The Straits Times, 11 September 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times ESTD. OVER J A CENTURY. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1901. NO. 80,02fi
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 908 1 »|\HE H0K5E0 COMPANY, 1 III II ED Ml SI.' 1*1 AMI*** IfanMt PdIoo fir. InnM ScewtJ. V IXXIMJtJ. |.,|l adn^i *t o» THE I1ORNKO COMPANY LIM1TKTI Ar«iit» STF.AMSHII' t OMPAMES. orfirE. TELi.i»rH Strek &\Vh»kv««. Kippil H (unorß. 0, Mil NAVKiATInN OIMrANY. STmA«ER« »«K CHtHA, JaPAU, P**AHO I EVLC.v, Im.ia, A"«T*ALIA.
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    • 841 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANjES. I'ONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPI.I Under contract with tbe Netherlands India Government. .|)piu at Singapore: hHtr Aoesct, late J. Daexdeu A Co., 2-&, Colltu O,uay. The undormentionexl dates are ouly approximated oteamer From Ei pec ted Will be Despatched for On Vim der "arra Samliu Kept. 8 Billiton and Pontianak
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    • 646 1 l.omlitne-l ■H*tat«fltM (^-ft.!! Nlr-in hi). Ciimi.un.v Hi llf Wphl VuOuiia". -Iviin N viif.iii.ui t.')lll|Mllir iM'tHWII f REMASTLE (PERTH), NORTH W EbT AUSTRALIAN POHTS. AND SI.NGAPRRK. IIIK SCLTAX, SAI.ADIX, HIXILVA, am) AomuiauK 1 bese steamers r;in at frequent intervals uetween Singapore nnd Western Australia, :&lling at Derby, King's Sound (Port for
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    • 604 1 INSURANCES. rpHK LONDON AND LANCASHIRE I FIRK INSURANCE COMPANY. (MM t%IK,K»t Paid up CapiUl t-JMM Heserre Fund £1,07.1.680 lue undersigned, Agents lor the Company, am prepared to accept tire risks at current rates of premium. BOUSTEAD A Co., Agent*. rpHE CHINA TaUDKBS INSURANCE J COM PANT, 1.1 sUTKD. Capital Subscribe
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    • 476 1 LNSDRANCES. THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1720) i*HE undersigned, agents for the above company, are prep red to accept Fire Risks at curreut rates. BEHN MEYER A Co. w. A s. SI/12 MAGDEBUKG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1834) <|>HE undersigned, agents for the above A company, are prepared
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    • 715 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL »10,000,00i|. RE3ERVE Fl'N©.— Sterling Reserre..slo,ono,o()o» Silror»e... 5.000.000/ 1:) .0 0000. RESERVE LIABILITY OF I ln nnniinn PROPBIBTORB. -110,000.000 Corn or Diuotors:— R. Brswan, Esq.— Cuium Uox. J.J. Hii.llktixu I DirrTi Chairman. H. E Tomiins. K U BlcaAaDsox, fc*j A Raupt, Km\
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    • 461 1 NOTICES. JAPANESE BEST WHITE CREPE SIIIHTS. M/.ES FKOM II TO l(t G. OTOMLWE A: CO. What we all Want. A Good Cigar. FLOR DE PIEORA. made entirely •[Jgjfigjrm.* to «n<-A EQUAL TO FINE HAVANAHH. fjiXgi'ISITE flaTour and aroma; packed j in tin soaled boxes ensuring perfect condition. Corichas in l-oies
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    • 693 1 Bruises, Scalds and Burns, Or like Injuries, Are Promptly relicvud by CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN BALM A »a>|>liaMio«s .ill .Jett cu»|*H».ur. For sain by all dealer, in m«.h. me* .•v.rywhere. Price «0 ,s. and |l .mi. Ueneral Agents, The Dispensary.fiingaiwre 3-B H»R BALK KMPLOYMKMi TO LET- ANIU'EHSONAUS T '»»> 1« cenU a
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  • 424 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 11TH SEPTEMBER. Stbonu legal measures are about to be instituted in the Philippine Inlands with a view towards elevating the succulent and appetising Welsh rabbit the 'talus and dignity of a meul. As matters now stand, it seems, the dish in question is
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  • 256 2 Oik esteemed contemporary ilie Penang Gai'ltf is in a stale of sniveling apprehension anent the blight of riches that has fallen upon thn official of th» ancient if deliquescent si«ter settlement in the north. The 8m '/<■ —disclaiming all originality of research in the matter —asserts that it learns from
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  • 163 2 Thk transport Thomas arrived at Manila Irom San Francisco on the 21st August with one hundred and sixty American lady teachers un.i four hundred masters for the Education D'.-partmenO in the Philippines. Among them are Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker, formerly of the Anglo-Chinese .School here. A somewhat curious proceeding is
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  • 221 2 Ths following letter appears in the Pitwiu) Otuelte. It calls for no explanatory comment I l. Ml SIX. A few nij;ht« mi n wedding wa» ™lel,rat«l in ihr licm.c ..ftlu- rhineM! C.n.ul in Unl, Sli.-.i I wn« iimlod to il. Tin? IVnim K lUii.l wan i-ii-,i»ih| for the ocoaaion. I
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  • 66 2 It is a singular fact that advocates for the defence in local criminal cases invariably congratulate themselves if they can secure a jury untainted by members of simple European origin. There is not a single Englishman on the jury in the Hongkong Bank robbery case. With the exception of one
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  • 49 2 Thk Rajah of Sarawak has issued the following order: -The exportation of Sarawak copper coins and subsidiary silver is hereby strictly forbidden, and any person exporting or attempting to export such coins will be liable to fine or imprisonment, and such coins attempted to be exported shall be confiscated.
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  • 7 2 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is 1/1 It
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  • 7 2 With to-day's issu«, there is a supplement.
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  • 13 2 Thk German mail Ctom Europe is due hero at 4 p in. to-morrow.
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  • 13 2 Mr. E. I). H. Thompson now tills he Neftri JSembilaii Inspectorship of Mines.
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  • 13 2 Dh. Davidson has taken up the appointment of Port Healih Officer at Singapore.
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  • 19 2 Pr*pahation« are being pushed on for the new harbour works at Manila. Dredging plant is being sent from America.
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  • 20 2 The annual meeting of the Singapore Rowing CM will be held on Friday next at MBpm in the SC.C. pavilion.
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  • 18 2 Tub Parsee The.ure Mill continues to draw lame amlienees at the t-mpurary building near Raffles Hotel, Beach Uoad.
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  • 22 2 A MOM the passensrers for home who left this morning by the Mmm few* was Mr. r Poll.K,k, of Howarlb Kiskine Co.
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  • 22 2 Mn F. U. May, the Caplain Superintendent of tuo Hongkong Police, is a pa«sengpr on ho^rd the U-rmin mail steamer Aiwa Irnu.
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  • 23 2 I'hk Han Whdt Ilin brought the following pansenzers from Kl.tns via ports -Messrs. ti. A. McGregor, C. Da Pra, Hooper, and Capt. Dykes.
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  • 26 2 It is repotted that an oiler of the I nited States to purchase thn Danish West Indies for sixteen million kroner has been accepted by Denmark.
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  • 26 2 Thk South Raub Gold Mining Syndicate has received the following iWegram from South Haul. -Crushing liniftbed. 219 tons of stone realized 127 om. of smelted gold.
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  • 33 2 A kkw week- ago, the death-rate of Madras was HJ pur inille a truly appilling rate compared with 78 I in the previous w«ek and M*S, the mean for the last ten years.
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  • 28 2 Mrs. McKioley, the wife of the President of the Uuitud States, owns valuable gold mines in Nevada bequeathed by her father. Mining exIMjrtseay the mines are worth millions.
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  • 32 2 Thk Sultan of Turkey is levying taxes upon the French religious orders in Turkey. The Tint- Paris correspondent MJN tlmt this is part and parcel of the new policy of Ottoman Nationalism.
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  • 37 2 It ia reported that work on the Penang Pier is being pushed forward as rapidly as posxiblu, with the expenditure keeping pace. Thus, the salary of the draftsman has been raised from S6O to SIUU pur mensem.
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  • 38 2 The Vauxhall lirulge which arrived from Calcutta on the oth instant with a cargo of coals, wen' alongside Tanjong Pacar this morning to discharge. The Sign is discharging her cargo of Welsh coals at the Borneo whni f.
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  • 43 2 Sir Boucher Wrey of H.M.S Hruk left for home by the Ammh Irciu this morning It is understood that he has retired from the Xavy. Capt. Martin is now in command of the llritk and is the Senior Xaval Officer in port.
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  • 45 2 Mr. K. T. Keid, onn of the best cricketers in Singapore, left for home on long leave in the German mail steamer I'riiuttt Iriiir this morning. Hi« departure from Singapore will he a great loss to the Straits team that is going up to Hongkong.
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  • 37 2 Mkmhkrs of the Pliilharmonic Society are reminded thut thu regular practices will he resumed on Thursday the IStb inst. Thi're are several public engagements this week, which prevent the Orchestra from meeting to-morrow ax was originally intended
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  • 58 2 A M*nm hank was to be opened in Manila last Monday starting with a capital of SIOO.OOO V. S. currency, divided into l,w<i shares of Sloo gold e»cli. Interest will be given on fixed deposits a', the rate of 2 per cent for 3 mouths, 3 per cent for (i
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  • 67 2 'I'iik Chinesn, nays a London paper, are said to have a favorite dish of live shrimps served in white wine and vinegar. This pleasing mixture is supposed to intoxicate the little anhnal*. At any rate, they jump vury wildly— was it the shrimp or the frog which said when batched,
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  • 78 2 Yew Ah CMMML formerly a servant in the employ of Capt. Ualy, was arreeted on a warrant on Monday for the alleged theft on or about the 31st of May 1889 of cash Mid juwallery to the value of S24S, the property of his employer. After the alleged theft he
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  • 48 2 Mkhbkks of the Volunteer Corps are remindnd of the informal smoker at the Drill If, ill to-morrow evening, at 9 o'clock. Volunteers may bring thuir friend*, and are asked 10 note that white buttoned-up suits, or similar costumes will be d> riramr, Dot evening diejt.
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  • 1089 2 It man incident an accident ir monkeys Seven of them crouched it I an adjacent tree and spluttered and hissed and gibbered. Oue— a great bif I monkey nearly eighteen inches long— I moaned piteously. As he nmanec he mecbanically swung himself from pendant creeper to pendant creepei
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  • 137 2 GERMAN OPINION OF BRITISH TROOPS. A Hambcho correspondent has had a long talk with two officers of Count von Waldersee's staff returned from China. Both were enthusiastic in praise of the English troops in China, and were of opinion that our nun an wonderfully disciplined and useful in any emergency.
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  • Reuter's telegrams.
    • 27 2 CONDITION STILL FAVOURABLE. Umlmi, 1 1 M Stpfanlvr. The I've mug bulletin i»«ueil yesl*rdHy reiiarding I'rnsidunt M.Kinl.'y ulnU-ti that his rendition Vxitiiinpa la Id favourable.
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    • 11 2 < l.yttell.iii SMMQM* Um troops in Nat.d
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    • 21 2 Admiral Bruce'* Successor. Admiral (irenfell MMM* Ailniiral Bruce in linnnii In fninwmi of the Uriiish Fleet in (Jlmni
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    • 22 2 Eafcr. President McKinlcy'a rundition is reported to b« eminently satisfactory. Unless complications set in, rapid convalescence is expected.
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    • 50 2 FRESH CHAROE. Again Remanded. Krausi', tliu cx-Wovernor of .1 m nesburv, hus been brought up M reman.l at Bow Street Counsel for the Trramiry Bunounced a fresh charge against Krause— that of incitement to murder KWOM was again remandrd until the arrival of papers connected with (he case.
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  • 56 2 Ar the Assizes .this morning Chin Kian, an ul.i harbour thief, was sentenced to two years' rigorous imprisonment lor theft in a vessel. He also got one year for assaulting Sergt. No ii of tlie Marine Police Station ami another year for assaulting P 0 U ul the.
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  • 39 2 Tuttoalof tii.' pickup t.iuiiiiiiiinil which bad lobe postponed lut Monday, will be played to-morrow (Tharadmy) afternoon. Tlie tiains are: "i II." l;ipt. White, (Curt.) Mr. Young, (Oini.i Mr M;i,!)ou«all. Hrockroan. Mitt. Ciilchritl, XII M.I Ad.iic. (Talker, k.k.
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  • 246 2 A ua InfctftlM to British rii.iiiFl •oldiers was lnar.l in Hie Bombay potto* eoutl thaotiwr J.iy. Tba «ir« of a laiiue-ror|H>ral in tlic Oxfordshire Light Infantry charged a i-oliuir-ser-geant of the name regiment witii as.-ault and wrongful confinement Her in I li. iii placed
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  • 393 2 The film] oftlie Kegatta fours «.i--rowed yesterday evening batmen •Scoular'g and Darbialiire's crews, '['lie cliinntic conditions were all tlu.t oooU be desired. The boats were got well away by .Mr. Johnston will) no delay, .Scoular with the fmler stroke laulinf his opponent by j a leuglh This
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 356 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LI). GLASGOW. Manufacturers of Dynamite. Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite. Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ILL (IK'IW or Safety Fuses. Eleomn Blasting Apparatus, The nhai* 9jp|ajfam f*, n ij all tflinwtmtmwi i« Ureat /tntai,,, art made lo pat, tlus AtyA ttand'vH oj tafety and Parity t«*>* itnpouU ly the ttriluk
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    • 430 2 _LATKT ADVERTISEMENTS. G. OTOMUNE CO. Japanese Curios and General Store. Wholesale Retail Dealers. Raffles Place, Singapore. ROBINSON CO. ANNUAL CASH CLEARAN CE SALE PROCEEDING ROBINSON CO. GKNII.KMAN of <|ui<.i tasti', may bare I I I Bedroom and .-itting-room en suite UIQTAfI 1-H«siic*i« Jo-n/'SSbiin™" 3 sl>out s mile from JtldbcS j.;;^,.
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    • 607 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Parsee Theatre. New Elphinstone Theatrical Co. OK BOMBAY WILL PI AY MM "Indra Sabha." In their s|>ecially erected grand paiidal BEACH ROAD. 9 p.m. Kates or Anxissioif Ulc'law.. I'D i Gallery tn an.l Cla-ii f 1.80 Natire I adies I 3rd Class fI. n "Zenana... \tDM nrAVTBD at
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    • 17 2 G.R.Lambert&Co. Special attention is aWta to AMATEUR WORK. DEVELOPING, PRINTING, PERMANENT PRINTS. Large Stock ol Photographic Materials.
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  • 2086 3 THE CASH AT THE ASSIZES. I'HK b of the thirty i-lnn-ps n Kline" in connection with the robbnn I in the II inffkoai and Shanghai Bank uftHTtPH »as continued at tka Ansi'-'s v"st-rdi\ it'eni'in before Mi laathM Ilyidman J m.'X The I'l'-onel-, nuly numbi-reil, wore placed In
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  • 304 3 Us Main Provisions. A Cam vernacular paper at Slian^liiii poblMaM what professes to l.c a .ti-.n ..f tiiH. Knglish text of tlm IVkinc l'rotniol about which there has been so much fuss There is nothing in it about Ili.t tariff question The document mainly deals with the
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  • 131 3 All Hands Saved IMMMMM has readied Singapore that the s.a. I'ul.n.i, Captain Klnttig, one of Messrs. \We Biu and Co.'* MUHII, has gone ashore oil Pulo PaojaM, in the Ihirian Straits The Pdraslaft Singapore for Djambi at 1 1 a in. on Saturday ami struck on -■■in.
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  • 523 3 S.V.R. v. the Oarriaoo., TM&V.L winnrtrs of the \V«rr«u Foi'lball ffllal I*lll S!ii«ld this y.-ar, jih.yed 11 game last evening on the K-. r«- iti-.n Cliii) cronnii with a picked ii-iin fr. .111 Mm It. A and UK The game w very keenly contested from start to tinish, the
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  • 404 3 < jkiS'. to the heavy rain this morning there will be no tennis this afternoon. The ties arranced lor to-dajr will be played to-morrow and those arranged for "to-morrow on Friday. Tie* for To-morrow. A. Singles. J. MMtaHartMC v. Elliot-t--.'. Sorrie-J v. Uarbinhir—f-l. WlWulwil IT
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  • 685 3 Transhipment Facilities for Indian Tea for Russia, At a recent meeting ot the Indian Tea Association at Calcutta, it was slated, that enquiries hail wen made from the Singapore agents of the Kuasian Volunteer Fleet as to the freight charges from that port to Odessa, and the
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  • 384 3 Lift of UmUmd hii*™ at th» General I'ott Ojjias, Singapore. Alton, F. l.,bresca, .Miss A. AaBMMT, 'apt. l.iNhcun, Mina .iiii,ii-t" l.loyu, Mn>» A. ii.-i imr.i Julie. I „i.-i.i,,il J. 1.. Bickfu'd, i ;.K. Mageet Birch, F. a Muiinnnchc H. Ui.oni. Mir- M. O, Master s. M. UoulHi.ger Alackertoom,
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  • 155 3 John Ounn Chosen. Mu. A. C. MacLakkn has chosen laka Gunn, the Nottinghamshire cricketer, to join his team for Australia. John (Junn I* nepliew of William Gunn, tho groat N..itb hatmian. He is -"> year* of age, and. only came into special prominence last season, when
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  • 564 3 MlgGAFOM, llTHSlrTEMBH. 1901. PHOO17CIC. nnmbier bnv^ra 1090 i-opm B»H A.M) do Ponli-nak 7A1 Pepper, Buv k l.uyers W.Vt do White, (.1%) 4(ln Sago Hour Sarawak S» do Brunni No. 1 MS Pearl Two 4.00 Coffee, Bnli, IB" twin 1010 Coffee. Palembang. 2O5;hwB.... '"BOO Ooffce. Llherion No. 1 17.26 Tapioca,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 52 3 ADVICKTO TBAVKLKRS. We wi«h 1 UAVKI.KIIS could realise the importance of having with them a botlle of ClmwlH-rhnn'a Culie, Cholera and Oiarrlufu lirmedy. Change of water and diet fre.|nently produce Diarrlio-a, which can Im quickly cured with this remedy. Sold by all dealers in medicine*. The Disprnrary, Gmrral Agent*, Siiigajiort.
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    • 49 3 YOU RIDE A BICYCLE You are always liable to have a fall. (%,ml»rlain's I'aiti Halm is the best liniment for cuts, spraini, and bruises. It will heal tbe parts in one-third the time any other treat mentwould require. Sold by all dealer* in medicines. Tbe Dispensary, General Agent*. Singapore.
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    • 1112 3 A Helpless Cripple N. Beu««rt of Norborne, say*: for nineteen month* I lav n li.-lpl. cripple from Kheumntiani. The weight of my -•»-•> whs redwed from 170 lbs, to ISO lbs., .i proof of Hi.- tacribta puiu I had to .-n.lui.-. Dui-ma nil tlii« time. I sought a ■■in.-, hut
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    • 238 3 Wilson Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS. 17 Arminun Street. T K pay special attention to AimTT teur Work, and guaran'ee permanent prints and the best possible results from each exposure. Our Studio will ba ready shortly. 1 2/7/02 BUTTER. FRENCH BltfiTEL FRERES D'lsigny Butter In lib and 2 lb tins John Littlo Co.
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    • 622 3 WOTICIH Kelly Walsh, Limited, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE YOST TYPEWRITER. LETTER \M> ;TT M FOOLSCAP SIZE llW^^^^^ FOOI^CAP SIZE BRIEF SIZH. B «'HI Sl/I ALWAYS IN STOCK ALWAYS IN STOCk H Ms Indian Government now use nearly 1,000 YOSTS and mn constantly ddiug to them. Their first Yosts were nought
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 218 3 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, nth September. Mil!'- W»t«r !1.-li' p.m Ws K. C. 0. Tennis Tournament. H. V. A. Mu-ketry Drill. 8.16. S V. K Kecruiu' Drill. S.l«. Parsee Theatre Bench Road. 0. Thursday, nth September. High Wnt.-r. 10.24 uni 10.18 p.m. N. I). 1., outniird mail duo. 4 p.m.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 956 4 NOTICES. I lunar*. V Bd Special Wirrint^OTaß^^^THe Qnein A/ Purvegors ti W&*< r W!B^ Empress of India. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. The absolute purity and great economy of Bovril it proven by the fact that over five hundred hospitals and kindred public institutions, including all most important in the United Kingdom,
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    • 1055 4 NOTICES. gINOAPORK SPORTING CLUB The Axiumn R.u-1 UeetUf, uUI be held on OetoUr 22m1, 241h, m,d 261h. Programme. FIRST DAY. Tiu*lav, find October. Flan Rici. THK MAIDEN PLATE.— VaIus |400.— A Rao* (or Maiden Horses— Weight as [wr scale (lOst.) An allowance of Mlb. to ex-Grifios imported into the Strait*
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    • 502 4 NOTICED Premier Vinolia ottp is not coloured iwith poisons, rendered transparent with chemijcals, or semi transparent with resin and sugar, nor does it turn yellow in spots revealing putrid tats. It is not charged with powerful penetrating perfumes that gratify the cense of smell to the detriment and injury of
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    • 347 4 NOTICES Latest Novelty in Corsets... ~\i_^P* THOMSON*^ jif 'GRACIOSA'mfi Unbreakable Waist. Natural Hinge. £f WsC\^^~'^^} Fmtklom Jomrmmlt fmr Mmrvk. '*Jr Vj j "t\ M«wr Cor»«t.-Thn noirllv i* vrry cVrvrr itnntrni'nl ot HBV it cctrvmrl o^Tiftwiaiki'e to wr»r mn from t h* ft ntu ihf jtKlf^^\ t THK MOST RIPRItHING DRINK
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