The Straits Times, 25 March 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times 11ST1). OVF.I! i A CENTURY. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MARCH 85, 1901. NO. 30,-KiT
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 772 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. XX LLO YD nAMKUROAMERIKA LINIE. HAMBI Kti IMPERIAL GERMAN M.vll The fa*t and -HI known Mail-.t-amee. of these lines >•»»» Singapore on or •bout the undermentioned d»tet Outward WOI. Homeward 1901. PriKMrulrrnr Ma. I Slullgnrl Apl. M /Yia.HrtnVA \pl II Kimi'g Albr-I Ap1 .22 Prruurn Apl. 2fi Prirurulmr
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    • 1086 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. jrrOMNKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAITIJ I'nder contract with tbe Netherlands India Government. Am m, at Singapore: Ship Acimcy, uts J. DiiHDBLS 4 Co., S-S, CoiXTaW Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. sunnier From Expected Will be r>aap»tched (or On aettuueker Penang, Ai jeh, West Coast ports, H Mar. 'an
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    • 600 1 INBUKANCES. rpHE LONDON AND LANCASH.'RJR 1 FIRK INSURANCE COMPANY Capital £9,157,n00 Paid up Capital £212.7«fl Reserve Fnnd £1,075,580 Tbe undersigned, Agents for tbe Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rates of premium. BOUSTEAD A Co., Agent*. rTTHE CHINA TRADERS INSURANCE 1 COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital SubKribsd tl.nio.oo. amount
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    • 254 1 INSUIUNCE& Two Great Necessities. VIZ. 1. FAMILY PROVISION i. PROVISION FOR OLD AGE. Easily and Economically met by a Policy in THK BRITISH EMPIRE MITIAI. I.IKK OFFICE, Kktabushid 1847. Chairtnan The Right Hon'ble Sir John Oorat, M. P. Us 430,00,000 Claims Paid— Rs. 450,n0,000 I.VK'.K MIINE.S ÜBERAL ru,HITIi.,s urn
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    • 655 1 NOTICES Ideal Milk Enriched 20 per cent. fr*-!«iffti?s*l with Cream. f&JStra Stcrilized-Not Sweetened. Bja»^Trrca-»J A Perfect Substitute for Fresh BANKS. HONGKONG AXD sBAXOEAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL »10,0U0,000. RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve..slO,OTl),noni a 130M00I) Silver Reserve... I H/WOOOO/ IJ ul M KF-SERVE LIABILITY OF 1 lon «nnn PROPRIETORS "»"\<> I
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    • 541 1 EVERYMAN' f Sir* .•7'v:«TiS^-* i !S em 17 2/0-.' HOTEL DKR NKDKRLANDEN BATAVIA (JAVA) 1/1 K>l Class Hntel. Known for its excellent food. Very frequently visited hy British people. Knghsh speaking servants. Every accommO'lation. Mossenger on board of all the steamers. A. F. MEIITEX. Proprietor, m. t th. v.c. •t...-.
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    • 764 1 Cat* BrniiM, ?oaUs and Boras, Or like Injuries, Are Promptly relieved by C.tAMBERLAIrI-S PAIN BALM A Imw appliamtion. will -sj.-t a •.mplets ears. For sale by all dealer, in medicines v.-ry where. Price *0 da. and »1.00. ileneral AgenU, The Dispenasry, Hnnaaore, K"R BALK EMPbOYMKNTS ti H ET AND_I?ERBON ALS
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  • 21 2 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE. DEATH. At tbe Ueneral Hospital hi«i night, Captain J. Dilmaui. Funeral cortege leaves tbe hospital at 4.30 p.m. 10-day.
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  • 1012 2 Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 25th MARCH. Now that ili.' detail* of the amalgamation of the great American steel in.iiiufrfLl.irim; corporations linve been piilili«hed, the entire uuinnioreial world must feel disposed- -metaphorically -imaking of course— to gu»p at the immensity of the project. The announcement that the manager of
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  • 819 2 It it difficult to comprehend the exact gist of the alleged assertion of the Times' St. Petersburg correspondent, who (according to Reuter) avert that when Lord Lantdowne asked Russia for a copy of the actual draft of the Convention drawn up between General Tseng and Admiral Alexieff, Count LarasdorfT angrily
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  • 80 2 Thk following story from the Cilolx, apropos of the Duke of Cornwall's tour to the. Colonies, is as naive as it il apropos. As may be seen at a glance, it it a purely educational anecdote Master (of the strictest): What is the meaning of Antipodes' Clans blankly silent. Master
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  • 117 2 Thoi ..h the Native States Hallways' oflicials may not be so well versed in the ways of red tape as arc, perhaps, the really senior big wigs of the War Office at home, nevertheless a story just narrated by a correspondent in the Malay Mail ought to turn some of
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  • 134 2 Accordixo to the home papers, a syndicate of British capitalist! ii perfecting a deal to buy up every silk factory in the I'nited States. It it explained that negotiationt have been pending for a year, and that preliminaries are now complete. It is further alleged that the mills which will
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  • 147 2 It scarcely seems credible, but it v nevertheless a fact, that a doubtlessly well-intentioned man was permitted to offer up a prayer in a local Christian Church yesterday afternoon, in which he implored the malign interference of Providence with the voyageof the steamship Ophir now carrying the Duke and Duchess
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  • 6 2 Tu-dav'i 4,'iiiB bank rate is a/Aj.
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  • 11 2 I.oki. Burghclere hat joined the board of the I*, and O.
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  • 11 2 Tin homeward mail by tue llayern clones at 5 pm. to-day.
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  • 9 2 .Mkssks Boustead and Co. advertise ImcHc Old Smuggler whisky.
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  • 16 2 K\. ham.k Compensation will, this month be fixed at the rate of two shillings per dollar.
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  • 15 2 Tumi it a practice for tbe choir of the Philharmonic Society to-morrow afternoon, at 5.'(0.
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  • 18 2 Licit. Minks, the newly appointed Adjutant to the Maliy St.itcs Guides, was expected at Taping on Saturday but.
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  • 21 2 Mk. .1 Westerhout reports In the pulice that a boy left his service a lew days ago. Shortly afterwards he missed
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  • 26 2 Thkkk will be a service in KnglUh, conducted by Rev. J. A B. Cook, at the .1 ilmr- Church, on Sunday, :ilst inst., at 8.15 a.m.
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  • 26 2 Mk Arthur Barker now serve* on the local boar.l of the Commercial Union Assurance in place of Mr. A. \V. Stiven, who has left for Europe.
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  • 25 2 A Chinaman' was knocked down by a carriage in .Stamford Road on Saturday tie wts taken to the Hospital and detained with a fractured skull.
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  • 22 2 Tim S. V. A parade for battery movement! this afternoon. Blank ammunition will be used. Uniform: kli.iki. field service caps, and putties.
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  • 25 2 At a meeting of the council of the Royal Colonial Institute, Mr. William Adamson, CM C. and Mr. John Kinlaymiii wcreclected Fellows of the Institute.
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  • 25 2 Thk Kuala Lumpur Volunteer books —DOW closed— contain IM names. A meeting uf all those who have signed has been called there for Saturday next.
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  • 30 2 Tin. Officer Commanding the Troops will make his .mini il inspection of the 1«! 1 1 M i.lras Infantry on Wednesday, Friday, und Saturday next, gfth, 29th, and 30t.1i inst.
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  • 31 2 Tin (icrman Hinperor has informed the Heligoland Cup Committee that nwinu to the death of Queen Victoria the 11. h^. , t yacht cup race will not be sailed this year.
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  • 31 2 Tut: rVMaI hme with the German mail tr.un Kurope and dates from London to the Hli March, left Colombo at In am o.i Saturday, and is due here on Thursday morning.
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  • 29 2 Tin output of tin in Federated Malaya in January last was 88,257 piculs, against 60,8U,~> uiculs in the corresponding month of 1900. The duty collected vm *).i»,!>7i« against 5d57,600.
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  • 34 2 His Royal Hiuhness the Duke of Cornwall and York will present medals to the members of the Ceylon South African Contingent, on the occasion of the visit of the R >yal (luests to Ceylon.
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  • 33 2 In our advertising columns will be found the prospectus of the Hruscli Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Limited, the applications for which close on April 2nd. The directors are Messrs. Sugden, Ogilvie, and Adams.
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  • 29 2 Information having been received that bubonic plague exists at Hongkong, it it omcially declared in a (ioiernment Gazelle Extraordinary, publithed on Saturday, that the port of Hongkong it infected.
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  • 39 2 Sir H. M'Callum, the retiring (iovernur nt Newfoundland, was to have left St. John't for Halifax, on March »th. After a short xtay in England, he goes to South Africa, and takes over the duties of Governor of Natal.
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  • 30 2 A niffiPATCH, read in the Reichstag, states that Count von Waldersee now commands 17,730 Germans, 14,060 French, 12,830 British, 9,000 Russians, 8,000 Japanese, :'.Wi Italians, I.HOO Americans, and -'W Austrian*
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  • 48 2 There was a very large audience to witness the performance of "At Zero" on Saturday night. The piece went with gieat vigour, and Mm. H. T. Wynter was the recipient uf no ftwer than five beautiful bouqudts. The final performance is on Thursday night next, at ruduced prices.
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  • 39 2 Wk understand that the Sultan of Joliore, i|Jiiltt out shoating at Tebrau, in Jobore territory, on Friday last, shot a large tiger. One of the beaUrs was badly wounded in several places by the tiger, aud died oa Saturday
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    • 46 2 ANOTHER AMERICAN MMBMIMR, INDEMNITY OF M 0 MILLION DOLLARS, AND EQUAL DISTRIBUTION. Ixmdon, 24/ A March The American Oovernment suggests fixing the Chinese indemnity at a lump sum of 200 million dollars (gold), to he divided for distribution among tht Powers into eight eipial parti.
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    • 13 2 A new Herman loan of fifteen millions sterling is announcod
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    • 83 2 MUNCHURIAN CONVENTION CHINA SAID TO HAVK KKJKCTKI) IT. 00OR LANBDORFF.I ANCiEK. Ulrr It it announced in New York that China hat rejected the Manchurian Convention. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the London /W« nays that, when I,ord Lansdowne asked Russia for a copy of the actual draft of the Convention,
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    • 48 2 MIMSTKRH IHI VI TUItIBIM IK HERS. THKCZAK SUMMON* A SPECIAL COINfll. MKKTINO Undon, -Jhtl, Martli. Nearly all tlir Ministers in Russia have received threatening letters. A special Council bas met, under the presidency ol the Czar, to consider the critical social position in Russia.
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  • 688 2 6,000 CHILDREN WILL UUEKT TRIM It has been decided to erect stands for th* Singapore schoolchildren on the side of the road across the Old Jail site between Stamford Road and Bran Bassa Road where it acrosses Water lup Street, and
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  • 52 2 With reference to the draft pro gramme published in our issue of Friday last, we are requested to state that it it* quite uncertain whether or not Their Royal Highnesses will follow it. If they desire to visit the placet mentioned, the routes given in the draft programme will probably
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 504 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LI). GLASGOW. Hanufacturan ol Dynamite. Qeliguite, Gelatine Dyiuiiiilb, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, Safety Fuses. Electric Blasting Apparatus. The almr Erplonvet, hrnxg all niniu(mUvreit ki Orial Britain, an nuuie to fat the high tlawlard of lafety and ■wiry leett impoeed hy Ike BnlUk Government, and an, tkertfvre, guaranteed
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    • 516 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMBNTA A NOVELTY IN PIANOH. IHf KRELL PIANO. VN *MKRTCAI4 PIANO. K|wvialW "lail.- tm il»' Straite Sottlemonta. PRICE «?310, GOLD, At rate of the dny. THK ROBIN^OJS PIANO CO., LTD., ■M, RAFFLKB PLACE. HUMM X.' i»i. BbILLKVL'hi HOIICL. A I'iMVATK HOTEL HIGH CLASS BUMtLHNG-HUIM. Beautiful situation on top of
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    • 754 2 "AT ZERO' 1 Farewell Final Performance of tbit increasingly popular piece. AT mPULAR PRICKS 0t Tliurtday, March 28M, at 0 p.m. Owing to the alterations to the Town Hall tins will be potitively tbe latt performance. R.-srr> rd Krate Vt. It. i. k s,;,i, Plan at Kelly Walth, Ltd.
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    • 1027 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. BAY gelding, four seated Victoria, in excellent order and set of harness, m. w. f. 39/8 A. E. MULUOLLAND. Gaelic "Old Smuggler' Whisky. WE desire to drr.w alien' ion to the tuperior nuVity of the O.VELIC" OLD MALT WHISKY -M to 10 year* old, which it
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    • 88 2 M. 8. iiMKta. lor tto Str»«u la. m j 1., »ritu» oa am side ol Urn papsr onlj Bt Uh a*«teot of tkat ooodltion m*n, TTi. g. i. r.^ot»d AU itdnctiaiat oootneta an mM«ot to tfc* nonditwo thai th« M«n««er n»» laari it, ajrwllnimul out of th> paper in oam
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  • 40 3 Tnr Sultan "f Morocco !n!> commissioned n tilasgow pipe-m.ikerto furni»h him wiih s Ml at b»cpipen for his own use. The most ornate and costly ever made in Scotland, they are mounted with is „»rat gold, and will tost M
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  • 53 3 Caitain W M. Campbull, Military Swret.irv tn l^ird Ainpthill, Governor ..t M idr.i*. met with a nasty accident the other day, on hit way up to Ootacaiimnd He was opening a bottle of soda-water 111 the railway carriage when trie bottle Imrst. ami he wns cut in the hand and
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  • 52 3 Ihk DtoMt I'uloniale says that M DmuMT, Governor-General of Ind.iChins, will remain in France for live or six room us. M Doumer will then return to lndo-China in order to cont unit- 1 he work of administrative and financial unification and to superintend the carrying out of a vast public
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  • 50 3 Thkek KusHnn torpedo boats arrived at Colombo on the 12th instant from Europe, hound for China They are the Ail ol .Wi tons, the Dtlptiene, and another These three destroyers were atigumented shortl) afterwards by two arrivals, also bound for China They are the 0M and the ImU from Cronstadt
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  • 52 3 SiMiApoßi Volunteer Officers will he interested to learn that it has been decided that, after the present Volunteer year, which ends on October :<|it, no officer shall be eligible for appointment or promotion to field rank in the Volunteer Force who is not in possession of a certificate of prorieicnev
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  • 48 3 I.okp Wi.lseley.Kpcakuig in the House ol Lords, suggested that the object of the personal attacka made upon him, during the debate on the War Offlc% was to throw upon him the mistakes of the Government Lml Rosebery characterised the discussion as the most painful he had ever heard
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  • 55 3 The remains of Mr. Lee Tian Li's wife were removed to Alexandra Road yesterday fur interment amidst a laige concourse of all nationalities. Tanjung Pagar employes were in full force. The procession was a very long one. At the place of interment, ample provision had been made beforehand for the
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  • 55 3 As interview with an official at the Colonial Office, the other day, elicited the information that though, up to that il.itc, no appointment had been made in consequence of S r Ed. Walker's retirement from the Colonial Secretaryship of Ceylon, some sixteen names had lieen under consideration, and Sir A
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  • 67 3 I he BUM shows the population of Calcutta and ita suburbs to be 972,000, and it is expected that, including outlying portions, the total inhabitants of lht> city now exceed a million The Bengal census total is 7"*,437,-0. >, being an increase of I 7 per cent, in British, and
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  • 61 3 The White Star liner IMsafc was recently struck by a tidal wave in MidAtlantic. The vessel sank in the trough of the swell, and before she could over the star-hoard bow. The wave broke high up, throwing down the men in the crow's nest, leaving them bruised and badly shaken.
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  • 89 3 At the dale of last mail advices from Colombo, a match was being arranged between Dr Kuwlie, Dr. Kerr, LieutColonel Chippindall, and Mr. A W. Btiven, of the Singapore Golf Club, who are now on the way home, against a team nf members ol the Colombo Golf Club Ihe Colombo
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  • 80 3 SrrrLKMKNTAKY Civil Service Estimate* to the amount of £1,018,7:11 have l>»en if»ued in a Parliamentary paper. The principal items are £2W),ni)o for I'ganda, the Central and East African Protectorate, and the colonial Uganda Railaay, AIIUUO for colonial services, for the Poet office, jClli>,<kiO for stationery and priming, and X20.0U0
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  • 106 3 II M S arrived here from Hangkok on .Saturday night and, ■ocofdiag to the present programme, she will remain here until early next month when slip proceeds to i'adang to make advance arrangements lor the Government astronomical party that is coming out frjin home to observe the forthcoming total eclipse
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  • 40 3 I'ee I. A 0 tMr«M from London Mr. A. Kamsay, Corpl. Koherts, and Miss (inlh'ii From Marseille Mr. II H Davis from I'enang-Mesars De Ufom-tic, I I. Kitzwilliams, Mrs. Matthews, Mrs lire.wt.ter, and Hon. J. V.ittli.-u-
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  • 188 3 .NKT ISCKEABK OK 4,U<111,11U0 INTKRBaTI.Va KIGI KKS Ili i linal trntiis return* allow that lli. population of India, including the Native States, has riarn since IS9I from -'87,317,0«* to :!94 ,-..'66,711 1, or 1! 42 per cent, Uedm-tnin. for the purpose of x comparison of the population,
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  • 80 3 A MAN named Williams, astere.-itfper on t lib stall of a Leeds morning upper, attempted suicide recently in an extraordinary manner. A colleague, named Owen, saw him go up to the. metal-pot, and before he could reach him, Williams deliberately put his head into the molten metal.
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  • 105 3 A cßiciEt match was played on the .S R.C. end of the Ssplanade on Saturday afternoon between Jansz's eleven and a team representing the SRC. Janxi's eleven batted first and knocked up 101 runs, to which the Captain contributed a well-played M, which was the highest score on hit.
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  • 171 3 Lrr us suppose ouselves plunged into that Armageddon of which no man knows either the beginning or the end. Supposing even that we were to cease knuckling down to Kussia in the East and we had to defend India against her. Should we, in obedience to a mistaken
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  • 278 3 PKIiMASKM I SIIKKSKCKKTAKr OK THE WAR OFKICB. The Sm-ifMiy of Slate fur War lias appointed Colonel B, W I> Ward, C.8., Army Service t'orpe, I'ermanent I'nderSecretary of the War mice in succession to .Sir R. H. Knox, K(J B who retires in April nuxt on attaining the
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  • 359 3 SATURDAY'S I'LAY. "a" 91.V01.tS (apt. White 1 best Capt. Dewing- 7-.'. -J-H.B*. Sorrie S b«al Maelatifcart— 1. No score returned. Carter+alwal Upton scr., 12-1(1, HI. b" sinolkb K. 1. Reid sex. l«at Prilchard-J, 8-8, 6-3, H-X llraham Mr. i« at GBiisloscr+S, 6-4. Noon Mr, Ix'at
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  • 1607 3 (Frtnn p-iperr by MaU.) HOME. The House of Lords have rejected, by 62 against 38 votes, a motion of l.nril Wolseley's calling for papers regarding lord Lansdowne'a allegations. Lord Wolsclcy traversed l.ord Lansdowue'a charges, admitting that he underestimated the power of the Boers, as everyone else did. He
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  • 369 3 I; Knit k light is thrown on the awful fate which befel Capt. Watts-Jones, H in a letter trom Mr Ajigus Hamilton, correspondent of the Mi Mall, dated from K ili;. in at the end of November. Tin) letter states:- It appears that when his companion,
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  • 174 3 THB HATSDBI." XPEcrt 1) Ntxr THI'RSI'AY The battleship llaUiue, of IS.OOU tons displacement, of the Japanese Navy, arrived at Colombo on the 16th inst from Plymouth, on her way to Japan She is a sister ship, with minor difference*, to the turret ship Atnki, which touched
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  • 400 3 KXTRAOKDINAKV SCKNK" IN Mr. J. G. Graves, a well-known manufacturer of Sheffield, has resumed hostilities with the Post Office, and on the 26th ult. sent a procession of clerks, 200 strong, through the principal streets of Sheffield, under police escort, packed the post-office, and commenced purchasing
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  • 468 3 r. and o. HsMft sailing about sth April, for, Mr. O. L. M. De Montereau, Mr Booth, Mr. Hoefeld, Mr.G.Gilmour, Mr. A. Robertson, Sir Lionel Cox, the Misses Cox and Master Cox, Mrs. Llewellyn, Misx Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Ki-hrr, infant and amah, Rev. and Mrs.
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  • 344 3 Apropos of the reported appointment of Mr. I'circe as Municipal Engineer at Singapore, and also apropos of the ridiculous salaries that are paid to officials in these Settlements, the following article from the Pinang Gazette forms timely reading:— Surely the market value of civil engineers
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  • 378 3 Captain E M. Jackson. Indian Staff Corps, has been appointed Staff Officer at Wei-hai-Wei. The Italian cruiser .Marco PoUi is to be put in commission immediately to be ready to leave for China some time during March. The P and O. Company's steamer Japan from China has
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  • 554 3 ttlXUtroßl, L..TH MIRCH, 1801. PRODUCE. Uambier buyers 18 75 Copra Ball 7 go do Pontlanak 700 Pepper, Black do White, M 4(1.00 BagoFlourßarswalr,. 2 92j do Brun«t fo. 1 3.70 Pearl Sago .ion Ooflee, Bali, 15% bawls 3-iOO Coffee Paleml«ng, li% baaU •>;'<>• OoSee, Llberian, No. 1 17 7:,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 71 3 1 IIAMBERLAINI6 COLIC, CHOLERA, AND DIARBHOEA REMEDY Is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in use (or Bowel Complaints. It always cures, and cures quickly It can be depended upon even in the most severe and dangerous cases. Curet griping, all kinds of diarrhoea, and at the first
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    • 33 3 CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH KKMEDY.tS enret overnight the most well at til its complications— tickling in the throat, husky voice, and violent coughing. Hold by all dealers in medicines. Tbe Dispensary (General Agents, Singapore.
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    • 105 3 uonra insane. A. L. KimerofStooeridge.N. Y. «ayt:— I was (or a long time with sleep lestnets and with intense neuralgic pains in the bead which made me feel at though I was going insane. The physic inns could do nothing for me. I heard of some extraordinary curet enWted
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    • 172 3 MAMrCA. TEA HAS NO EQUAL. To u-e It omit is to use It mlways. lU' V the cup that cheers but not inebriates«. John Little A Co., Ltd., Messri Ann I ock A Co., Rattery-road, and Messrs ong 1 cc Senv. Orchard-road. m. w. *f. :>M,'« MCAUSTER&CO. SOLE AGENTS
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    • 813 3 romcia. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION TWUBM will be received at the Colonial Hecretary's Office, up to noon of the ir.] proiimo, for tbe fallowing work* Krection of quarters and out-buildinga lor the Super! nteudent of Workt and Plant and specification" may be teen, and printed forum of tender with all parti culura
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 263 3 AKKANUKMK > t* MnsliAV, •-'STH MARCH. Hii(h Water. 1.48 p.m. Ijidy l)»y. S. V. A. Battery Para l». •">. German homewml mail Hiw» ">. 8. V. R. Coy. Drill. 6.10. I i t.-l.iv. -.'l.lll Maß< H. High Water. 1 -.".i :i m. 2.44 p.m. Brau Sale I'im.-11. 10 3a legislative
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  • 247 4 ARRIVALS. Pert. 11,;,., IKu/i from Malacca- Mrs. Campbell, and Misses Campbell Per s. a. Ban Pok (Ivan from Macassar— Messrs. EgTton, and Hawkthaw. Per t. Hingn,xm. from Samarang— Mrs. Gray. Per s s. tcujn'la from Muar-Mr. W. 11. Allison. Per a.s. Htm Sena Uuan from BangkokMr, and Mrs.
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    • 1731 4 Uuilai tbi«hsadm^tßefolloi»in<»!>t>r«»i». ion» are usod itr.— steamer ih.— «hlp ftq.— barque Kb. schooner; Yet.— Yacht Crn Cruiser <Jbt.— Gunboat Tor I'orpwJo H.p. -Hor*e-power j Brit British U. B.— United Su» Fr— French Our— German Dut.— Dutch. •argo d.o deck paasengen U.—Uncertain T. P. W.— Tanjong Pagar Wharf
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    • 81 4 Saigon Tihrr 7 rv Kciuanian via ports Ambrr.t 7 a.m. Ul.uan A M;;n In Krdnh 10 a.m. gwatow Anioy //uiw K'' II a.m Negapitam vi* i>orts lAiitiula 2 pm. Klaiik.' Hiie Leonp S p.m. Penang ('ittirlfrhw*' 3p m. WIDKSKDIY. Cli'lM>n A K'inarang Uinnn Ann 11a.m. Bangkok H. Sriui
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    • 106 4 Fbom Bnaorit :-By the N. D. i_ s. s Fnss% due on Jflth March with date* to the Ift Mar. Bbc brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the Mli Keb. ■ft Singapore Due id Looaon Arrived Keb 12th N.D.1.. Mar 7th M«r Bth Fob
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    • 275 4 5 VUBM.'*N*til A T0»«. CAITAIK F«O* HAlLsn. CM)IO«U!. a RioMar 28 Pigmy HM gb. 766 Oreen Bangkok Miir 17 S. Naral OBlcn 23 -intai>orr Brit str. 74H Gray Samarang Mar JO Joo Seni< C.ban '.>S KianS'ang fir. 71) Shimmer, Malacca Mar 22 Khoo Tiong Pao 43 Tibre MMntr !«a
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    • 157 4 I'ATk VWU'I NUI KlauAHk. C»pt»i» l>mi«iTio> Iv S8 I Trym l>«..,ar »J .-H..1....1 \>mu Ml Penang Will <fth« Wi.p -.'A Wiltwlm •.'8 Banks £"> Hong Wan 46 I'hoang Chew •-■S Pyrrhui J.i Deucalion 26 Qroemont 26 Ban H m Uuan i» Kui.y 26 SulUn »6 Kiaa Yang L'ft Ringapore
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 301 4 NOTICES. ~J for LEU PEIIII8 1 f|ff IJ| WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. v B| Special Wirrut jgfHEJK Tin Qisen Panreion ti «<^m^^» Empress of India. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. ESTABLISHED 1840. SIMPSON COMPANY, tOWN 111 II 1(1 It* \M» lIVHM>- Hlklltv K\ Sl'K< lAI. AI'hUMMKNT Tt II K. 11. THB IMtIVCK OK WALES.
      301 words
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