The Straits Times, 3 August 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. L>11«. OVER i A CENTURY SINGAPORE, SATURDAY. AUGUST 3, 1901. SO. ai,)!*
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 831 1 •pHJ. IM'ItSKOtmMPANY. I.IMIIED ti»nnace Roeterj. IS. ■•Vln. M..1->aJ *tw- S»»i«r»*iiiiC I «B|>«aj Th«TH»»»> Oompiuij. »i-r» <* tin-*- l%oio r?*2Si,*TsJir mi *ir«- ni r rHi bomirao -omPANV UN! ri> ia<-ol« S-IT.AMMIIP COMPANIES. I Op»ir».Tlttl*AVH HTKItST A'ntiio, KririLlT-Bwrx fflAI NAVm;aM"> OUWAKT. < RTWOH, I*ol4, V-.KU.U. All fHI—" tr*i (iUKAII.'R. W«I.T». BwrßPtV. I'I.YWOOTIi.
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    • 1417 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. 1,-oMNIXI.IKK PAKEIVAAKT MAATHOHAPPIJ Da****aa*aMi art* tbe Nntherland* India iHivetainon'. Itll HI »..i;.Mj«n f HIP AC«OY, UlTl .1. D&EKDEI4 A 0.1, M, Col.l.VkK ytIAV. In. andlnmunllnasd date* am ouiy a|.pro»imave MaajMr l'rj:n Kij.ected Will >>c 1 wspatc'ieit (or Oo Tun Oiitk-m I'.'lang via ports. Ml P-nang. Olehleh, and Padaug
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    • 602 1 INSURANCES. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRR INBUR.\NOE COMPANY. CapiUl MUBMM P»'d up Capital entJM Reserve Fond i1,(i75,580 Ine understood, Ai*«nts for the Company, arc prepared to accept fire risk*- at current ralo* of premium. BOI'PTEAD Co., Agent*. r" X ""CHINA TRADISRB rNStTRA Nl'F OOVPASY. T.IMITF.D. .pital Snhwrfbo.l »»,UoU,oi.t Amount
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    • 369 1 LNSCRANCES. TUB ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (EBTABLIBHED A.D. MM I'HE undersigned, agents for lhe above company, are prep >red to accept Fire Risks at current rate-. BEHN MEYER Co. v. ,v 81/12 MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTARLIdHED A.D. 18*4) THE undersigned, agent* for tbe above company, aro pre|>ared to accept Fire
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    • 699 1 BANKS. HONOKONO AND BHANOHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAI $10.0TO,ni«\ RESERVE FUND.Sterllng Re*erve..slo,of<>."»l, t 30( ooOO Silver Kes«rv«....s Oo.lXiO RESERVE LIABILITY OF I PROPRIETORS. J-slO,Mi.llon Cocdt of D'Rvnosa:— R. WJWISI K~i.--< kii»m H J: ToilxiKS. R L. BlCHAaosox, Kh A HAorr, Bin J H I'CBCSiET. P. M Mosrn. Vw N A.
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    • 734 1 NOTICE& cssrarx^ossT tea. •I'HE best ever imported into the. -ountrv B p:icked in Colombo, straight from th,. fvtoiy. A quality: I .hests containing A") l.<|«rate!n.niieketasL'- l lli ualitv: icliuls ■ontaining Jt*> separate JH. packets $IM. Cash with order. Delivery at Klan K C. If. MOKlii-OS, «.s. v.c. K'a^g »»»«>■• a>
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    • 740 1 I%C st*rl*r> 4«.1. e. Mhea v»or ckild ha* a prolraclsd, paroxysmal cough. Won* at niichl, acenmwbich caonot be mi«takn, and tham Int. 'in.- J einci'torat ion of mucus, wits ai once 'olUMb'eKLa'i.VS 1 ToUOK IiKMKI'V iinill render the paroiysni* of couching le*s fr.'qiient «r,.| «.-v. r.'. It will mako the
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  • 33 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. Slmih Times 1 SHO a year, or poet free Strailt Hudgel. Sis v year, ur po»< free t2O. Advertiring Hate* may be found in the fourth page.
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  • 290 2 Such a difference of opinion seems to exist regarding the actual drift of the Britisli Chinese Association's address to Prince Chun— the correct or misleading nature of the translation, the impossibility of the signatures attached thereto, and the various other attributes of the document such as it
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  • 7 2 To-day's 4'ms bank rate is 1/1 1{.
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  • 8 2 The homeward mail closes at U p.m. tu-day.
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  • 9 2 With to-day 'i issue there is published a supplement.
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  • 11 2 A smokinu concert will take place in Hrn Marine Club to-night.
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  • 16 2 On Monday, a public and bank holiday, there will be no isaue of the Ulrtult lime,.
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  • 14 2 To-day the Emy case (an allegation of poisoning against the cook) was again remanded.
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  • 13 2 rut.HlraittUuilgel was published this morning. A mail supplement will be issued this evening.
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  • 19 2 Thk Foreign Ministers fixed the date for the withdrawn! of the Allied troops from I'eking as the Dial ultimo.
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  • 20 2 The usual monthly Missionary Meeting will be held at the I'iinsep Street Church on Monday next ut 8 p. m
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  • 20 2 The Kußsian Volunteer stoamer Vladimir with a cargo of tea, fur Odessa, is due on the Bth inst. from Shanghai.
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  • 17 2 The launch for tbe Swimming Club bungalow leaves Johnston's Pier to-i.iorrow morning at 10 and II o'clock.
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  • 21 2 The importation of cattle from Johore into the Colony is forbidden owiug to the outbreak of foot and mouth disease there.
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  • 20 2 The I'oht ofli,:e closes at noon on Monday. The money order, parcel post, and savings banks branches will b« closed.
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  • 22 2 Tiik German transport Dretdeu Ml Tientsin on the morniDg of the :K)th July, and may be looked for about the 7th inst.
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  • 16 2 Thk Go-crnment Gazelle publishes the Municipal by-hiws for the control aud supervision of bakeries and bakehouses.
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  • 23 2 Mk 6. B, Murray has been appointed a member of the legislative Council, during the absence of Mr W. J. Napier on leave.
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  • 24 2 The monthly sewing meeting of the Church Work Association will be held at the Kulllns Girls' School on Wednesday, August 7th, at 4 p.m.
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  • 25 2 It is probable that a Met for the present Taiping griflinn will form pait of the programme of tho Melangor Turf Club meeting in November.
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  • 23 2 The KiiHsiaii Government have decided upon transforming Odessa into a first-class naval port, and have allotted large sums of money for the work.
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  • 23 2 Il is notified that His Majesty's exequatur has been issued to Hadji Atlaoullah Kttendi, who has been appointed Consul of i'urkey at Singapore.
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  • 34 2 Tin: late Queen's Statuo, which is to be placed on the site of the Tea Kiosk near the I'-issenger Jetty, at Colombo, will not arrive from London till about the end of this month.
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  • 36 2 It is said that Mr. Holden, the newly appointed assistant superintendont oi work* in the P. W. I)., will be stationed iv Province Wellesley, which is iv future to have two superintendents in place of one.
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  • 32 2 It is believed among tea-plantar* in India that teas sent from India to Russia find more advantageous transhipment at Singapore, than in Ceylon mainly owing to Colombo nut being a free port.
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  • 40 2 Mkmbkhs of the B.VJL who hare drawn rifles for individual practice at Balestier are asked to attend to-day, to-morrow, or on Monday, but all three days if possible at the range at :)-.(0 p.m. to practise under Warren Shield condition!.
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  • 12 2 A doi*m banishment orders against aliens are notified in yesterday's Government UamtU
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  • 38 2 The second round for the football challenge cup presented by the Straits National* will be plajredkto-morrow at the Tanjong Pagar Ground between teams representing the Everbright Star (Chinese) and the Straits National 11. Rick off at 5 p.m.
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  • 40 2 Members of the Philharmonic Choir are asked to attend the practice on Tuesday a few minutes before the usual time, say at ten minutes past five precisely, as the choruses in Ruth," &c, will be rehearsed with full orchestral accompaniments.
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  • 38 2 The steamers Singapore and Waihmgton, chartered to take back to Kurope the Italian troops from North China, left Singapore direct for Shanghai to coal. The Italian Consul at H ingkong, M. Nerazzini. requasted the transports to avoid Hongkong.
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  • 44 2 Tan new railway line trom Cairo to Port Said will follow nearly tlie whole w«y from Inmailia the route of the present steam tramway except on leaving Ismailia. It is stated that the distance from Cairo to Port Said will be covered in hours.
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  • 52 2 Di'kino the last ten years a total of 6,635 types of postage stamps has been issued. Europe claimed 730, A«ia 1,128, Africa 2,057, America 2.192. an 1 Australia 47H types. The year 1898 holds the record with 896 types as the largest out-put and 1 sun issued the smallest number,
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  • 54 2 At Hi" Police Court this morning nnfore Mr. Stratton a Boyanese boy named Albee was charged by Mr. L K P. Wolferstan with stealing two mangosteena worth two cents yesterday from his (Mr Wolfcrstan's) compound on (government Hill. Dxfcndant pleaded guilty and was lined $3 or in default five days.
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  • 64 2 On the July, an extensive theft of watches on shipboard waft discovered at Bombay. A case consigned to a firm of jewellers there, on being landed from the P O. I'en'uumlar," was immediately opened and it was found that Uf watches were missing. Pieces of limestone, such as are
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  • 70 2 Captain Mill", Assistant District Magistrate, 1-ower IVrak, and the Chief Engineer of the s. s Mean, have come to K'iiiuapore to take over the new police launch which has been built at Tanjong Ilhu for 1 he police department of l..iwet I'erak. A vote of >jh,.mki lias been provided in
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  • 66 2 The I 'luted States Navy Department has re-establisltvd the Kuropean naval station which was suspended at the time of the Spanish war. Admiral Cromwell will be in command. The fliivigu has been ordered from Rio de Janeiro to bn the flagship, and the Al'-iity and X'UhcilU. are already en mute
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  • 84 2 Thk report un the Sinfiai>ore Prison /or l«00 is signed by Mr I. R. Innes as Acting Inspector of Prisons. The jail birds at the end of December last amounted to 849 against 7M 011 the Ist of January 1900. The adn-issions increased by -j..'i Mr. Innes finds that flogging
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  • 96 2 Thk Inn; dispute between lilt-Her-man Navy and the Mercantile Marine about the way of giving the commands for the men at the wheel seems now to be nearly settled. Ip to the present both commands are strictly opposite to each other port on a navy vessel means starboard," on a
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  • 120 2 Sik lillis A»liuiead-Bartlett'sproruiaed proposal to his creditors was laid before them at the Bankruptcy Court. The proposal was to the effect that, after the payment of the preferential claims and nut*, the unsecured creditors should receive 7s. ti.] in the pound. Subject to a claim of .t'l-'.OUO by Mr. William
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  • 28 2 A telegram from .South Kaub dated August iii.l.. l. is as follows Juiv ni,iiinn 2!0 tonsstonu orahad for 100 o*. -ni»li.-l p.1.l Average dwts lit* ten.
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  • 95 2 New Yor:< society is greatly interested in a novel (|iiestion of feminine horsemanship. Itecently a certain society lady appeared at the Meadowbrook Polo (irounds mounted in a fleet hunter and riding aetride like a ■nan. .She was wearing a costume which reached only to the knees. Her picturesque
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  • 123 2 A M.vN-KATiNO pautliur iii Bhaudura district, Central Provinces of India, lias been (1-UiJuly) killing fo' a long time, sometimes even twice in the same diy. and is estiuiatnd to have Lilled nearly sixty people during this year, besides wounding many other*. The other day he broke into a
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    • 35 2 TO KILL ALL NAHVKS IN BRITISH KMPI.OY //Won, Angiul %rJ Lord Kitchener says that Kritzinger has notified Genurat French that he intends to kill all natives in riritisli employ, armed or unarmed.
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    • 50 2 iIi.UOO.OOOTO BESPKNT The Uouse of Commons lias authorised tlie exiwnditure of £8,000,000 on naval woiks, and X6."K>o,ooo on military works. Tbe naval works include a breakwater at Malta and increased coaling facilities for the fleet. The military works largely comprise the erection and re-construction of btrracka
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    • 84 2 UUr. Craulwrne states that proposals have been made to include iv the ft per cent China tariff articles now free, except rice and cereals. lUUTIMI UKI'LV TO THK ■DBK TURKAT. The Itritish Government has cabled to Lord Kitchener, telling him to inform Kritzinger that anybody carrying out
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  • 212 2 Falc Runs in a Circle. Tliv Us whs uisal. The 1i1..w Mi -|..-.1. Tli.. «kv pmm Wwlc, Tl.c (art! grew re.l. Tin llghUlM rtrwrnni. Tlie rain H...-I- bmfca, 111, -1..r,,i in.l KM***, 111.' 11.U11.1.T wuk.'. Thr inunl.'rer hUhxl I'imiii tl.,' 1.1uu.1, A lon,-: Then tuniod in Hiitln. And in
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  • 152 2 On Wednesday, the detectives bad eight (.'hiiirix- up before Mr. .Stratum on a charge of being by repute thievec, dangerous characters, aud having no ostensible means of subsistence. They were bound over in two sureties of SIOU to be of good behaviour for six months, in default, six months
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  • 208 2 Prince Chun arrived ut Hongkong, on the 2.> th July, twenty minutes before the time appointed. This tlirew out all the arrangements. The (iorernor of Hongkong's ADC. arrived at the Pier ten minute* before the time, but learned that the Prince waa already on his way to Government
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  • 72 2 At i ln' Assize c^urt, tbis morning, before Mr. Justice Ijiw, application* was made in regard to the bail of several of tlm prisoners charged in connection with Hongkong Bank robber)' case, which comei on for trial at the next Assiies. On the application of Mr. Delay, the bail of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 452 2 NOTICES, RITCHIE'S WHISKY SPECIALLY selected blend thoroughly outturn.' in bond. Pr!c» tut per t»v, Mrnnlet »re» BORNEO CO.. LTD. Iv th Soli. Importer. SfDEROSTHE? PAINT. an atwolutelr anli -corrosive paint lor IRON AND STEEL (Guaranteed to be tlie r«et Xl SI I'IIKVKNTIVE «»<ant. Invalual.l.' (orStaipa, Machinery, Bridget etc., etc. One
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    • 668 2 NOTICES. PROF DKVAL'S (JURAT INDIAN CIKCTS AND MKNA QBttlK OF WILD ANIMALS. Tll RMITIi niMiillT! 1 iM.tnii Saturday nifhl spet:ial l.rngramme. I.ioos undergoing tbeir fiery ordeals. Location Beach Road. ->«!({«»L1) MKDALS awarded to 1V.. Devnl in bis triumphant t"iir around India, Itunna and Java. PKICKH Off ADMISSION. Box (4 Scats)
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    • 752 2 UTEST ADVERTISEMENT^. Sarkies Jofiannes 6 7 Telegraph Street. Qf \^>o Manufactures and Importers of Teak Wood Furniture. Latest Java Patterns Latest Java Patterns Latest Java Patterns. All sort of Teak Wood Furniture. Keady made and male to order All our furniture is made only of well seasoned Teak. The Cheapest
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    • 699 2 LATESTT ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. BACHELOR. 25 of run old, mek> employment in a tuitrcantilr otrirr. Willing to take up an appointment as Khorthand-wn^r and tvpixt, or seperal aaatKtanL Active and intelligent. Kirat claaa teotimoniala and hi^h referenceii. to take ap service at once. Mod-rate salary acceptable. Apply to TYPIST, r/o
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    • 63 2 8. 8. iMsadar. for tk« HMD ma .uufud >■• *ri*m as on. »d. at Uh paan oalj By ti. 1-cWrt of tlut cooditioo, «ao/573. 8 an r.;irt>d that «rfrfct .Hlwrwta s. ™Mi-hM. All •ATttiimmt twitwote an nhnot to Ux ooi.<lition ta.t tk. Uuairn- —y lan tk* idnrtiMMOt OM o( Ikt
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  • 2046 3 A fkumi of mine who is wily in si. eh matters I.IIh me that the railway bridge they are i-uildiuit across Orchard Koa.l is a'l wi Mif According to him it encroach. oa the highway, and lam rwginninc. to think that he is right. It is pity.
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  • 211 3 DsM iiibinu a recent nil-- mat<-h at Kuala Lumpur, in connection with the Selangor Kifle Association, a contributor to the Malay Mail doe' not favour the system of handicapping that obtains in shooting matches giving points. In the snid match, for instance, Brown at scratch scored tit)
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  • 96 3 Hilt in Kngland advanced military reformers ire crying aloud for the relegation of the sword to the walls nf the museum, in Germany, the" MililarZeitung" says, trials are lieing carried out with a new pattern of cavalry sabre. Including the hilt the length of the new sword is KM centimetres
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    • 140 3 TH AT ADDRESS TO PRINCE CHUN. TO TUX Ll. mill Bf THK STBAITB TIMKS SiR,-Tii« translation of the Address to Prince Chun which you published on Wednesday last is entirely misleading and inaccurate Iv the text there is no dubiety as to the status of the Chinese British subjects. Prince
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    • 120 3 rn THK EDITOR OFTHK STIUITS TIMKS Sik,— I wonder wliere you got your translation of the address of the Straits Chinese to Prince Chun Neither the geulleuien whoso nainusyou published, Ml 1, could possibly have irmde the statement that we were here simply t>> make our living," nor would it
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    • 195 3 TO TH« KIHTOR OFTHK "STRAITS TIMES." Sir.— Referring to your account of the reception of Prince Chun ut the Borneo Wharf given in your issue of bat Wednesday, we notice a statement to the effect that the addret* fr nil the Straits born Chinese was signed (amongst others) by Tan
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    • 365 3 t i ;hk kiii rou or rug j[ K .m timbj mh. Will you kindly give your opinion as to the advisability of establishing a Society for the Protection of British Subjects in this port, with the view of obtaining for British ships equal rights and immunities with
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  • 54 3 At the Tanglin Club, last night, the bowling in A class resulted as follows ■unlit" itrettoo White.. More Jlennie Pesrce «..lllh:.lii Iterl.y irahain 781 40 771 7 .VI 0 749 «69 I0U ..< 7W -r 0 :.«l 0 Ml 671 120-081 500 90-590 two o «eo 60S
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  • 151 3 Mi; A I Mv I.arks, of I>ancashirt>, who is to take a cricket team to Australia in the autumn, has secured the services or C. B. Fry, R. K. Foster, and J. T. Tyldesley. Those choeen up to llie present aro A. i M.ic-1-irHn (captain), Lancashire. G. 1.
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  • 729 3 TROUBLE IN SOUTH SL'HATHA In Jambi matters are going from bad to worse. The lawless people of the interior do hot like the idea of the (internment holding a tighter hand over them after having been left alone for many years. The Dutch fort just established at Muara
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  • 119 3 I in: new Kducatiou Bill, which uur telegram, recently, stated bad passed the third reading in the Commons, provides that where a School Board has been giving education under conditions such as those pronounced totlie illegal in the('ri>ckerton judgment, the county or borough council, or, with the
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  • 199 3 AFKAU) OK THKlrt OWN SHADOWS! Tbk European police force at Hongkong are greatly dissatisfied with their prospects there, owing to excessive red tapeitm and over-strictuess on the part of their superiors According to the China Mail the Head of the Police has placed restrictions on reporters. In other
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  • 563 3 |MI Mr. Brockman this morning, Mesi-r- Hooglxndt and Co. were charged by Mr K. K. Jnnning«, the Agent of the Opium and Spirit Farmer, with removing casks of arrack from their licensed warehouse to Yong Lee Seng's premises in Orchard Road without the permit required by Section
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  • 207 3 THS UtHAT OK PINSSYI.VASIA. PliEss comments on thedefeat of Pennsylvania by l.ijand. at Henley show excellent foiling, though there is some relu.-tance to recognize the superiority of the English stroke. Tlie.Y'.- Tmrkfimm, however, has not only learnt that lesson, but remarks frankly on the apparent inability of American
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  • 193 3 .St. Anukxw'k Oathsdrai. (9th Sunday .irrm Tkinity.) 7 a. in.. Matins 7.-l'>a ni.. Holy Communion ami Sermon. a. mi Holy Communion. £.30 p. in Evensong, and Sermon. ST. MlTllltßi CII'TRI 11. Skl-OV LlNt... 8.16 p. in Kvensong and Sermon. ROMAN CATHOLIC CviHtUKAI, or TllE(i<X>l)Sllt:i>HkKl>. VICTOBIA BTKKT AKU
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  • 116 3 A TlliSK IN TOWN. Thk Unlay IM tells of a tiger knocking around on Weld's Hill estate near Kuala I.umpur. It had buen kmrvn to visit the place f.r some years past. On Monday evening the tiger jumped out of the corlee on to the main road
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  • 563 3 Siboapori, 3rh Accost, ISO). PBOOUOR. Gaml.ier buyers In. IS ('opra Bali 870 <lo Pontinnak 7.7* Pepper, Black. .buyer* W.K7J do White, (SV» 45.00 Sago Flour Harawak do Brunei No. I KM Penrl Pneo S.W foff«e, Bali. ISV basis »0.<»0 Oo(f«e. Palemhang. IRV h*>i« •««> floftm. Liberian So. 1 17.8*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 49 3 A sore throat may be quickly cured by applying a flannel bandage damped with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A lame back, a pain in the side or chest, should be treated in a similar manner. Sold by all dealers in Medicines. The Dispensary, i -i -in ml Agents, Hinga|mr*. a-A
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    • 83 3 CROUP. A few minutes' delay in treating some cases of croup, even the length of time it takes to go for a doctor, often proves dangerous The safest way is to kocp some good reliable Croup medicine constantly in the house. There is none better than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
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    • 992 3 NOTICES. Kodaks |I Films. (iEOHUE MICHAEL s. I Robinson Road. EVERYMAN SSI" Sir 1 1 11 c.m 17/i/uJ HOTEL DtK NKDKKLASDKS HATAVIA (JAVA) J.-MKST Class Hulel. Known f.-r its 4 ekcelleni. food. Very lre.,uent ly vifiled by British people. English speaking MrvanU. Every accommodation. Messenger on board o( all the
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    • 1064 3 NOTICES. j^INUAI"ORE SPORTLNH CLUB The Anlnmn Mm «f,W.»g ,mll I* Ml on Odolier 22nit, 2 I/A, ami Mlk Programme. FIRST DAY. Tiuxday, 22ml Ortol*, Fiut Rack. THE MAIUEN PLATE.-Value |l"i A bug (or Maiden Horses -Weight w per scale (lOst.) Anallowanceof 1411.. to e\-(irifllns imported into the Straits Settlement, or
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 237 3 DAY BY DAY SATUaVAY, 3mi Al i.l'sT High Water. 0.12 p.m Penang Kacos. Third Day. Champagne Sale. Uregory Place. Powell. tm. M. M. mail (or Europe closes. H p.m. 1. U. U. T. Temperance Club. MB, Bioscope, lie.-ich Koad. and Deval's Circus. Beach Koad. I and 9. MM. AY. 111
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 309 4 NOTICES. -v- I Kuftl-tSftHoHiRE SAUCL *iff¥ uvkk fk^aaV «)aV mm\m mw wfif Bq Special Warrant jfl^Ho^Tm Queen Pineuipsto <» !f HJKB^» Eipms if lidla. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. CHINA MUTUAL LIKE INSURANCE COY, LTD. oam No. H. Cantos Ro*», Phak«h»i. lA\ A. WATTIE. M»ni.e*r. MtSSIiS. TAN KIM TIAN ft SON'S. i-0.-al
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    • 210 4 Macniven sod Cameron's Pens. Th.,, ..1,,,. lasosaafa Wssasafss mm rVMdhsM, '*<■ Ori uml Ma ITsMsHa; /v» MOMMMMB by :t.i*i7 hkwji'apkk". Sol. l at all Stationers KVBUi woiikk, r.DiMit'iioa, Paaasatata la Hi-. Mnjculy's <i,ivi-rniMi-nt OfJuaa. ~ta7*"s. 30,9 OJ TEAK WOOD" FURNITURE. All sorts of Teak Wood Furniture Beady Made and .Made
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    • 1141 4 NOTICES. ]jrn^v r aiiiny Falling Hair /r(* Prerented by Warm Shampoos of Ccticcra Soap, followed by light diwwingß of Cuticura, purest of emollient Skin Cures. This tn-ntm«>nt at once etops falling hair, clean the scalp of crusts, scalcw, and dandruff, soothes irriVated, itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles, supplies the
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    • 276 4 NOTTCE& Tor Pbosphoglycerate jt^^ OF LIME L^^^B Tiu «mik mmski M n oa v> ua,. gW^B r« mumn. k I ill ul •>. Mm. inliin. KssKC m" I R/B X^ »i* ~«ij »Mi«m mi Vn t^a l"»im «if ii»s. PHOSPHOBLYCERATE SYRUP (CMAPOTCAUTI PHOSPHOBLYCERATE Witt CMAPOTSAUT] PHOSPHOBLYCERATE CAPSULES ICHAPOTCAUTI a, nt
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    • 589 4 NOTICES, maintains thk highest reputation kvkhywhkii'k Fortifj the System against Disease with PUBfc BlOPn. "THt 3EST SECURITY FOK^ HtALTH.' aVaVcl B f I faVß3asSli^ 1^ >^ N kSSENOt OR FLUID EXTRAOT Of RED JA M M imf« 1829. Sc2ALiJ^SuMbUfluJu UUs*l^Eajl FrOTOaneyt by tb* MM HUT MKDtQAL AUTMOWITIM i! TORPID I
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