The Straits Times, 21 August 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times ESTD. OVER i A CENTURY SINGAPORE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1901. xo. ao.wiH
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 869 1 ITHEHORNEOOOI* I LIMnBD TklS" v"^ 5 Navig^ion Company J^J^G* <* fTH« IbSS.K> COMg^uilimi). A—** ST.AMSIIIP COMPANIES. Office, Telei^raph Street '&r _^WHART»a,KEPfEt.HAKaoiE. ■0. STKAM NAVIGATION OUWJJT. «TRAHERa FOR CHIKA, JaPAP, PENANU Ckvios. Imia. AoaTUUA, Ai>e», Bam, Hu-iiiLU, Gibraltar, Malta, rtßlKnif!. Pl.Y»Ot'T«. A»P LOMKW. Ibrongh n.lsof Lailing Usne.l for Prmw iutt.t „..,lo(
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    • 1432 1 STEAMSHIP (X»MPANrES. ITOSI.NKLIJKK rACRVAAU MAATHCHAPPIJ Tnder contract with the Netherlands India Government. "1 Singapore: Ship Aoesct, late J. Darkdils A Co., 2-S, Colltie Qiiay. The undermentioned date* are only approximate.>r Krom Kipected Will be Despatched for Oa raaakafl I'alembang Augt. 16 Pourabava Macaswirand Gulf of ltoni 1 1 10
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    • 596 1 INSURANCES. rpHB LONDON AND LANCASHIRE J FIRR INSDRANOK COMPANY. Capital a».lsr7,KoO Paid up Capital £iIS.7W Remrvx Fnnd £1,073,680 Th* nmlersigned. Agent* for the Company, are. prepared to accept fire ruks at current rates of premium. P.OUSTEAD A Co., Agtota. rpHE CHINA TRADERS INSDaVAKCB X COMPACT, LIMITED. Capital Subscribed M.uou.uoi. Amount
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    • 623 1 INSURANCES. THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 17X1) I ''HE undersigned, agents for the above company, are preptred to accept Fire Rinks at current rale«. BEHN MEYER A Co. W. A S. Jl I! MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1884) j r-r>HE undersigned, agents for the above j 1
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    • 716 1 BANKS, HONGKONG ASD HHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAJD-np CAPITAL f IO.miO.OOO. RESERVE FUND.Sterling Reserve..! lO,(jnO,(«TO> .n.r^niin Silver Reserve....! 3,"00,0W>/ ■*"<<** "**>■ KEKERVE LIABILITY OF I ..mirmnnft PROPRIETORS I cino Cockt of Directors-— It. V.itq. --Chairman llov. J J Hii.l laviN-.i DxrRTT Craisxn. H. E Tomilfs R L. BicaAaDSOH. Kta A Hauft,
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    • 747 1 CHAMB«RL.ArH'S PAIN BALM AfpUei to tht mflKlfd partt omekh stiff nbck khei;mati«m -i iliKNKsrt of the ML'tt'LEU AID M'lFr-'NKHS of the JOINTS. For tale i y ail dealer, m medicines everywhere. I'rii-e. wi ci,. and |l. On era! Agent*. Ihe Pini.ensry, Singapore. »-B i">ti BAUC KMPLOYMKMS T<H ET- ANOJt«KKSONAI^ [lar
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  • 28 2 Straits ©imes. t'lilGK li CIIII Slmdi Time* St'J </ year, ur post/.te *14. livdgei. Sirt-i nsar, or pott frm i-M. AdrertuMg H-itts Bk*J BJ founA in 14l f'jutlh paqo.
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  • 574 2 Sometimes it is given to a man to ii 'vi- a friend on earth. Sometime)- but very rurely Providence accords the same privilege to a woman. The idea of aii entire community lavdag a friend seems M abstrusely improh.ilile that one might be excused for do>t!>t:ng its
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  • 274 2 Thk big battleship Albion, which is I now al Colombo, will probably arrive here about the -7tli in»l Apropos of this- cutning event, it is interesting to observe a point regarding our new battleship- Dial iias bean picked out by a critic in a Dome paper. He draws the attention
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  • 239 2 Mk. Uoopei'o Report on thti Department of Hackney Carriages aud Jinr kishas for UW, contains one paragraph in which everybody will agree. He writus Ms" umiit'i oun complaints 1 rt'i'rlM' auaiDHl nyitv ol i-\turliuli, I mttmri-*, reiuaillg Uirc without any MMMaMI i-\.-.i-.\ -lux tb. need lor dealing with these men
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  • 8 2 To-day's 4/ins bank rate is 1/1 1 U.
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  • 8 2 Th« homeward mail close at 6am on Friday
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  • 7 2 Witb to-day issue there is a supplement.
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  • 8 2 Tbc UlroiU HUjet will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 14 2 There will he I snulw at the Johore Church on Sunday ut *JJ a.m.
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  • 21 2 H MS. J,i:itrii will I -iM- .in Hie ud or 3rd of next month for Australia- -to which station she belongs.
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  • 18 2 During tho year ended nn the Ist inst., 121 murderers aud outlaws v ere executed in the Philippines.
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  • 16 2 Thk British India Steam Navigation Co. has placed an order for ten steamers with Clyde shipbuilders.
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  • 18 2 Thk Scotch Church, which is approaching completion in Nortbam Koad, Penang, is to be opened early next month.
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  • 22 2 One luiridrt-d and ninety-seven deaths were registered al Singapore during th« week ending on Saturday lost. Ttie ratio per thousand was 41.63
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  • 30 2 A Klxmish double harpsichord, byAndreas Kuckers, 1614, hearing the inscription, "On this particular inFtiunißtit H. in. lei played a great deal," was sold in London three weeks aci lor £40.
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  • 31 2 I'tNANfi rumour ha« it thi' Mr H. J. H. Riccard, tlm seni'ii ut ul Police, rHwll* flatilaiMli. Matiooed there, cjnteinplateii retiring mini on reaching the Kge entitling Inn to pensinn.
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  • 38 2 Mil I 1; ni -i is t« lecture iv th* Town Hill.. m Wednesday, August -'Mil, ou "My Kx|k. lieii'-e with the troops from Cipe lorn to Pretoria Mr. Bur.i ir llii- mini-tier at llciiosda," ■MM Hi.-;; Had.
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  • 43 2 The MUak transport CUuig-tu, which paaßjd through here (nun China v <lay or so hack, is taking to India tbe I Sih 00. of tho Siege Train, which whs brouslit up from South Africa last year on the outbreak of trouble up liurlb.
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  • 38 2 Likct I' L lngpen, U'n.u Ollicer, Malay Btataa Qaioaa, h.-i" been eranted one mnnth and t«i-nty-eight days' vacition leave, with ellect from Ihe Ut August, to be followed by retirement ?.orn the service of the Federated Malay State*.
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  • 48 2 A Havas telegram dated Pario, >th Instant, MaMl that Santos Dumont, the aeronaut, set out that morninfr io his aimbip fnun St Cloud and went round the Eiffel Tower. On going back tn SI. Cloud the airship collided with a house and fell. Santon Dumont was not hurt.
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  • 50 2 Mk. H. D-illan i« sjaMotal lo leave London l.y the I', and O. .Syria on the 10;h October with a new Company for tho East, arriving at Calcutta on 7th November. The rnttrtoire will include The Torea.lor." Zaza, r The Casino Girl," "The Only Way" and a few nther pieces.
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  • 50 2 As a usual thing the mosquitoes f.mnd in Bangkok ar« not very I n whatever their bitini powers may be. Mill one was caught in the vicinity of Custom House LIBM lately, which, besides beim distinctly stout and bulky, measured nearly three quarters of an inch from end to end
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  • 43 2 l.'iiui George Hamilton, in the House of Commons, hat stated that the authoritiesat Adenhavu bcenauthorised to aiford facilities for engaging Arab labourers for .Southern Rhodesia. He says be is aware of the risk attending the experiment, which the A.i.-n authorities will watch carefully.
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  • 47 2 llem.kk.iktr soldiers in the Grask Army will be taught to grow and cure tobacco for their personal use. This accomplithment will he valuable in respect of men i|iiartcred in outlying district* where transport service it irregular and where thn warriors often run short of the soothiug weed.
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  • 51 2 Yk.steh.iiay, .i Bengali milk vendor was lined S.'n), in default a month, fur refusing to sell milk to Simmy Inspector I'estaua When accosted the man ran away, and finding himself pursued, threw down his pail and wasted its content" Ue kal been lined on two previous occasion* for selling watered
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  • 54 2 An order in council wax published in the Ix>ndon Ga-'tle of July 26th, in wnicb provision is made for administrative and legislative powers in the leased territory of Wiji-hai-wei and the territorial waters, as well as for the administration ol justice in civil and criminal matters. A land commission is
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  • 57 2 A rautuno discovery has heeu made at Cbandpur, the body of a murdered man being found packed iv a trunk despatched as passenger's luggage from Calcutta. The corpse ha* been identified as that of an assistant in a native firm, who was missing since the Ist instant, when he was
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  • 69 2 Most people la Manila, says Jean Waldrou in tha .Uiai/a 'J'imei, suffer from prickly licit. Here is a great relief. Uub pure lemon juice on tho rash, let it dry in and at nigut cool the part by rubbing a piece of ice over the prickly heat, and next morning
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  • 62 2 The members of the Oxford and Cambridge University athletic team, which is to be accompanied to Aineric 1 by Mr. Lees Knowien, M P., were to sail from Liverpool on Thursday last, for Boston. The sports will be held at Montreal on September 14tb against the Toronto and McOill I'nivursili.
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  • 59 2 THKkt was rather ;i serious collision near shanghai on Uieiind inst. between the Hainburif-Ainerika lie. or (lourerneur JaetMe and a Japanese cruiser. The meruliant stvanur was lying at anchor and the wan-hip ius sto. lining down stream, outward bound, wlicn she ran into the moored vess.-l, striking her on tb*
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  • 37 2 Last evening the R.« A. ami RE football teams met on 'he Ksplanade in the competition fur the Warrnn Challenge Sln.-M. Neither side scormi, and it is understood that the replay takes place nest Tue* lay evening.
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  • 69 2 In February la-it i ObWuHßaa tried to drown himself in the s>-u at I'enaiui. Police Inspector Morria, swam to the man's rescue only, however, to bring him ashore to die. Inspector Monin brave act has been recognized by the Royal Huinsne Society. A certificate from the Society will be presented
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  • 69 2 The City of Calcutta, which was recently bought by M.-«i- Wee Bin Co, from MesHrs Geuree Smith 4c Co., Glasgow, for $150,000, and was fitted up and repaired at Singapore at an estimated cost of SWi.OoO, arrived at Hongkong on the lUih inst. from Singapore, her average rate ol travelling
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  • 85 2 Hi'NAN is the most interesting province in China (imys tho A". />,u/y A«i«). While producing the ablest and most honest soldiers aud statesmen, who have helped to keep thn empire together during the pun half-century or more, it bas been distinguished for its conservatism and its hatred of foreigners and
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  • 88 2 Dr. J. G. Kerr, a well-known ineHical missionary, died at Canton on tho Iii !i inst. He cam« to China in 1854 and had been eniragnd in medical mission work for forty-seven years. He started tin- lir-t lnnr.tic asylum in China M Canton. When hu first proposed beginning such a
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  • 100 2 The s.x. TjiiUur, tint eleventh vessel M-w Workman Clarke and Co. have built for Mr. Alln-.l Holt, of Liverpool, and sistfcr ship to tb« /V(«i», arrived from England bm Colombo at pm. yesterday. The IJBjaMsJMI are: Length, tfatt.; breadth 54ft.; laMilh. aOfi. ;iiu. grop»t.nin:ii;.; 7,4-H'. .She has been built to
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  • 161 2 A OOMMvoaaaWt wiites: The Esplanade is getiing to be so objectionable a piaooai mcl:!, that it is hi^h time f"r the powtrstlut batoatapla and put a stop to the nuisunce that goes on nigliily. On dark nik'h;-. .1 number of highly disreputable character", iruicipally Chinese, make tbe vicinity 01 the
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  • 86 2 o*l the loth inst the Police Magistrate al Colombo, on the upplication of .Mr I! Wilson, the Manager of the Hongkom: Bank branch there, iataad an order allowing th« UansJaT lo the .Singapore, branch of 257,00.i dollars «..nh of notes discovered at tne Colombo Customs and detained
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  • 103 2 UiviKo evidence in a Liw-tnit, Dr. Easts, a W'e-H-en.l practitioner, was very frank about the fees that medical men receive. Of conrn la* charges tor well-to-do people were very different from those fee a bricklayer's labourer. In tun latter case, he said, be would not sit down
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  • 187 2 Pahtiitlaks regarding ex-President Steyn's escape from Reiti state that when Broailivood's troops reached tl»> town, after hard riding through a very cold night, Mteyn wa6 hurriedly arc-used, and along with two attendants inailc a rush for liberty. His horse had no bridle, mil l In- had only
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    • 61 2 ANOTHER PLEDat OF FRIENDSHIP. i.saSßit. Wld A!. uti The Krem-ii Crt-sn the.j« lt of the of Kuasii. lo France >. a fresh plaoai ol friendship betwe n France and KusaM The T«arit«,t asjasjafMsal the Tsar on his vim Before lauding it Dunkirk, the Tsar will
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    • 45 2 IM kl AND DUCHESS OF CORNWALL AT CAPETOWN. Enthusiastic Reception. Ul-r. The Duke anu Due a ot Coru wall have arrived at Cape Town. The enthusiasm that attended their rtvi-pnun there bus dispelled all misgivinpi as to the prulcncu of the visit.
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    • 25 2 The press regards it at a hopeful sign that the will meet the Kaiser at Dantiig on liis way to Dunkirk.
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  • 45 2 Till- OaMMny arrived from Hongkong by the Kamumg last evening, and tlmy bdm t.i-uight in tbe Town Hall with a mini and inte'esting prograinuif l'lu: entertaimiient will be given on lour nights. There is a matinet on Batafdal afternoon, at 4 o'clock.
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  • 77 2 A St. I'etershur? despatch states that tb* Baasiaa Mini •ry of Marine intend« to incuns^ tb* ut.. mih of tho I'acifir Kqnadroo by sawiuti out uicven additioaal Igbtin) nits during the pMBBM J ear. -n additions to RusMis n;iv:il tr-n in the Kur lad comprise Mo sqQadruu
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  • 153 2 Think has r.- y MM to ligh:. (Stain* I'l.e H iniinitarian") a Mas urn- iiir..n protwaly tbe modi exquisite Mamptl .'f needlework eil.-.ut that DO* tha lin-.-r-l "I Mary. ijue.-n -f 800 duriai her long impritonajans, and r >ed to divert h.Bind Irom her including doom
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  • 167 2 Uf lata, ijuite a niiinher ol r>ras» taps have beeu stolen from the public standpipaj in the neighbourhoods of Si-r.mpMii, Havclock, New Bridge, and l.itijon. Hani K.ia-ls. Mr Nash, Hrn ti ndent of in Htm and tarnMß, made. :i n port at the Detective S-ation to
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  • 325 2 Some statistics irom Mr. TreachcrS Report. A. OMM to the Keport oi Mr. .11 Treacher, the Acting Resident General of the Ftdaratad M.iliy .-ates, the output of tin iv the Kederited Malay States lor the year 1800 amounted to 7MjOW piculs or -11,41:. ton", valued
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 367 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LI). (jrLASaOVV. Manufacturer* of Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators. »Ll. KIM” i.f Sdfdty Puses. Ekn-irif Blasting Apparatus, The al-,.-f Hxploniw, SSMsf all BMSB> Sraal Has,** i»>li to pa— tin /iij/i sißaslatW infttii ami purify Isjfj impovl iiy Ihe Hrituk GorernmtHt, and ore, thrriif'jre, gvarantttd
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    • 810 2 NOTICES. NOTICK STRAITS Oil* Kulilwr Svrwnp. rthort noti.-.-. Price mo.|i-n>te. tlfUllH Hobmson Bnarf NO lit li. >'EIIHi:i; the Captain. BBMt* nor I aasass at Hrn Britiaii stc«m*r HAROOA will i" responsible for dehu imorre'l bj tin- civ* iluiing tbe Vessel's stay iv this part. luIlN K. HICK 4, Master. v.
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    • 501 2 NOTICKS. R BARSAINS IN chiefly tin- property of gentlemen (jone home, sent in for sale without reserve, all with iron frames and in good order I happell |MR Suter M P.roadwood KaMnaan l' Co. IK llriilgeport, nenrl) new -''i 0 Kacbals upi ight BMd -'1-5 D" Grand M Our owa
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    • 481 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN^HALL. Sole l.esai-e« and nsM A. .1 FINI.AY Proprietors AND C'<l. Fop 4 Nights Only. GRAND OPENING NIGHT TO-NIGHT. T*l IHI HIST TIIK l\ SUtiAMIE. AUSTRALIAN VAUDEVILLE SPECIALTY Co. A SERIES OF MOST POWEHFUL ATTRACTIONS. 15 Star Artists 15 Musical Director Mr. L. H. Dkakkfokd Box plan now
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    • 85 2 On the tilst inst. at Hafton, tb.' wif. of W. Meki of a sod. 11. 8. 8 itUftndac for lio -tratw nm*» assa A -ntuo on ona aide of the panar salj R7 la« u?!a«-.Df that son lition. man) M.8.8 _-.i r.-« tad l.n.t adirkt othannai b» p»bli.h«i. A.l adratiamf
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    • 109 2 LOCAL MINING NOTES. Ksataa.— lt has been reiiorted to me on good autlioriiy (hat tlie extension of tbe main lixle carrying .1 good .|ii. unity of gold ha* been discovered some distance s'ltith Irom the main workings. This is a most important rind as it shown the lad* extends for
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  • 425 3 THE MAURITIUS PRESS. A flagging Act. I'm- Inl.ean.l the Miuhes- ..I Coinwail en j at Mauritius on their way to Ratal Betore their arrival the ii wen tm nl ol M laritioj In. l before Council of thai Colony v, (Mia inea imposing paaaltiaa lot tadiikiwi iibe! Tm Attor«ey-Oenoral eipUll.ol
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  • 523 3 ?S th Co. P. O. A. v. R. E. im.-i. t.-iiin- in.-: li»- evening on !!,e I rMtk I lab ■rmiod, iii tha lirst round of tbe aixive Ohalli Oft shield Both were siron;!y re- The teams were:— Jsth Co. R. O. A. ( l.t.« Racks
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  • 107 3 L.L.T.C TOURNAMENT. Vetterday's Play. Championship. Mrs. (<<r heat Mi(..''olen.l a Mrs. founders best Mr».A.iam*. 8-d.6-1.6-6. Mixed Doubles (A. Class). Miss J. (iunn A Mr. HaaOaaaal l.«-i.t Mrs. Preston 4 Mr K»i nne. n:i. i, 1 Championship Pairs. MissOun.v Mr K.n.l bent lira. Lovell Mr. I'iiii.i- 6-3. .1-1., !'•:<. Tics for
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  • 1450 3 REPORT FOR 190 a. Tmk Administration Report of the Singapore Mllllll i|iih'y for I»iKJ bu jiisl linen issued. 'I he Commissioners sat thirty-fix times during the year. Mr it.Miiir as [iii'Miii-nt all Dm DDMttef^ Mr. Barker cimie next wiili II attendances Mr. Sohut and Mr Macl.iren lieti
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  • 117 3 At a session of the Philippines Commission, at Manila, on Hi.- 4th raal Paterno askerl the Comnii- -lion to confer rank and decorations on its Ki!i |.inr> officials, or to increase the salaries. He referred to the Kumpean custom and said "We are all only human, an
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  • 706 3 Further Details. Tiik Boat detailed account of the PMar»— Haatfagi Tfaiiilhn to haad is that given by the l,n<lie*' I'icloriii. It runs as follows On the2ot!i July, at the Church of St Aaaatm, Davies utrett. by the Itev W Ward, late Chaplain to th« Eirl of
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  • 144 3 A corre-[nind«nt writing to the conductorol "Stray Notes" in the At./I'hronwlt gives some suggestions for suitable epitaphs for members of various professions. We quite some of them. The teachers He's enjoying his long vacation"; th« lawyer's ''Lie* here witb hi« retainer;" the post-nwster's Sent to the Dead Letter
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  • 170 3 It was stated some months ago (says San '•>. in. contemporary), that •he Taft Philippine Island Commission hid sent h rough draft of a tariff bill to Washington to be submitted to expert- in the State and War Departments. The new tariff is designed to provide the
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  • 191 3 Few of the present generation probably remember the name of Dr. Lynn, the famous magician of the seventies and eighties, who was the original founder of the Egyptian Hall. Dr. Lynn's fame was world-wide, for there was hardly a quarter of the globe from Yokohama to
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  • 213 3 I.A.\rKCorpor,ilOmmundsen,the iir»: lUsg'l Prizeman, U by occupation lawyer's clerk in tlm firm of Messrs. J. and K Anderson, Writers to the Signet, Bdbibanb. He is about year- m ■ie.-. and is one ol the most youthful prizemen. lie is the yosaaaat who has taken a
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  • 312 3 Extraordinary Statement- In The German Press. A kkw daya ago, suya the I'mung (layette, the announcement was made that llie Miaits ijettleuients Government bad passed the first reading of a bill prohibiting the import of Chinese coolies on other than English ships. A tremendous outcry was
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  • 111 3 In r.ARi.v the oldest timber in the world, which has been subjected to the use ol man, is that found in an ancient Egyptian temple, in connection with stone work, wln.-i is known Sci.-ii.-u Siftings") to be at least 4,oo" years old. This, the only wood
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  • 168 3 Whk.n Society gives Itself over to silliness it is amazing how silly it can be. Women who are pretty think their prettiness saves them from criticism, and if they are wealthy and boast a noble name as well they are practically immune from censure. Things are not
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  • 379 3 American Marriage Broker in London. 'I'm American Colony in London, which increases by hundreds annually. is deeply interested present in the latest form of American enterprise now beginning operations in London. According to a boajM paper, this is lhc aatabMhaaaßt of a matrimonial agency for the purpose of
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  • 67 3 l'enaiig and Bombay. Rrrmida, due -'3rd URL, Kehn M.iyer k Co. Manila, Lonutaura, on 24 ih Augt. Bonste 1 1 Co. 81. Petersburg via ports, t aat, on 2m h Aoct., Behn Meyer 60. KUng via ports, Ban Wht'U Hin every Friday, aud Sappho every Saturday,
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  • 24 3 (A 1 K. A.* nawra lMk lafaabHONGKO.NU. Bvometer at 09. Direction 01 Wind East. For.-co! Wind I. Max temp in Shade 81.
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  • 546 3 SIUUATOHB. Sift ABOUST. 1901. rßovvcv,. Gnmbier buym I"*) Copra Bali l» Pepper, Bhv-k. buyers ».M Ho White. (nj[). 44.00 Hago Flour Sarawak B.SH do Brunei No. 1 Pearl r«eo S.KS Coffee, Bull, IS* basis I»<X> Code* Palemban* IRV basis -' OoBmi. Liherian No. 1 17.3* Tapioca. »m»ll Flake MO
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 30 3 PAINFUL BREATHING and dangerously sounding cough, indicating congested Inngs, is quickly relieved by taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, For sale by all dealers in Medicines, The Dispensary, General Agents Singapore. 4_^
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    • 39 3 When children are teething they have more or less diarrhu-a, which ?an be controlled by given Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy. Full directions with each bottle. Sold by all dealers in Madicines. The Dispensary, General Agents. Singapore i-A
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    • 114 3 HOST SHOOT YOUBBELF No doubt you often feel like it. but attar ju-i a liitle deliberation decide you can't Hfford to do it. But Unit thumping racking Headache; what can you .lo with it Uive it ita quietus by using Little's Oriental Balm. It acts like magic. It kills pain
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    • 190 3 HOTEL DKR NEDKRLANDEN BATAVIA (JAVA.) JMKBT Class Hotel. Known for its 1 excellent food. Very frequently visited hy British people. English speaking servants. Every accommodation. Messenger on board of all the steamers. A. F. MERTEN. Proprietor. m. .t tb. n.c. BUTTER. FRENCH BKETEL FREKES D'lsigny Butter In lib and 2
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    • 1419 3 NOTICES Paste for office and home use, strong, lasting cleanly, sweet Kinelr»tc OR Me I>iiK UlO- ZU, Ul5. OU BOTTLE WITH BRUSH INCLUDED. ITKAWAY LAIDLAW CO., ALMEIDA STREET. Kelly Walsh, Limited, :,2 Raffles Place. NEW BOOKS. AB ""P'l'i '■> J t Victoria by Alfred I Austin f 350 Flowers and
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 184 3 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, 21st August. HiKb Water. IM p.ra B. T. JL a. llrili. (Drill Order.) ."..In. S V. A. Maxim Drill. tM. L L 1. C. Tournament. Vmlevill" Co. Town Hall. 0. C. C. Hockey. Thursday, aand \uju>t High Water. S.S7 a.m. -JM p.m. Moon Fir»t Quarter, i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 515 4 NOTICES. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD Kaii> Orrici Ho. IS, Ciktok Rom>. Shanqhm. lAS a. WATTIE. Manager. MESSRS. TAN KIM TIAN SONS. Afcemi, The Company offers easier terras and bettor bonuses than any other l,onj|>»uy dolnt business in the But. A special point is made of prompt payment
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    • 496 4 NOTICES. lints for LEfti PERMS' f|T lit WORCESTERSifUE SAV6L By Special Warrant^^MH^m^Die Qnun m Ponenpsti Eaprtss bI Indlau CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. i T The absolute purity and great economy of Bovril is proven by the fact that over five hundred hospitals and kindred public institutions, including all most important in
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    • 782 4 NOTICES, For Constipation I and Biliousness I lWTV_l^l^___V^^T_l I |3i_JlUi2i[_____j____ PURE fob ASTHMA U QRIUAULT'S INDIAN CIGARETTES l For Atthmatlc p«opl« who tufT»r from srrstlsioi la bruthlnc. IOIRUHtM ■MII**C»TI(. IHSOMIU -U DimCDITT Is artCTUMTKI. Orlmault'i Cigsrcttcs render tht renptrftUna auur, oul ihort the |»roiysmi. ul remorc Urn Ming ol tiihturu
      782 words
    • 852 4 .NOTICES. Dr. c. d. MOORE'S OT^ MED COCOA 5 MILK Hot Water only required. Compel Bconamu-aL Bjiriimmd OBjiwhy £*ft: Ch H*M.'^j!L"T,' ...'i!'TlWti!.*r'.u., U»|<». Sole fropnelors Wackie C° Distillers. LiimfedlsuY Glenuvei Gusgow. TO BE HAD OF ALL DBA LERB, GUTHIUE CO.. AWBNTS, m.w.f WATTS CO. (Established 1808.) BIT To H. E.
      852 words