The Straits Times, 17 September 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Timeas KSTI). OVER i A CENTURY SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1901. NO. 20,«:n
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 944 1 »|mie Heuyeo company. uitniD 'r^(K Ht»< Bti Ufc Aasweooß I r:u« fin lovii.n* Bm«>. »t>a. Assur..- CosaiMi* (Kir.*. The K-ioitol. 1 Lif» Iwivm Sodaey. The n,in» MaMl ««i> NsTiual* a Oeaajaaj Tae ToltaUi Ufer Haw Compary. PANT LIMITED kw>* JJTEAMSHII' (OMPASIKS. Orucg, T«i mmm Sik»it •0. IRAI MTWATWfi O'MI'ANV. Biiu«<«nf
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    • 889 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. |7"ONINKLIJKK I'AKETVAAET MAATHOHAPPIJ Under contract with the Nxtherlands India (iov.roni.-c: l.imi. Nt (nngapLre: Bmr Auisor, latb J. Dackdels A Co.. 2-», Oou.Y«« Qtiv The 'indermentioned dates are only approiimate. Mnm«r from riiwcten 1 Will Of DjAyau-.iert f.r On Com Bttavia via Sept. Hilliton, B^wcan, Soerahaia, Macassar, Hilliton Dongiila
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    • 659 1 Umliin-i! MaVftaM of ttie .)pf»ii St<-aiß •I ip Company and tin* Went Vn> Si-..!ii.'i ~lc:im \.ivi'r»timi Cnmpany ix f.»i«ri FBEHANTLE (PERTH), NOBTH WEST AUSTRALIAN POUTS. AND SIN6APORE. rMK OVUAN, SALAD/:,, MISILYA, AMD AVRTRALIh'D. llietie steamers run at frequeut intervals setwren Singapore aud Western Australia, :M\at, at Derby, Kind's Souud (Port
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    • 918 1 NOTICES. Milkmaidf Sensed ml 11/ l 1 I XT &m xaKuiD BaunvM IWI I I t/% "*Aj¥~Smm *?£srS2i ßl^i la* tkls Full Cream. mnnu Largest Sale in the World. JNSJJRANCES. rpHE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 /IRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,127,N» Paid op Capital £%12.7A0 Reserve Fond J'1,073.680 file undersigned, Agents
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    • 1124 1 BANKS. Nodorlaadsohe Handel MaatBchappij. M I ilKlil AM'S TRADING SOCIETY ESTABLISHBMJ 18X4. Ft 11. rrCiiiT.M. f. .«,783,000— (alit. £8,000,000, R«»ikv« Fckh f. 2,°*8,n00--(abt. 5M.600.) Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agoncy in Batavia. Biiaiichbs: Penang, Rantinon, Medan (I>cli), Bemarane. Bouraijaya, Padang, Chorlbon, Tegal, Pecalonuao, Pasoeroean Tjilatjap, OorooWln, Palombang. CoßK&oTo;<DKjrrs at Bombay,
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    • 454 1 XOTICES. MR. GEORGE LAWS, ME. A I MM. 5, Battery K.>ad, Singapore, having had 17 years experience in the East la now opon to examine and report on, or survey mining properties, or a»«ay minerals anil metals ut short notice. Term* moderate, uc. KOON STTPH. PHOTOGR^PHEK. 179, CORNER OF CROSS
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    • 810 1 Spnißi! Sprmißi 1 Spnli*!!! I F PpWIBLE TO TREAT THE UPEAI--1 .an hour after it ia received, or befor* inflammation has set in handafa the pins aod keep tbe bandage saturated with Chamberlain's Pain Hslro but after the parts bare become inlamtd and swollen, no baodagv should l.c uaed,
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  • 713 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 17th SEPTEMBER It is not unnatural that to-day's despatches are more or less exclusively devoted to th« probabilities and possibilities of Mr. Roosevelt's future career as President of the American Republic. Mr. Roosevelt has over three years of office in prospect, and three
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  • 78 2 Thou, tho ff«Mf Gaelic It appearstliat M i irjs Light Infantry from ilungkoiig will b» stationed at Singapore as an additional battery, and not to relieve ihu ltfth Madras Infantry already there. The total strength of the two regiment* will be about 1,600 men." Kor the benelit of our
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  • 63 2 Apk'JP >9 of our locally prospected developsmeuts in the adoptiou of electricity for light ami traction purposes, ire read with a certain quota uf intercut that a belief is current to the effect th it a wealthy American syndicate will shortly approach the uumici|>alitiea of all the large towns of
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  • 7 2 To-day's 4/ms bank rats is 1/1 1|
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  • 9 2 The homeward mail closos at 6 am on Friday.
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  • 12 2 Tbk final evacuation of Peking by the Allies is fixed for to-day.
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  • 11 2 Mb. Koek came by the Choir I'hya from Klang this morning.
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  • 11 2 The British transport Xerata left for Calcutta at 8.16 this morning.
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  • 16 2 The Sea Bell* left for Malacca with Mr. Justice l,:\w on board at 6.40 p.m. yesterday.
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  • 18 2 Mr H. H. S. Upton has been appointed an assistant engineer, K.MS, with effect from Ath July last.
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  • 19 2 The Garrison Rifle Club practice shoot will take place at the Tanglin range at 3 p.m. on Saturday next.
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  • 20 2 Th* practices of the Philharmonic Orchestra will be resumed on Thursday next, at the Town Hall, at 8 30 p.m.
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  • 19 2 A pretty big jungle tire broke out near Thompson Road yesterday evening. The glare was plainly visible at Tanglin.
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  • 20 2 His Highness the Rajah of Sarawak arrived in London on 17th Augu»t, and has been staying at Storey's Hotel, Dover-street.
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  • 24 2 According to a telegram from St. Petersburg, the Minister ot War, General Kuropalkin, leaves St. Petersburg for Central Asia in the middle of October
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  • 28 2 Am'im, the passengers on board the Inalm Maru bound for China are Mr. Cook, Mrs. Gulowsen, and Mr Birchall. Those for Japan are Mr McDowall and Mrs. Leroy.
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  • 24 2 It is proposed to hold an International Rugby Football maf-h between representatives of Englaud and Scotland resident in Penang, on the 28th November next.
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  • 30 2 As Hylam fisherman residing at Xl ing, wm one of the winners of a *.!,.V)ij yr'uo in the Kunl.i Lumpur Lottery Tkh makes the third prize hi by poor men.
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  • 34 2 Mil T I'ownll Robinson li-lt hy the /-■/</.■ this afternoon for Khanghui on a trrp for the I tit of his health. Mr. Robinnon will be away from Singapore about a mouth and a hall.
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  • 33 2 Ak niii -ial contradiction is pven at the H isu.- to the rertort that the Governor-Geuoral of the Dutch East Indies would r»«ign on account of tho recent change of Government at home.
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  • 32 2 The Mining Jo"rnal takes a hopuful vi««r of the output for tin. It considers the .Straits will not appreciably increase its output. Other countries will, but not out of proportion to consumption.
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  • 34 2 The following passengers left by MM Laot this afternoon for Hongkong, Mr. Q. Derrick; for Yokohama, Mr. E M. Lyon for Shanghai, Mr Powell R >bin- hi, Mr. Louis Guilla; for Saigon, Mr. Maync
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  • 33 2 Tr( /aila brought the following i--t'iij»-r- from Madras via ports Mr. P.O. Tenrose, Mr. Koss Clunis, Miss R>B« ChMM, and Mr. V Thomas, Mr. Gasper, Mr I*. McArthur, Mr. Greengrass, ami Mr. Lawkins.
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  • 37 2 UN the 12th inst duriag a heated dispute at Kungei Lull ing, (ijelangor) a Chiuese barber is alleged to have severed the carotid artery of another Chinaman, a mining towkay, causing death. The barber is in custody.
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  • 40 2 Tut N. Y. K. steamer Inal<a Maru arrived this morning from London via ports bringing Lieut and Mrs. Niven, Miss Johnson, Mr. Rtdersina, Mr and Mrs (Jreaveo, Mr A'ns»orth, Mr Har', Mr. Keep, Mr. Last, Mr. Mate and Mrs. Marshall.
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  • 42 2 Caiiain K \V. White, till recently in command of the Anton, is coming to China to take over the command of the battleship Ocean, in succession t" Captain the Hon. A. G. Curton-Uowe, who has been promoted to the rank of rear-admiral.
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  • 45 2 Amomg passengers shortly returning to Singapore from borne are Mr. De Montereau by the I. A mail leaving Loads* «n Aug. 24th Mr. A. Booth hy IV tn. mrl leaving on Sept and Mr J Drysdale by I. O. steamer leaving on Sept. 21st.
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  • 41 2 Ykt another K. M. S. appointment Tiie Trigonometrical Survey Department i- spoken of as a new Federal Department to hu created next year, ..mi the name of Mr. A. K Young, of Perak, is meutionod in connection with the new appointment.
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  • 54 2 Kvihy possible consideration is being shown to the Koer prisoners in India Tranbvaal bank notes and silver coin taken from them will be kept in safe custody and returned to them when the time comes for their release. They will be allowed to convert the gold coins into Indian currency
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  • 61 2 The lii'l'i-l'liiiri and Yunnan Ktilway will have Baron llely d'Oissel as rli, unn. in, M. Alexis Rostand, vice chairman, and M. Stanislas Simon, administrator The othor directors are MM. I'aul Desvaux, Ludovic de Sincay, 11. E Buyer, Firmin Raimbeaux, Udouard Gouin, 11. Wiener, Edganl de Sincay, and Ramband. The commissaries
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  • 86 2 At Bangkok, on the 9th instant, there wss a fatal accident on board the Norwegian steamer Hujnur. It appears that Mr. J. Puterson, the second engineer, went to sou how much oil was in a kerosine tank, when an explosion took I'' The left arm of the unfortunate man was
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  • 121 2 The Singapore Tramways (Limited), has been registered in London with a capital of £2,000 in £1 shares. The object is to establish, maintain, and work by electricity, steam, horse, or other power, rail and tram roads in the Straits Settlements, to carry on the business of
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  • 32 2 Per M M. steamer Lao* From Marseilles. Mr K. W. Thome, Captain Vicent Mr. Eh B Eaates from Colombo, Mr. H. \V. Bayley Mr. Ziminer Mr. L. A. Wright.
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  • 36 2 Per M. M stenmnr Yarn for Colombo. Mr. 1) Risk, for Bombay, Rev. Jeronymo Francis da Silva for Marseilles Mr. Scrutton, Mr. Royde, Mr. Gustav Bovard, Mr. J. W. Long, Mr. Allen Renny
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  • 220 2 'TIS GOD'S WAY." Mr. McKinley's Last Words were Typical of the man. "Tn God's way His will be done!" On these, the last words of tbe late President McKinley, a correspondent writes. -The late President's last words were in keeping with the man's life. He was a Christian of a
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  • 302 2 I atat reports of trial race*. Apropos of the news in to-day's despatches that the first of the America Cup races has boen defened until the Ist prox.— two weeks from to-day the following New York telegrams concerning the latest trials when the last mail left,
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  • 495 2 The Kin l.ode Mining Manager* Report for the month ending 31st August 1901, is as follow So 3. Lode Behind Winding Engine No. 1 winze sunk 7' and broke through into level below Total distance 54 Lode 1 of fair quality 2 rises have been put up from top
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 24 2 POLITICAL CURIOSITY. London, 17M Septrm'rr I'he probable policj of President Roosevelt is exciting the keenest curiosity, nut untinged with apprehension, in Europe.
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    • 26 2 His Residency is considered to be a blow to the party leaders who thought that they had relegated Him toohscuri'y by appointing him Vice-I'residenl
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    • 32 2 RACE l> I i The race for the America Cup lim b«en postponed till Octooer 1st. Later. President Roosevelt had, ysstorday, an informal conference with his minis ters ami friends.
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    • 3 2
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    • 56 2 In expressing his views on political questions, the President said that he favoured a more liberal and extensive policy of commercial reciprocity, the encouragement of a mercantile marine owned and built by Americans, th« completion of the Nicaragua Canal, and conciliatory methods of arbitration in disputes between
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  • Correspondence.
    • 111 2 To the Editor of tIM Straits Times. Sir, Will you kindly let ma have space in your valuable columns to ventilate the following grievance Kor rive successive nights, dating from Monday week, the gas-lamp, in Amoy Street between Cross Street and Japan Street, was not lighted, ko
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  • 547 2 Yesterday's Play Championship. BrMlliery beat Ker, 6-S, 8-ti Hattrnhurgli boat Lowe, 7-6, b-T A. Singles. Withers beat Pearce-H, tM, 8-t. B. Singles Manr.tii-1.1 4 beat Harkshire IS, ML 8-1. IM. Mt'K«an+l beat AnllnuiiK- -crli 1-6, tt-S. Clerk MT. haul K.-ini.ln-S, 0-1, M Simpson— l beat
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 594 2 NOTICES. LATEST REPORT ON SIDEROSTHEX TAINT AS AN a\TI-CORROSIVE. OMMMa, May »th, 11)01. RE 8. HIIIHI.I Tins Teasel's bottom was painted od the starboard side with Hiderosthen, and on tbe port side with MM and red lead. When recently dotted it was found that the Hiilfros'thcn paint had stood »cry
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    • 440 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. POWELL ROBINSON. NEW GOODS!!! NEW GOODS!!! LATEST NOVELTIES IN GENTS' OUTFITTING GOODS SPECIALITIES IN Evening Dress Shirts Fashionable Collars Dress Bows, Dress Ties Patent Leather Evening Dress Shoes Dancing Pumps, etc., etc. POWELL ROBINSON, BATTERY ROAD. tu.tb.4s. WANTED. Fl KM>HKii HOUSE suitable for a mess of ihu-i-. Within
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    • 466 2 FOR BALK. T"ME new Straits Shipping Signal Sheet 1 (illustraKHl). Apply at the Master Attendant's Office. HAMBURG AMKRIKA I.INIK TOK HAVRE A H.YMRURU VIA COLOMBO. THE Company's steamer SIHIRIA. Captain forielius, will be despatched for tbe above ports on or übout the 20lh Septemlier. She has good accommodation for passenger!
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    • 579 2 UTESTT ADVERTISEMENT^. Parsee Theatre. New Elphinstone Theatrical Co. OF BOMBAY WILL PLAY TO-NIHT. "Shah-e-Imdad." In tlifir specially creeled grand |«ndal BEACH ROAD. 9 p.m. KtTia of Admission Ist Class.. «.'in O.illery »nd 0la«s lI.SO Native I jidies/ »1.00 3rd Class fl. n "Zenana., \f0.50 WANTKD AT ONCE. A EUKOPK.VN
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    • 16 2 G.R.Lambert&Co. HIGH CLASS PHOTOGRAPHS. OUT-DOOR PHOTOS in all sizes. Enlargements SPECIALITY. PERMANENT PRINTS. Prices Moderate. at
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  • 1919 3 AntK lithn yesterday the hearing of the Hongkong Bank robbery case was (ontinipd at the Assizes. Detective Inspector Watchain nan cross-exa-mined. By Mr Kh»r> Ou the information MM by M. Hus«ain the airest of several persons wai a^ked for I'iisoner No I was taken into custody on
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  • 465 3 Royal More Tin Mining Coy. In my note* piihlmhed m tbe Alrailr J'.mw of tlie Kali mst. 1 said a good return may be expected this munlh. 1 now hear nut. not likely to be tbe case, an there has bMB sume dispute with the Chinese contractors
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  • 926 3 There b« rau. and rat..' -Hamlii l.,j,idun, Urd Awjutt. Wa are in tho dog daya, when only the common people and the rats aia supposed to remain in London. The itigantic gooseberry has been followed by the sea serpent, and the crack of the rifle has
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  • 60 3 Penang and Bombay. Bimgnn, due 17th Kept Behn Meyer Co. London ria ports, Adour, due 18th Bept., Mess. Maritime!. Penang and Calcutta, A. itprar.due th Sept., fcarkies Moee*. Hongkong, Knmtmg, due 31st Sept, Bousleud* Co. Sydney via ports. Kurualui, due itith Kept., McAliater A Co. Copenhagen
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  • 952 3 South Africa. Kkutik's Pretoria correspondent says that Lord Kitchener's proclamation has produced no very apparent result* I'he authorities ure permitting the wives of tin: men in the field to go and warn their husbands of the consequences of resistance. The Daily Teltgtupk, iv a despatch from Pretoria, says
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  • 499 3 Bishop Henry C Potter, writing in Tlit Cuitury M'igazint on Some impressions of India," hus the following LAt me here anticipate the travelled critic vtM has seen the short, brusque, and *ometiiueb violent ways of the British soldier or the British cad with a native servant,
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  • 390 3 Lift of Unclaimed LtlUrt lying at the General I'utt Office, Xingupore. Adcock, Miss J. E. Lifsbcuu, Mina Alton, F. Lloyd, Miss A. Audiauer, Capt. l<ovelaod, J. L. lUtfUtle Mageut Hcrnard Julie. Malmaocbe H. ti.of...d,C. P. Master. S. M. tioiiU. xvr Mackerloom, J. Utsack McDougalJ. (Jainbell, J. Ci. D.
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  • 554 3 gimupoRf, 17th SunrMMtx 1901. PBOMTCR. Oimbier barer* 1090 Topr» Ball 8J10 do Pnntimak 7.S.-. Pepper, Black l.uyent *>.no do Whlt«,(«X) 44.00 Rago Flonr Sarawak ,.3-40 do BniMi No. 1 .1.10 Pearl L'mro 4 nil Coffee, Bali. 1.1% ha«i« 91 JW Coffw, PalemNing. IS* ha«i« •JH.OO Coffee. Liberian No. 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 62 3 WHAT WOULD DO YUO if taken with a severe attack of colic or diarrlio a and your physician could not be readily summoned r Provide yourself with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remody and you will then be rrepared for fuch an emergency. It alwaja gives prompt
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    • 52 3 PAIN IN THE CHEST is nature's warning that Pneumonia is threatened. Damp a piece of flannel with CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN BALM, and bind over tbe seat of pain, arid another on the back between the shoulders, and prompt relief will follow. Sold by all dealer! in medicines. Tbe Dispensary, (general Agents,
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    • 340 3 KIM WAN BRICK WORKK Co. PASIR PANJANO. AKT. now nupplyiug building bricks. Kor particulars, spplv to Chop &IM BIR, 4/S-OJ No. 24 Malacca Street. AN old hand in Deli tobscoo planting is open for an engagemuDt to select •uitahle ground for tobacco planting in Horni'oor MHiiiln. wilb h view of
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    • 1100 3 NOHCES. Sarkies Joftannes 6 7 Telegraph Street. Qp \^JO Manufactures and Importers of Teak Wood Furniture. Latest Java Patterns Latest Java Patterns Latest Java Patterns. All sorts of Teak Wood Furniture Ileiidy made and made t<> order All our furniture is made only of well seasoned Teak. The Cheapest House
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 170 3 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday. 17th September. High Water. 0.33 p m Philharmonic Choir. 6.16. 8. C. C Tennis Tournament. Pareee Theatre. Beach Kon.l ft Wednesday, 18th September. High Water. 1.4 a.m. O.W p.m. Land Kale. Powell. L'.sn. 8. V. A. Musketry Drill, fi 1.1. 8. V. R. A B Co
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    • 1225 4 Under tUi« tt«u<JiniM'i.MOi !o.v-.nt( ab'.t'o'v loos uwsd 1!;\ sS**;u.»r «b. strp oq.— barque tv tulioonor; Yet.— Yacht. IJru.— Cruiser <4hl.- (lunhii-11 Tor Torpedo; H.p. -Horno-ponor Brit British V. 3. -United 8Ute«: Tr— French G«r.— <*arman j Dot.— much 'oh Joboro Ac, O. c, Oeneral■argo d.o.— dnck
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    • 608 4 port, probable dalf nf ■im,, i and nain* ofaffcnU. STEIMUU). A. Imm, Hongkong, Sept r,j H A Mosea. Adonr. China. Sept l»; M M. Allierto TirtM, Tbo. Sept 17: Onthrie. Alton, KaraKu. Heirt 19; M B. Kaiaha. Anapa, I- urope pVd Canal Aog 27 Annara. Colombo. Oct 14;
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    • 70 4 for /Vr ,tr. 7 1. 1. To-Mouour. Muutok A Fb\ng li. 0. Nw t a.mIndragiri A in, i Ann 10a.m. Batn Pahat aVataa* I p.m. T. Annon via ports Malacca i p.m. f'enang M Deli I p.m. Samarani; via port* Picnitr 4 p.nirennng* Colombo W<wi U p.m. li'miisnin,
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    • 108 4 Wmm Et-KOf :-By the P. A O. s. s. lieu ■'On tho'.iit September with dates to th«- .SOI It Augunt; she hrinits replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 3rd Aug. From feus*:— By the V, AO. cs. Parramntta due on Thursday. AuifSHh P.iO. Sept
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    • 100 4 Datk. Vemxl'b Namk Fui-AKia Captaih DMtHMM* tfrpt 16 Kiiin Yung Brit »tr. Taylor 17 Nannbao i Mr. Jooen r Hong nw sir. Hu.lson 17 Hye I*oi.g «tr. Kdwarrt. 17 Hatavii'r itr. Mellbr 17 I^dy Uitchrll a Mr. Mnu'ord 17 TantiUut atr. Grog ry 17 B«nv«Due «r. Welxler 17 Dok»i
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    • 86 4 S I V*uui-» N»m« I To»». Cikiaix Kbox Saiuii'. Cowjio>i«». 5 I Rio. I j Irt ItM (fell. JCoI .tr.j WX) H.n.ilton P. Du-k«on Apt '•',^>l°»'«| Iti N.v.«% 'Brit m] 19J& Crue«» Hoogkoat; brp* Mt >a»»l ««wr K Alboin «tr 7«O('arti. Bangkok 'Sopl 18 Borneo Coy U.I 17 IZalrta
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 402 4 NOTICED. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD H«»n Vrrut No. in, CtKToit Koir, shakguai. JAM. A. W ATI IK. Mani^!-r. MKSSKS. TAN KIM I'IAN SONS. i->-»i Agenu The Company offers easier teruia and better bonuses than any other l.'uiupany doing business in the East. A special point is nude of
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    • 822 4 NOTICES. Natural Toikt Preparations. Toilet 'I^nollne* i* tuttap—btt hmVj, •Via** fWf* tiim tmvotr, tm4 pnttc't Jthc9tt C6mjlt*lo** from mh-4 mrt4 »m" Lanotlne' Toilet Soap Wl.oJmj'.* DtpAi-«T. Ho*.*»«k Viavvtt, I»mx>h. INDIAN, CHINESE, JAPANESE Silk, Silk, Silk. Of every colour and description i'roiu !J5 cts. yard just arrived. Canton crepe silks at
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    • 797 4 NOTICES. IfUTICB. Opportanliv 10 avoid ironblr wfth r....k» THE CHALET, No.««Orehanlßo>iH, I* icarfy to lake op contracts to mipply tiffina and dinner* l.y tba month Meal* on be hai in toe praiuiar* or taken to offices or rnidnnce* of contractor*, charges very moderate. 2 lane room* available at tbe Chalet.
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    • 765 4 NOTICES. EMAUD'S I J^i mp or Japan lw TOILET WATER V,''ij^ RIGAUD P 1^ ol la>lU*ta»t ASSAM TEA. From Tjiwanp Estate, Java. Delicious Flavour. tvlo* Hourhong I lb. pact et 0.60 oents do. do. Sib. OJ6 Pekoe lib... 068 do Sib. «1.16 Klun-r;. Pekoe )IK 086 do ilb «I.6fi To
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