The Straits Times, 31 July 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Strait Times. KSTIt. OVER I A CENTURY SINGAPORE WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1901. NO. 20,5!h.>
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 831 1 ppHt WHWUTi AIMIKD rl StMi'lvl I i«» K0n.,01. Ink* Ha» Immrsnos RusetyAtlas Assor^o-- > '.>mnHi7 i Pire). TV,. F-miUl".- 1 "f-X" S-x-wXy--1 t>. China ..t-d SUM. Navigation lV»paa* The Tottmh.m Lac" H*** «>"I""JVot parti.-.r.'i of tlww OomrMiea. PAHT. UH'TKP Aif"^ SIF.AMSHH' COMPANIES. I urncc, BMMMM Stkett. 1 fc WH»»TM.K«rPiLH»»i>onii. •0.
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    • 1462 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. TJ-iiMNKLUKE PAKETVAART MAATBOHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government .i. nl Sinaaport: »HIP Ao.sov, UTB J. Dae»uem Co., M, CoU.YE> tJiiAV. Th« undermentioned dates are only approximate. SW»mer From Eipectefl Will >>c Ossnatched for On I'm Rirmtdyk Moluc-aa and SiK-rahaia Inly M K;itavi:i, Satnarani!, and S.ieraUia. Macanwr,
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    • 613 1 LNSUIUNCES. rpHK LONDON AND LANOABHIRK 1 FIRE IKBIIRANCB COMPANY. Capital IH.IW.MO Paid up Capital W12.7J0 Rwrve Fund i,1,075.680 Ihe nndenmrned, Agents lor the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at current niles of premium. BOL'STEAD 4 Co., Agent*. rK CHINA TRAUtiRS INBCBANCK OOMPAST, LIMITin. »pital SuhfTibed t*,l««. Amount Paid
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    • 482 1 INSUIIANCES. THE ROYVL EXCHANGE ASSURANtTE. iKSTABLISHED A.D. I 7*» I' HK uode-rsigneil, ugenl« for the above company, are prep n... to accept Fire Rinks at current rale*. BEHN MEYER A Co. w. A s. 31/12 MAGDEBURG FIXE IXsriiANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1844) THE undersigned, agents for the aoove company, are
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    • 716 1 BANK i. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL |lO,nfJO,OOO. kemekve mm.— Sterling Reservo..slo.oCO,o(in) inoriiuoo Silver Reserve... .V<»,000 u REKEHVE LIABILITY OF I .ujniio,^, PROPRIETORS J -•I'V»» Corn or Diejktoec— R. -ll»l«. V.*H I'HAiaHAN Hon. J.J. hu-Ismi IHri-TT Cauuaau*. B. K TomiNn. R L. RicHAamox, hsa A HAi-rr, Eiw I
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    • 586 1 NOTICES. Tas manian Jams. I. K. L. ■c 7.) per Do/hii 1 Ib Tin«. KKOM H. JONES Co., EOBART. JOmiTTLEftUO.LTD. BRITISH ANTIFOULING COMPOSITION AND PAINT CO. LIMITED. I'oh lloretiiig's procA-'j'. Miinufacturers of quick drying Enamel Compositions for sillEns bottoms. The Dliwt ertcctual prevention .igsiust Ouriwl— aud Fouling eve-> in the
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    • 808 1 Sprains Sprains Spniai IF POSSIBLE TO TREAT THB BFKAI.t wittal-i an hour after it is received, or before iutli\mntnliou baa set in, bandage the p r'l and keep the bandage saturated with ChamlM-rhiin's Phib Balm but after the pan hate become inflamed and swollen, no andage should be used, oolv
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  • 34 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. straits Time* SHO a y«vtr, or pott) cc Si 4. MnMa Budget. »18 o year, or p-#l fnt S2O Adrertiring Rain may Ik fovui tit tlie fw.rtk p"/jh
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  • 790 2 To-day tbe Singapore Art Club practically enters upon a new existence inasmuch as it terminates an old one. I. -i etoioie it has been rather a mutual admiration society, whose members assembled from time to time at the house of one of their number, and there contemplated
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  • 408 2 Mk. Barton, the Prcmiur of the Australian CoimiioD wealth has v difficult lask before him. lie has to please Hrn ljitbuiir I'.irly which holds the balance of puwer in the ('.iniin.ii)>ve.ill!i Parliament, an.l which is dead against iho unrestricted immigration of cheap coolie labour, which it seek* to shut out
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  • 233 2 Akothkii letter on the subject ol our local facilities for education— 01 rather the absence thereof -appears in our c u-[i, -p.jii.i. ■■■■'■<■ column today. Nearly a week Ml elapsed MM we re-ventilated the matter for the lirst time in some months Since MM we have puhli'lied a letter and
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  • 8 2 To-uavs 4, ins bank rate is 1/11 j
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  • 7 2 With to-day's issue there in a supplement.
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  • 10 2 Thk Hon. A.Murray has arrived MM Penang by (iennan mail.
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  • 19 2 MWI next, being v pubii. and bank holiday, there will be no Imm of the Str<til> I Ml 1
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  • 16 2 WKuii'ier-iHii.l that MMMM), which won the Hill Cup at Penang yesterday, wa9 bought in at «1,100.
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  • 24 2 The annual general meeting of the Singapore C rick el Club is advertised to be held iv the Tanglin Club, on the Wth prox
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  • 22 2 Two hundred and sixteen deaths were registered al Singapore during the week ending on Saturday last. The ratio per thousand was 45.54.
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  • 23 2 Thk MM launch JmmM was mU by auction yesterday at Powell A Co. sale-room for $10,800, the purchaser being Mr. 0. M. Precton.
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  • 24 2 The two Urge Imperial mail steamers now being built al Hamburg for tbe Hambuig-Amerkan Line are to l>e named tbe Mollke and 111,,. 1.*,:
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  • 28 2 Mk an.l Mrs. Oiss havo lutt for home by the Uiyi-rn I'hey were entertained at a party by a larga number of friends at Johore Bahru on Sunday.
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  • 34 2 The case in which Cap l Strachau, of the schooner ttwf. is prosecuting his cook, Wni Krodie, for attempted poisoning is tuitlici postponed for a week. Mr Van Cuylenberg is retained for the defence
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  • 36 2 An extract from a description of a wedding in a local paper is sent us by corrrs|Hnidcnt. The bride "il says, who was attended by two bridesmaids, becomingly attired in cream. A tasty costume indeed.
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  • 39 2 Ir is reported at Pcnaug that the Secretary of State has sanctioned the introduction into these Settlement.- ol the new Criminal Procedure Code being delayed until January Ist, lUU2, on the distinct understanding thai no further delay takus place.
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  • 53 2 (iKMiiiAi. Malvar, one of the two insur-L-cnt generals still in the field in the Philippine*, is said lo bt anxious to surrender, (iencral Luchan, the remaining insurgent leader, is also negotiating for a surrender. When these two a-e in, the insurrection will then bo actually over, ami a formal peace
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  • 51 2 At the i'enuug Assizes on Thursday last, on the interpreter informing the prisoner— a Jawipekan named Saibu n/ui- Vote, charged with houvhruaking by mghl and thrft— that the jury found him not guilty, he looked considerably surprised, whereuixm Mr Justice l*ach remarked lie seem: eveu more siirpriaed thin I am
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  • 56 2 It was reported on the Cardilf Exchange that tin: Admiralty authorities had accepted tenders for the supply Altogether of between 3-~>,UOO and 40,000 tons of best steum coal, required for bunkeiiug the Heel dining the forthcoming maineuvres. The prices obtained by the several contractors range between 18j. and i 0«.
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  • 813 2 PRINCE CH UN. KECEITION AT BORNEO WHARF. tlHIHlt'IOl'S lIEFKKKNCE T.I THfc KN'VOV At 2 15 p.m. yesterday, the Cinrruiin mail steamer linyern, with I'nnc« Chun on board, arrived from Hongkong and went alongside Borneo Wharf The Chinese Consul, accompanied by his Secretary, went on board the Bayer* with the Health
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  • 41 2 Thk Autumn tennis tournament of the Singapore Cricket Club is announced to begin on Wednesday, 11th September next. The entry sheets are now open at the bar. The entries MM on S'pi Mb, al 7 p.m.
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  • 51 2 Thk band of the 16th M N. I .will play, on Kriday next, the following programme ot music in UhOMM at 9 p.m. March Victoria Kegina lioo.ll»n Valse Moo Ami tiassnur. Selection Doris" A. Cellier. Hone Ailsa Mine" K. Newton. Kuphonlum Holo Ernaui Venli. ■Selection The Gay Pari«icnu«
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  • 92 2 A 1 1I11: monthly meeting of the Koyul Humane Society, held on the l«th June, Colonel Horace Montajn presiding, the Society's silver medal was awarded to Mr. W. C. Swan, chief officer of the steamship I'riiji'i'ifi. for attempting to save the lives of two M il.iy seamen
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  • 84 2 At tliH Assizes yestinl;iy. 1 >ikli nhhii'] Bickar Singh, ullieiwise known ;is Klmnlml Sine, who was charged with theft, was found not guilty and m accordingly dicchurgml. A ('iiiiMiiian.ii.iiui'.l l.iin t'luni I.kuil' was found guilty of criminal breach of trtmt as a servant, and was sentenced to three
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    • 23 2 WITH nkws Ijomlon, July 31./ The drought in Ihe United States has broken up. The news of the crops i* better.
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    • 42 2 TWO IMIMM srsI'KNDKI) There wa* a sen., in the House of Commons in a debate on tho Kating Bill William in I Patrick O'Brien were HintptMidc.l during the sitting for MMMMMJ tki«> authority of the Speaker
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    • 50 2 FUKNCH'S LARQI BCHCMK TAKING KKKKCT Bm r The assumption hy (i.neral Krencli of the chief* command in Cape Colony has taken m uked e licet Thn olTensive operation* are on a lav r scale, and a system ol establishing blockhousesalong the railway lines Inn lwe:i organised.
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  • 184 2 Special Trlrjram lo Ik* Strait* Ttmtv." iMMft :*O/* J"I'J Thkkk is .1 IMM gathering on the first day ot the races. I: nn fell in t1,.--niurnnu;, but the weather cleared later in the day, and tbe conditions during the afternoon were fairly good Two or thrre excellent finishes
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  • 592 2 TWO MHI AKKESTKD. Tm.t morning at9:jO two (iurinan Assistant Kngiuecrs named llarmau Kuhls and H-nry Claudus, of the Her man uiuil Hrimetm Irem>, were lound on .Mount MM in poaaMtoa ufa camel. 1 1 liey were hauded over to Iho police. Latof on they were brought Ijel'ore
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  • 37 2 I'm; Sultan «i Morocco has ordered two magnificent camera* in London They have been produced at a cost 01 £3,000. The metal work of one instrument consists of is carat gold, and the other of solid lilver,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 376 2 NOTICE& NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manofactor ts ot Dynamile, Gelignite, uehtine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, Safety Fuses. Elecirie Blasting Apparatus. Tk» olmrm liepUmtw, being all m>inu(%hirfl in (trial Britain, are nwl? to fam the high ttawlurd of mtfety and purity tiuit impnted by the Urilith Government, niui are, therefore,
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    • 1028 2 NOTICES Our Great Clearance Sale. "W-ll^l^ COMMENCE ON The Ist August. WWTKAWAY LAIDLAW CO. Powell Robinson. Cniionno Department. HICH-CLASS TAILORING AT MODtRATE PRICES. RM Tkopk >i. MllllM* THli i.ATUT ASU MO»T F*MIIOSABI.K I)UM OoATIK<i» A silkndih Range ok IInVAI. NAVY DH'K HEROES. I If.r-.uurily dyed. Will «Und the enn, ul
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    • 420 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SOUTH BKITISH INSURANCE COY. M& K. H UH hi- b«en appointed Actinij l.ti-al Mnn*«i.r of the above Compaoy. 8ln«Hnor«, P H DtTON, *)lh July, lt«il. l.ocnl .\;i-r. JOHN LITTLE&W. LTD. Wines and Spirits, Provisions &c. Price Lists and Order Books OIT APPLTCA.TION Jnly»l«t. 6/8 SINGAPORE CRICK XT CLUB
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    • 53 2 M 8. S. IntmdK for Urn »f,..-/ ma ..K.a.d t« »ntU<: on on. aid. of ta* pu>.r oolj hjr tb. Mrlaot o< tlud oouditiro, ««aj M. S.S »r» r.jwud Ikat miAtgtfMrwiM U pabLthoa. boa U.» tk. iLp s<k" Eahartaaai n't c«t of tU papw m of pn>. ol w»M. kit
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  • 586 3 I OKCIIKSTKAI lON' >'XT A LAX.. and appreciative M assemWe-i al Hie Town Mill last audtestili.-l M the popularity" >•! jht Society V'>'-l.e'traU'oncerts, winch Mr .St Clair, wlien liis untiring energy tOSMBBI Hi' aWMsMW olinnsl, ,n .Singapore tinds snilicieiil support, in »tue lo put oelore the public.
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  • 72 3 Ihi r.'iinis tr.itn the I'aliang Corpora' ion's mines for the nioiitb of June were a-, follows M .m.v.i taMMM Tons of stone crushed 1,609. Ox'de of tin produced H lons, with 40 bead! of stamps running for '-'7 days, and working expenses I:."',!.*"' nrA.\.. 'lons of Mone cruslied
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  • 84 3 Mk. >„m 1.. Bcresforl and bis Combination Company, supported l.y Miss Maude Stamer, li:i>-« arrived at Singa- th t ,i II lafhou and I'liina r,,| understand tbut Mr. Hereford is to arrange to give some p. -rl. it maiice. here Iwforc proi ce.lini: north A« wa- reiK.rted
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  • 85 3 Paafßaaaa I'evals circus on tbe Beach K I BBOad was well attended last night, when varied and interwting prosraniin. «a- pretantad Owfaaj to the ten' run- tlni irnmnd had I oinc prett) well soaked «itli water, and for that reason tbe management have de. uled to BrM no petlomnii.
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  • 64 3 Per N D I. MaOM lrr,,r from (ienoa Dr I'ngel, MoMM, T.Q Siiannam, A Kaber, K Biandc, W. Midler, K Weilnig. W Soiiksen, I 0.-hleuscli-lager, L Wiehnig, K van Kynborek. W N de Meyer, Montyn, Mr and Mrs. i .roelink. and Mrs van lien!. Kroin Antwer)) Mr
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  • 56 3 IVr N. D. L Uayem for London -Mr. G. Dms. For (ienoa Messrs A Dittniar. Von Kriegstieu, A. Koss, K. KleißI. ii :i. atil Henri Pclleiier Kor Colomli Messrs. (I. A. Dish, and I! Newman, Kor Pcnan^ lio l.;neacC'oUkul-Geiie-ral, 1.0 Tsong Yao Mrs. A Condon, Hasan 0.
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  • 103 3 am kings Mantua. Ihe King s Prize at Bisley has been won by Corporal Ommundsen of the '.Meeii's Ediriburghs, who scored :ilu points Last ycai's prizewinner was. I'le. Ward, Ist V. B. Devoun, with ML The •oans in LHW and ls»!) were ;iJ7 and in civ. so that this
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    • 824 3 To THK MUroR OK THE STRAITS TIMIiS." Sir, Your correspondent "N. D. T." has in Monday's issue dealt with the subject of local education in a manner hiit| exhaustive; and, whut is more lo the purpose, he seems to know what he is writing about, tie dues
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  • 2223 3 [W» Oiajlin MH At Bradford, Yorkshire, and Warwick ili-w Warwick scored 401 in the Hint innings. Yorkshire scored in the lirsi innings, and M for two wickets in tbe second. At Worcester, Surrey won by 47 runs from Worcestershire. Mr. K. K Kosler for Wor coster scored Ua>
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  • 71 3 I.tEiTtKANT A. P. Nibla.k. 1 B.M, has completed tbe survey of Subig Buy near Manila for the new I' S. dockyard and naval station, and he takes home a detailed scheme to that end. I'-* ease of access, depth of water, facility for dock construction and natural adaptability for defence
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  • 83 3 I'm i collet- raised in the Philippines hn-. been found U) lie of a good quality, the soil in certain province', particularly in Benguet, being suitable to its growth. Before the insurrection some promising plantations of young trees were under cultivation in this province, but through the ravages ot the
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  • 93 3 In order to prevent gold being stolen on the mines in Mysore (S. India), the Cliiet Inspector of Mines suggests that some system of searching men should he employed, and also that, if a closer sy.siem of inspect ion of coolies who come up from underground than at prei eduction
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  • 97 3 Aphoihis ol the home weather, here is a tale A retailer in Kent the. othci day, when remitting an account, accompanied the cheque by his view of the business situation in rbyme:— '•Very dry: no cops. No grass do hops. Baa trade money stops. No fruit: unless rain drops. The
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  • 139 3 A OBMH anomaly, arising Iroin past fluctuations of sterling exchange, was disclosed by the Chairman of the Southern Punjab Kailway al the recent half-yearly meeting. While, on the other hand, the Company receives from the Government a rebate because its earnings are tco little, the Government on
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  • 331 3 WuiLK the recent sad accident, which resulted in the death of young Wilson at Katong, is still fresh in our memc-ies, no apologies arc necessary for reprinting the lollowing which is culled Irom a Home paper There is a gi*od deal of misconceptii'n as lo ttie nature of cramp
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  • 291 3 The statistics of tlie production of tea and coii'ee in India lam year bliow that, while tea planters have b«en producing much in excess of consumption, there has been a check to the cultivation of cotlee. Kor this latter fact there is a tlnee-fold explanation, the decline
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  • 569 3 3lrr Jn.v. 1001. PBODUOR. ■Jumliier buyer* l"00 '■opra Bali H. 70 rio Pontinnak 7.75 Peppor, Black. ...liuvem I -'.SO do White. (•.■/>.' 45.00 Sngo Flour Sarawak S.SO do Brunei Xo. 1 i7O Pearl r»eo S.BD r«(I«e, Bali. 16% haai. dn.<X) Coffee. Palemhane. isv Uani, «ROO Cnffee. Lil^ri^n No
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 71 3 I HAMHKKI.AINS i'Hii|.Kl;\ ANII IMAKUHOKA HKMEHY 1.-.very»herencknowl»dgc<l to be the most successful inch, me in u»e lor Bowel ConipEaims. It always cures, and cures tmeklv It can be dei>ended upon even in the most nevere hi.l <laogerouti cases Cures griping, all kinds of diarrho-a, and al the first u>
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    • 38 3 ill \MIIKKI AIN'S OUUUH UK.MKIiY cures overnight the most slutiborn cold, as well an all its complications— tickling in Ibe throat, huiky voice, aod violent coughing. Bold by all dealers in medicines The Kispeuiary General Agents Singapore i-A
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    • 215 3 A Helpless Cripple N. Benson of Xorborne, say«:-For nineteen months I hv a helpless cripple from Kheumati-iM. The weight of my Iwily «ns redue.Ml from 173 11... to 1.10 ll>«'.. a proof of the terrible pain I had to -nrlure. During all tin- time. I souuht a cure, hut art-r
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    • 1511 3 NOTICES. KeUy Walsh, Limited, 32 Raffles Place. NEW BOOKS. TliPßiitish Thoroughbred Horae. I U I X TI iU history and breeding to- XX>l 1 1 J getber with an exposition nf tlie Figure System, by \V. AM) Allison Saj.uo The Work of the Ninth Division, rS^t^u,,, 70 HOOK BINDING by
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 159 3 DAY BY HAY bmt, nisi favr. Hurh Water. IDtipnv r*oll Moon. Yjiipin H C.C Ho.-k.-y S. V. A U-clure MS S V. K. Tux-uf War jiract. Hi.*cope. Beach Koad. l>. IHI-lUII.IV. l-l A! High Water. ID.Vipin IVnang Races Baaaad Day, I i.p,..r- Hair PDwtli 11. I I luu-ol War
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    • 89 3 WKATIIKK RKPORI 'v i.l'n TO(A Jultl. \U\. :<pm "Pm «o*«ir«« ><nr. j9Mljll.m<W Temi. 700 77.0 f*b+ W.lS'lh Hie 7.10 7«0 75.0 ?S-=-= Di'OfWim! MW. NHW S.W. -J; '■l an. Temp. 7H.0 5 v -o' Mia 7.1.S 1-lso Man. In Fan fl-i.O «"S fc~ Terr, ra.l IU c=oj fUinfali
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 369 4 NOTICES. Dr. e. o. MOORE S ""K"™ COCOA j MILK Hot Water only required. Campari. WmmtmimL MMMiri Sirnglkeninj. f iff I C. A t. Morton. 0 CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD. Hiad Orriri No. IS, Cahtok Roiu, Shamohii. IA« A. WATTIE. Manager MESSRS. TAN KIM T1AN SONS. LooJ Agenu.
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    • 723 4 NOTICES. HMu^uUtiftMr WORCEoIE^SHWE SAiiSE. |j By Special Warrant J^aHa3^ TI Qu881 A Purveyors to <25» Eaprtss of Ml CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. The absolute purity and great economy of Bovril is proven by the fact that over five hundred hospitals and kindred 4 public institutions, including all most important in the
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    • 805 4 NOTICES. For Constipation and Biliousness PURE for iSTHM A I INDIAN CIGARETTES For Asthmatic paopl* who lutTur from •miUIOI in br«»lMn«. IIUIUIU ■iiuiaim nn-ionrr ii ancTOMTiti. ariinaa]t*« Ciglrrttrn rrnAcr 'hr rf«pir»tioo cawi-r, cut short thi- paroxysm*. aa4 r»iiKH. tkr M>U| ol I-Klumji acroM theehiia. ORIMAULT 4c C-, PARIS s«u
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    • 1033 4 NOTICES. FRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS RKCCKiXISED AS THK BEST IN THE EAST. Purity and Kxccllence Uuarani. id Fraser Neave, Limited, SINGAPORE and PENANG. Premier Vinolia Soap i 8 not coloured with poisons, rendered transparent with ehemicals, or semi transparent with resin and sugar, nor does it turn yellow in spots
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