The Straits Times, 9 August 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times ESTD. OVER i A CENTURY SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. AUGUST 9, 1901. XO. 20.5W
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 877 1 •TIHE BO KN!JO COMPANY, LIMIIEO rE Stan.lonl L*. Awumao*. Nor»icß Unioß Pin> lnunnoa Society. atlM inaiiniK iVnpanj (Fu«). Tb» Bq»it»t.\.. 1..t» *i»« Sooi^J. 1 fc. Oiliia M..h.»l Rt»m Nari»rti.«i Conpuiv TWTllW tmi Uf«r Bw Company. Vat DHtatvilara M ti*— Companies, w the MlX£«.l THE Bfturab COMPAJIT. LIMITEn Agwt. SFEAMSHIP COMPANIES.
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    • 1472 1 <TF\MSmP GOMPANIKS. ■jrithiMOUMM FAKETVAAKI MAATBOHAPPIJ Under contract with tbe Netherlands India Government. ,\g,*u at Singapore: Ship Aoiscy, lats J. Daikdils A Co.. i-S, Colltiii yrAY. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. .Steamer From Expected Will be Oenpntched for On llataMK via Aug. o Billilon, Batavia, Samarang and Billiton Hoerabaia. Aug
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    • 870 1 NOTICES. JOSEPH ftILLOTT S '•ORAND PRIX," PARIS, 1000. f^fl A I OfHi|rt»stQo»li'.j; And hsvingOre»Uit Durability. trtlbert^:. BsV Bi MS OHCAPCST. I hllW SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT RAILWAY. ftTTIII are invit«d for the aupply 1 of rations to coolies on the Railway up to the end of this yeiu. Delivery will be taken
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    • 556 1 KIHWAJT BRICH WOEklt C* PAoIR PANJANG. ARF, now supplying building brick*. For particulars, apply to Chop KIM BIE, 4/» No. 24 Malacca Street. CpMMONB|NBj-Jll£T|H|y. •no hsruail 111 l>l|, na M Hulk;. t .."7T'5 •W*..*.- ..Umoi-1-r..1.c....irnM.u1M Anmon lor rnxmnc nruln 4k«miaaUo« IkM S» yrU»»l|| <<»llli<lllt. lnt»B»Moa«l»«IT tt,u»nlM*ittUl> a Jß!| l ilM«i'
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    • 697 1 B A N K S. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL »10,000,00 P. RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Re»erve..slo,ooo,oool lnooooM Silver Reserve... 8,000,000 RESERVE LIABIUTY OKI |I|liniMl PROPRIETOBB. l ulM Cocet or DiaiCTOia:— K. SHBW4N, Esq.— CmAntMAii. R K Tomiiks. R L. BlcataMON, Utq. k Hiirr, E« H s< nr»i»T. D.I
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    • 722 1 NOTICE& VI R. GEORGE LAWS, ME, A.I MM. ill 6, Battery R..nd, Singapore, having had 17 years experience in the East is now open to examine ami report on, or survey mining properties, or assay minerals and metals at short notice. Terms moderate. NOTICK. OTKAITS City Robber Stamp. 0 Short
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    • 718 1 CHAMBKM LAIR'S PAIN BALM Applied to the. aJUcted part, quickly RtUeve, BTlff NBCK KHEUMATInM IOUnM of tbe MUBCLEB inn BTIFFNKSB of the JOINTS, ror sals l.v all dealern in medicine. everywhere. I'r.oes fiO els. snd 11. Qen eral Ag«,ni«, Hie Ulspensry, i*ingapore. 6-B >(IR BALI KMPLOYMK.YI* TO I ET- ANDJfEKRONAI^
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  • 31 2 The PR ICE 15 CENTS. StraiU T.mtt fcO a ytar, or pott trti S34. Slrnih Hiuigtl S)H a ynr, or jxvl frt-i t2O. Advertising R/dtt may found in the fourth fume.
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  • 753 2 l'nui i.h nearly two years have elapsed since the Boer war began, and though thn struggle has now doKoneratud into a desultory guerilla warfare which is a mere wauton prolongation of all the horrors of war with no earthly object to justify sucb prolongation— we learn from
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  • 407 2 It did not require the sagacity of a Solom, .ii to formulate the dictum set forth by C'alehas in the Furtniyhtly Ml to the effect that ritain ought frankly and once for all to recognise that Russia is hi Manchuria, and will stay there so loug as her railway rung
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  • 8 2 To-day's -l/ms bank rate is 1/1 1 c
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  • 213 2 I'i.A'.ik has again broken out at Kuala Lumpur. H M.S. Boaarfa left lor IVnanc at 11. .11 a.m. yesterday. H. M. tf. Lizard went to the wharf to coal at 6 this morning. Tin: lime Course will be olHcially opened for training on August Huh Thk Siiigaporti Volunteer Corps Ball
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  • 28 2 Thkkk' i.t a Bcratch game ul water polo at the Swimming Club Ml "Sunday, launches leave at •< and 9. All players must go over by the tirst launch.
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  • 20 2 The .I.i;..iii..*i- liovernruent lias decided to appoint a Couuui-Oeneral for the Dominion ol Canada, whose headquarters will be at Mmiliaal
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  • 24 2 l)u. Montana telegraphs tv the Kbm that the French are pressing Li HuugCh.uiK lor the concession of a direct railway between Paotingfu and Tientsin
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  • 27 2 It was erroneously staled yesterday that Mr. James Kerr was leaving for Australia by the s. s. BmpaL We regret that the. error should have been published.
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  • 31 2 Thk i i ihdee are to he swn daily blazing away at their rirle range, at Taiping in view of the forthcoming Warren .Shield competition. They won the trophy last year.
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  • 29 2 Ml: and Mrs. lloberl Brunch arrived in Sydney from liongkuug by the steamer tiuihri'-. They opened there on 'tth July with a reorganised company which includes Mr. Cecil Ward.
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  • 30 2 Those member* of the Volunteer Artillery who arc practising under Warrnn Shield conditions are asked to turn up for practice on Saturday and Sunday at pin at Balestier ritlc range
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  • 32 2 Thk ■Ml to Lord Uoberts was carried in the House of Commons by SSI voles to TA. The minority included ;">5 Irish members, tyr Henry Camp-bell-Bannerman supported the vote for the grant.
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  • 33 2 A OMMaWMnWH infunns us that there has been an exodus of Jewish residents from here to Malacca tv bathe at the hot springs at Alor Gajah, which are supposed to have curative purposes.
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  • 35 2 Thk (ieriiiiin transport OrwrfM arrived from T.ikn thiß morning and anchored in the rondH. She liaa 30 1 1 ili i -its and 951 soldiers on board, and is expected to leave for liremerhaven to-morrow.
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  • 193 2 Tbk tsoliooner Indy Florence, of ten tons, bound from here to Port Hickson to go into the trawling business tbere, waa blown ashore at 'I'anjong Joliore yesterday morning at •"'.;>n o'clock and became a total wreck. The muster and owner, Mr D. C. Wilkie of Port
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    • 102 2 UINIRAI. ntKM IIKorKKATION.-HKMVMV. Til TSLL. London, Dth A'igufl. Sixty-one, military columns are now operating in South Africa Several skirmishes are reported (icneral Krrm-h '< operations in Cape Colony are baa|aa)lag to tell on the invaders Commandant Kouche has recrossed tho Orange River and
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    • 37 2 ■Ml SHE IS DOINC ON THE AMI K The Ratal correspondent at Odessa reports that the fiussian iiovurnmenl is endeavouring to colonise the Amur tenitory, and intends to plant Cossack colonies on the Chinese border.
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    • 55 2 KITCHENER' S STERN I*I;i)CI.A.MATION. Lnl'r L ird Kitchener's proclamation providing for -I'.eni measurus against the enemy has kaaa favourably received iv Natal Tbe terms "f tuo proclamation are not known in l.nndoi, (Ull'usr Xl nOBt A Urttisii post consisting ol ot Stem uker's Horse has been surprised and captured at
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    • 73 2 I'er I'.ifeO. str. Hengal for l'enang Mr Ho tilling Uu, Mr Moody, Mr. and Mr* r, Warrack, Mr. Hen»haw, Mr 1 Steinberg, Mr. J. Hamilton. For London I.t. Basil S. Noake, Mr. (i. H. K. Moor, Cap*. K. M. Martin, Mr. K C. Davidson, Sapper K James,
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    • 99 2 "TH E UPSTART." Thk play o( "The Tpstart" Mi repeated last night in the Town Hall. Hi»th the acting and tbe music were as pood as one could desire; but tbu audience was small a fact probably accounted for by the rain. All the performers gave a giwd account of
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    • 101 2 FIRE AT JALAN SULTA N. HI.VAMAX k11.1.t.1i A i ntK broke nut at I IQHlil mmilina] at Xo. SB-I Jalan Sultan. The house was occupied by number of Chinese 'iiki-ha coolies. The Kire Brigadu turned up promptly und aaved tin: back part ot the premises, but the Names spread rapidly
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    • 115 2 At the Assi/.es yesterday a Chinaman named Chung Ah Tek was sent tv durance vile for three years for highway robbery. Lim Ah Jee and Chan Ah Tom; were found guilty of cauiiiug previous hurt. The former got three months' hard and the latter twu years Fur househreaking,
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    • 128 2 Is their weekly share report, Muaf^ Latham and Haatagßßrt slate A fair amount of business ban been transacted during the past fortnight The price of hydraulic tin mining shares thows <in advance, while gold mines keep steady. T.injong I'agars and Str i,ts Traders have been sold at
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    • 185 2 THK TKHKAI I'I.AMINIi til. IUK tilth general mooting of (inTebrau Planting Co., Ltd., was li.-1.l Hongkong on the SOtB July. Him Chairman, Mr. II Humphrey*, said (ienth-men, the report and MmM of accounts having been in your hand* some days, I pro]>ow.-, with your consent, to follow
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    • 37 3 Mb Seal, a brother of the Police armomi at tMngapun, has been umsUMM armourer to the Malay Mates Cindcs, and has reported bat :>nr il in tha He is to It stationed at Kuala Lumpur.
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    • 46 3 BoaaasnoM are now being made tb:. l the Japanese Government should take in hand tne manufacture of tobacco itself, an.l it 1- laaaaht a large revenue might I.h obtained from this source. S.uiiH ol the oaMah la the Finance Kepartmem arc ie|...rti-d to endorse thai view
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    • 45 3 Miss Vii iaaaa Dapaw is now playing M.ldle linn-Bon in IV Sas/JMaJMBt .it the Hie itre Koyal, Calcutta Her chef d'orch«s're is Mr. <Jeo. Trimmcll, md her company includes Miss Hertha Hunter, Miss Amy Clnlds ami Mr. Arthur Stanley, all well-known to local theatre -goers
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    • 61 3 Thk barifß woik ..I Morm nis Ii now being exiried on larci-ly in (ireat Britain, Germany, Switzerland, and -»t den Laat month one of the Salt Lake City apostles started for Tokyo at the head of a number ot elders. It is said to be the intention of Ihe Mormon
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    • 48 3 Mk Hi.-klnll rc|H>rts to Wadiingtoa that the Minister of the PoffWl l.ivonr an immediate a|.|>lu alion of the newChina tarill'. The Tinted State.(iovermnent has instructed Mr. KockInll that there mu«t be exemption for cargoes now alloat, and an allowance of reasonable time for complete delivery ot contracted cargoes.
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    • 60 3 Tm eanaapeaaaal ol Urn .v I hilly Ar«'» writes from Peking The Miuisters have tixed on August the 14th as the date for evacuation, and tor handing over to the Chinese ■nllll'lllHW the public and imperial grounds and buildinfis. This aati 1* the anniversary of tbe relief of the legations
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    • 67 3 Thi. Yunnan correspondent of the 1 1i.i.1.j A- write« b there any means of tasßfaaaag on the British Minister in iVkiuj; tbe n.-tessiiy of appointing Contral to YunnanfuWhile Kranceuppi.iiitsaCuusul-lieneral to that pl.i.e. Kucland 1..0U .il>out and sends men to »ucli out-of-the-way useless i'l.k." .1- HtHaaia aad Baanao. nation aUkVai
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    • 81 3 The Hi t. .1 navy yard harInjur drod^.r vUea ha. remained at the bottom II nAong road? mii.v a typhoon wicked hor there in November hint, was sue **afall* r;ii»cd on tbe -'It'i lily Slie ii id I. ecu rai-cd several times before, only to founder Bjafat she i, n
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    • 86 3 I m>kk a large picture of a pentl^rnan i.eing chased by an enormous tiger nbout four feel behind him, the Uflu Kj-pr. r of July .".th ha- the tollowin-— ■M. II K).-ny. tbe lainoiic Kren. Ii author and traveller, had a most thrillinc adventure while travelling recently 111 the Malay
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    • 95 3 Koi'K panels have been r. -moved from the doors ol the Irat Ma-l-trite. Court, and their place supplied by glass so opa<|tle that It all practical pacpoan, Iha panels might as well hnve rein. lined. The olijrct of the change was doubtless to enable the .Maglstrile to see Ill'o the
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    • 83 3 As int. -ii'-'iu.- v -re. ii. my took place at the Kowluon 11... ks, HonL'koiip, or the Ist instant, when the n g, llie tirst ..I two steel twin-.rew steam lighters hinldinij Is the onier of the .Vmldciits. her Lloyd lor river service in Hanek. -Lilly launched The principal dimensions
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    • 93 3 Tub I'.kini- correspondent ol the r Daily V. wrote on the 17th July. Mr. JooataßS, IB* Iteleian Minister. «a- nngagDii a lew days sin.-c with s.-ine ..Tin in soldiers iii putting up the orner |»)kts ol the new Kelrl.Ul I epation 'h:it will greeted on the -ite ol tlie home
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    • 87 3 Tan inornins, live I'linnsc traders w.-ic kafan Mr Green in response to siimiuonses issued at the ui-l in. ol Inspector Hat-man ol the Weights and Mca-ure- Department 1 1 1 thi-ini; of 46 s-otitb liridp- Baal was lined tUt an. l costs lor possession of .in unjust duelling Li rßni
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    • 98 3 Vaaaaaßßi uiornuic. la eaaaai) laaai of a dirierence of opinion in the inau.-r of salary, a considerable number of the Taojung I'agar Dock Company amistaii! dock clerks and coal < lerkn failed to attend at the Docks They gave as a reason for going out the fad that they applied
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    • 108 3 link! wi- r< ion in;. M the i-l instant in the hearts af over tlui'y European employee- at H M Naval Yard, Hongkong. In June last, the KnroiwaiiH employed looking after tlie ■tores, ate. petitioned to* Admiralty through I' I..w ell, for an imrease ol pay Tln-y end thai their
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 410 2 NOTICES. XO BEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Hanulw.iurt.ra ol Dynamite, Oelk'nitc, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators. Safety Fuses. Electric Blasting Apparatus, Tht al-f.- Exploticf, Ifuia „> fi.ivr«l M <ir.:it aVliaia, mm to pan tht hgh ttmi/L. r-l of safety and furily Imbj impottl l.y the MM Qevtrnmeat, and art,
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    • 420 2 NOTICES. Billies Tiffin Booms, SPECIAL JVC EJ TV XT HY OCX HERMAN GHKF .IN HUPAY, 9th AL(i. Sarkies Bros., Pioprietor. THE LAST 2 NIGHTS. FRIDAY, 9th Al"(ilST. SATURDAY, 10th AIKU'ST. ('vpll night) PROF DEVALB GREAT INDIAN CIRCUS AND MKNA<;i;WK OF WILK ANIMALS* Location -Beach Road. •.'»>(;( )Ll) MKDALB aniirtlpd Hi
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    • 517 2 NOTICES Kelly Walsh, Limited, 32 Raffles Place. NEW BOOKS. Stevens on Bt-m»,e luo Manchuria, its people, resources and Makers of the ]Hth Century, by recent history, by A. Hosie S5. R. A. Armstrong a M Living Knee* of Mapkin.l, vol. 11. 6. K aM i ..(School Hygiene, by Hope TbelStoryol
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    • 482 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. BILL COLLECTOR. WANTED at onuc a Bill-Ckillector t«mpornrily for tbe Straitt Timet Office. Security require'l. Apply to tbe MANAGER. WANTED. BKITWH North Borneo. An Architct'tural Draughtaman for tbe Public Worka Uepartment. A knowledge of d<**igning ensential. BaUry $75 per mensem and quarters, or bouse allowance. Apply, forwarding copies
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    • 19 2 Om the ?th Aniust, »t Lan(;!;iud»," 112 River Valley Road, the wife of Ens«»r Alpbku ilu..:kk», of h iuii
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    • 543 3 CU RRENTLY TO LIVE STOCK. TO THE KIHTOB OK THK STRAITS TIMIM." mi:, I have read with considerable inteicst the correspondence 111 your paper entitled Cruelty to Live Stock." Anyone would think, from Mr Karlc's letter, and that signed by T L K that the sole object of sending cattle
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    • 342 3 PEARLS HI LL RE SER VOIR. A i okhkspomikm writes: MnndlT list being a holiday. I took a ramble and after a while found myself in IVarlHill Bowl. Puntriag Ufa oeaaa, I ■M to the foot ol the approach to the reservoir under construction no signboards warning off ii.-; a-sers,
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    • 298 3 A milk liel.l el <.j>crutloli for tliu introduction of drudge* im-seut^ itself in ilir Duteli Jiuliei, .-.!>- the Auttnliam atntaf &mdm&. Celebes aajMniaß** aai a brilliant future before it both in respect to gold and coal Work in being systematically carried on on a
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  • 621 3 I llliiHl.Y KK-PBCTABE UN. Ihoiuii 11 Rood many piom persons will deplore the tact thai sucb sentiments could be eveu entertained by a minister i.t the Gospel much les expressed by 1111.1 in print— no apology is necessary for reproducing the following excerpt from an article by the Rev.
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  • 261 3 Thk lifth ordinary annual meeting of shareholders in the above company was held at the offices of Messrs. Dodwell Co., the deueral Managers, HongkouK The Chairman (Mr. 0. H. Medhursi) addressed the shareholders as follows 'JditUjuien,— The report and account have I. eefi before you
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  • 220 3 DUTCH HUM WITH JA PAN. Thk report of the Netherlands Consul at Kobe ti.n been issued, dealing with Hi" trade r«tween Holland and Japan in the preceding year. The export was considerably less tban in IH9», in consequence of the total absence of the export of rice, being one of
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  • 46 3 OHMUI Oininundseu, whu has won the King's Prize at Bisley, is a wellknown -lint, who is generally well u|i in thf CtmtfttUom I.i-' yir he carried ofl the Daily llraphie prize, and the year before he was first in both stage* of tli^ 0t George eonijittitiuu
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  • 189 3 A parliamentary paper aal been haaaa consisting of a list of all pensions cram d during the year ended Jun« 20th, 1901, under the Act I Viet., c. U. and charged upon the Civil List. All the pensions were grant. il on Feb. l.'fth and they are as follows,
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  • 201 3 This morning, Pakarinien, a cattle owner, appeared before Mr. Green in response to a summons ixsued at the instance of Inspector Paglar S. P. C. A., for exposing a sick bullock on the public road at the junction of Bukit Timali and McKenzie Roads on the Man
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  • 187 3 I'otgiktek's laager near Wolinarans has beeu captured. There were L' l liner caioalties. Myburgh's commando has been surprised ami M captured, at Dassiesport, including Myhiirgh who was dangerously wounded Husvtrs have captured a pom-poui,'-*0 fajHO, and :u prisoners from Coininan lint \ilj.jen, near Middleburg. Lord Kitchener re)K>rts that
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  • 148 3 There was no play yesterday owing to the rain. TIES FOR TO DAY, MIXEH ~1~*"* A. I I.ACS Mrs. (Martial and Mr. Von Berg r. Mr,. Pr.-ston and Mr. Rainnie. M.s. Ken and Mr F. D Ma.jtaggan v. M.--.Sal^niHnn and Mr. J. Mnetaggart. Mrs. lanaal
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  • 147 3 U tli« Court of Session, Edinburgh, recently, a question was settled that has been agitating legal circles in Scotland for lonnt montha as to whether a lady could under Scottish statutes practice a» a solicitor. Miss Margaret Strang Hall, of Braehouse, Kirn, a young lady of
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  • 139 3 Am. ink the noteworthy novels, says tbe Bookman, which will appear between now and the end of the year are —Sir Walter Besant's The Lady of Lynn (published the other day), Mr. Hall Caine's "The Kternal Cit>," Mr. S. R. Crockett's "The Firebrand," Mr. and Mr.,. K«.ii<,u Castle's
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  • 263 3 w II HHIIAW Al. OK THK al UM. The following telegrams concerning tin: withdrawal of tbe Allied forces in North China and the destruction of the Tuku Forts appear in Ja|>uneß« papers:— Tokyo, July JJrd The Council of War of the. Allios have decided to withdraw the troops
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  • 416 3 lid Ra-JaaaaJ Wan lying at lie ,-<i\ /V/ (>s'■', .^ingtipijr'-. Ami-'t. P Liebcrl, A. ah.lh, v. M. UMmuis, Him A I! ii l<ogn n. .M i >» t. Malmn.Corpl. I. 1.. Hi'raand Julie Malmaoche H. Bigsnorlh, W. Marinelli. A. V. 1)1 rch, 8. K Mussel. Rene Bluiucnlnl,
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  • 103 3 I'KOPOSKri MINHIPAI. CONTRIBUTION. The Municipal Secretary informs us that tbe Municipal President has given notice that at the next ordinary meeting of the Municipality (on Wednesday next) be will move:---(1.) That the sanction of the Governor in Council be requested to the contribution of a sum not
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  • 102 3 His Majesty's ship Krlipte and Daphne and another warship left Hongkong very hurriedly at night on the 31et July. Between six and seven o'clock the ships were at their usual anchorages, but shortly after ten o'clock, under cover of darkness, they moved rapidly out
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  • 574 3 Maatfaaa, 9th avucst, ihdi. PHOUUOB. (Ininl.ior t 1040 Copra Bal' 8.70 do PoTilinnsk 7.7R Pepper, Blaik do White, 4«no Bago Flour Sarawak 3M do Brunei Xo. 1 Pearl S.HO Coffee, Bali, lfir 1.,.,. -jn.rX) Coffee, Palemhanc. IV nm Coffee. Liberian No. I 17.26 Tapioca, small Flake R.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 353 3 KECHAr GOLD MINIM; CO., LTD. Thk following is the Managers report of theC'ouipany's working for the month of July, I9(il The mill ran 27 days 1 hour*, crushing J-" short tons of ore yielding 108 ozs. 16 dwts smelted gold. The ore milled was obtained from the k'echau Reef, No.
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    • 57 3 IN ALMOST EVERY COMMUNITY there is someone whose life has been saved by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Such persons seldom miss an opportunity to recommend it, and their recommendation and the never failing qualities of the remedy account for its great poularity. For sale by all dealers in
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    • 625 3 UOOfG INSANK. ft. L KimerofStoneridge.N. Y. -ay«:--1 aai lar litaa 'lnn liaiiCEl with »'i.-ep-lessness and with intense neiiralgi.- i.i.ins in the h.-id which made me feel us though Ivaaaalagißana, Hi. physicians could 1 1' nothing for nif. I hcttrii of hoiiio extraordinary cures effected by Littles Oriental Balm. and re.
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    • 718 3 NOTICES. FRAMEST LißtiE STO« k «Mi TARim PICTURES. (ieorjci- Miili.u-1, I'huto stnrt 1 KATZ BROTHERS LIMITED. Are now showing' A large range of new designs in MereeriHed French I awns. THE LATEST NOVELTY For Ladies' Blouses and Costumes lOqual in appearance to Foulard Silks. PRICE 00 cents per yard. (Patterns.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 229 3 DAY BY DAY. Friday, mtu August. High Water. 1.-M p. in tJSiI Annual Meeting. Tanglin Club. I*. A (>. 111 ul for Europe closes, tl a.m. L. L. T. a Tournament. B. V. K. Co. Drill. Drill Order. Bioscope. Beach Kon.l. W. Deval's Circus. Beacb Koad. V. SiTUßiiiv, Kith Aoaisr
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  • SniPPING.
    • 199 4 UoderUiishaajdinitthotollowin^abbnit'iii. lions are nsnd Mr. -stoimnr ah. -ship: bq.— barque Kh— tchoonar; Yet Yacht. Cru.— Cruiser; <Jbt.— Gunboat TorTorpedo; H.p. —Horse-power Brit.— Hritisu U. d.— United Slates: Fr.Froncb Ger.— German Dut.— DuWh loh. .Tobore Ac* G. c.. Generalargo d.p. deck passengers U.— Uneer win T. P. W.-fanjonc
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    • 1335 4 Akhivaui Hiiici NOO5 or fMHMM. Analusui, (ier. str. 3,477 ions. Captain Khlors, HIII Aug. From H-imlunx. JUih June. G.c. Behn Meyer and Co. For Hongkong. l«th— Bds A.ahnn, Oer. «>r. 161 tons. Cant Hubner, Bth Aug. From IK'li, Slh Aug. «c,±7d p. BchnM«yeraiidCo. For Deli, U— Rds.
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    • 38 4 MA IL S CL OS E. To-Momujw. PrnitiiK .t i-iil.-utu Wi*i taahan 4 l>eli 4atH Penan* Ha Smg I. Di.-k-nn 4 KlailK Sappho Huntok A Pbanx Mf TITESDAV. I'" 1 H p.m. iff: Ve^;ip u«m via [>ort- Zama>iiu
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    • 110 4 Wmm K.I -KOl-K By til.' P. 40. U. /'urr.l ■■n "1 .iv- on 111.' ldtli August with ilateI" Mi.- lmh July; sue hriitm replio- lo Uh maiU which loft Hingapore on the -.Inl June FROMt'iiisA:-By iln- N. D. U -> simii/art dv.' 011 I'uesday. Jnn.' :!*tb P.
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    • 132 4 ARRIVALS. Par I, t, Ktdah fruni Übum Iw. I! 1.i.-htenU'ri:. A. 80.-k.Mi, nnd A. 1..m--roayer. Per s. s. BaaaM Man from l/mdon Mewre. Cbilvera, Templeton, Speii.-.-r, Kow.ll. 1) Perkins, H. l'pi..ii, Hamilton, T. Henshaw, (i. Cook, V. Soul. E. Jullian. O. O. Ailani. W. Hamilton, N. Harrison,
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    • 211 4 y Flau Vkshii/s Namf A Tom*. Caitiis Fkom Hiiljd. Comiuium. Q Rio. 7 HalnlMii nut »tr 3R» Voor Un« Ajr 6 Hooglandt A Co. Is. ran UnKkat Mr.l I4SO Zwarl Hongkong July II anil (c 8 Asaban sir. l«l ilul.ii.M Deli Aur 6 liohn Meyer A. Vo 8
      211 words
    • 147 4 Din. Viaau's Nami FuoAßio Uaptiii UmiiiTioii Au« I Australind Brit atr. Kod^er Krcmaiitle yin ports 8 Hok Tjioe Out «tr. Huberts ttaigoc. 8 Coon ttr. Kuoprr Batavia via ports 8 Broinvcr Mr. Pontscn Deli via poru X finu»; Aus str. 1..-v.i China and Japan 8 SlromW Brit Mr. Hocken
      147 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 533 4 NOTICES. Sole Prspr.r'cr. Jackie C° Distillers \*mi, Islay Glenlivet Glasgow. 'JO I!K HAD Of ALL DKALKKS, QOTHKIK ft CO.. AC.KM-. "i»f_ DAWSON'S 500TS FOR ALL CLASSES. Unequalled for STYLE, COMFORT, and DURABILITY. NONE GENUINE WITHOUT OUR TRAM" MARK STAMPED ON THE 80LE8. TO BE HAD OF ALL DEALERS 23 LONDON
      533 words
    • 381 4 NOTICES. Dr. c. d. MOORE'S m \tT» COCOA s MILK Hot Water only required. Compact Economical. D'tau and StrvngUiening. N'mrn, S»loo. FniUnd. rfrt: C. AE, M>rt.«i. Iw4& ducl.w«ll, rtc, l^ndon. AVATTS CO. (Established 1808.) To H. E. LORD CURZON, Viceroy of India HARNESS. HARNESS. HARNESS. BEST HAND-SEWN Carriage and Single
      381 words
    • 201 4 Mr, J, van den Brand Co,, Lawyers, Medan, Deli, tu.&f. :io.«,w. "TIMKB" AND "BUDGKT." Sirait, tmm, VU a year, or tU a month or nftten ceuis a copy. Post Free, ink a quarter. StraiU Budget post fre«,sJU year, or $!> a quarter, or 40 cent* a copy. Tbe advertising rite*
      201 words
    • 1066 4 NOTICES. CLNUAI'ORE SPORTDCG CLUB The Autumn Ran Hitting u-iU b, held on OHobtr 22iul, MM, a«J 201 1. Programme. FIRST DAY. TWadoy, 2ind October. FIBOT Race. THK MAIDEN PLATE—VaIue »400.A Kara (or Maiden Horses— Weight as per scale (lOtt.) An allowance of 141 b. to -\-(iriffins imported into the Straita
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    • 468 4 I MMAPAIIUA JJ I I CLEM YOUR BLOOD I QRIMAU !:I^£I MCOtCINM. SKIN SOAP I Charles Ibeibs tech's lUhitc Seal Champagne. Folk A'!*kts, BEHN, MEYKtt Co., fi/*^ Singapore and l'-,,m itUU^^ Drpots. K .Singapore M e»«r». loh n I.ittlk A Co I J MO(.-r«. OOMTXIL AIIU J^i^k O. Horpwnt Huurahnya
      468 words