The Straits Times, 21 May 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. KSTD. OVER 1 A CENTURY SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1901. no. mjm
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 831 1 NoTICKs. |BJ|| I IIRMBU i I'MI'ANV I IMLI F.l> rl| lOajkOjai I if*> Assurance „.,,.h l'n,..r Kire In.omnc SocWj. las BBWaWK* .n.|«aj (Kir») |jf. araaes s.^-i.«jr I he Chins St."»ni N»riir»ti..n t '.>mp»nj Ih. T'lttanham IJMT" »-er Corapmy. K.w na.t,.iilan. af these <*otn|>aili<is. the t«li ,^~rt,«.ment si TIIK BOBNKO
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    • 670 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. ITONINKLI.IKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ linder contract with the Netherlands India Uoverno.eot. A.i'nt* at StaMßeni Ship AaKscy, uti J. IJaehdkls A Co., 2-8, Collykk yu«v. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From £«|>evtM V. ill tie liespatchwl lor (in Alli'ig H-rau,Coiei via ports May II Breaaar li.livia pori- S9
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    • 620 1 naw-an. Boefabara. Bmijermnnin, I'u 1. Lnul llalik Pippin, ('..tie .May I'.nmh. A ahan. Ik-li .11 Batatrla, Ob»rlboa, S:nnaranii. SouniUiva. Macaaasr. Amlwinn. Hamla, (Ji^.er. Toeal. l>ol.o. R> < iiii.i.-:.. I'al.'hl-h. S.H.mnlin. Kwniidnug M-nndo. Gorontaln. n I* and in. *l Paajprmaaain. Pulu l.iul, ilalik hinan c..-1-i. Danußla, Berau, Illlloiignn Blllitoa liaiivia. Cherilon.
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    • 619 1 INSURANCES. rpHE IX)NIK)N ANI) LANCABH'R 1 FIRE INHURANCE COMPANY. CapiUl £«.12T,N» Paid up Capital E9U.7M Reserve Fund i1,07»,WC Tbe undersigned, Agents for tho Con pany, are prepared to accept Ore risks a current rates of premium. BOUBTEAD Co., Agents. rr CHINA TKADKKS IN.-rt(M COMPANY. LIMITED CapiUl Subscribed Jl.DOU.un. Amount Paid
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    • 755 1 MOMI4KON6 AND BHANUHAI II BANKING CORPORATION. I'AIU-lIJ' CAPITAL $10,UW,000 RESERVE FUNDMerlins Reserve. «ln.O'o,oon\ inf REXEKVE LIABILITY OF 1 lnn lnrin PROPRIETORS |..»in,OW«» Corn or Diuirroiw B. km, K.q i'kiikiik H■• J K -i. imttCiimrih.-. H.K To»iink. B L. Richardson. Ijq A Hiirr, Km I H S.nrH.n P M M..«»». K«i
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    • 531 1 (NOTICES. KIMWAK BBM'H WOKUH I'ASJR I'ANJANii Hi. ,io« >up lying building hricka for particular*, apply lo Chop KIM BIE. Xo. -.'4 Mil».i-»Slr-el. K WALLACK. Bronze MeilalM. Briti»h Horologim! Invtitlltf. Watch-Maker and Jeweller Repairs ix ah munches guaranteed-»-B BATTERY ROAD, v.c. PURE MILK iikhnksi; ai.i's. i \su ki:tem:i» BTEBUJZEU SWISS
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    • 793 1 stiE the crmi«n There is little., if any. danger from bei el complaints when pn>|>erl\ liaolril Mrs. CurlK Baker of l^ukxaller. Ohio, 1 S. A., tays: During l»-t Mhv an infant hild of our ■jfajhboor was suffering from ho|. r» infantum. The iloilora had given up all hopes of r-.-ovei)
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  • 46 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 16 CENTS. TUESDAY, 21ST MAY. Slraitt Tinted &VI a ymr, or jxul /me Vi Si,-,,, 1, Budget *\H a (par. or pout free S2U. Advertising Wtte» may Ik found in Ike fourth iH/oe. I i BAV'l I ins liar.k rale is •> 0,',.
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  • 15 2 II M 8 loUml brxpxetrd lien from Kuglal 'I during the lirst vvrek in .!uni
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  • 20 2 Ral us to-day rose half a dollar in value The quotation-. Mood: $17 .X a ibntoty, ami sis hilly paid.
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  • 17 2 Thk "ilaiisot yaebt KtmtmtU aiiived from Klang yesterday with Mr. and Mrs Spoonei »nd .\lifs >|iooner on
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  • 27 2 I in; last of ihe four iwifl Meaman al -•ilkii..t boat, that 1- hi ing built by lbs Volunteer Heet is reported to lie now scoring completion
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  • 31 2 We are otlicially informed that Ihe (Juecn of Siaui Imm given .1 further ilonat inn of SiOii lo the "Quern of Siam's Library" fur English-reading patients al the <ieneral Hospital, Singapore
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  • 39 2 lUX Municipal ComolitsKni meets 10-inomw. The chief items on the agenda are Hospital accommodation in vases of epidemic projected suburban roads; metalling roads gas works; application for license for new Jewish burial ground and motion re raising Cnvensgtt Band.
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  • 49 2 Thk Standard (lil Co. bar oid.-red of British builder- live itasl -ailing vessels of about ."i.iKhi ton- dead weight each, which will be employed in the ti»n«porl of petroleum from me Atlantic Coast of the I'nited States lo Ka-tern Asia. The Company has hitherto chartered vesseis ful this seivi.-e.
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  • 55 2 \\i. have received from M.--i> K.IIII. Meyer ami <o a large hanrlarnne mapoi the" world oODtaining the whole ol the routes of the Hamburt-Ameriaa Line in all parts of the world. The map. which is splendidly got up, contains a lot ul i. and h.n a good picture of
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  • 56 2 Thk directors, of the Varies linns (ienerale i.-.-eiitlv applied to the Italian v.v, riimcii't for the temporary services ol a numlier of men-of-war's men, in order to keep their boats running in spite of ibe strike Hie rtijuest was, however, not granted, the Government not wishing to intervene in
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  • 71 2 TliK formation of a new line of steamers to run between Tacoma, I S. A. and Liverpool in the interest of the Northern I'aeilic Railway is announced from New York Kight boats will he chartered for the purpose, and they are to run at intervals of six weeks between the
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  • 87 2 It i- reported that considerable iuli -ii is lieing taken hy shipowners ;.t ami in other parts of Plane* in the Shell Line steamer I'uMc, whii h hat arrived at Marseilles after having completed a round voyage, in the Far Ki-t. with a total mileage of .iL'.iHui miles The
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  • 88 2 Tin crowded attendance at llailll kions la«t night, though there was no change of programme, bore eloquent te-iimoiiy to the popularity of the Circui. The various item* were gone through aswellas evt-r Weatherley, the Clown, wasencored in his musical entree The Sisters Krezagond <, in their tcrpsichorean rentl, called forth
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  • 62 2 I'er PA (I. I'.trrnm It; from London HasMM. 1. Mitcliell.D Kol.ertson, Syke.s, K Wagner, H V. Kowner, Harrison, A. i; Crour-her.lJuarteniiasterSergt. IMS, Quartermaster Sergt liaitlett. Me— is W. Mackay, Saw, and Miss E. Wuggett. Irom Marseilles Mr. Macbean From l'enang-Mr. S. Van der Monde, Dr. R. Dane,
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  • 130 2 Koi.i.ohim. are the results .of the monthly competition which took place at the above Club on Saturday last l)i \V. U. Ellis V> I dipt. Winter 47 +42 Ml 0 A. Rosan.mrt ".I t v> I- I Hoii.C.W.S Km. nerslev M 41 M H-J) Hon. T.K.
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  • 166 2 Int linal i>l I lie tuurnaiuciit lor Sir Alexander Swettenhain's prize was resumed last evening wlieu Miss 80l dcro and Capt. Dewinp, Mrs. Salzmann and Mr llartnell.and Mrs Kobinitonand Mr. Butlerworth, each witli lv* games vi tlu-ir iTcilu. played oil. The two lorin'r pairs met first and
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  • 204 2 THIS DAY'S WINSRKS. (nr niifiHAKi IVsaoan, 1 1 aja Maidk.s I'i.atk it's raining, and a wet course favours the light weight who will probably be favourite, but my idea is to have a ticket on lIF.M SITI' and gel some one to go a half with me
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  • 41 2 THE RACES. Hsmbiciu of the Hportinß Club attend ing the Rsoss on list, CSfd, nod tftta instant era particularly 1. to wear their membership nsagaa, as otherwise they may experience tome difficult; in gaining admission to the Lawn and Grand stand
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  • 312 2 111K urn rnovuKu ..1 imu« Tiik lollowiug is tbe result of the race tor ihe One Thousand liiiineal rim al the Newmarket l-'irst Cprmg M, ,t iagpnard May:I'h. Due Thousand m- ol i"" •SVS. .icb, li. 11. lor three year old lil lies !i-st each the owner ol the
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  • 456 2 Hi. sir.,,l! TiMti is nut rapousible for tUr wj.i v hi of its corraftpoodents. thk raoroexo y m. c. a. TU III). EDITOR OK lIIK MR A I I'M IIM>S. Sin, It appears to inc. that some people have wasted their time in passing uncalled fur remarks on the
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  • 1042 2 There be rats, ami rats. Hamlet. /W0,., Mil, \,,nl. Hot' Well, what do am think'l'h weather has given us a temperature of 71 in the shade as a sort ot lining welcome to the pUaritßl fiotn ihe Sti.mforming the weekly Hegira. The income tax, the coal
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  • 104 2 Cm ik 1) .U.l. .in-, the Kroncli Consul in Singapore, accompanied hy several other French gentlemen, has arrived at Selangor on a visit to Malaya. The Krencli Consul is there for two reasons i.iie tv arrange for the participalion of the State in next year's intercolonial Exhibition at Hanoi, and
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    • 110 2 HIiITISH KI.KKT OBUMUCO KRIIM WKI HAI-WKI Hi KiiKKA LAM* lIKIIISH H)K<K MKI.Ii RKADV 111 KMRWIk. 11,,,,;!.,,,,,. Htl M,, :l The liritish naval ».piadron has SSOB ordered to CI m1!,,, (Korea) from Wei-haiw.-i. whan l!ri- (Jeneral llonvai.l hat undei his and .1 larue mixed lone of
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    • 81 2 ItKIIAIv \ND 4MKEICA AbOIIC 1 1 It IKe I Kl> flic linlish au.l the I nited BtatOl I. oven. 1111 111- .ll .lie opposed th« proposal for a China loan to be guaran tnsd by the Powers Sir Erneit Satow, the British Minister at I'ekinz, says
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    • 26 2 1.,,1r,: 11,.- Bom Inn i- demited an armoured li.iiii hv mean- ol a mm.Major Heath, of ihe South Lanes sains, «aa kilh-.l
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    • 34 2 CARNEGE AND HIS MILLIONS. Mr. Aiuhew Uarnagia baa ghraa two million pounds to provide free education lor HooUisli students al KVUnburgh, Ulaaaow, Bk's ami Aberdeen 1 niirrnilins Bogliell and (.'olonial sllllliia are xcluilcl.
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  • 695 2 \< HEKN In Aoheen I'roper all ii .inlet. i I for the passing through ..I hostile handon the border towards I'edir where the enemy is still troublesome Trade mi! industry an- going ahead in Acheen I'roper, ami the people in now well off ii'uler Dutch rule. The Netlie.l.mds
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 477 2 NOTICE& RITCHIE'S WHISKY SPffJOl M 1 V «el«-t.-.l hlenil thoroughly niaturtnl in Ik. nil. Pric» |IO per caw samples lire. BOKNKU CO.. LTD tu. th s. Bok Importers. JODELITE. ASlKK|iii>to<tion against white ants drv-rol. and decay in timber. Price <1071 per s (rail, drum m BDKSKt) Cv l.ri)., Sole Agent
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    • 453 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KATZ BROTHERS, LIMITED, Have ji st ieceiv«d i uotlier Bhspment of Englisli-I\lH(le Furniture. taaWHB .P**^ tlMßfltßKa^JMatfn^lWWnjhflß j; »3t& LpJ^^fr y .'"'•""■'''!l''|"wllml|MW|^^K HgvJwiiW\tt "v* a"nMßlnlWPlsnsnwMasW*<sV7lsas! KNOLIAH-MADK DBAWING-BOQM SUI TKS. Richly LTpbolateted in Velvet ami Silk Tapestries. VIS > aVLAKei bTOCK OF ABM-CIIAIBB IV PAWS. 'INSPECTION INVITED) KATZ BROTHERS, "Tin;
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    • 440 2 HrflM; RACI HUCTIN'U. Tmtiui, j\>i, IH ibis's*.. Mnt, ••„■< 5.,i,,,;i,,, «nt Ma) in ki 1- of iiiimi-Bionto the On Maad an now i»- bad at Messrs. Jobs I.iiii.e 4 Co., Ltd Daily Ticket %J S-llv-0 Ladies' Tickets Ft— on application 10 ti..- geerotarj i.y the M.-mi.-r- ..f ih.-ciu Tickets of
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    • 601 2 LIMITED. \\'.\NrKi>. Immediately, a Eurasian >> eleilt for Tin 1»1.....l Musi Ik- ■harp ni Rgnrea mid write a K I nand. Apply I-. -I. HOISTKAII Co. .Ui.'i.k. KOU LUNDUN DIKECT Til lil-" Li.- V.SH//-.7. is 1 .In.- h.-re Hi-mi the I 111 .Inn.- anil nill bars „uiek da»| h
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  • 4690 3 Ml,' MoCARI lIVS Kl.roUl S3 na psstewaf.) Im. fatWwlai i- Ibc s.con.l .Hid concluding porUno ol Ml MeCaftlljr*l „,K,rt on Ihe limb (-old in nist portion ol we*-* wm |r»e« m our "*T'hei'c'\io» r remains lt,,kit Ilitam u. me lo riamii s Uukit Ilitam The main
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  • 210 3 A Simiapork resident, writing at the end of April to the Time! of Cbaiaa, says "We bad the It >yalties hero last week, and I lliink most people were tlad when they It-It and frock coats and toppers could lie laid aside
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  • 344 3 (Man) (bur Knrope) r and Ol [Won, sailing about BStfa May, for London Mrs. W Swan, child and infant, Mrs Butt, child arid nurse. llrugid -sailing about .list May, for London. Mr. K Jenkins, 'iunnor Stoakes. /wit— inKe saWm about Mth June, for London -Mr. J llowers. N. I)
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  • 555 3 SIM.U-ORK. I'lliT M\V, IDOI. I'RonrcK. linnbier (f-'i Copra Bali "80 do Pnntiioak 7.0T repner, Blwk. buyers ».l?t do Whil«, 48.00 Sago Flour Sarawak S.lO •lo B un.-i No I 2.70 Pearl J«»o «.«> <-off^e, Bali. 1.1/ b-»i« WO Coffee. Palemban«. IRVU«is... WOO r.ifl.-e Libenan. No. I 17.W Tapioca, small
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  • 103 3 i..t. ViwiL'iNmi Kuo4Rm llinni Umii»4lio« M.-iv 20 SulUn Hril »ir. Chufard M u»r »n.l Mala, -en S) Toll Ann -It. ■rturilM KtaH vi» port* •ill Dun Fo I'ut OJinL l'ouli«D«k i. lli.n Hin(iiiHii liiil >tr. «M4l leluk AnnOß »m |wrl» •M Kl.vo nr. Aln»»oiih Ki-I»iii»n |wr«« "'I K.inm.iiH
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 221 3 I'AIN IX THK CIIKST is nature's warning that I'ueumouia is threatened. Damp a piece of flannel with C'HAMBKUI.AINS I'AIN BALM ami bead over the seat ol' pain, and another on the back between the shoulders, and prompt relief will follow Sold by all dealers in medicines The Dispensary, (ieneral Agents,
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    • 318 3 MALACCA TBA HAS NO EQUAL. To uxe it oner is lo use it always. BU V Hie oaf that cheers but not inebriates TO BK HAD AT Messrs. John Little A Co., Ltd., Messrs Ann Lock A Co.. Hattery-road, and Messrs ong Lee awns, m-hanl-mad. m w. A f ii/fl
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    • 861 3 XOTICES. J. da PKUEIKA. C'OI.I.ICTI.H AND K\'PORTKR OK I>KrHH.«. HAS this day purchased from .1. V. lUvensway the goodwill and business connected with the orchid trade. Apiil JOth, IHOI. l».« BTSIlfa BAND. I'HK gfcnwgi Bund, well known to the public of Calcutta, have just arrived hen with Ihe I
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    • 783 3 SHIPPING. IMI'KI'JAL CKKMAN MAIL LINK. FOR HII.NUKOM,. s||\N(,HAI AND JAPAN 1-OHl> 'pHK Imperial florinaii SJS til Klenmrr I SACHBKX. "Capt .in ■ilpiiie,.of the BnnMnntsohor I.I,", I having 1.-fi Cotoawn on Friday. the 17th inst., H i 111 p.m., mm as saaailiiil re arrive l^n- „n Thun-Ja.V morning, the iSnl inst.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 90 3 KATI1KK RBPOBT ICi.Wi. K"'""i Hotniln •toth t\*)\ a in r m |> in Haaatfa H:ir J9 895i!l.77li».8.'o remi> KO.S MM i W. B'll. Thi- HI- 77Jt 76.H Kir.oiWm- I JI.W M.W Calm -S-o'J Max. Temp. WjS K o~ Min 74.« 5*8 Max. in Sun 144.5 g >.^ Terr. raH 7:1
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    • 238 4 Under tni»h9almnth-lollo^in«.Milir«viH lion, are o»e>l -str. ite»m..r sh "hip oq. barqua; ach schooner; Yet. Yacht. [Jru.— OrulMr <lbl.— (Junboat Tor I'orpwlo ri p. -Horw-power Brit.— Britiih U. a-Unit«d *tsu». FrFrench Her.— (Jermin l)ut.— Dutch Job.— Jobore 4c, (4. c.,— t»en.<r.->l cargo d.p.— deck puaengors: U.-llnc«r tato': T.
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    • 1030 4 Arrivals Sikci Noon o> YHOMM .{•utrnli.ul, Brit.Btr. HUM Inn- C.i|.l Mill. I'.ith Mar. From Frminnlle. SHth Apl. QO. and 101 dp. Bousteail and Co. For Fn--nianllc. r-W Chow Phya, Brit. »tr. S7O tons. Captain Jellicoe.iilst May. From Klann. lWh Ma> G.c, and MM dp. Ban Swee Hon*. For
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    • 342 4 i r ii, fl. firtilinblr .(.i». o'nrrn-il, ami »|<l*H' of nn< MUMM Inrar. Unas, Wl v l«r Ann*. H.imi.iirij. toft >Ur IT; \nnani. Colombo, .luly H; tl Maritime. Idchenardaa, due ataorUjr, P. simon>. Am M:iru, .l:i|i:io. M.iy P. MaoM. Wridi. Honi!ko"i:. I" '•■'»>•• M:IV Mi-nun. Kurop.'. |NHI Can..
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    • 45 4 (.-,,r /Vr tlr. Tu-.Mohkow Bangkok >.«.; i KVlanUin riapOTtl I I "a.m. Blllitun t ftlanaV W. Sam Noon. Hbaoßhai Japan .PnrnnUm* (pm. I. An-.n via parlt Kalaaaa 3 p.m. Klang via |iurU Ball*' S p.m. ffmmaaia rahata >htU, 3 pju. Pcn»ng.v I>.-Ii I""
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    • 105 4 rnov KiKnpk:-By tb.> S HI. Xti.h .hi Tbureday with dates to tin- 30tk Apl bringing rapliai l> Hn mails »ni.h lall Singapore on Ihc lib Ap' il. Fr..hCii:sa:-B> the M M /-./,.,dut 111! .-Ut]iill\ L 'fl Sintinporo I»'io in Lontlon ArriVffi AplMh NUM. MnyJn.l Miiy 4th r
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    • 294 4 PASSENGER LIST. ARRIVALS. r, AmmmUmi Iroiu KumantleMr anil Mr*. Bcolt, Usssre. U. P. LiniW, K B IMw-on, (i. UuiKcku, 1). .1.8Uwl«, .1. Jsmieson, 0. l/m-grovo, .l. Hroa.lfoot.Clny t"n, and C;ipi V'inoaol' lVr s. <■ ban BMwta .^U«»r^. JwiDe, l.upiie. Moirin, Von Brmluk, A Steaerwnld, Koraolsky, llfit/siwrg. Voa Harelom. Mr* II
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    • 185 4 ■i tLU, 5 VutiL'a Nimi. A lon- t:»i-i».« My 18 S. tun Langkal Hill sl< lIW Itloml-rg ID Win <lc Luzon Km su I -'Vio KuMrrlg l!> rrenMtbaa nm -v MM I>»> HI A'ltnmr -li 35(13 JmiUoß le lli-hkii.i lImI str. llrii-i-ii l» OffoDliach Hit sir ■Uk.'l Bolwlil
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 419 4 NOTICES. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INBUKANCE COY. LTD HaiD Orrn-i No I*, Cahtoh Roai., lAI A WATTIE. Manuger MESSRS. TAN KIM TIAN SONS. U-J Tbe Company offerp easier terma and better homines than »ny otl er Company dome business in the Kast. A sp«ci»l point is made of prompt payment
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    • 525 4 NOTICES. I MAGNALL A HILI.KS m, HoKotm, Road. H.WK OK HAND:-- Klutrta K«n« Ceiling and Table, 40, Ml, «l -(I. lot), 1 111. and I-"' VolU Jcnigncd to oporatn from I ncandaaueat CircoiU. Any Volume to or-lpr Direct or Alternating Curivt Fana. For Table L'm, 104 Volls. Inspection invited from
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    • 652 4 NOTICES. NOTICK Of UKMOVAL. IAPT J. C.DAVIKS bus n-iii.Md I- I J Not Illanxah, Keppel Hurl.. I vmcK 'TRAITS City RuMwr Maa N Price mod. rate. ■JT/r.'/Ol Road I NnTICK. II IS Kv.-.-ll I Ihe Officer Admim*lcr I II inn 111.' n.iveinment will be At ionic "hi fllimillll— l
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