The Straits Times, 19 August 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. KSTH. UVKK 1 A CKXTIKY SINGAPORR MONDAY. AUGUST 19, 1901 NO. '»,H*\
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 849 1 rTUIE I.OKN*X)OOMPANY. lIMIIED TIE StaaJ mM l.ifM AiaumaOM Her* rica Fin liunu»nos f<i«'y. AHaa ■aMBWfS) 1 1 Tk.K-in.tal I -.fe Aaxmlkx Th. (T,m« y -.t.,.1 SW» NaviK»rk« Company Tke Tult—hsai l«fer Bmc Coatpaay. For particulan ot thaa* Companias, ta» the f«U aiviS»-Lnt of THK hSbNKO COMPANY. LIMITED. Ajrents. STEAMSHIP COIPAynB.
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    • 837 1 STKAMBHIP COMPANIES. I/ONI.NKLI.IKIO rAKKTVAARI MAATBCHAPIMJ Vaatar •tattaat >Mk HM Netherlands India <i}verntnant. il Nmbmi litf aaWR, LA-rx J. Daiki-kls 4 C 0.,2-», <k)U.»E» tjDAV. Vbc mdormtotlanaJ dates an< on! i approximate. t -.n.ei From Enp-jcved Will ije l>«i»-»lj>>erl for On Maatbaai Aasji In Pourabaya Maca^sai and liulf of Boni Ii
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    • 605 1 (OMPJONIE l>» .m»jss>a.hfrj|.> j MARITIMES DE FRANCE. 1 ri.ttikim.c- Autimwa: Mekdaiibkii. MMMt rtia mail ?t-:amer» win l^ave Sir.ij'.po-e 'n ar abaal MM ur. Icrnipniinid l-\t-». IrTWABIi. llu'-fIfVAKJ. ■h. im. DMM Mm Au«t. i!> I >i,,0, Aag. it h>O- Au«l. SI (V.v.ii- .1 Bapl, 1 IWMp --pt. 1H i I'.trro Kapt
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    • 601 1 INSURANCE& THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIUF, INBUBANCI COMPANY. Canitill tVUaMP Paid up Capital OU.TH Reserva Fond £1,073,58> lac umlersifnnd, Aleuts for the Company, arc prepared to accept fire risks at BOIWKAD 4 Co., Aj{ontß. rr. CHINA TBADEM INSUBANCF OOVPANT. LIITITBP i luitsd Hatytcr^wd |».(inu,a«i Ainomit I>aid up eoojUW) Kojenre Fund
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    • 613 1 INSURANCES. LTXIOX FIRE INSUIIAXCK COMPANY OF PAKIS. KmiiLi-iiMi 1828. HtSERVES AND TOTAL (iUAKANTEES i-|,i«W,OIW. 'pHE, for the above 1 (orupauv, are proparod to accept lire n-i for long ur short periode at current 1 ratei. CAHH SETTLEMENTS promptly made by the Agent* ir. Singapore. j 31/10 MOINE COMTK ,i
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    • 710 1 BANKS. nO.NOKOHG AND *HAN<iHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-HI- CAPITAL $lO,<V)9,(ior'. rkskkvk nm>.— Mi-rling IWrve..»IO,OTO,U<»n Silver K^ni- B,'<Vl,Ooo/ u(w KKSKKVE LIABILITY OF I „n r PROPRIETOR* |..»WMi.t.«i COIRT Of DIRJKTOUI) t— It. *s, i., -11II!...-. 11. .v. j.j. bki.l Ikmv.j |Dm mi CmuaMAU. H. K Tomtlxo IB L. BicaAiMo*. I .i A
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    • 722 1 SHIPPLNa HUTWH IfMt STEAM NAVIGATION ooMMirr, limited. tO* PENANO KAXdOOXdCAL'T ITA IHE I'onip-im-.. MM ITItM-U. fJSf torn-, < apuin I'aknain will l.« <le»pntched for Urn ji'.o... poim on Monday Ihi IHIi Initial For I'lvnthi or mml auplv to I»'M BOUHTEAD Co, Agent.. HKITISH INDIA WTUAU NAVIGATION OOMPAMT, i.imiikii. KORADKI.AIDK, MKI.IiOI
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    • 694 1 I < uts. Bruises, Scalds and Burns, "r hkt- Injuries, Arc l'roin|>lly relieved by CHAMBI HI AIN'S PAIN BALM I 1 f.w application.. ill <■«.■.■: c lor e l,v :,ll r< in BMdMIIM ••vur\ w'wn-. Pri.ji- w oM. mi<l lIjUK Of ami Agi'nta. Thn Dian,-iiaitry,i<ingapor« H»k «ALK KMPLOYMKM* TIH BT
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  • 30 2 Straits Jjjtmes. I'liICK 16 CKNTt*. Mtarfb Timn i SlO a yoor, or potl/ne SW lilrait* Kudget *\x n year, or fotl fne Jl'o i4rfiwtutH9 «.U«* may /buim m <■ fourth jxuji.
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  • 704 2 It is a nad coincidence that the new j of the daalli of Prince Honry of Orleaus should arrive by the sain as*Mtaa*f by which M. Paul Djilmer, the fl limn i ..n,i ii of Intl.i-i iiin.i is a passenger; bnl it traimpires that the Priuctj
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  • 424 2 Si'mk vaguely indeGnitu wave ul I'xi'itfini'iit does iiuw and then sweep over the aduiiriug orowda that attend the football mutchus on tlm Kjplanadu but, ax far a., may bo gathered from reports turnibhed, tli.- place and time to b« properly thrilled anunt the varying fortune* of the gumc ig at
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  • 111 2 Tue Governor of Hongkong called a public meeting fjr Wednesday last with a view to taking steps to carry out c--rt.nn suggestion* from tho Secretary of nt ite tor the Colonies as to that Colony contributing to a memorial iv London to in.- UleQueeu. The despatch containing the suggestions was
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  • 9 2 Tbk raeeco IM wan upei) foi liaining tiiip luoniiiii;.
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  • 15 2 atettfru is declared to be an iule.'ted port owing to an oucoraak of cholera there.
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  • 12 2 l'iatli, the great violoncellist, ii dead; also Mr. John Fauuer, the composer
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  • 20 2 Tut British transport /i', v ,i/. parsed tin, .ugh the port from west to Mat at I o'.lock this morning.
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  • 15 2 The Kaii-er cordially re eived Count von Wal.|.-i-. at Hamburg, kissing him on both cheeki.
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  • 20 2 laU gaiieril ineming of the S. V. t-ikes place nn Friday next, nt tbe Drill Hall, at :> 15 p in.
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  • 19 2 Mr K. V Carey recently met with a tusty carriage arcideut near -I 'inn. but sustained no seriniiis hurt
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  • 22 2 Tan Italian transport Haaaaaftm lelt for Nanlfs at I.!i p m. yester.iiiy The tfupaaon left at :i p. in the same day.
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  • 19 2 M K. (ihiiljini Sanvar, third magietiale, u!iu I. as been in-liitposed Mn.-e Thursday hist, reKiimcd hu duties, ilia morning.
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  • 24 2 I ii K second match tor tii» Warren Football *****-Id Mkes plu'.-e to-uiorn<w eveninc, when the 35th Co. R(i A. meet the K h.
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  • 22 2 I r is understood in Louduii Ibattha British Government has accepted the inviution of Belgium to a Sugar Conference in the autumn.
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  • 22 2 A very line orchid, the- Or«SHSM*» aafsssa (hscsMaasj is now in bluom at the Botanical (iardens, and it." llouers are marvelluusly beautiful.
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  • 30 2 1 hk plague germ has Iwen ft>und in po many dead rats at Kuala Lumpur that the Municipal reward for each dead rat has I .•<— n raised lo twelve cunts
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  • 25 2 I.t Hung-Uiiung has reqiiesled the Court to grant posthumous honours to all the military oflicinls who died Hghtmei ne Hjjainßt foreigners at Tientsin and Taku.
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  • 31 2 Till; P. in.»i. <«.„„„ will) the mail Irom Europe of the L'nd August left Colo i v ho at 11 pm nn Saturday, and is expecled to arrive here next •Saturday morning.
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  • 29 2 AtriNO Inspector Me Naiuara who disappeared from Singapore about the L'«)tli ult has been ai rested at Hongkong. Chief Inspector Black will be sent to b ing him back.
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  • 31 2 Mil Uodchaux has left Manila for America with a view to raising capital for the proposed brewing company in Manila. It is tho intention to raise •<WO,OOU in the United Slates.
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  • 27 2 unforeseen circumstances, the Warren tug-of-war final, which was to have becc pulled to-night, has been postponed to soiue future dale, which will be made known afterwards.
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  • 37 2 A i i.tvfcK pieco of forgery hun boen unenrthed by the police at Hongkong. A Chinese by altering the figure* on a ten-dollar note changed it into one for fifty dollars. Accused is out un <S>oo bail.
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  • 26 2 I.oun Kitcheners proclamation inonlious that :i.\u"i. burghers haveeiiber boen taken prisonersor have surrendored to date. Commandant L>e Villiers ajul two rield-cornetn liave surrendered to the British.
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  • 36 2 1 iukl wa« a very largu and appreciative audience at the Town Hall on Saturday night whnn the encore perfiirmancH of The Upstart was given by the Singapore Catholic Club. The entertainment was a great success.
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  • 39 2 Bum Madam and the laaW Field publish wedding portraits this week that will (rove of interest to fingaporeanfi. In the former U one of tho l^ady Rowtma Paterson, aud in the latter are portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Michel!.
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  • 38 2 Shanghai papers repeat Hip. story that a Krench syndicate in about to start work on tho railway from Kwunchnuwnn through the Canton provinces. The construction is to be commenced at once. The capital is to bo 18,000,000 francs.
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  • 37 2 Thi (iurernment Qn.eitr publixhes the prospectus of the Hulk(in it tliu '-traits and Kiwie; ited Malay Stales. The intention is to bring out the present Bulletin m ntlilv and enlarge its scope as regari pf-.-.Vns interests
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  • 47 2 On Friday, a Macao hoy a former servant of Mrs. A. de la Bat, of Tanjong Kaiong, was sentenooil lo four mouths' rigorous imprisonment for stealing a purse containing $7o in notes, SS in Kilver, and some small change, the property of Mrs. A. de la Bat.
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  • 45 2 Kot-R deserters from H.MS Dlenluim, in Nagasaki harbour, wore arrestud by Ihe Nagasaki police and handed over to the British authorities at the end of last month. Twelve other sailors also left the warship without leave, and the Megasaki police were asked to arrest them.
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  • 45 2 Thk Australian Vaudeville and S|H!oialty Co., who have been performing with great success in Hongkong, will make their drat appearance in the Town Hall here to-ni irrow night, when a well selected programme is prjmi«eil. Seats may now be booked at the Robin«on Piano Co.
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  • 47 2 A t-KLKiiKAM ti> Honckunu MJI Iln' the Kaiser has bestowed on Count von U'alHersee the order I'our le M6rite, and has reappointed li'in InupectorGeneral nf the. Third Army Corps also that the Uih Kivimnit of Kiel, l Artillery is in htBN to bear Count von W.ililersi name.
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  • 43 2 Mr. Chambeilaiu, in Ihe II, „i Commonn, says the majority of the Colonial Delegates iv the Appeal Court Conference weru opposed to drastic changes, and the various Governments will now he asked to suggest change" in procedure. The Conference lib* finally broken up.
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  • 53 2 A ikkkkt match was Baajrad on the Kiplanxde on BaMfiay al'xrnoon between the SI.C Ist XI and the next XVI. The XVI batted first and only scored N't, Hannaford being the top scorer with 18 runs. Tho Ist XI made 80 ft>r 4 wicket*. Greene being not out for W
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  • 71 2 A .-ah death occurred to v marine belonging to IIM.S. Aatnt* while in the Cosmopolitan H»-r at Shanghai on the oth inst. It seems the man was emptying a mess kettle and in leaning over it is supposed the dust got into his .-yes and the iviud overbalanced him Although
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  • 75 2 .-■ojik extraordinary cricket was nitnt■-,»• lat Hhaoghal on the M iiixt. Batting Srat, the Shanghai I'ublie Si-hnol Athletic Club hil up 177 runs fartbaltaaaf one wicket, applied ihe closure, and then diemiseud their tipponi nts, the Recreation Club, fjr "6 nuM. G F. Uniting s.-ored -Ji. A. K. l.aiiuinii S|
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  • 74 2 The s'ran^e ItataaMßt n- .;ii:ly api- .iii.l, in a talagraa to Hongkong, tl.jt Mr. deWitte, the Kiißemn lliniltat uf Finance, iiad been wrecked some. ■ban oil the aoast ol China in a tramp staßSMf. An M. dt-Wiite was, at the daN- of laet advices, still in Kurope. that seemed rather
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  • 116 2 We learn that Mr. N Draba/oh Kick will proceed in October n.'lt to tako up MakvOM in .Sidney Susnex College, Oamhridaa, having baaa alaatad bj thit (JuahaM to a niatheinutical sehi>lar>hi;i. Id: lakai with him t i ill.- M 1 1 int Taylors School, London, on the modern -idu ot
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  • 125 2 Tai Timm, oijuly Mlk writob -Mr. Arnot Ueid. who died at Tonl.n.L oa Jul\ u'Nt. was for snme yeur.4 editor and proprietor of the Slfitt Timm, the leading Singapore newspaper, and onu of 1 1 1 1; inosi MMtaatlo and pu LI icspi rit ed meinbert! of the >i".-:i| -it-
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  • 82 2 The Shanghai A. 1). C. ii spending Tls. 1 1,000 on the reconstruction and re-t-uiinj; of the theatre. Alter these alterations are made, it is claimed that the Shanghai theatre will be batM I Ii in any other Rant of Suez. That is nothing to Nnaa about.
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  • 107 2 Too Much Coffee. The production of corl'ee in Hr.i/il ia so -.-v.ivly felt, says Mr. Coiibiil Rhind in hi« report on the economic situation in Hia/.il. that a strong opinion has gained ground that a H per cent, reduction in output is necessary and that compulsory
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  • 166 2 Rlkisha upset and two Ladies hurt. Abut 530 yesterday evening Mrs. Chopard and her daughter were riding in a riki«h.i alone KampoiiK Java Ro.icl. When nuar a corner of the road, the 'rikislia was run into by a high dnaeart which w.-io bdinf; furiously driven In I
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    • 24 2 RILL PASSED. Parliament Prorogued. IW Karat aad Militiry \Vmk» Hill has been rr.irlAhe third time and paused. Parliament in pronoun)
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    • 30 2 IM Augutt. Colonel (i.irriiu-,- l.^< driven Commandant Kr'.tzinK. r. win h.ul only :i iiumlred men will, im,,, in mv K i n^ on foot, acroif i|,,. u,in^e Itii^r
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    • 24 2 The hunt- w.iivliouse of the Maawrattaa Tea Cnnpany. on Tower Ii ill, L,, nil. ii, Im ti.'.-n (Utad hy lire
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    • 21 2 Tlin Kiiser and th- Mikadu have b.ien «x -li:i:iging il fcdagnaM with ratmooa la Omni WtUmtrnfi map-
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  • 112 2 Victory of "H" Co.. i6th M.N.I. AU the teams competing in the competition 1..i the Warns Kifle Shooting Shield have now tired. The Singapore teams fired at Tanglin ranee on Saiur day afternoon, wlien "H Co., 16th Madras N.,uv,' Infantry, hasdlld the Hat with the aoan I
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  • 278 2 Traffic Disturbs the Law. In consequence of complaints made al to Ihu .liili.-iiliy of hearin>{ in th. IMapont} building used as the iprataa Court MWg to the noiiwIrom triili.. a police notice in Kridayn Ucaraaami Oaaalal made it known th.r all vehicles pissing that building on
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  • 588 2 Humane Society's Medal (or a Local Hero. o.\ A| .1 18 th last, K may In- recallad, sad tr. „jdy oeannad in the harbour ■ah. i. l.y fuur men wen- killi-il l.v hanilrw hmH on iioan". the tank staamar frimmm Al the lima, wu maotionad in Umm columns
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 425 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LI). I4LAOOOW. Manufacturer* or Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators. Safety Fuses. Eta/trie Blasting Apparatus, The alm-.i Kxplorinv, laiaf all manufajkvmd in (trent llr\:,iui, ure ovule to pa— the high tlniuinni ■>/ tafety anil purity te*U impoted by the Rnluk Gortrnmtent, ntui are, therefore, guaranteed
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    • 519 2 NOTICES Kelly Walsh, Limited, 32 Raffles Place. new books. l m A^j ".T"^ T: i v» itr Kt^i; sw "J 11lu 1 MO Aili or how to be W11, 1.. i.-t mi.. How to hr,r». °ful by the Counte.» C— I.X late hy UN. Thorpo 8.00 (I A T-enli-e m
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    • 204 2 COALS A'J'GALLE. Btibt Weluli ami lmluin (UarrakurJ always ia s.ock Quick de-snatch. CLARK, M'ENCE Co E. COAT -.8 Co. Uallc, August, 1931. POSADA WINK <JO~ Port, ml hite, at fw to .«lu |xr doienSherry, li(!ht* In-own, $iv to s_':, per dozenMadeira .Marsala, Malaga, Muscatel, tlStot3o |10 $!3 Malmsey, Tarnironiu.. Vermouth,
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    • 612 2 LATIffl ADVERTISEMENTS, TOWN HALL. Bole Urn ami 1 Ham A. J FINLAY l'roprii'tor« AND CO. MI TIE HIM Tilt. l\ mm.\piii:i. AUSTRALIAN VAUDEVILLE A SPECIALTYGo. A SERIES OF MOST POWERFUL >TTRACTIONS 15 Star Artists 15 For a short season only. ORAND OPENING NIGHT To-morrow Night. FIRST GRAND MATINS E Wednesday,
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    • 74 2 MitLviLL-^mon— At H^rehiim.i ionSn, on July U.b. be te of lU m MILV LL-^IUOXI, Of aiN'llflncr Y. ii. H. iatsaOM. for t*« Stnuif iwm wivw i written on uM cid. oi tbo pauar or.'y Rr th* L«rlwlo> I>at 00-.ditioo. aaiiy jt.S.S jr-rei.toi ln»- nuikt 00..r» uw ue pibliahtd. All •dT«rtiMn»
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  • 48 3 Inn; ij Ist tl.e nicnihly inrdal at Katavi i uu Monday last, resulted M follows: K MMs.her.uP -~M n ..Tr- .?.< H. V. !>»>' W li >liuli/ ,'kl -9 ii I. I. Hun tt scr. -II I 0 Fcr...-i I H P C Vlrm>. M I M
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  • 160 3 tun. am. listed Tokyo. July 1 I, works for the defence of the LiOfStl >t the I'oiveis a' Ii kill^, which w,-ie decided upon at a Malar-eni-e ol Ih Commanlern of the Allied v tc iniendcii to he completed let .re Ibe lelurn ol the Chin. 1
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  • 178 3 Monthly Service between France and Indo-China. fan Ch uaajn Munai bave -t Mad 1 new steamship service from Vnnoe to Indo-China The Co mp my DMied has a capital of I-'.." 1 1.11"" 11 inn.-, .Mid BM Uiatiof services M the West i'oa-t 0: Africa, and
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  • 254 3 Malays CMaaaj u.w illaliiii .n Uu) -iiiii-iinal .am. in Nation ili i-ooii, ali hnllanw Cup was played hi ii.a huge crowd of an on the Taajoag I'a^ar grouml, tlie coolettißfl ti-.nn- baaaj tlie Pawl Aliih 1 Malay TaDJOBf l'aear) ami tho N'atiooali il t"am (Cliineae) Ml McMurray
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    • 420 3 lo the BMaral the Straits Times." Sik. A- e\ei\ uiic in Singapore is inoic in kaa inteli-slcd in tlic Hunk '^ii'-ti.'ii, an ol|Miasi»n .*i ..pinion uuw und again mi IJ not be uaaalooaM Somo |ieoplc »uem to think. a.-> some extreme folks do nay, that it i-
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  • 1114 3 Waal ..ii >n> |H,i-.,n. ■bbst, laa, ->9lh J-ily 11.M.X the. wurll aai 1 .111 punting, praying, for rain and il has .vine, but what thu farmer, who has ju.-i begun aanraataaji taiaka. or whether tho laia will add a penny to the price bf MM winter
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  • 699 3 Result ol the Enquiry, la the course of the judgment given iv 1 In. in.|Uir> into tbe stranding ot the I' and O. Cos. steamship oMfIBBB, on Tung Yung l>land, on the coast of China, on April L'4ih, 1901, the Court, in iii-w, r 10 the question- set
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  • 270 3 I7lh iaajat Wiiii>i a Malay the other day, at Hiniioo. was cutting down cocoanuts fr.jin a tree, with a long BOM at the end of which wa« attached a curved knife, oaa of the cocoanuts fell on hi« hea.l, kaoekaaj him laaaaitto od the gruuud. The unfortunnte
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  • 217 3 Chinese Mission to Singapore. T.vitai I.i Ching-yiing, tlie manager of the Bureau of Commerce of Szechucn province, is reported to have been appointed by the order of Vicuroy I.i Hung Chang to go to Singapore, Cuylon. Aubtralia and the like to raise famine relief funds for
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  • 1067 3 (Itya (Vmp««.'t«l) Ii/. iaaaA Tim lf.i.'.i.r<c hron^lit up to Klung on Fiiday the Uevd W. H. C. Duukerley, and \lessr* Barnard, Thoinp^oii. Cross, and Thorpe. There has been a gang robbery at Pudu near Kuala Lumpor on Thursday last, but no details are to hand. lnstoad
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  • 39 3 Thk following transports are shortly due, viz nWaia, which left Tientsin on 12th inxt, Pirn left Tsinataw l.iihinst., and fcaaVar left Slianghni loth inst. The last is due about the 21»t aud the tint two about the £lrd inst.
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  • 67 3 Til': report of the Yokohama Kftgine and Iron Works, 1.1 lor the year ended 31st of May last, shows a balance at credit of Profit and Loss of I I9,L'^s yen The directors propose to pay a final dividend of IS yen per share, making 50 per
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  • 179 3 It was announced the other day last that Commodore Powpll having supported a petition from the Europeans employed in certain grade' in the Naval Yard, Hongkong, the Admiralty had granted an increase of pay to the extent of 75 per cent, Tim pl%i was that these employe
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  • 100 3 Saturday's Play. Championship. Mi- Adams '.eat Mrs. Salzmnuu. D-U.';j. Ties for To-day. Ladles' Singles. Mrs. Kerr I. Mrs. Adams. Mr-. Sounder- v. Mrr. I-'iirranl. Championship Pairs. Mi- .-al/maun 4 .Mr.J. a Mnalnajaii MissJ. Ounn Mr Gh 1 Miss 1 ;u uu A Mr. Keid r.
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  • 541 3 Siki.u-obi. linn ArursT, 1901. PROUFCK. (lambier buyers l n «0 Oopra Bali \!S do Pnntiinilk 1M Pepoer, Blwk. W.WI do Whitn,(R%) „44 I2J Sago Flour Sarawak .V« do Brunei Xo 1 S"1 Pearl S.SO foflM, Rail, is- hank WO Oofffr, Palpmhanr 1R" b»»i« ".Inn Off"*. I.ihrrian Vo I 17.25
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  • 114 3 MASSED SWJiDA HTRAITS OK AKKIVKI) FOR OKDKRS. Futi Dats KkDam. 4mi> tan* Bam. Caitain. ok Fhonwhbhk DIM naukp. KlO. Slir.lXl. ATI. IV. July ai Dut s.« (iwlo LsOhMcq luly XI Hnbivia Kot^erdnm Aog lAm Bh E. H Suitqn O»rt,r July UNmrVnrk tttuUMbal L'Brit B»ronF«irlie Snmiirani; H(»tnn U»v 4Hul Titan
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  • 110 3 Utir <tmmC»H*mt Kim,. AH:, Ctniu DMWMI Aug 17 Bun Poll (iimu 17 Bappbo 17 JOrtSla 17 l!ol.o 17 IMo 17 Aluxondrelll l*+ Ynng II Kiitn Ann IX BaUw.r 19 fiim ll> SllllHll l!» lVna'ifc; ll> Bri Trincfiiiiu 1» Btrnn<Uii lv Vorwnrtd 1» Jab tonw Brit sir. Rtr.iiion «lr
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 33 3 I'AINrT I. IiRKATUISi; and daniiurously sounding cough, indicating congested limss, in quickly relieved by taking ChainU.rlain s Cough Kemedy, Kor sale hy all dealers in Medicines, The Dispensary, General Agents. Singapore 4— A
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    • 44 3 Wberj cliiitlreu are teething tb.-y bave mure or less tin 1 1,. i, which can be controlled by given Chamberlain* Colic, Cholera, and I'i.irrliu a Remedy. hill directions with euli bottle. Sold by all dealers in Medicines The Dispensary, General Agents. Sing»|ore. 4 -A
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    • 365 3 NOT RRIHD Ild'E Thoso who have -utl.-r.'.l year after venr from Rheumatism will I- glad to hear'of a remedy that has proved an absolute, specific. There are no conditions of nor from what cnu-c thnt cannot immediately be relieved, and pcrumn-utlv cured by Little's Oriental Balm. People vrho have triml
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    • 134 3 NOTH'K. STK.MTri City Rubber stump. Short notice. Pric 1 n»l> rale.. V/MM 2. linl.inson Koad Wilson Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS. 17 AUMKNIAN STIIKKT. T K pay »|>ecial alteutloa to Araa- >> leur Work, and Kuamn c permanent prints and the best possil.le results from each exposure. Our Studio will be ready shortly.
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    • 219 3 NOTICKS. George pictures. I Frames, Michael PHOTO STORKS. SingaiHire ni. KKMOVAL I premises No. 3d Market Street being required by the owner, we have removed IONO. 14.1 Teluk Aver Street where our now .-nrned on. I.I M I'HKVii OUKB 1 an Kirn Hup Us. Maaaara. Mm August. Itrni -Jl/g A
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    • 745 3 NOTICES. JITTEJJTIOJ) lie. to- uf all »ilcs ready to UtULun 011 ■m- P. 0. P. K 'InrginirnU mule to IMan executed with all promptm and neiitn. A larcc Ptoik of Hmto and a.soiud views always unhand forml.-. Okaajaj moderate. The Straits Pliotograpluo Studio, No 6T, Coleman street. Sin k
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 250 3 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 19th \ll.u-1 Hull Water. U.Vi a.m. 1.1ip.i... L L. T. C. Touru-uiieni H. V. A. Maxim Urill. fi.lo. Tuesday. 20th August. High Waler. Lit! p.m. Warren Football. Solo Coy. R.U.A. HE. I'bilbarmooic Choir. 6.1.V Vaudeville co. lown Hall. L. L. 1 C. Tournamenl. Wednesday, 21st
      250 words

    • 1829 4 lions arouse.) sir.— "C-HiDDr ;la ihlp bq. barque;«cb --"choon«r; Yet. -V.-w-hl Cru.— Cruiser "lot— Ounbo ..l Tor Torpedo; BLa.— Horao-pemr Brttl— Britisa i.— Unite.) mi> r. Krenc'-. (lor.— 'lermin Dnt.— Djtea loU.^Johni? i Ac.. S. c t.. n -r»|. ■argo rt.n d»ek passenger*: tl. -Ui.-.t Mil T.
      1,829 words
    • 91 4 nt Vet tlr. I T» Mi— n Kat:n..i /.n SrMi !> lh'l«an«:>rM: <,„.,.,, V II hi.i Ch'bon 8'inanuiK Vf'"« Noon Freni»nH«vin|.orK KM J pin Souraliiyn v n DO 3 p.m Cntio via ports J»l« Knimii 't p.m Banaksllt A Bagan rCAai '"i s p.m. INtu rmhat .Vu/'«iia I
      91 words
    • 86 4 From Emort:-By the P. 4 <>. s. >. 'Viimj.l dueonibv 24tli Aui;ii»t«itlidalc» tothei'nd August; she urioin replies la the i.m.l, which left tlinyapari- on the 7tu July. From Cins*:— l!> tin P. AO. a. a. Canmandrl <luc on Thiirs.lMV. Leit Sinxaporo l)u« in Louiloa Atim* July l-.-ih
      86 words
    • 346 4 5 Vk»ml'« Sam* A TOM. Caft*i!i Fbom B*iui>. ('umiumekh. a Ku.. Aug 17 Formosa PAOslr. 1011 Smuv laiiil.hi July 1- P. 4 l>. 1 oy. 17 iTerwa llrit a;r. 783 Slaker (iorontalo Vug 9 Wae Bin and 00. 17 flultim »lr. 10-J Ohopmii Maliuva \ui{ IMooa Kaek 17 Bri
      346 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 292 4 NOTICES. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INBCRANCK COY, LTD H«n> Ofrioi Ko. 13, 0i»T0!< Uo>t>. shi*oh<i. lAS. A. WATTIE, Manager. lUBBBB. TAN KIM TIAN SONS. '■< The Company offrr» easier turioo and butter rxumawi than any olber la.ii.,- .uy doinl busiurM in the Kurt A •peotal )Hiiiit in made ol prompt payment
      292 words
    • 526 4 NOTICKS. Xllanquid women) PilE CHUOHEM OLD PEOPLE, IHVALIOS YIN CHAPOTEHUT mimutrn wm or nmm A OE LI CIO US HUTRITIYE STIHULtHT Tbi. il.«.n..rj ami b «>ilr BsMkaK wkaa no o.b« »li 4 or liquid food «11l rtmaU <HI Urn .lonacb. Indicate tn coostilutloMl wckaM. a»«l B^- /^^B^Bmßa^Bmu-^L D) ntl ML
      526 words
    • 942 4 NOTICES. NOTICE. I the untlerkiKnod. liavincmetl Ui be a pa. tn^r in Chop i;h«n 1.. .p in Murr y strc«-i, Nramfean hariihi notify that I will U'll.rl .k,. ndi-nnsibi itv for Kiiy .lobts Umi may In ncurre.l heresftor ou a. -.-..iint of tho *aid chu;'. S»/8 CAPITAN IEK HAM. NOIKK.
      942 words
    • 661 4 MTICES. MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION IViHYWHKKi: Portiiy the System against Disease with |^Rii if-PIR "THt 3E.ST SECURITY FOX HCALTri.' KyrnH iSHTkHMSfSt iaN'f^& if\ 1 1 Iv BX** > .aT«a>l^a#l a? 3^s* 1 v -f»tW0« OH FLUID BXTIIAOT OF HEP "t". iinr- Ml S^MsM^MsamjMiMsjMMT llalaM j|lf .Tjlff |i 1&W&1% TORPID VER,
      661 words