The Straits Times, 6 August 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times KSTD. OVER i A CENTURY SINGAPORE TUESDAY, AUGUST 0, 1901. XO. S»,3!Pi;
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 884 1 *pHL BOMIBO OOanaST, I.IMIIRD rl Man Urd Lira Aaramm. RkrvM Tjniun Ku» Usansos SocMy. AHaa Aani. >'..tni J.) (Klre). Tba Kqoitv 1 ..f- ..-»m- Sedaty. I h« Oiisa Vii'-ial StraDi Navignti.m Coapuv Tha TottenV <■ Lager Bw Conpaav. Kor purtiinl-vm of th«» Companies, see tb> Ml aJVwtimwit of TIIK nOBNBO
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    • 828 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I'OSINKLIJKK PAKhTVAART MAATBOHAPPIJ .iumfj -%i SiaMBMWi Smr Aoiscy, lati J. Daikdsm A Co., 2-S, Collxii Qo»v. i i .-rmention.-d dates are only approximate. Steamer Krom Expected Will be Despatched for On r,..i OMMMra Padangvia port*. July SI Penang. olehb-h. and Padang via U,--t(o:i«t port*. Aug. I MHBMMg Augt.
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    • 663 1 Cor.i")ine<J Service orii.-o BMaa Siivsni hip Cum|mny and Urn >« l .iuitrili.iu <\v.\a\ N ,«vit; :'i CAtnpany in i FREIANTLE. (PECTH), NORTH WEST AUSTRALIAN POHTS. AND SINBAPORE. IHE lOITAM, SA LA IHS AUSTRAUND. akd ihiiimi kteamkk RICIIMUXP. In.-o MMMMHI run at tmaaMM intervals Between Singapore aud We.torn Anb'ralm. j..,iing at
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    • 532 1 NOTICES. Ideal Milk rrs^*-^ Enriched 20 per cent. iJjfc&tfPl Sterilized-Not Sweetened. K^~™Ssy Perfect Substitute for Fresh INSURANCES. THX LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRK INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital 0,127,H)0 Paid up Capital £213.7n0 Reserve Fond £1,078,680 Ihe undersigned, Agents for the Company, urc prepared to accept fire risk* at current ratos of premium.
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    • 473 1 INSURANCES. HONGKONG FIRK INXIIRANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital •übacrihed (2,000,00(1. Amoant paid np 400,040. Reserve fund l,O«e,fMW. Head Office,— Hongkong. Qenorsi Managers, Messrs. Jaruinii MATHESOtI A CO. OUTHKIK 4 Co. LTNIOX FIRE IXSUKAXCK COMPANY OF I'ARIS. K-nm i.-mi. KKSERVES AND TOTAL GUARANTEES £4,000,000. 'IMIE undersigned, agents for tl above 1. com|Minv,
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    • 691 1 BANKS. TTONOKONO AND hHANUHAI 11 BANKING OOBFORATJON. PAID-nP CAPITAL 1)0,000,000. KESERVE FUNDCotRT Or DIaKJTOBS-— B. »mwu>, t>q.--Cni»KAn ii...-. .1 J. ii, UI Wvino Dam Cunui, HE Tohiinh. I B L. BKWAaDsox, Kag. A H«trT, I H <.»tkiFi. DM Mo«i..V«, N,A SimK<o J. Ratkov... X*, I 11. W. m»di7««>. RoK;:«nso.
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    • 913 1 NOTICES. QOVBMIim NOTIFICATION. A N examination for admission lo the Tk Uuvwiuiinnt Otartal Service will v. KB ill the Cumuli C| mm l,, r M lOfcnl on Wednesday. 7th Augu.t, iHrtl. Intending candidm*. should forward l heir applications touether with copies of I leu Hon.mli Stand,,, .1 tortifioates. to the
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    • 745 1 It's Dangerous to trifle with a cold. CUAMBERLAINa COUGE REMEDY Kinaiwit to take-never fails to cure. For sale by all dnalem id medicine! cveryw|.,re Trire .V).-t». and SI. to era! Agents, The Dispentai >, Singapore. M)K BALK KMPLOYlfKrrns TO LET- ANDJtJEKNONAUS in Time, 16 cnb a Hne and md .Yd
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  • 33 2 The Strai ts Times. PR ICEK 16 CENTS Strait* Tim** SHO a year, or pott fret $34. iHrailt Hudgtl Sis a year, or'pott frt» $20. Adi-trtiring R-ttt> mi/ found ill Me fourth paq».
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  • 894 2 The Kinpress Frederick, whose rather infelicitous, and at times stormy career has just came to a quiet close at Cronberg, was in the 61st year of her age. She was the eldest daughter, and the eldest child, of our late gracious Queen, and, as Victoria Adelaide Martha
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  • 416 2 It seems ill-omened that, less than a month after it was decided to increase tbe strength of our navy by ten destroyers, one of the swiftost vessels of that type afloat should mn ashore and get lost on one of the Channel Islands. The I'iprr, which was launched about a
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  • 13 2 Tme morning, Mr. W. C. Michell r nsjaßtd hip duties as second magistrate.
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  • 15 2 Sir Claude and Lady McDonald have been respectively received by the King and the Queen.
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  • 15 2 It is anticipated that Parliament will not be prorogued until thu week ending August -Mth.
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  • 16 2 Mr. K C. Davidson, acting auperintvndent P. A- T. Sclangor, has been granted I.', months' leave.
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  • 21 2 CAtTAiN E. W. Harris, of the :ird Madras Infantry, lelt for Knglund in 11,.. M M a. A,nu,,n on Sunday last.
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  • 21 2 The monthly sewing meeting of the Church Work Association will be held at the Raines Girls' School to-morrow, at 4 p.m.
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  • 23 2 Tin Government notification dated frd July. 19tM, by which the Island of Tongkah was declared to ba an infected pliec, lias been withdrawn.
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  • 25 2 i>s Snnitay afternoon tbe Straits Nationals 11 tc'im beat theKver Bright .Sal Club by three goals to one in the competition for the Nationals Cup.
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  • 25 2 I mk will of the late Mr. Allen Maclean Skinner, Burtou Field.", Canterbury, M G late Resident Couniilli>r in iVnaiiK, has been proved at £--',49-1.
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  • 28 2 Thk Kus-ian Volunteer Fleet nteuiner Bsma** arrived from Odessa on Sunday and went aJaaMaMi the wharf. Shu kHWBMHHaI board and left for Yladivostock at ."> p.m. the mine day.
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  • 32 2 i.m:n L:unington, who has gone home from ijmen-litnd, where he him been Uovwnof since 1>95, is meutionud as being likely to have the Governorship of Ciijlon, in succession to Sir West Ridgoway.
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  • 38 2 Ma.ior H. .1. Cowan haa lvft Kiu'l md far Wei-hai-Wei to take up tbe duties of Coinuianding U K at that stnlinn in succession to Lieut -Colonel C. Punrose, who has been appointed Comnmnding R. E at Gosport.
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  • 41 2 ''iti Oswald Ames, the huge Life Guardsman who rode at the head of the I'inmond Jubilee procession in London, in 1807, i» to be married to Violet, sicond daughter of tbe late Lord Francis Cecil, R N and Lady Francis Cecil.
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  • 35 2 Thk nmrriage arranged between Lady Rowena Hastings and Mr. Graham Peterson wiu to take place on Saturday, July Wife at 8t AnselmV, D.iviex Street. The newly married couple were to leave for Singapore this inontb.
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  • 42 2 Mull T N. S M. Howard, and M. I). WooH, who were with the West Yorkshires in .Singapore have bnen promoted to the rank of Captain, l olficers will be remembered here as good cricketers, who rattled up several good scores
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  • 47 2 Pbisck Chun arrived at Penang on Thursday last. 11, was welcomed by a gathering of 2,000 Chinese on landing. He drove to the Governor's quarters and proceeded to the Chinese consul's residence where a deputation of Chinese merchants presented an address. Tbe Prince left in the afternoon.
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  • 47 2 Accokkinu to the Lancet, nicotine is not the worst ingredient of tobacco. Pyridine and its derivatives are responsible for headache, trembling, and giddiness. The journal considers the cigar more injurious than the pipe, and the pipe than the cigarette. This id rather contrary to the popular notion
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  • 69 2 MR. 8. KRID API'OINTKO. The IVnung Municipal Comtnissioncni, at a recent meeting, procenlud to for the appointinxnt of Municipal KiiL'iiit-ri to the I'enang Municipality. Mr. S. Keid, ot Singapore, was unanimously appointed on the following terms Six months' notice in writing upon either side to terminate
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    • 94 2 MX CHAMBERLAIN.* VIFW •ihNKlliirs IKHMS WHK.V THK WAR IS /.on,/.;,., 4/* Aug. I n a debate on t he Colonial Esti matex, Mr. Chamberlain expressed hia belief that the military situation in South Africa was more hopeful than it bad been for a long time pint
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    • 45 2 /•tier. The Kmperor William has given up his intention to visit Hamburg, ami has gone on to Kronberg instead, owing to a change for the worse in tbe condition of the Kinpress Frederick. All her other children are hastening to her bedside.
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    • 99 2 UrnUm, Uh Angiut. Twu Boers have arrived at KroonMad with a flag of truce and a letter from Mr. Steyn. ItWKDO DESTROYER WKKCKKH. The turbine-destroyer Viper struck on a rock near Alderney. She is a total loss. The crew were rescued.
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    • 62 2 Immlok. Hilt Aufutt. Kiiic Kdwanl goes to Kronberg to-day. THK THIBF-TAN MISSK.v The eil'eot of the IMMtM HWm al St. Petersburg \t already noticeable in tbe eagerness of the Chinese Government to renew negotiations as regards Manchuria. CHINESE UlilKK OPERATES M (MliillKß'lST. The Timti says
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    • 11 2 EMPRESS FREDERICK DEA D. I. liter Tli« Kinpress Frederick ii dead
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    • 93 2 EMPRESS FREDERIC K DEAD QUITE QU IETLY. Mai later. The life of the Empress Frederick came to an end ipiite i|tiietl>. She was conscious to the last. KINGS UOMHM DKi'I.AKATIOS The House of Lords has read the King's Accession Declaration Kill for the third time. BRITAIN AI'I'KIIVKS Of THK CHINA
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    • 137 2 Speriul T'Ugram tv th* MM JV/..iTir/, SalnrrtaH laMSMaf. The weather was excellent during the third day of the races. Several good rinisheß were witnessed and the biggest crowd of the three days was present. The results were as follows IHt: I.AKKIkIV II P Mr. Mitchell's Brunei ie ..I
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    • 26 2 A telegram from Raub dated 4lh Auguat, lays July crushing 3.600 tons stone for 1,434 oz smelted gold Average 6 dwU. 6 grs. per ton.
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    • 30 2 A telegram from B.itu Bersawah, dated 3rd August, sUte*:— JqJ v crushing I*M tons nf stonft >ur WeavU dwls. smelted gold Average 7 dwl». It) grs. ps> 1,,n.
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    • 66 2 Thlkk was a very large and appreciative audience at the Indian Cirius oo .Saturday night when a gocd pr<>gratume wan put hetore the public The performance concluded by the trainer putting the liona through their paces. Last night a new programme waa given Tin Circus only plart
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 577 2 NOTICEa RITCHIE'S WHISKY SPECIALLY aelecUd blend thoroughly malurad in bond. Price 110 per case samples free BOKNKO CO., LTIV to. tb. s. Hole Importers. LATEvST REPORT ON SIDEROSTHE.N PAINT AS AN ANTI-CORROSIVE. Calcutta, May Mb, 1901. Rr H1'1.H1.1." Thia vessel's bottom «a« piintc'l on the starhoani aide with Sid.T.Mhcn, and
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    • 590 2 xoericES. I'KOF DEAL'S (JIIEAT INDIAN CIKCUH AND MKNA OEKJB OF U'11,1) AXIMAIX TV Miiiir: in \n;itf And tbe following 4 nights only. Location- Beach Road. ■If, BOLD MKDAI.s awarded to I'rot Deval in his triumphant tour arouml India. Iturma and Java. PRICES OK ADMISSION AS USUAL. Ureat success achieved on
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    • 614 2 LATEST APMJRTISEMENTS. WATTS CO. (Established 1808.) BIT APPOINTMBNT To H. E. LORD CURZON, Viceroy of India HARNESS. HARNESS. HARNESS. BEST HAND-SEWN Carriage and Single Harness In Stock or made to Order. Saddlery and Polo Requisites of every description. Carriage and Gig Whips. Rumble Bells, etc. Riding, Polo and Walking Boots
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    • 846 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. 2 ASSISTANT Storekeepers. I Coolie Mamlor. Apply with copies of testimonials to, RILEY HAKGKEAVES A CO.' LTD. 8/8 KRIAN IRRIGATION WORKS. WANTED for Fadaag Lalang Hospital a dresser who understands dispensing. Salary W.I a mouth. Chinaman preferred. Apply, stating age and experience and whether married or single
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    • 65 2 M. 9. 8. intend*, far the Arrow* him. uwtid r* "nttSß oa OM aid* of th. piut only lij the Mc!«ct of t»»t oooditiofl. BttnjTTg.S ir.n>iic!cd skM »i«tt otkarwiw lx. pnhliilwl. All xlnrtMßt ooatimota >n nbiwt to Urn oniidi. hou U»t th. >>»|.t O.J \mn ti. >dwtiaaaMart out of tU
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  • 751 3 STE AMSHIP SUBSIDIES. MX Al KXANI'KK ■WIITUaUn BVIDKMCK BKPOBI lUX FABI I vMKMAKY CUMMI II U > 1. -ct Coiiiiniltee of the Hou~e ol OaaaiSMSM « i* iinmiring into of the granting of lo steamship lines has ex- ,1 Su Alexander Sw.itl, late Colonial Secretary anil Acting-Governor
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  • 122 3 TE MEL ONG. Thk Kelm Mey.r A Co have raossMß the following information from the Teinelong mum Mr (ieorge A M'rigbl rapartl aboat tlie property of the Teinelong Hydraulic Tin Mininj Co, Ltd. M follows I have only sampleil 1 1 isely on ono section of the bloakafSl acres laying
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  • 185 3 OPIUMCA SES. I ins i.ioriiinn, two of the crew af the Krench mail steamer were before Mr. Sarwar for living in possession ot illicit opium and chandu dros*. One of them was arrested on Sunday at Tanjong PafU Wharf When taken to BapO} Lines Station anil aearched by Inspector .Stenhouse,
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  • 24 3 ARRIVAL S BY MAIL. I'er M M Yam In, in Aden Mr Brown From Marseilles -Mpasrs Khrniami. Z-. It, and J II It Sangeur
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  • 47 3 DEPARTURE S BY MA IL. Fer M M. Ahmm for Colombo— Mr. P H Ipton. For Port Baid— Mewra. F. Kdelson, and I). Collntroho For Marseilles- Mr and Urn Rubens, Messrs Schlesser, ft loots I Harris. C I Strode Hall, V. H. Bus-. BUI), aud Julut furry.
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  • 1194 3 HOMK A taastsa ihi.ctte in connection with the China Kxpedition has been published. The following are new appointments contained therein ti'n'i. Ml Claude HaecVnald, Major-tJenorals A J. F. Reid, Barrow, and Dorward and Sir Partah (Singh are appointed Knight Commanders of the Bath i-.b.'p Major-General Sir Norman Stewart,
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  • 1292 3 HMM ATTEMPTED WHOLBSALB POIOn Saturday, Win. Brodie, a Kuropean, was before Mr. Green, for enquiry into the allegation of having, on the 18th of February last and on subsequent dates, while nn the high teas, administered phosphorus or some other unwholesome drug to Captain Strm-han,
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  • 102 3 At the Assizes on Friday a Chinaman named Tan Tin was sentenced to one year's rigorous imprisonment for using as genuine a forged document. Prisoner had a previous conviction againvt him. I. mi Beng, who admitted four previous convictions, got two years' hard for theft. Tan Hee was
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  • 342 3 to-xight's dramatic entebtainmknt. The first of the dramatic entertainment under the auspices of the Singapore Catholic Clvb a representation of Moliere's comedy The Upstart takes place in the Town Hall to-night. It is hoped that the St Joseph's Institution Building Fund will receive a handsome addition as
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  • 74 3 A bait 4.30 p. ro. yesterday several horses were being landed at Tanjong Pugar for Mesffrs Dalian Co when three of the horses took fright and galloped along the wlurf Three Chinese oooliM were knocked down and ba.lly injured, and one of them died in
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  • 186 3 L. L. T. C. TOURNAMENT TIES FOR WEDNESDAY. ladies' handicap. Mrs. Adams owe .1 v. Mrs, Lovell owe SO. MIXRI) Hoi HI.X" HANDICAP <A. CLASS). Mrt. Coleridge and Mr. Von Berg Her. r Mrs. Preston and Mr. Rainnie reel Mrs. Salzin.tnii and Mr. Mnoley scr Miss Un in and
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  • 959 3 At the annual general meeting of the S C.C. to be held at the Tanglin Club, on Fiiday next, at 9 p ra the following report for the year ended :JOth June will he submitted to thn member*. The meeting has also to elect a president, committee,
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  • 28 3 Thi P U. steamer Hurramulta with the mail from Europe of the 19th July left Colombo at 11 p.m. on Sunday and is expected here on Saturday afternoon.
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  • 27 3 It is reported that at the recent examination in law prescribe. l for subordinate police ofricers at Penang, with live candidates competing, Bitrnepan Sergeant Joyce passed first.
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  • 30 3 According to a telegram to Amsterdam from the Governor-fjeneral of Netherlands India, dated July 4th the Government coffee crop in Java t .i this year is estimated at 90,000 piculs
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  • 43 3 Mk S. Meyer, partner of the Medical Hall, Singapore, died on board the German mail steamer KinittAchou off Aden on July 29th. Mr. Meyer had been ill for some time in Singapore and was taking a trip for tbe benefit of his health.
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  • 35 3 A marriage has been arranged between Capt. G. Fiti William Curtis, of the Perak Government Service, formerly in the 27th lnniakillings and Genevi£ve Bcanlils Lamnnnerie Kattorini, second daughter of Mrs. Christopher Newton, of Sydney, N.S.W.
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  • 48 3 A i.aki.k number of the Sundayschool scholars of the Methodist Kpiscopal Church, with their teachers, enjoyed their annual outing in the shape of a trip round the Island yesterday in one of the tugs belonging tn the Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. which was kindly placed at their disp3sal.
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  • 65 3 H.M.S. Mafc, Capt. Smyth, arrived from Colombo on Sunday and anchored in the roads. She went to the wharf to coal yesterday and returned to the roads in the evening. The HnmU., is hound for Home,, but her date ol departure is uncertain. She is of &I 5 tons, has
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  • 130 3 The Waterpolo match— Swimming Club v. Nondescripts— at Tanjoni Katnng, nn Sunday, was won by the Club with a good margin of goals. If I'pton, who was playing for the litter, had received more backing up, the result might have been different, Mr, E. E. Steele was umpire. The game
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  • 60 3 Thkkk was a very successful smoker at the Marine Club nn Saturday night, when Mr. Bnr-sfnrd and Hisa Mauri Stamer, of the Hereford Variety Company, provided the entertainment. The Beresfords have just come down from the Native States and leave*ingai.ore for Deli this week. On returning, Mr. Beresford thinks of
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  • 71 3 A two days' cricket match was played on the Esplanade nn Saturday and Monday between the Law, Civil Service, Army, and S. V. A. and the Brokers, Insurance, Tel Account, and S. C. C In the first innings the Brokers etc., scored 197, the Law only knocking up S". In
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  • 104 3 Mh. I. H. Upton left by the French mail A imam on Sunday afternoon for Adelaide, via Colombo. Mr L'pton, as we have before stated, has been promoted to the Adelaide branch of the South British Insurance Company, and has left Singapore for good. llp will be greatly missed in
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  • 118 3 Nr.MKKni's new books are aasj ready for issue from Raffles Library. Among the novels may be mentioned "The Luck of tbe Vails (8,260) E. F Unison Our Friend the Charlatan tv.'«») G. Gissingi Doom Castle" (U7l) Neil Munro The Good lteU Karth (8,274) Eden Pbilpotts Penelope's Irish Experiences C-,L'7li) Kate
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  • 558 3 Singapore, ATM ArorsT, 1001. PItOOUOR. Humbler hUTors I" 16 Copra Bali 8.70 on Pnntiinak 7.7S Pepper, Black buycm 2S.OTJ do White, (6%> «.OO Sago Flour Sarawak "I.SS do Bmnel No. I 2TO Pearl Ta«o S.HO ro««e, Bali, 1«% bwii 3(1.00 Coffee. Palembans. 1-v basis »r,m Coffee. I.iberian No. 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 83 3 CROUP A few minutes' delay in treating some cases of croup, even the length of time it takes to go for a doctor, often proves dangerous Thn safest way is to keep some good reliable Croup medicine constantly in the house There is uone better than Chamberlain's Cough llcmedy. It
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    • 45 3 A sore throat may be quickly cured by applying a flannel bandage damped with Chamberlain's Pain Balm A lama back, a pain in the bide uwliest, should be treated iv a similar manner. Sold by all dealers in Medicines. The Dispensary, Gcuerul Agents, SiDgnpore. A
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    • 259 3 MH KTUHD BOPS Those who have suffered year after year from Rheumatism will be clad to hear of a remedy tbat has proved an absolute specific. There are no conditions of Rheumatism, no matter how severe nor from what caiife, that cannot immediately be relieved, and permanently cured by Little's
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    • 393 3 NOTICK. STRAITS City Rubber Slain Price moderatu 27/12/01 2. Robinson Road MUNICIPAL NOTICE. IN order to facilitate tbe piscine in position of tbe girders of the railway bridge. Orchard Road for a distance of SO feel on either side of tbe bridge will l« closed to through traffic from 8
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    • 1012 3 NOTICES Photo |H'£': liH.^l Stores. UMUafMI MICHAEL, Singapore. Mr, J, van den Brand 4 Co,, Lawyers, Medan, Deli. tu. A f. :tO,iVO2. MARLBOHOIKJH HOTEL, ■I* Mil I. BTRKKT. Situated at the footof F<>n Canning Hill, with grand view of tbn flafttaff. 1.-URXT class licensed hotel, with splendid accommodation hecne comforts,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 187 3 DAY BY DAY Tuesday, ttrii Augist. High Water. 2.U p.m. Philharmonic Choir. s.lft. a V. A. Maxim Drill. 6.15 Catholic Club Theatricals. Tot n Hall. 9. Rioscupe. Brass Bassa Boad. 9. Deval's Circus. Beach Koad. H. Weukesi.av, 7th \i i High Water. -.'.ID am. i' 64 p.m. Moon. Last Uuarter.
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    • 1525 4 tioas »ro ossii itr.— stonmsr «li. nlii|> bq. barqo* sch schooner; Yet.— Yacht; I'ro.— Cruiser; Qbt.— Qunbmt Tor.— Torpedo; H.p.— Horsc-povar Brit.— British U. S.-UoiMkl Sutos; FrFreacb o«r.— German Dut.— Dutch; Job.— Jobore Ac. Q. c.,—Oonoralcargo d.p.— deck oamsogers; U.—Uoc«rlain; T. P. W.-Tiajonii Fa«ar Whnrf T. P.
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    • 55 4 MAI LS CL OS E. Hrr Ti,*r. Tn-MoRVOW Ch'l»oii A S marant; tlinny Srwj Ma.m, K'*lii r .l:ui via ports llankn '1 p.m. T. Ali">il via port* Mnlnrcn 3 p.m. KUafTtepocta W.l»i 3p.m. Bitaxkok tmm 4 p.m. Totmmt. Snr:i«:ik Vonearli 10 a m. H«la»an auil l)t-li «r ,vp 4 p.m.
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    • 75 4 Kkiim Et'KOlt By the X.40. S.B. farm ii i ii.- n.t l, Aim* "i>ii c| 1'(0 the Ilith July she hrlnp ropltd to Iho ■aalla -h le', sinnHporc on the Slnl Krlim Chin*:- By ski I. a* stafri dwoil ll.urs.lny. ..■r Sin|f»pore Dvi- in l.omlou .liini-J-ili P.
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    • 399 4 Vi -kl'sXami- Tons. CirTAis Kron Shl«i>. Co«no«K. 3 La S-vue M.Mstr. 1141 Itru Batavia Auk IM. Maritime 9 rwmil Bril Ktr. SwiOlsen T. Anton Aiig IS. SViip Coy Ltd.--:i .-.uliui Or. 10* Okooanl Malacca Auk SHood Keck 3 Kmn Yaug rtr. 7(1 Hop|>en Muar Aug 1' Knoo lionß Pxn
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    • 189 4 Dit«. v. hsiii's Nixi- ■riMttit" Otrtu* l)UTlll*ll'>.i .vii I I'm |m Brit str. Davidson :i Said Mr. Undertay ■'I IVluyo «lr. I'ri-ani'i I Dan Ko Soon Put str. Odink 1 Muk.- Mara Jap »tr. Vagi I Skuld Nor str. Hi-rbom Huruttiv Hub «tr. Hohr/ky I Skar|nn» Nor sir T..11.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 361 4 NOTICE& CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD. Hun (Hfiiic N,>. 11. OWOM Koin. Ml •Odil lAS. A. .VATTIK. Mas***. MBSSKS. TAX !\l\! TIAN SONS, L*«d AfoM« The Company offer* easier and bettor bonuses than uny oilier (,'oiupany doing rmsiness in the Kant. A fpecial point is made of prompt
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    • 548 4 NOTICES. mkns ninwi CURED. M»ny thousands of men sußer from enervating weaknesses, and cannot find o cure (or them. I say to such sufferers write to me; ntvi I will show yon a i r.oiilly discovered mean" (simple and certain) by which you can b« relieTed of your sufferings. It
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    • 531 4 NOTICES. SILK, SILK, SILK. 35 OEaIVTS PER "ST-A.HID. K. A. I CHOTIRMALL CO. BOMBAY MERCHAITTS. 51, 52, High Street. Telephone 254. IMPORTERS of all kinds of lin lian, Chinese aud Japanese Silks and Bilk famy goods ami apiiavtl, Foreign Novelties, Curios-, Oriental embroidery, Silver ware and Silver Jewellery of every
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    • 864 4 NOTICES. ••i RIGAUD'S '^X or Japan TOILET WATER Rigatd'slanangsWii^,^&J RIGAUD C of Imitation* I THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY tradeH Hmark TMi IWMlkl Ud hljtil T p»~Ur nnl,, in ib« OiHivnUl Ho«(HUUb> JUcord. R<mUd. Jobwt.VM. |>rati, toil ot'i»r», rnrubiilM fcjl llir .W-kI«t»U U» b* louftit In THERAPION No, U&S .li'.rttum «f»«
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