The Straits Times, 15 August 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times tatlk OVER i A CENTURY. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1901. XO. 20.WS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 846 1 »pHE HdKNEOOOMPANY, I.IHIIKD THR standard l.ifo inuun. ni..n Pirn in.nntiM SoowtJ. AUa» lagrv o» Ccmpruiv (Kin>). Tlm K,uit« I.''" A,<u-we tmtttf. the <Ti.n« >;<ti»l Mwm Nuriiohon <>m|auiv Tk* ToMsabun I^C Bssr Companj. For p»rtkTil»r. of th».. Comaam, Ma Ik* tall *dr«t»e»«it of TUB BOBHCO COMPANY. LIM'TFT, Aicmti. STEAMSHIP OOMPAWTB, imri,
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    • 821 1 BTKAMBHTP COMPANIES. I^ONINKUJKB PAKETVAAET MAATBOHAPPIJ Under contract with the N.«therland» India OoTernmeni .i.-.m. at Smwore:»»tT Aomrv lati J. DiiSDito, 4 Co.. 3-3, Gou.te« (Jtuv. r l.rmontioned datos aro onjy_approxiniak-. Ktenmer From K.pected Will be Despatched for On" lta I l lll lv A "«< M Botavia. Cheribon. Bam»rang. *oeriibaia. B«li.
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    • 549 1 nOWAOBU DE6 mess AUK ill V' IMBITIMM DX FKaXIJK. 1 -lx>:iuph)C Xvu'ixm: MmuoKßiK IHIMt l-a nail •t«am*r»<vii( Irava Bini;/,port >n or aoout toe undermentioned ii»ma I OonMKT. Homnrißu. 1901. mL IHte*. Dat*»s I £'O» Aunt. SI Ociakn S»St 1 J2J. gl Km .«ept.' i| Syliui/ S«.pl. M /n<(r« Sfpt ->9
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    • 509 1 NOTICES. Milkmaidf PNDENSED mi 11/ l f I I 7- &3a&l Fu ll Cream. TLmwm Largest Sale in the World. INSURANCES^ Capital r-',U'7..'oi) fridup Capital 5212.7 M) Reaerre Fund «1,075,M0 The undersigned, Agnnta for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rate* of premium. BOUSTEAI) A Co.,
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    • 290 1 INSURANCE. TTONUKONG JijUS INSURANCE 11 COMPANY, LIMITRD Capital aalMcribtd £1,*****1) Amount p»id up.. *****0. M»«Te fund „1,064,048. Head Office, Hongkong. General Manager*, Knur*. Judhi ■«»i»» 4 Co. OUTHBIE A Co. "Tuviox fire insurance COMPANY OF PARIS. ii i-:r, It&t. lIKSKRVEM AND TOTM GUARANTEES tt.000,000. 'PHE undcrngned, aiP-nis for the above
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    • 651 1 TTONUKONO AND SHANGHAI 11 BANKING CORPORATION. rfskk'v CK r rTAL •10,000,000. Sterling Ro«erve..tlO,ono,l>o" I Hllver Rrwrvr....| 3 ,"00,000 s .<*O.UOO. reserve liability of i proprietors ii'j.ooimjoo Oor*T Or D:Kr.iTiiNJi- InIWAIt K*>-—O»Anuixii H. K Toaiucn. B L. Biciudm.i, Kaq. E'!!' 1 Bt 1 H Schc»a*t. A. J. RiTHOKD^K.4 WlT I <
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    • 635 1 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. 4 rI.\NS for teaching practical w«av--11 nd njn'«r«l.«y will I*- hw.l l,v rninent Analyst at the Th'ecoorw will di-.-.l wilh the .|.it«;tion •In.l .libeV'ni r<! of gold ilxer The, fee lor il». course will b« S^'Jml comin n '0 Singapore, wh August. isjoi I GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION.
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    • 596 1 "■itish mmn nr mm j^CjMnbwtain'ii Colic, Cooletm and E%r ovl.*V Ut D n 011 "HI kno»» all UoderdateofSov III*™*" fromVrvl.urr on ih«*l»lt* nil L riU Btlon "•"in*' tr,inMl,7'*^;i: h "'"x l mywif »hen irouhieu with bowel urmplaini, n <) had ft fn to my men, and in cvf it l*»»»d
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  • 30 2 Ox the lab in»u, nuddenly. at Johor Balira, lUNRV Allex, third kud of the late Mr Mr«. M Allen, of the I'«r«everance E»taM. (iaylang. Kinßapou-. «gwl 2M year..
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  • 32 2 The Straits Times. PRICE. 15 CENTS. SlraiU Tirnm 830 o year, or po$t/r<* «34. Straits budget »18 a year, or pott free 120. Advertising RatM may It found in the fourth page.
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  • 836 2 The reconsidered decision of the Municipality iv the matter of nn electrical traction system in Singapore, is to be commended. Electrical traction is not to-day the uncertain but mainly successful experiment of a decade ago it has proven itself one of the greatest factors in the solution
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  • 54 2 At last tue proposed Singapore nano. seems to have emerged from the vague shadows that envelope a mere suggestion* and has assumed the definite statfis of a scheme with a cash nucleus to work to wort upon— that is to say a specified Municipal sub sidy of S6OO per month.
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  • 153 2 •500 to secure competent artists to play upon the slowly oxydising collection of instruments recently presented to the, then, nebulously embriotic band by the Sultan of Johore. It will also require money to polish up those instruments, and put them in working order. Orchestrated music must also be procured, and
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  • 86 2 Rkl'ter is cheering us up with hopeful news anent some frustrated villainy in Mincing Lane. The despatch was probably intended for Colombo. Sow, despite the fact that we take a sympathetic interest in a sister-colony which forms our chief base and main source of supply iv the matter of such
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  • 85 2 Reuteh wired, on Tuesday, that »ir R N. O'Conor, the British Ambassador at St. Petersburg, had been assured by the Russian Foreign Minister that the Thibetan Mission to the Ciar was not political and was of no diplomatic significance. It is interesting to note, in connection with this assurance, the
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  • 9 2 To-uay's 4, ms bank rate itf 1/1 1 J.
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  • 18 2 The S. V. 0. ball is advertised to take place on Thursday, Sept. 26th, in the Drill Hall
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  • 16 2 The British transport Ituadu (No. 16) pasoed through the port at «-V> this morning bound eastward.
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  • 16 2 Thk British steamer lUiUrl DUammn, ot London, p-iined through the port this ruorniu;; bound for Penang.
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  • 18 2 M Uoimkh, the Uovernor-Ueneral of French Indo-Cbina, is due here on Monday next in the M. M. U»
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  • 20 2 The German mail steamer Mil llein rid left Penang yesterday at 10 p.m. and is due here to-mnrrow at daylight.
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  • 22 2 Two buudred and twenty-one deaths were registered at Singapore during the ■wh ending on Saturday last. The ratio per thousand was 46.59.
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  • 34 2 Thk M. M. as liulus with the mail from Europe of the L'Hth July left Colombo at 1 p.m. on the 14th inst., and is due here on Monday at about 6 a. m.
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  • 31 2 Two IsjM Ministers to foreign countries— l'liya Pecbadn for Washington and Phya Dichikarn for Berlin— are to leave Bangkok for their destinations by German Mail at the end of this month.
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  • 35 2 I'heSempam Mining Company's halfyearly report for pmsentation to tlic eharebolders recommends, says the Malay Mail, a dividend of Sa.">o a share ($7 paid), or in other words a dividend of 50:j for the half year.
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  • 39 2 At Powell .V Co.'s saleroom yesterday, leasehold land, area 1275 sq. ft., lease No. M for 999 years, together with the shop house dwelling thereon known as 29 Chin Chew Street, was bought by Tan Chew Kirn for 55,000.
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  • 41 2 Mr. George Laws calls attention to a slight error in the Local Mining Notes" published on the l.'ith inst. The number of piculs of tin ore obtained by the Pahang Corporation should have been 9*i7«O instead of 949 62 as given.
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  • 42 2 Mk Kynnersley, the Deputy Governor, paid a visit to Rear Admiral Count Montecuccoli on board tiie Austrian llagship Kaiserin Kli-aMh at 10.45 this morning. He received the customary salute on leaving. On his way back he called on board H. M.S. Lizard.
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  • 43 2 Dukinu a thunderstorm at Hongkong, on the sth instant, the Marconi signalling apparatus on 11 MS Glory was struck by lightning. A considerable portion of the apparatus become detached and crashed to the deck. Nobody wan injured, the watch only being on deck.
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  • 51 2 Thb Australian Vaudeville and B[>eciality company is due here from Hongkong by the Kumtang, on Tuesday next. The company is a numerous and clever one. Performances will take place here next Tuesday and Wednesday nights in the Town Hall. The plan of seats is now open at the Kubinson Piano
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  • 71 2 Thk following telegram line been received by the Officer Administering the (Government from the Secretary of State for the Colonies in reply to a message dent by His Excellency expressing the sympathy of the Colony and the Federated Malay States at the death <•! Her Imperial Majesty the Dowager-Empress Frederick,
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  • 56 2 Mr. Henry Walker, the Commissioner of Lands in British North Borneo, reports that gutta trees grow abundantly in the neighbourhood of Sandakan amid the forest. It striken Mr. Walkor that the feUing of the small jungle and the replanting of the numerous gutta plants at suitable distances would soon convert
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  • 65 2 The S. V. R. will play the following team against the No. 12 Coy. R. A. in the first round of the Warren Shield football competition on Friday next Billing' Green and Noble Rolwrtton, Kllerion and McLareu Karrar, Dick, Brmdberry, Christie, and Hendenoo. This is considered a good team and
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  • 103 2 The Siam Obtervm hears that matters in connection with the Royal Bangkok Sporting Club are now on a satisfactory basis. The King has grunted a lease of a race course at a nominal rent. Now there is nothing more to do but make the course what it should be and
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  • 36 2 Per N D L Stuttgart for LondonLieut. J V. Reid, and Mrs. W. H Snowball. For Genoa- Messrs Krir 1.un.1. H. Brustlein, and Dousdebes. For Colombo^Mr. A. C. Gray, and Mm M Brunschwig.
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  • 126 2 The German transport Stuttgart arrived from Yokohama yesterday bound for Bremen. She has :i"0 troops on board and wont alongside the wharf. The French transport ftk 'Ie ifajunga, Captain T. Canton, arrived from Taku yesterday en route for Marseilles. There are 1,278 soldiers on board. She is
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  • 165 2 SINGAPORE. GOLF CLUB. Thk match play competitions for the prizes kindly presented by the late President, Mr. Justice Leach, before his departure for Penang and for which there were «0 entries, were brought to a conclusion on Saturday when Crockatt defeated Macgill by a up and 2 on .'Hi holes
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  • 211 2 MHI tl BHBNCY Thk American Consul-General in Siam, in a report lately published by the State Department at Washington, says that on September 2lst next, which is the anniversary of the King's birthday, the Siamese Government will begin the issue of a paper currency. The notes will be of
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  • 272 2 ROBBERY MURDER. I.IHC IN SELANGOK. A ...\sn robbery under arms took place at K«pong, Selangor, on Saturday nigbt last. The robbers, twenty in number, broko into the kongsie house in which were nine inmates including the towkay and his headman. The towkay was ripped open at one blow, being literally
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  • 111 2 No ties for to-day. YESTERDAYS PLAY. LADIES' DOUBLES. Mrs. S«l/.miinn and Mi's. Coleridge boat Mrs. Allen, and Mrs. Eeid, 8-4, H-3. HAMPIONSHIP PAIRS liiab Uunn and Mr. Reid l«at Mre. Uausloser and Mr. Mosley KH h MIX BO IKiriil.KS. (A. CLASS). lira. I'restuu and Mr.
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    • 61 2 FAILURE OF A ••R1N0.." l*>HtUm, IMA August. An attempt l>y a ring of brokers to boycott the public tea sales in I/ondon has failed. 19,000 packagex of Ceylon tea ware sold publicly yesterday »t npleudid prices. 25,0011 packages of I ndiHii tea were sold on Monday.
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    • 23 2 DUKR AND DUCHESS OF CORNWALL IN NATAL. The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall have arrived at I'ietermar tzburg in Natal.
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    • 62 2 :iOO BOERS ROUTED. Utm There lias been a four hours fight on the Kish River between .lOO Boers and :tOO British. The IJ.HTi made a tough resistance, but were driven from kopje to kopje. The British loss was one officer and one private killed, and seven wounded.
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  • 386 2 By SIAJOH Ml-KKAY, COMMUT., B.V.C. .Singapore, Aug. IMb. s. v. c. Mourning -Inconsequence of the dealb of the Kmpres. Frederick of (termany, officer .f the 8. V. Corps will wear when in uniform, the unia! mourning band until 17th September IDUI. Reserve i-.V.C. Captain W. Mscbean
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  • 402 2 MANILA, HAKIKII'II. Manila, us a port, suffers from the lack of shelter in tlio Bay, HV*aUly dunug the southwest niontun. When liv.iv) weather sets in communication with the shore is often interrupted for days at a time. Small vessels, such us the inter-island coasters, and some of the
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  • 23 2 A sign recently seen iv the window of an Irish tinner read at follows Quart measures of all shapes anU liivt for sal*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 543 2 NOTICES. RITCHIE'S WHISKY SPECIALLY lelectwJ blend thoroughly nurtured in bond. Price »IO per on umplM free. BORNKO CO., LTl>. ta. th. So* Import*" TOTTENHAM PILSENER BEER "FLAG" nm.Mi 4 dot qu >H». •11.70. THE BORNEO COMPAITi', LTD., Solk AaiNT*. ROUSSILLON COS. CHAMPAGNE. "An excellent dry wine, Hi moderate price.
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    • 744 2 NOTICES. I Reduction in mm of Plates, Papers, Chemicals, Kodaks, and Films. OEOROK MICHAKI., PHOTO BTOR£K Th. lAIIV »..uld t«kr or t».. .hildren j piliii'»i<' with lur ii»n in healthy part nf ttana] UMH ItrniitWd to H. R. Baldwin, 'Sou Tinmti. MR. GEOKGK LAWS, ME., A.I MM. 6, Battery Road,
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    • 680 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN HALL. ■fcjssr* "-Siva! 1141 m tie nuT the n sinanu. Australian Vaudeville Specialty Co. A SERIES OF MOST POWERFUL ATTRACTIONS. 15 Star Artists 15 For a short season only. GRAND OPENING NI6HT Tuesday, August 20th. FIRST GRAND MATINEE Wednesday, August 21s When a lovely FRENCH DOLL «>»
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    • 690 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I Singapore Volunteer Corps. ANNUAL BALL To be Held in the Drill Hall Thursday, 26th Sept., 1901. Tickrl- may lie tuul up U. the evening of 24th September. Ticket, (admitting one Gentleman Lady -8.00 each. Family Ticket, -7.50 Ladle.' Ticket. 3.00 Applicant* for LaaWIMMI -houl.l ||n Application* to
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    • 77 2 On ill. 13th inst., at Malaec*, the wife of MR. TII.HKN KI.DRIIXIB of a noil. M S S inwnd*. for th* AmKU law •auud >>• writtan on on« dd. of «h. pao«T only Bj tha MciMtof that oooiitioo. ma»T M.8.8 anrajaoted that Biffct otharwiaa t* pubttabad. AH adrarttoimr oootraota ar.
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  • 4264 3 THE TOWN BAND. ELECTRIC TRAMWAYS FOR SINOAPORE. A MsOTOM .if the Munici)ial Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon, present Mi Anthonisi (President) in the chair Messrs. Barker, Jago, Cubcad. ii, Kvans, Leo I'lioon «.uan, Chua QiSaW Item Mi Mnses. wlih the Municipal Engineer (Mr Peiree) and ■1.. Municipal Secretary
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    • 102 3 T<> THK Kill roll OKTHK BTHAITS TIMB8." Sin,-- If an Inspector had been watching the landing of fowls at the steps at the South end of Collyer (Juay at about It.U a.m. this morning he might have instituted a useful prosecution. The cruelty and callousness were atrocious
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  • 908 3 TH< BIKUAPORK AUTHOKITIKS AKRAIUMD. Mr. Samuel Samuel's evidence before the Select Committee on steamship subsidies at the recent hearing is calculated to elicit some sort of explanation or refutation trom the shipping authorities of Singapore; as the charges he brings— based upon the assertions of the shipmasters of
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  • 561 3 Siikupork IMm Atoisr. 1901. PRonrcK. Uambier I in«o Copra Ball .8.21 do Pontl-nak I.l* Pepper, Black bnyers do White. (6X) 44.i» Sugo Flonr Sarawak S.SH do Brunei No. 1 2.50 Poarl Taeo !U» Coffee, Bali, 16% basis l».«0 Coffee, Pnlemnang. MX basis 36.00 noflm. Liherian Ifo. 1 17.5» Tapioca,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 134 3 VI.S>KI> ADVERTISED TO SAIL. Japan via ports, Prinz Beinrieh, due lfitb Augt Rebn Meyer A Co. Hougkong, Suitang, due 17th Augt., Bdu<tead A Co. CalcblU via ports, I'wrnrn. 00 19th Augt., Boustcad A Co. Sydney via purts, Obra, on iMtli Augt., Boustcad A Co. Feoang and Bombay, H, rmida, due
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    • 32 3 PAINFUL BREATHING and dangerously sounding cough, indicating congested lungs, is tjuickly relieved hy taking Chamberlain s Cough Kemedy, Kor tale hy all dealers in Medicines, The Dispensary, Central Agents. Singapore.. 4— A
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    • 122 3 HOTEL Dfcß NKDKRLANDEN BATAVIA (JAVA.) FIRST Class Hotel. Known for its excellent food. Very frequently visited by British people. English speakiDg servants. Every accommodation. Messenger on board of all the steamers. A. F. MKKTES. Proprietor. GENTLEMEN'S OUTFITTING DEPT. NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED. Latest Fashion iv Tius, Bows and Scarves, limiting
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    • 698 3 NOTICES MERCERISED LAWNS. Make lovely blouses and ladies costumes. Tbey clotely represent silk in design and finish. SALE PRICE 25 CENTS PKH YAKII. PATTBkNR FORWARDKI) TO ANY ADDRESS ON RKCKIPT OF APPLICATION. WHITEAWAY LAIDLAW CO, ALMEIDA STREET. Ml CFICCIIOn Curly Cut Tobacco, h I it patent Vacuum tins, for Cigarettes
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    • 508 3 SHIPPLNQ. CSA. TRANSATLASTICA OF KARCELONA. KOR MANILA. '(■•HK KpHnish mail s.s. /.57..4 UK PAS A V I due bere on or about tbe 14th inn, will huve prompt despatch for the above port. For freight or passage, spply to IS/» BAKLOW A CO., Agent*. INDOCHINA .SIKAM NAVIUATION COMPANY, LIIIITUD. FOR
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 190 3 DAY BY DAY. Thuui'lY, 15th Afi-i ">i High Water. ll.Sp.m. l'erak Knees. First Day. Tug-of-War. V. R. r. 36 Uo. K. G. A. Philharmonic Choir. A.16. Bioscope. Beach Koad. •<. Deval's Circus. Beach Koad. Fbidiy, Ibth Adui'st. High Water. 1 1 .so a.m. 11.41 p.m. >. V. A. Maxim Drill.
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    • 230 4 Under tail hmdlnnhufoHowingabhr-tm. lioni an uaed «r— itMmer »h.— «hin bq.— barque »oh— Khoonar; Yet.— Ynoht; Cru. CruiMr: 'Hit. -Omlmat TorTorpedo; H.p. —Hone-power Br t British U. d.-Unitod State.; (-V French Oar.— Gormnn Dot.— Dutch loh.-Johoro 4c™ 0. c.,-- Oon«ralcarßO d.p.— deck otm—agan; U.— Uneur tain: T.
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    • 1192 4 Arrivals Sihci Noox or Yimiriky. Hebt, Brit. str. 543 tons, Capt Inkster, l«h Aog. From Keli, 11th Aug Gc.and en dp. W. Mansfield and Co. For Penang 17th-Rd». Hong Wan. Brit. str. 116 tons. Captain Hudson, 16th August. From Malacca, Nth Ang. O.c and »7 d.v. Ww
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    • 203 4 A-ilii. llonckonK. Aug 19: Beun H*tat Alcer, .fanan. Aug 17: M. Uu««»n Katoh* tambsy, -t»[>i in-, ■ataao'toj Alr\ initria. Hotlgkong. Sppi i; R. M,.\,t Annam. I'olumbo. Oot M H. Arahia, Kui-o|»\ Ami Wj Rehn Merer Arwnnia, cbina. end of Bsnf; B. Mevtr. Aucli«nard«n, J»pnn. xliorth, \wn Kara, Loodao,
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    • 84 4 Vm Per ,l, 7..,i Io-Morhoiv. Kangkok Mi 7 ML Klnng via ports H. Wkatt ton 3 p.m. MlitlM OfHk 4 p..n. Penang 4 Colombo Sndo Mam I p ni S»TD11DAY. 8and»kan via [>ort» AVrf.i/i (> Pennn,{ Pin .SV,w I P«dan(( viB ports OnHrariM 2pni. Penntig Deli MW,.- P.
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    • 107 4 IkM Xi KOi-t By Hi.- N D. U». //,i,in.d,luoonllie Ittth August with dali"> tv the IM July she l.rmt» n-plics to ih.mails which Ml Singapore on the l!Hth June. FBOM0lliN«:-By tbe M. M. a. a M,<ai <lu>' on SundHv. elt Mngapore Due in Ixmdon Aitivih Juno L'sth
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    • 38 4 ARHIVALS. IVi t. Prim Alfj,inJ,r tnm Molu. via ports !Ho8«r». Burnsiile, and Kidilit F.t N. 1) I. b. a Stutlwt fnim Sh»n K h:ii—Mra. Schack.and Mr. li. H. V. From Hongkong- Mrr. \V. A. Hollniano
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    • 161 4 m ITLAb Vu«i«L'e Sam Toss. Oimi» Feom Snutu. OoM Q Bio. Ang M Said Britstr, HO Deacon Calcmhani; Aug Ijhi^Ql v Ophir JO.". McOlll Palcmbang Aug IS Kor *»ng Uuan 14 \illertcM»juDgmrch tr». J-J»3 Canton T a ku July SO Krenuh I'ouiul v h'" 11 v Oor itr.
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    • 129 4 Dili Vnu'i V FuuAKm CiPTim DMOMMi Aug U Ajax U Cbolon II Ville de M»jun«H II Rein 14 Terrier II Chsntnk M;ijeli> 1.1 Ki»d Yam: 16 ChesDg Chew in Kiiu Whalt Hin 16 Bunk a 16 Ralouni II Chow l'lmi li Deli 16 Bile«ia 16 Kaun 16 Isla <ie
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 386 4 NOTICES. CHLNA MUTUAL UFE "nSURANCE COY, LTD. Ha»n Orrict No. 18, Ciiitox Rom, AHiniHti. lAS. A. WATTIE. Mun.scet. MESSRS. TAN KIM TIAN SONS, Local AgenU. Tb« Company oflert easier terms and better toniise* tbaa any other ('ompany doing buame«« in the East A special point is made of prompt payment
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    • 189 4 -IHIKIY fOKTHK PKKVENTIONB OK CKUKI.TV TO ANIMALB. 'PHK pajMh aro informal that the 1 a<l'ln»» of the Hocivtv's Inniiector Mr K. K. I'^lar.i. at HIAI^n Strwi.' All aanaai Hihhing to r.|>ort an> cases o( .ru.Mv which may >oinu uml«r their aawoa an reqaaaM to oosMßßßlaaka with bim at the above
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    • 554 4 NOTICES. silk, silk, silk; 35 CENTS FMSHR. YARD. K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL CO. bo:m::3^y merchants established 1875. 51, 52, High StreetTTeleplione 254. IMPORTERS of all kinds of Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silks and silk fancy <;oo<ln and apparel, Foreign Novelties, Curioe, Oriental embroidery, Silver ware and Silver Jewellery of every
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    • 210 4 NOTICES. 1 This delicate V perfume TO lis persistent as an j*> I f i fry reined ttMßß&P^fairitasM PKFv!S iWHlTE'viOLrts} AN IDEAL TONIC SERRAVALLO'B TONIC (BARK AND IRON WIND MUmulate* ()■<- Appetite Ntreuxlhnu Ike >rrv<« U*f KeKcorrnfra the Blood t "J Ple«Mtnt to the KM I'nlale. ffj mum !:.'iiiK\nniß\ IKBIIAL
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    • 1053 4 NOTICES, gIJiQAPORE SPORTING CLUB The Autumn Roc* Meeting will be held on October 22nd, 24<A, and 26th. Programme. FIRST DAY. Tvttday, 22nd October. Fiict Kiel. THK MAIDEN PLATE—VaIue »400.A Race for Maiden Hones- Weight as per scale (lOst.) An allowance of 1 41 b. to 'vGnim imported into the Strait.
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