The Straits Times, 14 September 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times ESTD. OVER J A CENTURY SINGAPORR SATURDAY, SEFfEMBER 14, 1901. xo. ao,6j!i
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 972 1 »JMIE MOKN'm OOMPAITT, LIMIT CD T.T. Star. life IMNK ''nica Kiw lararaaes Seejety. Ales Awnrr- I'neipsllT (Fire). The KqvMßl-'- I .tmraiM* BooMfln» (Tim* >1m»iI «Mi Navigation Osejfny The Totts«K-.,, l«rw U«er Company. roe mttmtm •>» Compile.. **c U* fell «d»«ti.. -,t I ri!R BftRKKO COMPANY I.IM «ir«iH. SIKAVS!!!!' roMPANIIK. I
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    • 1498 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. ITONIITKUJKB PAKETVAART MAATBOHAPPU IV Under contract with the Netherlands lollaOoTetomsat. ,<(» at Singapore: Ship Aoincy, lit» J. Dakkdilh 4 Co., i-S, Cou-ym »Jiuv. The nndormentioned dato* arc only approximate HWHI From KipwtW) Will b« ll«sp»Whe-l (or On M*N PaJa»« Sept. II I'enaoe, Olebleh and Padang via port* via
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    • 519 1 yornm. Ideal Milk 4G388&&* Enriched 20 per cent. mTk wlth Cream. |I&J^ Sterilized-Not Sweetened. |bg«irw»»J A Perfect Substitute for Fresh INSURANCES. THE LONDON AICD LANCAHHIRK 1 KIRK INSURANCE COMPANY. Capitol IS7 niu Paid up Capital i.TJ.TNi Ileserre Fund £1,073,680 l'be undersignod, Atrenti (or Mm Company, an prepared to accept Br*
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    • 351 1 mSUBANCRS L THE ROYAL EXCHANOE ASSURANCE. (EHTABLIBHKD A.D. 17*j) 11HK undersigned, agents for tb« abore I company, are prepared to accept Fire j "eilN MEYER Co. I w. a si/is MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 18*4) 'pHE undermined, amenta for the above I J. company, are prepared to accept
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    • 693 1 ?A^?s_ HONOKONQ AND SHANGHAI BANKIN(4 CORPORATION. PAID-HP CAPITAL 110,000,00 a RF.*IKRVE FUND. Hterling Resene..»lo,ooo,(»t\ ..-omnm Silver iaeerve,...! S,'<»,ooo/ ••»'».«W.0OO. KESKRVE LIABILITY OF I ..nnmoM PBopßirroßa |..»io,ood.o«) Oocbt or DiaaoTou-— B. S'HBWiM, Eaq.— CKAnUKAN Uov. J.J. Bsll-Ihtinu Dirnrr !>*•*—■ B. K Tos»i». R L. bnumui, Kaq k. Hauft, K*q H Scrdbast.
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    • 450 1 NOTICES. KIMWAX BIKE WORKS I'ASIK PANJANO, ART. now supplying building hricks. For particulars, apply to Chop KIM BIE, 4/3-03 No. 24 Malacca Htr«*t. J MOTION CO. WATCHMAKKKS. I BWBLLKRB. orriciAHK. IIEPAIRS PROMPTLY BXF.CUTKD. A. M 6AZZOLO i CO. Compradors to Italian and Austrian Men-of-war. Sailing ships, steamers, Ac, etc.. supply
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    • 805 1 Chaabtrlu'i Colic, Chtlm andl Diaxrhow R«m«dy. ¥8 EVERYWHERK ACKNOWLEDGED J. to he Km mo«t imwulul medicine ■a iw for Bowel Complnint.. It alway cures, ami cures <|iiicklv. !l can it nVpeo.led apoa even in Ihe ni'iol .wrenao.i dangerous am Cure, griping, all kind, of diarrh,.a,and at thenrVt un,..*.l 100.-enens of
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  • 342 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. Slrail* L\me*: XIU a ytcr, or aa* fm t.H. St,;iili limla't SIS 1 BBaf or po^t ffm 120. Adverlunvj /i.i» ma" la found in Hi- toi:rth in-jf. BATUBDAY, l«m BKPTBHBSR In a!l human probability— on this, the unnivei-iiaiy of the death at the greatest
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  • 398 2 l'i.L»lDk>r William M'Kinley waa oorn of Scotch parents at Nile*. Ohio, Feb. Mh 1544. and educated at the I'ulaod Academy, Ohio. When Hie Civil War broke out in ''il Ue enl'Tel m h i.i iv ite in the Union army, and rose to the rank of major. He then entered
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  • 787 2 Co.vaiDEK.tHMf interest and. mayhap, some heart-burning wiil be aroused locally by tbe Ileporl of the Hon. A. Murray, Colonial Engineer, wherein he recommends the absorpti.ui by the Government of the Tanjong Pager Docks. This Iteport which appeared in yesterday's issue of the Goreninuni G'uetle, mentions many other more or less
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  • 101 2 Oveu half a hundred of the personal Mends of Mr. G. W. Butt, the local Agent of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, gave a dinner in his honor at the Singapore Club lost night, which went off with the greatest ictat ami enthusiasm. Speech-making was cut down to the minimum,
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  • 8 2 To- b»r'« 4. Ms bank rate is l/llj
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  • 8 2 Thk homeward mail closos at <> p in to-day.
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  • 7 2 With today's issu«, there i« a supplement.
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  • 8 2 Tbk British transport Mkia left for Calcutta yesterday.
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  • 11 2 The French mail for home clones at i) o'clock this evening.
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  • 14 2 Latnciiks leave Johnston's Pier for the Swimming Club to morrow at 10-.TO and a.m.
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  • 12 2 Mooiiications in parcel post rates to certain countries are notified in the
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  • 12 2 NtXB baui«'iiiient orders against alien Chinese are notified in yesterday's (ioirnunrnl 0a;ell'.
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  • 15 2 Thk BMb Huilff.l was published this morning a mid supplement will be issued this evening.
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  • 23 2 Tmsaflernoon a cricket match will l<e played between the B. R. C and a combined eleven of the It. A. and I!. E
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  • 25 2 S. V. A." i 9 reminded thnt BO communication that does not bear the mine of the contributor can be inserted in the .SVraih Tim*.
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  • 22 2 The Rev. Dr. ■>■ Carr Glynn Moule has been apiiointed Bi«hop of Durham, in succession to Dr. Westcott who died last month.
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  • 23 2 The death is announced at the age of .59 of M. Edmond Audran, the composer of "La Mafcotte," "Olivette," and other popular operas.
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  • 19 2 It is notified that the Government notification prohibiting the importation of cattle into Singapore from Kelantan has been rescinded.
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  • 30 2 A repokt on the Penang Agricultural ■how held in July last is published in the Oocernnuiit liatelUs. The accounts of tho show cloaed with n <vu»id-?ruHe balance to the good
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  • 32 2 Thi cricket invitation to Ceylon to visit the Straits is for February next. The Ceylon np-roun'ry clubs !>re being consulted, nnd a renlr will be sent to the B.C.C. in due course.
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  • 32 2 A TUO-of-wak take* place this evening ■t 6 o'clock between a team from H.M.S. !l,i,k and the S.V.R. Tho pull take* place on the ground between the Town Hall and the river.
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  • 28 2 Qckkn Alexandra haa intimated her desire that the ladies attending the Coronation of King Kdward VII. will wear, as lit as possible, dresses of British material and manufacture
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  • 31 2 Aci.jrdino to CuuuWs Saturday Jvur»U the Czar of Russia is the only European monarch who is scarcely ever Been out of uniform. He declare! that he prefers it to civilian dress.
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  • 31 2 A Oovehnxknt notification announces that, for the purposes of the Explosives Ordinance, the anchorage at Passir Pnnjang shall he deemed not to be within the limits of the port of Singapore.
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  • 34 2 Thk P. and (J. Jap.,,, has anivodin the Royal Albert Docks witli a part of the China Field Force, connoting of four officers and Im; non-commissioned officers and men from Hongkong, Shanghai and Singapore.
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  • 40 2 Thk 13th Madras Native Infantry, who are to relieve the lfith M.N I. at present stationed here, ue due on 12th November next. The l«tli M N.I. are scheduled to leave on the 16th of November. They proceed to Madras.
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  • 47 2 It is notified that, at a meeting of the Justices of the Peace held on the 10th in,t, Mr. A. P. Adams was elected a member of the Board of Licensing Justices for Singapore, to fill the vacancy c»u«ed by the resignation of Mr W. H. Shelford
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  • 41 2 It is understood that the chartered transport JWaamai is expected to arrive from Hongkong early on Monday morning, the 16th instant with the 3rd Madras Infantry on hoard as an addition, for the present at least, to the Singapore Infantry Garrison
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  • 54 2 Captain MrCtbe, in charge of the Forestry Bureau at Manila, has commenced experiments to test tlie extent of flaajaaa done to wood by white ants or termites, and to find out remedies or checks for these tropical scourges. He is obtaining specimens of wjod-boring auts and testing their damages to
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  • 725 2 How to Manage A Sultan. ■|i:e Sul'.an i.f Linzga and Kliio iias p. i.l .i visit to Java, and ha? liad an Miaul— with the Governor-General. The Sultan hail long kept aloof from direct relations with the .Netherlands India Government, t} which he is vassal. II:- fat her
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 170 2 McKINLEY DYING. Sudden Collapse of the American President. FAILURE OF THE HEART'S ACTION CAUSE OF THE CALAMITY. The Patient is Conscious and Calm. THE MARKETS DEMORALISED. London, Uth Seplemlirr All the physicians attending President McKinley were at his bedside at 3 o'clock in the morning. They authorised the announcement that
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    • 61 2 I lie Kaiser and Count LaßjaiaTaTaai a long interview yesterday ALIENS IN BRITISH C< LUMUIA. The Government of tlie Dominion of Canada, at the instance of the Imperial Government, has disallowed the British Columbian Acts establishing an education te«t with a view to the exclusion
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  • 70 2 'I'm-. I'nrsee Theatre has been crowded during the weejc, many people beinr; turned away for want of room Alibab.i and the Forty Thieves was much appreciated last Saturday night The theatre wax imperially crowded, and a big audience is cx|iecled to-night I'll.- l.uilding is commodious and lighted
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  • 139 2 No Hitch at Shanghai. TmsOMm SiaaNi of the :ilst nlto. says S a Tung, the Chineso Spivial Apologetic Knvoy to Japan, where hi is to express the Chinese Government's rogrets lor iv rrime ..I murdering Mr. .Sugiyaina, thn yoiiiiK Japanese chancellor of the iSttkf, Legation
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  • 171 2 TH annual meeting was held yesterday evening nx the S. 0. C Pavilion when the following officers and committee were elected for the ensuing year Mr. E. Scott Kusscll Preitident. E 1. Naoton Vice-Presidriit. aW. Darbithim Captain P. 0. Burgess K. Sooulnr [I n Momnntte, h. A.
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  • 59 2 M\mla is gradually becoming AjM ricanized. The latest innovation consists of a Missouri hoc-farm with a vegetable garden attachment. Thus* will be •ituated in the neighborhood of the water-works The constituency of the pen farm will consist of hogs with a native pedigree, though in the course of time some
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 458 2 NOTICES. RITCHIE'S WHISKY SPECIALLY (elected blend thoroughly raatnred in bond. Price $10 per case; samples free. BOK.NRO CO., LTD to. tb. Sole Importer*. "Fagle" Cement. The Latest Tests ».VI IM.. I.V'Hllh... after art rn after four*l*l>a in Iren alaya Water in Water. The »i.o»k laatl bbbi made by the Engineer
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    • 651 2 UTEST ADVERTISEMENTSParsee Theatre. New Elphinstone Theatrical Co. nl BOMBAY. WILL PLAY TO-NIHT. "Harishchandra." In tbxir *pecially orei-ted gund aaasW BEACH ROAD. 9 p.m. IttTKX OF AKMUaiUO letGaWl J-'D> Uiillory SOBO -jn.i i-1.-i-- Jl .VI Native Ijulieii (» 3rd I 'IMb S!. U ■/.■•num.. tO.AO INho-CHINAS. N. CO, LTD. KOU ■OMMKQ.
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    • 69 2 G.R.Lambert&Co. HIGH CLASS PHOTOGRAPHS. OUT- DOOR PHOTOS in all sixes. Enlargements SPECIALITY PERMANENT PRINTS. Price* Moderate. All •aT«r*i.irronßtnw> ar«tabJMt o tBC omi.lil.v. tkat Uw Vanapr ua> lon tli» adnrUMmest oßt of tb* p*|>er ia run uf prMa ol' B*tt«r. >-ut i.ot Ofuur Uian four davn .fit written ob ob* nd*
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  • 1228 3 („ivi 111 iii a queer sort of a con- m. illy baa it ,-nm«s to lostarinj: tlif 1 iriKinr For example The Agmit o! \r>- t O. Stxami-hip Co.— anopprps':vp hut occa»ii>n»lly "«eful inotitiiti .11 u»o<i to reside at "Goodwood", oppasjla the Tanglin Club. n i.nip l
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  • 155 3 Ths report of the Council of the Institute of Mine* and Forests, Georgetown. Domerara, on the gold, diamond, ai. 1 forest industries of British Guiana, fur the year euded June 30th, 1901, is a semi-official document, fnrni'hed for the information of the Governor (Sir Alexander Swettenham) and the
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  • 523 3 Yesterday's Play. C. Singles. Jhllei l«at Phillips scr. 6-.1, M ftunsloser scr. v K. O. Penny 1, unnn. Elphick+S v Edlin— 2, unnn. tie-loie :l >«'»' Marslnll scr. 0-4, US. Patl— I l*at Murrnv scr. 6-S, 8-t. Kraser-I beat Wotbara scr. w.o. O. Singles. Haffner-Z
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  • 1786 3 (I'm Au/tnili*) South Africa. A Blik Book has been publisbui l>y tii. War Olti< < containing a review of the operations in Ho'ith Africa by Lori Kitchener, from the date of his last formal dispatches to July Bth of this year. The Commander-in-Chief remarks with emphasis that
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  • 188 3 St. Andrew's Cathedral. (15th Sunday after Trinity.) 7 a. m.. Matins (Para-la Service). 7.45 a m.. Holy Cimnniiion (Choral! R.«W p. m Evonsong, ami Sermon. ROMAN CATHOLIC Cathedral of the Qood Shepherd, Victoria Street and Brass Basaa Road. H. 15 a. m.. Low Masv. 8 a. ni..
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  • 122 3 Manila, Lalpoora, on Utli Sept Boustead A Co. Hamburg via ports, Sibina, on 16th Merit Helm Meyer A Co. Manila. Tnntalm, on 16th Sept., Mansfield A Co. Sydney via ports, Itmailia, on loth Sept., Bou*t*ad A Co. London via ports, Adorn, dug 19lb Sept.. Mess. Maritimes.
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  • 193 3 An Appalling- Shipping Disaster. AumnoNAt. particulars have b«en received with leference to the terrible disaster to the Yukon liner Ulander, which, when near Juneau, tlio .liief towu in Alaska, North America, struck an iceberg within a mile from the shore and sank in 2fi minutes, Si
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  • 489 3 No Britisher Need Apply t Ink Manila Ifcaaj of the 2<ilh August says:— Mr Daniel Earushaw, who since June Tth, 1808, to present date has been Marine Superintendent Knginoer of the Q. M. Department, has tendered his resignation to an officer in the Army transport department. The
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  • 547 3 PiNGlFORI, I4TH SumHBIR, 1901. PRODUCR. OrnnWor l.ny.:n.. < \«m Copra Bull 8.IH) do Ponti->nak "•'/I Tapper, Bla.k. l.nvrra HOA) do White, <«.¥) 44 no Rago Floor Sarawak do Brunei No. 1 S.0* Pearl r«gn 4 (in Coff«e, Bull. 165J •>••!« Sl-W Coffee. Pslemhang 15% bati? W>0n Coflee. Ltherisn No.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 61 3 WHAT WOULD YOU DO if taken with a severe attack of colic or diarrhoea and your physician could not be readily summoned Provide yourself with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and you will then be 1 repared for such an emergency. It always gives prompt relief.
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    • 232 3 PAIN IN THK CHEST is nature's warning that Pneumonia is threatened. Damp a piece of flannel with CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN BALM, and bind over the seat of pain, and another on the back between the shoulders, and prompt relief will follow. Sold by all dealers in medicines. The Dispensary, General Agents,
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    • 176 3 KOON STTI-tf. PHOTOGRAPHEtt. 179, CORNER OF CROSS BTREET Mir 111 UKIDOE ROAD. 21/9 French Hair Dressing Saloon. D. CALIBTO, Proprietor, Just Received A choice shipment of the latent and most elegant pcrfumt'g, tooth wash Pasted and Powders Irom the world-famed Establishment of R. R. P. P. Benedictins de L'Abbaye de
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    • 840 3 NOTICES. CriCCIIOU Curly Cut Tobacco, in 4 patent Vacuum ting, for Cigarettes ami Pi|H-s. The Perfection c U r. y Cut T ob.c«,. is manufactured fro.v tbe brightest, mosl delicately flavored, aud highest lost tobacco grown ia America, tlic mont exacting smoker will find this tobacco is perfection. Price per
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 212 3 DAY BY DAY. Saturday, 14th September. Hivh Water. 11.2Hp.r0. Jewish New Year (VrfCM begins, Tug-of-War. H.M.S. Hrt.k r. S. V. li M M h. .mi-ward mail dotes. Marine ciuli Smoker. Cn.k.t S K r RK. anil K. A. I 11. it I Temperance Cluu. 7SO I ,1 Iheatre. Bem-b Koad.
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    • 91 3 WKATHKR REPORT. rn< <n K~+«.- rlfi-i'nl IMk Sept., 1801. Bum .Ipm.Vpm v..*.■.»...u :v 59 »»5 29.8 V) 28.90-J tasu h>6 k»8 K.o IT.VIbThm 7i*.O 7«0 7«0 -o liir. o' W n.' ct SI ss* c Mai. Temp 80.4 Mm 7<.f> hZ Max In Son 1 f. 1 g a Terr.nd
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 934 4 NOTICES. HMts for LEI PERIIRS* WukCtSUri^rfc SAUCE. By Special Warrant JW3 EpfikJ*' O BMB Pupibbops to Empress ef India. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. 1 QRCHIDf. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD jMa-S-eu. HkikQ'Flil NO. I<, ("AUTOS RotO, SHAK.miI. CoiXHCToa A*l. CIItiRTIH or <>U< HIP'S lAS. A. WATTIE. Manager. By special appointment
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    • 1067 4 NOTICES. ~<3-S_fa_&* j^LNOAPORE BPOM— IO CLUB The Autumn Riu-e Meeting ,r,U I* heM on (Miter %!*d, 2ilh, and 26f/i. Programme. FIRBT DAY. f_SE*ft Mnd October. Fiurr Rice. THK MAIDEN PLATE.-Valno |J(JOA Race for Maiden Hor*es— Weight aa per scale (lOst.) An allowance of I4lb to ex-Griffins imported into the Stmits
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    • 467 4 NOTICES. SAVE VOURHAIRr With Shampoos of aB bePSla^ 111/// \I *^-^^^^i BE^ "~"^^SBEE»^>^s^^^^B^H And Ugfat dressings of CuncnEi, purest of emollient Ikin cure*. This treatment at once stops falling Gair, rcmores crusts), scales, and dandruff, Eoothei irritated, Itching surfaces, stimulates tbe hair follicles, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment,
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    • 770 4 BHTPPLN6.' KRITIBH INDIA SI'KAM NAY IHATIDN COMI'AVV, I.IMITKIi. TOR ADELAIDK. MEI.FIOUKNE in SYDNKV THB Company* steunii-r ISMAII.i 3..W1 tons, will be despatched for the above ports on Monday, tbe tilth instant. For freight or pssngv, apply to 18-9 BOUSTKAD 4 Co.. Agent* FOX MANILA DUHKT THt OCIf*N SI'KAM SHir (OVl'ASv'k
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