Wales, although beaten, defended with ereat spirit, but could not score, and England won by seven goals to nil
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  • 59 2 To-xioht, from 9 to 11 p.m., the band nf the iird Madras Light Infantry will play Hi" following programme of music in the Botanical Gardens: Overture "La Pills ilu Ki-nim.-nt". Kliog. Selection Ywnun of the Uuarrt (Jo. If rev. Wiilt/. Love's old She t Song Bucaloui. 8on« Aye
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 48 2 London, -JSth Sept. The (irst of three races for the America Cup, yesterday, resulted in an outward heat for 15 miles and a return, unfinished, within time. The wind dropped. Columhia turned the mark half a mile ahead, and led finally for upwards of a mile.
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    • 33 2 THE KINO DISCUSSES MATTERS" Later. The King yesteiday had a long and f>cnom conversation with Mr. Brodrick regarding the situation in South Africa, and also concerning the recruiting and yeomanry questions.
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    • 35 2 The fall Mall UazeUt states, on what it holds to be the best authority, that Lord Kitchener finds his bands to be seriously tied, aud that hu is seriously reconsidering his position.
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    • 38 2 Lord Kitchener, says that journal, desires to inflict capital punishment on rebels instead of short terms of imprisonment. Lord Kitchener also asks for betterseasoned recruits, and for ths proclamatiou of martial law throughout Cape Colony.
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  • 347 2 Yesterday's Play. Championship. Mactageart v. Von Berg, untin. Keid l>eat fioirie. Withers beat Elliot. 7-4, R-l. W.iite Whit -head, M, 6-1. Green Iwat Hsrttahln. "-.'>. B. Singles. Heady— l C.l, l«at D. Kerr-R. «-l, ftfl. Hai.n'.iford 1 v. Man-Helil f I unßn. Foreman Iwal
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 170 2 UTEST ADVERTISEMENTS. QOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION 1.1 >T of applications for new Licences mi transfer of licences to be coDdidercd on the 3r 1 October by trie Licensing Justices. Name of .....lic.n,. AppH^on. 1 Mrs.Kßilnermann bJ, Hill street CriUrion Hotel First Claw instead of I |2nd Cla*s license. 2'BetUnin North Bridge Uait«df>ervice
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    • 11 2 G.R. Lambert Co. ESTABL 1873. High class Photographs, Photo Stores, Framing.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 280 2 V>6e "Straits Viimes." SUBSCRIPTION RA TES. Tke STRAITS TIMES: Daily ittne, in Singapore :—p,r ropy IS Ctt. per montk tt.SO per year tSO.OO (By pott) per tnontk tt.SS per year *.li.mj Tke STRAITS BUDGET: per copy 40 Clt. per year HIS.OO (By pott) per year tSO.OO XOTE -Tke SlraiU Budget
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  • 3 3
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  • 259 3 RECEPTION AT BENDEMEER." All sorts of charming and elaborate preparations had been made by Mr. Ml Liang oaah for the Meaauiaa at Hciideiiner' la9t Bight, ami the only eli-uißii' of uncertainly that lay between the function anJ MMMM was the Itklaaata of our Singapore weather. As it however, there was
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  • 1107 3 t DETAILS OF THE CRIME. 'DM Australian |.a t .>iK fr >iv dno, Kivr further pirtKultrs ol Ilie ar.lly trim* at Buffalo, fur whicti »ss:i~«m hai beeu condemned to be troculed:— lie President was on a visit to the t American Exliibitiun at Buffalo, eception
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  • 146 3 instant at a Rathe, ing of the Associated Chauiontt of Commerce at Nottingham, and. in the course of an address expressed the opinion that there was no justification for the pessimistic views which had bm»n enunciated in regard to the future of British commerce. Tropical Diseases. Mjr.
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  • 362 3 Tradinf Enterprise. K.x.mki inerciiant.s in H I feel uaeasy at Urilish and German merchants beatiug tbuin in the Java import trade, rioine time ago, several prumineut firms at Hamburg and Manchester cut iulo the island trade in a way which soon secured them a lureinuu position. I'ney
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  • 558 3 BIHGAPORK, 2rtTII PHTKMHSn, IMI. PBODPCK. Gimbier buyers I 1 1.1 ft Copra Bali Km do PontHnak 8«i Pepper, Black SO./SO do White. (8%) 48.00 Sago Floor Sarawak SJK do Brunei No. 1 IJO Pearl L'sgo 4.10 Coffee, Bali, IS% b*aU 21.60 CoHee, Palembang. IH% basis.. -' Coßee, Llberian No.
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  • 114 3 UiTE. Vra«ii.'« Nam* FuuAKig Cai-tai* Dmtisatio* r*pl 0 Ros Row* Brit itr Lafaf Hooakoiw Kaladin Mr. 8.11 FnSuMi via port, •24 Sappho .ir Turner Malacca wl k'l.n, ■jx Pin s.-ni: «ir. Dnvid>on Koune !W Kian Auo t(r. Hunter Diambie M Ku><y ,i r m th Munlok an<l Palem»«ag liaotnm
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    • 1121 4 Undo- tnmhradinqtbefollowinK abbreviations ire uc-ri str.— steamer sb.— ship bq.— barque sen. schooner; Yet.— Yacht; Cm.— Cruiser Obi— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p.— Horse-power Brit.— British U. B.— United States. Fr.— French Ger— German Dut.— Dutch Job. Johore j Ac (i. c,—Generalcargo d.o. deck passengers II. Uncertain T.
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    • 92 4 Kir fT ilr. Time. To-Day. Bangkok Slnild :i p.m. Uangkok /.''in 3pm. Padang etc., lan Imhof 3 p.m. iVnaiuf v4nnnm 3 p.m. Bangkok Singora 3 p.m. P. Swrl'ham »ia |»rU Sapphn 4 p.m. ilaoassar via ports llanlam 4 pm. Muntok .t Pbnng Huh,, 4 p.m. Europe via ports
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    • 127 4 From Europe -By tbe .MM Mm* iluv on tlm wtli -f [itemiirr with d.ttea to the 6th Sept. she brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on tha 9th Auk. From China:— By the M. M. s.s. Iwtiu due on Sunday. Left Singapore Due in London
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    • 106 4 6 Vma'sNim' Toil.' Cirrus Pbom Biil»d. Honioma. Q Bio. B'pt 48 Berandun Out >tr 286 Jullien B. Lintjer Sept 23 Hooglandt A Co. La Seyne MM »lr' 1141 Hru B«lavim 28 M. Maritime. 28 Sultan Brit >tr 104 Chopard Muar ISept H7 Soon Keck as Calypw) rtr. 339 Lowry
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