The Straits Times, 7 September 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. ESTD. OVEK i A CENTURY SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1901. NO. ao^i
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 959 1 (THE I'OBNEO TOMPANY. LIMIT ID TUE Staart»r.l 1 ir- Asraraaoi. ■■nsM Hniosi Fir- Insawsnos BocMj. AT'as A»mraTi <■ iV*nr*nT I Fm-» Tie KqaltoW. lit* »""«"<• *<n<*y. 1'• niiu Hut. .a! m-an NavigaHoa c'ompajiy Tt* Toeteßkf" La«" f*" O«P"T Viir* of tlwae CflvpaniMa, an.- the r.U Jviti,. v«t o« THK
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    • 1506 1 STEAMSHIP (X)MPANiES. IM>NINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ i: ndur contract with the Netherlands India (iovernment. at Smgaporr: SHIP Aoocv, LATi J. DaSMOCU A Co., J!-3, COLLTXk ytIAV. The i.p iermentioned date* are only appruximate. Steamer From KspttMd Will bo Despatchod for On Vand*r"arrn .tarobM 8 Billiton and Pontianak Sept. II Spf'lman PalemUng
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    • 951 1 Milkmaids brand ffim, "1 li/lillt' fi •tun. ""Tf J IWI I I \V\ %m Guaranteed *QIErW g T^;;""'' ri^ ull Cream. tun *m Largest Sale in the World. *5T LNSURANCES. 'PHE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 I IKK INBTJRAJICS COMPANY. Capital i3,127,«M Paid np Capitol £112.750 Reserve Fond £1,073^80 The undersigned,
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    • 707 1 tNQKONQ AND SHANGHAI BASKING CORPORATION. rjp capital $10,000,000. tVE FTJNDK Reserye.4lo,ooo,ooo l ...(w.^w, Kewrre....| S/100,000/-' 13 00 000 IVE LIABILITY OF 1 lnnnnnnn PRIETORB. 110,000.000 Oocn or Directou:— Hon. J.J. Biulmn Dirirrr rinuit. H. E Toiuihs B L. Bicba>dsok. t*g k Hauft, Baa I R Helmut. D. II Mora, >*>.
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    • 476 1 NOTICES. TANSAN Is on sale at .ill the principal Tifflc Rooms, Wine Spirit Dealers. Sole Importers... Borneo Co. Ld. Singapore. Bub-agents...McClvmont k Co., Port Dickson. h n >• Malacca. Cliow Kit .<: Co., Kuala Lumpur. A. Oldfielu, Ipoh. H. J. Hamilton Teluk Anson. Maeniven and Cumtoii's Pens. Tklif mm' a
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    • 783 1 Mima B*t»fßM w MM n»» Chamberlain* Colic, Cholera aod Piar rnn» Remedy. laptC.u. Il.nni.on well known »ll over A'rka as ,-oiurii»o.l»r of tb.. (orcM that captured the famous rebel UnlUbf. 1 01 er date ol Sot 4tb, 1e97, from V, i*' husnaland, he write* Before m»rti n« on ibe
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  • 501 2 It ix with the profoundest horror that a shouked world will receive tha news of the attempted assassination of President McKinley at Buffalo, and the announcement that the doctors fear that bin wounds will accomplish his death. The meagreness of the
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  • 254 2 'luk injustice of overloading Chief Police Othcers with clerical work ~a crying grievance that lias obtained here for years— is at list to be alleviated by law. A Mill is now to be introduced to enable the Governor to appoint officers, utlier luanChiel I'ohce Uthcers, n itli authority to grant
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  • 8 2 Today's 4/ms bank rate is 1/1 1 J.
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  • 10 2 Mb C Dunlop arrived yesterday from Bangkok by the Borneo.
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  • 13 2 The homeward mail by the Primtu Irene closes at 6 p.m. on Tuesday.
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  • 13 2 There is a smoker at the Masonic Club to-night commencing at 9 o'clock.
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  • 18 2 Lnti-T. and Mrs. Niven are due at Singapore by the Iruxba Mnru, which left London on Aug. 16th.
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  • 16 2 Inspector McCallan, of the Selangor Police, has obtained an appointment at electrician at the Raub mines.
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  • 14 2 A note specifying how dangerous petroleum must be labelled appears in yesterday's Uorerrtmmt Uavttt.
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  • 19 2 Tbk R. V. F transport YurutW arrived from Odessa this morning bound for Vladivostok with 772 emigrants on board.
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  • 19 2 A NoTiiu ation in yesterday's Gortnmeal (jatttte fixes the prices at which Chandu may be retailed within the Colony.
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  • 20 2 Thi I'tmtakola arrived from Calcutta via ports this morning, bringing Mr. Buck, Mrs. F. Broweslim and Mr. C. F. Manuel.
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  • 21 2 Thi Demise of the Crown Act, which has just been passed by the Imperial Parliament, is published in yesterday's Govtrnmtnt GazatU.
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  • 31 2 Linus Willie Bay, pa, what's diplom. a<-y>r»: Diplomacy, my son, is the an of making people behave tbat you believe tn«t they helie'e wbat you say when you know thuy don't.
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  • 31 2 Mr J. A. W. Coenen is recognised as Acting Consular Agent for France at Penang, during the absence from the Settlement of Mr. Q, 11. Slot.witii effect from the let proximo.
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  • 31 2 General Colvile, who left South Africa a strong man, has utterly broken down in health. He is vow undergoing a cure at Kissingeu under the ngim* of silence and no tellers."
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  • 36 2 I in. ryots of Bagan Serai in Pcrak liavH been much concerned for want of rain, and a special prayer meeting for rain was held at the mosque. Rain fell, it is reported, the same night.
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  • 32 2 There is a rumour that a battalion of the Gordon Highlanders will go to Hongkong to relieve the Royal Welch Fusiliers. Both battalions of the Gordons are at present in South Africa.
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  • 38 2 A lkttkr lroin Ceefoo (dated Aug. I inn) says that the famine at Hsianfu is reported as very severe, human Mesh selling at 180 cash a catty. The distress in the south of Shansi is also very great.
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  • 31 2 Mldprs. Fither and Fosters tender (&U4,000) for carrying out certain reclamation works at rear of the Post Oince, between Johnston's Pier and the mole near the Drill Hall has been accepted.
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  • 37 2 It is officially announced in the l*>ndvn (iatelte that the King ua* been pleased lo appoint Mr. John Newell Jordan CM i. to be His Majesty s Minister Resident at the Court of the Emperor of Corea.
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  • 35 2 A.M"N(; the passengers who arrived this morning from T. Anson pia ports by the Penang were Messrs. Hare, Van Someren, Hansen, Bernard, Dr. -tnd Miss Verkey, Mr. and Miss .Stafford, and Mr. and Mrs. Pasqual.
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  • 39 2 Thi Star of the East Lodge of the I. O. (i. celebrates its Mk anniversary to-night at the Temperance Club. Hill Street, and friends or foes of the temperance movement are cordially invited to the meeting, at Mi p.m.
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  • 49 2 The China Mutual Steam Navigation Co.'s steamer China Wo, which left Singapore on L*9th May last for Seattle via China and Japan ports, made the passage from Yokohama to Port lo>nsend in 1-iJ days. The silk shipped at Yokonama for New York arrived at its destination in \Hj days.
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  • 40 2 I'iie Pinang (iazeltt hears that Mr. Kiccard will leave tlie Settlement some time next week, on a well-earned pension of 32 years, his first appointment dating as far back as the DthofJune, I-S9 Mr. H. 0. Newland will succeed him.
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  • 47 2 Cuoleua broke out on Rabaua Estate near Teluk Anson on the 10th ult. among the coolies em ployed there. By the end of the month some 20 or 30 men bad been attacked, many of whom died. At the date of last advices, the scourage bad decreased.
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  • 46 2 With reference to the .'ird Madras Infantry who are coining here from Hongkong to relieve the 16th Madras Infantry in garrison duty, a paragraph in the Pioneer says that the 9th and HU Madras Inlantry, now in Ceylon and Mauritius respectively, are also to be relieved.
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  • 55 2 The Secretary of State for the Colonies has sanctioned the payment of double compensation on the salaries of all Government servants who are in receipt of compensation with arrears from January Int. last, pending the introduction of tne scheme for paying salaries in sterling, and without prejudice to any futuie
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  • 69 2 Thi Steam Laundry at Hongkong it* well spoken of. The washing is well done and is delivered to time, which is a great convenience. There is no haggling over prices or tiie number of pieces sent, either, for a receipt is given for each batch of washing -cut down and
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  • 64 2 Tuk King has granted to Mr. Knight. A MICK, His Majesty's Royal liceuce and authority that he may accept and wear the Insignia of the Fourth Class of the Ordtr of the WbiU: Elephant, which decoration has been conlerred upon him by His Majesty the King of .Slain in recognition
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  • 85 2 St. Paci.'s Cathedral is now said to be reasonably sura of being secured from further danger of uudennining The Bill for one of tlie proposed railways, which would have passed almost beueath tha south transept, is dead, and negotiations are said to be completnd for the alteration of the route
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  • 123 2 A man eating tiger of Port Weld bu just been dispatched. It fell at the hands of one Manap, who claims to have (lain no less than seven of these beasts of prey. It appears a few days before it was killed, the tiger had carried off a Chinese wood-cutter,
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  • 117 2 The P. 0 steamer Palawan arrived this morning from Bombay via ports. She brought the following passengers from Colombo Messrs J. Bawden, L S dn Lahonvieje, G. Philips, J. Richards, T. Thomas and Mrs Knight. Those from Penang were Mr. and Mrs. Allan. The Pnlaimn also carried the following:—For Hongkong
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  • 36 2 Members of the S V. R. are reminded that provided there is a sufficiently large muster on Monday, at 5.15 p m. blank ammunition will be issued and a field exercise carried out.
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  • 135 2 In the House of Commons? on Aug. 12th, Mr. Balfour moved the second reading of the Royal Titles Bill, saying that he b-heved he was at liberty to disclose that the only change in the Sovereign's style would be the addition to it of the phrase
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  • 175 2 Mi. Tan Jiak Kirn .of .Singaixrtv, and his son, continue to enjoy their visit to England (says the mi < I and have been well received at the Colonial Office. Mr. Kirn is h no-.ed man in the Straits Settlements and has figured prominently on the
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  • 169 2 EN GLISH COUNTY CRICKET. Imiuloh, Aiijutl -Mli. At Taunton, Somersetshire beat Gloucestershire by 7."> runs. Kor Somerset, Mr C A. Bernard made 101 not nut, and Bmund 10)1 not out. For (floucHster, Wratlmll played an innings of 17i» At the Oval, the match between BoMU i<nd Surrey war drawn owing
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  • 197 2 With reference to the invitation of the Committee of the S. C. 0. to Hongkong and Ceylon to send cricket teams to the Straits during thu Chinese New Year, the arrangement* to bo on the same lines as in IMI, the Timtt of Ceylon learns
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  • 103 2 Mil. Sim, the major-domo of Stafford House, the residence of the Duke of Sutherland, is distinguished among the most distinguished major-domos, mailrei (Th.M, and boilers of the highest circles. It is said that the King's own servants look up to him as the leader of their profusion. The is
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 42 2 Wounds feared to be Mortal. TRAGEDY AT THE BUFFALO EXHIBITION. //on<ro«, 7"i Sepl«m>^r President McKinley has been shot twice In the stomach by an asaassin. The affair occurred at the Buffalo Exhibition. The wounds are believed to be mortal.
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    • 61 2 ■ANT PRISONERS TAKEN. Colonel Scobell has captured tlie whole of Commandant Loiters' commando at Petersburg, Cape CoUny Nineteen Biers were kill d. ;.J wounded, and iiJ unwounded who were captured with all their belongings. The prisoners include Lotter himself, Commandant Breedt, two of the Kructr*, M*i
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    • 32 2 Tii» Times correspondent at Mi says that the Tz-ir's visit to France is expected to result in the signing of a commercial treaty between France and Russia.
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    • 16 2 Commandant Koucho has attacked Herschel and has been repulsed with loss.
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    • 13 2 Mr. Merriman bas beon paroled, and is now at Cape Town.
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  • 48 2 Tomohkow, Jjke liaudaiir. who holds thi sculling championship of the world, will row George Towns, the Australian, who holds the championship of England, for ijn aud the championship of the wot Id The contest lakes placn on the lake it Rat Portage, Ontario
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  • 305 2 In reply to a letter signed "11. T" in auother publication, by which the undersigned is accused of want of knowledge of horses, etc., 1 may perhaps be allowed to state tint Ignoramus only writes with the idea of perhaps SMMaM a little amusement amongst those bright enough,
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  • 285 2 This Dual puir oar-race was pulled oH yesterday evening. The craws were Kor ami Weaver < helhain anf Darbishire, but the anticipations of a close rare were unfortunately not fulfilled. Weaver went away with It seconds start which gave him a lead of 4 or 6
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 580 2 NOTICES. RITCHIE'S WHISKY OPECIAIXY aelected blend thoroughly matured in U nd. Price |IO for cane Mmplee trm BORNEO (X)., LTD to. th. 8ol« Importer*. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests MO Ik*.. 1,900 Ibfc, after Kirn after fourtaj in Iwb days Waler in Wal«r. The above ml) were mad* by the
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    • 528 2 NOTICES. T H B CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD Him Ofhc* No. IS, CUM Boid, Bmxomi. lAB. A. WATTIE. Jf»^..«er. MESSRS. TAX KIM TIAX SOIS.S. A nt The Company offer- easier terms and better bonuses than any other Company doing bufinen in the East. A tpeoisl point ia made
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    • 404 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. GRAND GALA NIGHT. SPECIAL PERFORMANCE. AT THE PARSEE THEATRE, BEACH ROAD, Next to Raffles Hotel. JDhc Hew €lphinslonc Parse c theatrical Company of Bombay. WILL PLAY TO-NIGHT Saturday, the 7th Sept., 1901. Thoir Host Popular Hindustani Opera, Entitled Kismat-Ka-Sltara Alibaba and the Forty thieves. I M intir»'»i in/
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    • 82 2 G.R.Lambert&Co. Special attention is given to AMATEUR WORK. DEVELOPING, PRINTING. PERMANENT PRINTS. Large Stock of Photographic Materials. All *dr«r tiiia^ oontneta ar« mbket o f r.« c odiU. thu U» MuiAffir >•• te» Urn tilillUwiwt out oi lb» w«• aoail pnm of s»tt.r. bn not oftmr ti.... Ssl o»ti aok
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  • 2457 3 My tir.i issasah, this week, will be roii.-|,ed ,n the form of an indirect prayer to Ii it able, efficient, courteous, an-' ia; il'lc -though undermanned and h l.v of officials, to wit the Singapore Police, and is so with ihe ohjnct of inducing them, in thu
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  • 20 3 Thk Colonial Auxiliary Force* Long Service Medal has been awarded to Second LieuUioaot C V. Modi Pritchard, f>ing»farc Vulunteei Riflm.
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  • 94 3 Mv K<Miiwlly appeared on Tuesd-iy before the Magis'r.ite in the Lower Court, Kuala Lumpur, for alleged disorderly c induct in a public pl>ice under s. 35 of the "Small ObssbMM Enactment 1888." This happened during the Lottery drawing on Saturday last at the Convent premises. A
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  • 299 3 The Charge at the Police Court. Yesterday afternoon, Acting Polite Inspector P. McXamara wan arraigned before Messrs. K L Brockman and C. K J. (>reen on a charge of desertion from the force by having unlawfully absented himself from duty on the 28th of July last, with the
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  • 621 3 The Report of the Superintendent. Thl report on the cenfus of the .Straits Settlements, taken on the Ut March last, has juat been published It is signed by Mr. J. I: Innes as Superintendent of the Census The population of Singapore is HUH (170,875 males and 57,6W>
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  • 26 3 In order to enable the Penang Post Office to cope with its ever-increasing work, it is stated that it will receive next year several additional clerks.
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  • 91 3 A ritcrm of the number of explosions, or serious leakages, in water-tube boilers which have been attended with injury or loss of life, since their adoption in the Navy, has been issued as a Parliamentary Paper. It mentions eleven explosions, of which five happened at contractors' works before
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  • 226 3 M. DOl Mt'k arrived at Saigon on the --nd August. He will only stay for a few months to push the Yunnun railway scheme through On returning to France, lie will put himself up for a seat in the Chamber of Deputies at the approaching Ueneral Ulections. A
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  • 294 3 Dedication and Opening. Thk Presbyterian Church at I'enang was dedicated and opened for service by the Minister, the Rev. J. S. MacKnight, on Sunday last. The outlay on the Church came to £.'2,000, of which all but £1,000 have been collected. The style of tbe church, tbe
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  • 403 3 South Africa. Unk hundred aud forty nine treason convictions bave taken place at BurKbersdrop in two days. Most of those convicted have been disfranchised. Korty political prisoners have been convicted or are awaiting sentence at Middle.burg. Four regulars were killed aud eight wounded near Fauresmith on tlie 21st
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  • 190 3 St. Andrew's Cathedral. (14th Sunday after Trinity.) 7 a. in.. Matins (Parade Service). 1M a in., Holy Communion (Cboral). 6.JU p. m., Evensong, and rtermoa. St. Matthew's Church, Sepoy Lines. 6.16 p. m. t Evensong and Sermon. ROMAN CATHOLIC Cathedral ol the Oood Shepherd, Victoria Street and
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  • 579 3 SMOAPOU, 7TH RsPTSHBia. 1901. Pltonri-E. Gambler buyers 11*6 Copra Bali 8.50 do Pontvmak 7.36 Pepper, Blaek 80.80 do White, (6%) 44.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 8.S6 do Brunei No. 1 296 Pearl Tago 3.96 Coffee, Bali, 16* baal. 1900 Coffee. Pal em hang. 20% basis 26.00 Coffee. Lilieriso No. 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 51 3 ADVICE TO TRAVKLKRS"" We wish TRAVELERS could realise the importance of having with them a bottle of <:hamherlai,is Colic, Cholera and MssTSJSM lu-medy Change of water and diet frequently produce Diarrhoea, which can be quickly cured with this remedy. Sold by all dealers in medicine*. The Dispensary, General Agents,
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    • 49 3 YOl' RIDE A BICYCLE. You are always liable to have a fall. Ckamlmrlami^ Fain Halm is the best liniment for eats, sprains, and bruises. It will teal tht) parts in one-third the time any other treatment would require. Sold by all dealers in medicines. The Dispensary, (ieneral Agents, Singapore.
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    • 388 3 PUfAHG TI'RF CLUB. DEBENTTJEE IS3UB. VI A .SPECIAL GENERAL MKETIMJ of the members of tbe Pennng Turf Club, called for the purpose, and held in the SvcretaryV offl.-e. 2a, lagan's Buildings, on 16tb January last, it was decided to issue 260 l-elien'turei of |100 each, l«aring interest at the rate
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    • 178 3 PHOTOGRAPHEU. 179, CORNER OF CROSS STREET MSB fOL'TH BKIDOE ROAD. 21/9 French Hair Dressing Saloon. D. CALISTO, Proprietor, Just Received A choice shipment of tlie lateett and most elegant pert'timcs, tooth wash Pastes and Powders trom the world-lamed Establishment of R. R. P. P. Benedictins de L'Abbaye de Soulac Known
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    • 604 3 NOTICES. Kodaks Hf i&Films. UEOKGE MICHAEL I Robinson Road. MR. GEORGE LAW*. H.E. A.I M M 6, Battery Road. Singapore, having has! 17 years experience in the Bast is now open to exaroia* and report on, or surrey mining properties, or sssay minerals and metals at short notic>*. Terms modorate.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 178 3 DAY BY DAY. Saturday, 7th September. HiKb Watei. 4.19p.ra. S 0 C. Cricket. S. R C. Crick.-t. H. V A Musketry. Ftal Stier. 4. I. O. li T. T n-.perance Club. 7.30. Masonic Club Smokei. 9. Sunday, Bth September. High Wittar. 6.57 a.m. 6.68 p.m Fourteenth after Trinity. B. V.
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    • 1333 4 Under inisOMdiogtlviloHow n« ahr.r»vnttoos are ose4 ;ir. iteara^r sh. «Mp; bq.— barque sch eohoonar; Y-'. -Yacht On.— Cruiser Gbt.— flanboat TorTorpedo H.p. -Homo-power Rrit.— British 0. rt— United hm,*. FrPreuch Ger. German D'lt. Dutch: loh.-Jobore 4c, st. a, Qsiasral ■aiyo d.p. -deck DVsenßera tT— l'-nrtr lain; T.
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    • 298 4 Sartv., port, probahU date 0/ arrival, and namr. of agenU. HTKAMKEf. Ve»m.>mnon, I/pool, Sept 10; Mansfield. Anna, 'apsn, Sfpt 14) Vnnam. 1 Colombo. Ocl II; MM Vnnim. fhinv H-pt llehn Meyer. AmWliuii. Roo*kou Sept M R. M. \rai>i». Honjkonu. Oc.l II R»bn Mpv.-r \r«onia, China. Sept U; Behn
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    • 98 4 MAILS CL OS E. tor Per rfr. Timr. To-Day. Hongkong <h1.,.1r.i 1 pin. xiiiDKhai A Jtipan /'a/'iK'a.i 3 p.m. Klang via purls Nappta 4 p.m. Montok A Il>«uk A'u/../ 4 p.m. M il'i.v* HorilMr.,l, 4 p.m. Batu Pabat Ummmm I p.m. MOKDAV. Ch'bon 4 Bmurnns Mwlm 10 am. Malacca A
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    • 108 4 From Eckoih: -By the N.D.1.. n.s. Ham burn dne on Ibe U'th -eptemlier with date* to the 20th August; she bring* replies to the mails which left Singapore on toe 3Mh July. From ("him By I hi- N.D.L. fti«ii /rene due on Monday. July Mist N. EL.
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  • 208 4 5 V»BL'i N*m 4° 'Tom. CiPiii* Fun Biitw. Oomtairu*. 3 I Rio. m! Argui. Brit itr. 18r_' Robinson Melbourne Auk _>l MrAlutor and Co 6 RWnd Castle itr. KHB McDowell New York July Jl Hou»i«kJ and Co 0 Bornoo itr V 4 Kobinoon Bangkok Sept 2UwBom 6 Keriab U«r
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 664 4 NOTICES SORE HANDS Red, Rough Hands, Itching Burning Palms and Painful Finger Ends ONE NIGHT TREATMENT Soak the hands on retiring: in a strong, hot. creamy lather of CUTICURA SOAP. Dry,' and anoint freely with CUTICURA, the great skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear, during the night, old, loose
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    • 746 4 NOTICES. ijiibfwLEi«PEniis' mm m-m wessEsiu^iiic m&tT v Bg Special Warrant MgHßJ^Tfca Quin Pinoiipsti «*^^SSW7»» Eipms of India. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL CO. Have just unpacked a larsrc seleotiou of Indian and Chinese made silver ware and silver jewellery. All kinds of Indian, Burmesp, Chinese aud Japanese made
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    • 621 4 NOTICB,. NOTION. STRAITB Cllv Robbwr rjtamu. Short notkcA. Price modKratu. 37/IMil t, Rohinson Road NOTICB. TOO BOEN KOVN of No 30». Killiooy Road, Sinnaport, Trader, win from this dat« sign my name as underneath. •GO BOON QUAN." •»h Auirast, 1801. 10/9 NIJTITE. •pp«rtßiilljr I* areld trraMr with e».lu. THE CHALET,
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    • 102 4 NOTICES. "TIMEH" AND "BUIXtKr" StrniU Tmrt, 130 a rtsr, or %J\ a month or flftaan cent* a copy. Po*t Fre», 9*l qaarter. Straiu Budyet post (re*, |.ii yaw, ot 16 l qusrtor, or 40 cenU a oopy. The adrartising rate* an: ant time, IS cents a hoe; and and 3rd
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