The Straits Times, 22 August 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. ESTD. OVER A CENTUUV SINGAPORE. THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1901. xo. an,wio
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 879 1 »|UIE BORNEO COMTAtCY. MMII H> TH aau-iaM I.if« Aseanaes. Nowru-}- faio. Hr. IasMBOS BoeMj. Atlas kmm- t>«»T«ny (Fire). The aVjaih.l.;. 1..t. K-n-w SoetetJ. Th. rhrna tlrhial Mwa Navigaetea Ciasf—T Tie Tstksmaom Lager Besr Cospaov. rAjrr. ltmiti:p a«*« t» STEAMSHIP roMPAMKS. r^ (IFTK-E, TBII-BArH STREBT '$T /A vVß»aTta,K«prw.HAiuior«. ■mi MviGATinN ouanmt.
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    • 847 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. l^- OMSK LUKE PAKETVAART MAATHCHAPHJ l-nuer uaalraili wltu me NetberlauUa liiouuu',fui..«iitm it* at Smuayure: tjHIF AoENCY, LATE J. DaBBDKLB A Co., 23, COLLYEB LjuaV. The undermentioned datCT are only approximate. Steauiec From^ JEijwoted Will oe IMspateharl (or On hre,.,,,, D-li via Aug. Bcngkalis, Sink. Paueb, Asaahan. W port.
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    • 621 1 CtOMPIKNIE DKH MESSAUEKIEr i MARITIME DE FRANCE. I'KIJK.UPHIC AL-IiKKSS: MkfaAI.KKIK. SISSATOKB. Tbe mail *ieamers will leave Singapore n or about the undermentioned datot*. onrwAAi*. HoytwAßii. IXOI. noi. I .ii- liauw A UCt. SI I IK, nil 1., Scut. 1 hot S-[.t Hi Ynrra ."epl. I Matf Mept. > hdut Sept.
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    • 552 1 Nonas. Milkmaids BRAND lVfiilz tttllii »n.«B»io a«J»y IW I I I bVV KB P^.* Guaranteed v vtream. tudi Largest Sale in the World. INSURANCES. j THK l.'i.Ni.MV AND LANCVKII RK I FIRE IN9UR.\NCB COMPANY. (Capital 13,127,M0 Paid up CapiUl tt'. -J.7f> i Reserve Fund «l,ii7SJiMO ucdenlgnod, Agent* (or the Companr,
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    • 475 1 INSURANCES. SOUTH BUITIHH KIRE AN!) MARINE Insurance Company. FIRR Insurance effected on every .ioscription o( property. MARINE Ritks acoepted' to all parts of the World. LOCAL BOARD. I). W. Loveli., Esq., Chairmau. D. S. Cabmicbael, Eeq., W. Nae>, Esq. LimHu Pdah, Esq., LeeCuoon i.i an. Esq. Wm. MrKERROW A Co.,
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    • 689 1 BANKS. HONOKONG AND SHANGHAI BAMKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL #10,000,000. RESERVE FUND.Steriing,uru^«y)l tISGUOOOO Silver Reserve....* .V«>,OOO J 1J 1 KESF.BVE LIABILITY OF I PROPRIETORS |..|lo,nno.isiO Cocbt or Dihsotobb:— R. ?a*wAN, Rsq.— CaAfSMAW H. I TOKIINi K L. BICHABDSON, K«J A H a vn Ksq H SonuiT. D. U Mo***, Km.
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    • 566 1 NOTICES. BiIUWVN BRIVK WOlkK <a PASIR PANJANG. ARL now supplying building brick*. Kor particulars, apply to cuop KIM BIR, No. 24 Malacca Html. K. WALLACK, Brome Medallist, llrittsb Horoloaical In»titute. Watoh-Maker and Jeweller. HrPAIKJ IN ALL RRANTHRd Ot'ARANTKED «-b BATTERY UOAD tu.tli a. v.c. .HTTE.NTIO.N fITTEJJTIOJI Photos of all sizes
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    • 805 1 Ck*"barUun Colic CMsn aa« INntaaßnMdy. Is KVERYWHF.HK u:KN O Vi LEDGED toi>e the uo<t *necessful <Mdiciae in us* for Bowel Compiaiols. 11 alwav* depenJe.l upon even C the most severe and dangerous ctsos. Cures griping, all kinds of diarrhoa, and at the first uuusa .1 loo«eiies« of tbe *>oweU should
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  • 927 2 Straits flKmes. VHICB lft OfeVTH THURSDAY, AOOOST. Culm ihk.vt with tim arrival of Mr. R. W. Duff in Singapore, comes the news that he tits drawn up an agreement with th« Rajah of Kolantan by which he virtually acquires the entire mining rights of that hitherto very exclusive territory, and
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  • 674 2 William Cullkn Bryant was never what might be called a popular poet on tbe eastern side ol the Atlantic, and even in America there are not many people nowadays who can claim that thay have read ThanatoptU. At the same time there are few persons among tho educated classes, who
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  • 218 2 The severance of diplomatic relation! between France and Turkey at tho very moment that the Cut was a visitor to the allied Republic, would, under ordinary circumstances, be significant of war. Everything connected with Turkish politics home and foreign— is, however, extraordinary so it is difficult to foreoait the outcome
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  • 6 2 To-day's J,ms bank rate is l/llf.
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  • 13 2 Police Inspkctob Stknhouse of D" division leaves for Europe (shortly on long leave.
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  • 14 2 The Austrian cruiser ZeiUa left at 53U p.m. yesterday homeward I "mud vm Penang.
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  • 15 2 The general meeting of the .Singapore Volunteer Corps takes place to-morrow at the Drill Hall.
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  • 15 2 Ths Straits Budget was published this morning. A mail supplement will be issued this evening.
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  • 18 2 Tax Parting Kabang L'd. will commence i» crush ore on iti qiuin ?e the, first day of Saptambgr
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  • 18 2 lupus and Chinese ooolies are arriving in Madagascar to work on the new railways and r 1 U
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  • 23 2 The P. 4 O. mail for Europe closes to-morrow morning at 6. The P O mail from Kurope is due on Saturday morning.
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  • 22 2 Mi. J. B Klcum, Inspector of Schools, leaves tor Penang neit week to arrange for the annual examinations at the schools there.
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  • 31 2 Mr. SrooNER is travelling round tbe Malay Slates, in bis new capacity as "federal Manager of Railways" and began with Perak. Mrs. and Hiss Spooner are staying up the Penang Hill.
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  • 50 2 A C'HINAUAk was arrested yesterday afternoon near the Kreta Ayer Police Station for being in pos«ession of two balls of raw opium concealed under bis baju, one under each arm. Thia morning he was sentenced to a tine of Sl5O. Probably the balls bad been stolen from some merchant's warehouse.
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  • 65 2 A CKRTAIN young man was to be seen careering 0 1 the back wheel of his cycle (tbe front wheel in the air) on the Cathedral aide of the Ktpliiuade about 946 yesterday evening. It was the result of a wnger tv ride frntn one end of the Esplanade to
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  • 53 2 Tux Filipino insurgent general Mai var refuses to surrender to United States authority. He has issued a proclamation exhorting bis countrymen to kill ex-Ueneral Cdilles, who surrendered to the Americans. He anathematizes the peace party, forbids single men to marry, arranges lor the insurgents to sell the Philippines to some
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  • 64 2 William Russel, who was formerly halt-kick in the famous Preston North End football team, has committed suvide at Kilinurnock. He cut his throat, aud jumped over a second storey window being quite dead when picked up He had been suffeiing from melancholy since a fatal accident to companion in the
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  • 92 2 S<>me Russian sailors, mom a doMO in all, part of the crew of the Rustian ship Shl.tcl, refused tv work this morning owing to the alleged bad quality of the food served out to them. Thoy rame ashorn and aaw the Russian Consul ami they wore then cent back to
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  • 91 2 At a meeting uf the renting Municipality on Fiiday la-l Ihrt President, Mr. Halllfax, announced the receipt of rcporU drawn up by Mr. Thomas and also by Mr. Young regarding estimates as to the com of wirkin? the proposed elec'ric tramways and tbe ■•earn tramway* there. The President then proposed
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  • 105 2 A skn.-amo.nal :<u>l evbn romantic case i< reported frum Selangor. A Ceylon Malay, who had recently ix-en promoted from tha P. W 1). in Kuala Kabu to the gaol department in Kuala Lumpur, obtained a few days leave to return to Kuala Kubu on urgent private (love) affairs. Arrived there,
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  • 42 2 In view of the continued rough water in the even iii v lately, it has boeo decided to postpone the Singapore Rowing Club KrgatU for v week, in order to give the wind a chance oi blowing itself out
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  • 92 2 This morning, Inspector Stenhouse placed tvmity-thrte Chinesu conlies before Mr. Sarwar, on thu charge of having bnen ineniberx of an unlawful assembly, in the nature of a riot yesterday illuming at Alexandra Ro»d. Most of tbe ini'ii l»nv marks of the affray ou their neads and arms.
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  • 98 2 At Powell Cos. land sale yesterday, land at K icn-course K >ad, arua 1 rood 7 poles, witb the residence tiiereon known as 44 Race Course Koad, was bought by Mrs. A. Grand for S'J.OUO. Land Hi M into Koad, urea MM sq.ft., with the dwelling thereon
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  • 107 2 A curious incident is reported from Rangoon. A semi-nude Buriuan entered the C«urt the other day and took his seat on the bench. He held a sharpedged dab two feet long across his knees, and, addressing the natives, claimed to be a Prince of the Royal blood.
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  • 85 2 Tat: entries for the Derby and the Oaks of 190S (for col* and tillies. nuw yearlings) have cloned, and the Mbjoined table will show how they aland by comparison with previous years kc«r. Dcrhy. i«»i '.'J7 1896 531 1899 834 1597
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    • 25 2 TO COMMAND IN CHINA. l.'mdon, Aufuit Colonel Marcbnnd, of Kashoda MMriety, has been appuint<Kl 1 1 command the Krench troops in China
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    • 30 2 The view taken on the Continent about the Tsar's visit 10 France is trmt the vi,.;i is iiie.u.t M v rubiifT to the reactionary party in Krance.
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    • 32 2 Lord Kitchener, in a despatch reviewing the operations at the aeat of war, cplitnutos that 1M.500 Boors aie still in the field He describes their resistance as Inse.ns.Uo and unpatriotic.
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    • 88 2 THE SQUABBLE ABOUT THE QUAYS. DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS BROKEN OFF. Uttr. The Krench Ambassador at Constantinople has broken off diplomatic relations with the Turkish Government, and intonds to leave Constantinople within from 4» to 12 hours. Thi« step has boen taken in consei|iieiice il the Sultan of Turkey
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  • 68 2 Mk. K T. V«tp>t* lie a settlement olliccr, with effect lroiu the 241h July. Mr I, C. Mnckay to be locomotive foreman, F M S railways, with effect from the June. Mr. Maduj ropurtccl his arrival nu the 29th July. Mr. H. K. Byrne to he a surveyor,
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  • 172 2 la Soolno, the Sultan i« hard at work fighting witb two ratal IJatusur Chiefs. Tb* Uaitad BtatM lutliorilloi dv no 1 interfere bMMM 1 1 neat of war is'ide the Ainuii. 1:. l—l wlliw. MM of the Aim ru mii oUicern havn been out tv the
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  • 160 2 1 was out in the neichbourhooil of Carr .llton the other day.' said a New (■rluans city salesman, "and droppeii into a grocery not far from the lov-r to make ,11m bquMf about an address. Ihe place had the usu il double-bar attachment, and while I
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  • 403 2 Even if ooina parsons took exception to some of the entertainment at tbe Town Hall last evening, there can be no denying the fact that the bulk of a very fair audience enjoyed it all immensely It did not savour in the leant of the Lyceum, and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 536 2 NOTICES. RITCHIETB WHISKY SPECIALLY selected blend thoroughly malnred in bond. Price |IO per >w samples free BORNEO CO., LTI>. tn. th. s. Sole Importer*. "Eagle" Cement. TLs Latest Tests MO 1!*... l,«00ltt»V after >*,» after fearstay* io teea d«j Water in Water. Tbe above terns wore made by the Knuineer
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    • 731 2 NOTICES. Reduction IN PRICKS OF Plates, Papers, Chemicals, Kodaks, and Films. *****1 MICHAEL. PHOTO STORE* Tb. NOTIC«. SI KAI IS City Kut>l>er SUmp. Sh.n 1 notice. Price rate. 27/12,01 It, Cobinsoo Road NOTICE. > T EIIHEK th« Captain, owner, nor I Aitrnlo "f the Bnlmll steamer HAKoiiA »ill be
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    • 462 2 MU'l'UJlfli. TOWNJMLL. TO-NIGHT. LAST 3 INTO-HTS OF THE AUSTRALIAN VAUDEVILLE SPECIALTY Co. Pi.innnne.-d by Press and Public to he tbe ii-nt imgroKHtion o' tnlent that has vi.ited Stnuapore. Tc-morrow Night. Complete rbii'igc of Pro^rawno Saturday <iug.24th Brand Matinee Performance When a lovely Frenct Doll will he givnu away. Obildrou will
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    • 784 2 L.TRVT AUVEttriSEMB.VTS. BOAKP and Lodging araiiable in a quiet family. Termi moderate. Apply to sv/8 f. c/o si.oii, Mm SEWING aud fancy work to a limited numlwr of pupils frvm tlie Ist of September. Apply to Mrs. M. d'ALUEIDA, fill. -1 10.' Waterloo Street. EZOOIT STJ2ST, PHO'I OC!H A
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    • 78 2 Ok the ttnd inatant, st Raffles Hotel, the wife of T. ritaicics of a mo. M M. B. un*wl*b for tb* Hrrawf ivat*. mwu 1 writtia on urn aid* of tb* mxr otilv By tb* awlxitof that ooaJitiai. muv J1.8.8 an ntaovad tbat a*jkt otlwrviw b* pablialwd. All aav*rtktatcoote»oU ar**ab]*ot
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  • 1164 3 InUrcMi ,j Story of Professional Fraud. Ybum.ihv a representative of the BMb r intei viewed Mr. Xa«h, giiuerintenoYiil of Mains and 0« lluaa and WmU Hio followinK Mory which linn much in it to commend it to the earnest perusal ot those whom neceesity drives
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  • 91 3 I. ah evening h good number ol Johore friendi (lathered l.y kind invitation nf .1 M eldruin »t hkand.r HjII to hear Mr T. Baird.of the Boldira 1 Christian AMOciation, Ic.-tur. on ilic Wai in South Africa. It wa« nn cin^.<linply inUtrttaiiog lecture, and Urn l.mlurn nlidwe mm* many
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    • 213 3 BEDEVILING THE CATHEDRAL G ROUNDS. To tin Editor <>f the Straits Times." Sin, L'imi you tell me who is responsible lor bedevilling the ground* of Andrew's dthedral Bomeofth« loveli st shade trees in the Peninsula iuloiihml its ftrasny compound until a ft w d <yn ngo, when the loveliest one
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  • 413 3 f m s the I'inaitg Uazette It is gra'ifying to note iliat Singapore ia taking a i- if out of Penang's book, tiH is determined to get up-to-date. Nut only do the Municipal Commissioners there meditate a Town Band, but bave even gone so Car as
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  • 329 3 Mayor of Exeter Causes Sensation. a U'Ci'Ut sojourn in Iluly the Maw.i ol Exeter met with an expenence which has a'Virded Knglieh iUm in that country an unlimited lurid of amusement. In due course of travel his worship arrived at Mini. if and submitted his luggage
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  • 136 3 Th» London Gazelle stat«w that the Kincc lih« been graciously pleased to signify Inn intention to confer the decoration of the Victoria Crocs on the iiniiiiMipn'ioiied soldiers, whose claims have been submitted for liis Mnjnsty's approval, for their conspicuous bravery in South Africa, as stated against their
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  • 176 3 Coolir emigration in Kouth India is on the increase especially am ik the outcast cl<ua or pariahi. 8 >me villages, it seems, are almost depopulated, and in others a labour famine ia seriously threat-ned The explanation lies in ihe fact that emigration is confined to a single class,
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  • 215 3 A i-ONTMBUTOB to M.A.P." writes: The nvttii t heat-wave has made lin«" drinks a necessity. Miny nremii'd, but unly a few are chosen. America ii-, as u-n.-il, our instructor, and the bn>t hn ws come from the bara of N. w York. One called "Jolm Collins"
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  • 241 3 propum-il alteration of tiie Royal title recall* the fuel that, eiu-je the rt-i^u ot William I it hrn already ■BMMM iiu kw than lifteeo changes. The fulluwing list should be interesting V««r. Sovereign. Koyal Style or Till*. I>J66 William I. King of tin- Engluh, Nor ll'. i
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  • 416 3 Im. Batujkck Times contains the following account of llie sad death i»l Bingkok ..f Mr. Fildes, late of Mi-sru. Hxwarth, Kr-kine's Bangkok branch It is with the sincerert regret that we have iv recur<l I lie sudden death of Mr. A. G Fildes, of M.-sr.. Howartb
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  • 43 3 A bruit source of wealth in the Philippines will prove to be the thousands nf acren of timber-land It is calculated that the iflaudu poors* one tliouiiand varietin of ust-ful wooda. The Fores' ry D^paf merit hat to far claalificd sou catalogued 696.
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  • 130 3 Ti'.k tot il production of coffefi in Lrajil, which amounted to 4,6-2,000 hnga in 1889-80, rose in 1894 95 to 6,977,000 bags, and in 1899 1 900 to 11,00U,0U0 bag*, the b»i; containing about 1321b5. Brazilian planters i-oin-plain that only their inferior gram-* of cuffee are known abroad
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  • 94 3 Yesterday's Play. Ladles' Singles. Final. Mrs. A.Uin. bent Un. Rarraul,H->,«-3. Mixed Doubles B. Class) Final. M Maunder. Mr. Muihuil.-in.l heat Mi i MnllmJo-orw W. Championship Pairs. Alike J. i. iiiiu Mr. Urwn Iwat Mm. axUmann A Mr. J M.Umcuggun o-.i. ;>■>■ 6-8. Ties for to-day.
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  • 863 3 AT a meeting of Hie general committee of tills niriiiorml belli in London, fo( me purpuse uf considering the recommendations of Hie executive committee ai to the proposed design*, Hie following reuoinin. iiUsU'lih ol the bxeculive Committee were agreed to 1. Tne commutes rucoininend
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  • 106 3 Admiral Cervais recently issued an order congratulating all the crews in the French Floet on the rapidity with which th<> coaling wa» accomplished, and on the excellent average utaiiiril. Tims the average of the Gaulois was 185 tons, and that uf the Saint Louis 172 tons per
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  • 232 3 A good story ia published uf how SundowV -t r.-natli at«od liim in good stead among the bullies who hare lately boep infesting the Bois de Boulogne, Their method of action i* to have one of the gang follow the proposed victim. At a given signal
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  • 484 3 THE LLOYD- EXPRESS. New Hamburg -dcnoa Overland Mall Service. Miibi: exact il.-i.iiK are now to band regaiding the rfc lure express train linking Hamburg, Bremen, anil Uetioa, planned by the Internal ional SluepingUar Company, according tv proposals formulated by Dr. Wiegaud, tlie geueral manager of the Norddeutscher Lloyd, i'lie new
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    • 95 3 Osmbier bayrn.. I MS7J Oopra Bali *„'W i!o Ponti-.nik 7..1R Ppppar, Blark SHOO do Whlls,(K%> 4400 Sago Floor Sarawak S SO do Brnmi No. 1 as r<»ri Two .rm roffo^ Bali. ISX i«il> 1IKX) ('•off**, PalembAnr ]R% baain '.'Son r«flo«. Libarlan No. 1 17 M TapiooK, »mall Flak« MO
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    • 125 3 On Ixitutm.— Hunk 4m'« 1/1 If Demand 1/111 Yt\-nU> (I m/» J/nti do. Sra/« 1/111 On OrniiHy.- Bank d/d 1 OR> PrlT«t» m'» 2.n?j Do. em/» ».<*« On France.— Bunk d/d 2.48 Pri»»t« Urn/8 SW> Do. flm/i 4.1W On India— Bunk T. T U6 Priv»t» d> 149 On BoM/kona
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    • 336 3 Raub« (IK/10 |Vl.) *'2.M. •£l fully paid f19.7K. •Kwhau Onld f«IO paid) f moo. Th"N KVhanMinineCo. I'AO. 4outh RAubn (fion prt 1 lit'- T-. <s»pian ($lO nd) JIST*. •R*dja->«l.««(fi. 100). .MIMOL Punjoms <M p«i>l .l IH..V) PahanK KV.ine (l«/-pd f 1 r>> ».ile». R'-awah flnld M ine (*S
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    • 1749 4 UndorlUtin -a.lin:l'' .':nllowvi:i <H,iir.»i i. liout we nned <T.— ite»m>r »a.— ship: ■q.— i>arqnj scb— seluxmer; Yet.-Yacht. Cru.— Cruiser 'ibl.— Uanboat Tor— I Torpedo; H.p. Hor*e-po .Te- Brit RritUh U. S.— United rfial^? ft. French ««r. -l.nrnan j Out.— l)uu-h loh.— Jobore 4c Q. c.,—General■argo d.p. deck
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    • 121 4 r* v<t ,u. -i,,,,-. Tn-MoHun.v Bur<i|H! <■■■: ports t'oniumiuH «a.m. Araov \ia ports (lUnftilloch 8 a.m. Saigon fuj- llft.m. mutton PtiMMk l»\ W- Sojn. Rt:l:i\ i.d IVlli Hronutr 1 p.m. I'nli it sull.i nin Klsni; via port* W/nifr Hi.i 3 p.m. i: :i; nk Sku'd 3 pm.
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    • 91 4 FkuM Xi i:iii t -By the P. AO. s. >. Ckatsjs duoonlhu attb August with dMfs t.i tit.- jml August.sbe briaaa rapists to the mails which left Bingapoie ou the 7th .eft SingAporo Due In London luU l-lli I". An. Aug 4th JulvlOih N.U.I. \u« Bth Jul"y
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    • 66 4 ARRIVALS. Per s. b. Hai Liang from CoU'i— Capt. A. B. Flak. I'er i>. s. R-J'i from PuK-niuang— Mr. Xoblu. Par s. Suppho from Klang via ports Messrs. I'uuk.Tlov. Paion, and rasqual. I'e r s. XwlUa from Rnngoon— Mc««'-. Jaques Kaurc, and W. H. Hi<gi From Peuang— Bishop
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    • 169 4 >i I '■•>■• 5 Vuskl'9 N>m it Tons. (Jiitiis 1 uom irinur. CoMiuxmu. 9 j Km. tm •Jl Ban Lioug J75 Kuttuig Cotia Aug 14 Kk Loook Chun .'I Sultan Brit sir; KM Chopnrd Malacca Au« SU8000 Kock 11 Ki.m Yaog air 70 Houiwu Muar Au« M Khoo
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    • 108 4 D»T« VIMIL'I N>.!irnu4tti !>amaatN ug H Holi Aim ■Ji K .»n Yang 3* Chow rtav* Sui Hang' U B ibiuoort Tjdeua r.' BulUd M > uiton XI Hun Si'iixbuan •-"J Nun Yung H Hkuld J-- V»n il. r P»rr» Ban Fo boon iM ftinfkap Brit >tr. KotwrUou ,tr. j
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 799 4 NOTICES. CHLNA MUTUAL LIFE INSUKANCK COY, LTD HiAti Ovuci No. 18. Castow Roai\ BtaUMatal, lAX A. WATTIK. Manager. MESSRS. TAN KIM TIAN SONS. \**iAm*» The Company offer* easier terms and better bonii!>«« than any other Company doing businees in th« Kut. A special point is made of prompt payment of
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    • 233 4 NOTICES. mwfiz is pcrsUtent ns an J Handkerchief. jQg? R I >nw der CT^T[Vrf*^ ■re adopted fig fIHHK&^N^Gf RIGAUD etC* L^TtV "DEWAirS PERTH WHISKY. WE have this day received a telegram from Messrs. Dewar Bom, Limited, informing us that they have been appointed, by Royal Warrant, purveyors of whisky to
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    • 1065 4 NOTICES. I j "*^Tisr^s^amEa 'sasatf gtMtfoa mmon oun Tlf Autumn Uiu-9 Meetinf will U UU on UtiobtrSanil, 24(/,, «>uf -Mill Programme. FIRST DAY. Tuetday, 22nd OctoU'. Fibot Kicc. THE MAIDEN PLATE.-Value KOO.- A Kace for Maiden Horses— Weigot as > per >cale(lost.) An allowance o7 I4lb. j to i-i-Uriffink imported
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    • 127 4 NOTICES. HAOiN ALL HILLES W, Hol-ir,»<m Wmi HAVE ON HAND: G>9Ctnc Fsas. (-.•ili.iK and Tab!*, Ut. «>>, U0 <U, 100, 110. and I'JU Veils. siKar.l to operate from InuaadxaceDl Circuits. Any Voltajo to order. Direct or Alternating Current Pus. For Table Use, 104 Volts. Inspection invited from all people who
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