The Straits Times, 18 September 1901

Total Pages: 6
1 2 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times ESTD. OVER i A CENTURY. SINGAPORE WEDNESDAY, SEFfEMBER 18, 1901. NO. 20.H3-2
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 964 1 TUI KiRNEOCOMrANT, LIMITED rK HUti.tar J t.if.i A*»urai>». N<.'«io* Dai«n Fir» Inmiallo* 6"ci««y. At as Ajia.rMO*«y (Kire). T-» K.ii'Ml'W Lih> Aanumaee Deriaty. Ti-. Oiln* Xfutoal Rteain Navigation CompMy Tb* TottwihMß l*f* Bmt Compuy. Kur wnu-nlnn ">«* Cosnanxa. the PANT I.lMrntP Aif*Bv» OTFAMSMP 'OMPANIKS. OFrn'K,Tsi.*nurH HTaan '£t WHA-avw. KirriLniaaouß. MUI
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    • 877 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I •I'MNKI.I.IKE I'AKETVAART MAATBOHAPPIJ C'nder contract with the Netherlands India Oovernmeat. Agentt at Singapore: SHir AoncT, un J. DAMnsu A Co., 24, Colly sa Quay. The nndermentloned dates are only approxiroat*. Steamer From Expected Wlll'be Despatched for On Co'i Hat-vviavia Sept 1« Soerabaia. Macataar, Dongala Palehleh, Billiton Soomalita
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    • 655 1 UiDllmirO m-r» ir«- iif lur «|C4MU NttMin -hip Company «nd thf Wp«l AiiHlntlinn stram N»rie-.ttlon Cnni|*nj between FBKMANTLE (PEIITH), NOBTH WEST AUSTBAUAN POHTS, AND SINGAPORE. IHK SULTAN, SALADIN, IHIXILYA, AXD AVSTRALIND. lhe*e steamers run at frequent intervals oetween Singapore and Western Australia, mailing at Derby, King's Sound (Port for :he
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    • 600 1 LNSORAiNCES. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE OOMPAKY. Capital i'-.IW.rW Paid np Capital £i!l-.7«i Reserve Fund SljmafiM Tbe undersigned. Agents fer the Company, are prepared to accept fir* risks at enrrent rate* of premium. BorsTEAP A Co., Ageata. rTTRK CHINA t'KADkUtb ESsPRANci 1 OOMPAJTT, LIMITED. Capital Sabnribol |S,(XM,OW>. Aawnat Paid
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    • 458 1 JWBCRANCES. THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. ((ESTABLISHED A.D. 1720) 11H E undersigned, agents for the above company, are prep >red to accept Fire Risks at current rate*. BEhN MEYER A Co, w. s. 81/12 MAGDKHUKU FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. ISM) 'i'HE undersigned, agents for the above A company, aro prepared
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    • 714 1 BANKS. nONOKONO AND SHANGHAI BAN KINO CORPORATION. paid-up capital 0,000,000. reserve fund.— Sterling Rt*er»e..»lo,ooo,ooo\ Silver fieserra... 8,000,000/ IS Onoooo RBBERVK LIABILITY OF\ .inomiino PROPRIETORS. |_»10,000flro Oocet or Diuotobi:— R. SuawAM, Vaq.—CnttMUkM Uo». JJ. BaLL-laviKa I DaroTv I'missiv. B. R Tosntun. I B L. xauHu, ►>). A Hiorr, B*a I H
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    • 627 1 NOTICES. ST. ANDREWS HOUt-K. A CHI) KCH of EnglanJ Boarding House for European and Eurasian boys who desire to attend the schools of the place. Applications to be made to the Colonial Ciiaplain. w. s. uc. JlBaaMS PILLS MkrllWtmDlwJSaiirU. a»m~ pjj^, nu^ZZ?' tt««T>ll CW»W. «X TMAMPTON ENOLANU Satan g Bay
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    • 838 1 UTI TaW raiLMSN. There is little, if any dan«>r fr»a> b«w«| complaint* when properly treated. Mn. Curti* Baker of HookwaJter, Obi*), U. H. A., My* Muring laat May an infant cbild of ow neighbour was tußernig from cliolera inlantum The doctor* ha-1 given up all hope* of recovery. I took
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  • 681 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 18TH SEPTEMBER. Thf resignation of Mr. John H >y, riinultanoously with the accession to the Presidency of Mr. Roosex'ult, is an event of serious import, deep political significance, and unfavotiritule augury. Mr. Roosevelt's known j'ncisiic and |ian-Ainericunidea»musthavesnclashed with Mr. Hay 'a moderate ml
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  • 201 2 It would be rude to insinuate that anybody willingly prevaricated the truth in the premises but— apropos of the Kaiser's review of troops at Dantzig, in the presence of Prince Chun, and the various baitings, and hacking-, and jibbing* which preceded the arrival of tbe Celestial Emperor's envoy at Berlin—
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  • 234 2 A CORRKSPOSDKNT who expresses his former delight hut present regret at being a neighbour of the Straits Tirnu, writes complaining that, for tbe last two afternoons and evenings, Cecil Street, near the junction of Market Street, and within a stone's throw of this otliee, has been blocked by an enthusiastically
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  • 166 2 Whkn the last mail left Manila, arrangemcuts had already been made for the formal opening of the Manila Stock Exchange. Commenting upon the sur ject, the Manila Titna remarks: "This institution is receiving the support of the principal business men of the island and its sue. ess is assured. The
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  • 95 2 An exchange states that the great Hamburg shipping tirin», h.-,a.l«d by the Haniburit-Ainerika Line, intend to erect and maintain large coaling wharfs everywhere abroad. Tho article adds that the first wharf will be opened soon at Port Said. Tho local ngents of these lii in Mc--i> Behn Meyer and Co,
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  • 75 2 It may be add»d th»t the review f..r Prince Chun seems to be quite a new idea. A receut telegram from London to Bangkok commenting on the Danuig exercises noted that, a the Kmperors of Russia .ni Germany chatted on board the Hohemollern at Dantzig till mid-night. Danuig harbour and
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  • 8 2 To- day's 4/nis bank rate is 1/1 lfV
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  • 10 2 Tbi mail for Europe closes at n a.m. on Friday.
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  • 9 2 Thy SI raits Ilmlget will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 10 2 McAuliffH and Slavin have been holding boxing carnival at Hongkong.
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  • 13 2 The Mormon missionaries propose to give up Japan as too unpromising a field.
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  • 15 2 It is reported that Russia has decided to huilil rive 20,000-tous battleships in Rusxiiu) yards.
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  • 17 2 Mr. 0, W. Morrison and Mr Virgen arrived this morning from Klnng by the Ban Whalt Hi*
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  • 15 2 The French cruisers AminJ Oharntr and Dttcartet are leaving the China station soon for France.
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  • 22 2 Thk dinner in connection with the Singapore Rowing Club takes place at the Singapore Club on Saturday next, at 7.30 p in.
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  • 28 2 H. M. S. Brisk whose commission will be up iv Nov. next will, it is said, In! relieved by one of the Pmtrm class of Urd class cruiser.
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  • 28 2 The handsome gold watch and chain, presented to Mr. E. M. Lyon at the Marine Club last Saturday night, were supplied by Mr. E. Wallace, of Battery stead.
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  • 28 2 The Ufa lielle returned from Malacca at 6 45 this morning and went to her anchorage in the roads. She will probably be docked either to-day or to-morrow.
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  • 28 2 Tub Uoverninant of Negri Sembilan, it is said, are contemplating the establishment of a Savings Bank there, on the lines of those now existing in Perak and Belungor.
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  • 35 2 Thi Principal of the Anglo-Chinese School, und Brother Michael, the Director of the St. Joseph's Institution on hearing of the death of the American President on Monday la«t closed their respective m-ln..|» for the day
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  • 37 2 Large quantities of ammunition and otlier) contrrthand goods have been discovered at L/mrenf.) M injues. Two Frenchmen have bnen arreited. It is believed that the Boers have fur a long time obtained Atnplo supplies ria Delagoa Bay.
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  • 40 2 Tbk Nmm liazclle hears that the Interport KiUe mat li will com" off early ii: November. It is open to the boat shots, whether volunteer, police, or civilian, who are British subjects. A I'euang team will lake part this year.
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  • 29 2 The Fuhrtliino steamer Birngno arrived tain morning from Hongkong with 22 cabin an I 712 d" 'k passengess. 6 cabin and 2-7 deck passengers are for Penang and Bumbay.
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  • 37 2 Mr Tan Boon Li at, the owner of Vuml <», hu been on a visit tv Bangkok, where aSpu.-ting Club has just been started. It is rumoured that he intends to try his luck on the lurf there.
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  • 44 2 In connection with the forthcoming interpurt festival, at Hongkung, the Cricket Club there han decided, fur the object of entertaining the guests, to open a subscription list, and if necessary to draw upon the funds of the Club to an extent not exceeding $1,500.
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  • 50 2 Tbc local owued steamer £u?«nie, Capt. Tannay. left for Port Dickaon and Malacca at 4 p.m. yesterday. When off Karimon Island a patch on her boiler started leaking badly and the engineer thought it necessary to put back and have it repaired. She therefore returned to Singapore the same evening.
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  • 70 2 The following. Guverumnnt Notification has been published with Mask borders on the paper Hi« Excellency the Officer Administering the Government has received with reirrtt the sad intelligence of the death of Mr. William McKinley, President of the United States, and is pleased to direct that all flags on public buildings
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  • 73 2 Tu* Rev. W. Macdonald, the minister, who has been in charge of the Farquhar Street Mission Chapel at Penang for the last thirty year*, hn« hud a farewell meeting tl.eru on his departure Europe. In l,i- f.revvll address, the Rev. gentleman upon the deplorablit apathy to religion displayed
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  • 360 2 A Beachcomber Knifes the Sailors Home Watchman. An >ct 10 o'clock last night an IrishAmerican named McCiann, said to be a beachcomber, attempted to f. rce his way into the Sailors Home where he nut residing at the time Alnnad Sah, the Kling watchman on duty
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  • 399 2 The Natural v. The Artificial. struzgle between natural and r 1 1 :i < i lil indigo I'ontiuues to excite I!:.- British ConfmlGunMial al M.irseillc9 reports tint the latter in killing the fanner on the French market. The artificial dye ulready re^iilittas prices. The Uadische Company have for two
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  • Reuter's Telegrams
    • 51 2 MEMORIAL SERVICES. /, 1 sf/i Scplfm'fr There will he mnmorial services at Westminster Abhey and in St. Paul's Cathedral on Thursday, the day ef President McKiuley's funeral. TRUE BILL AOAINST THE ASSASSIN. The grand jury has found a true bill against L'zolgorz for murder in the first
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    • 18 2 MILITARY REVIEW. The Kaiser reviewed 50,00U troops at Dantiig in the presence of Prince Chun.
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    • 33 2 MR HAY RESIONS. A DISTURBING OMEN. 7,.1/er. Mi. Hay h.ia resigned the post of Secretary of Stale in President Roosevelt's Cabinet. PROBABLE SUCCESSOR. It is re|wrted that Mr. Root succeeds him.
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  • 140 2 Wednesday. Slow Work. The lirst out was Snooier (Pieibux) who went round twice slowly, as also did Sir Lmnrelot and Contadina (the latter a K 0 and a distance) ridden by tho same jockey. Kirwau root) Orphp'is, Duhallow, and Scots Guard two miles at a slow pace. Lyon,
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  • 515 2 Yesterday's Play. B. Singles. li. I. Unrig 4 beat 0L Rr.i 11. r> 7-r,. i 1. l*orl>»*tt fti*r. v. A. \V Houlhmi) untm. uur +1 t)«nt ijordoa ».-r b-s, i;-u. I-. 1,. I lerk xor Harm. II SOT. C. Singles. lluri:e«< l»-at Morgnn— lS, 8-0,
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  • 60 2 It was stated last night tliat stabbing allray had taken place m board the Telegraph Co 's sie.mer H*o»rder lyii.B >n the roads. At I M > Inspector Branagan went on board the |M*br«i u».-eriHini-J that nothing^ Kerioin had occurred. A row took, place between the Chinese and Malays crew
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 376 2 NOTICED NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Maoufa «ur»r» of Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL imm of Safety Fuses. Eleelrie Blasting Apparatus. Th» ahom ExpU*ivw, btina all manu(aOund in Gnat Britain, art modi to |mw tU kigk >UU.trd of *a/M« and pmitg ssstt tmpo-d by Ik* Brituk Goitmmenl,
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    • 451 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. LOST. A MALE Brown Terrirr. Muni.-ipal No. 408, at New Harbour ahnut Ihree weeks ago. Kinder will lie rewarded if neoes^ary. Any one wen with the 'log in his pooseasion will he proaeuuted. •CAVI. CANEM c/O Strait. Timm. ni. w. r. SO NAVIfIAZIONEUKNKRAI.E ITALIAM A. rOR HONGKONG. I'l
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    • 316 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Robinson Co. THE NEW AND POPULAR GAME OF TABLE TENNIS OR PING PONG COMPLETE SETS IN 3 QUALITIES. Robinson Co. A BA7.AAR IN *i<! of the M«tlio<li-t Episcopal Church a^d Pamonige Fuu.l w.l! be held iv the Town Hall on Thursday October 10th 1901. from 4 to 6.30
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    • 560 2 WANTKI), A BILL COLLECTOR AT ONCK. AI'KkMiS with previnns experience prafer.-ed, anl good t»<im Security S-iOO. Apply to li. R. LAMHfc'KTA CO.. u-i'- Pliolo^r ipbers. SELVNOOK GOVERNMENT RAILWAY. 'I" K Kiiideut Enciiiecr for Railways ik I prepared to rer*eiv" applications for the po-t ol Assistant Storekeeper for Cun.truction. Salary 8100
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    • 16 2 G.R.Lambert&Co. HIGH CLASS PHOTOGRAPHS. OUT- DOOR PHOTOS in all sizes Enlargements SPECIALITY. PERMANENT PRINTS, Prlom Moderate.
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  • 1998 3 The;ng of i hi- II msi^ng IS ink ru.hery oaaa ma rniallmaW ttm inlin IMMMi;, The OM* fir tin; proseon--1 during Hie morning behall of Abdul Kader He said that, ai a matter of fact, hit client knew nothing at all about this affair. The statements
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  • 76 3 Thk Taiping Rifle Association intend to hold a prizo meeting on the 21st inetant with seven events on the list:— A 1,1.'x) yards handicap; siOu, syo, and 600 yards handicap; running man competition .it 150 yards; m) and 900 yards handicap; Lloyd Lindsiy Competition MtWMB j(jo and
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  • 145 3 The Bteam dr-dger Dokai l/aru which arrived from Gla'eowonthe 16'h innnnt, l^ft yesterlay after bunkering at Hasar. The D H A. transport llu/ord is due from Manila about lv or U d:»ys henr-e and is expected to make a short call for coals Two ( transport!., the
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  • 56 3 The Maim IM says that the transport QaMMf will leave Madras on tho Sth November with the 18th Madras Infantry and will arrive at Sing:ipore „11 the 11th. It will leave on the 16th Hot with Urn 18th Madras Inlantry, aud will arrive in Madras on the 23rd The Coylon
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  • 52 3 Mk W Dailau has, say* the |faw "f Leylm, written to the «J«ylon Turf Llub oßeriug to send to Ceylon either M«m plkmf Of p.t.y grilHtis on suitable terms. Mr. D.illan imported lh« last three batches of griffins to Itaßaooa, and hax an order to send 4S lor tin- >:iiKapiire
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  • 1243 3 Some Advantages of America's New Colony. Siv.i ink r> p.ris come from Manila' regarding the commercial outlook id the Philippines. All the isUtu.B appeal to Ilia eye. Those who visit them become enthusiastic over their fertility. Their luxury of vegetation quite jiistifios the boast that every
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  • 1289 3 I t'roM an (kcationel Correspondent I had the diabolical intention of writing you an essay on the goat— the oat in general and the Swiss goal in particular— and that humble mid >i<Uure*que figure kuown in the and of Tell an the ekevrier. For, b ing aware
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  • 556 3 8IMUFOM, 18th SErriMiiK. 1S0I. PKOIHTCK. (l.imhier buyers 11 10 fopra Bali 8M) do Ponti.nik 1M Pepper, Black buyers .10.I2J do While, 44 00 Sago Floor Sarawak S.40 do Brunei No. 1 «J0 Pearl Ctro 4 00 Coffee, Ball. 1»% h».i. sijM Cnlfee. Palemhang. Is* ha«ls. 28 00 Coffee, Llberian
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 50 3 I'AIX IXTIIKCIIKSI i> nature's warning that l'neuinuuia is threatened. I) imp a piece of flannel wiihCHAMBKKLAIS'.S I'AIN BALM and kW nvi-r the -.-at of pain, and another on the back between the shnuld.r-., aad prompt relief will follow. Sold by all dealers in medicines. Tho Dispensary, General Agenta, Singapore. fr-tt
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    • 352 3 WHAT WOULD YOU DO if taken with a severe attack of colic or diarrhwa and your physician could not be re.vlily summoned Provide yourself willi a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and you will then be prepared for such an emergency. It always gives prompt relief. Jx>ld
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    • 188 3 kIHH A> IIKII k HOKk> «o. PASIK PAN'JANG, ARE now supplying building l.ricks. For particulars, apply to Chop RIM BIE, 4--1"- No. 24 Malacca Street. French Hair Dressing Saloon. D. CALISTO, Proprietor, Just Received A choice shipment of tin- latent and most elegant pt-rfunu-s, tooth wash Pusteti and Powders Irom
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    • 536 3 NOTICES. Kelly Walsh, Limited, NEW NOVELS. just received at $1.50 each. A new Shipment of lridram of Blent, by Anthony Hono J\ 1™^ p^ m bbm Omit B.ttlet of the World, b> HUphen Kf I J MX H A Millionaire's Love Story, by Guy j Booth hy Serioo. Wooing by
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 189 3 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, 18th September. lllKll Waut u,.u in W. V. A. Musketry Ot ill. 6.1*. 8. V R. A A I) Co Mu.kotry Drill. M 5. s O. a Tonni* TouniHinent. Parsee Theatre ILrncli Koad. 9. Thursday, 19th September. Hik'liWat-r. 1.41 1 m I 211 n.ui Pr,-sin>nt M.-Kinley's
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 372 4 NOTICES. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD Hud Office No. 13, Ciktoii Koiu, FAS. A.WATTIE, Maosgrr. mOOIA TAN KIM TIAN SONS, Local Agent. Tli« Company offer* easier terras and better bonuses than any other Ooiupaity doing business in the Kast. A specinl point is made of prompt payment uf
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    • 504 4 NOTICES. Q' Q ttTALUASLE IN ALL FUNCTIONAL DERANGEMENTS OF THE LIVER. g fi^ LT.' The value of ENO'B FRUIT SALT' cannot be told. It- success in Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Australia, I and New Zealand proves it. THERE 13 NO DOUBT I i THAT v.he c it has been taken
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    • 420 4 I PURE for ASTHMA U ORIMAULT'S A INDIAN CIGARETTES I For AithmiUo pwpk who tuffer from orrunrei in bn»uiinc. loinscmsi. ■•< imkciitu. UMMU.U4 Dimcuirr I Is UriCTOIITIOI. 1 I bon esAcr, out short the and I I 1 remove Uie (im-Ihij ©f lightens across I j "oRIKAVLT *C. PARIS I
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    • 451 4 NOTICES. ImfsfQrLEA&PEBBIIS' ttf J|| W&Wmwm. Eg Special Warrant J^Jaßyfi^Tlie Queen lt <?> -67 Pnneiops to Empress of India. OILMAN'S STORES. I A cup of Bovril for late Supper J will be found a desirable change for many who feel the need of i nourishment before retiring, but to whom an
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    • 140 4 FRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS KECOOSISBD \s TIIK BEST IN THE EAST. Purity and Ez<*elirnce Guaranteed. Fraser Neave, Limited, SINGAPORE and PENANG. Premier Vinolia Soap is not eolonrod with poisons, rendered transparent witli chemicals, or semi transparent with resin and sugar, nor does it turn yellow in spots revealing putrid I
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    • 1195 1 Uaa.Mt.i Mdiact* i^:-,«"k tMram* licn» ir» i i an -ttana iH ihlti bq.— b*r.|no job— schooner; Yat>— Yacnl, Cru.— Crais-r 1bt.-.}unboil Tor— Torpe-lo; H p. Hoiw-poirer Er'.V.— British It. f.— Unitv-i SUtn, Fr.Freooh <^«r.— 'V'rraan Du*. Dutch Job.— Johnru Ac, O. c.,—a*iieralcarco d.p. -deck o»»««ng»": C—tFneortain; T.
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    • 598 1 .VaiM, port, prootob da** of arrivj-'. and Mm* nt ag«ntn. HTHMUUJ. A Apcar. Hongkong. Sept JO; 8.4 Moan. Adour China. S«pt 19 M M \|i -n. Kari-n ,i l» M B. Kaisba. Anapa. arope p'rl Can.) Auk -7 Annam. •■oiombo ()ct 14; M M. *nn*ra. Him*. S -pt
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    • 73 1 I'er ,lr. Tim* I'o-Moßttow. MmnnranqTlHimrt* Pifnitr 7 am. Honukonu A Japan liuiba Muru lv ».m. Malacca A Linggi /(//>,,. 1p m. Bxtu I '■ih.i' SWimu 2 pm. I', tiwcttonbam via pont Chme Pkya 3 p.m. FaiDiv. Europe via porl^ Parronx'ytfa 6 a.m. Bangkok B. H**? Outn 1
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    • 111 1 From Enters By the P. A O s. a. Brn,7<<'duennthe2lat opteinber wih .1 it.-a to the .»nh Aogort; abe brin.'S replies to the mailawhii'h left Jrd Aug. From i ami:— Hy the P. &O. at Parrnmotfa due on Tbaraday. rfi Hingaitore Due Id London An-lved AugMh P.
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    • 141 1 3 Rio. B'P'l 17 Brei'l i»or MtJ D 4.1 Jnbanneaen ;Rxu«kok s-pi IGOngEwe H»i 17 Fxrfalla IUI »tr 147 G.Kkino JUI».-.» P«|<t ISSoonKeck 17 Tiller Nor mr jUATyn \o orofitk Aon 1« Mo«'te«d and Co. IN Eugenic Dot sir. l»« Nnniij I'ut bsek S^pi 17iL«ngT«T 18 IN.. «'h .It
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    • 119 1 Hah- VbsiL'iNANi! Kii'.itKio, Ciniix hMMm 17 t Ti«er Nor m.r. Tovn KurbinoUu If Fob Aon l!:it itr. Koberuoo K Sweit 'iihaiu via pint 18 Banka sir. Ka^khout* AnantbutKOd Naluoh* liiiindi ID lemaila ttr Kirkp .'rick Byd c v.., porn 18 I Okbas sir. B i.-it-u Shanghai and Japan
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 231 1 X< VKTB. 'pHE letting of thaOpiom Farm of the I resiliency VVetUrn Divi ion of Borneo for the perlChd* Itt April, l-irj to tM March, III", an.l itt April, ll» t-- March, 1»« w II lake place at tba Beai-d.-n.-y See at Pootianak oo Saturday, 1 Jth October neit. J
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    • 836 1 AN old band in Dali tobacoo planting is "|..-n for an engagement to eelect suitable fir-and for tobacco planting I v ornoo or .Manila, with vie* of managing th- i'stat<! 1.-i'er on. He has referancat of h iving been in i l i- employ of tba Dell Maatschap,iy. Apply to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 556 2 A^BAM IEA. From Tjiwangls Estate, Java, Delicious FlavourPekoe Boucboog 1 I'u. packet 0.60 ceatf do. do. 2IK 0.96 Pekoe 11h... 068 do -:li' 11.16 a Rewery Pekoe 1 It.. 086 do Sib 11.56 To be obtained from the Sole Agent* KATZ BROTHERS, LTD. SHIPPING. INDO-CUINA B. N. CO., LTD. KOU
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    • 395 2 JAPANESE BEST WiLITE CREPE SlilltTS. fel '.KS KH)M 14' IX> le G. OTOMUNE i'C CO. KAONALL A HILLKS 86, lUHnt,m Road. HAVE ON H ANIi: Electric Fans. Celling and Table, 40, 80, HO 100, 110, anil 120 \olu. DeaUjned to opeiate from Incandescent Circuits. Any Vo'tage to or>ler. Direct or
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    • 192 2 H. ABRAMS Horse Repository. JUST ARRIVED BY S. S. "ARGUS," 100 HORSES, COBS, AND PONIES. This is an exceptionally fine shipment of animals. All broken to both saddle and harness and guaranteed. •JO/9 LIQUID FUEL. (Petroleum Residue; Large stocks always on hand, per ton f. o. b. in bunkers at
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    • 658 2 NOTICK. STRAITH City Rubber Stamp. Snort notice. Price mod-rat*' 27/IMII EobtnsoD I.-v NOTICE S MOONA P\KIR MUST AN A Co., have opened the'r busioas* at Vo. 3>J, North Bridge Road aa (t«ii n i i>i-Tm rKH for LAnin »"<r. Ui.stli.mi> 16-10 NOTICE FKOM and after the I tth day of
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    • 572 2 PUEE MILK ■Bin A LI'S. LSSWEETE.VED STK!{II,IZKD SWISS MILK. Sledge ,{^|fiSfaA Brand A very rich and specially selected cow's milk from the famous pastures of tbe Swiss Alps. It is al«olutely freo from all infectious germs and is perfect food. It rntVn To. fslrf, vi Tsmi srlintm. It is Incontxtably
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