The Straits Times, 20 September 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 30,634. PRICE 15 CENTS. SINGAPORE. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1901.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 710 1 NOTICES. COMMqNBENBE-JIUTBHELt M IMMd 111— J, "I I*J j. Mimo> i .'o. WAI (Ml MAKERS. .1 KWKU.KUS, RRPAIKh rROMPTI.Y F.XF.CTITBn A. M. 6AZZOLO CO. Compradors to Italian and Austrian Men-of-war. Sailing ships, steamers, Ac. &c. supply All kinds of fresh provi.ions. also Pnllocks. Beef. Mm la, Breid. Wine. s,Mr,t« Olive-oil,
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    • 351 1 .NOTICES. JOSEPH CILLOTTS -as- 1 '•ORAND PRIX." PARIS, ipoo. QHA| A I or mtbsst QuiUtr sad Mrln, Orwtwt Durastlitj, tn Uimfore Baf OHFAPCBT. 1 Bsll^Wj STEAMSHIP COMPANIES.~ I^oMNKIJJKE PAKBTVAABT UAATBOBAFPIJ CmlKr contract with the Netherlands ludia Uovemmeot. Agiwt ol Sinnnjxirr: miip Ac.Mcy, lats J. Duauiu A Co.. -J-9, Couvu Qiut.
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    • 593 1 INSURANCES, rpHK LOKDOH AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRE lITBURANOB COMPANY. Capital «,1>7,M0 Paid up Capital £313.7*0 Reserve Fund £1,078,680 Ihe anderslgned. Agents for the Com- pany, aro prepvod to accopt fire risks at current rates of premium. BOUSTF.AD 4 Co.. Agents. K CHINA TRADKKB INSURANCE OOMTAKT. LIMITED. O.pital Subsoribsa WfIOO.OOCi Amount
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    • 526 1 LNSDItANCES. LI7NION FIRE INSURANCE" COMPANY OF PAKIS. Established 18S8. RESERVES AND TOTAL GUAKANTEKS £4,'KJ0,000. 1MI E undersigned, a^-ents for the above company, are prepared to accept fire risks for long or short periods at currant rates. CASH SETTLEMENTS promptly made by the Agents in Singapore. 81/10 MOINE COMTE A Co
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    • 688 1 BANKS. TIONOKORG AND BHANOHAI I BANKING CORK>RATION. PAiD-np capital twflonflaa. RKSERVB FUNDCotbt or DraaOTOH:— R. hnn, Faq.-C«Aiasiiii Hon. JJ. Bsii-lavwa I DarrTT Cbai»jux. H. K ToKKin I R L. Bicbuosok. bq A Hadtt, g~ I H fficiiiT. D. II X.«as7E»l N 4. Suss Mas. A. Bat hot., Rag IH W
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    • 436 1 NOTICES. /VIOHIUH. J. 1). A. PRREIBA. HoariiM-i.TmuiT <m Fu>awr. Ccu i.».tos mi. Kxrorrsa or Obchids. Hv special appointment to His Maiestv The King of Siam, H. H. Ths Sultan of Johore, and H. H. The Sultan of Lingtfa. Ordara for Bouquet oprajra, ata., A<u, Oarefally and promptly executed. Cheapest House
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    • 838 1 Tsw »«*lsh'. A«WW» Wbea. year child baa a pretracUd, paroiT«m»l rough, worn» al ni»ht, aemap»nied by a pwaliar ronnd or whoop, which ran not l.r raissakri. and th«a laboarpl nimHoratlon of murus, with apfwrrnl •aflocalion attrr rnimhion. kivo al once I'll AM REKLAI VM COUOH UMBOY. It willrvnrjf, Ui<- paroij.nn
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  • 852 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 20rn SEPTEMBER. ■yi-'iifo l'i«< &<U v year, or poiljree SM. Straits lludget SIB a •iavr, or pott free $20. Adrtrtmni Halo -»a<j he fovml Ml Ht fn-rih ptUK. He who heira but on« b«ll, heirs but one tune, and deference to fius truth,
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  • 150 2 of the report to the elfWt that h*r has purchased La Lanterne with the ol'j<»ct of assisting hi* candidature. Such a purchase it is said, would be superfluous for a man in his position, and his re-election seems practicall) assured without it. Concerning the outcome of that election, however, there
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  • 158 2 Reutsk's t.-lesr un to-day is a veritable budget of disasters. In South Africa we have lost over 230 officers and men- 5 officers and 34 men killed, 6 oMcers and 65 men wounded, and S officers nnd 150 men captured, 255 in all. In addition to these casualties, we have
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  • 142 2 Ix a letter from "An Occasional Correspondent* that appeared in the StraiU lima of the lUth inst, the subject of tin- Czar's vint to France was coimnen'.ed upun mure ur less in detail. It was not insinuated huwever, thut any mercenary motive dictated this »'-t ofimporiil courtety yet. according to
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  • 9 2 To-day a 4, me bank rate is 1/11 4.
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  • 10 2 Powell and Co advertise a sale of shares, next Wednesday.
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  • 18 2 Thk mail steamer llengul left Penang at 5 p.m. yesterday and is due here to-murruw at 7 am.
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  • 17 2 A HHI meeting and a special iiiuotinz of the Chamber of Commerce are advertised fur M.iu.Uy next.
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  • 21 2 Mkskrs. J. F. Wilson, J M. Hoover, J. M (iracey, and R arrivwl >esttrday from Peiiang hy the /"in Seng.
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  • 19 2 M. KLMMMnsn, the new French Mini3ter-1t..-sideiit to Siam, was expected tv arrive at Bangkok un Saturday last frum -Saigon.
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  • 24 2 Tin. Austrian steamer .1/i/iu Mi towtil into the roads this morning by tne s. s. itticury, after docking aud repairs at laujoug l'.igar Djck.
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  • 29 2 Tug Mm Belle, in charge uf Pilot Owen aud towed by the s. s. tfuwla, left the roads at 9-10 a.m. bound to I'ai.j hi j i'agar fur ducking.
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  • 25 2 Mu. Wilii-iiii Juhn Siuiiuington has been appuintud tv he bri'lge erector, Iii .1 j btato Railways. Mr. Sitmriinglon reported his arrival un the I'lLh July.
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  • 25 2 Thiktlkn horses raced in the St. I.'-i:rr ihe race was run in lovely weather. An objection hxlged af;anibt the winner, Luricle; for bumping wab over-ruled.
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  • 30 2 Kang Yu-wei, the refugee Reformer who found shelter in fingapore, is reported to have sent a large mm of money to North China, but lor what purpose is not known.
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  • 29 2 The Kiel arrived from Australia the dsy before ynstttrday with a cargo of coals and a number of horses, aud went alongside the Borneo wharf this morning to discharge.
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  • 32 2 Major John Keatly, K. A. M. C, on* of the best known and most popular officers in India, died suddenly of ptomaine poisoning at Watson's Hotel, Bombay, on the Bth inst.
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  • 33 2 To-day is an Italian national holiday, being the ;i 1- 1 anniversary of the occupation of Rome by the Italian troops The Italian mail Bleamer Bitagno is decorated in honour of the occasion.
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  • 35 2 Mr. A. W. Bcauclerk was fined SB in the Chief Magistrate's Court yesterday, for sinking a Golf Club taraby. Mr. Brockman, when imposing the fine, stated that the complainant's evidence proved there was great provocation.
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  • 41 2 Thk Swimming Club launch will leave the l'ier at 3-15 p m. on Sunday. The entnus for Mr. Upton's prize close on Tuesday so all those wishing to enter must send their names to Mr. Crockalt on or before that date.
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  • 46 2 Ma. A T. Bryant, Magistrate at Penang, will proceed to Kurope on the. 20lh instant on short leave, an I, during In- absence, Mr E C. C. Howard, will act n» Ist, Mr. 0. B. Ross as 2nd, and Mr. K. W. Oilman as 3rd Magistrate.
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  • 44 2 It is reported that the extraordinary decapitation scare, once prevalent hereabouts, has again been started among the more ignorant natives. The idea now abroad is that human heads are urgently needed for the foundations of the bridges along the line of the Johora Railway.
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  • 48 2 Messrs. Powell Co. advertise an auction salt) of household furniture at No. 4 Dublin Road, on Saturday the fBth in«t. and also an auction of miscellaneous goods at their sale r> omi un Monday, next. An auction of wolf i* also advertised by them for the 90th Instant.
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  • 40 2 Captain A 81. Bi»bee, for miiny ye ir« the harbourmaster at Shanghai, lia> jint died there. The deceased tv born at Plymton, Plymouth Co Ma*s., on the. SKn.l October, 1841. Hi* fathei and, we believe also, hi* grandfather were shipmasters.
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  • 40 2 with tha Prim llei-riek, the homeward German miil steamers will again leave Hongkong on Wednesday at noon and arrive here on Sunday evening or Monday at daylight, instead of a day later as they did from July to September.
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  • 46 2 We understand that the ticknts for the SVC. Ball in the Drill Hall on Thursday next, th« 26'h inst., are being freely taken up. Preparations are now being rapidly pushed forward in the way of repairing the Drill Hall flour, and erecting the necessary attap structures.
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  • 60 2 At the town uf Tringanu in Siamese Malaya, a lire consumed 120 houses on the 9lb instant The damage dune is estimated at f 120,000 The Sultan of I'rtngnnu, at the time of the lire, wan away at Bangkok on a (Ml to the King uf Siam. H« U said
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  • 54 2 It appears H. E. WuTiiig-fniif!'* term of office as Chinese Minister in Amorica expires this year, and in the ordinary course he wuuld be called back to China. But Wu Ting-fang has received an Imperial order to remain at his post as Chinese Minister in America for a further
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  • 48 2 The Hongkong Cricket Club propose to meet the expense of entertaining the visiting teams at the approaching interport festival there by ml.*, riptions, implemented out of the club funds. Among the entertainments looked (ami I to, nre a dinner, a Wt«, a dramatic peifomunce, and a military Utluu.
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  • 53 2 Thk rain that has f.tllen to-, lay it most wtlcorue, ami will dispel the irritation dorm of prirkly heat that most peuple »eem tv be Kuflering from. Water is also much required at tho Thomson X ..-id Reservoir where the upply *»> gettiiiE short, necessitating the Municipal notice that has
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  • 89 2 It is rumoured that theNorddeutscher Lloyd is comsideiing a proposal to run a we. kly steamer service between Aden and Bombay. At present the Company's .Service tv the Far East consists of a foiiniitlitly steamer lo Australia and a lorini^htly steamer to China, a vessel thus pacing thruugh tho Canal
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  • 92 2 Near Talienwan, in North China, a rewly founded Russian city, called llilny, is rising rnpidly into impoitance, and i.« i|uiikly becoming up to Hate. It is thought that when the Trans-Siberian Line is in working order, the mails to and from Eurupe will ennw that wav, and be dispatched by
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  • 123 2 At Iloihow, in Hainan, some excitement has h.-.-n manifeoted amunc the natives ov»r thn ahiro'inK of a CttMMM hoy by a KrMii'hmn one nifihl. It seems that a call was 111 1. 1« fur a huat from the l»nding uf tiie Krench Consul itf. Ah the call was not .in-w.-r.-.1,
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  • 543 2 Thf I^NI-itive QmmQ rwrimm its sifinis on Tutnday HA The Acting Colonial Secretary will move the approval of a suppliinHnt.iry v >te of $161,494 to sent ttie attimaUd axpatv diture on the Sineapore-Kranji railway to the end of the current year, leaving a balance of HHMIB tv be
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  • Heuter's Telegrams.
    • 59 2 NAVAL CATASTROPHE. DESTROYER WRECKED IN THE NORTH SEA. OREAT LOSS OF LIFE. lMtulon, »th Stml The turbine destroyer datum, when on a trial trip in the North Siea, ran upon a rock and sank. So far as is known, only twelve of tho crew survived. It is feared that the
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    • 24 2 BOER RAID FEARED. Ijondon, 20/ A Si-pl. The Natal Volunteers have been called out in view of an expected Boer raid.
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    • 24 2 TWO THOUSAND AT DURBAN. 2,000 Boer prisoners are at Durban awaiting tiaiisportalion. A pirt of ihe prisoners there have embarked for India.
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    • 41 2 MOUNTED INFANTRY ENTRAPPED. HARD FIOHTINO. Ifttr. The Boers under Botha entrapped and attacked three coinpanios of Mounted Infantry and three guns, under Mujxr Uouch, to the south of Utrecht, in the eastern Transvaal. After severe fighting, the enemy raptured the guns.
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    • 39 2 The British lo>«es were: Killed Captain Mildmay, of the King's RifW, Licutenam Blewilt or the Kiflo Brigade and fourteen ueo wounded five ciffimrs and twenty-five men. Five i liiftT" and IMMM were taken prisoner. Colonel Gough escaped.
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    • 32 2 SHARP ACTION. General French reports that Smure, a Boer commander, on being hemmed in by British column', rushed through a squadron of the 17th Lancer* at Kland River Poort.
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    • 21 2 The British losses in this engagement were Killed three ofticers and twenty men wounded one oificer and thirty men.
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    • 15 2 SHAM FIOHT WITNESSED. Tbe Czar has witnessed a gntnd sham fight at Kheims.
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    • 151 2 In their weekly chare report, dated yesterday noon, Messrs. I. ail. am and MactiiKgart state There is nothing of imorctt to note since our last circular. Business has bc-n very n-Miii-tid and prires have not altered much. Kiubs are lower owing to a large number of shares
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    • 300 2 Local Resolutions of Sympathy. At the mooting of American resident* held at the U. S. Consulate yesterday, the following resolutions of sympathy were passed and signed by all the American residents now in the town WhereAK. By an ui»cruuble Providence the honored and btlove<l William McKinley, l'rc kicliui
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 426 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. ULABOOW. Manufacturer* of Dynamite. Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine. Detonators. ALL K.IXI.S or Safety Pases. Electric Blasting Apparatus. Th* alw Explosives, tieing all Maw fuJured in <rreat BrJatn, are made to ■ma* the high statuitrd of safety and sMy teeU imposed by the British (lot-ernmenl,
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    • 795 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Kelly Walsh, Limited, JUST RECEIVED A new Shipment of ARDATH, the best tobacco for pipe smokers in hermetically sealed j Ib. tins. Mild, Medium, or Full, 90 cts. per tin. Modern Scientific Authoritities declare Ardath to be the healthiest Tobacco. Parsee Theatre. New Elphinstone Theatrical Co. OF BOMBAY
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    • 746 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO BE LET iMMEbIITE ENTKV HOUSE No. 111. on the topofMonnt Elinhoth. For r«nl and other particulars, apply to SB/» OAOOIVO4CO. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. AGBSERAL MEETING of the Chambsi of Commerce will be held nt the Exchange Room, on Monday, SOUi Peutember, 1901. at -.'.Hi prn for the
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    • 92 2 G.R.Lambertc&Co. HIGH CLASS PHOTOGRAPHS. OUT- DOOR PHOTOS in all site*. Enlargements BPKCIALITY. PERMANENT PRINTS. Prlca. Modarato. On iho i Mt ri In.t.. ..t Hnml.u.K. the wife of t H. lrruoarr. ol a son alladT«rtlaii>(Oo>tn>otaan«bj«tt otaacadiU> tkat tbo Masafrr ray Inn th- idnrtiMiiM of th* pap«r in r»a* of pr»a*
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  • 1256 3 Tn« hearing of tln« MM Ml aMtinut'J >■ tttrday uflarnooa A Kftni muan-eaaafM wa.- called to prove ili aaatt of Ika |>«r»on wli»e t.iner.d > slated that lie attended aa UN aliernoon. of Sund:iy, May asili. This witoaai and Himm helped to I nrv her He had
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  • 132 3 Trk merchants of Cottabato, Zainliiiitn;,!, and Sulu, have made a of the different grades of rubber handled in their markets, and especially noting the methods resorted to by the collectors of mixing the milky or sticky sap of distinct species of the rubber tree and thus
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  • 403 3 It is rep- it.-.l in Hamburg that the steel twin screw steamer PitaWa, 7979 tous gross, 6,915 lons net, built ami en^ined by thu Vulcan Company, Stetlin, in 1894, with tvo sets oi engines £> in., 40J in. and 6! A in. stroke; and ihe steel twin
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  • 503 3 Interesting Speeches. The (MasiahMM Lloyd publishes the following telegi am, dited Berlin, -It li lust. pvini detail* of UM in't-rview between the Emperor William and Princt C'nun 1,,e Koip.ror it.-.ivei I'rince Chun in tho New Palace, near I'olsdam. All I'liiicen of the Royal House, the
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  • 61 3 Or the four large atramera built at Nagasaki for the Nippon Yu«en Kaisha, Ihe JMaU and (mm Mnru gave tbe builders a loss, the A"»;a Miru came out square, and the lyo Marx left a Ir. lit When shipbuilding materials can be produced at the Government foundry at Wakamatsu, vessels
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  • 205 3 Tut Annito H-nrtle hears that there is no fonudati >n in a current ruiinur members of I he subordinate branch ol the (i ..vrrimiant .Service will receive, individually, IS", increase on their respective salaries. What will be granted is the incresse comprised in the K-i ise
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  • 144 3 I.oko Kitchener reports (10th inst.) that the total number of Boers killed, made prisoners or surrendered, since the 2nd BtL amounts to 681. The St Petersburz Jounud regards the meeting of Itoyaltien at Ointzig as a new guarantee of universal peace The cordiality of the Imperial meeting at
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  • 474 3 There is no play in tlie Tiurnameiit today owing to the rain. Yesterday's Play. Championship. Wolferetan beat Kainnie, ti, «.i, 6-!. A. Sinfles. Wbitebead— 2v. Von llerg+S, unfin. 11. SlLgles. Oallwey ser. v. o. T Lowe-4, urfm. Butt r+i v I). K-rr- W, unrln. Foreman—
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  • 307 3 Rule* lor Society's Newest (lame. Society haa a uew giine— one which, according to tbe inventor, supplies a long-fell want. U his been christened Vigoro. Vigoro is not too strenuous Its place is somewhere between cricket and tennis— tliat is to say, it requires less exertion than
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  • 361 3 A Speech By The Inspector-Qeneral. Simla Sept. 4th Addressing Die Simla Volunteers on the occasion of his inspection, General Hill, the nnwly appointed Inspector-General, made some important remarks on the subject uf Volunteer training in India. He -tid he ditl not pretend to long experience of
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  • 394 3 Some Striking Figures. A consular report states that 3,441 vessels, with 262,194 passengers, passed through the MM Canal in 1900, tho total net tonnage being 9,7:18,162 tons. Of these 2,407 were merchant ships, 773 mail steamers, and 261 warships and transports. The number of British vessels which
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  • 43 3 I'oDnng and Calcutta, A. Apcar, due ifHh Sent., Harkies A Moses. Hamburg via ports, Sibiria, on SOth Sent H.- Ini Meyer Co. Hongkong, Kuvumg, due 21st Sept, Bouttead A Co. Kuro />:« Htinrvik, due Mod Bept., Hslin Meyer A Co.
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  • 98 3 The post of Otlicnr Commanding the Troops in the Straits Settlements has been vacant cince Colonel (local Major-(ieuiT.-u) Dickson CM! was called away Irom Singapore for the Command »f a Brigade in S mtii Afi ica over eighteen months ago. Colonel Dickson had been specially retained on the
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  • 550 3 Bi»oiroaa, 30th Suptsmmk I*ol. PIOUfTOR ««mbier Korers I 11,17 t Copra Hal' 8.7.% rto Ponti-nak 7»> Pepper, Black buyers *°.2* do Whlte.(RX) 00 **Kn Flour Sarawak S.4IS do Brunei No. I '10 Pearl ?s«o 410 r-off^e. Ball. 1»X l.n.i. »IJ» Cntinn, Palemhan» 115% bnals 26.00 Colin. LlberUn No. I
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  • 101 3 !>««. Vnni.'i Kami Fuu.tKioj f'trruv I UEaTIMTIO* IB Teenkai Brit Mb Jlairi. !H Honi»r G*r Mr. KnuUot. M Hong Wan Brit tir. Hc'aon •t) Ban fking Uunn «'r.< VU Fauung Mr. I >li:.-h.-ll 90 Kian Yang Mr. l.vlor JO (ilfnallch Mr. Bainliridgr ft Jupiler Mr. Reiii !0 Bmnmht
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 38 3 CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY. eurrt overnight the mont stubborn cold, as well as all its complications— tickling in the throat, husky voice, aud violent eniiabitur Sold by all dealers iv medi.-incs. Tbe IH>p»nssry Otunil A vent. Bin»Mior«. i A
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    • 72 3 CIi.VMnERLAIN'B COI.IC, CHOLERA AND DIAKKHOEA REuEDY U everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine io use >or Howel Cooip aints. It always cure*, and cures quickly It can be depended upon even in the most severe ana dangerous case. Cures griping, all kinds of diarrho a, and at the
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    • 534 3 GOING IXSA.VE. A. L. Rim-rolStoneii.lgr, N. Y. says:— I sm 'or a lonn lima troublol with slceple,siicss and with intense neuralgic pains in Ibe bevl which umde mv feel as though I w-weoiug insane. Tbe physicians could do nothing for me. I heard of some ••mraordinary cure* effected by Little's
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    • 309 3 1 MR. QEORQE LAWS; ME, A.I MM. ."<, Battery Road. Singapore, havinit had 17 years experience in the Kast is now open to oxamiD° and report on, or survey mining properties, or assay minemls and metals at snort notice. Term* moderate. H. ABRAMS. THE HORSE REPOSITORY. HAS now for sale
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    • 441 3 NOTICES. Robinson Co. THE NEW AND POPULAR GAME OF TABLE TENNIS OR PING PONG COMPLETE SETS IN 3 QUALITIES. Robinson Co. fT>CSS& Ladies' White /j "pk PETTICOATS /mi \k EXACT TO JFJ/Ij^^ ILLUSTRATION. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. lADY wool.l take one or two children to j <-.1,i,-.ui- with btr own in
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    • 403 3 STEElmnLmssn PILLS •old by ■■•.h.UU'di."^'^ O^, ti. «.m.. P1.0., am < .».^T p»».i»^ i «<BT»N r> m i.. SOLTHAMPTON. CNOLAND THE TAN'JONG IWUAR DOCK COMPAXV, 1 .IMITEP. rpKNDEKS are invited for the supply 1 from tut January. I9OJ, of laliour to the above Company for the handling of g"od* and
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 180 3 DAY BY DAY. Friday, joth September. H Ith Wassr. 3.4 pm H. C. C Tennis Tournament. s. V I; A A B Co. Musketry Drill. 6 16. C. C. A. Town Hall. K Pbilbarmonic Oicbeolra. f.SO. Saturday, aist September. High Mater 3.1.. ai.i. .'.17 p in. .Moon First Quarter. H.W
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    • 1281 4 rnUfriM:«h«wline«helollnwiu«-ii.|jr...-i.,. liunt are used -str immnr «h.— «bfp rq.-lmrqoe sch.— schooner; Yet.— Yacht. Cra.-Crui»er; Gbt.— Ounboat i Tor— rorpedo H.p.— Hone- power Brit.— Britiih U. S.— United States; Ft.— French Oer.— <Jorm»n Dut.— Dated: loh.-Jokore 4c. O. c.,—Q«nrr»l--anro d.p.— dec* natseogers U.~ ITniwrMn: T. P. W.-Tanjons Pan»r
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    • 440 4 Same, port, probablt datr nf arrival, and name of agent*. ■■MM A. Apcar. Hongkong M; H. 4 Momi Anapa, rurope p'»d t:an»l Aug Annam, Colombo. Oct 14 M M Annr.m. fbin». 8.-pt 24; Behn Meyer. Andalusia. Hongkong. Kept M I B. M. Arabia. HonnkoiiK, 00l IS; (tehn Meyt-r.
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    • 209 4 u r Per sir. limr. 10-Morkox. Itoinlmy via ports Mhke Uuru U a ill. iUi«k.ik stasaM 1 1 »ni. \erili:in Deli 4s_ MS] '.'p.m. Pe.iHiig I'm ataj I p.m. Samlias via ports I'ou d*r I'arra S p.m. V. >ft'CtU<nb»m lia portu Sappho 4 Tringgauu via ports Amhrrat
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    • 156 4 I ID ll' 1» 18 la 19 20 M M •JO Vimcl'B Niai A Ton. Cirriis K»om Siilid. Cohuomm. Rio. Hong Wan Brit itr U6Hod«oo Malaga S«pt 18 Woe Bin and Co. TeenUi .tr. 8016 Harris Livorpool Au« 18 Borneo toy LW. Pekin PAOttr. -JMIi Ko» H.ob» Aug K
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 403 4 NOTICES. CHLNA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD llbaf) Office Mo. 18, Oahtoh Koas>, smNtiHii. lAS. A. WATTIE, Mao^sr. MESSIJS. TAX KL\I TIAS SONS, L<««1 The Company offer* easier t«nu» and batter bonuses than any other UoinpaKy doing busineH in the Kant A special point is made of prompt payment ot
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    • 598 4 NOTICES. INDIAN, CHINESE, JAPANESE Silk, Silk, Silk. Of ever)- colour and description from 35 cts. a yard just arrived. Canton crepe silks at 95 cts. a yard. Shanghai silks at 70 cts. a yard and $9 per roll of 15 yards. Tasa silk from 40 cts. a yard, best quality.
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    • 468 4 NOTICES. I tAISAPiIILLA |J I w>l»a a— »o» wfl\ CLEANSE YOUR BLOOD MEDICINAL SKIN lOV Sti 1 Medicinal Skin Soap GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. 'I'Hfi Mieting of tha Licensing Justices 1 for the quxrtcrcominonnng Ist October, will be hfl.i in the private room of the First MaKiatinte at the Police Courts at
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    • 1069 4 NOTICES. gLNUAPORE SPORTING CLUB Tkt .Ul«m* Rat* Mteting. will be KM m Odohtr find, 24th, and Jf6/A. Programme. FIRST DAY. T*fday, 22nd UHobtr. Fib«t Race. THK MAIDEN PLATE.— VaIo* »-lc»).A Itan for Maiden Hones— Weight v per Kale (lOst.) An allowance of I4lb. »o ex-Gri(Bns Imported into the Straits Settlements
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    • 117 4 .NOTICES. KIMWAV Bill K WOlt-K <• I'ACUK I",N.[.\N|4. ARL now .up, .lying bailrti-v! Iricks. For |wrti<:alar«. upply to I'h-P KIM lilß, ♦7S<a So JA M^la.v» Strait. "TIMKH" AND "BUDOBT." Sfroite JVwi, a ysar, or »2f a month or fifteen wins a copy. Post Free, SB* a quarter. Strain Bitdg't post
      117 words
    • 125 4 NOTICES. MEN'S WKAK.NKSK.s c xt n £3 r>. U*ay ihmiiaii.ln of mm saffer from enervating weaknosses, and cannot And a core (or 111. tii. 1 air to snch suflerers write to me; and J will show you a recently discovered means (»imple and certain) hy which you can be relieved
      125 words