The Straits Times, 27 September 1901

Total Pages: 8
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 20,640. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 949 1 -THE BOKNEO COMPANY, LIMITED fTV% glaniA' l Lit. A-amrswt ITmi ■1 1 ll Pules Fir*' lnmrtaca So^ctJ. itatAamr. C«S-««r (Pars). Ts* Booital.'.. «»nr»no» Siviatj. TW Oilaa M tnal Stiawi Sari«ati«l Cowoany T»* To»»»aaa» W» B-w Ooa^paar Vor nartkulua of Umm Coaapaaia*, sac IK fell aW1..n»..,. TUX I^RSSO COMfAjrr LimTF.rv A».«it»
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    • 1520 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. T'OMNKLIJKK PAKETVAART MAAXSCHAPI'IJ L'nder contract with iho Netherlands India Government. 4M*tJ <■' Singapore: riHip Auzjer, LATE J. Daehdsu A Co., IS, (;oLIYEE QrjAT. The undermentioned dates are only appronmate fwamer From Kipecled Will be Despatched lor On Van Dtrmrn Hitavla Cept. ;j Dalavia, t'horibon. Samarang, siH-rabam. Maca aa
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    • 544 1 NOTICE^ JOSEPH I ftlLLOfrS -B-' ■ORAND PPIX." PARIS, loop. M |^J A OfWuniaslQiaßtT. aaakiruwOr^iartßnraWtlT.t »u»r.v,, BaP 9fc ohcapest. 1 WM ym mSURAiNCES. fpHK LONDON AND LANOABHIKX 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital HLI U7.MO Paid up Capital £.'12.7C0 Reserve Fund 111.*****0 The undersigned. Agont'.i M toe Company, arei«prepared to aoue::t t.
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    • 547 1 INSUMNCES. 1/UMON FIXE INSUKANCK COMPANY OF PARIS. EIrrAMItBED IH2B. RESERVES AND TOTAL GUARANTEES £4,nmi.olM. THE nndersiirned, agent* for the above companr, are prepared to accept fire rit>* for long or short periods at cunvni rates. CASH SETTLEMENTS piomptly made by tbe Agenta in Singapore. Sl/10 MOINK COMTE ,k Co nUABOIAN
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    • 718 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000. RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Rescrve..slO,ooo,oool lso eoooo. Silver Llim-Tl .V"0,000/" |lS OTOOO RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 unnmnon PROPRIETORS. J-tMM»WMi COIBT OF DIEBCTOBaV— 8. salmi, Eaq— Ciaikmaii Uor. JJ. BitL-laviKo I Dtrrrr Cbaisjiax. B. B Touin. I L. BlCMAaoao», Kaq A HAirrr. Baa
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    • 514 1 NOTICES. tyIPIOL&srEEL JiF\iJi~u^] pi lls •«W »y Sln«a.po^i'oia"^.'o.'i n Oa>." i\l Hatpin ai.,^r^' P4PTIN. tmWtmA MVTHAMPTON. ENGLA.SI. CLSp^n ATGALLE. B»«t Welsh and Indian (Barrakur) always in s.ock Quick despatch. CLARK, SI'ENCE Co E. COATK.B Co. Galle, Bepteral>er, 1931. PILBENER BEER. THK FINKBT OBTAINABLE 4 Do«. Quarts »15 g Tf'l SIC
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    • 734 1 CHAatBKKL AIM'S COUGH RMIDT Bom kenme tnmmit for i'« mm of COUGH OOLW caoop WHOOPINO COLOH inu«u Try it when in new). For salx by all dealer, in ru,diciar« everywhere. Price W c>. and 11. Ueseral Agents, The Dispeuaary, rlinganere. Vy ANTED at onr«. .i Chine** ttnr»TT keepw, who can
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  • 655 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 27TH SEPTEMBER. Among Oriental races the relationship between the aeen and the unseen in nature— and beyond it is closer, more definite, more real, than it is among the more skeptical races of the west, and this fact is readily under stood and
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  • 6 2 Karibs has broken out at Macao
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  • 7 2 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is 1/1 1
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  • 7 2 Wits to-day's issue there is a supplement
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  • 9 2 The Raffles Hotel advertise for a sober bar- keeper.
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  • 14 2 The Deli Races will be held on the Ist, 3rd, and slh of October.
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  • 18 2 The K. Y. K s. s. tikinano Mtru left Colombo yesterday and is due here on Wednesday afternoon.
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  • 16 2 The Municipal revised electoral lists are advertised to be open for inspection at the Municipal Office.
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  • 20 2 Thj M. M. homeward mail steamer Indus left Saigon this morning and is due here at 10 a.m. on .-unday.
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  • 18 2 Tim North Kechau Company advertise a meeting on the 4th October, to consider tbe sale of the mines.
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  • 21 2 Tbc monthly sewing meeting of the Church Work Association will be held at the Ruffl»s Girls School on Wednesday October 2nd.
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  • 24 2 The next Musical Evening of the Singapore Philharmonic Society will be held at the Tuwd Hall on Saturday, si li October, at 9 p.m.
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  • 24 2 Tmt Selangor Kaveuue Farms for the next three year* have been let to Captain Yap Kwin Seng and Towkay Loke Yew for "ljf^OOO montb.
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  • 11 2 The American «'e«l strike bus hoeo settled od tha employers' terms.
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  • 9 2 The preliminary America Cup races were fixed foryestrnlayaod to-morrow.
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  • 17 2 Two hundred and twenty-one deaths were registered at Singapore on Saturday Tha ratio per thousand was 4A.A9.
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  • 19 2 The An Seng from Penang via Port Swetttinham arrived y«oter.lay, bringing Mrs. Woodwork, Mr Whiting, and Miss L. Pastowill.
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  • 27 2 The attention of the 3 V. R is drawn to the class firing for A. and B Co.'s which commence* at 2 p.m. to-morrow (Saturday) at Balestier.
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  • 38 2 In ymrterday's issue it was incorrectly stated that Mr Gaggino was fined for not appearing in time at the Asaiie jury. The gentleman fined was Mr D. Sorahjee, one of Mr. Gnggino's assistants, but the fine was remitted.
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  • 38 2 To twell the failing Penang Band Fund, a concert and a dance have h<wn arranged for. The bnml Mats SlO 800 a rear, including $5,000 from the Municipality The balance comes from vubscriplioos which are now falling off.
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  • 43 2 The Swimming Club Launches leave Johnston's I'it-r at 930 and 10 30 on Hunday. All members competing in the race that day must go over hy the first launch After the Ra™ there will he a gann of Water Polo against Brisk.
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  • 57 2 Cass of 'bori-beri' have been brought to tbe London Docks, and have received treatment at the Seaman's Hospital, next door to which the Loud. m Sclwul of Tropical Diseases tins its h«adqu triers. Dr L mis Samboon, of the dohool, will proceed this winter to Christmas Island to investigaie this
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  • 69 2 Captam Sir Richard i'oore Bart R.N. who has been appointed a naval aide-de-camp to the King has won himself great distinction by his ability and intrepidity in warfare. When just pant nis majority, and while serving as eub-!ieutenanl in H. M. 8. Philomel, lie was attached 'o the Naval Brigade
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  • 95 2 List of Handicaps. F. 11. Can. A. Darka, C. W. Darhubira, H. W Noon, Krauh. E. C Line. L H. Wooda, A. B. Crow, J. Catto. 11. L 1k11.5 secondi. Webb. 11. Klpbick, It. Thouixm, W. lUrke. C "..-.11..1.1. II Kir.-iii.ui. A. Jackiuiß, 1.. 11. ll.umafiird, F.. A.
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  • 119 2 The Volunteer Ball M the Drill Hall last night wad a great success, and numerically speaking, th« biggest function of its kind ever held in Singapore. If anything, indeed, the attendance was too large for the accommodation, but withal the affair went off with great and enthusiasm.
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  • 234 2 A Public-Spirited (lentleman. Tbe Ontntal Adrerliter (Constantinople) has the following reference to tbe Hon. Ahmed Attaoullah Kffandi, who has been recently appointedTurkish ConsulGeneral at .Singapore and is expected here shortly. The new Consul-General h the eldest son of the late Professor Abou Bekir Effundi, whom the
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  • 266 2 The English Team. Kkom Reiner's wire to-day it will be teen that the American University atuletes havn beaten the English University men, the Americans winning ttix events and the Englishmen three only. The selected English team, according to papers to hand by mail, was
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  • Reutcr's Telegrams.
  • 86 2 The following morning moan arrived at this olfice before 11 30 o'clock this forenoon DRINK, YF. llAiriKIM, DKINK. (With apologia to TOMMY. ia SlraiU Tima &>'< A Xf/,1, uibtr, 1901. i Some oall an H. V. A.'n k It Home call v. 3. V. C.'a But mncr
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  • 688 2 Tin third ordinary general meeting of the members of the Tiroolong llyilraliu Tin iriini; Coy l.'d wat li-ld at noon to-day in the miatwl oliiue of the Company at N'j 2, l)e BweM Street. Mr. A. von K»s»ing presided, and there were also present
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  • 39 2 At the Batu Caves Eatab< in Selaneor an enormous tiger killed a pony. The carcase of the latter was poisoned The tiger returned to the kill, and died soon after. It was a big brute with a niagniticeDt head..
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 419 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LI). GLASGOW. Manufacturers ot Dynamite, Qe lignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine. Detonators. all ii-tna or Sal'ety Fuses. Eleetne Blasting Apparatus, The atom Explonttu, being all manufactured in (trial Britain, art made to pate the high tUimlmi of lafety and purity tetU impoted by tkt Britith (government,
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    • 1044 2 UTE^ADVEimSEMENT^ GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. LI-T of applications for new Licences and transfer of licences to be coDßidered on the 3rd October by tbe Licensing Justices. o I Warn, of app»«i. V^-ST mJSSSbI*. *PP»<»tU>n. 1 Urs.K.Silbsrmann 83, Hill Street Criterion, Hotel First C lsm instead of 1 2n-l Class license. o'Bettanln 1«,
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    • 774 2 LATEST ADVERfISEMKyrS. Parsee Theatre. New Elphinstone Theatrical Co. OF BOMBAY. WILL PLAY TO-NIOHT. Indra Sabba/' In thflir upecially erected grand pinlal BEACH ROAD. 9 p.m. Rates or Admission i WtClaas.. $.'.oi Gallery f l •.'ml Cla-« 11.60 Native I adiM (Jl.dO Srd Class SI. 0 "Zenana \|O6o tf Siats can
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    • 9 2 G.R.Lambert&Co. ESTABL 1873. High class Photographs, Photo Stores, Framing.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 280 2 Straits Wimes." SUBSCRIPT/ON RA TKS. TU STRAITS TIMES Daily ittuc, Singapore —Mr copy IS CU. per month $t. SO h h per year $30.00 (By pott) ptr month $t.SS ptr year $3100 The STRAITS BUDGET per copy Ifl Ctt. per year fIS.OO (By pott) per year $10.00 NOTE —Tht Straitt
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  • 1650 3 Ethat with the HSsiManoe of the HUll till' U ■Vl'illlllflll ill I. bu been recently a large increase iniiiii^r.ii i 'ii of Indian labourers, while, for vanoim reasons, the influx ol, wliicb for several years almost ceased, has again resumed its normal slat« and bvhii
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  • Correspondence.
    • 331 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times." .~ik, The disgraceful state of the approach to the *ion« landing at tin termination of Arab Street calls fur immediate attention by the Municipality. Wry ofien acceu to it Irom tlie road is difficult and dangerous, because of the mud
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  • 189 3 Tub Eastern School which was handed over 10 the charge of the Principal of the Anglo-Chinese School some time ago, and continued to occupy the building on Gemmilt's Hill, will shortly have to find quarters elsewhere because the property lias b»en sold, and the school management has not
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  • 68 3 Balks of land on Grove Estate (TinjnnK Katong) have been made by Mr H A. Crane in sea frontage lota at S~{ per foot and back lots from *5 to $3 p»r foot: one lot of frontage to Mr. S. J Nathan for $8082 five lot* af back to Mr.
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  • 45 3 A fore thrn»t may be qnickly cured by applying a flannel bandage damped with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A lame back, a pain in the aide or cheat, ahould be treated in a similar manner. Sold by all dealers in Medicines. The DispenMry, General Agents, Singapore
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  • 2 3
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  • 520 3 Yesterday's Play. Championship. Green beat Salsmann, 1-8, B— t, 6—l. Bradbery beat WolferaUn, B—l,8 I, 4—6. B. Singles. Bealty— ls-1 beai Moaley acr., tt-i, 6—3. Barret', acr. v. Foreman— until). M iMsneHj-M v. Bailey— B, untin. Work acr. beat Sinip.oa— B, 3—6, 7 f>, C.
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  • 30 3 The Orders of the Day at the Legislative Council meeting next Tuesday include the first reading of a Bill to amend the Oaths Ordinance. Six other Bills are more advanced.
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  • 1112 3 Home. Yiikl-iiihi on the invitation given by Surrey payed a supplementary match at the uv»l od tbe Inth -epcember, for Lockwood's benefit, wlrch tamed oat fimt— ou tbe Mt July, ud following d»>s, owing to rain. The match, which wm two-days' fixture, wu played accoroi"(jly and ended in
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  • 55 3 Among the passengers on board the S'lehten, outward bound, are Mr. R F. Webb, Dr. E C. Davenport, Dr. C. C. Stuhlraann, Mr. Oliver, Mr. W. K. Burnot Miaa K ft. MeUalfo, Miss Bettinson, Mrs. Dewar, Mr. G. B«rnadi, Mr Diihher, Pastor R O. Boen, Mrs. H. W. Tartans, Mrs.
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  • 557 3 SiNoiroa*, 37th SirrEMßiH, 1001. PROUITCK. Gambler bnyeni I II 36 Copra Bali ,8.95 do Ponti-mak 8.00 Pepper, Bla. k buyers do Wbite,(6X) «*OO Sago Flour Sarawak »M do Brunei No. 1 3.10 Pearl Caro 4.10 Coffee, Ball, 18% bnaia 2IJSO Coffee, Palembang. \r,% basia SR.OO Coffee, Libenan .No. 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 83 3 CROUP. A few minutes' delay in treating some cases of croup, even the length of time it takes to go for a doctor, often proves dangerous. The safest way is to keep some good relirble Croup medicine constantly in the bouse There is none better than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
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    • 139 3 You must stop Coughing. The best way to cure Chronic Coughs, nroncbitis, and Chest-Colds is to apply Little's Oriental Balm. Rnbbed well into the chest and back, it penetrates immediately to the inflamed parta. The tickling in the throat oaees the apaam weakens the cough disappears. It often curea when
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    • 309 3 Wilson Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS. 17 Armenian Strut. OUR STt-nto will b« ready in a few da- We are now prepared to take outdoor photos, aucb as uroups, housea. Ac, Ac, in deliver copies in two days. Highest class of work, Permanent results and reasonable prices guaranteed. H. ABRAMS, ~THE HORSE REPOSITORY.
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    • 500 3 ff The Popular Helmet. £l JIUjH ent Whlte Sun «he —^^g^B^. lO t H> P ul r «h»pe for Slnr.p.rf <T^JL^ Laidlaw Co., ■j/' Kelly Walsh, Limited, 35, Raffles Place. NEW NOVELS. Recent Popular Books. AT $1.50 EACH. AT 35 cts. EACH. The Gambler, by William L. Qu.ux Kl Pire
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 199 3 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 17th September. Hiith Water. ».H p.m HO C. Pagoda Cup Comp. H. C. C Tennis Tournament. Parser Theatre. Beach Road. 9. Saturday, 28th September. High Water. 10.14 am. p.m. Full Moon. OSI pro. Jewish Feast or Tabernacles. Pnndries Sale 8 Johannes A Co. 11. F'lure
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 252 4 NOTICES. AmtsfirLU&PEßßir m ffl WORCESTEiiSHIIE JABCL CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD n... No. \z. Ciir-jK Koai*, MMII JAS. A. WATTIK. MM.^er. MEBSUS. TAN KIM TIAN ft SUNS. u*-«i Asenu. The Com|.:,!.y offan Msier iwmt and battei bonn«w than any m Her Cuiupuy doing business in we™
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    • 797 4 AliCilUN SAIJk. AUCTION SALE (At oik Biu-booms.) 6 4 7, TELEGRAPH STREET. Thvrtday, 26th Sept, at U am 1 \i BOXES Londrrs cigars. MM hats. H)U fancy ribbons. h»t feathers, shawls, rugs, bonnets, carpets, 4c. BAKKIES JOHANNES 4 Co.. 1/I0 AMUooeers. AUCTION BALE or FOUR BUNGALOW SITES SITIiTI IT SIRANGOON
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    • 435 4 NOTICFA I UNTOUCHED BT HAND. PS For INFANTS and INVALIDS. When prepared is similar to Breast Milk. ■EU.m» mop womit, peckihii. i.okdow. EWOLAMn. wAffs~¥"ca (Established 1808.) B"Y~ APPOINTMENT To H. E. LORD CURZON, Viceroy of India HARNESS. HARNESS. HARNESS. BEST HAND-SEWN Carriage and Single Harness In Stock or made to
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    • 400 4 NOTICES. ouuvin IARSAPMILLA f J ••mi. a+* J CLEANSE YOUR BLOOD QRIMAULT*C° MEDICINAL SKIN SOAP fifi] Medicinal Skin Soap Mr, J, van den Brand To., Lawyers, Mislan, Deli. ti.4f. 30/H/02. MK.N'K FAKSI SI.S CURED. Many thonuoris of men suffer from enervating weakneMm, and .annot And a cure for them. 1
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    • 515 4 ynnCaW. SKIN TORTURES And Every Distressing Irritation of the Skin and Scalp Instantly Relieved by a Bath with CUTICURA SOAP a-J.-i-j. ■t.. l|iiiiii|,t Ill— Tall U ttepuxt, iwaMaat, mo»l ipaad;, permanent, and amnntnical lii«l»wl lor torturtni. 41annrlD(. ItcbiDi, bornlDf, W"d.n|, irjalr, cruaud, and nlmalj akla and alp bomosn with lorn
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    • 1405 1 (Indarthishewlingthefellowincabbnv tiooa are used I str. steamer sb. ship bq.— barque sch— «hoon»r; Yet.— Yacht. Cm.—C ruiser; Gbt.— Quoboat TorTorpwJo H.p. Hono-power Brit.— nrltish U. ft.— United SUtos; frFrench G«r.— German Dut.— Dutch .(oh. Jobore 4c., 0. C— fieoeml pareo d.p.— dock Daaaenrars P. sTiaar tain i
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    • 557 1 Swyu, port, probable dam of arrienl. and name of aye*u. Ktiauiiw. A. Apor. Calcutta. Oot S. 8 A llwi .VUna, New York, left Aus 1A; Aj»x, China. Dttt; MnnoHeld. Annnm. olomho. IM U; M M. Andalusia. Hongkong. S.-pt i*; B. M. Arabia, Hongkong, Oil if; ne!in M.^.-r. Austria,
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    • 124 1 h,.. Per tlr. 7 -v Tn-Mouow. Mm via port! Strttin 7 Ut Kelnnian via port* Fleia 7 a.m. Cn'lHin A (Hang Ann Ilm Sand> k»n »i« ports Tritigganu 9 .in. Ranlkok .S"iatj»no 10 a.m. l'..iiHiiK.tC>.lomiio r.i».k« Vim 10 a ni. Djunbie Xinn Ann 1 1 p.m. KemHmnn
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    • 126 1 Fbom Ec»op« :-By the M H. I. »ala»h 'lue on the »lh -eptember «itu d»te* to the Mil Sept she bruin replien to tbe mails w hi.-h k<ft Singapore on th.- 9th Aug. HoMiHimr-B) the M. M. due on Sunday. efl Sin([»pore Dua in London Arrivud Aug
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    • 272 1 ARXIVAM. (Booked), {for Smwapm'.) PerM..M. s. Annnn from Marwill^ v r pt. 3!— Mewrs. Unpere, and Lemair, Mr. Down and family. Per M. M. V. Simemt from•eillei Oct. A-Mr. aod Mr., da Sturler. Mr. \V. Le Mair. Per N. D L t. *,'t»ui»<-*.» Irnm Br«--nen Sept. 4—
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    • 149 1 4 a t Von'i Nam* A Tom. (Urriiii Fi.o* Bio. ..•pi 14 ColomlK) Fch ttr. lf>l2 Oouiet Haiphong *6 Mirgherita Aai str. tf<)lO Mmi.ghetti M iKorat O«r «tr IM Vafit H-i,, e i.ok 56 I Pin ttang Brit >tr. .i:s Uariilton PeoAng 27 Kiil.y »tr 140 -"mith Djum'.i*
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    • 164 1 l).\li. Vldsbl's Samk Xi i ..VKn. Cmill I ik-' :■.,> dept M Orattm Bni »ir. Petore Amil rdui and Liverpool ■fl lilomencuK «lr. Ril«y London riu port--27 l-»k» Mr. > Ferrii 27 Hong str. Hulnn Miur and M:il.r. ■2: Oisnft Ann Mr. Pollott Bamnrcig and Oberihon 27 Zwmns sir
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 129 1 IT CriCCtIOI\ Curly Cut Tobacco, in 4 <i. patent Vacuum ting, for Cigarettes anil Pi|n«. The Perfection cur.> cm Tot,**,,. ia niiinufactured from the brightest, most <I<_-Hc;»toly i!.»vi»r.- 1, ,tn'i Mm**' cort tnbacco grown in America, the most exacting smoker will find tin., tobacon in perfection Price per 4 oz.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 652 2 NOTICK. STRA ITS City Robber Stamp. Short nutioe. Pries moderate. 27/IX/U1 2. Robinson Bowl NOTICE. SHOOS A FAKIR MUBTAK A Co. have opened their bu«inr»« at No. Sw, Korth Bri.Jge Ro»d aft iluiKii i v Turrv k for UlllU AKD UIKTLBXEN. M-10 NOTICE. In hereby given that T. Hori, of
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    • 446 2 rpENDERSnre invited for tbe building I of two wings an J a vernnlab which an to be added to St. Joseph's Institution. For plan and •pecificitioni apply to liar. Father Nain, Bishop's Residence. 30-9 IVMSUSH Mining Engineer and Sur J v.-vor, shortly terminating present •miii»v»iu-':ii, wishes further employment no cm-h
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    • 277 2 INDIAN ENGINEERING. Am lurnunc Wiuli Joduil THE RECOGNIZED ORGAN OF THE PROFKSBION IN INDIA. With fwaranUtd bona Hit mnMn LIST OPEN TO INSPECTION. PAT.DOYI-B aCOAKODTM mil JiTTKHTIOH fITTBJiTIOJi I Photo* of all sixes ready to bo taken on lliui.iiJe.ur P.O. P. Enlargements made to any site. Orders executed with all
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    • 439 2 J. HASTIANI A, Hkih Stkekt. VI KW stock just received of all tinds ll of Russian preserved provisions as Caviar pitridges. grey grouse, lampreys, moorhen etc.. and al-io best cigars. 16-10 A. M. GAZZOLO 1 CO. Compradors to Italian and Austrian Men-of-war, Sailing ships, steamers, &c, &c, supply "All kinds
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    • 667 2 4 CASH CLEARANCE SALE. ENVELOPES. THE PATRIOT ENVELOPE. I.OOU SI sent frcn by i'unt IMA THEANTIQUE. ENVELOPE 1 ,ikh. i:'. .'iC. sent free hy i'oxt $:<.:>."> For sale by THE "STRAITS TIMES" t THKTANJufK* PAOAK IHK.K (XIMPANY. LTD. "*H jrWHIUHTh, KKOINEEhf, IKON AXl> bUA^a Fot'XMRS, Whasfirciiv, ic. This 'iiiim- mv
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 535 3 SHIPPING. I)KT O.STABIATISKB KOMPAGNI. FOX MARSEILLES, HAVRK, DUNKIRK, COi'BNHAOKN, AND ST. PETKrWBL'RU. '■Mir: Danish steamer A S.S AM, 3,7 Xf tons 1 net reg. Captain Berentzen will bedespatuhed for the above ports on or about the -.tith Hept. Hhe has splendid aecomnuxlation for Ist class pnMenger* at reducod rates and
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    • 537 3 smPPING. INDO-OHINA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. PM SOKRAB.VYA <fc SAMARAMO ■I'HK Company's steamer CHKLYnRA. 1 I.A7H tons. Captain Cox, htving let Hongkong on the 20th inst.. may bo expected to arrive here on or alioul the -'tith inst. and will have prompt despatch for the above ports. For freight or
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    • 355 3 PENANd HILLS RAILWAY CO., LD. The Directors aro prepared to receive Tenders for the following works Contract No. 1. Kirthworks, Bridges Kail-laying Ac. Contract No. 1 Supply of K-ii'-. Sleepers, Pi»h-plntes Ac. Contract No. S Supply of Roller Bearings for Curs ta Contract No. 4 Supply of ripe-Line, Rope gearing
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    • 700 3 gISOAPORE SPORTING CLUB Tht A*t»,n,i R,u*. iff4ti»g ,rill I* held on October riml, 241k, Mlli. Programme. FIRST DAY. Tvetday, le'.vl Orlolier. FIBOT Race. THE MAIDEN PLATE.— VaIue »n«i. A Race for Maiden Horses— Weight as per scale (lOst.) An allowance of 141 b. to ex-Uriffln* imported into the Straits Settlements
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    • 746 3 'rnißi> Kaob. THE ROADSTER HANDICAP.-Valu* iiifO. A Handicap for Hones that have started in tbe Roadster Race on tbe Second Day. Entrance 16. Distan. c ii mile. For-kTH KICE. THfc BTEWARDS- CLP.-Value ««W. and ?lUO to the Second Horse. A handicap for horse* that have started in Races Nos. A,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 355 4 J MOTIOiN CO. WATCHMAKER s JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS, KKPAIRK PROMPTLY KXKCUTED. the resident councillor. (By Vrt. Kgtrion Knsti'vk.) I'rinted on antique toned paper, with ule margins and uncut edges— 2s9 pages. PRICE- $2 4 7ar Saturdny aMOT s.ivs The loral colour is well done and picturesque, the style is cultivated, and
      355 words
    • 380 4 FOR SHIPOWNERS CAPTAINS HOEO'B PATENT Wl l < OEKOSn KSi «NTI-FOrLIXC eOMPOMTIONM arc the !i*«t for steel and iron Vessels. ll«r. > l> I l« lIRROM VI; tOMPOMIIION ensure* the metal a perfect air and water-tight corer. absolutely preventtns corrosion of steel and iron It ia used as first cnat
      380 words
    • 713 4 M. AVALLACK, Bronze Medallist, British Horological lustitute. Watch-Maker and Jeweller KHPAIRH IS ALL BRANCHES Ot'ARASTKK.U 6 r. BAITKKY ROAD. til 111 8. II C. NOTUK. 19 hereby given that on -Jflth February, IMUO, Letters of '.cnimi-tr ■tion to the .-statv ami effects nitumi- within tho rolony nf the M, ills
      713 words
    • 242 4 S DISTILLERS' SPECIAL LIQUEUR 1 Highland Whisky B TbiH b hottled expecially f.» fH^| Kxportfition, and i- tlie re^uJt oi h ]< n k kM^^^ eiperieneeof what H *ell nmtured. an<l BEk at»olute!v pure nnd relialily Whink.jroo.gri! iJMn B^. lobe, it* qunlity and itnr wvtr tvry. K£> THE DISTILLERS
      242 words
    • 263 4 MR. QEOROE LAWS. M.E, A.I.M.M. 5, Battery Koad. Hngnpore. having had 17 years rxiiem-nw lalfcn iMt is now mining properties, or iw^ay minprals and metals at saort ootim. Tenu< moderate. DC. NOTICE. THE following Oovernrufut Farms of the residency Miouw nml Itrpenden-ci-s, with the rxception of thu gioup of islands
      263 words