The Straits Times, 22 June 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. ESTD. OVER i A CEXTUItY. SINGAPORK SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1901. XO. 20,}(i«
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 875 1 NOTICES. /pilF. KUKNKO COMPANY. I.IM11K1) TBI Standard Life Asmaaos. Nnrwioh rjnioa *">r» Insuisnos 8ooi«»TAtks kmrnr^r,^ (Toespany (Tm). The Bq»i»»l I Jf» Aarenuis» Sooietj. The n,i«. Mntml Shan Harlfrtlo. Cosspany Tae ToMeahaai U(«* Best Ce-s^aar. For oartiOTlar. of these CoaEnames, see tbe full adW^™-t of TIIK^KWIBO COMFANT, MMIT«P. Agents STEAMSHIP COMPANIES.
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    • 836 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. T^ONINHXIJKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPU Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. AgenU at Singapore: Ship Ag»ct, late J. Daikdru 4 Co., 2-3, Collter QnAY. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. steamer From fapscted Will be Despatched for On Japan Batavia extra June 20 Macassar, (direct) Palehieh, Sormalata, Auioerang, Menado,
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    • 527 1 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIOA TION COMPANY. LIMITED. (0 PENANQ. RANGOON. 4 CALCUTTA One of the Com pauy'f* steamers is intended 10 leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to East African Ports,
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    • 589 1 INSURANCES. rpHE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital i3,1*7,fi00 Paid up Capital £212.750 Reserve Fnnd £1,078,680 The undersigned. Agents for tbe Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rates of premium. ROUSTEAD A Co., Agents. nrmE ckrei tradiks insurance 1 COMPANY. LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $1,000,000 Amount
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    • 374 1 INSURANCES. THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 17%) THE undersigned, agents for tbe aliove company, are prepared to accept Fire Risks at current ratei. BEHN MEYER A Co. w. A s. 31/12 MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1884) THE undersigned, agents for the above company, are prepared to accept
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    • 686 1 TJO.NGKONG AJID SHANGHAI Jtl BANKING CORPORATION. PAIIM'I; CAPITAL »10,(JOO,000. Sterling Kesenre..slo,ooo,noo\ |n|n|||n Silver Re»er»e. .1/00,000 f OCOOOa RESERVE LIABILITY OKI PROPRIETORS -•10,000.000 Oocn or Dirkotork K. > I.|-1 .|-r H >[«i> Hoh. J.J. Bill [snM D.ittt Chairman. H. E Tomiinh. R L. Ricmardsox, Esq. A ll ai n K«o R
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    • 431 1 NOTICE& KiaW A* BRICK WOKkN C* PASIR PANJANG. A RE bow supplying baildiDg bricks. A For particular*, apply to Chop KIM BIF., No. Malacca Btr*et. GKRMANIA CEMENT K really superior reality, successfully osed in almost every part of the for attentive works, such as bydrauattractions, fortifications huiidinss etc Bole Agents:
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    • 882 1 Chjunbwlam i Colic, Cktlm tatl Di»rrhoj» Remedy. IS KVERYWHERR ACKNOWLEDGED A to be the moil successful mrdi.-in» in use for Bowel Complaints. It .Us., caree, and ,ires „uickly. It cau h. depended upon eveu in the most sevenand dangerous cases. Cures griping, all kinds of diarrh.i-a, and at the first
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  • 127 2 I»at». Vaasu't N<»« VlaoAKi c.itih |MHW* June2l Benaliier Molntoth Ohio* and Japan -1 Coloinl.o rVh He, Diirhenii' Marteillui XI > Kedah iw Mr. Klwfkist Kandakan via port* Sappho Brit >tr. Turner Malacca and Klani: ltuliv Mr. Smith Muntok and Pal«m. v II Pining atr. Daridton Penan* ■Ji i
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  • 249 2 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. SATURDAY, 22ND JUNE. WlMai Tin,*: 3.W vvtr, vr potlfr»e SM. il.uUt hmig-t. Hf a ytar, or port I'M $20. Bmm i/wiv m fvtaid i.i lle fmr:h j*'C«. From Kn-il.i Lumpur rnmes the disquiuting tumour that the Lligh Conimiwiuner hat> forbidden the projected Convent
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  • 7 2 Todays 4 mi bank rate is l'
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  • 9 2 Tiik liomuward mail MMM to-day at v p m.
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  • 9 2 Thk French mail from China is due -in.iirow murning.
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  • 23 2 The French mail from Europe is due u.i I>MMM| morning. Skhot. Greer has taken up tbe appointment of Secretary to the SeKiigur Club.
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  • 14 2 lilt SaVnal fludget wan puMiehed this morning. A supplement will be added UiM afternoon.
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  • 34 2 On the 4th May, the. date ol the last Municipal statistics, there were 6,»iJ6 liuiikmnas runuing M Singapore With to-day's Straih Times there is Imoml a supplement containing -hip piiiu news and some advertisements.
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  • 20 2 Iris MhM that the raw for calculating exchange compensation alluwanue. for the c irrent month is 1 11} psjc dollar.
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  • 12 2 Ink Freuch transport (MmsM arrived from Siigon yesterday rn route for Mar-
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  • 10 2 hHm. Sne has :*s passengerx and :til HMM on board.
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  • 23 2 TU Hcnn'tter, which arrived from i. o.i.i. in yesterday, has a large quantity ol explosives on board for the 11. -m: kong Government.
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  • 23 2 Ivtinsk heat prevailed in Calcutta IWaMly on the loth instant it was 188* in the shade. Several cafes of heat apoplexy were reported.
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  • 24 2 Thk tea steimer (jl'tuihiel arrived Irom Foochow yesterday en route to 1.0u.10n, and went to the wharf this morning to bunker and load cargo.
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  • 23 2 The IJu'ch Government despatch l>oat Lue'j'er arrived from Batavia yesterday and anchored in the roads. She is expected to return to Batavia to-duy.
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  • 23 2 It is reported that the diH'ercnt Malay States Pl.intcra Associations will be merged in one F.M.S. Planters Association with its headquarters in Selan«or.
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  • 30 2 _Tm RuKsian dredger Port Arthur No. X," from Amsterdam, has arrived at Colombo on her way to Port Arthur. She is of I*lB tons register and was built in Holland.
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  • 27 2 It is notified that Messrs. \V. Peacock and I). Beatty, cade's, panned their linal examination ir. the Cantonese dialect of Chinese (lirst Language) on the 10th instant.
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  • 29 2 Mk .1 at. Reelfs, Consul-general for the Netherlund?, has been recognised as in charge of tbe Italian and Portuguese Consulates at this port, with effect from the -'4th instant.
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  • 32 2 The leave of absence granted to Mr. II B. N. C. Tiotter, Hostmaster-Generul, Straits tjett'emenu, has been extended for a further perio<l of seven months and seven days from the 21st instant.
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  • 32 2 The sixth round in connection with tliu Straits Nationals lout ball challenge cup, between the Everbright Star Club and the Police Kootball Club, will be played oil' to-morrow at Tanjong i'agar ground.
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  • 37 2 Thk Corri-nment Gn.elle publishes s circular despatch from the secretary of State regarding facilities the Colonial Office has put within the reach of Colonial medical men on leave in England re study of the Rontgen ray system.
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  • 35 2 Thk military authorities in Ceylon have just completed the construction of a traction-engine and half-a-dozen trucks of the same pattern as those in use in South Africa, for the conveyance of military goods about Colombo.
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  • 47 2 Prokksob Todd, of Amherst I'nivprsily, who was in charge of tin: American astronomical expedition to Singkep, with Mrs. and Miss Todd, returned from a trip to Bangkok this morning, and will remain linre for a week or to before proceeding horns iia Hongkong, Manila, and J ipoa.
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  • 48 2 At tbe annual general meetinz of the members of the Engineers' Association, held iv the Marine Club building last night, the following office-hearers were elected for the current year President, Mr. F. Fair»\"ie« -President. Mr. F. W. Smith; Hon. Secretary, Mr I Risk Hon. Treasurer, Mr. .1 Kellar
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  • 47 2 The Government Veterinary Surgeon, in his report for 1801, notes that Hit,, is a very great improvement in the cattle sheds now being built in Singapore, several well designed new oner having been erected in the Tanjong Pagar, Neil Road, Campong Bahru, Serangoon Road and Gaylang districts.
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  • 53 2 In April there were 22 analyses of milk in the Municipal laboratory. Two were found to contain a small amount of added watur while two others were adulterated to the extent of 22 4,. and over 8(r;. There were three prosecutions fur soiling adulterated milk with three convictions and fines
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  • 64 2 Sistkk Katherine, of St. Mary's, Hill Street, writes to nay, in reference to a paragraph published in the«e column* regarding the bungalow re., ••red forthe children of the Home, that "the children arogoingtoSiglapon Muinl iy. a gentleman having geuerously placed his bungalow at our disposal, rent free, for a fortnight.
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  • 84 2 Di-iiiM. the half year just pawed the shorthand classes held at Raffles Institution on Tuesday and Friday evenings have been well attended. Kplity pupils entered their names during the whole period, and of these :J4 (elementary) and S (advanced) are still continuing their studies. The instructors think of starting a
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  • 87 2 Bazaak promoters at Leeds have a merry wit. At a recent bazaar connected with a rhapel a livn pie was ofTererl, conditionally that a member of the congregation, wearing a frock coat and Milk hat, should drive it from the market A gentleman of public spirit was found ready for
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  • 93 2 Towards the end of April the supply of Municipal dog badgßS became ix-h.-i'i-tn! and as a fow applications were made for the registration of dugs and nut being in a position to licence them, instructions wer« given tv the Inspectors and their staff to cease shooting until the end of
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  • 83 2 The Chinese Cnristain Association eti'ertnined theis friends at a mu-n ,il "at home" last night. The affuir, which was to have come oil' at the Sailors' Home, took place at the Prinsep Street Church instead, and m an unqualified success, there being MM a large gathering of memburs beside? their
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  • 98 2 As amusing story of the recent Wallstreet panic is told by the Cltmniclr. A gentleman, who was occupied in buyiug as many Northern Pacifies as he could lay hands on. fniddenly remembered that a friend ol his who had just bailed for Europe had bought a number bet«« starting. Ru«hing
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  • 93 2 Thk members of St. Joseph's Athletic Club wish to thank in an especial ■MM the Tollnwing centlnmen who have contributed bo generously to their Club :--singai.ore Catholic Club, Mr. D. M. Martia, Mr. B. Mowe, Mr. P. Ken(MW,Hr.O. Reutens, Mr. B dAianjo, Sergt. Major Hinderer, Uevd. Father VsJMlj MmmS. Dupire.
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  • 120 2 An amnaiftl story is told by a OMHa> pondent of the Mpnav of how dogs will outwit their mortal tbe the alligator in Central Borneo. The dogx, it seems, wlicn wishing to mom; a river, have .on~i.l.'rablo ditticully in doing so owiafl to the fact that alligators find them very
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  • 98 2 SUPPOSED MURDER IN THE HARBOUR. AnouT J n clock yestoriiay afternoon, tin- Marine Police ou ilu'.y iv the harbour saw a -anipui drifting about near the Colonial steamor 8m H"• Uu uf tlie buat the police discovered the duad body of a Chinaman lyinK in tliu otcrn. Than was
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  • 104 2 Thk postponed scratch four races will be rowed, weathnr permitting, on Monday and Tuesday next The crews have been rearranged, and tliu heats will bo rowed as follows 6.16 p.m., Mtmdati. Ingram (b-w> 1 Croe-l (bowl Barkahirc I I Wbelham Hartnell Scoular RodeB»e(slr.) I S.ingoa (Str.) bM
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    • 61 2 Ixnuhn, 22m/ .hi," At a dinner given by MM Liberals ol Essex, Mr. Asquith denounced the suggestion that Ira and hit friends were apostates from the Liberal party. He condemned the antiwar resolution passed by th» pro-Boer meeting in London on Wednesday. Mr. Asquith protested against MM passing
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  • 50 2 hltrr. The death of Admiral Sir Anthony H. Hoskins (retired) is announced LUKDCL BKUKSFOUD AMD THK MEDITERRANEAN SIJUADROX. A private letter from Lord Charles Beresford has Iwen published, calling attention to a lack of strength and proper organisation in the ships of the Mediterranean squadron
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  • 70 2 THE PIGMY" CUP. Thk Captain and olKcers of H.M S fI^MM am kimlly BMMMMI I f'up to be competed for at the coming S. C. C sport- The Cup will be givon for a hurdle race of 121) yard" over ten Ilights of hurdles, provided there are not less than
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  • 87 2 AOOMMOM to an American paper, a 6erU-.iu cyclist sought in vain for the MOKV of a -qutak which annoyed him on his journey. The squeak was persistent, but not regular, hut he could nut find the cause until he looked for his wrench in the tool
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  • 80 2 Yebtoway's fiorernmtnl Shaath notifies that His Majesty the King Emperor has been pleaded tv appoint the Hon'ble Sir James Alexander Swettenham, K c m. a Colonial Secretary. Straits Settlements, to be Governor oi the Colony of British Guiana. Sir J. A. Swcttenhain will be succeeded as
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  • 66 2 YKfcTKKDAVS I'LAV A slv.i:--\A-e Choon (ivan (•!•">) beat Song Ong Sung (scr.) 7-5, 6-4. TO-DAY'SI'I.AY. A.SINIILKS (lallMII WIIIBIl) Onz Tek Urn lo) v. Chia Hood Teck (scr). h Bix«ii.fa I/ec Chim Tuan (»cr v. Song Chin Eng (scr). MONDAYS ri.AY. A. SIM.UW. Tan Chew
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  • 102 2 YK-UKKIMYS PI.AY. CRAMI'IONSIIIF. llollowuy beat Billingß, 11-6. MM HANDKAI' Karle and Kainnie D beat Klnonlelf and Duwley, I<i, L'l-10 IIKS KOK MONDAY. SIMiI.K HANUKAI'. Hollow. ly scr. v. Kinsey I. Beauclerk .">v. Paton -I- 7. noOBLI HANDICAP. Tl— lll and Noon +ti v. Macllonald and
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  • 260 2 At tlia he.i.l of a lung lint uf bamum* conferred upon British and Dutch subjects the < official (apansi tlu.elt' published the announcement thai the rJmperor bad conferred the highest PnaWaa Order, tho Hlark. Eagle, upon Field-Marshal Earl Roberta This distinction was bestowed on the occasion of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 425 2 NOTICES. RITCHIE'S WHISKY SI'KCI \l I.V wlecle.l lileod thoroughly matured in bond. Price 110 per ca»e umple* free KOKNEO CO.. I.TIi. to. th. s. Sole iMfMttf*. STDKUOSTnKN PAINT. an absolutely aiiti-co'ro«'v« lor IRON AND STEEL 6| perosthct| liii.iranteed to he tlie heat IUSTI'KKVKNTIVK Invaluable for Ships, Machinery, Bridges M|,
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    • 175 2 LATST ADVERTISEMENTS. KATZ BROTHERS LTD. Gash Clearance Sale. Will Commence on Monthly, July Ist. Ending July tfth. One Week Only. Tasmanian Jams. i. x. l. >_' 7"> per Do/en I I!.. Tins. FROM H. JOES Co., EOBART. JOHNUTTLK&OQ.LTU Illpj IM Mebta can be consolte I at the City 1 i>|.-M-:ir>
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    • 337 2 WANTED, liy a very quiet gentleman, one or two rooms with or without hoard. Koom for horse and carriage. Xo boarding bouses need apply to ■V" ft P. M. c/o xtrailt 77mw. KM SALE. I 'pi'KSOUT: Bay mare (14.:, good hack), I J bunny and harness. "iKFY PONY MARK A
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    • 87 2 Diriir-A- Voni'nny Xortharo K .«d. Piiwu. on Itnh June. 1"OI, ihe wife o( A M, of,, on. SI. 8. 8. j». IM ue tmmt tmm aawt >x writt«o m oue >id« of 'on pafCT o»It H 1b« ■tflwv ol that ooBif!^. m-. a/I. 3. S rt;.«t»d 11, l ui;hl
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  • 2746 3 Mioli i Kinall pervi'iitaw. of me human raat i« dinvtly laMtaatal in tbt girifi''. as a house pet or olln'rwi-". thi' or- .in s-ar'.lv understand tho fervoui with which tiie home anal baa aaata aa tbt aaaat of a putatively n.w i the qiiailrii|«-il whicli I. it
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  • 85 3 According to the ./<in.>>i faaM a new island has been discovered in the Sea of Japan. From ijntatcment appearing in the Nichi Nichi it a;.p.-irs thai tht island is situated at a point between L'l-long-do Island, crl' Korea, and the Oki Archipelago, ofl th« toaata of the
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  • 104 3 Yestckday, we reported that Lee Kiah Soon wus brought before Mr. Green by Mr. Allen, the Steward of the (ieneral Hospital, for supplying adulterat.d milk for use in the hospital, and it was 9tated that at the request of Mr Emerson, the counsel for the defendant, that
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  • 146 3 Ahmikal Sir A. II Hoskins, whose death is arm n nct-.i, at the age of 7-*, retired from tb« naval service in IBM ll.' !iist saw active service, in tbe attack on th. forts of Tamative by H..M s. Otmmtf in IMS; and waa aaW wards encagti. at
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  • 165 3 CsasiHs, ilny WUL TnK Maii.-hi-sti-r Cup of 2,500 toys. (WOaora in plate, the rest in specie), added to a handicap sweep stakes of M aava. each 10 ft. One mile and three-quarters. Mr. J. Dawson .Irs b f Kaml.liog Katie UH.Childs.. 1 Mr Fnirie'«l. cPar,|uetrv. H7. Aylin
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  • 233 3 Thl Dutch are at last in a fair way to realise the greatest conspiracy in which their race ever engnged. A bill before the Mates (itneral proposes nothing less than the annexation of a new province. Its conquest will cover a space of ten years, and its
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  • 1020 3 BY IKAN KECHII.. Hkyclisc, over the pass wax hot work, and had been glad to ranch the end uf my journey. When they told me that ther« was a pool in the river behind the house where one could hathe, I throw off my clothes and attired
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  • 152 3 A KEVARKARI.K LETTER. A lettkr has been received at Dover from Quartermaster-sergeant Butler, who has been charged with murdering five of bis children at Charlton last month in whicli the accused says Kroin the Press reports 1 have read, no motive lias yet been assigned, but there
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  • 1222 3 £2,000.000 roK n-omsH univkhsitim. POME IXPKKSSIONS OF OPINION. It is understood tint Mr. Carnegie, the millionaire, had had the project of a large u-ift to aid Baotttt Univer«nic< in his mind for years. Among tux friends whom he has consulted, it is said, are Lord Balfour of
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  • 148 3 Tuaßi are wild and cultivated rubuer trees now growing in Mexico sufficient to make the country rich, without regard tv any uther product. Mexican rubber is now worth «n ets. per lb. gold. A good, healthy, rubber tree will produce from two to four lbs. of rubber
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  • 517 3 TARIiET PRACTICK IN THE LYING r. .SIMON One of the most important changes in musketry instruction relates to the shooting from rests of various description", natural and arlitical. Hitherto the idea bus been to make men shoot without any aids to aiming, except in
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  • 342 3 SATIKUAY, L>iSl> JITKK. High Water. J37 p.m. (mkel Tournament. li. M. homeward mail closes, n p.m. I. O. U. T. Temperance Club. 7.SU Sl'NlnV. XtBD Jt'NS. High Wf.-r. UJ Ul p.m. Tuird aft«r Trinity. M. M. homew:inl mail due. Everbritftit Mm Ctali m. Police Footbnll Club at T»njong
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  • 549 3 KixotroRi. MM Jrxr, 1901. PRODUCE. Oamtiier buyers 9»7J Copra Pnli 7JV1 do Pn.iti->n»k 7.0R Pepper, Rliw>k S8.7R do White.(S%) 4800 8ago Plour Sarawak S.OR An Brunei No 1 »70 Pearl L'ago 3.B0 Coffee, Ball, 1«7 bwi* Coffee, Palemhang. IV huis '■Ann Coffee. Liberian No. 1 17.R0 Tapioca, small
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 42 3 BOWEL COMPLAINT IN CHILDREN During the summer months children are subject to disorder of the bowels, and should receive the most careful attention As soon as any looseness of tbe bowels is noticed, Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera, ard Pis.rrbi>f> RrmHv ihuuW be given
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    • 30 3 PAINFUL BUEATHING and dangerously sounding cough, indicating congested lungs, is quickly relieve! by taking Chamhorlain's Cough Remedy, For sale by all dealers in Medicines, The Dispensnry. General Agents. oirgpipir* A
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    • 198 3 Coates Co.'s a, fyfy Original Bin, JOHN LITTLE Co. Ltd. SOU AQKTro, Straits Settlement, r. 7 Wre milF UKK.N'KSK ALI'S. IXSWKKTEXKD STKKILIZKD SWISS MILK. sy *f*jr3^S > '^i A very rich and specially selected con's milk from the famous pastures of the Swiss Alps. It in free from
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    • 851 3 iNOTICES. Kodaksljgf [HHi&Films. OEOBOE MICHAEL, 1 Robinson Ron. l. MXX XXX CO., »7, TANK ROAD. Sha.shhai Cabinet Makers. UI'HI>I..«TEREKS. House-builder*, and C-ontrai-tnm have a large staff o( Shanghai carpenters, experienced carvers, and French-polishers. Onlirs executed. Prices moderate. 4/7 smpppia DKITIfSH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LJKITEIJ. FOR MANILA. THE Company's
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 265 4 NOTICE& Huts for LEI i PERMS' f| T1 J| WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. v By Special Warrant JCT|3|EJ§LTlw Queen m Porvegors to *3&^S*^* Empress of India. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. UNTOUCHED BT HAND. I miUM r* food For INFANTS and INVALIDS. When prepared is similar to Breast Milk. PERFECTION OaAj Cut Tobamt in
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    • 617 4 NOTICE. IAITS City Robber Stamp, i'rice moderate. 12/01 S. Robinson Road NOTICE. 'Mi CHAM, who ha. l>oen my ni.m.-i B.t for years, has left my service and -ii-ail I havn mow appointed Quan toll* the manager of oiy Him, with > I would ask my customers to transItUMness in connection
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    • 446 4 NOTICES SAVE YJJiR SKIN How to Preserve Purify and Beautify the Skin and Complexion. To nrevrvr, purify, nnd bciatKr the lUn, and prevent pimple*, MotchM, blarkhftiidß, rt.lnea*, rouijhne*-;. vrllow, oily, molhv *>kin, i-happln?. and "•J other formii ot akin, no mh<-r .klnor rnnipl.-ilon aoap ia tor* moment to be
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    • 403 4 NOTICES. N^H Phosphoglycerate jM OF LIME U U m mm. uitoi 9 1 Uk rmlil; inl.lliul »< PHOSPHOBLrCERtTE SIRUP (CHAPOTEAUTI I PHOSPHOSirCERiTE WIDE (CMAPOTEAUT) \pHOSPHOGLrCERiTE CAPSULES ICHAPOTEAUTI nt VtoiMM, r»A«CC "T1MB8" AND BUDGET." N'r*'< ii»". $80 a year, or $H a month or fifteen cents a copy. Post Free, SHt
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    • 1095 4 NOTICES. NOTICES, -K. WALLACE, ht. a.ndruwu hoi>k. Bronze Medalist, Briti»h Horoloß In titut<> A CHURCHofEnKlandßoanlingiouw Watoh-Maker and JeweUer. 0 IZ^ZZZSti SESV2. Ripairs IN all URANdiM ulakantkU) P'* o*.0 under the care of th« Rer. D. Htlland 6-» BATTERY ROAD Stnbbs to whom applications can btwnt. MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE; :o: Issue
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