The Straits Times, 4 September 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. KSTD. OVER i A CENTURY SINGAPORE WEDNESDAY, SEFTEMBER 4, 1901. NO. 30,620
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 909 1 XOTirFS. •jX.lli bl'KNbO < »Vi. ilAllltl) »|1 Mil' LIJ- >»" Dm, mmam At*aa Awnir."^ Oomfeat ll'tr*.'. Th. Ba^Mal i "*TTa. ni« Viwal Wavigalii-B C«a<ir.oj Th. T.#taot.«n I-*" r Ccn^ny. v.w nrtimiius of th...-. Coaapamr.. es. tb. tmtmSSSHmmt .1 THK JSSSo 00» PANT I.IMITVI' AyentP STF.\MS*nr CnMI'ANIKX 'fir WIIA»v«AKxFP«LH..:|.,iIiR. JTKAW |»AVl«ATl'i>
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    • 832 1 STE-\MSHIP COMPANIES.. T7-ONINKLIJKE PAKETTAAKI MAATBCHAPPIJ L'nd. r contract with the Netherlands ln-lia tiovornmeot. 4 U'Ml -I Singapore: SHIP AOHCT, LATI J. DAIXDaU, it Cr>., COU.TIE QOAV: The undermentioned dates are only approximate st-,.mer From Expected Will be Despatched tor Un Swit'rdeivoon t'otie via ports Augt :;i Bamljermassin, KoU Baroe. Bnlik
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    • 711 1 JffttlTO CTKAMBHIi' tU d.W. RL s IVn mm iin Mondavi) ul 4 p.m. he Malacca. Kuala Klang, 'ami Teluk S. 'Wmi'i 'in Wednesdavn »t 4p.m. for Ma.acca, Pan Dickson. Kuala KiKiiij. .M.i Toluk Admid. B.S -Ban \Vh»u Hin": On Friday at 4 p.m. for Malacca, Port Dickson. and S. K
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    • 603 1 LNSOBAA'CES. rpHE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE I FIKF. INSUKANOK COMPANY. CwiUl t~.MJ7.ROO Paid np Capital 013.710 Reserve Fund £l,U7S.r>BO The ocderaigned. Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at I'urrem rnUia of preroium. BOCSTKAD A Co., Agenta. rt CHINA TRtDEKB ISSt'IUS' F OOMPANT. LIMITKD. :.pit»l VaMcrih^ U.IIOU.OH. Amount
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    • 465 1 INSURANCES. THK ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. cSI.VHI.ISHKI) A.D. 17*» I 'I'HE undersi«ned, agonU for the above I company, aru prep ired lo accept Fire Risks at current ratov BEHX MEYER 4 Co. Il s. 31/12 MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTARLIHHEI) AD. 1884) •IMIK undersigned, agents (or tho above i X company,
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    • 949 1 BANK. Noderlandsoho Handel Maatachappij. Nr. iIIr.KI.AMiS TRADING WMIKTY ESTIBLKHBD lt«4. Piiu np Capital f. 30,783,000— (aht. £3.00)1,000, Kksmvi Fi-sn :,MiW,UOO— (abt. -24(1.600.) Head Offlce in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. BmncHia: Penans, Ranxoon, Medan (Deli), fiemaraiif, Sourabnya, Padans, Cheribon, Tegal, Pocalongan, Pasoerneao Tjilatjap, UoronUlo, Palemuang. Cork»pohd(xtB at Bombay, Colombo. Madras,
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    • 315 1 NOTICES, REALLY EXCELLENT!!! INDCOOi'K (X)S VLK AND STOUT. Price $1 80 per doz pints P rice SI 100 per oase of 7 doz pint* Delivered free within 3 milea railiua. W.A.Wafford&Co., MTTLaON, ANSOX ROAD, Singapore DKWAR'S PERTH WHISKY. WE lmve this day received a telegram from Messrs. Dewar Sons, Limited,
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    • 705 1 CHAMMrtLAIHS I Col '2 H REMEDY Hrn, V«w» hr™,,, <,vr in nm »f COUGH coui-. caoir WHIX.PINIJCOUOH IXFLCSVZA Try it wbea la need. •T-rywhare. Mm SO cs. and HI. Uen •ral Agents, The MaftWMjr, flingapora. KOK .SALK KMPLOYMKNI'.S TO I ,ET- ANDJfKKSONAI^ :itr time, IS »nu Hoe tad and 3rd
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  • 379 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 3rd SEPTEMBER. KxUovehnok Kkalse of Johannesburg, who has been arrested and iirraigued, and is now held without bail od a charge of high treason, it a man that even Lord Roberts regarded as an honest friend to the British. Krause it. mm who,
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  • 975 2 DtiiiNG thp past di-i-ailt: or so, the world's great metropolis has been transmuting itself into a Londou as different in physical aspects from the London of the '70's as it is from the Bombay or Singapore of to-day. The transformations that have been effected within its vast limits in ten
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  • 222 2 Panrni Cam bm come out of bis difference with the German Kmperor without a kowtow, and with distinct ee/«< but we fail to sec what soothing effects— moral or political —can be wrought, or what mode of reparation for the murder of Baron von Ketteler is conveyed, by the visit
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  • 7 2 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is 1/11 ft
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  • 8 2 The UtraiU Lludgcl will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 12 2 Mbsbks. KnRKEKand Ezra arrived from Cheribon by the Gumri Seng this morning
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  • 18 2 Thr British transport CAi«</ru(No. a) passed through the port from west to east at .1 15 p.m. yeßterday.
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  • 20 2 Thk Uev. Fathers Rivet and Nain eavu shortly for I'enang, where the innual retreat is to be held this year
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  • 22 2 Thk Siamese Embassy to Berlin wan to leave Bangkok to-day to meet the (ierman until which leaves here on the 10th inst.
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  • 22 2 Two hundred and ten deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on Saturday last. Tin- rstio I>er thousand was -H.2S.
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  • 24 2 Thi C. .Iprar arrived from llonckonc. yesterday morning. She has on board Mr. A Mrs Mehta and Mr. R. R. Raymond bound for Calcutta.
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  • 26 2 Out of the five prisoners who were condemned to death at the last I'enang Assizes, three have had their sentences commuted to penal servitude for life.
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  • 24 2 Ai'KOPos of the recent collapse of houses at. Hongkong, the China Mail pertinently remarks that houses are coining down— but rents are going up
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  • 27 2 Thk homeward P. O. mail steamer Miusilia left Hongkong on Saturday last and is due here to-morrow morning. The mail closes at 6 o'clock on Friday morning.
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  • 32 2 At the Assizes yesterday, Tflh Hai got two years for theft. "A i harp- of rohbory against Tan Low Soo and Hoi>k Joo Tee was not proved, and the prisonern were discharged.
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  • 26 2 Ma. Im.a.nusco Oviedo, Mr. Knigh', Mies Ciurniner and Matel I'uuliuH arrived from Bangkok tu-duy by the T.-tulU. The Coiypso brought Hn, Reidi fr.jiu Dtli this morning.
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  • 27 2 A limru proclamation has been issued declaring the part of Newchwang to be under Russian protection, nnd ordering all Chinese rexidents to act solely under Russian guidance.
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  • 27 2 The following telegram has heen received by the Raub Australian Gold Mining Company from Raub:— Crushing finished. 3,200 tons ol stone realized 1,723 ozs. of smelted gold."
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  • 39 2 H.MS L'o:ario left at 10 this morning for the Cocos, taking Mr. \V. L. Carter who is the Commissioner carrying out out this year's inspection. By the courtesy of the ship'n commander, she takes a mail to the Cocos.
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  • 40 2 The Italian araksf Elha left Nagasaki for Takn on the 7th ult., in response to nltelegraphicorder from Admiral Cirenet The Elha and the SlromMi have been recalled to Europe, and will shortly sail for home from the Gulf ol Pecbili.
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  • 39 2 Five native passengers died ol cholera on board the Giaun Smij from Cheribon. Three hundred and sixty four passengers are to be landed at Bt John's Island and the steamer is to be disinfected before communicating with the shore.
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  • 33 2 Thk Dutch survey-steamer Vlmmmt, Captain Dekkers, arrived yesterday from Hengkalis calling at Bagan, Apiapi, and Panei m mule and went alongside the wharf. Her destination is Khio and her date of departure iuncertain.
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  • 42 2 It is understood at Penang that next year the financial records in <onn ctiou with the revenue of that Settlement will be kept at tba local Treasury, the Singapore head office finding it more convenient that the work should be done there.
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  • 42 2 A movkmbst his been made by the sanitary officers with a view lo ensuring cleanlinei-s on bakery premises. This was seemingly ne.-il.-ii. since it has been found necessary to summon the proprietors of two bakeries und>r European management, for having lilthy premises.
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  • 41 2 Says the Civilian The Hon. William T. Taylor, C.M.0., the AuditorGeneral of Ceylon, who was appointed some time ago to the Colonial Secretaryship of the Straits Settlements, was formerly in the Customs at Wexford, where he spent his youth and educated.
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  • 47 2 Tiik French Yunnan Mission, under M. Francois, the Consul-General, is said to h- delighted wiih the reception whih it met on its arrival at the capital of the province. M. Franrois, who had gone before the rest of the minion, is satisfied with the Chinese anthoririe*' welcome.
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  • 62 2 The petroleum industry in Japan has made remarkable developments of late years. At the end of June 1 t—t 67 companies, with an agcregate capital of yen 16,730,460, were engaged in the work Compared with the corresponding period of last year, this is an increase of 1 1 in the
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  • 62 2 Among the passengers on board tIM Aw bound for Hongkong are Mr r. Crossley, Mr. \V. Marlield and Mr. W. Leverett. Those for Yokohama are Mr andMrs.A.Jovaiiseii, Mr. 11. E.Gill's, Mr. B. Thompson, and Mi-s B. Lovell, and those for Kobe are Mr. tf Clarke, Mi-b I. Clarke, and
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  • 51 2 In chronicling the departure of several Ceylonese to take up employment at Singapore and Penang, a Colombo paper remarks that two of them have obtained lucrative appointments. That journal understands that, in the near future there will be a few more Ceylonesn proceeding to the Straits .Settlements to seek their
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  • 64 2 A musical evening was held at the Sailors' Home last night as a welcome to the men or H M. 8. Albion. An enjoyable proeramme was given and wis greatly appreciated Amongst those who kindly took part in the entertainment were Mr. Revel, Lieut. May, K. A Miss Werry, Mr.
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  • 67 2 Tut. N Y. K steamer 4m Mara, arrived this morning from Antwerp ria ports. She brought the lollowing pas-Hainm:-Dr. A. Davidson, Mrs. J. Adooek, Misi K. Shankland, Mb* M. Jenkins, Mr and Mrs. Mctiill, Mr. T ter Moss, Mr. A. van I'esch, Mr. W McKenzie, Mr Mrs., Miss and Master
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  • 74 2 YKtiKKDAV afternoon a bit of a Donnybrook occured iv Queen Street h.-t ween a number of Bengali tailors and 'rikisha pullers, in which bricks were fmely used. Nine pullers and five Bengalis were arrested. Some of the pullers were hurt, but they declined to go to Hospital. The police collected
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  • 73 2 Tiiik morning, Marciano Kivera, a lnading l'ilipino, and a member of the mission which went to the United Stale- under Senor Agoncillos at the beginning of the war, was married to Dionicia Perez in the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd." The bride, who was given away by Criaanto Lithanco, was
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  • 78 2 Antnpos of the very nearly serious matter which occurred at the Halestier rille range, or rather behiud the butts, yesterday morning, further police investigation has discovered that the erratic bullet, before touching the workman in the brickfield, passed through a foot of clay and struck a wooden brick mould. This
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  • 91 2 Tn Manila Timm of the 22nd ult. .says Indications now scum to point to a sperily termination ol hostilities in tlie province of Batanuas. Tlie American troupH have pushed the campaign with great success tor tho laat month or so. The cutting off of the ft>od nujiplioa of the insurgents
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    • 45 2 tendon, 4th tieptrmhtr Krause, the ex-governor of Johan nesburg, who has been residing in England during the last four months after Bwearing allegiance to the King, has heen arrested in London on a charge of supplying information to the enemy.
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    • 90 2 KOW-TOW ABANDONED. PRINCE CHUN TRIUMPHS He Leaves for Potsdam. The Kmpeior William has waived the demand that the Chinene mission should kowtow to him. and alio the demand that the mission dhould pass through Berlin in the form of a procession. He has consented to receive Prince Chun alone at
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    • 38 2 faajr. Krause lias been charged wiMi high treason in the Transvaal. The case has been remanded for a week, hail being refused. j «n;-: cijn v potsdam. Prince Chun has arrived at Potsdam
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  • 64 2 Thk shouting match between teams re|.r, renting the Singapore and Ceylon Volui..eer forces has been won by the Singapore team by a wide margin of points. As announced in our issue yesterday Singapore made an aggregate total of ÜB. A telegram has arrived from Ceylon Hating that
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  • 76 2 Nku,. of an extraordinary cskc of bankruptcy comes from Capetown A jeweller of that city was declared bankrupt, and his estate sequestrated. In spile of forced sale*, the OBftUl Receiver announced a dividend of Ha. in the X This was paid over to tha creditors, and it
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  • 81 2 SINGU LA R COINCIDENCE. Akabi I'aslia, the Kfjpti— general whose rebellion aaafiat the late Khedive, led to the British occupation of Egypt, is expected shortly to leav» Ceylon, whither he had been exiled, for Egypt on being pardoned. Th« other day, robbers broke into his residence at Kandy, and had
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  • 94 2 Straits Team Selected. The following team hai< been selnctcd to represent the Straits v Honckong and Shanghai in the forthcoming cricket matches to be played at Hongkong between I lth and 161 b November. Anthony li. M. Billnic-. A. H. HaidKill I. W. Coehrnne. ('apt. Dewing. Kfba O.
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  • 376 2 Thk training now appears to be fairly started and lliere is a smattering of persons eager to try and pick up a little early information re possible winners tut the future meeting to be seen on the courseYesterday most of tlie horses were doing slow work of no
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 404 2 NOTICES. XO BEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. ULASttOW. MaaulKlunrt of Dynamite. Gelignite. Gelatine Dynamite, Biasting Gelatine, Detonators, ILL HINDU OF Safety Puses. Electric Blasting Apparatus. The ahuv Rzplorivei, Imng all manut r a.ryn»rf tn Great Hritmn, are node to past the high ttnmlar>l of safety and purify titU impotnl hy the
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    • 442 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. The only really GENUINE PILSEN BEER iftP* nilfrmr. -tr.,nj;ly forlifii-.!, ialM "J"«|1 Heer Brands, imported In. in plaxen out ol lloh.nii,,, thu- wrongly apiiropriating tv theniMlves the Hilnen Origin. DALMANN CO., Sole Agents. Superior Hungarian Dairy Butter. ABSOLUTE PURITY GUARANTEED. tlk llutier i> prepared omler contrul nfthe Bqnal
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    • 89 2 inlayson Green -SINGAPORE. II BARGAINS IN chiefly the jiro|K-rty of gone koine, sent in for sale without reserve, all with iron frames and in good order < 'roppell Kuter -JO" Hroadwood v:t 1 Kobinson Piano Co. M Bridgeport, nearl> new L'.Vl Brinsmead M Rachals upright grand .'(".'a l)o Grand I-TO
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    • 551 2 LATISM' ADVERI'ISEMENT- PARSEE JHEATRE. To-Night! To-Night!! THE PAKSKK «kw tikatrihi, iimnw O»' ■OMRAY Will l-iw tli.-.r lad rerfurmam* of Tilusme-Setamgar In their specially erectetl grand pandal on Beach K-i;vl, next lo l.'.illles Hotel "■anterly Muklc'' Artistic li-tnm Urlluhtrul HtartlioK Hcenlr Effects •tetT Kates of Admission FlrHt 1 I- Second
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    • 45 2 G.R.Lambert&Co. Special attention id giveu to AMATEUR WORK. DEVELOPING, PRINTING PERMANENT PRINTS. Large Stock of Photographic M atcrial.«. Straitt Timet: $80 a year, or pail free &J4. Straiti Budget. S\6 a year, or pott free 120. Admrtumg llaler may m fmaul m Ihe fourth pave.
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  • 1078 3 Final lie -S. V. R. v. 35th Co. R. A. Volunteers Win by .1 Goals to Nil. Thk liual round in the Warren I'ootI I invention was playe.l last evening on '.he l!e.-r,-aiioii I'lub ground Man tlafgaoro* lot spectators. The evening \va* MinpU an ideal on.
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  • 112 3 Tai elasticity of the Kngliah language ■ouiJHiuea lea.N speaker) into difficulties This was once ti with Mr Julius Weil, whose lam douse at Mafeking provided M.i-lter for many daring the .lark days of *lie »n ge lie »;i- |mil up f,r lln toun in HuCm l*gi»lature, and, addressing
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  • 164 3 THE DISCOVERY." The King's good wishes. Thk i lirovry, which Mftal the week-end BM attracted a good deal of attention la tlie .Solent, left her ■Mariaga lauly and started < n her voyage to the Antarctic, proceedin- westward. A large number of persons witnessed her departure from the i-lan.l shore.
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  • 197 3 Tar. China Mail says news has been re.eived in Hongkong of the death at hime of Mr. G. J. Holliday, late of the linn of Holliday, Wise and Co ot Hongkong. The deceased gentleman served in connection with the firm and retired from busine«B
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  • 286 3 On the 1.-t August, a gang of rive ■•tame" pri>oners wer« working at road making in Anihoiii: under charge of two Sikl. police The latter probably went to sleep, or imbibed too freely of their favouritebeverage, and allowed the prisoners to get behind them. With the batcbata
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  • 481 3 P«OKt»s.K Virvhmv, in tlie Berlin CaatMi VaaMf, makes various comments un tin' luher.-u|.>sis theory set forth by Or. Koch at the congreVs in l.ntui in I'mlesi-or Yircbow agree* with 1)1 Kuril in the view that hum Hi .uid cattle tuberculosis are different and declares that he has
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  • 18 3 It is reported that Uussiu is equipping an expedition to work the coal-fields iv the Sievbuen ralley (Mid-Chitu)
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  • 101 3 Is the H.'iiso of Commons of Mr llenniker Hexhm asked whether the Postmaster-lienerai had insiwcted the red colour penny st;unp« of the various Colonies of the British Empire; and when a definite reply would b» given t" the petition of 200 members of the House of
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  • 110 3 The 0m York Herald publishes a letter from a well-known yachtsman, who unequivocally asserts that Constitution it likely to be beaten by Shamrock unlefs more energy is shown by the new defender's managers. The writer says that, although there has been little time, to spare before the
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  • 116 3 Thk new Presbyterian Church a' Penang was to be formally dedicated nnd opened for services on Sun.i., v last The total cost will, so the Pi. ana (iaztiie understand)-, be about HJH whii-h includes f4.000 for the rite, $14,000 for the building, and 52,500 for an organ, besides
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  • 216 3 A Sultan Makes a Bis Profit. It has been reported from A len that the steamer Wurman has been at <> iai.l .fui Island watching the cargo on board the steamer Austria, (Amtria?) the wreck of which has already been reported. Large quantities of the cargo had
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  • 663 3 Foreigners Favoured. A correspondent thus instances, in the I'inang Maoris*, bow the law iv these parts disenminates in favour of foreigners by putting burdens on liiin-h shipowners from which loreig n- r- are exempt, especially in the China coolie trade: 1 tan fcUte actual fa.t« after eight
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  • 790 3 Full Official Text. A Paki.iamkm'aky paper has bren issued containing correenondAicerelating to the prolongation of hostilities in South Airica, its principal feature being the proclamation which Lord Kitchener has issued by order of His Majesty's Government. On.l uly 25th Mr Chamberlain received from Sir H. K. McCallum,
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  • 91 3 Burglars' Ingenious Tunnel. Kkltek's San Francisco correspondent Btates that the Shelby Smelting! Works, at Vallejo, have been robbed of 340.000 dollars' worth of gold in bullion. The thieves entered by making a tunnel from the water's edge, and the plunder was carried ml' in a b.iat. The
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  • 376 3 Tin British Patent Office has grant«d Mr. W. Brice Gregson, of the P W. D., Ceylon, protection from the 3rd August for improvements in, or relating to packs of flat sensitized films for cameras No 15, 711. It is claimed by thiß improvement that hand cameras will
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  • 575 3 ■DBANBSJ, 4TH SCrTKNBIB, IMI. pkodi'ck. Osrohier buyer. Wi Copra 8a1i... R.TO do Ponli-nak. T.W Pepper, Black buyers ia n do Whlt«,(Bs{l 44.00 Sago Flour Sarawak -1 do Brunei No 1 Pmvrl Oaro S.WS Toflee, Ball, ISS( b»«i* l a ."f> Coffee. P»lemh«n«. 30% bwis 1 1 ToffM, Liberian No.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 40 3 IN A.MKKICA. Chamberlain* Cough ia a great favourite with mothers for colds, croup, aud ivhooping cough It e.nlain. nu harmful >ul.Miin, c aud always given prompt relief. Bold by all dealers la Medu-ine». lbs Dispensary General Ag«Dt«, Singapore tl-A
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    • 37 3 PUTS, BRUISES, SCALDS and BUKXS U Or Like Injuries. Are promptly relieved by CHAMBERLAIN':) PAI.V BALM. A few applications will effect a complete cure. For sale by all dealers in medicine*. The Diipannarr, General Ageit*. Sin?sfvre. t)_A
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    • 401 3 DOST SHOOT YOURSELF No doubt you often feel like it, but after jubt a little 'it-Ill '.-ruMun decide you can't afford to do it. But that thumping racking Headache; what can you <tn with it i (iiv,- nit- ,1111, -in- l.j u-ing 1.it11.-dn.-ntHl li.-lm. It acts like magic. It kills
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    • 178 3 MALACCA TEA HAS NO EQUAL. To use II once Is to use It always. BUY cup that cheers but not inebriates TO BE Hill AT Messrs. John Little A Co., Ltd., Messrs Ann Lock A Co., Battery-road, and Messrs \oug lee Beng, Orchard-road. m. w. f. 23/9 NUTKJB. Opportunity to
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    • 705 3 NOTICES, Plates Fsrj j&Films ÜBOKGK MICHAEL, Photo Stobes. w. Robinson Road, Singapore BELLEVUE HOTEL, Singapore. I>RIVATE hotel and high-, lasn Board-ing-HouM. Splendid and healthy situation with grand view of Siugnpore harlwur 4 minutes by 'rick from Raffles Square (by McOallum Street o« Robinton Road.) Single rooms and large double rooms
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    • 205 3 NOTICED THR TARJOKG PA(;AU IHK.K COMPANY, I.IMITKD. NOi lOK ia her«b) mven that the Inm-t-r Bo.'k« af the Coni|.Hin- will b» elnwd from tb« Ifth .'ay of Ailarift to th» 9th d»v of (Vple' ilw. li<n. in.-lu-iTf. O. NIVKN. Hlirelary. I'he Tanjong Pugur Dock Uoy., Lid. RiDgspore, 'JBth August, 1901.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 268 3 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, 4th September. High Water 1.27 u.m S. V. A. Musketry Drill. 5 16. 8. V. R. Recruits' Drill. 5.15. Thursday, 5th September. High Water 2.24 am. 2.12 p.m. Moon. I-ast Quarter. 8.23 p m. Pledges Sale Le"ng Man Sau. 10. P. 4 u. homeward mail due.
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    • 1622 4 I'o.iertnif Bea-iin'thtloHo'vi i.;abbre<-i«--1 lons ar*i QHcd sir. atoHmrtr stt. thin bq.— barque teh schooner; Yet.— Ya>:ht, Cra.— Crulter <l!jt.-Uunoon>. Tor Torpedo; H.p. -Hor*e-pcwer Brit.--Rritish U. S.— Uatte-J Mtu'.ot: l»r Freaeb Wv.r. ()«rmaii Uut— Uuu-.i Joh.^Johoro Ac. G. c—Generalcargo d.p. dee* ORasenners U. .Jn.-.-r--tain; T. P. W.-Tanjuig Pa«»r
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    • 243 4 VE SSELS EXPECTED. Snmr., port, probable dale of arritml. and win* "f nor, tit. Ht««MK»H. Aeuii.mnnn, l.pnol. Kept 10; MansKeld. Anna, 'apan. Sept 14: \nnnm. i'ol.iml>o Oot Wj M M. Anirnn. fhinv S -pt B-hn Mever. Andalusia Honekuii Oct 1 B. M. A^ahia. Hongkong, Oct 15; Rehn Meyer. Aragonia. China.
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    • 62 4 MAI LS CL OSE. for P~ ttr. 7iw. To-Mokkow. BanKkoL tmtmmtm Imm. Malacca A l.itiKK' 1P m. Rnngkok sityinra :t p.u> Malaun A Klnns Ch:m Pkw .1 p.m. S'mftrnnst <fc S"l>hvr Van 7>iVnwn 4 p.m. Bangkok H.Smgfiunn Ip.m. hIMT. Europe via porto Masiilia a.m. Ch'lwii 4 S'inarsiii! UinngSf,i<i Dam. Peoang
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    • 110 4 Kkum Ei.KorE:-By the P.AO. s.t. l'ala m .lv.- on the Mb •'eptember with dateto the ixth August; the brings replies t-i the mails which left Singapore on the l«th July. Kkom ('nisi:— By the P.AO. .->. M<urili<i .1t,., on Thurstlay. l^efi Singapore Due m London wriveo July
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  • 134 4 g Vksmu/sNiii* Tom*. Qtrpil Ksum Sailto. (.oubiuwmh. I Rio. 5 Flamingo HN gb. M Dekkoi Hanikiili> Aug Comul 3 .Gi«nii Ann Bntttr. fi*) Kolletl Cocoa Id.. Aug t»T. K.TwoCoU.I. |WilllAba\\i*p »tr. 148 ,Ral|ib foiili»o»k S«pt 1 B»d l-«e Hong 3 (Singkuu Mi SA 'NiKoJali Sinfkaß S*pl is. Tin
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  • 90 4 Date Vkdul'd Nam« Fi.ii.iKi.. Caitaik DUTIIATIUN (it 3 Genetfe Brii sir. Bullen 4 Malacca Mr. Italy I Bmnka Mr. BwilMWi 4 «ullun «tr. I yons 4 Itaura Htr ImA 4 Fob Ann Btr. Robert»ou 4 Eury»lua 4 tu. McUo>iald I WilCu'lheWiap «tr Kiilpli -4 Oinng Aon NT. Kullcll •4
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1353 4 NOTICES CHINA MUTUAL LIFE WBCBANCK COY, LTD Hup tlmn .No. U, Oaston Koai.. WlMail lAU- A. WATTIK. Mannror. Mti&llS. TAN KIM TIAN Su.YS, W"> Tlie Cutupauy offer* easier terint and better bonuaea than any other Company duiog bdaiDeu in the Kant A tpecial point in made of prompt payment ol
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    • 518 4 NOTICES. MNts for LEI PERMS' WfittSEiT£w«iiit URL Ey Special Warrant^|^^ Tie Queen *o. Porvenors to Eiprass ef Mia. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. Every Hospital in England that uses Bovril (and there are over 500 that do so) gives practical, unassailable testimony to the pre-eminence of Bovril as a strengthening, nourishing, sustaining
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    • 503 4 QNOHilt* i. ii k. PSOIttJa. n... 4.s lotun. Const' KUaUURBU "kUIOM. B] HOtiaonl :o Ifi! Mnjetty ttw Knijiof, H. H lh> r-u!Mn of Johort, him H. 11. Tbo Sultan of Lingua. (Man hr *>uolm .>;>nij ■>. Ac. Ac.. ■.:ir>U'. iad pri>inp(ly»iu<u.»rt. JaaaosAt .to w la ihr Tiada, STK^KhV >Mi
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    • 642 4 NOTICES. For Constipation I j M~Ma<l lff*Wh ltd KiMaiMm PURE foe ASTHMA I U ORIMAULT'S INDIAN CIGARETTES Par Asthmatic peopla who snir»r from •mnilN la brr.thlnt IOUIIHII •Miuncim*. imuu.iw nrrica-Tr ii ancrtuTiH. Onmtult'i clgarctu* m*p the respiration euuer, cut .hurt the paroxyiim. »nd rrmo*c tbe tcdlug of tiyhtims acrott Urn
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