The Straits Times, 19 June 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. BIIX OVER i A CENTURY. SINGAPORE WEDNESDAY. JUNE 19, 1901. if&flyM
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 881 1 NOTICES. »T»HK ik.KNEO COMPANY, I.IMHED rK Stan lsrd Ufs Assonnos Cniosi Fir. lassmnes BnM«tJ. Atlas A»s»«nc« Ossjjmj (Tm). Tae Ko.ttal.l. lit* Kmmjvxm KoeMtJ. I U Oiiß. ¥ot»a» B»sam NaviTati™ O.m|«n». Ta. TottsaliMsi L»«»c Vmt Comy-iiv. r«n .t "t me bSenko cohtAHT. LIMITBD. A«»nt- STEAMSHIP COMP ANTES. I Omni, Tileouph
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    • 848 1 STE.VMSHIP (X)MPANIK&__ t 'UMNKI.IJKE PAKETVAABT MAATSCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. A'.mf ut Singaport: Ship Aoisct, lite J. Uiikdiu A Co., M, Coliyh Qdiv. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Meamer From Eipected Will be Despatched for On It Carj*nti'T Batavia June 17 Batavia, Cheribon. Samarang, !<oerabaya. Bali,
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    • 525 1 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIUA TION COMPANY. LIMITED. IO PE.NANH. RANGOON. 4 CALCUTTA Oneoftbe Com pan v's steamers is i n ten ded 10 leave Tanjocg Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo booked by the shove steamers at through rates to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to East
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    • 751 1 AnCTION BAIXS. AUCTION SALE AT Ol'H BALK-KIHIM, Thumtay, SMk June, at Ha. 1«. New "Liberty" bicycles n.l«d witb pneumaic tyres. 4 ISew Liberty bicycles fitted with pneumatic tyres and free wheels with imtrnt brakes. Nowonview. 1H« POW'EL Co., Auctioneers. MOUTGAGEE'S sale of Honse-propertj at Sumbaua Road and of Building allotmouta
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    • 364 1 NOTICES. MALACCA TEA HAS NO EQUAL. To 11 -t It on. Is io nnc it always. 15 1' V l>e cup that cheers Imt not ineb.iates TO lit HAD AT Jlessrs. John Little A Co., Ltd. Hasjai A:m Lock Co., Batten-road, and Messrs ong I^eo Seng, Orchard-road. m. w. *f.
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    • 471 1 NOTICES. CHAMFACjNK." Mil IS MMM, KXTKA DKY. (Reiwrve u«r urrat Knt.iui) Louis Koedoinr. Carte Blanche BKINKMaNN A 00. MBU I4PORTKK*. Rttnil at JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. MAOMALL HILUBB IK, K.Ai.M.,. 1t,,-!. HAVE ON HAND:Diectnc ru,.Ceiling auil Table, an, fid, "i M, 100, 1 10. and 120 Volts Designed to operate
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    • 859 1 NOTICES. J MOTION CO. WAKMIMAKKKS JIWBLLIRK. oI'TKIANS. MsVAIH PR<iMITI.V EXECIITKD. THE TAIUfHN) PAGAK IKHK (OMI'ANY. LTD. SHIIW KIi.HIb. KKl.lsl.l.ks, liion AMI BUSS Kul'Nl'tSK, \Vn.\Unsc.tKH. Ac. This Company execute Ship and Mai mEngine Repairs of all descriptions in the most efficient manner under the su|^rintendenee of experienced European Shipwrights and Engineers.
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    • 837 1 t'nu, Braises, Scalds ud Barns. Or like lojaries, »re Promptly relievedjliy CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN HAiy ■t i»» application* »iii lAstaasaaMtstss For sale by all aaaim m BSssMaaS everywhere. Mcl 'HI eta, and $I.H). Gou.jral Agents. The Dia|H-n«ary,.<<ingnpora B hik SALK BMFLOYMRtT.i TO LET- AXDJfERSONAI.s Mat time, IS cents a linr 2nd
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  • 36 2 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 19TH JUNE. Slrnil* Time': S» a year, or port free ■M, Strait* Budget'■. 818 a year, or pott free 120. Advertising Rale* may b» found in lit* fourth ptrqe.
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  • 875 2 Whkn the irresistible tentacles of Kate dragged jinrickisha No. 3,114 around a municipal watercart at the end (if Coloiuan Street on Friday niernoon. and cast that vehicle, with its puller, Foo Chow, in front of His Kxcelloncy the Acting (i.ivernor's trap, the incomprehensible s 1. < was really elevating Foo
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  • 840 2 It in liijlily gratifyinf; lo Bad tba entire )Teas of tin- Siamese capital pndorxing tlie suggestion that the Siamese (Government uliould conpemt« uitb tlmt of the -tr.-iits Settlements in suppressing tin- rmel treatment of buMnc'lu whicli is ki.oun to exist on certain boats iv tbe Bangkok-Singapore ruttle trado. Tin: ;aine
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  • 262 2 Thk Statement of Kxpunditure, in connection with the recent Koyal visit here, was laid on the table at yesttr.i.iy- mMI inn '>"-' Legislative Council. It is brief bat interesting its twenty-ooe items of expenditure varying iv amount boa thu humble 7.) cents Paid Artillery tor tiring signal guns" whicli
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  • 9 2 To-day's 4, in* bank rate is 11 1 j,.
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  • 11 2 T'lik British transport '.'.i/i/iuiy left at 8 this morning for Calcutta.
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  • 14 2 The King nfSiam is expected to leave Java for Bangkok on the -■"■th inst.
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  • 19 2 Mr. and Mrs. D. Maw were amnng the passengers who left for homo by the German mail this morning.
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  • 3 2 11. Staehelin PP-c.
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  • 25 2 Thk t/.-./i, v it Ii tilt: outward I ..-i man mail, left Penang at 4 am tn-iL-.v and is due here at 8 am. to-moirow.
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  • 20 2 Tbk P. O. intermediate steamer Malacca 1.-it Peutng at I a.tu. to-day, ud is expected to arrive here To-morrow morning
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  • 25 2 Uk. E. C. Taylor, Assistant Surveyor, R. E.. is piiM-eedinc on sick leave to Western Australia by the Snllan on or about the Ist prox.
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  • 22 2 An engineer for the Penmig Municipality is advertised for. Particulars as to the work, salary, etc. are given in our advertising columns.
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  • 26 2 The oil-tanker huh II".. passed through the port this morning from Batavia to Langkat to bring down a cargo of Langkat oil for Messrs. Kit/ Bros.
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  • 25 2 Tbk Sempan Mining Company in Pahang, is said to have established it record in last month's working, by turning out S.V> piculs of tin ore.
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  • 24 2 RaUbs had only a temporary recovery. To-day contributories fell to SlO, and fully paid thare.s to 510.50. Yesterday the ipiotations were four dollars higher.
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  • 27 2 Thk Chinese Christian Association's musical "At -Home will be held on Friday next at p m. at the Prinsep Street Church, instead of at the Sailors' Home.
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  • 26 2 Thk British trans "I PtoajfM MMOd Malacca at W o'clock yesterday morninc from China bound for Calcutta and Bombay. She wished to be reported all well.
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  • 29 2 Thk British steamer iUrfa arrived from Cardiff this morning with a cargo of coal. The Uloifefltr Cdy came in from M"ji this morning, also with a cargo of coal.
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  • 31 2 Thk old P. and O. lime Thama, 4,i5S ions gross, built in INSI, wan to have been offered for sale by auction by Messrs. Kcllocks at Liverpool on the lath June.
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  • 42 2 Tin: Uu-sian Volunteer Fleet steamer Knznn, Captain SmeNky, arrived from Odessa tins morning with a cargo of railway material consigned for Vladivostock aud a record batch of nearly -',000 colonists for the L'ssuri district. She is expected to sail on the JStn.
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  • 45 2 A Malay detective employed by the Taajumj Pagar Dock Coy. was given f-.iii months this morning, by Mr. QtMa for the theft of some boiler bolts from the dock. Mr. Niblell appeared lor the defendant and ga\» notice of ■MMaL Kail ol MOO was allowed.
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  • 48 2 lUX liritish armoured .rui.-er Cresty was cumiuissioned at Portsmouth ou May Skfea tor service on the China .■SiHtinn. She will call at Singapore on her way north where she is to relieve tbe Uagi-hip ttatarJMJ. though actually S;r Cyprian Bridge will fly his Hag on the battleship Qkrrf,
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  • 52 2 Til waile and moats whicli n- iw dkflgOM Manila will soon be cleared aaraf. The Engineering Department lias l>egun the laying out of a new street tnrough the north MM of the wnlled city and for a considerable distance along the Pasig Kiver. The new street will be W feet
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  • 73 2 Ar ihe launch of the lirst class ai mound cruiser Kutynhu by Messrs Viokan, Sons and Maxim, Harrow, Mr. Alhert Vickeis stated that, ai a result of the groat improvements they had made in their )ard, they will be able to build tllipaat least as rupiuly as they can be
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  • 85 2 Sik Henry M -Calh-.m opened the Natal Parliament on May 17th. The r-reiiiuny was largely attended. The (ioveinor's ■naaoa pointed to the vigorous promotion of public works, v those ciuinecttid with railways and bomoara, and of social legislation. It alao rtl-rred to the steps that are to 1. I' taken
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  • 93 2 ui;r. i.Nsp. uAi'iiAM UHMm isniA. I MOfOMf Detective Inspector Watchain accompanied by two native detectives, a Malay and ii Kling, left b; the '..-rmaii mail steamer Mag rf for India to hrini; bask Hie absconding tamhf, iMnl Cador, who was arrested KagapauM, India, on a warrant iaauad
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    • 195 2 HI till KUITiIK Of THK STRAIT* TIMES.' 1 Sta,--" Hollander" cannot be conversant with bis subject when he states that only HM Uriti&h surveyor condemned the above vessel on her last survey here. The names of the surveyors were: for the lioverninent Messrs Howe and Hub;
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    • 99 2 TO THE KOrrolt OK THE "STHAITS TIMK3.' Sin, It has coin.; to my knowledge thai there ia vi ini|.ie»Miin amongst certain classes of this community that I am not Ihu" ival Jack McAiilillu. Mi'iihei- t liut I have tlie light to assert my-. II l.ight-Weight champion ifllround athlete
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    • 61 2 motion cor adjocr.vmkni rejected. EmWM, 19/* Ju*f. Mr l.loyil-i.eorge moved the adjournment of Hrn House of Commons in order to rai»e the ipiestiou of the treatment of Boers al refugee camps in South Africa. Bir H. Campbell- Batinenuan supported the motion which was rejected by MB to IM, The
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  • 65 2 ALLEGED TO BE BRTLBD. IMUr.l M Ur. M. IWeu- the Frencii Minister |w Foreign Atlairs, BM informed the Frencii Cabinet that the Foreign Minister- at Peking ham reached An agreement as to the amount of the China indemnity, and M to the MMkod ol payini; it. ANOIHKK KOYAL
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  • 27 2 Sir Alexander Swettenham !ian been appointed Governor of British Guiana. CIVIL LIST PASSED. The House of Commons has passed the Civil List.
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  • 882 2 c. c. r. lira aa, k. a Tuna tnaim nflimaail each other on tlie K.-|i].iii:iil<> cvpning before a large i rowd of spectfttorc. HMMJ that ihu Cup ti«a start in another Vtafc'i ime, the Clv!) supportcrK were naturally intereated to »cc Imvt their representa-'ivc-s would show up against
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 384 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. ULASGOW. Manutauioixn of Dynamite, QolLjuile, Gelatine Dynamite. Biastiug Gelatine, Detonators. Safety Fuses. Kleiinc Blasting Apparatus. Tim ah «af all ,na«ufmtmti in BrAaim,mti ttmk In pti/r tm Mfl immmml "if'ty and purily KMBJ lmp.w«( by ihe HrMrh Im, tticriifori, ouarantwtd to b* of t:ivr.,r faaHto awl
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    • 871 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. McALISTER CO., sou: a(;e\ts for JOSHUA BROTHERS' BOOMERANG BRANDY. SaaPtr"' f^^M^BrUid^H ta^V^srut«eWfl B«vfsi ■CS'irto the Tii.i'Tiry. mSHg* HONOUR FOR AN AUSTRA- "V Kf LIAN' PIIODUCT. »™H^H JF M LONDON. J«!t I*. H**?" Roral Warrants lia»e been issued ap- rooad^Baßßl tS-L P''' n n X Messrs. J.>»hua Brother*, of
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    • 745 2 LATKSr ADVERTISBICENTNBOARD and lodging in a family, luntlin dietriet eloar to town. Tenriia ground mid stables. T.--m» f0 per munlh. hor further p»uieul»rs. apply to -M^ha" i o Strain Time: i/7 THE RAFFLES STORE i'as jr-r mrcivrn A small .'.-i^ni,. uf jiriM>i: crepe Minus. Bumarkablv Lev KMM. .\pplv so.m. Mi.
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    • 69 2 M. 8. 8. io»i.l~. for tb* Binui raa. I r writUo 00 uw. Hid* of th« ww only By tilt ««gleol of lh»: outulitiuu, uiftuf jl. S. S «re r*juct*d U»t mi^iit oth.r»i«. Iw puh! j,h«d. All •c'«rtMu V oocUtcU art rabfect tho ™.n Ji. lion Uut tbo U>iu|nr a»7
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  • 2632 3 u BOAT, Ml najß*t Bm H' Bik r««>K tianw«»i Snrn..MiiM kt.m.i. |\> RM MM lion C S K k I'olnnial ;r\ I. lion r r.-inii-v (I -■!•>' Treasurer). Hon. A. .Murray (Ooknlai Knginecr). Hon 1 11. jswalfl IA.-ting Attorney (i IC H."Hill(»'idiior-l>oeiml). Hon .1. Barklmtaaw H.,,i.J. M
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  • 87 3 YESTERDAYS PLAY. HI HAXKICAP. Pal on beat Pritchard, 21-11. Kiixey beat Winter, 21-14 Rii KM TO-DAY. ounanv •Scoular v. I i SINGLE HANDICAI'. Holloway scr. v. Withers 4. IHIVBLe HANDICAP. McKean and Beaudork v. Kin-, y and Clark scr. iIK.S FUK H)\'oKUli\V !HAM!'HI>>HIr Toadta v.
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  • 632 3 HAKUI.V A.VV IMPROVEMtNT. The Land (Jlfice report for is signed by Mr. W. L. Carter as Acting Collector of Land Revenue. Mr. Carter ■■jttbat, at tue eiid of 1>>&», the condition of the Land Office ivhb not in every way satialactory. At the end of ltiuO there
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  • 60 3 Per N I) L. hmmhufj &t SojWa— Mr. and Mi*vCh Kckardt, Messrs. H. St»ehelin, U^ioMiznn, El. dtucken, Cant. Bruhu, Messrs, L. Fabriciu-. and V. Bluer. Kor London -Mrs. Maaan C. Palmer, W- AmJcr«oo. and Mr. and Mrs Maw For Penang— Messrs Janssen, O. J. Penny, J. Kitzmonte,
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  • 96 3 The Governor of Hongkong has a plan for model Chinese houre* there. A meeting of Chinese interested in the matter have paused n resolution that it be recommended to the Governor thai, in future land, should bn sold in lots of hiilßcieut size to permit of the erection
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  • 83 3 AoiKniNo to the HegimeiU, Worksop Onjeya the distinction of sending the Msaat four brothors serving in the King's Arruy-the sons of Mr. William tVaiter,, of Park-street. Their dioaensionp'area^f.illowi':—Sergt. \V. Walters, 6ii 4Jin.(2udG>cnndierGuards); LrtnceCorp^ral A. Walt.ji», Bft. J^in. (BadenPowell's Mounted Police, lale Ist Grenadier Guards) Sergt. J. Walters,
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  • 129 3 Thihx have been wholesale executions of pirates at Cliefoo (North China). The other day the Chinese gunboat Chinltai had captured four piratical junks, bringing back nearly thirty desperadoes of whom short work has been made. On the 27th May, 11 were «x«cuted on the jetty and two
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  • 160 3 Thk King of Siara, says the ■aasjaai l'iint. has done much tv promote the con«truction of railways during the la.t ten years, and for the money which has been spent thereon (say M million tiaaM up to the present, a great .1. of experience has been gaincl.
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  • 166 3 TriE Registrar-General fur Heonaoi ha. ianoal a stUement on the census of Scotland. The totals for the different counties- the figure" it is stated twin? subject to revision— show nearly half a million increase, and are as follows Increases Aberdeen. 19.553; Ayr. 27,747; Bate. Ml; Dumbarton, I.'i.CUJ:
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  • 292 3 June IsiA. lus quiet village of Pengararn presented a gay and lively appearance troin the lztli to the Kit it instant, on tbe occasion of the annual bathing (called M.mili .Sapar) by the Malays. Stream! of Malay men, women, and children in their pretty coloured costumes were
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  • 56 3 Til r. Directors of the Austrian Lloyd Co. art preparing to further increase the nuini. i uf their regular voyage* to India, and to extend the service to the Persian Gulf The reason for this is stated to be that the Bohemian factories now import their own supplies of jute,
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  • 62 3 Tin* morning before Capt. Boldeio, Acting Master Allen. i.mi fourteen Chinese boatmen were fined 925 or in df fault three week"' imprisonment each for boarding the s.s. Seang Ltoug, which arrived from Anioy yesterday, while that vessel was flying the quarantine 11- ig The boarding officers warned the Chinamen not
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  • 81 3 In addition t> the purchase of thn Atlas Line bin's by thu Hamburg American Pajaket Ciinpaoy, il is reported that negotiations have linen proceeding with the Atchison-Topcka and .-anta ¥6 Railway Company for the establishment of a trans-Pacific Kleain-ship line from Sun Francisco to the Far E <■■', touching, at
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  • 85 3 Iris satisfactory to notice that Kli:i',' dairymen, who aro apparently the chief offenders iv vending adulterated '"ilk to the public, ilo not escape altogether, though more prosecutions might he instituted wcro there a few more inspectors whose sole duty it is to look after milk and articles of food. Yesterday,
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  • 111 3 A cißiot" incident in connection with tbe loss of the City ofUio dt Janeiro is reported in tbe Mas, truncitco (liro.iirlt. It appears that four or, five days after tne loss of the steamer Captain Ward's fox-terrier Rio was discovered by the police patrol boat fully a mile out at
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  • 117 3 Tue Convict Department Administration Report for 1900 shews that, in Singa|>ore, the total number of pauper invalid convicts, who ware quartered at tho convict lines, Ualestier Plain, and to whom rations were issued at Mm expense of the Indian Government, on the order of the Colonial Kngineer aa Comptroller of
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  • 126 3 Mb John Charles Tudor Vattghan, who is to take up tho position of 2nd Secretary of the British Legation, Peking, should have been here in 1"99 (says tlie .V.-C. Daily Xeur). In March of that ytar he wa< tran«fcrrcd to Peking from Cairo being promoted to
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  • 123 3 WanaaMr, i°th ion Hi:'h Water. llJi7p.nL I, V. U. lt«cruit»- IliiM. 8.10. Tiuiwi.iv, nnUUa. Hi.'li\V-\t--r. l.l» p.m Bicycle Sale. Powell 11. Iterinan outward mail due. n.m i'bilhiirmonic Urchestra. B.W. Ku.iuv, BatJßaa; High Water, n.42 1.57 p.m. CO. A. Piiusep Street C'burcb. 8. siti-ri iv. Has iim. High Water.
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  • 537 3 BOMAKOMk li'i" lVf*, |!«M. PROlJtTCK. C-.mbwr IVfi I'oiira B»l> 7.R.\ do Pnnti nuk 1M IVpfW, Black Ijuver- do Whlt«. (STJ) 4«00 Shro Klour Sar-nvnk .1 IXi .In Bm-«i Nn I f 70 Penrl Cairo 3.H0 rnflee. Bull. U% ba«i« •>•><*) Coffee. Palemhanir. Wt Kim*. -."flOO Coffee Lilorian Vo. 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 51 3 MAXCiKKS OF IXFU'ENZ.V I ie great dimgpr frost inlluenza ia of iis rmultias; io^neuiunnia. This can he obvintad by usinf; Chamnerl.nij a Oiiitili K*n.eily, a» i l not only eiirea intlueotvi. hut counterHct* any tendency of the disease toward* pneumonia. Sold by all dealers in Medicines. The £isr*QEary, General Ag<nta,
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    • 58 3 IN ALMOST EVERY CO.MMI'XITY tl.cre is someuue whose life haa I. ecu saved by Cliunil.erl.mis Colic, Clmlcru and DiarrbVua Kuniedy. Bocfa pvrsoiu sel.lim mist) un npport unity to recommend it, and their rucomincmlitioii, and the never failing qualities of the remedy account for its great poularfty. For •sale by all
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    • 135 3 You must stop Coughing. Th* lot way to cur« Canada C«ugin>, Bronchitis, nn'd i'he»t-«olds is to apply Little* Oriental Balm. KuM-.l well into the client and back, il penetrates imm.dialely tn the intlnmed parU. The UekHag in the throat ceases the B|iaani weakens the cough|n ;n 1 1 often
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    • 112 3 nn m .t co., 97, TANK ROAD. Shanghai Caimxbt Makkh-. UI'HOI.=TKUEKS, House- builders, and Ciniiiu-i..!- have a larco stall of ShHii^hni cHrpcnleit, UUTlleUOsd carvers iin'l French-polishers. Orders promptly executed. Prices ni.xlerate. *n INDIAN ENGINEERING. AX iLLCCTHATKb WuKLY JotlßXAt THE EECOCiMZKD ORUAK OF THK norvMNa ix india. With ffuaraittefd Innia fide
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    • 1021 3 NOTICES JHSB WIIITKAWAV, PHI laidlaw&cOm Jkr jSL. BOYS' BOATEUS. rough '''Mhm^/wifci, stlaw plai" or coloured Itiitid. Price 50 cts. each. jT 9tnjpw %iiito —k NEAVE'S Aerated Waters. a They are THE BE«T. And Vhmrmfw THE CHEAPCIT. FRASER NEAVE. Ltd.. IOOi Robinson Roao, SINGAPORE. Plates r;zi& Films ÜBUKOM MICHAEL, Photo Stores.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 93 3 WKATHER RKPORT v»..' mooo aln.sAn i(i,/, 9a.m :tp m»p in BvHAskai Bar -Jiiswi ;M«I6:!».»>W Tamp. ..HOO Ctt> 79.0 -"j«" W.B'lbTher 7SO 79 0 7HI) SVlMr.ofWinrt s.w. sw. Caloi Max. Tamp. 8«. l fo i Mln 7(10 ISIJ Max. in Kunl.W.i a Tnrr. red 7-"..f> :«< Ininfall .10 js.'e^ The
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    • 1307 4 Uoilervnish(SKlin<th<'(ollo«ini;aM)re<'la' tions are uaeii sir.— iWamer "sh— «h(p cq. barque sen tchoshar; Yd.— Yacht Cro. -Cruiser: <»bt.— *rthoat Tor- 1 Torpedo; H.p. Horm-power Brit.— Kritiab V. H.— tinted Sttiss: FrFren.h (Jer.— German Cj'.- Dutch loh. Jnbore 4c M c,—^ieneralrrgo d.p deck paMengeni: U.— Uoear •am T. P.
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    • 369 4 Sam', port, probable dale of arrival. anH name of agent*. A. Lopez. Barcelona, left Hay Hi Btrlovr \ciln. Europe. June 24; Bihn Meyer. Altinn Cotie, July li; Dacndela. Annam, Colombo, June M M. Mantu.i. AjohUs China. June A; Bohn Meier. Arauonia. Sew York, left June 2S; B M.
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    • 49 4 For Per ttr. T,mt. TO->IOBKOW. SrtrawaK I orirtirn T a m. Hamaran viinorU />nrwir Noon Malacca 4 Linggi JMsm 1 p.m. Rntu Pahat (Waswi -.'pin. I'flnang* Rniiencm Srnivi Uona 2 p.m. Malacca Klang Cnoio Phya I p.m Fkiday. Bataviu DtCarpenlkr 7 a.m. Saturday. Banskuk Skul,i 3 p.m.
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    • 108 4 Fboh En»op?:-Bvt)if NM>. I.. „.r,, on Tliureday with .lat*B to the Wtli May, l..'in((inu replies to the mails winch left Hinvapore on the -."nth April. Fbom Ch'm:— By the at Man a, Xniol due on SupJhv. uft Singapore Due In Londnn Arrival May tith N.D.L. M»y 231u
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    • 55 4 ABKIVALS. ivr C. .1/xvir from Calcutta— Mr Pd«ai From I'mianß IJouot Btuyv««iit. Man. Scott, I'atcwon, Orchard, and B. B RiL.-v. Per a, 0,,1Ut from Palerahaug-Mr. J. Van Vlict. Per $.9. .V/ M,,, n from Yukobama Oapt. and Mn. V\rter. I'ur a. s. llrli from B;ingliok-Mei«rß. N. Prentice, C-
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    • 206 4 5 VLesKL'a Njmk I'osh. Otmil Kkom ;S>ii.kii. r u »aic»Bli.-. a Kiu. J'ne 18 Kawal. Brit str. 2041 Thompnon Calcutta June m KaU Bros. 1* Deli (ier utr IM Ca»s«- >b Bangkok June }J Hebn Meyer 4Cu 18 Claverley Brit str. IWI IWigley Moji .luuu 6il. Bu«man K»iolm 14
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    • 82 4 Dili Vrnu.'«NiMi FlioAßjo (Urriii Jukiii m«i*t» lint -it. Dah IB I Bstavixr; atr. Mcllor 19 C. Aprar tu. Olifrnt lfl *lboia »tr- Chrti*, 19 Will U'theXir.p «r. I Ralph 19«t K»j»bui Uct Mr. Alilborn 1!' VorwHlK itr. I flruhn 19 Anhnu str. < H*ll.ner 19 K»rf»ll» IUI Blr. (MaiiDO
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 397 4 NOTICE Dr. c. d. MOORE'S L 0 B «> COCOA 5 MILK Hot Water only required. Comparf tomamieat. D&iomt <■"■/ Sirmothming. I C. I %liiJn."T^'U «Rl»rk' X, „r, Lon*». CULNA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD Head Ornri No. IS, Ciktoh Road, Kmakomii. lAS. A. WATTIE, Manager. -MhisiJlW. 7AS KIM TIAN
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    • 744 4 NOTICES. j loents tar LEA PERRIHS' WORCESTERSHIRE SAJfCE. By Special Warrant Sff^BEM^Tin Qneen Porvsiors to «^^HF^» Empress of Intfla^ CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. The absolute purity and great economy of Bovril ii proven by the fact that over five hundred hospitals and kindred public institutions, including all most important in the
      744 words
    • 187 4 NOTICE. I For Constipation I and Biliousness yTlllUPrWriillil x sjmUt bm\ prsmptlT uf™» ''"■'t M* 4 I BMUm r*«« Mtotiam toMlw. CNiUHlMa, I Dlftort bcMvr, v,4 ncJt lw<«rtt- I PORE fob iSTHMAI INDIAN CIGARETTES For AstkSnaUc people who saffter fro OfTHtSSIOB In bnnlhtnc. IOUSISESS MtiIUCIITM. ISSOMIII >U DHTICOLTr il lIPEi
      187 words