The Straits Times, 29 August 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. KSTD. OVER I A CENTURY SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1901. xo. ao,ci.i
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 706 1 vnTTrrs BEST WHITE CHEI'E SfIUBB. ■Ira fkom n to !■< G. OTOMUNE A CO. fITTE^TIO^I I fITTE^TIOJ, Photo, "f all silo* ready lo lie taken on Bromide or I O. P. Enlarg-m-nts made lo an* »i«-. ()rder> IST It ad with all promptnew. and neatn. A lane >to.-k o' Photo
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    • 1267 1 STKAMSFIP COMPUTES. L-uMMIUJKr. PAaUWasAaU JtAXl'UOMAi'l'lJ Undar contract with the Motherlands India >4orarnineot. Aum" ••> Htn-iapore: SHIP Aoiscy, LaTE 1. D»iki.«ls A OeV, M, I>LLV»k (jUAV. Tho undermentioned datei aru only approiimate Steamer Krom Ktpeeted vViU oe~l7j«p%tci*d lor Oa Spr-lm-m IJ.ifauapi I' 7 Palembang and Matsvla Augt. 28 \'an:Ur Li)" Cotel
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    • 889 1 NOTICES. Ideal Milk £^g|g£pg^»y Enriched 20 per cent ■I T IK x( with Cream. Stcrilized-Not Sweetened. K^^^^i A Perfect Substitute for Fresh 'PHK LONDON AND LANCABHIWS I FIRK INSIIRA-NCB COMPANY. Hfit.-il i3.137,fa) Paid np Capital i'JI-.'.T.vj R*serre Fund £ Ibe nnders!|rtted. Agents for the Company, are preparwl to accept tiro
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    • 713 1 UUNUKOHU AND dHANOHAI RANKINU CORPORATION. PAID-lIT CAPITAL •10,000,000. nitSERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve..«l«JXlO,oOn l 1130 ,0000 Silver Ke*erve....| X,0 0.000 ItESF.KVE LIABILITY OF I 1n niiniiY> PROPBIETOUR. J -»HV«M«I OOCBT OF DIHEOTOM- K v hiwi>-. Keq.—GaAlaatAii Ho y. JJ. Bin Uvin.i DsrrTT Chaikkav. B. E ToM*imi I B L. Kicwiiihok, Eeg.
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    • 329 1 NOTICES. KOON S"CTN\ puotoorapuek. M, COKN EX OF CROSS STKEET mm !K)UTH BKIDUE KOAD. ai/o PILBENER BEEK. TUB KINKST OBTAISAIILK I Uoz. Quarta E*U f? 1 I'inta $19 g. lea« discount ■'< I JOHN LITTLE 00. LTD. SOLK AGKNTS. DKWAR'S PERTH WHISKY. AV£ have tliia day received a telegram from
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    • 707 1 Its Dmgdrous to i fie w,th a cold. ■M CHAMBBHLAIN'3 COUQJ REM6DT Plenwot to tak,. in-v.r fails to tur*. Kor stilt by all dealers in tnmlicine* everywhere. rMin Iftni Mldtl <ieneral Agentn.Tlje I>i«|«jn*ary, Singapore. B KOK BALK KMPLOYMKM'ci n» i et- umjpamuKmUi [In time, IS cent* a liuc 2nd and
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  • 13 2 On 28th inst, al the General Hospital JtMU ATLiiio aged W years.
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  • 326 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY 29th AUGUST. Strait* 7itH«» I RIO year, nr pet( trie $34. Slmitt hndget. sJIB a ytar, or\*M free f-*0 Aitvcrlintig lluies Btaf m found wik paqi:. At Ko 11.1 Lumpur 011 s itunl iy last, Captain Yap K van S.-n; an I Towkay
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  • 262 2 I. ui'.i feulinm ..I tne gravest apprehcnMcn that we learn from the .-n;u;:j!.:ii A. ■/V tliat: "Tim Asiatic 1- :i itaogaraui foe t" man, and in the vicii.ity of .Singapure, even at the BNOaat Bar, h-opards kill on an avtrago uf one man a day, pi'-yin. apafl preys upon
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  • 308 2 1\ ngMsl to tii« Mtida on the j.iirikisha queetion published yesterday, it bhould bl explaii'od on ii.liiU'of the übjciuis cuncerncd, that tin: rikisha pei.ns liavc notliing to .i> or say in the control of the street trilD ni.icli is en.iiely in 'lv: han<U of 1 1 1 Police. The |icons'
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  • 191 2 1 hi murder of the second mute of the iktiMoLr at tile Tanjoni; I'.itar Wharf yesterday afternoon, and the tact that no ambulance or other Assistance from shore arrived in time to prolong if not to aave, the unfortunate officer's life, draws attention to a mat lor that ought to
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  • 7 2 To-day* 4, ma bank rate is I,llft.
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  • 13 2 Thk French ttausiiorl (/.i//iu loft for Marseilles at 4 :W p iv yaataraaj.
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  • 17 2 HS.M. Hoftrio, Capt. C. A. W. Hamilton, arrived this morning from Malacca and anchored in tat roads.
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  • 17 2 I'hi: annual meeting of the Straits Chinese British Association takes place twilight in the Town Hall o'clock.
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  • 20 2 Tuk I! ii.-^.'-r I'lllo iUnge will bo closed on Saturday afternoon next for the match —Singapore .in I Ceylon Volunteers
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  • 23 2 The I*. Bad 0 Interm ii i;e sleamer '.i,,1,i,i left I'euang at 1 this morning aud is expected to arrive here tomorrow afternoon.
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  • 24 2 The monthly sewing meeting of the Church Work Association will be held .it the Kaftius Girls School on Wednesday September 4th at 4 pin.
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  • 24 2 i'HK Rowing Club Regatta commences this evening, and will proceed tomorrow and on Saturday. The heats take Baast an arranged for i.u>t w ek.
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  • 27 2 Tuk duty on tin collected hy thn Selangor Government from January lo July amounted to »1,«14,f1-»i, which shews an excess over the e-tiuiated amount of 5417,1* 5f>.
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  • 32 2 Mu. Hkaat Iha author ol hWuji Magic bus in lumi n.-w book "fabtial '•nil i'.ilk-lales' to Im publiabod next niontii. Mi HbnU i- also ™«f^ in tho pcaparati m <•( t»o otbar '•> ioba.
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  • 31 2 This Boraiaf tan arivata earriaajaj collided in Bivar VaUay Uoad near Kiley, Har^reavcs' it Co.'s workshops Cue of tba narriaajbi was broken up a liii, hut apparantly no on-) win injured.
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  • 38 2 Ma. J. MarabaU. iaaailllil Siiperint -uilent of tba Li.h-u.bii f'oli.e, has ir.ived by (.J. -nuaii mail uteauier lV»a» KM. He will five in the. II mukong limk Mknon case at the A-.-u.-i-, which open on Tuesday next.
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  • 44 2 Two (htaaa'l H abohnbtp holders Messii.. Veoh linan .Seok and B. C. Mcl hlland, left IViiang for Kurope, by the I*. and 0. mail 011 Saturday last, to continue their studies, tbe formrr at St. John's Cambridge and the latter at Trinity Colleiie, Dublin.
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  • 53 2 TM tciching sinft af the Aiil'loThinese School will shortly be increased I y the arrival of Mr. and tin. Pease of pected to oi"l by tht iZ~. Jjiteuiber. Mr. remse comes to relieve Mr. Buchanan who goes on furlough, while his wife, who is a qualified teacher, will also work
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  • 57 2 iiiK Sapi>l"> brought the following passengers lroin Klang Mr. N. Walsh, Mr. R.«wan, Mr A. A. .Swan, Mr. and Mr*. H'irkiirli n. Mis' Webster, and Mr-. ll.ire. Hy the OsM Whall liin from Klanfr there have arrived: -Mr. Wretord, Mr. Hammeisley and Mr A Schncner. Mr. J Wallace has arrived
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  • 61 2 Bam ttaaaon numajail in hjx from Xi il 1 Lsuapac lo Kuala Sclangnr in the Enid whs swamped whilst beiniz transferred to a boat in a crocodile infested river. The box fell in twelve feet of water. A Malay diver went down and fastened a rope to it and alter
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  • 74 2 recent Australian legislative o.lditii it may be uoteil that, in Vie tori. 1, it has been laid down that under certain circuuintanees a father must nut employ his own sons, lv New South Wales a law has been passed which prohibits a small »h»pkcupe.r from employing himself One is
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  • 135 2 Many of the friends of Dr. Oldham will be interested to know that he ia at present Professor of Divinity in the Ohio Weeleyan University. The new Athletic Club that ha.« been formed in connection with the Anglo-Chinose School, goes by the name of the founder of the school. Dr.
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  • 162 2 Close of the Tournament. Tue Autumn tennis tournament winbrought to I MMMBfal conrluiou last evening, in spite of thu WMsthsir, win n Mrs. Saunders (runner-up) mot Mrs. Lovell (hxldt-r) for the Championship. The reault w:i» a Ereat surprise, Mr." naunderH hextini: Mra 1-..V.-1 1 :i •>.
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  • 557 2 BRUTAL TRAQI-DY ON THE STEAMER "BENMOHR." An Italian seaman named Ercole Laura murdered Mr. Richard W. Jones, second mate of the British steamer Denmohr, Capt. A. Wallace, at thn Tanjong Pagar Wharf, at about half past three o'clock yesterday afternoon. The sailor stabbed his ofQcer in
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  • 444 2 Will arrive here in a day or so. Tar L" S. transport MtCMUtn, »iil. the American delegates who are to enquire into the administration of the Philippines, arrived at Colombo on the Nth inst., having left New York foity-one days before. The delegate* are Senator
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  • 124 2 Mil II 0. N. AM)Kiiso\,thf Knuinccr in ahaißl of the Irrigation Wuiki at Bagan Serai, «ill (toon leave to Boron by the middle of next month Probably he will b« Mi.vecded l.y Mr. C. 1.. Park, tin] AMistMM Knginuer on the Irrigation .Staff, who after
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    • 59 2 /...'..i. bjb| aajaat TheKrcnclilt ivprnni.-n' h nr- |iie-itrd the Turkish Ainbmtl la I'.irin, who is now on le ivc of aaaai n it to return. The Germ in prest i- •aaatiaa] as to PrinueCnun' (.i',le:'l) fi-li tp niti.m which, it is, BliaM from objections by him
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    • 33 2 What "Indisposed Him? Mr. 8.-olrick. the l"'i I -r-Sicrot.iry ol State for War, lih replied to a despatch from Lir.l Kit 1-1,-r rH,;ir,lin^ Hrn b. wtJagafthe IrldA irnaatlid by Biersat Vlikfinteiu
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    • 72 2 Decision ol the Home Government. Mr Uro.lrick, in tli- Mar*, aayt that Lnrd Kitchener should proclaim that all lean ('onvicted of hiving been present at such outrage.* should bo held to be guilty The leader of the comma'iil 1 I'l.-.-rti" I slionll lih «,.iilence'l to
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  • 58 2 I id: band of the Ifth Madras Native Infantry will play the following .I inn-ie in the Botanical on I'iiday next, coiiitn-ii 'in: ill. W p 111 Mareb... "Au-tiiu Nowoitln (Iv.rlore I M innterti... In tin. I .lili^lit r.*.t.-. ..-1.. -.i..:i Balk oi Bohemia Kn^lnmle, I riptive Pi
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  • 95 2 Trie Siiißap'iri' Volunteer Corps rille team, COUlj.ellll. WIU tr 111 l of tWfl Ceylon Votnntaara, tire at Baleatier Raniie on Suturd-iy at'ternoon I'ha S. V. C, team is as follows: Major St t lair S .V.A. Lieut. Pritebard F.tliot S.V.B. S«r(it. H. W. Slmr,j S.V.K.
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  • 231 2 Mr. Baird's lecture on the South African war, last night, at theTowri Hall was numerously attended. Tbe lecturer rivetted the attention of the audience by spirited explanations ot the slide views shown. Mr. Haird, who bad worked at the seat of war fur the spiritual aud
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  • 93 2 An extraordinary occurrence lately took place- at Ipoh, s»ys tho Perak IHoiKrr. In a violent tbundetstorm, the lightniiiß made short work of the roofs M two hoiibes near tho premise* of the Strait" Trading Company's goilowne anil prostrated a Chinese loutpasseuger A gentleman who rushetl out to thx rescue of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 600 2 NOTICE& RITCHIE'S WniSKY SPECIALLY selected blend thoroughly matured in bond. Trie* 111) p«r can* samples free. BORNEO CO. LTD. tu. th. Bole Importers. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests •.vi i.ami ii»«.. after srt<ii after fa>ur- .!■>* in «Uj« Water. in Water. The Bbaae ssase were made by the aaaaaer al
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    • 1218 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ROBINSON CO. ANNUAL CASH CLEARANCE SALE XUitt Qommenee ON Monday. 2nd Sept. ROBINSON CO. WANThD JJy a Sliii>[>in£ linn §mtd r nraaiaa or UUaawa ekrk. A|a»]ii utiuiai with s:ilarv under X Z. co .>irui(t ftmt*. ;n/8 UTAXTSS on nioriKaife of fiwhold boaaa propenv let at tver $M
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    • 284 2 LAND SALE. At rW*;l nnd Co.'s sale-room yesUsrilay thruu mil of the fifteen Uovernment huildinu allotments at Stanley an.l Cecil Streets were disposed of Ix)ls I, 2. and :t with a total area of t*,94ti squaro feet were knocked down to Mr. (i I'eriile at the upset price of S3
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  • 1977 3 Ihv i- ial firiiiijthtly iiH-etinp if the Oammfmkmmi «h» held yeoter-1..) alternoon, the Present, Mr. I O AinhuniM, mi ho chair. I here <nniln|nml Me*-.™ Bahat, Brana, Harke*. > iir.c»«l«-n. \Ve« Theam Tew. Choa luiuit Thy*. Motea, and i,>e Chjoii Uian, with the Municipal iSecretary, Mr Puljrl
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  • 161 3 A BfopM ol the l'liine»e Indemnity regarding »hica Raatar lias left tin: rar K ift in blank ignorance fur some kaafcs past, il| t follouii.i: are tlic data "i p.i\ ni.Tit an.l {at: urn mull an.l instalment!! of the indeniuiiy to the various Powers wliicli ar.- hi|i,\,,l
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  • 1777 3 Hume. At LoytoanaUM IMb. inst. Yorkshire -cat K-h'-x bj an innings md Xi inns ■ut tin- uli«"i|iiou county made iis owest scorn if ilic season >ilt«d liist, but miuJe only ;)<i raoa, lirst taking sjven wickets, tor ll' runs. Yorkshire then scored 104, Mead 11 :miM k sir
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  • 82 3 JVr N.I) I.'n from Hambiux' Mr Ure. ..,,.1 Him Oabakost, Mr». and Miss Uarphy, Messrs. Sclinlze and T.ichtu Iron, Antwerp -Messrs. Heize, \.iti M ,iin,.|i, Kleinbout, and Droae li "ii Southampton- Mr. Kroautt. From Qaooa Mr. Strincer, Mr. and I-ady Rowaoa I'aterson, M«SBr«. KopiMil Met. .rcn,
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  • 69 3 A hifle mutch- H If. 6 loam ill T. Sflinuor -was sliotolf at Kuala Lumpur on Boodaj last. It resulted in a win lor BaUagOt by 120 points. The following are the acorns:— H. M. S Bmmii Poekey as, Sergt. White 80, Inman .18, Osborne 01, Tinder -14, C'ainphi-ll .14.
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  • 279 3 Bishop Potter of New York uses language that's free." Bishop Pot kk of New York doc- not stop to allow his ideas or opinion* to ferment befuru expressing them but they are frequently very much to ihe point. When he described an incident with a jinrikisha man in
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  • 354 3 Mr. Morgan's Ultimatum. Tuk New York cMrrespondetit of tlie I^ondon Ihnly 'I'rlegrapk wired aa follows on AtiKU»t 4th The £t>>el Irust ye»terdiy rejected the deniiiiida niado l.y Urn employ^*, and the ajraataat labour wnr ever known as* IMMm Hrn ■■teel industry. A general strike in all tlie
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  • 568 3 P3i!?o«rou, s»th Acorn, 1901. PROUITOK. 'Ismbier buvera K>«M Oopr» Ral j, w i!o Pnnii n*k TV. Popper, Black bun* -J» 2» do White, («X)...: ,44 00 Sago Flour Sarawak .1 SI do Brunei Xo. 1 ?os Pearl Ttieo S« rofle*. Bull, IB" huaiv 19 fX> f"nff«e, Palemhane WXbMto.... "r,OO
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 34 3 01-'TS, BKfIHES, SCALDS and BURKS Or Like Injuries. Are promptly relieved by CHAMBERLAINS PAIN BALM. A few applications will effect complete cure. -rJ 11 1 1 b i" medicines. The Diepunwry, Oor.tral Ageots, Rinr»POIM.
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    • 40 3 IN AMEHICA. Chambrrlxiir> Cough B«medy is a great favourite with mothere for cnlilfl croup, and wbnopins couub It contain, no harmful »üb»t«Ve and alwaya irives proini t. relief. Sold by all >leal«ra in MedieiDm. The Oispunniry Central Agcnti, B— A
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    • 216 3 I ADV would uke one at two chil.lrcD to j otlil<:Atc with Imt own in h«altliv part of Surrey. Ittioreme permitted to' ~H. K. Baldwin, KoU Titi W i. •JI/10 Wilson Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS. 17 Ahmrmax Strkbt. \\^K pay special attention to AmaT T teur Work, and guaran cc permanent prints
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    • 534 3 .NOTICES. Reduction IN PRICES OF Plates, Papers, Chemicals, Kodaks, and Films. EORUE MICHAKI., PHOTO STORES Th. QEWING on.l fan.y work cluss lo .1 0 limited mimb..r ot pupil, fr n,,. I of goptxmber. Apply to Mr». M. dALMEJDA, *>■ i»/<l 10J Waterloo Street. 1 JR. (JKOKUK LAWS, M.E, A.I MM.
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    • 791 3 NOTICES'. INDIAN ENGINEERING. A» II'LCInUTID WIIILT Jotuil. THK RECOGNIZED ORGAN OF TUB PROFESSION IN ISOIA. *Uk rMTMtoMi loh fbfc «*ew<nto». LIST OPEN TO INSPECTION. PAT. DOYLE C.E. CALCUTTA Charles "foefostech's Wflbltc Seal (Ibampaflne. SOLI AO1»T», BBHN, MKYBR A Co., 'fi^i Singapore VW Hum. Joh» I.tttu A Co Fl Messrs. OuirmtL
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 297 3 t>AY BY DAY. Thursday, 29th August. M-rhW-.:. r |ft.:M.i.m. S.-W p.m. Bowing Otnh Bmtta. Wtw l'uj(-of-W»r. ."> II r. A ►0.-i ,ti..ii. T.pun Hall. 8. Friday, 30th August. High Water. rtMli 10.89 p.m ru. l Jioo.i. 17 a.m. Bowing Clab BamtU. s. V xim (inn Drill. 6.13. 8. V. K.
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    • 1482 4 Under this beading ttitif olio wing abi>r..v: ttons are used str iteimer sh ship bq— h.irque scb. schooner Yet.— Yaohk Ou.— Cruiser Obi— Gu.iboit Tor Torpedo; H.p. HoMe-pouer Brit.— British U. S.— United BU*-*s: French fl»r.-Uerm\n Dut.- Hu'.-'i lob.— Jobora Ac, O. c.,—Uonenlary up.— dock oaMengars; IT—
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    • 252 4 .Va-i.^. port, jh'obnbU data of <irrii<\ and mime u/ayn/.. MElMtki A. Aix-hi, (riiliulta. K»pt I;S 4 Alhoin. Homl«y, <<-|>t 10; hurneo Cnx. Al.-xin.lri:.. Hoimboni;. bept 10; B. Mcver. Anna, laimn. S.-|.< II; IllT. ■Vr-rVr < *i1 f M M. AndalwU Hongkun (i -t 1:H. M. Arahta, H.<nt!konif, Out
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    • 84 4 *V>r Vet tlr. Mm, I'O-MnKk.m ■^IrtMii A H'mnmuK Nato 1 1 a.n> h-i.I porta C. Woe* A... 3 pm. Klung \ia porU IF*n« Hiu 8 p.m. Cotio tic. MWk*i P»' iMWt >tead«luui an J ports Tring<janu Ham. Punanit fin .V^ii.7 I p.m. Whan A IV 1 1
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    • 111 4 Kkom Ki-koi-l -Hy the M. M. s. s. Saial .lue on the Ist oplcmlior wth dates to the Rth August; she brinirs rutilii-s Ui iho msilwblcli left on tli" mth July. rEosi fins*:— By the M. M. na "canduo on Hun.luy. Lull Sintriport* Due hi Londou
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    • 192 4 5 Vwkl'k !fmt A iTokr. CirtAiM Fiom B*iuu>. Comieicue. a I Rio. A OR ■J8 .Braid Nor sir. UK ;l'huni'ueii Swiitak Auk -i""X Kv»e H.i Kanpho Brit »tr. ISM Turner Klauß Aug 37 8 h.bip t oy. Ud U" tfiDßora Ocr «lr. IIJI Me Kanftkok Aug :>r> Belio Meynr
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    • 118 4 Date. Rjmul's Null FligAKiu t'imis ug \M Highlander Brit air. Daw»on Hhakano Hsru Jap atr. j Fujita SS Upeelnian Out atr Van Kliee -"J I harterbouxj Brit >tr. Ki. 1.1 -•9 An. huOHrJi.ii air. Pent SO Chow Phyn -tr. J«l too* -"•< BanWha'ltHia atr Foilxt 3D Hetty >tr. Tod*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 276 4 NOTICES CHINA MUTUAL UFE WBCRANCE COY, LTD Head OrrirE N«.. l», Cirros Ro»i. Sh»«oh«i. JAB. A. WATTIK. Manager. MESSRS. TAN KIM TIAN Jc SONS. Locrf *m» Tlm Compsuiy offan easier t«rms and better bonuaee luan any other t.-ouipiiuy doiai business in the East. A §p«a«l point ia m»de of prompt
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    • 696 4 MOTICES. w McALISTER Co. FOR Fairbanks' Standard Portable Platform Scales. Accurate and Reliable, manufactured of the best materials by experienced workmen. ALL PABTS A.IT3D BEARINGS A.IR/E OF TEiM-FBI^ED CASr STEEL. STAI.I* jjw| I Thin Scale ie all metal ntid hM rail fitte«l for KUppurtini; Sacks or Bales, heavy wheeh and
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    • 183 4 NOTICE-*. ThU dslicate *a- perfume is persistent as an EXTRACT £Jw^l Handkerchief. jQg? R Toilet J^&/^^2 arc adopted j£'£JE&£r%r£l! DIO A !in «*PI« K-ch b.jt:l* H I tfluAULJetO m i"c I LI PMFt'HKm 10,000 Bricks and Firebricks. THE ALEXANDRA BRICKWORKS CO LTD. AUK SOW nSPABSO fO SUPPLY Bricks at $15
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    • 1073 4 'B'llifti CIHOaPORE SPORTISO CLUB Tht Attain* Ran Meeting will be held on Iktnbtr ?>nd, -Mth, and 26M. Programme. FIRBT DAY. Tvomiay, 2ind Odetier. Pibct Rice. THE MAIDEN PLATE.— VaIue $Wo.— A Race for Maiden HortM- Weight as per scale (lOst.) An allowanceof Ulb. to ei-Oriffins Imported imo the Hi raits
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