The Straits Times, 24 August 1901

Total Pages: 6
1 6 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. ESTU OVER i A CENTURY SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. AUGUST 24 1901 XO. 20.1111
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 840 1 NtrnrFs. »|Mlr. mil .l-.i' i ■>' 11 -AN\. 1.1.M11r.lT.IK Stwi.U'.l >if» »«m<* Hor»..h !'ak< fit* laranao* t-wty. Atlas AMnn.* i\w>pu; IFire). Ta. K.,o.t«h'.' Lif» Ai»iu»bo» Kooirty. TW Oiia. Wufo.l Navi|r»t.o* Comi»ny Tk* Tottsedum L>«*r Bmt Cxmfmaj. PANT. UMITIP. »4t»ats STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Omi'K. TEMGKArH Steset 'fir WH»ava«.KiprTLHA«i..>-K. •0. STKAM NAVIGATION (HIM
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    • 953 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIKS. I 'iIMNKLIJKJv PAKETVAAK! MAAI'SCHAPPU t aaaa .-oiitrn.-i witn ka* Nrtherlnnd* India Govoromeni. A 11l- .'I HrRBM I SHIP AUKMCY, LAII J. DaRSUILH 4 Co., t-t, t'OLLVIR (jUAY. Tbe indermentioned dates are only approximate. taaaOMf From Eipdctwl Will be Deioatched lor On I H.-iuvHviii ll.lliton AO(. P -l Billituu,
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    • 621 1 OUkUJI -TEAM SHIP COMPANY *Nl> VEDLKLAXDhCHE STOOMVAART MAATS.-HAPI'I.I UOBAAH. BMK I <,M ilHnal 7043 .V f ,(,,r Ma Ag»*»**wit 7011 thtatt* 4tUUf ii» riwts /'nirnc^* mm ■Masai i-~41 P'Uvt ;.aiii Anchirt I7M Poluphtinm loia AnUn<~ IM Priam mtt (alcltf 1>748 Pnimrlluuj 5.17(1 Cyciopi 'JOftl Pyrrkiu MM Dardan,^. l.iM fthifrv IM
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    • 598 1 INSURANCES rpHK LONDON A*D LaVcaBH!RB I FIRE INHI'RASCE O*)MPAMY CapiUl «11-7,W0 Paid up Capital Cf :>"SO Resnrvo Fnnd «t,1'73,W" Vhe undertijjne-J, Agent j f* tha Company, are pt pared to accept fire, risk* at current nktt<« nf itrpntinm. RorSTEAD A Oa, AgenU. rF CHINA. TRADBKS rNBUIU«(:E >X>MPAKT. LIJHTKD. «pitai Mabraibwl
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    • 584 1 INSUMNCES. THE ROYAL "EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. r ~I.\HI.ISHKII A.D. 17J0> I HK unilenigned, agenU for the 1 company, are prep iretl to accept Fire Risks al current i. ite, BEHN MEYEK.v Co. w Sl/1S MAGDEUURG FIRK INSURANCE COMPANY. (EBTABLIKHED A.D. l li 'JHE undprsigoed, agents for the above 1 eompauy,
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    • 699 1 BANKS. HUNQKONG A.Mi .-HW-HAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAI #10,ntt),(J(.O. RESEIIVE FUND.SterllDg Ke»erve..»l(l,O(iO,Ono 1 «ilver ReMsrve....! s,i«y)oo KF-KERVK LIABILITY OF» «,nnnii««i PROPRIETORS j.*W.nii.mi Cocarr or Dimotom B. SHSwiy, Esq.— C*il«KA» IION J J. BlLt'lllVlNO I JIFPTTT (.'HAIB«»S. H. K Tgnm. I K L. BlcHAaoeov. K«| A HAvrr, E*q I H mcbciait.
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    • 423 1 NOTICES. ASSAM TEA. From Tjiwanp Estate, Java. Delicious FlavourItltoe Souehons I Ib. pjclel O.VJ celiti. do. no. I Ib. U.9G Pekoe 1 lt k 11.AH 'lo 2 Ib. Flowery Pekoe I 11.. liga ■lo ill. |l.ho To h« o'.t;.inr-.l from Its* Sole Agents KATZ MOTHERS. LTD. Maeniven and Cameron's Peas.
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    • 782 1 Sprain*! Spniat!! BprtiiM!!< Tr POSSIBLE TO TREAT THE BPKAJH I wlthi an hour after it is rrcf iv«d, or before inflammdion ha* set in bandage th.-p-r. sand keep tbe bandage saluraled with Chnmberlaiu's Pain Balm but after the parts have become inflamed aud swollen, uo hand. g.. should be used,
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  • 144 2 L>»Tt V.HM.H.- >•«. fiwHw nrwai urn.). Aim •> WilheUu •it Yatniticuclii Mlru M I'.C.KIao llplllr -'■I .MiM.-an MM -I Kul.v •-'4 Clam -'4 Pill Seue M Hebe- -I NuU.l.a M Ijina -I Uirnfullui:h -1 H.-iinhc M IVim AlcuiMcr M i:huuu SWpiiho ■U Hilrin ■-'4 Vomnii KiH:tllil -'I E t,
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  • 359 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. SATURDAY, 24th AUGUST. Bhißi Tin": Rt.) <t y-utr, or 7 ..n ■M, SU-iihHiuliirl. Ma yarn, erpat frettw Amtrtitimf ffi*Tiau> 'c lovA in Hit fu:rh Baa* K!i I'emk lioirrnmcil (iaztllt ins llio following noiidcation. virtu; of the p.»»-«r< eoafamd him by Section 1 of tli«
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  • 280 2 Kl.l HKB n*ivs of r>voluiii)n^rv :xIMdkMM from Venezuela into Colombia calls to mind tli>: jesting Nuri of a pniwiilMll .Smth AniTteaii that revoluii mi an to Mm youth* of s r it in that quarter what gtbkat and football ai« t.. t;i« Hritiyh. Theso Mo republics have had piMMj if
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  • 27 2 Attention is called to a letter signed Kleotrician in our correspondence column' Its subject matter should atlord food for reflection to the members of the Municipal Commission.
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  • 8 2 To-iiav's -I, ms bank rate is 1, tig.
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  • 7 2 With to-day's issue there is a supploment.
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  • 19 2 Thl Australiau Vaudeville Company performs this afternoon at to night, and on Monday niglit, Monday hoing the last uij;lit
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  • 24 2 Ml., ttathwhod, of Ifm Chartered Bank tarn. levies by the Sappho to-day to take charge of the brancli of the Bank at Kua!a Lumpur.
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  • 28 2 Tm; German mail steamer I'muten with dutes from t; imp., to the 6th Augui-t having left Colombo yesterday, at 1 |>m. is due here on Thursday at daylight.
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  • 34 2 Mk K. C. J. Tranchell and Dr. Wright of the V. M. Service have had their leave extended. The former will not return till next January but Dr. Wright will be back in October.
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  • 25 2 In view of arrangements for direct sleauiercoimuunication between Indian aud Malayan port*, information to that end i, being collected by the ResidentGeneral, Federated Malay .States.
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  • 44 2 The battleship Vengeance, which is beinj hastened forward at Portsmouth for service on the China Station, is to be ready for lior gun trials by the Crst week m September. Her la in. guns can be loaded at auy degree of training and cUvatiou.
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  • 15 2 H. M. h Hoftno under Commander Hamilton arrived at Kuala Klunc on the 22nd instant.
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  • 38 2 Thb undecided tie between the Darul Afiah (Tan.i,.n C IWar Malays) and the Straits National II team (Chinese) in the senii.'iii:il game of the National Football Challenge Cup will bo replayed on the Tnnjong Pagar ground to-morrow afternoon.
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  • 48 2 A RKMAKKtRLK result of the hot weather is reported from Chicago. A case of thirty dozen eggs was dispatched during the intense heat, and when it arrived ninety-one chickens were found to have been hatched out. And the invoice I'istincMy stated that the eggs were new laid.'
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  • 58 2 In view of the ffamß Shield football competition, the. following team will represent the 8. V. R against a MHMeh v am of the S. C. C. on HoodM the SB'h instant:- (.oil: Billinirs Hacks Noble and Orevn H ilf-backs Kobertsnn, El)ert.->n. and McLaren Korwards Karrer. Dick, Bradfwy. Sin. p.
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  • 146 2 Tn imih is announced, ai .^heppertin, on 29th July, of Mr. Noel I'enro^e Treveiien. Ho had held a ntnnbar of appointments in the straits having enured thn Colonial service as a cadet nt, Singaporo in 1874 At Malacca he was successively Acting Magistrate of i'olice ami Assistant Treasurer, Acting Inspector
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  • 132 2 Tub German transport Alteii, Cant Knuth, arrival (rota T:iku tins morning en mule for Bremen and anchored in the r.».i« MiR t .is iaa Aaiudma im l«>urd ai.,l is expected U> l^ave ti.'-'lo>-. The Kn-sian Volm.tufir l'i.-ei itrwinf I urtMj arrived Irnrn I »d»-^-.t MSterday evening and anchored in
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  • 198 2 Ir is rumuiirej tliat the Diraotorof Public \\".,rks, I.MS, will make T.iipinc his headquarters !>r. Fox, tho noting State Sir-con, will r.» i mi leave to Kurope on the r. turn of Dr. Wright in Ootohsr next. Mr Spooner, the General Manager of EUilwmyi, F M «ha arrived
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  • 421 2 The Annual General Meeting. The annual meeting uf tiie members of the Singapore Volunteer Corps was held at thu Drill Hall yesterday afternoon, M;ijor Murray, tiiv Commandant, ia the cliair. At tho outset lit 1114 meeting, the Chairman enquired if representatives of the Preoi were present;
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  • 991 2 Home. At Welbeck, Notts beat Derbyshire by an innings and 158 runs, Iroiuonger lor Haiti (coring 108 ruoa. Derbyshire, in ttie first innings, scored only U, Wiiss taking 8 wickets for 17 rims. In the second innings, Derbyshire did very little better, scoring only 97, and Was* bfirlg
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  • 56 2 Tiik Anitirican Methodiot-Kpiacopal MMoa pmpoaaa, ifOovarlmaat assistance is ti'ttncoiniiig, to establish a boarding school at un elevation of 3,000 feet on the Uni' hill* Such an institution, in the opening of the Actine Kcsident-tiencral. would he of incalculable advantage to the postal EnrapaM residents, who cannot afford ili.t MM of
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    • 34 2 iooo BNBfUBLAM WILL INVADE THE REPUBLIC. I.->,M*, MM Aug, lt t Om lh«n— d Venezuelan tniopii have >aii«;.l aboard waraliips to iDvade (tin Kepul.lio of Columbia in support of the revolutionists.
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    • 27 2 A Okpa Cotoariat namwj t'pion, who was capturiM arhOa aodaawuchaj to pa*n the Bnthih lints, oai iicen nbot at In t.>ri.> i, (py.
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  • 73 2 THREE SHOT. TEN GET PENAL SERVITUDE FOR LIFE. Tame nabah have baaa shot at Graaf Keiucl in Cape Colony and ten more relinls have been ■i>n>«ncad to l«n il MTvitu H lor life nt the Bermudas. H M.S. Dfihir has sailed from Cape Town
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  • 90 2 A lua'i BMgp v- pal bj ahaaaa, but mtw wi«a and goo.l with u "t taking pal« tfca obJj puajoa which «ge do<>« not Muni li mrtaa, which, the longer hv,. oniv tjaoonwatha kn.^r. Tbej dacbtfm n«i j f .un.i ti» world who bare DM ninnedugaiust it, a. people
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    • 117 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. >n., In <ria« oi tut hot that there mnii to ba a conaidwabla iMftiaaj m vi opiuioo a-, to whether franchise tur tramwajra in Singapore should be gi tinted i" nut, anyway on any UM that ii.iv-E- liren lumintad,- and
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    • 114 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times." Sir:,— With reference tn Townsman's letter in your i«sue of tlic L';inl inst. it may Intaraal your Wllail to know thai the following are the 'rikisha bam in Hongkong j cents for 1;"> niinutes. 10 hall U hour. 18 one:
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  • 475 2 Thi: V. 8. attache will! tlio liritish troopt inSuUtfa Africa writes:- In thi* coiineriiou. cavalry and mounted iufantiy. 1 will state my belief that our cavalry, as drilled tad instructed, in the best in the world to meet suommfully the new conditions ..t 'war. Tuat dismounted Kre
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 489 2 NOTICES. RITCHIE'S WHISKY SPECIALLY selected blend thoroughly malnr t in boiwi. Price »l(l per caw; wnipln Int. BORNKO 00- LTU. to. to Sole Importer* "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests NO lh».. I.XOOIbm, after arini after lour- •!•.>• in Irrn ilh> n Water in Water. The al,<».. t.-i» wre made hy
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    • 508 2 NOTICES. < *-4Zf i -^^&^&>^' CoDtti tic nary WK >. *tamkord Roau. M(i 'K'SKI begs to inform his many customers that lie lias n< win his scrviic ;i new iniifbttioner aud pastry cook from Kurope, more skilful than his predecetttor M. GOiiSKI can now supply all kinds of cakes ami
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    • 441 2 j Wilson Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS. 17 Ai.mkman Street. T E p:iy «p»cial attention to Araa- teur Work, and piaran e« permanrni prints ami the best postibla renaltt fromeneb exposure. Our Sm.iio will be reaily shortly. li';7/i^ Sole Agency of the Bachals* Pianos. IMPORTANT NOTICE. A I EHSRS. ITTTKAKCK EX Co. h.ivinif
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    • 616 2 I O"iN IQHT ANU MONDAY NIGHT LAST 2 ITIG-iiTS AUSTRALIAN VAUDEVILLE SPECIALTY Co. Prononnc-d l.v Press and Public to be vUiinV'v s ><lUin|l tatonJ that has Tc^ight. Ompleta chip attngpmne To-day (Saturday) Grand Matineß Performance -A.T -4 3E=».3VE. CbOdfaawUlh idmttM ataatfgrioi lo nil part* 01 Bin, UMC K ■vnu .-XctpUxl
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    • 58 2 K. b. a. iraoal for tfc. am iiw, »nt««i on u»TI. o» p«pn onl» B.» th. ■>w!«ot oi thav oo«i.tK«. dw; &.5.3 «r. rajnted t»« mi r ht othcrwa \ti pdS.L»koJ. All admrluuir (ntrmot* ar* nbiart to ib«on lib..n J.) J.|»*^r ua> i«.i. tie »i.^rtii»L. .Nt out ft lU patwr
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 227 3 Sole ftopriefors- Mackie 4 C° Distillers. LTnfej.lsiAY Glenlivet Gusgo». TO BE HAD OF ALL DEALERS, GKJTHRIE <$: CO., AOgWTrJ .u.w.f. WATTS CO. (Established 1808.) t*^ A.P'P'OIIsrTJVtEITT To H. E. LORD CURZUIN, viceroy m i.,u.HARNESS. HARNESS. HARNESS. BEST HAND-SEWN Carriage and Single Harness In Stock or made to Order. Saddlery and
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  • Unknown
      • 1672 3 Uu niiaiiw<iin»l»faWiKin trtu i l oas aauli Itf iteamer *'v -'-ii;>: uq.--'.- ir.)ue »cb schooner; Ye-- fajQt (ro. -t;ruiaor; 'ibt.— Uunboat Torp<*lo H.p.— Horae-pow<r i.l.— '<ritie»i U. Sf.-Uoikad MV.n <■' French tier. C<«rman Pat. II i '1 toh.— Johora aVa, <i. t.,— j^n.-ci!-argo rl.n.— deck naa»ing«n I'.—
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      • 605 3 .V,i,,k, p.,rl, probable daU ttmttmt, ami MM) o/agrnl*. iSTIUMKUI 1 A. Apcar. Calcutta, Rept 1 8. Mo»t-. MM>in, Bombay. H«pt K>; Borneo Coy. Alexandria, Hongkong. H«ptB; R. Meyer. Annum, Colombo. Oct 3H: M. M. AmKonii, China. «nd of --opt; B. Mryo U*ka ifoiiL'.'iu.'. io leave Sup*. I; \«a
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      • 90 3 For Her tlr. liw. To-I>av. Manilu ,k Jr.pan IjiMiauii HMrSoUaod i:-.. v Klang via port* l&mpk i Muntok I'lnni; A'-<4.' lUiiL'kok /fc-iui.'rf./-Pen*iiKAE u nik.v llormi.l-1 V- BunmiHit Ht-itwi« 11-ii ll” I p.m. p.m. I 4 p.m. I p.m. I p.m. I |>.m. i p.m. KOMMT. )InlaiTail.,=i,;i
        90 words
      • 103 3 Vuom Eiuoie.-By the 1)1.. f. Pntuva daeO'ithuJKtli Augunt wlhdatet totboath Augu>t; Hbe hriiiKs replica to thr maila which lufi Sinsapore on the l-'lu July. BOM Chin*:— By the N. I). L.». a. Kwiig Albert due on Tueaday. oft Singapore Duo in lxunlon Auk lftfc July Itnb N.
        103 words
      • 280 3 iMMM Par s. Sri 'i trjfjoiji v liom '-■■^:in Mr. and .Mrs. Van Liuden. Par a, i. Bawta rrooi Katetaa— Mr Louia l>. (JatJa, I Per s. Lmirni' from Kelantan— Mr. Cliflord. Per b. a. I'rm.ig from Teluk Aneon via ports Mr. nud Mrs (Mdabau, afeaara, < .'leave,
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      • 212 3 7 V«m.>Kajcj [toss. Garnis Yhvk Suup. Coxiiomss. A..4 n Voromj Kirn Mr S» M.i-in.:,rnl (Mm July 16 R. A. l'ahnirren ■A .Tringaaou \Jor dr. >>'.*» Kodirinii* SamlnkHU Aug ISBobu Meyer A c... -••I K.n.iK-i lUI atr. U7 Un KK in Muur v M Soon Keck )KI 'Kruyalua iiil sir.
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 66 5 TJtKKK.s NO FRIEND I.IKE AN OLD KIMF.ND I!.- will always help you in time of mwol. Ills the s mo wnhl'hnnitierlain's lolic, holeru and I) irrho-a I enied It issn o'd and tried friend in BMM thousands nt homes anrt like oih.T old friends can always he depended upon in
        66 words
      • 55 5 The PAIN of a KIRN or SCALD is a'n.O'l intdnntly reh. ved by applying < Im nil-erlain'i. Pxin Balm. It also heals the injured puts more quickly than hy any i.lhcr trestnient. und natal the hum is very severe, does not leave A -CAR. For sale by all dealers in
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      • 100 5 KOON STTPtf. PHOTOGIUI'HEU. 17H, CORNER OK CROSS STREET SOUTH BKIDGE ROAD. B/l GENTLEMEN'S OUTFITTING DEPT. NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED. Latest Fabliion in Tics. Hows and Scarves. Huntiu^ Scarvoa &c. While Sun Halt White Tennis Hals Soft Felt Terai Bate Black Flexible H.n Ladies' Black Killing Hal* Large Stock ot Straw
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      • 1080 5 NOTICES. QIieAFOtE SPOBTINO CLUB The Aulumn |m Metling will be htld on <Mober-2Znd, Mb, and Mth. Programme. FIRST DAY. ./e«4, v -2r>nd October. First Race. THK MAIDEN PLATE.- Value $400.A Race for Maiden Horses— Weight as per scale (Ioj.1.) A 0 allowance of 141 b. to ex-Griffins imported into the
        1,080 words
      • 846 5 NOTICK. KodaksjM Homnoam I Roliii.hoii Itoad. lADY wmld t>k« one or MM children 1" j bM b»r owb ia healthy turn Sum- Mna peniitua lo M. R. lUldwin, bM Tinggi. 81/10 VI R o—l LAWM, M.X, A.I MM. Ji 0, Battery Ro»d, Singapore. h.-u-iiiK Imd 17 yesrs mperience in
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    • Page 5 Miscellaneous
      • 157 5 DAY BY DAY. Saturday. 14th Angu»t. High W.ite. i..-ii p.m. >. C 1 rrieket. I. O. G T Temperance < lulj. 7 SO. Vaudeville Co. Town Hall, land" Sunday. 25th August. Hiih Wn»r. 7.7 a in. 6.0 p.m. Twelfth aniir Malty. Hwimming(Uul>Uunches.i>.loA7:toa.'.u. Monday, 26th August. Hieh Water B .k a
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 458 6 NOTICES. UNtt :or LEI i PEIIIIS' t\ f| WORCEST£KSHi*E SAUCE. v Bu Special Wirrant JJHj3REJ^ t|ll 8 1111 Punreyors to «^#i»^^ Eipms of India. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD Hkii OfllCl No. It. Cmnl Road, SUAltr.Htl. lAS A WATTIK. M;>n^;er. MKSSIiS. TAX KIM TIAX SONS. U^J
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      • 550 6 1 ilU:hh)». J. 1). A. PEBEIRA. UOBTICULTDBIIIT a!)l> FuikH, COLLXCTOE IKD ExPOHTak or O>«H«. By special appointment to His M«jt-stT Tb« King of Siam. H. H. Tl« riultao of Johoro, and H II Tho Sultan of I.iugict. Unlen for Bouquet Spray.. A.-., tltrefnily ana ptomj.tly oueuuul. .:bwiw»l House in ihi-
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      • 103 6 notices! Tor Nervous J©s.xhaus*ion /^^^F CH«POT»UTS n^H Phosphoglycerate P^^M OF LIME Tiu Man mtorttl— aav^v 01 tut Htrotut tjtum. uJW a|^n run li •tW [>m., < M a«i.. PHOSPHOGLrCERtTE SYRUP (CHAPOTEAUT) PHOSPHOBIYCERATE WIDE ICHAPOTEAUT) PHCSPHosLYcemre capsules (CHAPOTEAUT) 0, m vMm.., pabis mmcc PILSENER BKRR KEY BSUOI SMi-nm-Eii fitrr. Ik:>; t'fX/
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      • 1282 6 NOTICES. CUTICURA REMEDIES THE SET l Coisistin? of CUTICURA SOAP, to cleanse the skin, CUTICURA Ointment, to heal tbe skin, and CUnCURA RESOLVENT, to cool the blood, Is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring: skin, scalp, and blood humours, rashes, itchings, and irritations, with loss of hair, when
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      • 394 6 NOTICES UNTOUCHED BY HAND. mm For INFANTS and INVALIDS. When prepared la similar to Breast Milk. lIKID ■WOK K W, t-KCKHA»I7 MWIIOII, KUCI.AXD. CriCCllOll Curly Cut Tobacco, in 4 >■/.. patent Vacuum tins, for dganttei and l'iji^. The PerfeCtiOn C-iy Cut Tobacco. is mannfiictun-d fro.v tli.- brif|ltlMt, mosi iJiKiMUIj flavored,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 263 4 M M<lJ«>KOi;<iH WML, 54 HILL HTRKKV. suuHie I at tbe foot of Kort oMala| Hill, with grand view of tbe (Ugstsfl. I~MRHT hi- laMßaal hotel, wilh spleudid I 4 accomiuodution. borne comforts, good »tt..ndan c and enellent cui»ine. Single and family rooms available. Board and lodging— a few vacant rooms
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    • 693 4 A KIRHT OLtm BOAKDING HOUBK will > aa -n.-.l on Ibe 71 v Aaaajal Al Hi- Vrovf Buukhlow, I m.i.niii Katoog Pat rates ate. please apply at Tatt STRAiTS BOTBL Tirim an ttasMlay. to order. I'eK-phono HI. K. WALLACE, Bronze Medallist, British Horological Institute. Watoh-M«ker and Jeweller. BirAIRS IN
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    • 406 4 JJTTE^TIOH JITTE.NTIO.N I'botos of all siici ready to lie taken on Bromide or Y. O. P. Knlargt-menta made to anT size. tirders executed with all promptness I and neatness. A larve sKxk of Photo malerhls and aborted vie -a always on hand for gale. Chargeo moderate. The Straits Photographic Studio,
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    • 794 4 OErsTXaostr tw* n'H B best ever imported into t ho .-ountry, I packed in Colombo, straight from the factor). A quality ,1 cluwU cont.iini:ie M wpsra'to packet -i"l'-'i. B.|ii:iliiv: {chests containing IIX) seiiamte Jit. p ickit j f JO. Cash with onler. Hi livery at Klanc C. M. MOURI^ON. e.s.
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    • 556 4 i MIIPPING. iKITIaH INDIA STKAM NAVIGATION COraUTT, UMITED. FOIt MANILA. 'PHE Company* Steamer LAXDACKA. I 11JS ton-., I'apt'ii-i Bait, will be des patehe-1 for the al>ovc port on Saturday, ihu 21th For freighi or pacsnee apply to MJ| HUUSTKAI) 4 CO., AgentH. DBT OSTASIATISKE KOMPAGNI. FOB MABBagIXaB.Bi.VM. t'O.'-KNHAUEV. AST.
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  • 2341 5 Rfaaa Im mi 0. li"" mrivt>.i h i. on Thursday afternoon, all dM aaasibU asMM i^>lic bsmbm had none I Hie olli-e WM OMatd for the o.> The OMOMBsM had m few cas. eaMM dross on board. Sob the local l.iws forhid the landing of opium without
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  • 635 5 Coal Mining. At Ombilien, 111 Went Sumatra, toe Kelheilaiiu» Inuia (ioverumeul has ■unj I*ol experun. -*****1,- wim the Stale working of coal minus. Coal seams abound there and aro workeJ with conMet laiiour The coal is noi of very lutli .|u,uity hut answers for common use Ol late
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  • 83 5 Yesterday's Play. Championship. Scmi-Final. Mr. (im>i i ahuMd M Bnaliri. i a, 'i IshM Championship Pairs, htha I. MM .V: Mr. MM be;il ,Mr«. Adnm» 4 C»pt. DawMg, 6-3. H-l. Ties for To-day. Championship. Semi-Final. M;- C.nn-10-erv Mrs. launders to lininh. Championship Pairs. Hinal. Miss
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  • 34 5 Tm German Kiriperor has conferred the rank of n<*n commissioned officer upon nach of tlio Gorman guards who took part in the defence of the legations under the command of Lieut. Count von Soii.-n.
    34 words
  • 1612 5 London a d Glorious Goodwood. To-day the rnirat dt-lk-itful si all Knplisb Raoe IfMlinfts c.-is in ranrhine leaving behind a record of high clans and most enjorable s|K>it. U..yal Ascot in no better linn a rowdy picnic in comparison will, ihu quiet l.eautv and orderliness of
    1,612 words
  • 381 5 M DMMbb urged ii: France as a anahMg argtuneut lot tnc Vuno in rjilway, the <11-;g(;d weallb ol" Uiat province in coal mines. Yunnan coal, so it was alleged, is of prime quality and U quite t'j the Cardifl' article. This statement has aroused indignation in fonquin
    381 words
  • 196 5 St. Andrew's Cathedral, (uth Sunday after Trinity.) 7 a. m.. Matins 7.41 m.. Choral CelebMtion. Holy I p. IJI Su"rt»v fi.aO p. m Evenwmg. and Sermon. St. Matthew's Church, Sepoy Lines. No Service. ROMAN CATHOLIC Cathedral ol the flood Shepherd, Victoria Street and Brass Bassa Road.
    196 words
  • 546 5 hMM* .'4th Arn: «t. ISul. i'roihtck. "■•"■'it.i.T buycri... .1 in,i7> Copra Rail H.v. do PnnH-nik 7 V, Pepper, Hl.i.k f&ttn tlo Whit*. (.',%> 44.00 S.iro Floor Sarawak SJO do Drunci So 1 Iff Pwirl .nen :ym foffee. Ball, )li% >>a«i« 10 00 Coffee. Palombanir. 1R% hmi« M.nn Coffee. Lil-rmn
    546 words