The Straits Times, 23 September 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. NO. a 0.63*, SINGAPORE, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1901. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 970 1 Till BORNEO COMPANY, MMII >D Tif. <ttai 1 Bavaaaaasi V irw I'nif^n K'-p IIM-irAjcS BOQS^S^ *Jaa tmr.'. 1 ohijum-v (Fir»). Tfce Kqnttal- U A«ur-nc« K,KirtT. T>>« r\\rm V teal stmn. NaviirarionCoMpaaj Ta* Totaaaham Ufu Itaet ConpaaT. For partfciilan ot tkasa Cosspaawa, see ths ndl of TUG BORNRO COMPANY.
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    • 1460 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. TTONINKLIJtCK PAKBTVAAUT MAATBCHAPPIJ (loler contract with the Netherlands India Government. -r. at Singapore: Ship Auisict, lats J. Dabhdils A Co., 2-3, Coum Quay. The undermentioned date* are only approximate H'.earaar From Expected Will be Despatched for Oo I'an der Lijn Cotei via Sept. 20 Banjermassin. Kota Baroe, Kalik
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    • 606 1 NOTICES. Ideal Milk Enriched 20 per cent. jr^rE^^-rt* W th Cream. |^je[sl Sterilized-Not Sweetened. KSSiSS^ A Perfect Substitute for Fresh Ilk iPt^ /So. JH^^B M cup of it is Jsiquid Jbife Jit all better class Stores. NOTICE. 'PLKSIiA V, the 2itb mat, r*ing the 1 Japanpae national holiday, the Japanese
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    • 568 1 v. j. Kirmat rntlmr agents IN CNOLANO. KmtmmHmmmm- In r*v*«, Iho, *>"• «Or. Uf »S*»M I S Of tho d rmmtmrm Tmm homdm 'mt tho Firm, »/r. (smasf .un.r.i./v. ro mil mmmlmmmm. mm 4 -Ith uonitm'mMß* Invlto tmmmm rssjatfrftaj RELIABLE AQFNTS fmm AisiFn>«Bsi ot rooo-o. a/ m etnmoo. Mr oihmr
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    • 710 1 BANK. Noderlandsche Handel Maatachappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING BOCIETY Established 1894. Pud op Capital f. 36,783,000— (abt. £3,000,000/ Ruiavi Fund f. 2,»o8,U00--(abt. 24«,600.) Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. Bbakchis: Penang, Rangoon, Medan (Deli), Semarang, Sonrabaya, Padang, Cherlbon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasoeroean Tjilatjap, Gorontalo, Palembang. CoaMSPOK dirts at Bombay, Colombo, Madras,
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    • 359 1 NOTICES. (EVERYMAN 1 c.m 17/1/IU J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS. lIWBLLIBB, OPTICIAN?, RKPAIRH PROMPTLY EXECUTED. npp Dressmaking- Dept. This department beinjr under expert mana-rement and all work done by our own tailors ON THE PREMISES, Ladies entrus'ing their orders to us may rely upon having full satisfaction. PERFECT PIT STYLE. Moderate
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    • 773 1 Cuts, BraisM. c calds tad Burns, Or like Injuries, Are Promptly relieved by CHAMBERLAIN'S PUS' HAT.If A few appuostiont .ill e*ect a c mpbueur. For sale by all dealer, in medicines everywhere. Pries 00 ass, and 11^0 Oeneral Agents, The Dispenanry.Kingapore S-R FOR SALE EMPIX)YMK\rs TO LET- ANOJPERBONA!,B t 1
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  • 28 2 AT 9 o'clock last night, at No. 129 Ceil Street. Lix I'oh Nxo the wife of Mr. Su Ews Boon, aged 40 years. China papers plrase copy.
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  • 940 2 The Straits Times. MONDAY, 23rd SEPTEMBER. PRICE IS CBNTB StniUt Turn $30 a y«ar, or port free <:'.«. (ftVaaa Budget SIS a year or pout free 120. Adverluinj lt-iltt MBJ found in the fourth poo*. "Ik Prince Chun, suivmng the wrath of Berlin an 1 the champagne he has been
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  • 709 2 It was a curious coincidence that the news of tbe interment of the good and able President, who was murdered tbe other day at the Buffalo Exhibition, should have arrived here simultaneously with theannnuncement that another and greater American World's Fair is to be held at St. Louis in 1903.
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  • 387 2 A qijistion dow grievously agitating local house owners and builders, is one affecting the right of building terraces that may project fur a little way over the open spaces which have to be left at the backs of all shop-houses, according to the provisions of the Municipal Ordinance. Two-storied shop-houses
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  • 249 2 Borne small comfort may be derived from to-day's South African despatches but they are so vague that they furnish no grounds for enthusiasm in the face of our own reverses reported last week. It seems rather plain to the casual observer, and it is according to a late telegram the
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  • 196 2 Sir Jamks Mackay, who is coming out to China to conduct tbe commercial negotiations provided for under the terms of the Protocol, has been identified with Indian Commerce for many years and has been a pirtner in the big Calcutta firm of Mackinnon, Mackenzie and Co. since 1881. (He was
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  • 58 2 CoNsiDSHiNG that this is not Kace Week, or anything of the kind, it is the occasion of an unusual number of big social functions. On Thursday there will be the Volunteers' Ball, on Friday, Mr. So. ih Liang Seah's moonlight reception at Bendermwr and, on Saturday, the dinner at Johore,
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  • 6 2 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is l/llj
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  • 10 2 Thk German mail for Europe closes at 8 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 13 2 Thk office of port health officer at Singapore is notified to be pensionable.
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  • 11 2 A i.kmi.kman who recently visited the Johore Gambling House won $3,000.
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  • 14 2 Thk official exchange compensation rate for this month is set at I I H
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  • 11 2 Legislative Council meets to-morrow afternoon when there is a full agenda.
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  • 14 2 Friday's GorenmeiU Gazette publishes amended rules regarding the registration and insurance of postal articles.
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  • 19 2 The P. O. intermediate steamer Vombay left Hongkong at noon on Saturday and is due here on Friday next.
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  • 21 2 The German trail steamer Sacfotn having left Colombo on the 21st instant at 10 a.m. is due on Friday at daylight.
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  • 22 2 The work of erecting the new Jobore Hotel is proceeding. The building promises, when completed, to be a handsome and commodious one.
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  • 27 2 Lim Poh Xeo, the wife of Mr. Sect Ewe Boon, head shroff of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, died last night leaving a family of six sons.
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  • 25 2 The seventeen S4OO griffins for the Kuala Lumpur November meeting have all been taken up. The horses hare been obtained from Mr. King of Queensland.
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  • 27 2 We understand that the B. N. Borne* Farms have been let for three years by private arrangement to a Chinese Syndicate interested in the Singapore Opium Farm.
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  • 25 2 Thk Hongkong Bank Robbery trial at the Assizes will be continued tomorrow. The case will probably not be concluded till Wednesday afternooD, or Thursday morning.
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    Reuter  -  2 words
  • 57 2 COMMERCIAL NEGOTIATIONS IN CHINA. THE BRITISH REPRESENTATIVES lM»!ton, iiSiuf Beptml*r. Sir James Mackay starts for China about the 10th October next to conduct the commercial negotiations provided for under the protocol. He will be a*si*t<-d by Mr. H. Cockburn, Chinese Secretary to the British Legation at Pekicg, and l.y Mr.
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  • 56 2 ABia REVIEW. Speeches that Followed. The Czar witnessed the review of four French army corps at Rheims. It is described as a brilliant and memorable spectacle. A luncheon followed the review, at which President Loubet and the Czar laid stress more than ever before upon the friendship
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  • 38 2 BOER APPEAL TO ARBITRATION. MOTION BEFORE THE DUTCH PARLIAMENT. Baron Van Lynden. the Dutch Minister for Foreign Affairs, will bring in a motion in favour of the Boer appeal for arbitration at the next sitting of the States-General.
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  • 64 2 COMMANDOS CAPTURED. The Recent Fight at Vlakfontein. London, 2,'W Sept. Botha, with a force 1500 strong, is moving east from Ermelo into Zululand. Colonel Williams has captured almost the whole of Koch's commando. Colonel Benson has captured the Carolina commando. The British loss at Vlakfontein were six killed,
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  • 55 2 )s Saturday nigh t, a Kling was caught in Raffles Hotel in the act of attempting to steal. He was seen to go into one of the rooms and was found in the act of opening a bag. The Police Magistrate this morning fined the man
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  • 80 2 Thk Russian transport Sara/or, 2067 tons, arrived from Shanghai bound for Odesna. She has 1 500 troops on board and is expected to leave for Europe to-day. The German transports n'itlekind (3606 tons) and Wu (3167 tons) have arrived from Taku, for Bremerhaven. The first has M troops on
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  • 130 2 About fifty gentlemen dined together »t the .Singapore Club on Saturday might under the auspices of the Singapore Rowing Club. The function was a great success. Mr. Scott- Russell, the President, presided. The band of the 16th M. N. 1. played dining ilie evening The toasts were
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  • 154 2 At the instance nf the Committee that was formed two or three months ago to consider the question of a Memorial to Her Late Majesty Queen Victoria, the Hon'ble A Murray, Colonial Engineer, has designed a Memorial Hall, to be erected alongside the present Town Hall,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 169 2 To the Editor ol the Straits Times Sib,— The Parable of the Chief Builder and the far-seeing Prophet is quite opportune. Some we*ks ago in the Square I heard the talk of a German (or an American) syndicate to buy land and build docks and wharves
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 459 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Maaofaoturors of Dynamite, Qeligniue, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, tv nans or Safety Fuses. Electric Blasting Apparatus, Tke above Smptonvet, being all asmfattens! m Gnat Britain, are made to pa— tke high rtnudurd of eafely and ■wiry ieete impoeed by Ike British Government, and
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    • 1119 2 UTEST ADVERTISEMENTS. K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL CO. Have just unpacked a large stock of: Chinese Silverware Curios manufactured by Wang Hing Hongkong, guaranteed to be of ninety touch-silver. Indian Silverware Curios, Gold and Silver thread Indian embroideries, conaising of: Table covers, teapoy covers, centre pieces mantle borders, cushion covers, tea
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    • 818 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED 4 N Assistant Surgeon on |],son per annum is requied tv take charge of railway coolie* at Aeremban. Applicants should forward copies of recent testimonials with applications not later than the loth October, 1801, to the State Engineer, Selanqor. General Manager KM*. Railways Office, UUth Sept^mlwr. 1901.
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    • 78 2 PHOTO STORES. Plates, Printing; papers ARRIVING BY EVERY MAIL. DEVELOPING PRINTING G.R. Lambert Co. altarfnisiiifiriiaitnctaaranhJK-l o v» n. nii. U* that U» lfaawr BSf \mn li>« vlTartiMr ,mt oat M tba ytftr in ow at pnsa of laattor. bat not ollmt tU r«u iUt> (Ml aon'h m. S. 8. iatnd*.
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  • 30 3 Mehbkks of ll>e Singapore Voluntner Corps atlcniliiiß the Ball on Thursday next arc requested wear their Corps badge V A"or S V. R on tho left Upcl of the coat.
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  • 34 3 The Keleral Government of Australia refused, on the 12th instant, to allow fifty Afghans on board the incoming Massageries Maritimes steamer Tonkin to land at Melbourne unless they proved themselves to be British subjects.
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  • 38 3 The MaUuea from T. Anson via ports brought the following paasongors this morninn -Rev C. Nain, Mr. A Mrs. D. J Highet, Mr. Stonor, Hon. Mrs J. M Allinson, Capt. Mrs Ainslie, Mr. Thomson, and Mr. O. McClymont.
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  • 40 3 An outbreak of fire occurred yesterday about noon in the shop of a Chinese baker in South Bri'lgb Road. The fire arose from an overheated oven and was soon put out without extensive damage being done. Two fire engiaes attended.
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  • 40 3 Oh Friday last, Mr. Prakke, of the Indian Oil Wells Supply Stores, Boat Quay, appeared before the 4th Magistrate at the instigation of the Chinese Piotectorate to answer a charge under the Crimping Ordinance. On conviction he was fined $600.
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  • 49 3 The dinner in honor of H 11. the Sultan's birthday, which was to have been given at the Palace, Johore, on the 17th inst., but was postponed out of deference to the death of the President of the United States, will be held on Saturday next the 28th inst.
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  • 48 3 Another turn of the wheel says the Malay Slml Whiz! This time Mr. Clifford is once more selected to act as Resident of Selangor. The Hon. K. M. Merewelher is not coming to Kuala Lumpur after all Wbo really is coming will be known when the gentleman arrives.
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  • 44 3 The dovernor of Honck^ng has written to the Bishop of Victoria to inform him that be has transmitted the petition, praying for the establishment of a school in Hongkong for Europeans only, to the Secretary of State, and has recommended the proposals it contains.
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  • 44 3 The Secretary of State, through a despatch published in yesterday* Ooremmtfil (ioiflle, calls attention to the work which is h.-ini; done by the M-it-ntitic and technical department of the Imperial Institute, the aim being to persuade the local Government to utilise the said department.
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  • 45 3 The Hongkonc Amateur Dramatic Club is not to *i*a a regular theatrical performance during the forthcoming cricket week, but to give instead a variety performance, similar to the entertainment irivin at the Theatre Royal to HM n. Trrrible when she arrived in Hongkong last year.
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  • 53 3 M K Lorn kow-ki, the newly appointed French Minister to Siam, arrived at Bangkok on the 14th instant Mr. Klobukowski, says the B-ingkok Timtt, wishes it to be known that France desires to establish more cordial relations with Siam. With mutual concessions he believes that the old causes of friction
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  • 59 3 We have been asked to publish the following:— Those who were responsible for the arrangements connected with the St. Matthews' Festival Celebration on Saturday, in thanking the ladies who to generously sent cake?, etc, would like them to know that all which were left over war* sent to the Chinese
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  • 70 3 The Vinang Oazttle states that Mr. Lederer, the head of Messrs Katz B ros. has been ordered homo on ac?ount of ill-health, and will leave by next German mail Mr Lederer only returned to Penang a few months ago, to take the place of Mr. Schule, who is now in
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  • 71 3 Messw. E V Carey, W. W Cook, anl J. H. M H.imn bat* c tiled a meeting to he held at ilm .Selangor Club, on Batordaj wd, to discuss the question of registration of all domestic servants They particularly desire that everyone interested in this matter will attend; Man t»p'n,iUy
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  • 68 3 Lvttkkly there has been growing up a steady export trade of Indian tobacco to Europe. A large quantity of this tobacco goes from Bengal to Holland, where it is manufactured int* cigar* for tne consumption of soldiers The great difficulty about Indian tobacco is that its flavour is unequal, due
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  • 68 3 Thi late Empress Frederick's will was opened on 28th Aug. The Empress's fortune consisted of her English dowry and her accumulated savings, ainouc ing altogether to about £500,000 Her late Majesty's will gives £50,000 to each of h<r children, inclnding the Emperor William Friedrichshof Castle in to Princess Margaret (Frederick
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  • 97 3 It is time some steps were taken to stop the wearing out of the turf on the Esplanade, on the side nearer the sea. Streams of pedestrians pass along there daily, and the paths that have been worn give the side of this otherwise splendid stretch of turf a very
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  • 364 3 On Friday night, the 12th anniversary of tbe founding ol the Chinese Christian Association was celebrated with due honours at the Town Hall. A varied and attractive programme had b«H;n arranged includinghyinns, prayers, songs "Chairman's remarks and an orchestral performance. Fifteen or so Babas with
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  • 556 3 Lipit, 16M Sept. It is reported that the Blat Syndicate of Singapore, which has acquired mining land in the Kuantan district, has been re-constructed under the name of the new Blat Syndicate. Additional capital is said to have been subscribed, and mining operations are to be conducted on
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  • 192 3 S. R. C. vs. Raffles School. Played last Saturday on the S. R. C. ground. Scores I S. R C. C. A. Clarke b Billings .0 1. l»ilva Ibw b Billings 4 S.ZehnHerc Cooper h Billings.. 2 C C. Oehlersc Cook I. Billings.. I J. F. I Kssb Killings
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  • 89 3 Th« tloimtmmt OaMtUt publishes a I circular despatch from th« Secretary of Slate, forwarding an accompaoyina extract from a letter from the Local 1 Government Board, in reply to an en .uirv as to t he risk of rats introdu- cinq plague into a country by swimming ashore from
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  • 334 3 Lord Roberts, in his final despatch to Lord Lansdowne, with lists of meritorious officers and men, remarks that he cannot conclude without referring in the highest appreciation to the promptitude of dnxpatch of the Indian Contingent in 1899, which saved the situation in Natal. Ue hopes tbat the
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  • 644 3 Englishman Arrested in Manila. The Maniiu 7'imei of recent date reports:— Lawrence, who has twice been confined, once as an insurgent and again for breaking hi* order of deportation, was rearrested on Friday at Malabon by the Philippines Constabulary tir aiding the enemy. It is reported that
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  • 526 3 Owinu to the wet state uf the eround there is no play this afternoon. To-day's ties will be played tomorrow, and Tuesday's ties on Wednesday. Saturday's Play. A. Singles. Salimann+g beat Withers— t, d-l, 6-4. Darbishire+ l beat Nome- 1. B. Single*. O. T. Low
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  • 335 3 Tub revenue of New Zealand las: year was £5,906,000, and tbe expenditure jC5,479,000, showing a credit balance of X4J7,000, to which the balance brought forward from the previous year of £105,000 must be added, thus making the credit balance at close of the year £532,000 The Public
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  • 260 3 Col >nrl Clarence R. Kdwards, chief of insular division, War Department, is preparing a Gazetteer of tbe Philippine Islands wbicli will contain much valuable information from official and other sources. He lias just completed a comprehensive account of tbe pearl and shell fisheries of the Sulu
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  • 541 3 Siitoafou, 2S«d Sirruiu, 1901. PRODUCR. Gambler buyers I It Ml Copra Ball «.T» do Pontianak 7.«0 Pepper, Black buyers 50 .2(1 do White, (XX). «.«> Sago Flour Sarawak S.BO do Brunei No. 1 ..•"•IS Pearl Ta«o 4.10 ro*«e, Bali, 18% basis JIJX) Coffee, Palemhang. 115% basis MOO Coffee. Liherian
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 36 3 CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY, cures overnight the most stubborn cold, at well at all its complications— tickling in the throat, bushy voice, and violent coughing. Sold by all dealers in medicines. The Dispensary General Agents Singapore. 1-A
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    • 71 3 CHAMBEKLA 114*8 COLIC, CHOLERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY Is everywhere acknowledged to be the m«t >ucce*>fol medicine in urn for Bowel Complaints. It always cures, and cores auickly It can be depended upon even in le moat Mvere and dangerous cases Cores griping, all kinds of diarrho-a, and at the first
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    • 557 3 FACTS OF ABSORRIXG INTEREST TO THOSE WHO ARE IV THE CLUTCHES OF RHEUMATISM. One cannot be too quickly cured of Rheumatism. To get rid of thoae awful pains that make lite a never-ending aeries of torture now mild, now excruciating, today in bed, to-morrow hobbling around in crutches— to be
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    • 309 3 MR. GEORGE LAWS, M.E A.I MM. 6, Battery Road, Singapore, having had 17 yean experience in the East is now open to examine and report on, or survey mining properties, or aasay minerals and metals at short notice. Terms moderate. H. ABRAIYIS. THE HORSE REPOSITORY. HAS now for sale over
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    • 367 3 NOTICI& MAN-O-WAR fflb^^^^^ SPECKLED OR WHITE. ff'Zr $1.50 and $1.75 each. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. '•tS^^R**^*' Confeotionery. Stamkokd Road. M (iOKSKI bngi! to inform his many Customers that he ha* now in h'« ser»ice a new confectioner from Europe, more ultilfin than his predecessor. >|. (iOKSKI can now supply all kinds
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 119 3 DAY BY DAY. Monday, Jjrd September. High Water ft.lflp.m. Day ol Atonement (Jewish). S. V. R. Muskotry Drill. 5.10. Tuesday. 24th September. High Waur 741 a-m H. 47 p.m. Leglalative Council -J 30 Philharmonic Choir. MS. Wednesday. 25th September. High Water. 8..M a.m. 7.M p.m. Hhares Hale. Powell. '.'.30. Municipal
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    • 302 4 lions are oacd str.— steamer bh.— ship bq.— barque seh whooner; Yit.— Yacht Oru.— Croiaer Gbt.— Gunboat Tor Torpedo H.p. Horae-puwer Brit. Britiah U. S._ United Sta'.os Xr French; Ger.— Oerman Dnt.— Datch: loh.— Johore Ac, O. c— Generalargo d.p. deck nassongers; IT. ITnctjr- T. P. W.—
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    • 1369 4 ARRIVAIS BIROE NOOR OF BATIRDAY. A. Aprar. Brit. atr. 2.H70 ton*. Cspt Fey. Fromllongknne, lAth »'|.t (i ami 6IH d.p Sarkies 4 Moaea. For Pen ang, 23rd— W. Anwar, Put. «'-h. 60 tona, Nacodah 21st *ept From Singkav.. v -g. 10th Sept. G c. Keng Hong.
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    • 54 4 Fur frr «.'r. line. 10-MoRROW Bangkok r.C.Klaa 7 a.m. Europe via ports P. Hinrich bam. Batu I'nhut Bmuit 2 p.m. Negapntim via port* Zaida p.m. F.biik«oniia|K)rt« Batnxi'r 3 pm. Wednesday. Muntok A Fb\ng Q. Uyer 8 a.m. T. Anaon via ports Malacca 3 p.m. P. Dickson via ports
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    • 341 4 i 21 31 M ■I n M Si ■Jj m m M M M 2.' v M M ■J3 U( ■J.< m •J3 VtmVa Mtm Tom. Cimii ma Siimd. Gouuoxeih. Rio. Udour S7M Merlin Saigon Sept 18; M. Maritirn..* Anoewar Uui sen. W Nn-odita Skawang Sept Id Kona
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    • 150 4 Datk. ■t -.'1 ■Jl SI v.i is it Vxmi/sNiMK FlagAKio CirriiH Dutuitiuk Rock Light Brit rtr. Welch I Bombay and!Karnchi OalynKo »tr. Lowry i Penan* and Uoli Sappho Mr. Turner P Switenham Adonr MM itr. Merlin Maneille* Banskok Ocr ttr. Ehlert Bangkok Reyntt Dut »tr. I Bliode Bm»»i» Van
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 454 4 NOTICES. CHINA MUTDAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD Hs»i> "yiiri Ho. 13, CUnoa Rom, Shakhhai. I AH. A. WATTI E, Man»««r. MESSRS. TAN KIM TIAX ft SONS, Ux-ai Agent. The Company offers easier terms and better bonuses than any other Company doing buiioeu in the Eaat. A special point is made
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    • 124 4 A BAZAAR. IN aid of the Methodist Episcopal Cburuh aid Parsonage Fund will Im held in the Town Hall on Thursday October lOtb l»)l. from 4 to X.30 p.m. and from 8.30 to l'l3o p.m. What we all Want. A Good Cigar. FLOR DE PIEDRA. made entirely of tobacco grovn
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    • 345 4 NOTICES. /[languid women I PALI CHILOKEH OLD PEOPLE, I MY* LI OS YIN CHAPOTEAUT (aumuin m nrm A DELICIOUS HUTMTin STIKULAKT Til. «Ji»« "riot « miailKM wlM> ~W utid M U«lid k»4 will nu Ik« iio«kli. lndkM.4 is ceMtilutioMl wwhßMi M 4 JKT V;' //M l^HaV Ulo*r.Uon kUCHIDD. i. IX
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    • 729 4 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF MINING AND GARDEN IMPLEMENTS At Ucr Biu Room. Monday, 30th September at ll a. m. 604 chankoln, 1172 S-teeth rakes, 800 sickles. 960 twDt p»rangs. i«l pieces rmpipei assorted siie<, 6A connecting tabes. 13 bends, M toes, sockets elbows, caps, 70 anvil-. To be sold
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