The Straits Times, 20 August 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times KSTD. OVER A CENTUUY SINGAPORE. TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1901. NO. 20,ii07
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 866 1 FFIHt BORNEO OOMPANY. MMMBD THE 9t»:w '.I Ufc iwmmct- In-mn S.*irty. Allan Ini i>' ''miMj (Kiro). 1 h« Chi™. Mvsual Mwm Nttnirtm Compaay 1 he Tettanluna H""* CompMj. For particulaii ol ti»*» Companies, wW f,ll adV^-m.*! of THIS B&RKBO COMPANY UVITSD Airwito STKAMSH IP COMPANIES. I"* OFTKII.TILIOIUrH StRMT 06 0.
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    • 1449 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I'OWINKLI.IKK PAKKTVAAKi MAATBOHAPPIJ Under contract with tbe Netharlandt India Government. „i Simaporr: SUIT AotXCY, Lin J. DaMDIU A Co., 2-S, COLLTKB QCAV. Tii" unii.rmentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched (or Ob Can Wait Palcinbang Augt. 1H Suurabavn Maeassarand Golf of Roni D 10
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    • 589 1 INSURANCES. rpHE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIXE INBURANCK COMPANY Capital 13,!ST,MU Paid up Capital £1117(0 Reserve Fund 1 ,07s .'>(X i I'he undersigned, Agent* for the Cornpuny, are prepared to accept fire riakt at current rate* of premium. BOUBTKAD A Co., AgeoU. rE CHINA TRADIBB DISURAHCE COMPANY. LIMITED. Capital Subscribed
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    • 506 1 L'UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PARIS. Established 1828. REHERVEB AND TOTAL tiIIAKAXTKKS £4.nU0,00U. 'pUE undersigned, agent* far the above I 1 company, «n prepared to accept lire I risks for long or short periods at current I rate*. CASK SETTLEMENTS promptly I made by the Agents in Singapore. 31/10 MOINE
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    • 713 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BASKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL »10,000,000. RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve..»lo,oGo,oo<n l 3 Silver Reserve....* 3,100,000/ l3 W t U RESERVE LIABILITY OF .miwiinm PROPRIETORS. IIJ OOIIB<I Com or Dulkjtom:— R. SmBWAN, E«q.— CSAIBIIAM. Hon. J.J. Bill leyino Uirm Chairman-. R. K Tomkins I B L. Ricubmoic. E«j
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    • 643 1 NOTICES. CiOYERNMENT NOT! FICATION t CLVrS for teaching practical assayl\ ing and mineralogy will l*> held by the noverumcot Analyst al the I :i1,..i;.. Tory, Singapore The course will .l.vil with the detection nnd assay of ores of gold, silver, lead, tin and other metal*. The inclusive fee for the
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    • 801 1 Croup. A FEW MINLTEK fiKI.AV IX JY TRKATINO wine ,-a»e» of roui. even the length of lime it takes to go for a doctor, often prove. daMcfwa. I h.. m..t way ia to keep some Cm. p m. I '■me MMh in the hou-r. lli.n- i« none betU'r tlian
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  • 30 2 jJimes. I'KICE !5 OK NTS Straih Timer SK> a year, nr pott < fee $0i. iStrnilt Dudgel «1H a ymr, or'fotl free %)!0. A'hurtiung Unit* rmi'i twni in tue f(n:rth p<ti]v.
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  • 1159 2 I'kofoi m interest attaches to the latest assertion of the great bacteriologist., Dr. Robert Koch, who, at the British Congress on Tuberculosis, held at St. James's Hull last month, laid it down as un axiom: That tuberculosis is curable in its early stages must be regarded as
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  • 1187 2 Mr. W 11. [Mma, tint Acting Rjsidenti; incral of thu I'Vioratod MMaJ .Mutes, pi clouts, in his Annual Report just iesund, a picture of proapurity in t!i« districts over which lie has control which ix a splendid tribute to tlie ellicicney of the Federal Government. M i xceilcnl -a
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  • 124 2 In our issue of y.-t. R.i i> we published a repoil from unenl a iiiis^ion which I.i Hung-Chang is slated to have appointed, and which ia to be MMMMMI to Singapore aa well an to Australia und Ceylon to raise fonds for the relief of the s-.ui.-rci- by MMMM in
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  • 7 2 To-iiayV I ms Link rate is 1,11;.
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  • 11 2 H M B MMTM was to leave l'unang ■MMMMJ tor Klang.
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  • 15 2 The Uritish transport Cwiaf 1% (No. a) passed througii the port yesterday evening bound westwaid.
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  • 18 2 Tin final pull for the W&rrcn liij.-i.i-War Shield will take place M Kurt Canuing on Thursday, -'9th inst.
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  • 21 2 KicliuliHu, of the Siamese N ivy, MM in his resignation on the 9th inst. and will retire on a pension.
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  • 22 2 On ol the latest additions to Holt's line "I' steamers, the Tydeut, is due here eitner to-night or to-morrow morning, from IfsHMM
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  • 22 2 Vi-.iki)av tikanvaoD, Uaaoar of Urn I:i..A «m buried at Bukit Timah II i.i. i Cemetery, the funeral being ciiidin'ted with military hononis
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  • 3 2 II M H.uiLKsmi-
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  • 27 2 I ■hail ii to Urn (i'o/imM, is i-x|H'rt«i from i .ibuiit m M lu'ncc Blie i« exrx cted to coal litre lief ire leaving for tlit north.
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  • 31 2 Til 1 I; -in. -ward mail MMMMI mattiltl hit BoajkoMl on Sutur lay, hi;u is due ln-rc on Thursday morning. The mails by the <'oromavdtl close on Friday at 6 an:
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  • 28 2 A nkw steamer named Ilintatig of 1,900 tons llMilatlilll ha'i been linncln-d at Leith for the Kant Asiatic Company, of Copenhagen, for use in their Far Eastern traue.
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  • 34 2 TaTI raport of the I'aknaiu Railway Co., a Bangkok vcnttira. for the halfyear ending on the 30th June last shows a proiU i.f O^H ti- :ils. The directors recommend a tivo p«*r cent, dividend.
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  • 33 2 The marriage of Mr. Win. Oowuie, a pioininput resident at Kangkok, with Miss Mary Mnrgarel Greta, (sister ot Mr V C (Jreigofthe British Uispeneary at Bangkok) took place there on the 15th August.
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  • 36 2 Thk Kreiu-li mail MMMM M reported having passed the British ship FAgxiuhin: of Glasgow, in lat. Ml N long ***** E. »he was bound from New York to Nagasaki and wished to bo reported all well.
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  • 41 2 In the House of Commons, on the 23rd nit., Mr. ISrodrick infonnui Mr. I that no MMM hail yet been come to as to the proposed transferor tlit- defence of certain coaling stations from the military to the naval authorities.
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  • 43 2 This BMI liner BUMu now tlios Iho Dutch Hug, .iinl can thus cut. into the Netherlands India nnMtIMJ trade. Captain Klair, her master, is no longer in command. (Juptain Him lod Mr». Klair will leave fur England by ni'iil in v few days.
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  • 43 2 A MiHKI agk han been arranne.l bet »v.-n Capt. Victor Scrntchley, D.5.0., flOth Killed, only son of of the late M»i >r (ien. Sir Peter Srratcliley,. It X KCM.G-, and Miss Anna Clementina Harvey, youngest daughter of the late Julin Harvey, of Singapore
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  • 77 2 The Kurnsang" with the Company not yet arrived. Owiv; to the non-arrival of the a. s KsMMBJ «hich is carrying the Australian \uudevilles, and which had not MM signalled up to 3 o'clock tin- afternoon, the advertised first peil.ruiunce at the Town Hall cannot he held this
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  • 106 2 A IHIIIIIIII ease is rejKirted from North Ueal.l, in MM, BmM weeks MJO a Mis. I'egrumt) was stung on the arm by some insect, and as the wound bMMM more and more paintul ami MM aim became very lunch MM. blood poiiouing was feared. Dr. Kowler was called,
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  • 185 2 I hi; result of ihe draw for the Knurs r... in thi: Uegait i whlob opMi M Tbondaj next is as fottaa ■sMVMMMtI l.yo Robertson I UatWasdn i Kodease .-eoulur Iliir^.-- l,ye 'in Thursday, weather permitting, the first iwo MM taku place, rU, Uolierl~.ii versus l>.irbishireat.">.l.'. p
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  • 41 2 Thk Timu of Ceylo,, says that the money in connection with th" Mat robbery at fßnwnnm which «m recovered in Colombo, >UI be taken from there to Singapore by l'olice Assistant Superintendent Marshall, who expects to leave about the XJra instant.
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  • 53 2 I in: KssMM was docked at Keppcl Harbour MMf while the following vessels were undockeii there yesterday, vi/. Sri (MMMi In M 'i HocHight, and Wilhebn. The I'ri.i Alcj'iialer however, re-docked thi morning. The Win .*>'»«// was undo kc>l at Tanjong l'ag.-ir to-day and towed to the raada, MM MM
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  • 69 2 Thk British cavalry I? HI II in who MM recently in I'hina are persuaded that the Chinese |>ony is peculiarly suitable for work in India, and ould he easily adapted to the new mounted infantry which it is proposed to call into existence there. With the consent of tin India
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  • 62 2 l'ut shooting match between the Ceylon and .Singapore Volunteer* will be helil, says the nMMM of Ceylm, on the Slat inst thu teams shooting their respective ranges, the conditions being Bisloy targets and scoring. Tlio distances art) KW, .">"ii, aud 'Km yurdr, MM rounds with a sighting shot at each
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  • 61 2 h has bus been officially intimated that, as dismounted infuntry OOWtl will in lut'ire carry carbines ii place of sworda on active MnrlM and lield maniHUvre", instruction in Infantry sword exercise will Ik' discontinued, KMBtMnawdi the method of drawing and returning Ihe sword and saluting Swords will not ho worn
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 606 2 NOTICES. LATtSft UPOn ON SIDKUOSTHEX PAIXT AS AX ANTI-CORROSIVE. Calcutta, May mil, IHUI. HE 8. K "HI'OHM." Ihis rp«.,-l's uoltom »-ik>painu-lonih«sUrlioard SMlawMk sWsfMMMs, and on the port side willi MM and rvd laa.l. When recontly ilockrd it was found that the Xirlrrost lirn paint had stood very much hatter than
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    • 815 2 NOTICES, LADY would Uke one or two children to educate with her own in healthy part „i s,n,,v K.-f.-i.-n.-e perniitled to H. R. Rnldwin.Kola llbmJ. MR MWMM LAWS. M.X, A.I M M S, Battery Ko».|, Sing»pore, tmviug had 17 yrnn. iMWriilll in the But is now o|>on to t.vainiii-» and
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    • 721 2 NOTICES. TOWN HALL. For i short season only. GRAND OPENING NIGHT To-morrow flight. To-morrow Night. Sol" Lem«"< nnd 1 Mkts. A. .1 FINM.AY Proprietor* J AND CO. i»K TIE I ii;m TIIE n M-,i.u-"i.r THE AUSTRALIAN VAUDEVILLE SPECIALTY Co. A SERIES OF MOST POWEKFDX ATTRACTIONS. 15 Star Artists 15 Musical
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    • 805 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Sole Agency of the Ratals' Pianos. IMPORTANTNOTICE. MESSRS. I'UTTFAUC-KfcNACo.bnvini! from this d»y handed orer the Aitcncy for tbe sale of UACIIAI S PIANOH to the undcrsifEned I'ianoK from the celcbratwl manufactory will in tiilnre only l>e sol. l iv them cither for cub or hire instalmenti. THE KOBIS.SO.N
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    • 71 2 M. 8. ts. iaMulx. for Urn Rnwu law .oui.d *c »ntt«ii on on titn <t ttw ffn ool; K> U. B«f \*A <A tl»t oootlilUMi, many 11. S. B mr% n)BOted Uut mlfht otbanrU* tw pcVjl.oJ. All adnrMrar oonkaoti an nbtwt to tk» o. ndi. boa tluit tha lUukter w.y
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  • 823 3 baaaaat at Bangkok. Ax il.,|ii!iy into Ihe death ol Mr A U. Kild I Mrarth Bnh Limit, n who was killed by elerlru-ilv :ii l>.in K k.k i.n ilm Wh instant, was opened at the Imi'isli i iii.siil.i'i- there oa tha lath iMianl bi lon Mr. Carlisle.
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  • 118 3 A ■iM.iJi'iM.i n wiil.s, in the .V. C ir in Taijruan-fn .",1 rureignen were roassitcred in i ln~ city aloaeaodovat I.OUO Chriatiani belongme to tl;.- CMaolic The i-ti. ftw Urn vaola Previace will >i .triii- Urn world aad briaf Uoom to tinpublic liniui the
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  • 127 3 Ncstcrday's Play. I adks' Singles Handicap. \lr«. 1..-1.1 Mrv K.MT.t; I, I-: Mi. ParnaMbaal In Ihnnsin Championship Pairs. MaaOma A Mr. k.-i.i u-»t m,-. i ,i,. nrtf.. Mi. Ril.'kland.«-I, li I. Mi. .-.■i-iiiiiim A Mr.J ii. Maetaajatt l,la>e.l Hiai .1 liuim A Mr. Q a, uiitilii-h.-.1. I
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  • 1195 3 Tut I. Winning news items by wirn to Oniamho. w. re 'miav.iirlnbly lield »vi r i] owing to pressure on apaoa York has beaten llamp-<liire at Harrogatc by an innings and SI run-' 1 T Riown, ■aaioraMnd lIOanH Mr. T. L. Tarlot i:>c. in the nMtcii batman K.nt
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  • 286 3 Thk results of the first days racing at Taiping are appended. Splendid weather, good fields, and some interesting mcing with many up«els and exciting finishes were the features of the day. Maiden Plate. Mr. Ohaal Ma ti.i.- i;-i.iii.. l Mr. Tan Ituo LiM'; VsrtiH J Mr. 11. It.
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  • 452 3 The Ooodwood Cup. Si'tviAL telegrams ta tha Jlia« give the following reeults Mr. Arthur Jmnir, b a Fortu' iilun, Maher. 1 Lord Ellcsmere's eh f Iniiuiritive, Martin.. 2 mi K i-asM-IV b iH.-ui li [;te, Buchanan Lord K.'ilinouth -b c I'mwn tqtierry 0 .Mr. Hondersou'd eh f
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  • 295 3 Tut Lo-uUjn l.'liiivi Express thus refers to the death of Mr Arnot Reid, formerly Editor of the Strait* Timu We much regret to announce the death of Mr. Arnot Reid, who died at Tonbridge on 21st July Mr Reid was of a somewhat roving nature. I'ievious
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  • 1459 3 run Actir.g Manager's report on the Itatib minis to August lith. runs as follows Mining HH Jeliit Mine:— The 150 -.nil. level liaa been driven :W, making the present end ?40' from the east crosscut, l'lie reef in the face is tt wide, and ■bawl in occasional colour
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  • 23 3 I'er M. M Mat from Marseilles Me-sis Nichol, Barbier, Ktinesse van Ouivenboe, Sny.lers, Van n-i.i,, N. P. Hermann, and Coppinot
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  • 17 3 I'er M M. Sinai lor Colitmbo Mr. U. C Wright. Kor MaiM-illes-Mr. Karl Dichl.
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  • 320 3 Thkkk seems to lie a number of dangerous characters infesting ihe harbour making police duty rather a risky matter. Yesli.rday, Inspector Branagan charged a Chinese boatman, one of a party of three, two of whom effected their escape, with the theft of a bag of rice from a
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  • 778 3 A Hy alights on your linear tip; the l.rmii i< inslunllv inlornicd of il the Hy i« thaten off. That i« Urn oerve. telegraph Vuu lift a piece of meat on s fork, put il In a few hours' that ment, or part of it, is
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  • 560 3 SISGAPOBK. L>OTH AroDST, 1901. I'RODITCK. O«mhier buyers W«0 Topra Bali 8 M An Ponti-nak 7.3S Pepper, Black buyers.. ifiin do White.. (s'<) 44Ot> Sago Flour Snrnwak S.SS do Brunei No. 1 490 Phh r»eo ».no foffm, RhM. UW ba«i« l»on Coffee. Pulembanir \r,% huiii '.'S.on Poffee I.iberian No. 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 42 3 When are le.-tlung they have inon- or le-n iliari h..- 1. uhii-ii i»n ha ."ntioll.-.l by ciM-n Chamberlam's Catto, hub-r.i. and DianiUM lUimedy KIIII directions with each bottle. Sold by all dealers in M.-li,ii,,« Tbe I'iKpens.iry, General Agents, tfingm 1 A
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    • 30 3 PAINFUL UUEATHING and dantrerously wnimlinu ciuieb, indicating 'in,.--. 1- (juickly relieved by taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, Kor sale by all dealers in Medicines, The Dispensary, (ioneral Agent* .SngajKjiu 4
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    • 113 3 HOTEL DKR NEDEULANDEN BATAVIA (JAVA) 1 ■>! li.-. T Class Hotel. Known for iv I: cxcelleni food. Very frequently visited by British people. English speaking servant*. Kvery accommodation. Messenger on board of all tbe steamer*. A. I. MEKTKN. Proprietor, m. v th. v.,-. AI7CTIOM SALES. AUCTION SALE OF OOVERNMBKT BUILDING
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    • 1055 3 NOTICES tSTICKPHAST. Paste for office and homo une, strong, lasting cleattly, sweet khk*lHiig vLO- 010. *J\J BOTTLE WITH BRUSH IXCLUDKD. ITEAWAY LAIDLAW CO., ALMEIDA STREET. Photo Stores. UKUBUM MICHAEL, Singapore. tii. JITTE.NTIO.N fITTEiJTI O.N Photo* of all «i/.es r-wiv Iv be tuken on liron.iili- or I. 11. V. Klllargemenls made
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 170 3 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, 20th Anvjwat. High Water. I.lHpm Warren Football. Mth (;oy. K.O.A. K.K. Philharmonic Choir. US. S. V. A Maxim Drill. (i.IS. L. L. T. O. Tournament. Wednesday. 21st August. tlieh Wator. LM3 a.m Ui p.m. s. V. K. i Drill. (Drill iinler.) s v. A Maxun
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    • 1716 4 Under tins Urta.1 I n<t 'if (ul!j win^!\'ilir^rs\tiona are mad :-«tr.-«M:im»r <h. chip; bq.— barqaa Kb achoonar; Yet.— Yacht; Cm.— Cruller i Qhl. Hunboat Tor forpetio H.p. -Horse-powor j Brit British 11. S.-United SU'.ot Vr.~ French; (4«r. Onrraan Dnt. Dul.'h; Job.— Jobor* do, v. a_ Oaneraljargo d.n.
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    • 89 4 *or Per ilr. 1 To-MoRRow Snniwilk YnricnTUi t a.m. Mootok A FVhw 11 Mr,' r 7 a.m. Bsngkuk It lit fftlll No.. u. KiiMiiintli'vin|iorU Kirhmwid -'p.m. AmihaM A Dall I I. I... Mow aad Halan* Pta^Uta p.m. T. An-.iQ vi.i port. Hut Uonn .1 p in. I- Di.'k^n-iAKInng
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    • 102 4 Fli.'M Xi iioi-k:-- By the P. 40. s, Ckmm dut'onthe Nik Augui-t withdaii". tn the hid August; nhe l<rini» replies to the mails which lift ■tagtpan on the 7th July. fin'M China:— Bj tin- 1". An.». s. Coruraa;i<(./ dvi' on Thursday. U-it Singapore Due in l-ondon Arrived
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    • 152 4 ABHIVAIJ. i\< from Teluk .\ii>oiivi» ports— Mfsarx. Luuring Jii.i-.mi, W. J. Crors. J. 1.. Watkins R. Hchmidt, Zobran Krausß, and Mr. »nd Mrs. I'alon. IVr I. (M;,,,,, from Dcli-Messn.. War.l.n, S. Bercsford, KiiiM-y, and Mn> Stooor. Per s. l.a .W« from Balavia— Me»sn-. Hisnink, H. Deffni-r, WriaM,
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    • 129 4 5 i Vim'i turn I Q Aug 10 F.uUlln 19 Sltul'l 19 Horn, o 1» Hmhlnn.i. i' 1 Aucuenarduu l» flam •J'l Brouwoi ■M Obra •JO Chow Pbya iO r.ikan run A Toms. Capt»in F*oh Saiuik. Cootiosiw. Bio. Hal itr. 147 Osgginj Muar Aug lKSoon Keck Nor itr. 914
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    • 100 4 Dat* Vehkiu'' Hum furntUi Btnur UMnaMiM Aug 1H (-bangeljou 20 Hong Wan n kiovo ■-•"i Uiang s.-iij Charterhouse •M Honx Wav 1 •M Culypw ■Jii Rvie Bornt-o 111 (1 a Mever O) Mercury' •M Arabia' »i Tritot Brit tlr. Tueblx-n sir. Hudwn «tr. Ainaworlh str Kawlingaon str. Strii'klmlil «lr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 514 4 _NOTICESL Sanolinc' I Natural Toikt Preparations. Tuilct I* t^ivtt'e tube; ttahtt r+tf* I*IM i"w'». fmttot affffMt* —mpluhmi fr*m m'r4 M*". -IjinoliTic' Tolkt Soap Ttinliii'- Dn>Ai-«T. Holm>«» VkM*. l-ontett. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSCRANCE COY, LTD ■aW OaMM N l*\ CIITTOS Ko«U. SHlNi,,lil. 11 A. WATTIE. Marnier. MESSRS. TAX KIM TIAN
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    • 733 4 mnm. '1 JL erteCllOn Curly Cut Tobacco, in 4 iz. |iati-nt Vacuum (ins, for Cigarettes and Pipes. The PerfeCtiOl\ Curly Cut Tobacco. is inanu factared from the brightest, most delicately flavored, an.) highest cost tobacco grown in America, the most exacting smoker will find this tobacco is perfection. Price per
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    • 317 4 NOTICES. ,;"a RISAUD'S g| Ka.&aaga OP J.VPU TOILET WATER I 1 Flgaod'i Kaning W«mf>> ot the Kamnga I lower of l^ffilff RICAUD &c *f Imltallooat TM« N EWTRENOHREM E D V TRAOtH HmARK 1 Mi wemM IBd hijhljr pauuUr r*ni«dy. m •rtip|.,,»,i i ;»i»(« itiiirnt»J Ho«pttaJa b> Kifoid, BixUn, J>>b«rl.Va)l--j
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    • 822 4 SHIPPING. BRITISH INDIA BTSAH SAVIOATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR ADELAIDE, MELBOURNE, AND SYDNEY THK Company's steamer ttltKA 'i,W tons, Captain Brown, may be expected to arrive here on or about the -i th in*t. and will have prompt despauh for the above ports. For freight or passage, apply to SO/8 BODBTEAD
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