The Straits Times, 12 August 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The straits Times. KXTR OVER A CE.YITKY SINGAPORE, MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1901. XO. 20,WKi
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 920 1 rpHE WWaWOOMMaTT, LIMITED ITHK W*n laal Ub Awnrncop. m..r, X.m InMinnoe »las 4ssoiHm» Cnmp«ny (Kin). Tf>« Rnuit..l 1., l.ifo A.-.r.D<»- S«-i. 'y. 1 > Chin* MmM.»l Ht«uo Nkvintioo OmpMJ Th. ToUMtom La««r Bsr Company. K>w purtioilurs of tb<» Cnanaaies, see the fall Jviti»««t of THK IIOBNKO COHPANT. LIMITED. UttmU. STEAMSHIP
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    • 713 1 NOTICES. Milkmaidl -Btmmamß*** brand *n» H JaT 1 1 iIWaWB lull 1 1/ HEH Guaranteed *m& atr Bse this Full Cream. OB svsry Largest Sale in the World. -STEAMSHTI' COMPANIES. I'ONINKLIJKE PAKKTVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. i .Hi Singapore. Ship Aoexcy, late J. Daekiieu A Co..
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    • 495 1 STKAIIS STKA.MSHII' CH (I.D). S. S. Penang": On Mondays at 4 p.-n. for Malacca. Kuala Klang, aud Teluk An«on. S.S. -Malacca": On Wednesdays at p.m. for, Port Dickson. Kunla I Klani;, and Teluk An-.m S. -Ban Whatt Hin": On Friday I m I i,.m for Malacca, Port Dickson. and
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    • 598 1 INSUKANCES. rpHK IX>NDON AND LANOASH'RE J FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. 'iimUl £?,!it7,1100 Paid op Capital MU.TBO Bwerre Fund £1,073,5W' The undersigned, Agents for tbn Cum. party, hit prepared to accept flre riilrt at HOUSTEAD A Co., A«.-ni«. rpHK CHINA TRADKBS INSURANCE J COMPANY. LIMITED. r«piui Subscribed $l.cwu,on< Aaoaa* Paid np. 6T0.00U
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    • 474 1 I INSURANCES. 9N FBI INSURANCE IPAXY OF PAULS. ESTABLISHED ]i—* ■SKRVES AND TOTAL UUim HflOßjM ici-signed, agent* for the above mv. are prepared to accept tipDng or short periods at current rates. OABH SETTLEMENTS promptly made by the Agents iv BingHporc 11/10 MOINK COMTB t Co Two Great Necessities. VIZ.
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    • 691 1 BANKS, HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI Xl BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,00(1. RESERVE FUNDKt*rling R«serve..»lO,of»,Coo l anncoimn f ilver ftmwrve.. f S.'XXJ.OOO -I l3 CoCBT OF DIBSOTOUr— B. BMWAB, K.q -Chairha* H K Tom>ik*. K L. Riciuimoh, fcaq A Hitir, X«. |H vcmun. A. J. Ratko-d, X*,. IH. W. SLlDlTita*. Cum Mahioeb.
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    • 544 1 NOTICES MALACCA TEA HAS NO EQUAL. T H »«ce Is to rnie It alwayg. BUY the nup that che«i» but not inebriate* TO Bl Hlli «T Mewn. John Mttl« A Co., Messrs Ann Ix>ck 4 Co., Battery-road, and Mum long Ue Kan*. Ontbant.road. m. w. *f. -a/9 J- MOTION
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    • 633 1 CHAMBERLAIN'S COLi>!> CROUP WHIKM'JNUUIUUII INFLUKNZA Try it when in need. Kor mli iiy nil dealer, in me ererywhere. i'rk-e .yi ci» And tl eral Agents. The Dispensary, Kingl I H>K BALB BMPLOTMI TO LBT- ANDJftiRSON. [1»T tut, 16 cast! line and a tinoM, lOcentaaline; 4th loath I f»nu»lin«; 7th to
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  • 18 2 Kili At DiuigkoL on MM Ju'v Alexander nifforrl Pilriei. son nf FToi i. c Fildes, Sol.titor, Aberdeen.
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  • 30 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS tilrnil* 'ftmei f») m yw/, or putt fr &<4. Strait* IMqit tUtfmr. orpd fret 120. A'timitJiing Iliin may l*> foni lu tint fourth ffnj-
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  • 780 2 Sionuk Ckispi, tho so-called (iranil Old .Mail of I'aly, has passer! away after a variegated career of JU years, during half of which lie figured before tlie public in tho capacity of a political weather-cock. l>ong prior to liis demise he had outlived his political usefulness, and
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  • 274 2 The announcement that the American Federation of Labour Unions, and the United Mine Workers' Organisation are supporting the striking members of the American Steel Workers' Association means a probable prolongation of the great labor struggle by which the United States must lose m^ions in a very short time notu some
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  • 393 2 Shanuhai is noted for iv ItaiuUrr, but they so rarely iiVe.t any live Singapore issues, that they do not trouble us much in these latitudes. The latest one published, however, shows us that, even at this remote distance, we are not immune from the hmuUr't influence; and the Shanghai Mercury
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  • 527 2 I mikr existing circumstances it is occasionally necessary forauyone travelling in a horse-drawn vehicle to force a 'rikinlia coolie out of the centre of the road by whipping him. He appears to he asleep in the shafts, and impervious to every other form of argument Incidentally the coolie generally ("insiders
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  • 7 2 To-uaVs 4.U18 bank rate is 1/1 1;|.
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  • 11 2 Thi racehorse tjeott Guard has been sold to Mr. H. Tunnicliffe.
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  • 11 2 Ths funeral of the late Empr.-n Frederick takes place lj morrow.
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  • 12 2 Ixird Mtlnor was to lefve England for South Africa on Haturday last.
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  • 20 2 Mk. C. W. Harrison, passed Cadet, has been appointed a Magistrate of the first class, within the district of (Clang.
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  • 26 2 A hard fought game of Water I'olo was played yesterday at the Swimming Club, resulting in a win for the Reds by 2 goals to I.
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  • 20 2 The British transport Via left Taku on Saturday aud is expected to pass through Singapore shortly, bound direct for Calcutta.
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  • 28 2 Tmk annual meeting of the Masonic Club, which was to be held on Snturday night last at Freemasons' Hall, hits been postponed till Friday next, a; 5.15 p.m.
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  • 33 2 The N. D. L. s.s. I'rim lleiurvh with dates from Europe to the -':<rd July left Colo.nbo on the 10th iimt. at 11 a.m and is due here on Kriday next at daylight.
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  • 23 2 OwiN« to the funeral ofthe Dow.igerKmpreßs Frederick to-morrow, the practice of tbe Phitliarruonic Choir has been postponed to Thursday aftcrnoun next at 5.15.
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  • 32 2 Thi: production of the Singkep Tin Co. during the book year ending June i'lith was Kf.-'Oo [liculs of tin, of which 10,215 piculs sold at UUt, e<|ual to I per 50 kil...
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  • 27 2 A olh Chiuese mirror-black porcelain globular jar and cover, the property of the lnti! Admiral Sir Edmund Cuminereli, V.C., realised £7">6 iv an auction saloon 12th July.
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  • 23 2 Two Chinamen were arrested yesterday morning, for trespass io the grounds ol At. Andrews Cathedral. This morning, they pleaded ignorance and were cautioned.
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  • 29 2 AcuLßdKof twelve lectures on Botany will be given at St. Mary's College by Mr. W. rox, Actiug Director Botanic Gardens, commencing on ITiday, Septenilicr (iiii, j to (i p.ui.
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  • 34 2 The litst annual general meeting of Messrs. Ilogan .V Co, Ltd. was Held last Saturday, wuuu the report, and accounts wetc duly passed and a dividend declared at lliu rale uf U'\ per atiuiiin
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  • 38 2 I iirki. will bt: a pick-up gnme of huckey on Him S. C C. gmund on \V«d-ni-»ilay, Aug. L'lst. Members tiKiirous oi playing are ro<|uestcd to attacU their MM to the list at tlie pavilion In-line Wednesday, Him
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  • 37 2 IliM 10.UUO Kreu'iia- ,n-, from all parts of great Brit. in on 1 7th July assembled iv tlie Ujyal Allierl Hall, where the Duke of Conuaught was installed as M-nt Worshipful Grand Master with full Masonic ceremony.
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  • 41 2 OttOM to ilic funeral of the late Empress Fiedeiick, the first tie in the c |ietition for the Warren Football Shield --S.V.K. v. li'th Co., U(iA has been postponed from Tuesday (to-morrow) till Friday next at ."> p.m. on the SRC. grouud.
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  • 52 2 TsU following have b*N shMM as election corumittee for the S rluriug the ensuing year —Messrs. J. I). Suinder*, E. Scott-Russeil, A. Y. (Jahagan, H. \V. Sharp. W. H. Rose, F. J. Bonjafleld, \V. E Hooper, J. (iraiiam.A. Carmichael, J. O. Mactasgart, E C. Ellis. T C. B. Miller, and
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  • 72 2 A i nit kb°T match was played on tbe S.C.C. end of the Eiplanade on Saturday between Capt. White's team ami a -.eciiiit team of the SCC. Capt. White's side batted first and scorud IM runs, lf.irk»!iir.- making top koors with Ifl. Cireen and Capt. Mulliken each scored SI. The
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  • 64 2 The Inning competition between Jack McAiilifltt aud Jack SUviu duly came nil before a large audience at I'enang on the. 'ln! in«t. Twenty rounds were forgiit. and the match sm lei I;, red a draw. Messrs. Slavin and M Anlifl'e were to leave I'enang for Hongkong, Shanithai. and afterwards they
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  • 81 2 Mk W. H. (irenfell, the well known old Ozloul oarsman, has written to the ating that ho has given notice to the i-tcwards of Henley lU>gatta that he intends to move a resolution to contine the entries at the regatta to the British Islands. In taking this action, he states
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  • 93 2 Is the Hou-e of Commons, on July 16th, in answer to Mr. Weir, Viscount Cranborne said His MaJHsty's (iovernnieiit are aware that the' liritish North Borneo Co. arc constructing a line uf railway 110 dsDm in length, comprising Mi' miles from Jesseltou in Ctaya Ray to Tenoin in the interior,
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  • 186 2 Mil. A. A. i ii.i.k* K11.1.K11. A sai> fatality occurred at Bangkok on Friday, by "which Mr. A. S. Fildes, who was employed in the Bangkok branch of Howartli, KrsLine and Co. lost his life. The news was conveyed to Singapore by telegram, but there are no
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    • 44 2 KITCHENER'S PROCLAMATION. HEARTILY APPROVED ON ALL SIDES. STERNER MEASURES POSSIBLE. hnulu,,, \Uh JMJMJ, I'rest opinii.n lieartily approvan of the proeliim:ilion to the Boers junt isaued by Ix>rd DMmmM The papers anticipate that sterner measures will he taken if the proclamation proves to be infllci-iiv.
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    • 442 2 LIST OF BRITISH HONOURS. K. C. BS. Lotulon, lill, JaMst TUe Cuiua Honours are gazetted afollows: Sir Claude M icl) malil Colo nels R»id, Burrow and Dirward; him Sir IVrtab Singh to be Knight Commanders of the Bath. K. C. M. OS. Colonels Norman', Cummins, I.
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    • 48 2 Later I Kitchener ro|K>rl<! that a blockhouse near Brandfort was rushed ami captured by the enemy alter severe fighting on Wednesday night. KRITZINGER'S COMMANDO. Krit/mgei Commando, consisting of four hundred badly mounted men, have crossed the railway to the south ul Conway in Cape Colony
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    • 68 2 CM later. Signor Crispt is dead. THE STEEL STRIKE IN AMERICA. The general strike iv the iron ami steel trades declared by tlie American Sterl Workers' Association has Ixjgnn The strike is supiorted hy Dm American Federation of Labour Unions and tli« Mineworkcrs' Organisation LATE EMPRESSPREDERICK.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 416 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY Ll). ULAHQOW. Mano'ncuirers of Dyuauiiie. Oeligaite. (Jciatuie iljiuiuile. Blasting Irelatine, Detonators. Safety Fuses. Etecifit Blasting Apparatus. T«« ni til maimmJnrnl h IsWaJ M ,<m mmir In aaw Ik* «v;/i tlmtW ot (o/Wy mtd mrily IVt impottd If tht Hrituk Uvrimui.l, i>ui ore, tk, ttfm*, guaraittetd •bt
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    • 1124 2 NOTICEB B-A-LE I SALE I S-A»Xj B I jdjjjj&± HELMET CASE. row gkntlkmkn. Sreil IaHMsW lilack. -4j^ I.itkc size, to take any kind uf helmet und felt I I hat IS inchea. Price S3 75 each. HALE PRICE r;;.io i:\( 11. WHITEAWAY LAIDLAW CO., ALMEIDA Si'KKET. Powell J^obinson. c.iiioruui Department.
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    • 633 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. To-night! To-night!! BIOSCOPE BEACH ROAD Admission Fees us usual. Doors open 8 p.m. I'ommenoe 9 p.m. To-night! To-night!! To-night!!! A le-w nights iv Monday, Tues luy, Wednesday nor NtYALN giikat INDIAN OICUS AND MENAGERIE OF WILD ANIMALS. Brand Success during tlie Season Srw I'r. will ii< liven. PRICED
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    • 58 2 tt«a osi oaw w^» ot tiM papac only By tis aefrleotn*' Umt om'd.tins, tau-r .<.3.8 ai.rsjsat^ ttutt siifHt oUnrwv.4 U pul-liikt-d. All adrariiaiiif ooutraot* »i» tubiKt to in* o. a 'it >n tkat tU M<u»(rr aw/ l«o'f i V s4---«rtiasnt it oat of the pafOT in o»» of pr»«« of
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  • 333 3 Im baaraaj "I the allegation ol ii tempt, i poisoning against Win. •rada ok al Urn sanoaaaT Im was conlinin -i tt Ml Green ou Saturday, wh. Hi Murray K.d«-rls»li cave it as hi. opinion that the poople. on Hie neb., .ii. i suffering from
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  • 544 3 H.SAI. PKESI. STATION (IK THK PLAY. Kbom Moliere to "Jaegers is afar cry Between the old-fashioned airs and 1 iasMcal Flaaua c.n.rdy and popular ditties trom latter-day musical tarces then- stMoaal ;< taafM or two And. judging by the avMaaOM d preparation shewn in the |.crlormaiicc H a
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  • 161 3 MIIKDAV.- PLAN. \\<i>- warn i Mi.. Kcirlml Mrs. (saaaaaar, •>->. '.-I tumtmhmt Mrs. Jickering, I, I.Ullhs' IK. I Mir Kiliiuann and .\li>. Coleridge l*al Mr.. Ire.ton and lilt Newton, «4,»-;. M and Mix J Uunn Leal .Mr... kdaaai and Mr* KohrrtMiu. 1 1, 1 1 m iwuhlu. k
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  • 979 3 1.,,, i.,.-.- L.r nil i. o.i. l:.|.|«vl. T> vaMMag -m... 1... 1 huw we insy Ik* liiiiulH m|-|-.1. Tlm' Mid.' wi.rl.l nrvrr drenniH. l.,m>l(w. \Wli July. After the excitement of AaoM nnd Henley, tbe Cricket Kortninlit is a welcome relief, while sensations h*vn not been lacking
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  • 53 3 Is a cricket match between the I; I and the R. X, played on Saturday on the S R C. ground, the tormer made II.) for four wickets, and the soldiers ."ii all out For the winners S JCcliudcr made U, and lor the Engineers Corpl Hayward made the top
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  • 56 3 Last Friday night. Orchard Road was tempiiraiily closed near Killiney Road, to enable to seel girders of the .-iu«a|>orc Kranji railway bridge, which I.i n. the road at that spot, to he lifted into position. The work was finished on Saturday night, and the girders are now in position on
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  • 86 3 AKHIVALS. IV s C. Apnir from GaiaaMi and I'enang -Mm. JV.wl.-y, Mrs. K. Park, and Mr. B«k. IV. s. I Vnlarra from Teluk An~.n via ports- Messr*. t. Fallock. Latham, Pollock, KM. I.m.ii. K. J. Koberl-oii. „ml S Kllsell. IVr s. W...././.IHU from Mauila- Mr. and Mrs. Hnrkoomer,
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  • 2189 3 ■MB, Ar Catford, Knnt beat Somer-e'. by L.. MM At Leicester, Notts were de>«ted by Irw home county by live ahlkati \< Di''>. I^tncashire defeated Derby by an inmngH and 1M runs. Tbe Lancashire professionaln, J. I. Tyldenley and Albert Ward, scored 158 and 117 respectively. At Hull,
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  • 711 3 YOIiKSHIHE Ht'KFKH DEKCAT AT THK HANDS OK BOMIRBICT. The great event, s<> far, of tbe County Cricket Championship bas been the defeat of Yorkshire by Somerset, at l-eede, ou the 17ih July. The Yorkshire men bad played 47 matches without a single defeat— until on the 17th July.,
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  • 557 3 Sikoapok, 12th ArorsT. 1901. PRODT'CK. <iimhier havers I mw Copra Bali Win do Ponti.nak I'epner, Black buyers S».^ do White. (Vi 44.715 Sago Floor Sarawak S.» do Brunei No. 1 I" Pmrl Cairo S.W) folbw, Ball, 15X ba«i« IPA) Ooff«e. Palemhane. 1/1% Unit Ssor) foffe*. Liheriiin No. 1 17.SS
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  • 153 3 uiti. vu>»> nim» tiiTilto Ottif Itaiimnw Aug 10 l.imnugHn Hut ttr. Farrell 1U i Kduard Bnry Hun tlr. Kuk.tlhii.i 10 N»tunH .Jt Ktr H.:nnelir.g U Ban hull Soon Bril «lr. Rowkc I-' Hye l«on|{ air. K.:»ar.l« W PBimn* Mr. (Mm I-J Piikan nr I Klutni: U Kiaa Yanj; v
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 30 3 I'AINKUL BREATHING and dangerously sounding cough, indicating congested lungs, is quickly relinved by taking Chamberlains Cough Remedy, Fur sale by all dealers in Medicines, The Dispensary, General Agents Bbipraa, t--A
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    • 55 3 I he standanl time l>all At I'uln Hnun tell correctly that at Fort Cannmu al.o. When children arc. teething they have more or less diarrh.en, which can be controlled by given Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhea Remedy. Kull directions with each tiottle. Sold by all dealers in Medicines. The Dispensary,
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    • 225 3 I'RELIAMINRY NOTICE. I^ME Colonial Government of French Indo-Cbina has organised a grand inter-colonial exhibition at HANOI the capital of TON KIN. The opening day is Hied for the 3rd November 1903 and the concern is to be under tbe immediate direction of tbe Colonial Government supplxmented by committees of local
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    • 352 3 NOUCKS. Wilson C 0.,. PHOTOGRAPHERS. \\J ILL -rwrtlv open a Ntvdio. at No. 17 TT Armenian Mtrret, next to St. Andrew. House. In the meantime they re aprepartni to take all descriptions of OUTDOOR PHOfOORAPHS. l*/7/U» JAPANESE BEST WHITE CREPE SHIRTS. SIZES FHOM U" TO W. G. OTOMUNE lili GENTLEMEN'S
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    • 895 3 NOTICES. George pictures. I Frames 1 Michael PHOTO BTOHB, Singarwre POSAI)A_WINKCO., Port, ml white, at ail) to Mi per taaa Sherry, light a brown, |10 to per d..ien. Madeira Marsala, Mslaga, MuscaWl, lIS to**) |10 «|6 Malmsey, Tarragons.. Vermouth, HO |l J per d. 7 Whiskey, Rrandv. Rton« Oio »Btot|->
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 266 3 IMY BY DAY. Monday, 12th Aioiht. High Water. 8.43 p.m. B. P. C. A. Meeting. Excbnnge. S V. A. Maxim Drill. .'..11. Bioscope. He.-i.h Road, ft Deval's Oiix-us. Beach Kond. 9. Tuisow, 13th Ai-.. i High Water, 10.-'l mm 9.3H p.m Kmpress Freile-ick's Funeml. Spirit. Sale. Powell. 11. K. V.
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    • 116 4 Hods are as-d -ur.—tcimer «h -ship cq.— barque ach schooner; Ycl. -Yacht,' i 'ru— Cruiser: <ibt.-O,iab oit:0 it Tor Torpedo H.p. -Honw-powvr Brit British U. s.-llniuyl Bute» Fr French; Ger.-0-rman Dm- Hatch Job.— Johore 4c. (j. (laaswat cargo d.p.-deck pasaenven. U. -i;.. er *•">„: T- P- W.
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    • 1540 4 Akkivai.« 8i»o» Noon or Satikhy. Akis, Brit. sir. 4.477 U»m, Capl. Bait, lith Aug From Liverpool. l!»li July. <).•. Mans Held 4 Co. For Hongkong, UAmhenl, Brit. «tr. 108 ton», Cap. Angus 12th Aug. From KelanUn, Hth Aug Uc and 78 d.p. Wee Bin Co. For Kulantan
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    • 47 4 t>" /Vr ,lr. I,,,,.. To-Mokhow. XeKa|i«uim via iwrts Mmmmtk I |..n>. t'ensnK A Deli Calvpto :t p.m. ■UriKonnivCHlrulIn \rrhiuUa .'Iniii Mamba» Ko» <fcr /'arm 4 p.m. Bangkok N«m I p.m. ffWBHT, Munlok A I'lunc (>'. J/ri/rr 7 a.m. I An- .in via ports Mnlarca :i p.m.
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    • 116 4 tmm Xi iioi'K :-By th* R. I). U //...iri,-4du«on Hie lßth Aui{ii»t with daleto the LMr.l July: she brinp rapHn i« Urn mail, which M Suii:.i|ioii- on the 'JHll Kkiim ('him: By the N. U. I. tiarl duf on Wednesday. l.i-r! .sii>Kn|iiin- llii" in lx>n.l..n Ai lived
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    • 299 4 I Tosa. Captam From Sailed. Comiiotu.. Aug !H SSSf, Bril tr w Kluttig Malacca Aug Wee Bin and Co. m i-- llhe m «88 .Richler Macauar Vug I Wee Bin and (o. n S-" n^* nX r 70 Hoppon Mu.-ir Vug 9 Khoo Tioog Tan 0 Parmmatta l>.*i)»
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 278 4 NOTICES. MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE, Fortify the System against Disease with PURE ti< 000. "THE 3EST SECURITY FOR HEALTH." <-•* INOt QW FLUID tXTWAOT Q» *«D JAM >ir. bu mW^nWiWrTilf If mSTMTTT K fs^or"foJ TORPID L.VER, DEBILITY, ERUPIiu.v. WEAK and LANGUID FEELINGS, And all Impurities of the Biood. W.B.
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    • 396 4 NOTICES. VINOLIA SOAI» IS TO BBttttt FINEST *OAP IN THE WOULD I Facts i— VINOLIA SO«P is uDiuriwsseil for tlio complexion VINOLIA SO*P keepMln- skin as soft aa velvet VIMOLIA SOAP l^ts xvc-11, ami docs M| ,lry or i ml v IOK sensitive skin. Vinolia Cream lorltr-hine A PrieUjrH«stt, Vinolia
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    • 159 4 < jUCHI J) >. ■I. H. A. PEKKIKA. HOKTIRULTUUCT 4JID KIOKIBI. COUJtCroK IMD EIPOKTIB o» UUI.HIUH. B >iP w nl appointment to Hia MajeUv The Kmg of Siam, H. H. The Hultan ol Johore, and H. H. The SulUn Orders for Bouquet Sprays, Ac, Ac, Carefully and promptly eiocuted. I'heapest
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    • 615 4 /[languid women! PiLE CHI LOU IK OLO PEOPLE, IOHLIOS I YIN CHAPOTEAUT T»W limtntary wimt k mtilj ittimiltic i wbn I I Charles "fcefosfccfc's Mbite Seal Champagne. BKHN, MBYKR Co., f '^t^ DltpftTK. jßf r.. lohn I.tTTLk A i -ii Sln-rv Ul'linKL AND |Wl|» U. Horrtsmt V ,J9§| yi'^r*. s.
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    • 840 4 notices! Alex. Gentle ACCOUNTANT, AUDITOR, AND KSTATK AUKNT. 8 Battery Road, Singapore. m.w.s. 1,-,/g NA TIONAL A WARD of 16,600 baa «><it«Ma «>(•!/ aauciMlmiia^" (Ths Lwcit I The Ideal Tonic Marvellon. in cuo. of FEVER, Waskusa, Lou el Appetite Rarronaaus, ExhtosUaa. Alao prepared with IRON hOysptpsta, Animia. Chlorosis. urn ao.
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    • 43 4 NOTICES." .HTTE.NTIO.N I JRTTE/NTIOJJ Bro'; o^o o r f r- Il rr r<>Bdyi<>l taken< Enlargement, ami* f any rtac and^oalnr,*" 11 1 I A large stock of Photo materi.l, and The Straits Photographic Studio, No 67, Coleninn Street. Singapore, Soth July. IHOI. j^m
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    • 25 4 NOTICES Ma|{|.im)roi:<;ii \ur\T.U M HI 1.1. BTREKT l'lltsr.l,,«. iMMd hot.-l,«ith.|,lenaid 1 a,comm,Hlatmn horn,- comforu. go<«i lK»r«l«rs only. Public patronage ia conti. ■tently aolicited L.J.CHATER. Croprietor
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