The Straits Times, 30 March 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times ESTD. OVER A CENTURY SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1901. NO. 20,402
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 800 1 NOTtfR. JWE BORNEO COMPANY, UWIBD Tee Teats*)— I**** fAKT. UMITBP. A«*»* I P Of»w».TiL»o«irnBTm»«T. I 'A- Wn»»r^K»rT«tHAm«oos. I drum, I»m», Ai'««*u», ADjii, Borrr, BklHt.HI. PITIIOPTB, s«l> LMW. Through Bill* of Lading l«"<l >>r»i**J a*£(£*~*ul andAmmeamPfrU.mlmM MAIL HUE IW I sol I CsvmeW'lApl. 7 Apl »l Pmrrantalln 1» I Coromand-I lt«.
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    • 1549 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. T^- ONI UK LUKE PAKKTVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government Afmtt at Singapore: Bsir AeiscT, lat* J. Daikdils A Co., S-«, Collyu Qoay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Eipeeted Will be Despatched for On Vnn Outh*~m Pen»n Hsbang, Olehleh, West Coa«t and
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    • 590 1 LN3UKANCBB. rpHB LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £5,157,M0 Paid up Capital £ai2.7W Reserve Fund £1,073,680 The undersigned, Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rates of premium. ROUSTEAD A Co., Agents. rTTBE CHINA TKADBBB INSURANCE J. COMPANT, LIMITED. Capital Subsoribsd tTOOu,OOb Amount
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    • 380 1 LNSORANCEB. THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1710) THE undersigned, agents tor the above company, are prep ired to accept Fire Risks at current rate. BEUN MEYER A Co. w. A s. SI/IS MAGDEBURG FlItE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1834) 'IMIK undersigned, agents for the above M. company, are prepared
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    • 692 1 BANKS, HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL »10,000,000. RESERVE FUND.— I o^}-'' 8^ 0000 R x K P v K!^Ry. LiTYOF Oocbt or Diurtobs'— K. Esq.— CSIAIBIfAV. Hon. J. J Ksawicx— DiroTT OmlssuK. Til Hon. R H. Out BL. BicHAansaa, fco A HAVrr, Esq P. Bachss. Eaq. D. M
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    • 558 1 NOTICES. PAWNBROKERS' ORDINANCE, No. IV or 1888. 1 UCTION SALE of unredeemed pledged IX. goods and jewellery from all the pawnbrokers' shops, Singapore. The undersigned have received instructions to sell by public auction all the above pledges at No. i» Raffles Place (next door to the Bank of China and
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    • 783 1 Spninil Spraini l 'Sprtini 1 I r POSSIBLE TO TREAT THE SPRAIN 1 within an hour after it is received, or before inflammation has set in, bandage the p rts and keep the bandage saturated with Chamberlain's Pain Balm but after the parts have become inflamed and swollen, no bandage
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  • 107 2 CLEARANCES Mm vrwi. ium >u...kKi. iirriin '--iimnoi lir 39 Kock Liuht ■M Ni-nhin- Hrouwor i<9 0. 0. Tan Ijnslwrge 30 K. 8. Buro.- <>) ."■'IIM.Iin SO I july Mitchell M tob Aon SU Aiimtm ao v.v V ii SU K»rlKll» ■W |l*l»lan 30 I«tpoor> Brit §tr. WVI.-h Madni vim pom
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  • 21 2 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE. DEATH. Ok the 2Mh last, at Adelai le, South Amtraha, KICHtRO Wiutii.v BkhnaßD of Bray, Co., Wieklow aged 47.
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  • 29 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. SATURDAY,30 th MARCH Ir is reported that the King of Siwn will go to Java ia the latter part of A s til
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  • 17 2 Point Li>(hthoii«i'. 011 Perim Island, is to be iurreased in range from tire to ten miles.
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  • 14 2 Thk St,;,;i,H,,<i.jcl was published this morning. A mail supplement will be is*ued this evening.
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  • 21 2 Thk exportation of arum and ammunition from the Colony to Brunei in forbidden for six months from liie Ist April next.
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  • 27 2 A MKKri.Nu of sli ir^U ill t» of the fi'.iyul Johore Tin Mining Co., was held this morning. A report of the proceedings will appear on Monday.
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  • 23 2 The Dutch gunboat t' arrived from Deli yesterday and anchored in the roads. She is expected to leare for Indragiri on Thursday next.
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  • 26 2 Thk monthly sewing meeting of the Church Work Association will be held at the Rattles Girls School at 4 p 111 on Wednesday, April the 3rd.
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  • 27 2 RiNurkPK-T has broken out at several BMPsa in Mal.ici .1. Th« ex|>ortatioii of cattle from there lias been forbidden for thirty 1 iv- from tin' ;<lst instant
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  • 28 2 Dk J. 1., is!;, Colonial llesideiit Surgeon, Waajaaofa, is ex|ie>ted to rettirn from leave in the a. s. /'r<u«»n, due on or about the Mfc „f next mouth.
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  • 35 2 Tiik IW Office notifies that, on and af.ur tin: M April, the limit of the amount which can be remitted in a single iiioiipy 01 der in the Colony will be $100 iiietttad of foO.
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  • 35 2 Thb mmml monthly BtssaiasMf) mee'ing will be lirtld at the I'rinsep Street Church on the Ist April. The mm. Mr. Rulle<lge will preside and .<i 1 r will be given by him and Mr. Roberts.
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  • 34 2 Mk I. AnoVreon, Private Secretary to the MinisL-r of Justice at Bangkok, arrived from Hun.pi- by the German Mail and is now stopping at Raffles Hotel He is on Ml way back to Bai'Kkok.
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  • 40 2 On an.l after <h« Ist April t.ext, all payuiriiifi of land rents and of assessment on I -in. N .ml mi-.'s in country disrricts in Hingaplrc -VII be made ai the I.:iT»l Office instead of, as hitherto, at the Treasury.
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  • 30 2 Tin: following Officers of the Singapore Volunteer Artillery have 1.-.n transferred to the reserve of officers, Singapore Volunteer Corps: Honorary Captain V W Barker, Lieutenant the Hon'ble E M. Merewether.
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  • 34 2 Prince and Princess Gagariue were through passengers per the German lfafl steamer ffiSM— Irtne for China. They stopped at Rallies Hotel, and yesterday morning paid a visit to Baron dc Kuster, the Russian Consul.
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  • 32 2 Tim (ioitrnmtnt Giselle of yesterday containsdetailed regulations forcarrying out the convention concluded between France aud Gnat Britain concerning the exchange of parcels be; ween France and Ceylon, the Straits Settlements and Hongkong.
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  • 50 2 Mr. C. A. Kdgar, ohing to the departure for a trip round the world of Mr. T Paul, partner oi Messrs. Stephens Paul and Co has just arrived at Rallies per Hiiii I'oh <i'ian from their Macassar branch office, and will remain in Singapore during the absence of Mr. Paul.
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  • 38 2 Dk W. 11. Fry, Colonial Surgeon, Province Wellesley North, is now Acting Colonial Surgeon Resident, Penang, and Dr. W. S. SlmpparJ, Colonial Surgeon Bu[>ernumerary, Singapore, acts as Colonial Surgeon, Province Wellesley North, with ell'ect from the 18th instant.
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  • 54 2 Waterloo Street from Brass liassa Road to Stamford Road— on the old jail site will be closed from now until after the departure of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York. This, we take it, is in connection with the erection of the stands for the children who will
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  • 63 2 Tim M M homeward mail steuiner Annum left Saigon at one p.m. yesterday and is due here to-morrow at II am. The mail closes at 6 p.m. to-day. She will probably bo despatched early on Monday morning. The M M. larr.i with the mail from Europe of the Bth March,
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  • 51 2 Thk annual general nieelinf of the directors and shareholders of the Temelong Hydraulic Mining Co. was held at noon to-day when the Directors' Report and Accounts for the past year were adopted unanimously. Mr. S R. Robinson, the Managing Director, was re-elected unanimously. A full report will be published on
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  • 62 2 Thr Revd. W. H. C Dunkerley, Acting Colonial Chaplaiu, Singapore, and Messrs. J. Kerr and W. Urigor Taylor have been appointed to be me in bors of the Committee of Management of the Rallies Library and Museum, to fill the vacancies caused by the departure of the Hou'ble W. J.
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  • 76 2 WKannounce, to-day, with great regret, the death of an otlicer of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Co., well known in Penang and here in' the Jffl and early 80s. Mr. R. W. Bernard. A native of County Wicklow, he joined the Company in Madras in '73, was successively superintendent of the
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  • 138 2 A Berlin telegram, announcing that the Supplementary Budget, for 1901 had been laid before the Bundesrath, explains that it contained a second demand for a vote of credit for the China Expedition to the amount of £6,340,100. Of this snm £5,010,000 are for the army, X875.000 for
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  • 235 2 waaaj mobbku he fired a pistol into THE 'Hum. A LKCiiKK by an ex-priest, Victcr Kutuven, on the confessional in the Koman Catholic Church, commenced at ribanklin To.o Uall on the evening of the M instant, developed into a riot. Soon after the lecture started, opposition of a
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  • 242 2 Tun following telegram anei.t the new American Steel trusts appeared in t no /''tiiy I'elcjraph of the I.ii instant. Xew York, March :\rd. The cabled comments on the new Ckaat Steel Company indicalx that foreign observers have no clear perception of Hie real impelling motivu of the
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  • 358 2 A 1 KKH FIGHT. A MUMIW and disgraceful scene occurred in the House of Commons at midnight on the slh, during the debate on the Kducalion Bill. Sixteen members of the Irish Nationalist Party refused to vote on a motion for the application of the closure, and
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    • 164 2 TO THK EDITOR lIP THE STKAITS TIMES." Bi«,— l noticed in your valuable paper the programme of routes along which it is intended to drive Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York and Cornwall round, during their stay in Singapore What surprised me and other
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  • 148 2 KUITISH ..ONSILATE ATTACKKII. A Berlin telegram to the Morning I'nut statnx that a Herman correKpondent at N'ewchwang telegraphs, under the date of February ISth that all the large mercantile houses are closed owing to the state of disorder' which is general throughout Manchuria. Predatory bands of Chinese
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  • 244 2 LIST OK VKITOKS AND KK9IOI.NTS. thrttm and Mrs Reese; Mr. and Mr,. Paul; CapUin and Mrs Ewart; Mr. mul Mrs H.H.H.Barkies;Mr.andMrH.Kowns Mr and Mrs. K. C. Lane; Mr. and Mm. Hu-wiilin^li; Mr, and Mrs. H I. I'tiutendel; Mr. mi 1 Mrs. J. Maehale: Mr. and Mi- A. Markiec.
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  • 538 2 mk. MB Him INar.4Ll.tu. Mi< M •■KniU-y. the President of the Cnilcd States, was on Mm nil Itli, installed fur his sivond term of office. K.iiii fell at intervals during the day, and marred somewhat the pleasure of the proceedings, but otherwise the enthusiasm of the
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    • 65 2 TO MAINTAIN THE [NTMUTT OK CHINA, INCLIDiNU MANCIII I I A Undo*, llarrh MkV Lord Lansdowne stated in the House of Lords that by the second claus« of the AngloCiorman Agreement, Britain and Germany undertook to maintain the integrity of China Lord lansdowne added that the British
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    • 19 2 JMtr. The following is the r.-uli of the Grand itional (irudon 1 Drumcrf, Buffalo Bill X
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    • 60 2 IMI'KIUAI. LIGHT HOKSK IN TU THICK OK IT. There was a sharp action at Hartelieest-fontein with Commandant Delaroy, prior to the lattor'j defeat. The Imperial Light Horse suffered severely in tbia action, losing two officers aud five men killed. Three officers and thirteen men were wounded. The Boers
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    • 284 2 I UI.NKSE HUB ATTACKS THI roI.HK A nisTi KiiASi k of a rather serious cli.tracter took place yesterday, in which tiie Police were compelled to use their weapons in sell-defence. It appears that several coolies were engaged in lixiug a beam in a building at Kailang
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  • 205 2 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. "c" SINGLES. l'tinney h. beat Mast.-rl.rn -I-'., ti J, M, PROFESSION PAIRS Army I.— Capts. White and Dewing beat Mcr. IV.-Orsham and Mosley— «-0, 7-«. .Ir»i./IM. llnilrr«..rili and rlarksuire beat .Irmy. !1.-Ca,.u. Mulliken an.l Uainaford, w. o. Munphi.— S. Raid and Hoo|>er beat
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 503 2 NOTICE& RITCIIIK'S WHISKY SPECIALLY s»l»vt«<l blend thoroughly matured in tx>nU. "Pricr $10 \<"r iv samples fire. BORNEO CO. LTD lv. tb. s. Hole Import, r*. SIDEROSTHEN PAINT. an absolutely anti-corrosive paint for IRONAND BTKEL Guaranteed to be the best It I SI I'KKVKNTIVK «t«it. lo»alual.l« for Ships, Macbinary, Bridges »w..
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    • 766 2 NOTICES W II I T BAWA Y. LA I DLAW ft CO. OATMEAL SOAP. AGOOIJ TO.LRT SOAP. HKifILY REFINED. PRICE $1 per dozen tablets. IMPOST Ik! aa* w-llknown Bonleaus tirm wifhis to nrrange with good Agents in Slrnits SettU-ments for repre«,nu> 1. AJdr««« f. U., Agcnco Havas Bonl-am. Frnn.-e W3
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    • 391 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED Canranser, European, to introdue* quick-selling I. Kjk, success everywhere, room No. It iUfßes Hotel. S/4 VIfANTED a shorthand writer and TT typist, an hoar a day, S times a week. Apply U> Mr. WITtON, Raffles Hol"l J/4 THE CHALET, ORUHAKU KOMi Ktt-9. HOT HM BDUB Fur sale,
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    • 68 2 M. 8. ts. brMadK. for th. fitfnu i«~. wad I Tittaa 00 OM nit d tb« ptar only Br Urn »f iKt of that condition. nanrM. 8. 8. v. r.iwMd U»t micbt otharwin ba pubUalwd. All tdnrtUiiic oootnota in rabJMt to tb. oondition tkst tka I!uk« b*7 lan th» «<ir»rtti«»i»nt
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    • 71 2 VESSELS ADVERTISED TO SAIL. Manila, Lalpoora, on 30th March, Bous tea.f A To. Hongkong, Ckrlydra, due Ut April, Bouslead A Co. Penang and Calcutta, .Sm'mui.;, .In.- Jtli April. Doustead A Co London via ports, Sinai, on tith April, Mesogeries Maritun- Melbourne and Sydney, Cfifiu, due glut April, McAlister A Co.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 164 2 AUKANUEMK.NI> Mirmiiv, ami Mtb Hiifta Witter. US p.m. s. K OL Cricket. Kepoy Lioen. i.>l( im-nV Maathly Heap. M. M. homt-ward mail clown. p.m. I. O. 0. T. Temperance Club. 7.3 ii. Confucian lecture. 41 Hill M. m siuv, ■il.~i MiltrH. High Water. 7.40 a.aj. U..1 p.m. falm HuDday. Malay
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  • 1943 3 ■MMUM is no "«Hjr of palms and l»laces,' th, nigh a nice eiioufh sort of place in it* own way At the samtime it IMBM absurd 10 hide what little light we have, under a bushel, on the o<-«asinn .r tho coining visit of royalty, anl mv
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  • 457 3 ttmm, sailing about f>th April, for London, Mr 0. 1. M. !>« Montcreau, Mr Booth, Mr. Hoefeld, Mr.G Gilmour, Mr A. Robertson, Hir Linnel Cox. the Misses Cox and Master Col, Mrs Llewellyn, Mis« B.itler. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, infant and amah, Rev. and Mrs. Walker and
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  • 1165 3 1 HE I'IACR PROPOSALS. Aecimmso to one account, a council of the Boer leader* has been held at Pietershurg, on Ihe railway line in the fur northern Transvaal. In the neighbourhood of this town Mr. Schalk Burger M r KrUger'e successor as acting President) has been bußy
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  • 299 3 In reply to the speech of Lord Wolseley, in the House of Lords, in which the ex-Commander-in-Cbief advocated the abandonment of the present system, the establishment of professional control of the Army, and a rehabilitation of the office of Commander-in-Chief, I ..M.I Lansdowne, Secretary of State for
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  • 750 3 In a recent number of the Academy there was published a sarcastic skit on in KnjMiuomau't Ure- Utteri, which enataa so much discussion It is in tin- I. .nil of a series of "Subsidiary l.cticis" between the author, who competed the missives, and his publisher, and runs
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  • 927 3 ACIIKKN. In Acheeu Proper all i quiet. In nainalai'gan llm enemy hardly any finht after ihe action at Batu Ilik, where over seventy of them fell. The blow s> ruck there bus so demoralised the enemy that the Dutch troops in the field meet now with slight resistance
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  • 139 3 S. C. C. V. MILITARY. A i Hit.vuLV game was pluyed last night on the Recreation Club ground, between the above teams, before a fair crowd of spectators. The ground was very hard and falls were of frequent occurrence, consequently the game was robbed of some of its
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  • 170 3 PfHDAY) ST. ARDuWb CiTHIBRtI.. 7 a. ro., Matins 7.SU a m. Holy Communion (Choral), and Sermon. X.SO p. m Krenaoug. and Sermon. St. Mattu iw's CHrtRoH, AsroY Lines. 8.16 p. m., Evensong and Hermon. ROMAN CATHOLIC OiTHXURALOF THE (.tool) SIIKI'IIEKI', V:, TORI A STKtET »V1) BBASS BaSSA
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  • 581 3 SIM.U-OKE, :'.Mi, I Mlß' H, 1901. PWHKTCB. Gimbier H.I-.'J Copra Bali 7.W do Pontirnnk 7.00 TcpfH-r, Blaik 75 do Whit*. IS 10 Hugo Flour Sarawak -iDTJ do Brunei No I 270 Pearl Snco 3.W) Coff-e, Bali. 15'; basin... 220 Coßee, Palemhang. IB"; tMui« 'Je.OO Coff-e Liberixn, No. i 17.M
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 82 3 CROUP. A few minutes' delay in treating some cases of croup, eveu the length of time it takes to go f>r a doctor, often proves dangerous Th« safest way is to keep some good relifble Croup medicine constantly iv the house There is none better than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy It
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    • 45 3 A sore throat may be quickly cured by applying a flannel bandage damped with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A lame back, a pain in the side or chest, should be treated in a similar manner. Sold by all dealers iv Medicines. The Dispensary, General Agents, Singapore.
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    • 766 3 NOTICES. NOTICK. STRAI IS City Rubber Stamp. Price mod-rate. ET/tWDI 2. Robinson Road XOTU EOF REMOVAL. FISHER AND FOSTER, Civil EXUWEEBS ASH COirTBAITUKS, nffice removed to No. 14, Raffle* yuay, store and (juarry, Mount Wallich. Singapore, 26th March, 1901.. 30/3 NOTICE. >TOTU;E is hereby given that on and I aflerthe
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    • 815 3 FOR SALE EMPLOYMENT 8 TO LKT; AND PERSONALS; [Ist time, I* cents a line; 2nd and Bet times, 10 cants a Him 4th to «th times, r. c.-nu a line; 7th to 18th times. .1 imU a line; afterwards, i cents a line, Vat no charge Ins than one dollar.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 89 3 WKATHER REPORT *:.«.<■, r.-^« Hn n. -jaih Mnr.h jM 3pm »pm ut < ■Ma. 29»4»i».8.'3: 1 ».893 '■■n-.. HSR -70 80.0 •V. B'lti fi." 780 711.0 7«.P *.>: E «.E. N.E. Calm %n Max. Tamp. 88 2 iS \fin 73.9 S~S Max. In BanUS IS >.■& Torr.rad 7IJS
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    • 1436 4 Voder tbis b*avdia«thefollo«in«abbre«i>itioot are asod etr— steamer sh— ililp bq.— barqn. sen —schooner; Tct.— Yacht. Crn.— Craiser j Gbi.— Oaaboat Tor Torpedo; Hp. -Horse-pomr Bm British U. S.-Unito4 Statw; PrPranch O*r. Herman 1 Dut.— Dutch; Job.— Jobare 4c, Q. c..— Uenrrnlcarjre d.o. deck passengers U. Uncnr tain:
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    • 467 4 .Vnnw, pert, probable da'r am'nl. and nantf of ogtntt. htikiu Agamemnon, China, Apl 'M; Maastield. Allwnga, China, Apl Behn Meyer. Arnold Luyken, W. York, shortly, a1.8.K. Atholl, left Feb 16; Atlai, Barry, left Jan 16 Rallaaral. Colombo. Apl 2. P. AO. Bengal, Colombo, May 5; T. O.
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    • 70 4 WAILS CLOSE To-Day. P. Diction 4 Klang Snppho t p.m. lnur»b»T« Po\ Ann 8 p.m *Uar Far Julia t f.m ■Uniim Lalpoora S pj» >li Mi 9 p.m. I'nbara 4 S'mumn^ >'awa»; 3 p.». 3aelonK*o, etc., .VwnAuyt 4 p.m (u&ntkn via ports /-.'u^finV 4p m l&niaranK via port* (Hang Btng
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    • 119 4 Faou Eußori:-By the M. M. s. s. Salatie, doe on 3rd April with dates t« the Hth Mar. She brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 12th Feb. Frost Crika:— By the M. M. s.s. Annam, doe on Sunday. eft Singapore Dim in London
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    • 149 4 AIMVaU. Per s. s. Benmohr from Manila— Mrs. Donaldson, and Mr. Hermann. Per s. >. Bormida from Bombay— Mr. Micbele Zacbariadl, Mrs. Ennicbetta Zachariadi, and Mrs. Zachariadi. BOOKED. (*-or «i»»oswr».) l'er M. M. s. a. Yam from Marseille* March 10, due April I— Mr. Schwaiwaller. Mr. and Mrs.
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    • 140 4 tIM. L Mar Katie Kui Mr. IS-J-J Riuuw •J» Oram UN b. 340 ,Bobeli J9 iFle»o Brit ttr. 1M Tutor '."B Bonmohr »v. IBM (Wallace .10 Bormida lul itr. 14W CotU 30 I Ruby Brit'.tr. 148 Smith "0 Eton ttr. 17W Eran« 30 ,Paknam Oh .tr. 1«4 D*me» 80
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 828 4 7 t NOTICES. Unts for LEI t PERIIIS' |V f I/f WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. v t[ Special Warrant JjSaKEJKi f" Purajcrs to Eiprtss ol India. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. .Slicnburgs Foods, j A PROORESSIVE DIETARY, unique In provldln( nourishment suited to th« trowlnt tflfcstlve power* ol younj I Infants from birth upwards,
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    • 1055 4 NOTI€ES. SI'ORTINO CLCB fgs Spring IsM Kafisl sHM he hM on .MiM/21t(, S\ri, ami -IVh. Programme. KIKST DAY. Tamil* 2),t U>y. KiiiST Rack. ItIK MAIDKX ri.ATK. V «i(»i_ A Race for Maiitot Itor--,-- WeMU v pa* scale (10n.). An al!ou"in,e<>( I4!h. to ftx-Griffln« imporrf,d in'o the Mi-nits Settlements nr Native
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    • 655 4 NOTICES. SKIN TORTURES And Every Distressing Irritation of the Skin and Scalp Instantly Relieved by a Bath with CUTtCURA SOAP Ana a sianU asaiatlmt with CmcpaA, tha «T»al ■Unemiiii TmtMetnttltm*. TbljljUasoMt,awM>asl, moat siaadj, pormaiwnt, and acociomlnl tilslsisaSSSt umsiiaf, ftsanrlat. Hemisc, ksnssc, MasaUsw. soslj, nrastad, as* piasl; dla and saalf >»aas«is
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    • 114 4 E. Wallace, Chronometer, Watoh. aad Clock Maker aad Jeweller. JFtMI.S IT ItllIJtTI rilCll 5, BATTERY ROAD. v.c. ACETYLENE GAS! The Light or the Future Brilliant. Eeooomie, Safe, Hnving been appointed Sole Agent, for the Patent "AUTO" Generators, manufactured by The Wright and Bailer Lvsm Wanurarliinnit t'ompauiT, Lt*C of Birmingham,
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