The Straits Times, 3 December 1900

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. EST. OVER A CENTURY SINGAPORE MONDAY. DECEMBER 3. 1900. No. 20,300
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 860 1 NOTICRS. »|WE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMIT EH THK isaaaara Ltfa Aaaanasws. Norwich TJaioa Pira lasannos Soaaty. atlas iaaanaos OoaipaHj (Tm). TV. E.,anu>>l* Lit* assorann BoeMy. Tb. Chiaa Hataal Btsaaj Navigation Compaaj •■ha TottaaAaaa Lagsr Ba«- Oompany. for partiralan of tbaae Ooapanies, am tb* full »ir*rtii»«*nt of THK BORNEO COMT>\\ I.IMITKII Air«nt»
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    • 765 1 STMMSHIP COMPANIES. r'ONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. „< Sinaaport: Ship Aobmct, latb J. Dabrubu A Co., 2^, Collybb The undermentioned dalea are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will I* lleapatched for On_ T« l«, n IVlaiw Dec- 6. Ma. ai^ir Dec. 6. Bantam. Moluccn« Dec.
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    • 478 1 /y'EAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY NEDERLANDBCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ OCEAAN. lons. Toss. AehiUrs 7011 M'irmidtm -NTII toaeawa 7011 X'cstur .T7as Ajar Till I Orestes 4H&3 Alcinout K743 ralroclu* VO9 Anrkis'S 2729 I'oiyphemu* MX Ailt'Mir SMI r-iwni JMS Valchat 074H Promelknu 6570 Ofmlmt *m Pimrhus IM /)<ip/<miii« 4«ta lihi)*u* 30K5 Druealion TCI I
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    • 651 1 LNSTJILANCES. rpHE LONDON AUD LANCABHIRK 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. CaDitai £5,127,n00 Paid up Capital £212.760 Reserve Fond £1,073,580 Ihe undersigned. Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rates of premium. BOUSTEAD A Co. rf. CHINA TRADERS INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital Subscribed 11,000.000 Amount Paid np
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    • 932 1 [NSUEANCES. Two Great Necessities. VIZ. 1. FAMILY PROVISION. 1 PROVISION FOB OLD AOE. Easily aud Economically met by a Policy in IHK BRITISH KMPIKE MUTUAL I.IKK DFFICK, Established 1&47. Chairman The Right Uon'ble Sir John Gorst, M P. Fund*— Ra. 420,00,000 Claims Paid— Rs. 450,00,000 URGE IDJISEi I.IIEIU rS»»ITI.i!N UIW
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    • 649 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND DHANGHAI ±1 BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL .10,000,000. RESERVE FUND.Sterling Reserve..»lo,oro,oon\ ....^n.^v, Silver Reserve....! :j,.00,000/ 1 OCO On0 RBBEBVK LIABILITY OF I nmtmn PROPRIETORS |-»10,000.000. COCBT OF DtBBOTOK*:— N. A. Sran. Kaq.-- Ckairmar II I OITZ. ES« T«l Hon. B M. OaAT I A. j Rat»o»d. Oo A.
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    • 321 1 NOTICEa A CARD. M. S. .Mi. ii i v M. D. Late Clinical Assistant. Soho Hospiul for Women (IxHidon). Consultation ami Residence 377, Victoria Stroet. mUi. 3/10 aTTnsJWt t 00. to, M tfror tmmlr marrlamm mm AGENTS IN tHOLAHD. C.l.hllmhom- In IB**, Immy 'horfueh knmmtodto ml Iho mmrko'o. mnd a«»aWa»aa
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    • 825 1 .MTor to Rrftind th*> Tttmry. Many thou.ani- Imve l«en restored to h-allh and happiness liy tbe us* of (hamiwlain'a Cough Ksnstdr. If afllicl*d with any throat or lung trouhle, give It a trial for it is certain to pro** nenrn>ia;. Coughs that have resisted hll other treatment foryeara bare yielded
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  • 187 2 ■M V«a«i> NiMH KutiAKw BUIMi IlKr-lINMIti" Dec I Carolina hut «tr. 1 Cliiub Hrit itr. I Sri Wan« Bi* Hui Mr 8 Hong Wan I Bril str. X HjeUon; I KMdi ft. hiR Out str. 3 UaUilln »tr. I Bmi Mm (Juan Rrit atr. I r>vo Put w S
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    • 60 2 At lunjong Khu, on Sunday, the *nd instant. Mr. J. C. Omoth, late Apothecary or Port Dickson, age SH years. s«i.wom. on the Ist Nov., at Hristol the result of a f.,11 at Badlands, Lisut.- olonol FB\ien- JluXtnii Salmokh, late Roysl *<:.,to Jumlier., at the of 8», son of
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  • 33 2 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. Strailr Tima &*> n year, or port free KM. Strait, Hutlgtt Si 8 u year, ur pott free 120. Advertiniig R*Ue* may be found in f/i« fourth p<«iw.
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  • 700 2 ILL JUIWiKO 1, KNIKNCV. It is to be hoped that the crowing agitation in favour of proclaiming martial law in South Africa -and carrying it out— may effect its purpose and forcefully hasten tne conclusion of hostilities. Nobody can accuse the nation at large of undue
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  • 7 2 To-day's i mi bank rate is 2/lv\.
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  • 8 2 Mr W. .Smith lias arrived from Ipoh. I
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  • 7 2 Mb. K. I'etherbridge hat arrived from Jelebu.
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  • 7 2 With to-day's iuue there is a supplement.
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  • 10 2 Mr. Gardiner has arrived on a visit from Negri Sembilan.
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  • 11 2 Mk.Hl Chope, the P. U. Agent here, returned by the ISengul.
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  • 12 2 Mk. Fred Talbot of the Native .States Service returned by the Bngal.
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  • 13 2 I'KiiDivK. exchaagu, and share |>rn-e, and the mall list, are on pago 4.
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  • 15 2 Mb. and Mrs. James Kerr returned from Kurope by the P. 4 O. Bengal yesterday.
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  • 17 2 Thr Hon .1. M. Allinson and Mrs. Alliuson returned from Europe by P. and O. mail yesterday.
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  • 20 2 Mr C. G. RicVu, of the H. and S. Bank at Fucbow, is passing through Singapore on hit way hume.
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  • 19 2 Mr. C. H. Downes has arrived at Singapore from Kuala Lumpur, to take charge of Mr Groom's office here.
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  • 17 2 Mkwks. Millington and Dykes returned to Singapore yesterday by tnes.s Hengal, which arrived late in the evening.
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  • 19 2 Dr. Skae has left the Straits Sugar Planting Company in Perak and joined Dr. Avetoom in practice in Penang.
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  • 21 2 Tiir work at the high level reservoir, Pearl's Hill, is delayed owing to tbe difficulty of getting granite from Pulau Obin.
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  • 23 2 Mk F. D Osborne, who had been on a visit to Singapore, went to Batu I'ahat to report on a tin concession there.
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  • 23 2 Mr A. J. Bird, of the Malay Mining Coy., Ltd arrived from Marseilles yesterday evening by the P. and O. s. s. llengal.
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  • 23 2 A moTBAi.i. match— Scotland r. England -played at Penang on Wednesday las', ended in a win tor Scotland by two goals to one.
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  • 20 2 At the Kechati Gold Mining Company's mines during November, 261 tons of ore were crushed, yielding 142 ounces of gold.
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  • 23 2 Mr J. Forbes of the Chartered Bank, who was married at Penang the other diy, arrived by the Bengal yesterduy with Mrs. Forbes
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  • 27 2 Mi< Buckley's Christmas treat this year for the children takes the form of a party in the Town Hall. The date of the treat is Dec 26th.
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  • 22 2 Mk W J Mayson, recently managing M.-s-is Kelly and WalshV establishment in Singapore, l»ft for rion;-kong hy P. and O. mail to-day.
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  • 26 2 To- hay's produre quotations came too late for correction on the back page. New Benares opium has dropped to »9uj. Tin finds buyers at «6S 25.
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  • 26 2 Mkxican Hollar-, are plentiful in the town, but the small Asiatic shopkeepers look askance at them now that they ba*a become used lo thfl British dollar
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  • 30 2 Mr I V. B 10th, plus lias won the Perak Club billiar.l handicap for the fourth quarter of this year from Mr. R \V Kchards plus 90 by l> points.
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  • 28 2 Mk Norman Johnston, Manager of the Bombay, Burma Trading Association, arrived on the Hengal la»t evening and it stopping here a few davs en route back to Bangkok.
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  • 26 2 Bishop Hose preached at the Cathedral last night on behalf of the St. Andrew's Church Mission, of whose inception and growth he gave an interesting account.
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  • 27 2 Rilkv, Hirgreaves and Co send a paged wall calendar and two date block wall calendars for 1801. The latter show pictorially the company's business premises and handiwork.
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  • 34 2 It is reported that Mr. W. A Bicknell has been appointed one of the two auditors of the Penang Municipal accounts, i-ice Mr. A. K. Bowen Mr. R B. Leicester being the o'her auditor.
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  • 31 2 The usual monthly missionary meeting will be held at the Prinsep Street Church, at H o'clock, to-night. Miss Bluudell and others of the British and Foreign Bible Society will give addresses.
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  • 35 2 H .M.S. Hritlt was unable to bring over the representatives of the Madras Native Infantry for the inter-regimental sports al Taiping. The teams, however, are expected to arrive there on the ."»th or «th instant.
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  • 41 2 Ykstkmday a European was out snipe shooting near the -tl milestone, Thomson Road. Seeing a bird about «0 yards away he fired. Unluckily a Chinaman got in way of the shot, and was slightly injured. He was treated at the hospital.
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  • 36 2 The best of weather favoured the performance of the 16th Madras Native Infantry band in the Gardens on Saturday night. The programme was excellently gone through, and was listened to hy a large crowd of people.
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  • 41 2 A oood number of midshipmen, who are going out in the P and 0. s. t. Hengal to join their vessels in the China squadron, dined and had an enjoyable evening yesterday at Raffles Hotel where they stopped for the night.
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  • 38 2 Thk annual dinner of the China Association took place at the Hotel Metropole on 7tb Nov. It was a highly successful and brilliant function, and the largest gathering that has taken place since the Association came into existence.
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  • 47 2 The Dutch gunboat Flamingo arrived from Klih- on Saturday evening and went into the roads. She is of 420 tons, has a crew of 0 Europeans and 31 natives, carries two o-inch (run», and is of 4 1.1 horse-power. She is expected to leave on Thursday morning.
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  • 50 2 Thk following cholera cases are officially reported to-day On or before the :(Oth ultimo, there had been 1 13 cases and 09 deaths, on Ist December there were 7 cases and 4 deaths, and on 2nd December, 0 cases and 8 deaths. Total to date, 12« cases and 111 deaths.
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  • 43 2 Thk sale of work on behalf of the Chinege Girls' School will realize about SI, IOO after deducting expenses. This result is gratefully acknowledged by Miss K. (JageßrowAw due to tht. kind efforts of buyers apd callers and contributors to the planVJHjfefTWbinent stalls.
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  • 47 2 Thc poptflßty of the passengers returning to Singapore by the Htngal last evening was demonstrated by the extent of the throng that greeted their arrival. Such a large crowd of European residenti has not been seen assembled on tha P. k O. wharf for a Jong period.
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  • 52 2 Caftaih Boldaro's son was among the batch of middies that arrived here yesterday. He it e» route to join the Goliath, but has permission (o stay over here for a month with hit parents before proceeding to .join his ship. Ha was with the Ttrnth in South Africa, but wot
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  • 54 2 Tas Malays in Muar seem to be taking a good deal of interest in football. There are two clubs there at present- the lstana Medan Club and the Fontain Football Club. In a match played laat week for a cup, between the above teams, the lstana Medan Club won by
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  • 45 2 At Taiping, so the Perak I'ioneer says, the adulteration of milk by Kling vendors has reached alarming proportions from the slackness of the authorities in taking deterrent measures. Another rampant market abuse there is said to be the sale of meat over twenty-four hours old.
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  • 49 2 Thi annual exhibition of the Perak Art Club will we held in Taiping or. December 24th. It is hoped that the Singapore, Penang, and Selangor Art Clubs will send pictures for exhibition. Prizes will be offered in the following subjects: Painting; oil and water colours photograph and needle work.
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  • 55 2 The Hm Branch, which has been in dock at Tanjong Pagar since the 28th ultimo, undergoing sundry repairs, is expected to leave straightway for sea on being undocked either today or early to-morrow, most probably to'norrow. The Ayr arrived from Moji on Saturday with a cargo of coal, and was
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  • 59 2 Thk S. V. A. Maxim gun competition for the McCallum trophy was concluded on Saturday afternoon, when some very good work was put in by the Subdivisions of Sergt. Frost and Corporal Ronald. No official announcement of the result has yet been made, but it is expected that the winners
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  • 58 2 Thk Manchetler Courier learns that Mr. Forbes Robertson is about to marry Miss Gertrude Elliott. When Miss t, who is a young American, sister of Miss Maxine Elliott, appeared in I/ondon a few months since, at the Court Theatre, in A Royal Family," her grace, prettiness, and refined vivacity
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  • 63 2 Tiik Malay Mul reports another gang rohoery. The scene was at the 6j mile 011 the Batu Road in Selangor. From twenty to thirty Chinese stuck up a Tamil shop on last Tuesday night. After wounding two of the inmates, they got away with from $200 to S3OO in cash.
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  • 62 2 Mk. 8 W. S. Howson, for 14 vears silence master at I'ppingham School, has recently been appointed head 'i,,.,-ie, of Holt (Norfolk) Grammar Vl.ool. an old foundation established by the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers The governors are erecting new buildings, at a cost of £50,000, to accommodate 200 boys. Mr.
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  • 73 2 Ink llrilUh Medical Journal says We are glad to be able to state thar, in «pite nf the anxiety which the Queen has shared with her subjects during the last year, and in spit* of the grief wliich the serious illness of the Kinprerß Frederick and the unexpected death of
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  • 81 2 Si.mi time ago, says the Ualmj Mail, :i ikli Guide was shot dead at midnight in an open dormitory in which a large nunber of other men of the Regiment were sleeping and at the door of which there was a sentry on duty. The murderer has not been discovered.
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  • 74 2 Some two years ago Mr Bellamy of Selangor presented the Geological Department of the British Museum with blocks of a light-cnloured sandstone from the Pahang Road. These blocks contained casts and impression* of lamellibranch shells and recently formed the subject of a scientific paper by Mr. R. Bnllen Newton, F.
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  • 79 2 Thk Queen of the Netherlands, Bays the World, can make a generous settlementon her future husband without any appeal tn the Dutch Parliament. Queen Willielmina not only has a life interest in the very large and very valuable Rstates of the Orange family in various parts of Holland and in
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  • 79 2 Captain Colin Keppcl has been appointed Flag-Captain to Rear-Admi-ral Bickford on the Pacific Station. After all Captain Keppel has done lately to prove his fitness for command, no one will be disposed to question the absolute fairness of the choice which haa been made, although he does happen to be
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  • 105 2 AimiT !> o'clock on Saturday night thieves got into Mr. Hchrager's houoe, in Cluny Road.' One man was seen running away with a bundle and be was pursued by the watchman and caught. The bundle was found to contain various articles belonging to Mr. Orner, brother-in-law to Mr. Schrager. A
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  • 170 2 The Board of Trade returns show that import* in (jreat Britain for the month ended Oct. :tl amounted to 4H.48.i,«08/ compared with 44. 1:10, 5i s/. in the corresponding month of last yenr, being an increase of 4,;)64,700{. The imports fur the ten months ended Oct. 81 were 4-J7,«46,7Wtf against
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  • 58 2 Caitain Mortimer CSullivan. who has arrived in I^ondon from South Africa, where he saw considerable service with Bethune's Mounted Infantry, is one of tbe best known members of the -European community in China. He has gained admittance to the eighteen provincial capitals, while his semi-diplomatic mission to the antiforeign province
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  • 81 2 Thrre Governors of States in the Australian Commonwealth, under the Governor-Generalship of Lord Hopetoun, have been formally gazetted, and the previous Governor has in each case been reappointed Ix>rd Bnau-i-iiamp, LorJ Lamington, and 1.-.n Tennyson were the existing incumbents respectively in New South Wales, Queensland, and South Australia. The formal
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  • 96 2 Whil« the 8. V. A. Maxim gun competition was proceeiing on Saturday afternoon on tbe space opposite the Town Hall, a carriage in which were two Chinamen knocked down a Kuropean cyclist and broke up his machine. The Chinamen were driving off without making enquiries, when Mr. Matthews, of the
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  • 119 2 Thr Queen has sent to Mr. Macnamara, M. P., for transmission to Mr. Reuben Brundish, of Fressingfield, nuar Harleston, Suffolk, who has given five Bons to the service of Queen and country ii the Army, the sum of JU. The eld. it of the five was in the Seaforths, and
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  • 67 2 G.ilukn Raub belies its name in that il is said to be one of the dirtiest townships in Pahang. This is from a new resident there There are 52 Europeans in Rauh, says the Malay Mail, who drag out a most prosaic and dull-as-ditco-water existence, all for want
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  • 109 2 I'er P. 4 >. s. s. Hciuinl from London— Mr. W. S. Lang, Mr. and Mrs. Dunman, Misset Dunman (2), Mr. an.l Mrs. Preston, \|.-j«p». P. W. Parkinson, Petrie, Forbes, Kerel, I. Enyon, J T Kendray, T. lvily. ;ind Sanguine! u, and Mr. and M.«. Uomla. From
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  • 415 2 t S. < C. r THE WORLD. A match was played on Saturday between the S. C. C. Probables and a picked team representing "The World." The latter went Brsl to the wickets, but with the exception of Hannaford, who put on fIL could do very little against the
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    • 69 2 London, Monday. A decree has beon puMiahed at Paris to bring into force, as between France and the other contracting Powers, the acts passed at the Hague Pearo Conference The French press dwell-, upon the significance and the coincidence of this publication with Kruger's departure, and
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    • 31 2 A F F A IRS IN CAPECOLONY. The military posts throughout Cape Colony have been strengthened. An agitation is growing there in favour of martial law being proclaimed in tne Colony.
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    • 79 2 PAGET IN ACTION. Lord Kitchener wires thut General Knox is in touch with Commandant De Wet twelve miles to the north of Betimlie. General Paget wan engaged with Commandants Viljoen and Ku-nn.. on Wednesday and Thursday, ami drive them back towards Rietfontein to ths north-west
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    • 24 2 The Republic of Nicaragua has granted to the Cnitel Suies Government an exclusive concession lor cutting a canal through the isthmus there.
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    • 35 2 FIGHTING AT STANDERTON. There was lighting on "humd.iy to the east of Stanclerton where the B >erx had been very active The columns moving there iu the Heidelberg district are frequently eng.tged with the enemy.
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    • 24 2 THE ACTION AT DEWETS DORP, The garrison at I >e»etsdorp consisted of three companies of the Gloucester Regiment and a section of a battery.
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    • 72 2 OFFICIAL DKMAL An official communicated article in the Paris press denies that the promulgation of the Hague Conventionacls is a forerunner of action contemplated by France in the interests of the Boers. The promulgation, so it is pointed out, is merely intended to enable France
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  • 104 2 A aoop number of the Armenian community of Singapore -in all about 50— weie entertained yesterday at a picnic given by Mr. I. Paul. Karly in the morning coaches and carriages drove all down to Mr. Adis's bungalow at the 5j milestone, Bitkit Timah Hoa<i, kindly lent
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  • 145 2 THE "PRINZESS IRENE. Thi new N H. L steamer I Irene, due here from Kurope on Wednesday morning, is named after the consort of Prince Heinrich. She if a Bister-ship of the well-known KMf AUierl, and alsn has been built by the Vulcan Wharf at Hredow, near Stettin The vessel
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 455 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LI). IiLABGOW. Manufacturer* ol Dynamite. Gelignite, Oelatiaft Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators. •<l IlKliS O» &iiety Fuses. Elactrie Blastrag Apparatus, The aim* Krplonra,, Imng nil muni. rWviW in Great Britain, are wuuU to part the high thindanl of tnfmh, nml puni/y mpottfl /<y the llrituh Qo**ontm*nt, oh4
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    • 768 2 NOTICES. THE ROIUXSON PIANO CO., LTD. :u, ItArFLKS PLACE, SISGAPOHI Colonial Production. INSPECTION IS INVITED. Pianos manufactured in Hongkongat the Factory of THK ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. /CHINESE BOOKS- OBers a-k.-i for \j Giles', Mayers', Williams', Mesny's, Ac. Apply to -'A. B. C-,"c/o Straii* Time: 8/li FOR SALE.
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    • 55 2 At 74, Middle Road Hinvapore, on the 2nd December, 1000, the wife of Mr. U. s.-i-m.y, of a daughter. M. n. 8 liMi.dK. for Um Humiu im. t.r •rit««o ca om u<ta of Um mwr oil; Hy it. o« of Uw pu« ill of praaa of utlat. but not otMmt
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  • 1805 3 WHAT WE THINK OF OUR ALLIES i MS TALK rM>M PK.KINc; Mk T 0 Cowan, the special MffM in I'lnna of the Dmitf i i* prohaM) the U'st informed writer nn .■in lOpsM and MMCUH the matters, and methods of Far A.rtan- MsMMf the i-orrespon-.lento now at the front He
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  • 95 3 t 7 4.'. pin yesterday, the chief engineer of the Bmtmr/k was coming ashore near the K-pl,, when he saw iwo twakow r.eii handing rice to a man in a sarcpan. He went towards them, but as soon as they saw him the three men jumped into
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  • 176 3 Y>-ikkiiav morning a report was made to the police that the body of a Chinaman was floating in the sea BatVMO Tanj..tig Ithu and the Swimming (lull The police brought the body ashore, and it was identified by I. nn IVow as his taikong, and lately in charge
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  • 192 3 II M m-iDKK Hlmhrim leaves at tbo U'Kinning of this month fortbeChina BUI to relieve II M s 1,,,1,,Hn1M. The BsWsssa is a first-class cruiser ol l'.'KiOton»and24,4lli.h. p. She was limit at Blackwall in lMfti Her armour is ft in., gun position, aud M in., deck sbocarna* two
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  • 2127 3 BDITOKIAL COMMENTS ON NEWS OF THK DAY. 1..1KU I<ansdowne's appointment as Minister lor Foreign Atlairs has eicitad a vast amount of antagonistic comment at home. The IMUy Tclrgraph allude* to the fact thus All thoughtful opinion is coming round to the belief which we originally expressed that Lord
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  • 157 3 Tint Royal Society's medals have this year been adjudicated by the president and council as follows The Copley Medal to Professor Marcellin, For. Mem R. S., for his brilliant services to chemical science the Rumford Medal to Professor Antoine Henri BecquereL for his discoveries in radiation
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  • 1114 3 Spaciol to the dtroxU Timu") TjmuUm,9th Xor. There be rats, and rats." hamlrl. Tbhkk topics have mostly engaged public attention during the past wees tbe Presidential Election in the United States, the New Cabinet appointments announced by Lord Salisbury, and HOOLIGANISM. The disgraceful scenes reported on
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  • 398 3 CHINA The Chinese servants in the Bengal Lancers and the other services at Tientsin have quilted work, alleging that the Boxers are about lo attack the town. The Germans stood to arms all night on the 19th November and this, together with rumours at Shanghai that the
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  • 193 3 Tin Penang Cricket Club held a meeting on Thursday to reconsider certain alterations in their proposed rules by Mr. Wicks, which had already been discussed at a previous meeting. After the questions raised had been threshed out again, avote was taken, with the result that a tie
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  • 14 3 The time ball at Kort Outline and that at Pulo Brani fell correctly to-day.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 189 3 FACTS OF ABSORBING IXTKKKST TO THOSE WHO AKE IS THK CLUTCHES OK RHKU.MATIS.M. One cannot be too quickly cured of Rheumatism. To gat rid of those swful pains that make life a never-ending series of torture now mil. l. now excruciating, today in bed, to-nior u« h6l>bling around in crutches—
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    • 682 3 NOTICES, KATZ BROS., LTD: CLEARANCE SALE. FOR CASH ONLY. BARGAINS— DEPARTMENTS DRAPERY DEPT. (Special Cheap Lines) i Ladies' Underskirts trimmed Embroidery. JM\ »l 2S, «1 50, iI.TS, *200, *»50 each. Mm Ladies' Fine Longclotli Chemises Trimmed f I Lace Jm B *li'>. »l M, J1.75, fc.oo, fc.3o, ».oo each. jm
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 71 3 WKATHKR REPORT. Ktndanf KrrtxJtt Hof' l -'"i "OOMa.m Sp.n. l. p.m KEMtBKjt. Bar. mi 2H.H38 WHOI Temi>. Ko.O 87.05i 79 0 W. BMbTlior 77.0 7C.S 77.0 .K Dir.of Win.l wsh wsw smv SSI Max. Temp. 87.* fi« Mln 74.S Max. in Hau 147.7 fe S'| Terr.rad 71.» Rainfall 13. WKATHKt!
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 823 4 'NOTICK& I > I UII.IMIl.ll hill. SIMPSON &COMPANY. MADRAS. Coach Builders and Harness Makers by Special Appointment to ins royal iin.n\i>* i in: rni\ci: <>F m \i.i>. \^/_J^/siMPS0N &C° MADRAS. X^^ =a 3^ CAT A LOG i: KS AND SPKCIFICATION ON APPLICATION. SIMPSON -A.KT33 CO3Vrr»-A.Rr3e". COACH BUILDUflL HAUNKSS MAKKUS, AM)
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    • 719 4 NOTICES /JLAIGUID WOMEH I PALE i mi I'm n OLD PEOPLE, INVALIDS VIN CHAPOTEAUT (ntfiTum wm ir nrrw) A DBLJCWUS NirnurrvE STIMVLAST TMa «U«««UfT at olh.f totKi oc liquid food will traua oa ih« ..obki. it indkaiad in coimtiition.l wMknct* Uch of Jif««iiv« powtr Dy«p«ptio. ind /t|fc»v\*»fc> ll help. »ull*r«r.
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    • 739 4 N<'T!l'K\ MAINTAINS THE IIKMKsT REPUTATION KVKKYWHKKK, Fortifj the System against Disease witb HURt ii.OOfl, "THfc 3EST SECURITY FOR HEALTH.' ESSENCE OR FLUID KXTRAOT OF RED J<MK|1\ bu. f JtB ■W^m*^ iBi "IB iflfev HB>^1 sine; 1829. KMU^B#AUHMSASJBI%OTUJi SLSfWS TORPID 1 ,1/ER, DEBILITY, ERuHlio,^, WEAK ano LANGUID FEELINGS, And all Imparities
      739 words