The Straits Times, 9 September 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. ESTD. OVER i A CENTURY SINGAPORR MONDAY, BEFJEMBER 9, 1901. NO. 20,i;jj(
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 979 1 •pHE BOSH EO COMPANY. LIMIIKD T^n: S'»-to» I Li«» assoraoos. Nerwieh Ueioa Fir. Inssuaaos Booiesy. as A.swn.iK» CV»«ts«v» (Fire), n KouiUl U«e aasanaos Soessty. I re Oiis. Mnts^ B*sass Navifastoa CompMy T! c Tostasihsßi Lagsv rnwt CompMy. r«r sartK-nlani at ta«s* Cosspanisa, ess the Full adVTt.— unt «t TH« »SrKBO
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    • 877 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. IT ON INK LUKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Under contract wi-.h the Netherlands India Government. .1 frar. al Singapore: 84iP AOisirv, late J. Dakkpels A Co., Collver (Juav. The 'i'idi>rmentioned dat«< are only approximate MMaMr' From Blpeoled Will be Despatched for On Van il-r n a'rm ITinillM Sept 8 MUttOO
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    • 616 1 UMeMm4 NerTire oflhi: »»rp.»it S-.«>*ni ■lii Omi.inj mid t!" t»»i I'uiralia'i .tiMm rl^ilion Com|mn.v iM-tsrecu FREIANTLE (PERTH), NORTH WEST AUSTRALIAN POUTS. AND SINGAPORE. THK SULTAN, SAI.ADfy. MI.MI.YA, A SI) AL'STKAUND. I hese steamers run at frequent iufrrvni.i (M'tween Singspon and Western Aunirnlin jailing at I*rhy, Kine's Sound (Port for tbe
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    • 1063 1 N< (TICKS. Milkmaid «ndensed™] il/li I \r U& ■■aaufi iu»yH IW I I I IA (El WwR niSDOSIaO asßßßar- t hi* Full Cream. iudiuh Largest Sale in the World. INSCRAaNQS. t THE LONDON AND LAJICAJsHIRK 1 PTBK INRURAHCK COKTAWY. Capital iS.IW.MO Paid up Capital Vti-2.7X> Reserve Fund £1,073^80 Ibe undersigned.
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    • 721 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND BHANOHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000/100. RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reservo..»lo,or«,ooo» ...nponm Silver Reserve... 3/100,000/ 1130r0 W"RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 proprietors -•'"ATOo.noo Com or DiuaoTOH* K. S'MBWAK, X«) CIfAIaMAX HOD. J J H.I.L IkVIMJ I DsrtlTT (HAIK»»N. H. y. Tohiiks I B L. Kichajumoii, Ksq. A BAUI-I, lima
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    • 402 1 NOTICES. HOTKL Dltß KKDKRLANOEN BATAVIA (JAVA) FIRST Class Hotel. Known for its excellent food. Very frequently vii.itod by British people. English siwitkiug servant*. Every accommodation. Messenger on board of all the steamers. A F. MERTEN. IVoprictor. in. V th. v.c JAPANKSK lIEST WHITE CREPE SHIRTS. ->1 sW FROM H' TO
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    • 807 1 Tfc* »Kkrt islvVft When your ckild has a protractesJ paroivsmal cough, worse at ni((lit, accosa3 pmied by a peculiar sound or »hoopj «hicb .aonot be raisUkea, snd theal lal>oure.| c*i>ecloration of murm witM appan-nt suffocation after nu)thin«. cirjl al once CHAMBERLAINS ((iIObM KEMKHV II ariO render tbe p.,,,,,v.m5| of couching
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    • 20 2 ON tho Mill, instant suJdeul) I.KOSi :D MotSHKKK, of Narnbarg, Uiuuany, in hit .ii'iiil year, t i.vp! y rcftrcttad.
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  • 409 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 9th SEPTEMBER. Evebyb jdy will rejoice at the encouraging tone of the news from Buffalo, and the seemingly well-founded assurance that Mr. McKinley will recover from the wounds indicted by the would be assassin. Surgery— especially abodominal surgey has made gigantic strides since
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  • 214 2 Th« I'ciiang Giudte re-echoes a sentiment that was expressed in these columns sometime ago in connection with the name of Mr. P. BoaU Kalaliaw. We regret to note," says our contemporary, "that Mr. W. H. Mac Arthur, M.R.c.V.S has been inrtructed to give all private practice, the Government deeming it
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  • 25 2 11. E the Acting Governor leaves I'euang to-day for the Native States. Hie Excellency is expected to reach Singapore on tlm Utk inst Sunday next.
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  • 7 2 To-day's 4ms bank rate in I llf.
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  • 10 2 The Qanaaa homeward mail dotes at 6 p m l<i-moiTi>w.
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  • 11 2 Mi: Muyerand Mr. Koninj; came by the It' 1 from IVuang.
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  • 13 2 Tut Hongkong Bank case i« fixed to be tried at the Assizes to-morrow.
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  • 15 2 Thk K. V. K. steamer Vamthrl l»lt for Vladivostok at s;iO p. in. on Saturday.
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  • 14 2 The (ierinan mnil tkmttk frimmm Inne arrived from Hongkong *h we went to prccs.
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  • 20 2 Tiik ChJWM Jfai frnm Manila brought Mr. T. W. Eddy, and from L.biian Mr. Moneborg, Mr. K»irly and Mr. Ota*
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  • 20 2 The P. O. intermediate steamer Banra left Hongkong at noon on Saturday, and is due here on Friday at daylight.
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  • 25 2 Mr. Seali Liang S«ah is holding an "At liorae" on the night of the Iftfa in«t nt Bendemeer," Road. A band will be in attendance.
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  • 30 2 On the occasion of the birthday of the Sultan of Johore on the 17th the Pemaugku Ii ija is giving a dinner on that night at the Istana Besar.
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  • 31 2 The Britinh transport Mult,;, (No. 13) passed through the port from east to west at 8 p. m. yesterday She is bound for Calcutta ana wished to be reported all well.
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  • 24 2 Two additional police omcera lent by the Burma Government for service in .-:.nn are Messrs. Trotter and iluy, who are shortly expected at Bangkok.
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  • 24 2 U'tATiiaK being favourable, tbe final of the Kowiug Club "lours" will be rowed to-iuurrow afternoon bet weeu the crews stroked by Dariuxhiro aud Bawlar.
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  • 32 2 1 11 ft. twelfth anniversary meeting of the Ctunebe Christian Aasociaiioii will be held ul the lown Hall on Kriduy the mi-taut al t> p 111 Admission will be by ticket only.
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  • 27 2 Mu. .laiiaen. Mr. GL A. Ketscliker, Mr. Mrs. Zacbanaa, Mrs. Watkins, Mrs., and Miss Baker arrived this morning from T. Anson PM ports by the Malacca.
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  • 32 2 I'hk German mail steaaier Uamlmrg wan ualen Iroui Lundou lo tue Mlh August having lell Colombo on rialurdny at 1 a.m. is due here 011 iuursday the l-'ui instant 111 liie morning.
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  • 30 2 i lit Jid Madras lnUntry, «lio aro to relieve tue Itiiu M. S. 1. 111 garrison duly here, are due to leave Hongkong In morrow 011 me AwMCS, In thai
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  • 28 2 HMMM. LaJia and Mac<tndrew, 1...U--doii, Udvu coniiacluu wiiu sir W, (i. Aiuislloug, Uniuvoll.l Oc Co, .Newcastle, loi me bunding ol iwo uii-uuk aieuiuers to cairy aUouiU,uvo loim each.
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  • 36 2 Ihe Bangkok Tramway Company nan uiairiuutud a leu per ceul dividend lur me hall-year eniiiug ou Hie .Win June la- 1 lne Slam tleclncity Company MM dislrioiueil a lour per ceul dividend loi the same period.
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  • 36 2 Mu. barton, I'rciuiur 01 tlie Aualia 11.111 CoiUUlonwedUll, bl.llea Ulal 'i 1. euniiii.i is to Haaafet me couirol ul .New l_.uuji-rt 10 lne Cuiiiiuoiiw.raiili Ciovuiiiuieui. New souiu Wales aud Victoria will prouai/ly give men consent.
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  • 40 2 It iv notitied iv the iioio itmsnl ha.ctts tint liie Kiug. by order iv couucil, liiis given ellect to a ttuppie* inuulary convention between .mm 1 1. 1 tea states an.i lne Lulled Kingdom i..r the eiirttdmou uf lugitive criuiiuuin.
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  • 33 2 I Ht Russian Volunteer Kircl Meamer Cmßj i.,i|.t. J. Lctcliiualott, arriveu this v.j.^tMcK aud tt.:iil alongside No. 7 Seclion, Borneo M'liarl Cue uus 14 pasbengers on board and b> expecteu to leave to-morrow.
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  • 52 2 Taa Marinv Ciub, wiiii wuicli Mr. 1.. M. i.yon liaa Keen proiuineutly ideuiin.-. 1 hum mauy yearn, proponet. to give in 111 a m-iw-'iii 011 HaHHaaf cvtniug 11. Xt 111 Uic I. Tin of a .Smoking Conceit. Mi. Lyoti, who is Secretary ul ma Marine Club, la leuviug the Colony
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  • 53 2 Rasa new 1 t^uaiterii arc to be omit at Kuala Lumpur al a coal of *1 2.U0U eacli. One lor UM Manager of i:.u K. M. It, Ivailwayn, one tor the Director 01 fublic >v urks, oue lur tlie I uimfMoner ul Lanus .111.1 Mines, aud one lor the
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  • 70 2 It is rumoured that there will be a Central V. .M. S. An. 111 1 Mice, having its head-quarters in Kuala Lumpur. I lie otlice will, of coume, be a large one, and will consist of a Urge staff, selected total the various Audit Ollices in the Federated Malay Stales.
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  • 71 2 A cricket match was played at Pulu Ijiam on Saturday, between the S.K. C. and the K E Having readied IUO, the S. K. 0. closed 1 hen minima with oue man to bat. The Kugineers put toneiher 60, of which Sapper Emery made M. aor tne Club, Ciouiez took
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  • 71 2 Tuc Bangkok Timea hears that Mr. Jourdau, ot Bangkok, has secured the contract to ruu the new BangkokStngapure line of trench steamers. lne concessionaire was M. Portal, civil engineer, aud the subsidy is Xl'-',OOO a year for lilleen years. lucre arc to be uiree steamers. According to the terms of
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  • 61 2 An interesting football match will be played to-morrow afternoon between a team of the S.V.R., winners of tho Warren Shield, and a linn from the Cianison, selected by Major Sutlon. Kick offal 5.10 prompt. The S.V.K. team will be composed of the following:— Billinge. Noble and Ureeu. McLaren. Kllcrtun (Oapt.),
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  • 71 2 It is reported that Messrs William Beardmore .V Co liovan, have arranged with Sir Donald t'urrift, to build for him h screw Ueanj yacht of about I,OUO toni, Ami of good aueod Also that the directors of tho Kasteru and Australian Steam Ship Company, London, have contracted with Messrs. Beardmore
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  • 80 2 The Malay IVninsula Sugar Industry Assucialioo of Penaug hus decided to appoint a Cummiiteo of tlio Association to forinuliile v aciiomu of rwirntt limit oi cuolien in India— lirst, as regards additional medical assistance to the Superintendent no us to euublu recruiting to lie extended inland; secondly with regard to
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  • 720 2 HALF-YEARLY MEETINO TO-DAY. Thk half-yearly general meeting of the shareholders in the Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. was hold at the otli. <, Collyer Quay, to-day at noon, the principal business beinf to receive the director's report, to pus the accounts for the half-year ended 30th June
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  • 84 2 Tin; smoking concert held in the Masonic Club 011 Saturday night was largely attended and was a great success in et. rv way. The chair was occupied by Wor. Bro. G. Brinkworth D&B. An excellent programme m 'ontributed to by the following -Messrs. Adnmson, Level. Witln,». Cross,
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  • 126 2 Mr. 1.. M hit. of Messrs Brinkniann and Co died suddenly in a gharry about midnight last night, while being driven to his residence, Greenbank, Chant 'ry I. in.' The dnaaatd, who was a native of Bavaria, just recently returned from lOurop''. hut he haJ
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  • 183 2 Dourlk compensation to those oliicon who hold non-clerical appointments in the Federated Malay State* in an almont acconipliiihed fact, says the Hatty Mail [I is bin) that this nxlr.i allowance i!- aivta to these oQicials in recognition of thelrfct that they am not siirli. ienlly
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 194 2 Doctors say hawill recover. ENCOURAGING NEWS FROM BUFFALO. Details of the dastardly outrage. ONE BULLET IN THE CHEST AND ONE IN THE STOMACH. /..iii./i.h, Uth Sept. Vice President Itiiievult and the Cabinet have arrived at Uutl tl > Tlie f liysicians in n'Xin Man have assured Mr. Roj*evolt
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    • 170 2 THE ATTEMPT ON THE LIFE OF PRESIDENT McKINLEY. FURTHER DLTAII^ Shot while Shaking Hands with His Assailant. Im,, Hi I Further detain ol the attempted of President Mckinley *how that he was holding a reception al the P.nir.dii Exhibition at thn time Ho was shot twioo— onee in the
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    • 9 2 The Protocol has been signed at Peking.
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  • 110 2 Al thu Assizas this morning Krcole Laura, the Italian seaman who is charged with having fatally stabbed Mr K W.Jones, thu second olbcer of the s. s. Ikmnolir, was arraigned on a oaaqai of culpable homicide pot amounting to murder Mr. Van Cuylenburg defended the accused by order
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  • 226 2 A I'kufiusioN l'aira Handicap, 111cd.1l play, two rounds of the Links, optional SI sweepstake, has been arranged for next Saturday. Entries close on Friday at the Club. Next week the I'agodu Cup. presented by the bachelors of the Club, will be played for, the competition to be
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 425 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. lfanu'acturora of Dynamite. Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL JII\Ti« OF Safety Fuses. EJeuiric Blasting Appiratus. Tkt ahore Erptotivto, Ui.ig nil fmJund in limit ft Alii. <ire to pott the l..ijk it<i, J-:,, 1 „j mfoty mi iuniy ImU impoted hy the Britith
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    • 263 2 FOB BALI ONE Phaeton tvilh ln.r-<- anl haMi-ss, complete in good condition, for ».W. Apply to }l-!l M. K. c,o Sluili Tim': KOlt BALI VUCTBAUAJI borte. Victoria, and hum.-.--. Pri. c $I'O, owner leaving s|.j>lv lo CAPI. MUTER IM lanolin, ni.w.f IM really excellent::: IKDOIIOPE Ac cos Al.r. AM) STOUT.
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    • 773 2 L\TEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Parsee Theatre. TO-NIO.HT. THE PARSEE New Elphinstone Theatrical Co. OK BOMBAY WILL PI AY. HARISHCHANDRA." In their specially erected grand panilal BEACH ROAD. 9 p.m. KiTrsoF Admissiox: IMOMM.. SJOi (Cillery $OSO KndClau »1.5) N.ttiveUdiesl tUJO 3rd Class |l. 0 "/.i i.:. 1 1 \50.60 WANIKI) i eukasian fnnlM
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    • 113 2 G.R.Lambert&Co. Special atleulion is B)«M lo AMATEUR WORK. DEVELOPING, PRINTING, PERMANENT PRiNTS. Large Stock of Photographic Materials. All vU»rti«im coatfTtn fc>y roVW-t o t-a *o- -li. 1... th»^ thr MiUftr nay iMr.. lb» a^T»rt<^u -nt <Mt 01 thft papM* in t»t» ol pr»<M til atmkm. but -tot ■Awi tL-n f^mr
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  • 39 3 M. Hi U rille, who is at line .-it Hancki.k. i, is ii kppntntad oa—l'ieiieral ..i -my i ti.i, and will leave in U.vemh, Mi Miiiler, furmorlv ihe Dull Cunanl Ueneral at Bangkok, is n..v> Du;,'ii Conetd-Ueaeral m hmyrua
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  • 55 3 Thk s s Wsaf aeee iata do.-k, mm the, lor ne: usual six months survey n. II week and hat sailing from Singapore foi Teluk Auwnrw poris on Monday tuetfih in. unit villsetakea bj the s.s. llye Imviij 11 is expected thai thu ffcaanf »iU resume her aaiiiug ou
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  • 54 3 M (H.AK.iv?kV, the Itns-ian Minister lo Si. mi, .in, i M. id.iin,' dlaiovsky and daughter lie nriinaedin| from Baagkak to S.tlnon about the lOtll lllsiillll. Madame Oiirov-ky has been ordered to Vichy on uiednal advice A Kien.-ii gunboat will be sent by M Dounicr, the of French IndoChina, to
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  • 89 3 The following aiuendincnt lias been made in tin- Kind's Regulationii for the Aitn> -Wairanl ofeean are permitted to wear plain clothe* miller the i-onilitioiiK laid down for olricer?. Per-iiii'<*-ii>n to dress in |ilam riaMM 'vin.n on tin luui;fi or paKp may lie. i;n>n In aoo-commiauoned offlcera, ami to men hi
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  • 76 3 Thk BhaN ItMMM it un.i Trading Cuuipany, Luaitad (MaMri M. Bamual nnd Do London, hwa eonttaotad with Mr W Amwtronc Wbltworth atul Haweaatlt, -md Messrs C. S. Swan nnd Hunter, WallHend-on-'lytic, f"r the Doatruction ofone MMt ea.-h, and with Maatn w illiam Qnj and Co West H.irti.|" ,-iructiun ..f two
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  • 132 3 ROBBING A MASONIC FU ND Thk oaaa again-' C>* »»ji Lite haasiim of tha Dwtriol lira, id j.0.1^.- al ftwimaawn in .\l»dr.< j ■MM lii-lnre tin- MarioM of tlie High Court there hi. a.-.-u^d pleaded "guilty" on tlirce ,n iictnients u f i-iiiiiin il lirea -ii of I rust, stc
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  • 158 3 A riiAL arcidein occurred mi board thes.». Urmui at UotOßbo, U day, reniiltinti in tlie daathtff Mr. 11 ft. I^sslie, the second oftii 1 1 Tb« n- -I i.a; oil hat nsoorusfi at 44n p.m. preparatory lo bat departure, when the gtaat, to wnuli one
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  • 141 3 Second Quarter of louo, Singapore!>. iltr StraitK BaUkOMOU ri-lma i-t imports and exports Cm ll<> MtTtxl ut 'In- vim' I ;i- b*M ir»u-il. Tha tatporta, (sduaivt ot tie.iMir.-. i-.'inipare tliu« with tlie oomapomUni limrter uf l«ini Tha L'n.l nuarlei ol 1901 %lJ,W2,o*j X7,131,1»1, r»r of 19ixi •71.176.47J
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  • 325 3 1 111 tallowing is the Mm i_. r■atllly rf|H.itot lhf(°»inpitiiy't, »..ikme for August D.iriug the montn the null ran tt days 9 hours 19 ninotea < riMhiof !JW sfawt Mn» or KM loo| toliK of oie |>r i.l ****** I 1'! OSS. 14 dwtS. hajlhon.
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  • 2151 3 {I rum an OtnaMMni I ormpnndtut Methimu it is well that Singapore ihllltl occasionally sco tlio world tbrOMgh BIMM* other than Unite wha-h i l l l l the diurnal sten^ah," and learn how tlie world wd(:s Ma other sources tliiin the niernal placidity of Reuier nnd
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  • 100 3 The inability of the Foreign Ministers to accept the Chinese Imperial edict regarding the importation of arms threaten* I freth hitch at Peking. The Tima corn-spun lent at Pe.kiug i>sj s the delay in the promulgation of the edicts necessary to complete tho Protocol is duo to
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  • 695 3 A. Doubles. and Greon IS; I'esrce and 6. R.i'l-4; bHibi«hireand Ker.-2; No rie mid Simpson Llliot and J U. MacU^g .it f; Oarnsford and k J, liri,.ii,.-iv and Karkshire— I Su ton and Whilehead, Wright anil White, Salsmann and Battenburgh ser. O. T.
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  • 178 3 Proposed Amendments 1 11:. Criminal Procedure Code, passed in 1900, is to be amended by Bill The objects and reasons therefor are thusset forth ln certain sections of the Code powers are conferred on Police Officers not below the rank of Inspector, or not under the rank
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  • 922 3 A Strike that Failed. Thk Netherknds India RVdway Company has h.,d t.) face a threatened strike among its employees in Kirn Java- i- pay, nrmntlea, and pen-tifii arrangements having failed to give satisfaction. One crying grievance arose from the employment of Transvaalers, who had lost employment on tberailways
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  • 584 3 SiaoAroRR, Oth Skit.miikii 1901. PR0DIK.K. Gamhier buyers 1100 copra Bali 8.60 do Ponlimk 7 US Pepper, Blat-k. buyers 29.73 do White. (6%) -tl 00 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.26 do Brunei No. 1 2 96 Penrl ."ago .19", Coffee, Bali, 16% ba>is 1»'X> Coffee. Palemhang. 30% basis '-'5 00 Coffee.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 52 3 rOO HIDE A BICYCLE You tire always liable to have a fall. OmmtmitUt Mi Malm is the best liniment for cuts, sprains, and bruises. It will Deal the parts in one-third the time any other treatment would require. Sol. l by nil de ilers in medicines. Tbe Dispensary, Ueneral Agent*,
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    • 51 3 ADVICE TO TRAVELERS. Wo wish I'HAVKI.KKS could realibe tbe iinp>irtiu>ce of having wi'.h them a bottle of (VtnmberUin't Colic, Cholera ami Duirrhteit Rmnedy Change of water and diet frequently produce Diarrhoea, which can be quickly cured with this remedy. Sold by all dealers in medicines. The Dispensary, General Agents. Singapore.
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    • 185 3 KOON SXJPJ. rHOTOGRAPIIEK. 17», CORNER OF CROS3 BTREKT lit l) SOUTH BKIIXIE ROAD. 81/9 French Hair Dressing Saloon. D. C ALISTO, Proprietor, Just Received A choice shipment of the latent ami most aiagfMl futtamm, tooth wash Pastes aud Powders Irom tlie world-laraed Establishment of R. R. P. P. Benedictins de
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    • 544 3 NOTICES. GrGorff6 Pictures. Frames] Michael PHOTO STORKS, Singapore, m. Bricks and Firebricks. THE ALEXANDRA BRICKWORKS CO, LTD. ARK NOW" PREPARED TO SXPPI.Y Bricks Si"< per 1.000 Firebricks at $75 per 1 ,000 Fireclay at $-27.50 per ton speciality in Boiler seatingrs ■mil Boiler covers inaili' to onlor. For lurtlior particulars
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    • 862 3 NmirES. MR. aiOHl I.AWfI, ME, A.I MM. rt.itlery Roa'l. Hininpora. h«vinK bad 17 yenm raaerieaae in th« K»t i. now O|iep to exnmin" nml report on. or surrey nnninc proprrtifs, or asoay minerals and metiila nt »hort notice. Tirin- moderalr. J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS .1 BWRLLBftt). OPTICIANS. RKPAIKH PROMPTLY RXRCITTEI).
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 184 3 DAY BY DAY. Monday, oth September. High Water. 7.24 p.m. Polo Tournament. s. V. A. Musketry Drill. 6.13. 8. V. R. Co. Drill. US. N. 1). I, honii' vMiril in ul duo. Parseo Theatre Beach Road. 9. Tuesday, i oth September. High Water. 9.11 a.m. -.v; p.m. Philharmonic Choir. 6.16.
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  • 1374 4 Under mis haivlin< thiifollowing abiir«vi>. Horn an used »tr.i-»te«ni9r «b. ahin I*).— barque ton.— schooner; Yet.— Yacht Cm.— Cruiser ijbt— Gunboat Tor Torpedo; H.p. -Horw-power Brit.Brilish U. B.— United Sta:es. Fr French; Gor.— tiernian Dut Dutch Job.— Jobore 4c., G. t Ma— ill' cargo d.p. deck oaisengan:
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  • 221 4 yam 1 port, probnblr <ial* of 'trrivtl, and vinv of ng'il*. Steam »k». ipMMla, l.>iol, Sept ]■>-, M m-iii-i.i Ana*, Japan. Sent 14; Amwin, Colombo <) I 14: M. M Annim. chinv S pt B; Ml Mover. Andalusia HoanVoor. KaatW; B. M. Arnbia. Honukoug, O.M II Rehn Meyer.
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  • 86 4 MAI LS CLOSE. far fW ttr. Tim-. Smarang A S'l.aya 0*MM II a.m. Langkat A'uA H'<* VoM. Negap^tara via ports Zn mania p.m k'l' .in liiinkn *J p.m. K'eoon A Ccutl* A/U-.i p m. Penang At Deli //«Ar- a p.m. K'goon A OV-utta Prntnkutn .1 p.m. M:iu;ih«.ar via port* ft.
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  • 116 4 From Eikoie -By the N'.II.Lu. Hum burn due on the 12th ■'cntemlMtr with dales to the -tit h August alie brings replies to the m-iils left Singapore on the -'til h July. FnoMClllx»:-By the M. V. Inrn. due on Sunday. en Kinipipore ijiio i July.1l»l N.
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  • 289 4 5 i Vtni'i Name A To»»i Captain prom Sailed. ComuaxHx. B'pt fi Wander Ku- -tr 1837 Kapur.. K'chinotzu .Vug i lagiri n.i nod Co 7 Inlander (Mr sir. 5M Ziogler Baniikok S.-j.t Helm Meyer *Co 7 Bt-nvenue Brit Mr. 1467 Welistcr Kchmotzu Vu« 27 I". Simons and Co T
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  • 121 4 Date. Vuw/a Name FlauAKiu Caitain DUTIIAnuN Sept 7 Pelayo Bril str. Pryoo 7 Am hen i itr. Angus 1 Isla do Pmnay Spa str. Quen-do Upbir nm sir. UH 9 Zamaoia Brit str. Lowe 8 Chelydra »tr. Cox 9 I Sultan sir. Cbopard !< Kiiin Yanu «tr. Taylor I)
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 493 4 N NOTICES CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD Head Orriot No. IS. Ohtok Koai>. RMMMUt lAB. A. WATTIE. Manager. MESSKS. TAN KIM TIAX SONS, L°<*' The Company oflerf easier Usrm* and better bonuses thun any other Company doing business in the East. A special point is made of prompt payment
      493 words
      475 words
    • 542 4 /{languid women PALE CHI LOR IK OLD PEOPLE, IHVALIDS I VIH CHkPOTEkUT (Htfnuin m v wtod A DELICIOUS HUTMTIVt STIKULAKT I Tk.i tliaaMarf wiu li ...,l r unmiliud »kaa I 100 «ta Mild or liqaM food will rail Ik« I I ni»ii>. la«caud la comiiiutinul nkw tsd Ink of dlfniirt
      542 words
    • 1087 4 NOTICES. NOTICK. I o TRAITS City Rubber Btamp. I k5 Bhort notice. Pries moderate. I J7/IJAH t, Robinson Road NOTICE. I T G<) BOEIf KOAN of No. SOi. I 1 > Killini'y Road, Singapore, Trader, I will from this data sign my name as "GO BOON QUAN.Wth Auirast, 1801. 10/9
      1,087 words