The Straits Times, 21 September 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1901. NO. 20,6^4. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1002 1 •THE rOFNF.OCOMPAHY. LIMITED rF .J.v .I 1- «MUBer«. sr_ 1 Hassa Fw» h-mm Kadatv. Alas Awr- c vmt»"' I TS« »>|»l».l -I- liS, \*.,r«nc Th. <Tiir« V Kt**" S.vigatioo Cosspaay Ta«To«t«k«m lft htm OampMiy. far I "I tfc— Companies, n Ins rail advsr»i-»-»«t <* THK hoKNaM OOsfPANT. LIMITKP Ajrents
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    • 874 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I'.iMNKLUKK IAKETVAART MAAIBOHAFMJ BbbbW contract with tne Netherlands India Uavornmont. I MsfJ •< Singapore: SHtf AbßScr, latb J. Dabkdbu A Co., Courts (Joa*. Thr nmlormentioned date* are only approiimauSteamer from Eipected Will bs Itaspatched for On Kem*t Deli Sept. 91 BaUvia, Cheribon. rVmarang, Soerabaia, Timor Koepang Dilly, Atoporpoe.
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    • 576 1 ClOMr-Alv.NlK DKO MKrWAGKKi fcr I MARiriMES DE FRANCE. TiLWikAPHic Acdbbss Mbsuoxbiz, MIBOArOBB. I'hs mail stoamers will iMave 4ini;«pore >n or abont the undermentiooaj Jai-«. ODTWUU>. a.iMtTiku I*ol. woi. '>atp>». Dat.i« Salatie Sept. SB Indue Sept. Annum Oct. 14 I .Volal Oct. 1.1 Emt't-Simont Imo» Oct. V 7 Oct. 2t) v
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    • 607 1 INSURANCES. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INBITRAKOK COMPANY. Capital «,127,M0 Paid up CapiUl £V 13.7*0 Reserve Fund £1.07.5.V«l The undersigned, Agents for the Company, are prepared to aoospt fire risks at current rates of premium. m iI'KTF.AD A Co.. Agents. ri CHINA TEA"f7sIHB rNSURANci OPKPANT. LIMTntD. Capital Subaoribsd W.000.0W. Aaout
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    • 478 1 INSURANCES. THE" ROY \U EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 17Ji)i IHE undersigned, agents for the above company, are prep >r*"l to accept Fire Risks at current rate*. BEHN MEYKKACo. w. Aa. 31/ia MAODEIJUUG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1844) THE undersigned, agents for the above company, are prepared to accept Fire
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    • 717 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKINO CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL #10,000,000. RE3ERVE FUND.St»rling Reserve..|lo,ono,ooni SW oooti Silver Reserve. S,"00,0U0r ls W4 w REriRRVE LIABILITY OF > „n mn nm PROPRIETORS -»"V*Wau Corn or Dibbotobs B. c m««. Kaq.— Ckaisjux UOM. J.J. Bsll-Isviko i Him I'lAiaaAN. B. K Tostlim. R L. RICMAamoN, Ksq
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    • 384 1 NOTICES. ST. ANDHKWS HOUt-E. ACH URCH of England Boarding Houae for European and Eurasian bo\s >>ho de-ire to attend the schools of ti.e pla-e. Applications to be made to the Colonial Chaplain. w. s. ne PHOTOGRAPHKK. 178, CORNER OF CROSS STREET A ill) SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD. 21/» J. MirnoiT&oo. WATCHMAKERS,
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    • 712 1 to trifle witS^s^^l CHAMB^H couQd ilB Plmtsant to take-net, fVIs to^rriH For sale by all detler- tn medicines* everywhere Price AOcu. and tl. General Agents, The Disper»:,ry, Singßjiore J-B K»»K SALK K.WPH>YMKVI\S ToiETA.vh i«i:k«oaais [In tiiib, 16 »»m a '-as »nd snd M timei, lOceoUali'ie; tth to fl'h liro^st .•onus
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  • 957 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. SATURDAY, 21st SEPTEMBER. SI mitt Time* &<0 a yew, or po>l/n» SU. St.;,\lt IMpI Sign ysar, or pod free %'JO. Adrerlunuj Rule* may M found in th* f'/'-rth paca. The Protocol having restored China to a place among the nations at peace with euch
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  • 7 2 To-day's 4/ms bank rat« is 1/1 H
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  • 8 2 With to-day's issu«, there in a sup plement.
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  • 12 2 H. M. S. Rmnrio returnn) this morn ing from the Cocoa Inland!.
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  • 13 2 Mr. Sigmiitid K it/ is recognised as United States Consular agrnt nl Penang.
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  • 13 2 Thi Hon. T. Kershaw returned to-day from Port tjwetttsnham by the Hint Ihn
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  • 18 2 Mr. A. L Kti-art, Acting' Chief Police Offi, ci, arrived by the P. and O. mail from Pmang.
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  • 16 2 Thk name of Mr. rVa'ty ban been added to the Commission of the Peace for Singapore.
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  • 17 2 CoMMjkiiDEa 0. Q. G. Cranfurds leave has been rxtended for two tmnuhs from the 4th DHcnmher next.
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  • 21 2 Tnr Kiim hn supwd of the ■ppnlntmw l of Dr W 0 Browi as nn nnoffi.ial member of the Legislative Council
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  • 20 2 Mm Gol.lmann. wboaa anari'hidt lcctur*" in«pin-d Cx»lzon, 'ins b»en arrested at Chi.-neo for inciting the mn 'It of President McKinley.
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  • 27 2 Mr. J*m«» b»rhi filN thi> Chair-nviß-hip of the Sing.iporo Board of Visiting Jmtices for the retmindi»r n{ this year in miccesnion to Mr. 0. W. Butt, resigned.
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  • 31 2 It i« again announced af. Cal<-ntta that the "topping of the flrd Mcdrat Tnfontrv at Sinenpore, in«tp»H of its fontinuing its voyage to India from China, is only a temporary measure.
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  • 32 2 B«nMMMt Notificntion .No. ins, dated :<Oth Jinuriry, 1901, by which the Ei«t floant of Sumatra from I .anckat to A'shitn wa« declared an infected pl«i-e on account of cholera, has been withdrawn.
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  • 31 2 Spkatt's Potent Limited havn been honoured with tho Rival Apnointmnnt to Hi« HaJaHj The Kine. Thoir foodn have for many years been supplied »o the Rival Kennels at Sandringham and Windsor.
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  • 35 2 The sad news wa* receivf^l by cable ypsterdav of the death of Mrs. Thompson, wife of Mr. G Thompnon, «torek«ep»r in the "ervice of the Tanjong Pagar Dick Company, w'n ii on furlough in England
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  • 39 2 Mes«r<i. Il'ibinnon and Co. are showing a ipmial line in opera and evenine clo.iku, jn«t out from the Wfrt Bad of Lmdin Th<«fl noodi, of which t h*re is only a limited stock, are offered at most reasonable ratea.
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  • 40 2 Thk dnath took place at Edinburgh on Sth A'liuhl of Mr. Charles Meldrum. C.M.O L.L.D F.RS., late director of the R>yil Albert Observatory, Mauritins, in his SOth veir He wan thn »on of the l.i* Mr. William Meldrum, Kirkmichael, Binff^hire.
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  • 42 2 The Uupsiiin Admiralty ur;im Kollin elates that the new Srit-cUsi cruiser I'urjiij, wMeh has left Cronstadt for the Far K;ift,is the faMeft tvaifhip afloot, a* rrie 25 knntu an hour. Tho Varjng was built at I'hiladi-lphia, and is ill n,.VK> tons di«pliirrmt>nt.
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  • 54 2 I'i. iim for the Incfipi.iti erid et trm si doiitliampton on Auf. IHth md i h. anainst a Hunp*bil« tt-.-in, Mr W. Ihmww made 41, ami I H. 1.. Talbat AU Major Urman (uncle of Mr .1 J L Ornssi who was explain of the S. C. C. for
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  • 56 2 Tn now mill steamer of the Him i ir-'-Ain.-i-ii- i;i Line, which was launched at Hr .mi mi on 37th August, bears the namn of Molllf, and was christened by Lieut -General Count Moltke. It is intended for the East Asiatic service, and is believed to be the largest vessel
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  • 58 2 Owing to a laalc in the gas-piping of the lightship at tiie mouth of the Deli River.lne lightsliip t here was on the 14th instant temporarily replaced hy a gasbuoy with a flickering liitht. In the plice of the flickering gas-buoy h vessel with a hoisted light is being ■Ms],
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  • 62 2 The race for the St I.eger ac, noted yesterday was run in lively weather. Betting at tho start was 4i> to 1 Doricli-s, 5 to H Volodyovski, 10U to Kevenueand -Jo to 1 Pietermaritzburg, who was fnurlh Tbt MM r.f tha horses passed Ihe post, in lite following order lan,
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  • 72 2 Rhnnymedk Ho'ise, an old landmark at Peuang, was burned down on Tuesday last, 'fhe blaze was started by the gardener burning creepers hanging Down from the verandah of the bouse. To set tire to a thick creeper which clusters almost to the roof— the latter being old and dry with
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  • 89 2 At the Portuguese Church of St. Joseph's to-uiorr.iw at 8 a. in, there wiy b 6 celebrated the Feast of our "Lady of Dolors" A Mumcil Mans composed by a Jesuit fitther, with string accompaniment, will be sung. Tne K«v Father W. Arkwright, who hails from Preston, Lancashire, and was
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  • 2 2
    Reuter  -  2 words
  • 37 2 A VAST CONCOURSE WITNESS THE INTERMENT. Expressions of Sympathy Throughout the World, //onrfon, Bhl SeplomUr. President McKinley was interred in the presence of 70,000 laaatrjtaf*. There were siinultnneous services and tokensof sympathy throughout the world.
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  • 69 2 SOUTH AF RICA, ANOTHER "AFFAIR. ta*r. Two guns, e»corled by a c ompany of Moiintid Infantry, have buen surrounded and captured by i superior force of lioers at Viakfoiuein Lieut. Barry was killed. THE RECENT ACTION AT ELANDSRIVER-POORT. The casualty list in the recent engagement at Elundsrivei-poori i* killed M,
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  • 450 2 It Concerneth a Chief Ballder and Far-seeing Prophet. Ami it came to piss, in the days when Sireplmebs was Governor in the land, mat there was much dissatisfaction among the [tuple, because of those who 1....kf.i .itlur i tie coming and going of ships, and the loading and unloading
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  • 240 2 Drowned at Chicago on Sept. loth. It will come as a sho<'k to the mnny friends in Singapore of Mr. M 0. Van der iiorg to learn timl n Isiagnta arrived to-day announcing his death by drowning at Chicago on the 10th instant. No
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  • 162 2 One of the establishments well worth going to see in the business district ol hingHporeisthe big teak- wood furnitnm warehouse and salesroom of Messrs Sarkie*, Johannes Co. recently opened on I'eleuraph Street near the 4u») where there is on exhibition the largest collection of exclusively teak-wood articles
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  • 29 2 Tmk Btraita Chinese Christian Associat:on held their annual gathering it the Town Hall l»»t night. The gathering was a great success. A further account will be given on Monday.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 567 2 NOTICES. KnVUIE'S WHKKY SPECIALLY selected blend thoroufhlj matured in bond. Price fl n per com sample* freeBORNEO CX)., LTD. In. th. a. Sole Importers. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests •50 llm., 1.-^hillh... aft'r wirn after lourten in i.-rr. <ln.»« Watar in Water. The above teats w»r« mode by the Engineer
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    • 544 2 L\TEST ADVERTISEMENTS'IXIBAOrO PLANTER of M years expeI neni* se»ks employment 4/10 Adilreai 1. 1 BIT, c/o .Vlrniut Timu. NOTICE. TIKSPAY, the Mk in-t. Iwinß the ■lapaneae national holiday, the Jupan '.miulalp will l». clu-wl to public 2S/9 >nDTHRI th.- iapt»in. ai;ent« nor < asnati al aks jilllsa Imay Calliurijit will
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    • 913 2 LATBST ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IS TUE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JAMK-i PAXTON, DECEASED. WH EKEAB on 1 ha 'Mb usy of Auguat IWUI, aa |,r to Ailmiiu.t r ill.Eatate sod tßecVa i<f James fhii. late uf Siagnporu, in the Culoay ol Wret-rn Australia. Smelting W'ur.p Maua^er deceased, who
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    • 81 2 PHOTO STORES. Plates, Printing papers ARRIVINO BY EVERY MAIL. DEVELOPING PRINTING G.R. Lambert Co. 2/9 ill Kli.rti.mii nootr».,u »r» n.hj^-1 o la» nnnHi. 1... tlul tha Mu>a«er m«y Inn tka »<lTarfcMm»at (Ot of tk« p^pdr in su of piMa uf aXtor. hut not oftauar ihui foar Hutj «wh month .V
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  • 856 3 THE ALLEGATIONS AQAINST THE POLICE. Deled on Oath. Till heanui; of this case was continued jasj ill) «f:. ■moon, at the Assues The case for the d.frn.-e closed when the Court rose at tillin time At tbe r.,,u-.-t of His l.ordshi|>, [aWB Watcham was roc illed to
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  • 2633 3 In some respnot* the Japanese are the politesl people in the world but, in others, their idem on matters of proi rielv differ from thxe obtaining among West err. people*. As illustrating this for the benefit of a conuiiT -ial community wherein the European system of etiquette
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  • 437 3 An extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Singapore Gas Co., was held on 29th August at Cannonstreet Hotel, to consider resolutions (I) for winding up the company voluntarily and appointing the Chairman and Mr. R M. Christie as liquidators at a remuneration of 400 guiueas;
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  • 303 3 Ties for To-day. A. Singles. Withers— v. Mali-nan n-K'. Some— l t. Darbiihira-H. To finish. II Singles. K rviz+4. vO. T. Low— l6-S. D. Kerr— i»v. BulUr t-IS. To finish. C. Singles. F. G. Penny- 3 v MilUr+l. Weaver— St. Ed lin scr. Macterton scr
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  • Correspondence.
    • 555 3 To the Editor of the "Straits Times." Bin, I lately returned from Bangkok where 1 found that your leading articK-, of 22nd August has caused coiiai lerable surprise, and I in iy nay in some respects injured the prospects oftho foiei^ners who were seeking mining coupesuuns in Biam.
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    • 649 3 Tothe Editor of the "Straits Times." Sir, Will you allow me space to comment upon the letter of "Interested" in your lliurvlay's i^sue His suggestion to form a Stuck Exchange for Singapore is -..i. i..: it is high time ihut something be done to establish such
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  • 369 3 Saturday. (iui.NO heavy after the rain. Hum N jn opened the programme followed bySuuozer(Pierbuz), Orpheus (Kirwan), Lynn (.Smith), Romeo (Neamut Allah), Zurazzo, Gaylaas (Martin), Kiura (Maliomet Kuan), Paramatta (Neeson), Sir Launcelot (Picrbuj^, Scots Guard and Duliallow (Kirwan), Lyon (Smith), Vanitas, Victonatu*, and Bxaiizite (Sout hall) Lock and Lucky
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  • 193 3 St. Andrew's Cathedral, (i 6th Sunday after Trinity.) 7a. in Matin*. 7.4 a in Holy l >ni ni'in ion. 0.30 |i. m Evuuiong. ami Sormon. St. Matthew's Church, Sepoy Lines. [ft p. m Evensong ami Sermon. ROMAN CAIHOLIC Cathedral of the (iood Shepherd, Victoria St. and Brass
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  • 551 3 SlllliPOU, 2IPT SirTBHBBR. 1901. PBODTTCJ. Onmlii^r ..buyers 11 W Copra WaM 8.75 Ho Po»tl«nak 7.J0 Peppn'. Black. bavers SO.BOJ do White. (HXV...' 4A.00 Ragn Flour Sarawak S.»O do Brunei No. 1 3.16 Peirl .'ago 4.10 Coffee. Bali. IBX h»-i- SUM Coffoe. Palembang Mt% basis »«.<*• Coffee. Llberian No. 1
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  • 109 3 ATI. VIWIL'fNAMI PIAuAKIO CArTAIS Dl»IlIiATlOli ■M Ruby Kril ttr. Smith Muntok nn.l l > »"«mt*nj 21 Vauxhall Bridge Mr. Reed.-i C»lrutU II Will O'tho Wi«p >tr Hil|.h Pontianak M I'm Seng k »r DuvkUod Perung M M1...U1 fir. Oartfi Hsngknk XI Aroherri «tr. Aiicum KeUntoo t'ia porto II I'rini
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 70 3 CHAMHKHI Al.vs 00U0, CHOLERA AND DIAKRHOK.V HkUsVT I;<ever>wh.r»acknow|.-dged to be tbe most snr.-easful metli.-ine in u*e (or llowel Comp<aiiits. It always cures, an.l cores quickly It can be depended upon even in tbe mit*-l seviire urn ilanfteroos cases Cum inpinK, all kindaof diarrho a, and at the first v usual
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    • 109 3 VESSELS ADVERTISED TO SAIL. Hongkong, Kunuang, due 31st Sept, Boustcad 4 Co. Kuroie, Pr,m Htinrwh, due 22nd Sept, Bcbn Meyer 4 Co. Rangoon and Calcutta, Palameotta, on 23rd Wept Ronstead A Co. Fremantle via ports, Saladin, on 2«th Bept, \V. Mansfield 4 Co. Sydney via ports, Euryaltu, due 26th Sept,
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    • 343 3 S7KAITS OX4IBBIF Gtt (LD). 8. 8 Penang i On Mondnyi at 4 p.m tor Malacca. Port Dickson, CurLSnvttenbam. and Teluk Anson. 8.8. -Malacca": On Wednesdays at I p.m. for Malacca. Port Dickson, Port Siv. ttenhsm. and Teluk Ansoo 8.8. -Ban Wbatt Hin": On Friday at 4 p.m for Malacca, Port
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    • 885 3 SHIFPINQ. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. FOX EUROPF 'I'ME Imperial German mall »t*amer 1 rßlSZHKryit[CH.CMf>\»iu Heiolie of the Nordileutscher Llord. risring left Hongkong, on Wednesday, x'.u- l"iij last, at noon, may be expert*.! ia nrriv«« nero ou Sunday, afternoon the j-Ja I itsi. i>he will nrohai.lT be despatched lor Europe on
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 136 3 DAY BY DAY. Saturday. Jist September. HiKh Water -J. 17 p.m. Moon First Quarter. H.» a m Y. 4 I), outward mail due 7 <; It 0, Shoot Tanßlin. 3. 0 I' Tennis Tournament S R C. Cri.Lrt. Rowing Club Dinner. 7 an. Parsee Theatre. Bem-h Road. Sunday. 22nd September.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 446 4 NOTICES. Hats tor LEU PEIIIK' Tkl gft wflßC£sl£HBhlB£ awL v Bo Special Warrant i*3EJ*L Tli Queen Purveyors to WSO"VEES^& Empress of India. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD ■aaa limn No. 13, Cabtok Road, Shahohai. JA4. A. WATTIE. Manager. IO8SB& TAN KIM HAN SON'S. Loc»l Agent.. The
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    • 1005 4 COALS ATGA.LLE. lk-st Welsh and I ulian (Barrakur) ill w iiys in Svock Quick desnatch. CLARK, SPENCE A Co E. COATRS Co. Ghllp, September, 1931. ki v i i > s. j. D. a. pereira. HOBTinnLTOBInT AKO FIASIBT. OOLLBtTOK AND E.trORTB!. OF OBCBIIW. By special appointment to His M-vjesty Th-
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    • 653 4 NOTICES. How to Preserve Punf}' and Beau Ify the S!«!i: and Complexion. Topreswre, i>urif\ aad bowtltr ll* slila. nnd iw^ni rimplia, btoMsßs, b!atkhp«a-. r-.ln-.. r ;;»•<. yellow, o4lr, raoiliy aaa mmnj other forms of jim i nhhac, no '•V.icr s»:u"orco.i,rlrx(<m soap It for a moment to he coinp«r*s. v ltd
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    • 335 4 NOTICES. Wot Nervous f /^^^^T\ CH»POTE«UT'S fm OF LIME P^PJ r*> mtttnt nifrttlm 1 mrmti v«M. U^mm* l mi u Jp9X^ HUraa^iiil. mt PHOSPHOBLYCEMTE SYRUP (CMAPOTEAUT, PHOSPHOSLYCEHtTE WI/IC (CMAPOTEAUT) PHOSPHOOLrCERITE CiPSULtS (CHAPOTEAUT) FM Vlvl.nn., mi H»»ct LIQUID FUEL. (Fetrolexun Residue) Uu%e atocV.B always on hand, per ton f o. b.
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    • 230 4 NOTICED PILBKNER BEER. THK KIXKST OBTAIXAHLK J4 Doi Quart* SI 5 r S Pints Sl.i 2a MM clim'..iiTit l JOHN UTTLI^ (U LTD. s h.k avewrn GREKNLKKB BROS. •Very Old Highland Whisky anu D.«.itos lshbd Special Reserve VEKY OLD lIH.III,\Mi HHISkV. DOLt OCPURTRRB rnn the straits inHinni YAP WHAIT ftOO.
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    • 143 4 NOTICES. A. M. 6AZZOLO ft CO :ompradors to Italian and Austrian rlen-of-war. Sailing ships, steamers, &c, &c, supply All kinds of fresh prorlaion'. alsn Pnl Data, Beef. Pisouite, llread, Wine. "pirn.. I'ivi'-oil. Macaroni Cheese sari all kimi>f pnw«TT.><l provisions, 4c, Ac. in stork inn on hnnd. retail, at moderate pricr
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