The Straits Times, 17 June 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. KSTD. OVER i A CENTURY SINGAPORE. MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1901. NO. Hytii
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 841 1 AUCTION SAT.KS. AUCTInN Kale of haaaa liaimlj nml buihiiiig ■iintmeni- To ha haM at Powell A i'.j Sale-rooni on w.^lnes. dan, ta IMh June. IMI, itt MB p.m. Ihe two larta dwalllnsi hou»<-» known paaprcUvah Ho 11 Jaddah Straai and No n-J Clyde strwt in ih.- Town of Singapore. Ki\.
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    • 490 1 STEAMSHIPCOMPANIE& I^-ONINKLUKE P.VKETVAART aUATBCHAPFIJ L'nder contract with the Netherlands India Government. A[imu at Smaaporr. Ship AOUCT, LATI J. Da»DEU A Co., M, COIXTIK (jOAV. The undermentioned datea are only approximate. Sieamer rrom Eipected Kill be Despatched for On BtCmpmommT U.iiavin MM 17 Bat-ivia, Cheribon, s-nnarauß, Boerabaya. Bali, Amiionan, Bima, Timor
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    • 537 1 MX. GEORGE LAWS, M.E., A.IM.M 6. Battery Koad, Singapore, hiving bad 17 year* e\|ierienco in the £a«t is now open to examine ami report on. or survey mining properties, or iissny minerals wml mt-talsat short notice. X'ei'nif moderate 87/8 GEKMAxiA ouunrr. OF really superior quality. MoaaaaWll used in almori every
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    • 536 1 NOTICES^ Ideal Milk mtiJi '^iWjjr I'J3^1 J3^ Enriched 20 per cent. art' \^"Vlr with Cream. H|tf^| Sterilized-Not Sweetened. Bfc^^S^i A Perfect Substitute for Fresh INSURANCES. rpHE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £*,ICT,KOO Paid up Capital tJUJd) Reserve Fund £1,073,680 Tlie undersigned, Agents for the Company, are prepared
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    • 477 1 INSURANCES. HONGKOKQ FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital subscribed |2,00u.00«. Amount paid up 400,040. Reserve fund ,1,0 M,049. Head Offlee,— Hongkong. OeneraJ Managers, Meaars. Jardihe Matbe»oi« A Co. QUTHKIE A Co. L'UaNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of PARIS. EtrMULUIIED 1.-J-. RESERVES AND TOTAL GUARANTEES iM.OUO.OOO. r |'HK undersigned, ngents for the above
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    • 719 1 BANKSL HONGKONG AND HHANOHAI BANKINO CORPORATION. PAID-IIl 1 CAPITAL »IO,00OJX». RESERVE FUND Sterling Keferve..slo,iX«l,(»T > t ,,nrnnno Silver Reserve... S,n00,«l0 1:i lx:0 RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 llnm)m PROPRIETORS 110,000,000 Oocbt oi Directors.-— It. -imw.y X.-i <n»IR«»N Ih.s. J J Bill [arm Daren Cauaa— i. H E TOMIINS I I! L.
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    • 605 1 NOTICES. $100 KIh|\VARD lOST Iwtweeo P. O. OlHee. Hotel de la Paix and Itiffles Hotel, a diamond Mud, screw attached to setting Tli.- 'iniler wil. najerN thcalmve n-ward nn returning same to the Strain Tiiittt. RKWAUI). V REWARD of 000 dollars will be paid by the Reaident of Riouw, to
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    • 854 1 The llorlor's tH.lre. When your child has a protracted, peroit»mal cough, won-e at night, accompinieii d) a peculiar sound or whoop, which MM b u miaUl«.i, ami thea lahoun-.l exneitoralioo of mucua, with BMaracri sulTocatiuu afu-r .jughiog aive KKMKIiv It will reader the panmnma of coughing law fraiaaal and miw.
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  • 1360 2 The Straits Times MONDAY. 17TH JUNE. tiAMBLiMi of ull sens if forbirid' n by law in thin Colony, though it is made a uoarce of revenue in every Native State under British Protection in (lie Peninsula. It is needloss to say that t lie uxiatinit local peuttl enactments gambling
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  • 95 2 The MM that we have lost live officers and thirty-three nun killed, and live officers and sixty-two men wounded not to mention I. SO Colonials captured and subsequently liberated is to say the least of it serious. Incidentally we have lost two pompoms to the enemy. The II prisoners and
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  • 7 2 To-day's I, ins bank rate is 2,-.
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  • 12 2 Thk American gunboat. Marielhi left for Colombo at 4 p.m. ou Saturday.
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  • 17 2 There ought, says a China p iper, by this time to be 300,000 Russian troops in Manchuria.
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  • 19 2 Thk P. and O intermediate steamer Socolm left Hongkong nn Saturday and is due here on the 20th instant.
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  • 23 2 A o'knkkai. meeting of the Garrison Rifle Club will be held in the Town Hall ou Thursday, 271 b iust., at 5 p.m.
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  • 23 2 Mk E. D'Aranjo, of Singapore, leaves bf the Zum'inia to-morrow fur a four years' course of study at the M ulia* Medical College.
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  • 23 2 In our advertising columns will be f mn. l tiie. prospectus of tbe mortgages in connection with the 1901. Muncipal loan of $1,000,000.
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  • 22 2 A Commission, says the Jf.i/uy Mail, is being formed to arrange for the new scheme of payment uf Government officials ill sterling
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  • 27 2 A ■.]<):■> from Saigon, dated 6th instant, fay that the rice crop of Cochin China, t hit. year, will be 25 per cent shorter thuu la*t year's output.
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  • 22 2 I'hk British transport 'tmnuuj passed tlaiuiigh the port at 7 am. yeoterday. The Innxn (No. IS) passed through eastward at noon tu-da}
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  • 26 2 The entries for the W.-iiren Football Siiil.l close Inly Ist. Entries to he made to the Garrison Adjutant, Pearl's it ill. The competition is in August.
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  • 31 2 The llev. W. Murray, the new Presbyterian Minister here, arrived from 1.. .m1 0n by mail on Saturday. He acts during the absence on leave of the liev. B 8. Walker.
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  • 30 2 Thk Imp. German steamer 9mmn with dates from Europe to the MA May left Colombo on Fiiday at 10 p.m., ■ad is due here on Thursday morning the (Otfa instant.
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  • 35 2 I ii>: Deli Railway Company la 11)00 made a profit of over l,t"ti,.»Ki guilders ■> tHght increase on the figures for the previous year. The dividend fur tin: year is expected to be ten per cent.
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  • 43 2 An eleven representing the 16th Madras Native Infantry met tbe Straits Nationals II team at Tanjoug Pugar vesienlav in the competition for the Straits "Nationals Kootball Cup. The Chinamen beat the regimental team by two goals U> nil. Mr. McMurray oirieiatetl as referee
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  • 59 2 ;i It S. l.i M nl, Commander J. C. Watson, arrived Irom Hongkong this im. ruing to relieve the ftf f ou this ■frinn The sard is afirsl class gunboat of 71 tons ana Wnj i h.p., which is slightly smaller than the Kfasf. She was commissioned at Devonport last
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  • 34 2 A I'aki.iahkstary paper shows that i in- '••timatod cost of the operations in China atnounti to £8.680,000. The lieu res are made up of £.'(,.>00,0u0 in 1900 1001 and X2.1G0.00U iv the current year
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  • 47 2 A.'okwm. to the Xri>- Vrrtf, on the retirement of Mr. Byron Brenan, C M.G., Mr. Pellmm Warren, C.M.1. will fill the position of British Consul General in Shanghai, his post at Hankow being taken by Mr. E. 11 Fraser, CMC, at present on sick leave in Japan.
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  • 47 2 It is in t inn to note that Mmc Bell, "the White aMahntma," nearly a fortnight ago announced that v large quantity of the stolen II tic S. bank notes would be recovered at Colombo She will give a seance at the benefit performance to-morrow eveni ng.
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  • 47 2 Kkhh from victories in the I'nited States, the American street-railway king, Mr. C. I. Yerkes, on 22nd May reached London His mission, it appear*, is to complete the tiansforcnation of the I'ndergrotind from a steam to an electric road, and to construct the Charing-cross and Hampstead Railway
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  • 80 2 It is expected that a (iatetle will be published at an early date conferring honours upon those who have distinguished tiieiiiselveu in Chin i. Theso will be upon the Indian scale It is understood that General Gaselee's personal rewnrd will bo tbe O. C. 8., promotion to the rank of
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  • 93 2 THE JACKSON-MILLAR CUP. Tm IM yards race for the JacksonMill, ir Cup took place at the Swimming Club yesterday morning, under favourable conditions. There were eleven starters and the winner turned up in Wbetbam with :I7 sec. Salmnnd (Ii sees) was second, and Woods (37 Bees.) was third. Whetham's time
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    • 75 2 ARMKI) KOROK MOMMY. l*<ulon, MhJum. There have been serious labour riott at St Petersburg wliich had to be put down by armed force ITALY AN'I) THK ANUI.O-KKRMAK IWltmiTT HpMf I'rinetti. th<> Italian Minister of Foreign Aflairo, stated in the Chamber o( Deputies at Rome that Italy adhered
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  • 67 2 SKVEKK ENGAGEMENT NKAR KKITZ CAl'lTRK Of BOKRS ANO SToKK.-v Ulrr. Colonel Klliott engaged the Boers under De Wet near licit i on the 6th instant. After severe fight inp, he captured 4» prisoners and a convoy of serenty-on« waggunn. 1 h. Boere had sxretiteen killed and three wounded.
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  • 60 2 OI'KPRISK OF THE DOCKS < OVUKMKP The surprise of the Boers at Warm baths is now confirmed. It appears that tbe official denial related to the statement that Beyer's commando was enpnged. CIIINF.SF. IN AMEUICA. The Chinese merchants in the I'nited States have started a strong movement
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  • 86 2 MEN AND OmenS KILLED, WOINDED, AND CAPITUKI). firnifitii. 17//, Jam. A superior Boer force surprised a camp of 2.X1 Victorian* n«ar Middleburg, inthe Transvaal, on til* 12th inst The Boers crept up to the camp until they got within short range. They then poured in
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  • 200 2 HONGKONG BANK ROBBERY. iiiK hoovbus mn A" stated in our issue of Saturday, not.- to the value of 52i«,000, being a portion of the notes stolen from the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank ins CocpuTllioO, have liein recovered at Colombo. It is supposed that these notes were shipped by laiuhy Abdul
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  • 304 2 'ltlklSHA. His Excellency Sir Frank Sweltviiham was the prosecuting witness in a case against a jinrikisha puller, No. :i,U7, before Mr. Sarwar, on Saturday afternoon, and theaccusedwasdulyconvicted and fined Sl5. According to the evidence, it seems that, on Friday afternoon, as Sir Frank was driving
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  • 44 2 Better late than never You may recall me, sir, as tbo man who eloped with your daughter about a year ago." Well, sir, what can Ido for you I may he a little bit tardy, but I haru cutnc tv offer you my coiigralulativiia,'
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 445 2 NOTiCES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. ULABGOW. Mann!actur«rt of Dynamite. Ooliffiitte, GeUiiae Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonatoi's, Safety Fuses. Kloctrie Blasting Apparatus. fhr |aWam ln.,g all m..««--f*twl in M Hnt.sin, are nail* to pom ike high tUuditrd 0/ tafity and purity t v u impotml fry Ihe firilUh Ooi-ernmrnt, and are, there/ore,
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    • 1092 2 LATEST AIiVEHTISEMENTS. MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. Issue of Municipal Loan 1901 amounting- to $1,000,000 at 5 per cent. The Municipal Com.uissioncrs of ihe Town of Bin.jap.ire, htiring decided to carry out riThin important public wjrki an I a 'tin; h trein with th*. sin tion of the Uovernor in roim.'il of
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    • 334 2 UTEST ADVEBTISEMENTS NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given Hint Mrs. E. Bedford of No 09 Anson Road, intends to apply to the Licensing Justices (or a Ist class pulilir house license for premise! known as No. 4'i Anson Knad, Persons having any objection to the issue of such license ahould communicate
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    • 753 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN HALL Tumdß), On- lNlh .linn-. H. E. Sir F. Swettenham, EAJLt, AND THE LEADING GENTRY OF SINGAPORE. SPECIAL BENEFIT TIHDIKKD TO The Great Banvards Company. who have recently suffered very heavy financial losses. For This Night Only. JACK McATJLIFFE, Champion light weight boxer of the world, now
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  • 174 3 MM 'ii i>i.' r. numlwr of inemlors coinsjatai aa Satur.lay for the Spring Cup, huh was won by lVarc wiih the net Man ol om i«>int in front of Mu«liston ami A Kerr, who ticl IW scon I |.la,e The coui-c «as very heavy after the saaaajt
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  • 272 3 HKOKERS, in. I. S. i G. 1 uk to'irnanient match, Broker." ami lusurance r. 8. C C, took place on the ■aalMWaa aa Saturday. The Hrokets went in first, but made a very poor show against the bowling of liillingH. The best stand was made by Hannatord and
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  • 546 3 standard" eaajaajaMajaaajl SiNSAPoRK, writes the. Correspondent „i tlie Steatlant, in (Uacirihlng the visit „1 tin- Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York, is supposed to lie a Hritish oaieay It looks Uk* a bit of CMm, with a Dutch and Qaraua leaven. You cm bbmU tiie
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  • 42 3 Tat slrcnath of the Uritisli lorces in South Africa on May Ist wan 2*9,4 1 4 lf this BMBjkar, l;i»,liO2 were KeEiilars; AB.SVI Colonialf,; 23,104 Imperial Yeomnnry o^Bs Volnutreif and 20,104 Militia There were in all -M 6» ofliitr^ dDJ JiOfif men.
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  • 64 3 THE SULTAN OF JOHORE. AicoßDtMi to latest mail papers, the Sultan of Johore and suite had arrived at the Klv-," Palace Hotel, Paris, and was to leave Paris for Frankfurt in a day or two, and to arrive in England later. While in England he will confer with the members
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  • 190 3 As extraordinary general meeting of the Bank of China and Japan (Limited) was to he held at the Cannon-street Hotel on 30th May, for the purpose of Oaaattariafl the advisability of voluntarily winding up the Bank. The meeting was called in consequence of a circular
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    • 864 3 TO THI. KMTOK OK TUE STRAITS TIMES. Sik,— The correspondence which has recently appeared in the columns of the Strain Time/ regarding the as CliMiig lluck Kirn has revived the opinion held by many Btemn-users in ting Colony, that, the Government rules applying
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  • 1102 3 There be rats, »n.l r»t»." Haml I. London, 241 A llay. tmmm is a .1. irt h of news of a sensa tiunal nature *o tliu ha'penny Mail and il» rivals have invented aucb iteiua Sir Alfred Milnur will not return to South Africa— he ia
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  • 1254 3 Hour Tin Derby was run in lovely weather The weather wan brilliant, an-1 tbe ctowil wan a record one. The record time was made of 2 mini 40 4 i'.h Ha The betting at the start was R to 1 against VoUxlyonki 100 to 7 William 111. 40
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  • 48 3 TIES FOR TO-DAY. SINGLE HANDICAI'. Withers v. Kitchie. Sinn! v. Beauclerk. IWI'BLC lllMil.u Billings and Hills v Knox and Pritchard. TIES FOR TO-MORROW. BINULB HANDICAP Beauclerk v. Sime. Goldie or Winter v. Kinsey. rKIVBLK HANtm AP. Tomlin and Noon v. McDonald and Withers
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  • 101 3 SATURDAY'S PLAY. CLASS B. DOI'BLES. Cheong Choun Ifc-mr and Seah Boon Hang (+10) beat Kmr: Tian Siong and Neo Kwb Ho (scr 8-8, «-4, 60. Xeo Kwe Kiang and Koh Kong Bock l.'i) v. Tan <)uee Liang and Tan Keng Bee (scr), 11-13, 6-1,
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  • 708 3 THK REPORT KOR 1900. Mr r'irnifitone, a» Acting Superintendent of Indian Immigration, signs the annual report on Indian Immigranon lor 1>" The munber ,il immigrants arriving in I'enang from Southern India in I'.'i'ij was almoH double those of it'M and in excess of thuse recorded for any previous
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  • 43 3 Per P (t O. s, t. >'„"■■. from Gibraltar—Capt. J. C. M. Silva, Mrs. Silva, and 2 infant. From Colombo —Mr C. Mertens. From London— Mr. Thomas, and Rev. W. Murray. From Penang— Messrs. A. C. Jackson and K. C. Chilcott.
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  • 507 3 Lift of LiuUumed Letter* lym.j at the Uentrat Pott Office, Singapore. Abaco, B. I). Mariaux. Capt. Alexander, William Matnieu, A. Aiiua, i). M. McDonald, G. UaumeComtessedolaMcUi.l, Mrs. U. Wired, P. O. Mclnuei, H. U. Hi" li, 8. K Muuahem, b. 1). Bird, A .1 MM-, I H. iiL.i
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  • 112 3 Moxin.-. i:m Jam High a/atar. HftH aja. Vraaat*, inn .lum.. High Water Noon. an. l 1111 pm. Legislative Council. IS I Philharmonic Choir, ft.l 6. Foothall Cup entries close. Bayards' BencHl. Town Hall. 9. Weiinksday, I'm Juki:. High Water. 0.4(1 and 11.67 p.m. Municipal Commission. 2.30. Land Sale. Powell.
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  • 105 3 ARRIVALS. Per s. s. Malacca from Teluk Anson via ports-Messis. Penny. TunnicliSc, I>. H. Wise, Bailey, Monteiro, and Mr aod Mrs Hyndman-Joues. Per s. s. <; Myer from Palemlutng— Mr. Hartkamp. Per s.s. VorwarU from Sarawak— Mr. F. Hourant, and Mrs. Faulkner. Per a, Bun Fa Soon from
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  • 552 3 .-iM.vKiui. 17th Jt'Ni, IRUI. PRODUCE. Onml.i.-r f B2*. Copra FUI' 7.HA do Ponthnak 7.0S Peppiir, Iiliw-k ifna do White, («v) 4600 Sago Floor Sarawak S.OB do Biunei Xo I -.'70 Pearl 2ago .1.80 Coffee, B»li, 167, Iwui,. mft CoRm, Palemhang. If.'-; luwis •Jtim Coffee l.iherian No. 1 n 17.76
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 56 3 IN ALMOST hVKKV COMMIXITY there is someune whose life has been saved by Chamberlnin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrha-a Remedy. Such persons seldom miss an opportunity to recommend it, and their recommendition and the never failing qualities of the remedy account for its great ponlarity. For sale by all dealer! in
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    • 49 3 DANGERS OF INFLUENZA. Tlie great danger from influenza is of its resulting in Pneumonia. Tbis can be obviated by using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, as it not only cures influenza, hut counteracts any tendency of the disease towards pneumonia. Sold by all dealers in Medicines. The MaaaMan, General Agvnts, Sjngapora.
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    • 186 3 A Helpless Cripple .V Kingert of Noiliorne, xav h,i nineteen months I lav a helpless cripple from Uheuniatixni. The weight of my body niw reducod from I7:i Iba. to i:«i Iba', a proof of tbe U'rrible pain I had to endure. During all this time, I nought a cure, but
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    • 135 3 KELLY&WALSH.LTD. SOLE AGENTS IN THE FAII EAST KOK THE Yost Typewriter. Special Features The Yost has no ribbun. The Ink pad lasts for six months. The Ink pad insures better work. The Centre Guide gives pnrfuct alignment. The pointer is invaluable. The Yost dispenses with the shift key. The Yost
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    • 792 3 NOTICES. GreOrffe Pictures. Frames 1 Michael THOTO BTOUS, Singapore. HOTKI. DKR NKDKRI.ANDKN BATAVIA (JAVA) I'IKKT i -la..- Hotel. Known for its excellem food. Very frequently vi.ited by British people. Knirlnh speaking servants. Evxry accommodation. Weswnger on board of all the steamers. A. F. MEBTEN. Proi fietor. m. th. ux. REALLY
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    • 1506 4 Under tan hwtding thKfollowing abbren v t>oos am used sir. stoamer ah.— ship; .-q.— bMxjuo sch aohoonsr; Yet.— YacbV Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunbo X Tor Torpodo; H.p. Horae-power Brit British U. S.— United Btataa; Fr._ Krench Oer.— German Dut.— Dutch; 'oh.— Jobora *o, G. c.,—Genornl■argo d.p.— deck
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    • 61 4 Far Per tlr. To-Morkow. r»llllllHl M I'ontiatwt V«pf uam viaporf. Xnuuinia "otieeic. Sarit Borneo I. Ad»od vi» ports H. BU Oum Phiwiik* Colombo Hardnn\i» Muntok A 1-hniK A A Meyer U KLSKSI'AY. r. Aiittun via ports Malacca IV.kuik DuM ('.i11,,..... Klang via portj Hatarvr 1 I p.m
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    • 109 4 KttOM Khropk:— By the X.I) 1,, s.s. Kw/trn on lhursdHv with .latcs to the 28tb May, bringing replies to tho mails which left Singapore on Urn Bth Ainil. Fhoii CH;»*:-ny the M. M. b. s. Xaial due ou Supdu\'. Bit Singnpore One in I/jil'lnn Arrivml M»y Hth
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    • 105 4 I'ASSKI) BUNDA STHAITS OK AKKIVKI) FOB OBDEBB. Klag Uatb XiDate. Amd Surf's Namk. Captaik. or Fiiomwhkrk Dkhtin- harm. R'a- Smi.ini.. atiox. M:t> .11 lirit -s. l.oinhar.l Riison Rotterdam Uatavia SI Out Bi.jK. WHlem II jßakkcr Amatcniim BnUvia Jane 1 Bril s.s. Anglo Chilian 1 Port Natal BaUvia SBril s
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    • 217 4 A RRIVALS. Vksml'b N*«« TOKB. C'aitais From Sailed. CoNaittKiKa. a Biu. I J'ne 1 Mm Hit str. 21GS tftnreii N' oroesisk May la P. Simons ami Co 16 jOuady Hut str. IM Dulokw B. Paiiau .Tun",; >, ,svm« mud Co 15 Monsoon Brit atr. l"3fi Hannali Jeildah K» l'l Shrager
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    • 157 4 i»TM Vnu'i Nam* KuuAKl.i 1 Otnui DbnmiiuN umi-].'> Maaconomo IS Kuby IS Ixion 15 Kian Van,; 16 Hong Wao 1 16 Suuda 17 Nerhudda 17 Richmond 17 Pakaa 1 7 Pennns 17 Hiang Suuu 17 Poh Aim 17 Cbwa Sinn 17 Sri !>ontiinak 17 Tibre 17 (iiTinahi.'u--17 Falco 17
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 378 4 NOTICES. POWELL ROBINSON. HSTE^T GOODS NOW ON VIEW IN THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS. Ta Dept. nBr S^^~~ GENTLEMEN'S OUTFITTIN6 DEPT. goods and Is in I T l ~^aTC^ai Dr>flfl uyfftft WELLINGTON." I 1 &o,&c, Jf J Street and Br.K»k pg. wTc^m^Helinets, Hats and Caps. »Avnw« A m-» S« ,"|;.HoBiery and Underwear.
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    • 564 4 J. D. A. FfeKKIRA. HuKTICtILrCHIST ASD FIABIST. Comedos «n Exroniß or Okchim. •ty tpevial appointment to His Majesty The Kins of f ism, K. H. Tim Sultan of Johore, and H. H. The Sultan oi Lingga. Urdert for Bouquet Sprays, Ac., Ac, Oarerally and promptly axecntexl. Cbeapwt House in tho
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    • 369 4 J«mCEB. MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE, Fortii.v iii 3 System ?gainst Disease with jjifc UIOOO. "7Ht. JhSi SECURITY FOB MtALYH.' K—IWOK QW W.UIQ KXTWAOT OF RED J-.M<in\ •rmnymsStSr'rrrr-- mT *""""*>• *U'HO«ITU» Z&%!5% TORPID > ,\/ER, DEBILITY, ERCPIIU^S, WEAK and LANGUID FEEU«BS, And all lmpvi«ities of the Riood. W IMPORT/MI IVIDCHCI
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    • 199 4 NOTICES. Xllanouip women PULE CMILOHtH 010 PEOPLE, IKYtIIDS YIN CHAPOTEIUT ■aunmirr. wnt of nmn A DELICIOUS HUTHITIfE STIHULAHT Tk.. .l-mennrj wi.< I. mily •••imilurf WlHa •o Mk<t ulid Of liquid food will ravin on Ike iloauth. Isdictifd In tooilitulioml wt.lin«« ud lack of Jlf«.live POTMT. I s^^isC C« nT a'
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