The Straits Times, 14 August 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times ESTD. OVER i A CENTURY SINGAPf)RR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1901. xo. w*v
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 872 1 »F»HE BORHIO OOMPANY, LIWIIIS vpHE Bjp hs4 lib A*nnae*. ■JkV. «h Coi.fl Ftr> l*msot M^eirtT. il AkMin.r.* <>«■!»•< (Y-r*). !>• aV<«ito<'!.' !.if» A..or»m» 8ooi"ty. |W Oksaa V ■>•■>•! "<-«» Naviiratios Coapuv TV X«tMii'«in Uf« Vmt CompMj. ■W nLTtW nlare of thmi> Conrwiiw. f tb* fJTsinrtiM^t g( THK H&RNBO COMfAKT
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    • 903 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Kii.MNKI.I IKK PAKETVAART kl AA IHIH.inU I'nder contract with the N.'th— -lan In Ind:a (iore'niiie.-.i. Aj.nt! ai Si-^aapore: Ship Ao»cy, Lais .1. Daknosu A Oa, '.'-S.«k cjiuv. \h~ 'n<|.Tm<-ntion*l dates km ooly^ approximate ritramer From Eipscted Will be Drapatcnad for On Va» lU, i»»*yt Hatnvia Augt. I:'
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    • 612 1 (IOMI'AU.MF l)r> .nKo^.«ijKRIW j sUsUmtM M IBAJMai haWMsffJM Mn«AUkk!k. SMGAroks. lue mail slearaert 'j;h |r..v« Si.iijspcra I <n or about tbo iiu.^^rrneniioned dsjav. OITTVAKU. HOMB'VAII... '■-*<>■ IDOL IWlfl.. l)alr«. Yarrn AugU I .1,.,w,,i August 4 Ind:. Augt. l» I Sinai Aug. 18 Lot Auk t. SI (),».< I. a
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    • 534 1 NOTICES. Ideal Milk t& m '&i^ Enriched 20 per cent. yrT^^^^tTn^ with raam Stcrilizcd-Not Sweetened. fc^g^Tc^vj A Perfect Substitute for Fresh INSURANCES INSURANCES. I FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital <BWrP Paid up Capital iSU.TOO Reserve Fund £1,073,680 Tim ondenbrned, Agentt for tbe Company, are prepared to accept tire risks at curreut
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    • 457 1 thr"«ov\l «xchanot: assurance. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 17i0> THE undersigned, agent* for the aliove company, are prep ired to accept Fira Risks at cnrrent rate*. BEHN MEYER A Co. w. A 31/13 MAGDEItLRG FIXE IXM'KA.NCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. I--: THE undersigned, agent* far the above compauy, ara prepared tv accept Fire Risks
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    • 698 1 TTOMQKOKG AND (SHANGHAI II BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL »1H,U00,000 RESERVE FUND.— tilflrling R*s«rve..|lo,Ono,oOo> UM(m Silver Reserve..* 8,000,000 13 .0W<M). RKHEBVE LIABILITY OF I I(lfmim PROPRIETORS. J-|I<M«).UOO Corn or Dibsotoec— K. Knwlw, E«q.— CURMAJI Uo.x. 1.1. Bvtl, !«viva DirnTT Omiii:«»v. B. E Turin I K L. BlcmaMoK, Kaq A Hiurr, Kma
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    • 709 1 t NOTICES. VKRNMKNT NOTIFICATION. 'l.\h*S for teaching practical a**a\ingand mineral<.<fy will I* heM by ..v.-nmMmt Anuk.tat the Ulwraungapore course will deal with the Election «•>• of ores of gold, silver, I-..1, tin her metal*, inclu.ive fee for the ..ours* will I.c ibe» lh C B COI n m «> in
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    • 726 1 HATE T« raiLMl*. Tbtn It Mule, if any. rianir»r tr<-w bow»| complaints when propcrl* treated. Mf». Curtl. Baker of Bookwalter, Ohio. I H. A., MMI During last M»y v infsot child of our nriKhtioui »m, rU ffcnnK cholera inUiitum. Ihe Jorion h. I (n-eu up all hopes of recovery. I
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  • 33 2 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS tHrniln TYme* S30 a year, or port ftm S34. Strait* Budge! $18 o your, or po* free %M. Adrertinng Rabu may lie fuu,<d in the foKrtk puob.
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  • 543 2 There is a cartoon in tbe current issue l'un:h which might be very properly commended to the consideration of the various gentlemen interested in education and such matters in Singapore. Aglanceat Punch will reveal the picture referred to. The Board of Trustees of the Kaflles Institution were
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  • 424 2 Now liritish niti-n-t in every action of Russia in Mm Fur East is whetted to tho bnest edge by the serious difference of opinion between the two Powers on an issue of the gravest moment, it may not be malapropos to refer to the recent telegram announcing the intention
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  • 913 2 Uhly a trifle more than a century has elapsed since Pitt declared that every man wno had an estate worth jC.O.UOO a year in Kngland had a right to be a peer. Now, some lugubrious social analyst in the current issue of tbe Spectator reveals to vs heretofore hopefully laboring
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  • 16 2 To-day's A, ins bank rate is 1/1 1 rV With to-day's issue there is a supplement.
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  • 9 2 To-MoHkow is the first day of the Perak Raveo.
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  • 9 2 Tiik timjiipvr* was dry lioi-ki'J at Tanjong Pagar yesterday.
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  • 13 2 Til Rocklight, on arrival from Penang yesterday, went into dry-dock at Keppel Harbour.
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  • 17 2 Tin confectionery business of Mr Joseph Baker, at 8 arid 7 Victoria Ktreet, is advertised for sale.
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  • 15 2 Tb« British transport Hat Ching passed through the port at 11-46 a.m. yesterday, bound westward
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  • 17 2 Thi Philharmonic Choir meets for tbe .practice of Ruth in the Town Hall to-morrow, at 5.15 p.m.
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  • 30 2 Thk Health authorities at Manila offered two and a half cents v 'Id) for all rats there dead or alive delivered for destruction in the incinerator, as safeguard against plague.
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  • 31 2 Oct of six newly ordered Japanese torpedo destroyer*, now building in Kngland, two are expected to arrive here about tbe same time as the Uihua, due about the end of November.
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  • 26 2 RsvtXATIONS at Manila show that Afcuinaldo, the late insurgent President, was aiming all along at linally establishing a kingdom in tbe Philippines with himself as monarch.
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  • 32 2 Thi performance of The Upstart by members of tlie Singapore Catholic Club, in aid of the building fund of ■St. Joseph's Institution, will be repeated in the Town Hall on Saturday next
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  • 31 2 A aaaaaj planter, D'Aguilar by name, died at KauJy vii Hie 231h July of blood-poisoniug resulting from a slight injury al lootball winch had been aggravated by a long bicycle ride.
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  • 30 2 A c iicctLAK lettei just issued by the Adjuianl'Ueneral slates that Lord Kouerle strongly deprecates any action by which the initial expeuses ol otneers of the Army are unnecessarily increased.
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  • 39 2 Mb. W. K. Davidjon, of tlie Ceylon Civil Service, bas been otlered by the Secretary of Stale for the Colonies, and bun accepted the posilion ot Assistant Colouial Secretary ol the Transvaal on a salary cl XI.oOU per annum
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  • 38 2 Thk French transport Wo, CaptManaaaaL arrived trom Toulon rut Colombo this morning and went alongside tlie wliarf. S,he lias 1 1 oliiuers aud IM soldiers ou h Mm. .-in- will leave lor Saigou at 5-30 p. m to-day.
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  • 42 2 At the Assizes yesterday afternoon, belore Mr Justice Hyndmau Jones, the charge of murder against a Chii.ainau named Chuah Leoug was disinibsed. Tbe jury added a rider saying The jury 1 egret very much that no 01. c from the gave evidence
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  • 43 2 l.\ Kiji, a special oriiiuauce has ucen passod prohibiting persons iuuitiug nativce against the present 1 ol government, under a. penalty ot six months' imprisonment An agitation Las sprung up thete for annexation to New Zealand At present, Fiji is a Crown Colony.
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  • 58 2 was uUcini it> military funeral tliia morninc, unit ot tlie men from tiic transport liataiia having died at Hie (jeneral Hospital. Tue band and firing party and a large body of men and uiLi'i-rs were rattier late, and did uot get to tlie ceini leiy until some time alter
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  • 61 2 Mks Kendnl. seconding :i mot. on at a meeting connected with the employment of women, said tbat the qualifications fur a woman who wanted to bn oire an actress were Hrn voice of a goddees, the strength of a lion, the figure of a Venus, the temper of an angel,
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  • 56 2 Captmk Machean, who has been trih-Ii rred to the reserve of officers, S VC has signified hia intention ot pajaaafjag a huudsome silver bowl for shooting to be competed for by A. Co ol the Singapore Volunteer RiriVs, at Loo, uiiu, and 600 yard-. It is underi<lood that the competition
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  • 56 2 Akokuinu to Consul dueiither, at Frankfurt, in reirart to the State Department at Washington, an English engineer has worked out a plan to connect Alexandria, Egypt, directly with Shanghai, China, by railroad The proposed road, which will he about rt,l'"i miles long, will have three divisions. The middle one of
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  • 57 2 DtHlNu lli« h.piall tint, morniug, which wus particularly severe in the direction of the wharves, the corrugated irou roofing of several warehouses was Mown oil while several trees MM uprooted. Many native houses uUo suffered, somewhat severely. In town, the nvverity of the storm wax not fell. The roof nf
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  • 75 2 Thk island of Mindoro has been held by the Philippine insurgents in force since the outbreak of the troubles there. They are commanded by an American deserter named Howard. The Manila ■/'i./ir.- of tI.H J-th July notes the departure of an expedition for Calapan in that island to ittart an
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  • 79 2 A t'OKTHCOMINU KIH.K HH A< wo have already announced, arrangements are being made for a rifle match between Mm representing the Singajwre Volunteers and tbe > eylon Volunteers, each team to lire at its own range. Tbe tc:iina will be composed of twelve men abide,
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  • 124 2 Thk entries dosed on tin- li inst. The following are those for race six on the first day (to-morrow) The Miners' Purse. -Value »;(00. A handicap for all horses the winner only to be put up to auction at an upset price of &tCO and sold under
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    • 63 2 RECEIVED BY KINO EDWARD. //<m<'<./i, Wth Auij King Kdward has received Count at Hamburg and has conferred upon I nntheCJrand Crosa of the Order ol the Bath. LATE EMPRESS FREDERICK. im ri.ffin coutaining the remain* ol the Dowagor-Knipreii. Vrodeii* was removed from the church at ruQberg to
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    • 41 2 Uter. The fuueral of the Dowager-K,n ire., Frederick was of the simplest kind in accorHance with the vatili of the deceased. Only m«mh. ;r9 jf tbe I mpe rial family and the principal civil and military authorities attended
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    • 44 2 IMPORTANT AOREEMENT. Reuter hears that an important agreement bas been concluded between the Government of the (iambia Colony and a powerful Native Chief, whereby both banks of the Gambia River up to the Anglo-French frontier will be within British territory.
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  • 261 2 ARRANOEMENTS FOR THIS YEAR. Tin: Honorary Secretary of tbe Singapore Hide Association communicates to us tliut it has been decided to hold tins year's luterporl rifle match (which i" nut conlined to any particular body, but to tlie best shots in the port, whether Military, Volunteer, Police
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  • 66 2 At lOIM this morning, Reai Admiral Count Montecuccoli of the Austrian flngship '/.''nlix landed at Johnstons l'iur. ilu was received on landing by v giiard-of-honour consisting of 100 men and the hand and colours of the 18th Madras Native Infantry. He was met at the pier by
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  • 86 2 Tut: members of the Singapore Catholic Club being desirous ol making a substantial contribution to the building fund of Si Joseph's Institution, have kindly decided la give an MOON performance at tbe Town Hall on Siituiday evening, and it i« hoped that all friepds ol the Club and
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  • 122 2 Tilt Australian Vaudeville and Speciality Company which has beeu playing to excellent houses in Manila anil Hongkong, is coming to Singapore on the 1. s. aVtaaaßaf wnii h in scheduled to leave Hougkong to-day, and will probably open at tho Town Hall on or
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  • 254 2 Thk seventy-second report ol llir director* of this bank to the ordinary half-yearly general meeting of shareholders to be held at Hongkong, on the 17lh instant runs as follows -The director* -ulmiiii .utttrucnt of the afhin. of the Hank, and balmier «hr.t (ur 11,. half-year muting
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  • 18 2 fa* result of excessive bowing ie that Paris hatters do a larger business tbfcß of any other city.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 367 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. ULASCJOVV. Manulaciureri ot Dynamite, Gelignite. uelatine Dynamite, Bkating Gelatine, Detonators. Safety Fuses. Etoetrie Bltstiif AppanUs. Tht alxm Kxploriiv.% bnng all manufmO*nd m Onat Brihim, an made to Boat tht high ttafdiini of tafety and purity Uttt impotd by tht Britith Government, and art, Utrcfun, guarantied
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    • 450 2 NOTICES. Kates El v i&Films UROUOE MICIIAKI., I'hoto :?Toßtb. w. Kohinson Road, Singapore. I IK 1. 1 lake saa ..r i«., to j ...luni. «iil. li.-t in healthy part of Hnn Hi rsaaa saaaalMaal i.. 11. K. Hnl.l«in,'Ki.t-' ThfH ■-■I/11l TO LEND. w-"U"'. or aniall ir amounts on good
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    • 694 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS-To-night! To-light!! 10-night!!! Wednesday, 14 h August 'HOT, MVALaISUAV UUfttl lUGOB AM) MENA (.ERIE OF WILD AMMALS. Brand Success during the Season Mew Programme will br glvea. MURTGAtiEK'S MU Of I.ANI) AM) HOI'SE PROPERTY. At Mivto Ko»n. 'I'o l« held al Powell A Co.'a wile-room. '<« ir«./.i'«/.iy, tU 2U(
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    • 734 2 LATRST ADVERTLSEMKNTS. TOWN HALL. Dramatic Entertainment By Members of th« Sing ipore Catholic Club IN AID aa thi. Biildiu rud .1 St. JwrtVn liktititin "THE UPSTART" A comedy in ;i Act« adapted from "Ie rlnunieoia Gentilhomme will bo repeated on Haturriay 17th August, 1901. FBITEH OF tl.mssioN. First Class
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    • 70 2 M 8. 8. lmaadx. for U» .<m« tymm. u,«,d •htaaa an oot u<ta af Iha puar 0017 H» tk aaclact at that oood.Uoo. au) I.S.S mr% rsi«ca> 1 tfeat pjifbt ofi^inHaf r«» r All adm^rinfooatranta anmtimt t" afel in li. tl .0 that t l 1 Maii«a>tf luar l«»v. tb*
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  • 34 3 Tin: ftmh In.' dwell* npnn kind trada in Mhiiilh It attafas. I .< >(.. I'ici of bllMi in human bah Fan Mi Mill t lieir daughters an.; ChiaaM are the principal purotutwro Several ca«es are instirire.l
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  • 76 3 Skvrk i l.ig lites r.igml at Sv.inev about tlie middle of last month. Th<»« leal i' k ■ud have almost wiped out the ijroiin li..preiiiiuins of 4i insurance .'mpaniei" doing bu»iric« in Nr Walt* fur the whole year. Therefore all ordinary losses and expenses for the IL' months will huv«
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  • 76 3 As a rexult of tbe memorial of the Women c Christian Temperance Association, which has been> signed, the Government of Bengal bold that the eaployment of harmaidn in Calcutta is not only injurious la tlie women theni-elve«, ant a AamdM to the European community. Orders have Iwen g<ven making
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  • 89 3 l'llt. lir»t-cl»«s Kreii.-h .rui-er l/Ktltr*n—lllaillial f> dv T.iurnel, .ailed at Colombo a few days N a vuvHge from Toiildii. -hu iM 8,114 MM displ lenient, ir :;>:! 7 ft in length, iM li iv br.-a.lth, :u.d Ml fi in depth, with ail indicate.! ban*power of l:;..'ii«i She was huilt M
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  • 104 3 Ar Mon'alhan, twenty milen from Manila a mining expert has lighted upon deposits of coal, gold, and gypsum The difficulty of working the mines lirntitably lies in the want of ruadn and in nnr»luiMene^ nf ihe w.iter-supply. The province nl Benguet oilers it is said still better prospects. American niiniTi-
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  • 119 3 A n Hue educati >n sclieniv i..i Kililiinos. has been alabanMd M Mnuli and hundreds of teachers to work it nut have been imported Irmn America I L. in .mi sV t in the scheme is that no pr.ivisi.w is in lit for public schooU to suit Eagtith rfflrrri and
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  • 682 3 1 hk moet marvellous cycling feat on record has been achieved by Mr Charles Join's, the ex-amateur champion of Australia and New Zealand t uTii|ircl to his achievement all other I -tjrlorin m-'- .it. m naught, for be nd!", .in the steeliest, narroweM, and II track in
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  • 1865 3 FAILURE OF THE ACTION rULL REPORT OF JUDGMENT. At reported in our is-ue of yesterday, the action bruuglit by John l.i tile and Co against Mr K \V ill lately in their employ, lo I'M. mi an injunction preventing linn fium carrying mi the business
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  • 345 3 Lit uf Unclaimed Utters tying at the ijtneral Pott Ojice, butgaporc. Allen, F. Lester, T. Amii'i I' Libreaca, Miss A. Augustc Lieuen.A. batb, 1 U. Lifsuemx, Mina BicKfo d.11.F. Milmuucl,.- H. Hcruar.i Julie Masaet, K<. nc Hlg-worth, W. Merec.i BouUi.ger Meslers, C. I niiwiin I. Mill., J. H.
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  • 47 3 Tan leading representatives of the Penang-born tiliinfne, who are Kritish subjects, are anxious, says tbe Fincuig Uazettc, to have it made known that they had no lot or part in the address presented at Singipontto Prince Chun and alleged to be on behalf of the Straits-born Chinese.
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  • 151 3 KOBKHTS at, MCMMOTT. A billiaj.d match was started at Melbourne, recently, between John Roberts and C. Memmott for a game of 7,000 up, tbe champion conceding L'.fiOO. When the play clo«cd thu mores stood -Roberts, 987, Mennimtt, including hie handicap, 3,626. When tbe match was continued Memmntt,
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  • 140 3 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. lawks' siNoua. Mrs. Farrant beat Mrs. Preston, 6-2, MIXKU DtUBLES. A CLAfS. Mrs A.Unnund C:ipt Dowing heat Miss Sa!im»nnand Mr. J G. Mactaggart,6-1, (M. HAMIMN-inr rilK". s .1. Hunn and Mr. Om-n beat Mrs. Saunders >ml Mr. Von Hem. w.o. Vr- Oansl ser
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  • 786 3 AdMINISTIUTIOK ki i'.iin Mil. Merewether, us Acting Resident Cuunoillur of Malacca, signs the administration report on Malacca fur last year The revenue amounted to »4u6,;snH, whioh ia the largest yet collected in any year, except the record year 1699. There are excesses under all the lieada of
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  • 797 3 rH« YUNNAN RAILWAY Tm, colonial expansion party in Tom,uin hail with delight H. Douinnr's success in Uoaling tin- Yunnan lailway scheme. They do nut disguise the fact that it haa a political aim, fat outweighini* the commercial consideration* anting Irom the productiveness of the province and the trading
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  • 545 3 Kivi.woit*. I4TH Arc »T. 1901. PRO \)VV K. copr.'niiV. V.. 0 s i"«? do Pontnnak 7.SS Pepper, Black buyers do While, (li%) „MM oaf* Floor Ramwak S.SIS do Brunei No. 1 »(X> Pearl Cmo S.SO Coffee, Bali, 16* i,»«i- l»no Coffee, Palemhang. ]B% basis. ?SOO Coffee Liberian No.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 51 3 DANGERS OF INFLUENZA. Tlie great danger from influenza is of iU resulting in I'neuinonia. This can be obviated by usinK Chamberlain's I 'nuth lieu.nly, as it not only cures influtnza, but counteracts any tendency of the dit*B*e towards pneumonia. Hold by all dealers in Medicines. The Dispensary, Creucral A gento,
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    • 58 3 IS ALMOST EVERY COMMUNITY tliere is souieune whose life has been saved by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhrea Remedy Such persons seldom miss au opportunity to recommend it, an. l their recommendation and the never failing qualities uf the remedy account for its great poularity. For sale by all dealers
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    • 183 3 A Helpless Cripple N. Hengerl of Norborne. says: For nineteen months I Uv a belpleas cripple from Kheumatisni. The weight of nty body was reduced from 170 lbs. to 130 lbs., a proof of the terrible pain I had to endure. During nil this time, I sought h cure, but
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    • 122 3 WHson Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS. WILL shortly open a Sum,, at No. 17 Armenian (ilrect, not to St. Andruw'- House, lii the meantime they re aprepared to take all descriptions of OUTDOOR PHOTOfiRAPHS. 12/7^B lipp GENTLEMEN'S OUTFITTING DEPT. NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED. Latest Fabfaion iv Tic*, Bows and Scarveb. Huutiti£ ScarveH &c.
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    • 474 3 NOTICES AIR C3-TJ3STS. the r)^is"sr WKLL KNOWN FAYOUtttTB AIR (MS Popular and Favorite Air Gun for th. B.»v«. Our latest sluptncatß have been improved B i g ht«, wood stock, and Urone gpniijr Shoot* with great accuracy an.l fori-e and makes uplendiil sport for the boys It is well and
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    • 109 3 UOTKL DKR RKOHRLAJIDB) BATAVIA (JAVA) FjMRST ciua Hotel. Koo»n for iU excellani food. Very frequently visit•e.ll.v Id itis. li people. Km;]it,h speakiui; servant-. Kvery accommodation. Messon. ger on board of all the steamers. A. K. MKKIrN. fronrietoi. m. I th. v.c. WHAT WK Al.l. WAM. A (iOOD CIGAK. FMHt DH
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 190 3 DAY BY DAY. WiDNisnAV, 14th •VbsMC. High Water, lu.'il p.m. New Moon. S*! p.m. V. A M.xim Drill. LU. N. D. L. mail from China due. Deval s Circus. Beach Road. Bioscope. He».h Ri*d. Tuuiudiy. 15th Al'utsT. High Water. 1 ISM am. lIS p.m. 1-erak Races. First Day. Tug-of-War. S.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 304 4 NOTICE. Dr. c. d. MOORE'S EST^«« BO COCOA i MILK Hot Water only required. Compact. AVoti.'nit-o/ MMM n>"{ Strtngthening. W*kl RHM r«f t-iwl. i rfmt:Ck Mimi CHCs T A MUTUAL LIFE iVsURAM I COY, LTD. Bud OrnoE No. IS, Oajrou Uoid, Suuiuhii. MS. A. WATTIE. Vrnwrrr. MESSIIS. TAN KIM TIAX
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    • 607 4 MTICES. ENO'S H m E remedy FOR ALL 'pp|JJ S X* U»WiIW OF THE BLOOD. g 'It is not tio much to say that the merits of ENO'S FRUIT SALT' have been published, tested and approved, literally from Pole to Pole, und that its cosmopolitan nopularity to-day presents on« ol
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    • 578 4 noticks. For Constipation I ■ailJJiaffjffPMl MJWUW^ri *m *WNWi^tWW>HWIIIICMW(yW^ I I PURE roi ASTHMA V ORIMAULTB A INDIAN CIGARETTES For Aitbmatic p«opl« who tns>r from •rrusfiol in bruthlnf ItUIUIII ■•< biio^oiith imnu.a* timcvi.Tr OriOTMITISI. Orimsult's Cigin-urv render \hr mtpirs. tion rasup. cut »hort the psTtaykiiia. sod remove the feeling of tlghtoe>«
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    • 877 4 to TICES. HlMfs f'lr LEA c. PERRiNS 1 NKUHttttKlflK. Ey Special Wwut^^aß^^Tm Qneen J^S Puneyopj to Empress of India. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. Every Hospital in England that uses Liovril (and there are over 500 that do so) gives practical, unassailable testimony to the pre-eminence of Bovril as a strengthening, nourishing,
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    • 290 4 Latest Novelty in Co sets... f~\* J"" THOMSOIW'^V 41 'GRACIOSA'WyS' Unbreakable Waist. Natural Hifii.'e. -^^S. F—hi—t Janili In- Mmrch. \j|J/|My T I -.Mitii^-— i^i^w THI MOST RIFRIBHING DRINK IN IMDIA. "IIpNTSEpAf f 11 UME-FRUrT JUICE and CORDIALS. IVANS, LEMMM A HIM, LOMMH IVANS, MMS A 0%-, UVIUMOt. Premier Vinolia boap
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