The Straits Times, 11 February 1899

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE SATURDAY. FEBRUARf 11. ISW. No. 19,7 "Mi.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 900 1 rpnt DOKNIOCOatFAXT.LIaiITID |'HE»taaia«JLif»Ass<usu«ia. M. Morwuh Coiaa Fin liumraaoo llataty fU M i»ura»o. l>mpaaj (»1»s). a>a Ciiiitabk Life Aaauraaoa SociMy. I h. (U»i Manii. Inaunuice Tompaaj. 1 h. Chlaa Mutual Btaan NaTigatioo Cosasaay. 1 ha 1 ottenhae. Lafar Bsar Cosspsay. lbs kUntuM laauranos Company. Luallad. Fcr particular, of tkaas Cmraaias, aaa
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    • 1176 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I^ONINKLUKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Avmt. ml Snfpm: SHir AoßKiv, L.TI J. Dukoiu A Co., *4, UoLLTU Quit. Steamer From Ei|H-,lcd Will be Despatched for On W Vaj .««*i. IVnang. Fel, 4 Ponang. Oleb-leb, Padang, and Sumatra's -.-I Feb. Variaauaatr. n-itavia. 9. Balavia.Cherilion.Bamarang,4Bouraba»».
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    • 682 1 INSURAXCES. rIK I.ONIXIX AM) LANCASHIRE FIBE INSIKANCE COM FAN V. Capital bbMbMM l*ai.l up Capiul Li: 1 Reaenre Fund «7n>W Tbe undersigned. Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks al current rate, uf premium. BOI'STEAD <*>. Illlt' CHINA TIUIIKK IMiIKANCK COMPANT, LIMITED i-apilal »ul«iTib«c' U.IXI.XI, AnioQat I'.nt
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    • 496 1 INSCKANtI-X rHA\>\ll ANTII' FII.F INSIKAMK ill. Of HAM 111 Kli. NORTH IiKUMAN FIRK I.S>l USll: CO.. HAMIII Xii aUKMJM HUKMKN KIHK IMaTJjtAJiCI Ok, HAMBURO. 'HUE undersiened. Agents of the above I companies, are prepared to accept tire It I iF Milk' KN A Co SOUTH BRITISH KIRK AM) MAKINK liisnriiiicc
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    • 608 1 NOTICES. KELLY WALSH, LIMITED. ■tj. u.\rri.i:s i-i.\( k. B«t to .inmiitiii c tlial they li.ivc to their pr, -cut A Printing and Book-binding Department. Isasaain' rnitini I Ilk. aa4 Is.nUtiMi rf ill I is* rmiiiliiii. l|i«liillio K',,.,i-. Art! 1 Books ,,i|Ki:i. --1 of Kit 1,,-,. i-hnreOrtdicalpß. Roports Mcmi-
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    • 622 1 FROM NKW ZJtALAXD Rlir.o». New Zealand. Xov.2S. IWK) I an 1 \er> pl.ase.l to stale that sine- I t,sk the miencv of Chanilierlain'a me,li. cineathe sale haa l,cen very large, mons espiviallv of tl,.- Bssajk Kcm.sK. In tno yiar. I have sold more OS this panicular r'luclv than of all
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  • 77 2 SATURDAY, 11TH FEB., 1899 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THE QUEEEN'S SPEECH. OPENISO OF CHIMA. l.on,ht,t. UHk h'thnary In the course of the debit* in the Houce <>f Commons on the Address to tho Throne, in r^ily to the Queen's Sixwh. Mr St. John Brodrick, I'nderS« rel«ry of State for Foreign Aff.irt.
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 62 2 BKACRBPAIRE'd lIASELEBB I II IKi.K- It is understood that the report mode after the fuller enquiries, promised by M Ilupuy, the French Premier, completely whitewashes the judges of the Court cf Cassation, incriminated by M. (juesnay de Bcaurcpaire. The lattcr's charges, it is held, are based upon
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  • 51 2 NEW nASIS INSISTED LTOS. Ifiuton, llih Fdmary. Yesterday's version of the Committee reiwrt adverse to M. Quesnay de Ucaurepaire is eonh. m«l. Neverthelens laa French lioveminent insists U|wn paaatal the Bill to refer the Dreyfus investigation to the civil and criminal sections of the Court of Cassation, sitting
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  • 69 2 IN 1 1 IB BISHOP.* HANDS'. Mr s.itn.i.-l Smith, M for FlintI in.-, moved an amendment to the A i ii.--.a-kmg f'>r legislation to secure the obedience oftlie Ritual iststothe law 11,- amendment was thrown out by mi I* »j mm Mr J Ilalfoiir admitted that the Ritualist! had
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  • 13 2 PaOMCBi exchange, and share prices and the mail Hat, are on page 4.
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  • 12 2 11 the Governor and I.ady Mitchell are expecUd to visit Penang shortly.
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  • 14 2 Tub tm a Cunnell will take the il'lernouil service at the l'resbyterian Church, to-morrow.
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  • 15 2 Vkstkuii.w alteinoon the Chinese Kaai uttij BaaaaJ through the l«. it from east to west.
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  • 18 2 Ml Tregarthen, the MnLfj Mail says, is now c.igaged on the compilation of the Malay States Blue Book
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  • 18 2 lnr. Dutch man of war Mtk which arrived from Muntok on Thursday la-t, has gune aluugside the wharves.
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  • 21 2 I to the date of latest advices from W. i-lui -wei.unly two recruits had been enlisted for the Lt Chinese Kegiment
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  • 21 2 It is reported that Government have had to call in the. aid 01' private surveyors to ex|ie<lite the work in I'enanp.
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  • 22 2 t Nnaja to the prevalence of small -pox 111 i'.'iianii. many clerks 111 the (tovernnt Mrrtea than have submitted to ba vaccinated.
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  • 24 2 t'Ai ctrtti has once more a clean plague sheet, im -n-|>ci ted tases being reported during the whole week ending on the L'Mh January.
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  • 19 2 Xi ai.a l.umpur rumour has it that Mr llaineshas been strongly recomnaadad for the appointment of Chaploill at Malacca
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  • 21 2 On hundred and lifty-tuo deaths van lagialarad at Hiafapan during the veal uding oiiS.,> last The ratio pal Ihooj I mSM.
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  • 23 2 Till annual conference of the Metho-ii-t Epiacopal Mlaalaaa ..f the straits Nts an.l Native States was to meet in I'enang this week.
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  • 28 2 I'iik sitting of the Court of Appeal .it Pcnangis liied for Tuesday next. There are In entries on the list, in which is inehidi.l a municipal well-closing case.
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  • 32 2 Im Part Ma paatad Malacca at 7 It this moroiag. and Ii dua liaia ihaaj 4 p.m The paaWsßaa will be closed at UOj hut will o|»'ii again 011 th.anival ..Ithe ftnr
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  • 33 2 Lou Saarboreofh and his left IV 1..1 /m/ibai and lion 11 the ;.th The 11.',;, nny hi aiinulail ban agi .1 mxl Knar. 11 lila l iiirtalilp. lalaaaa visiting China and Japan
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  • 41 2 Mcmklksol the Ladies' l.awn-'i'enuis (lul. DU) ba (M "I a leminder that entries for the aftproaebiaa tournament cloaca- a p.m 10-dai Mrs Dan, Un. Waddell, and C.I St,.k.- anitoda the handicapping, and the lust ties are to be played next Friday.
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  • 48 2 The Legislative Uooadl of Siam has jimt pa--e.l a 1 1» i.gnlating the relatiins of mastei and servant The relationship has mainly been mode the same as ia Europe, and the law reeks to prevent the provisions of the decree ibollihinj! slavery from being evaded
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  • 1263 2 It so happened, Mr. Editor, that I saw a paragraph in proof at your office one day this week It was waiting, presumably, for your august endorsement as to its being correct. I have been longannouncement in the columns of the Strcutt 'ISmu The stntenoe that mostly
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  • 346 2 Lam*, slstJanuiri At I'ckiii it i- «l.nt.'J IhM Dm Kmpr*,. Pmv*K«T hrn ehoaM a MeeaMol ik:lir..n.-. :in-l II I- Uli.v.-I 11,, l oh.M, L.trl.-IK KU.r!.-.1. 1., i.., k |>arnliiouut witnltn* Knipn Dowamc nba n[n.iri'> tli.- coanaeji <>1 '!i-- <. Mul Ihe Titiing-li^ .ni.'u >n n»tkj» M:..
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  • 51 2 Rsm v..rk Baafcan raoott rfnwsl efforts by Boaala tupla. aGorenaal <ii par cent loaa ol fuo 1 000 f 000 faa] the priea at The i v M I'nerewill probably I arrangement to coiuproin .nee Ihe abundance and I ImpaM ol inon.y in New Vo,k hnan IB
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  • 68 2 At the mating ..I tl,. CoQBCII 00 Ill.Slay ll.'.vt, tin''Dsi S,,rclaiy will l>i subscribed towards tl.e rand i." tl» araotfc t th.- QtMßwich geMai -t mg alaaaaaa oceorrioi m tk l'r,.|.i.- Oiher buaiaaai on Hi.-k'h* IndadM the thir.l r.-.i1.i.8 si t«'-. li.misimi.i.' and llungioaj and
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  • 80 2 A MUWM k ii piece of land in Upper Tanglin,Mtaa> [ni 4im ;i r 1- in I naadad It a pub|k purpose, Urn parpoaa "I Urn construction ruad bom Ina6l mill Holland U*«» tin- Ij mils on Uierecenth ru.i.l ii .in liukii Tiiii.ih ir Mr I. H. Woodward
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  • 64 2 Mi i' Dana, Oil i::''S I; ;;:F > on n..t a t.w pn shall not have .11. opp rl of aaarba ih oocauoo; bal thi pros|M-ct ..I an it. 1 I more of tl,, a.ti-' in toni-hi- 1 ll. ill 111. Honda) 111. to PWMni l.y Urn
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  • 59 2 An aata Hoath occun Baplanadeon rhun SII „.|,,,k 1 belonging 1.. Mi .11. loapectorol I the Hotel 1 it is s.ii.i, bail 1 wall Th'- graal pa. c past ts •loni the Within twentj yat Club, Uiaborsi »«ei ngl) hr liiddy, who c the man
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 364 2 NOTICES. I NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD. Dynamite. Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite. Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, Safety Fuses, Hi Wasting Apparatus. purity I- I 1 /.V,/iW> 0 THE BOR.VE MPAXY, i .1 1 ■OU AUKNTH run Bixurou. Java, and lint )lAVr: I v \1 BUPPLIKB IN HTOCK iF FHI AHOVK. SIDEROSTHEN PAINT. an
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    • 1475 2 NOTICES. CHINA MUTUAL [^INSURANCE COY. JAM A- iriTTIIT. U*«H m lIK'TnII W. SAMI'SiiS. TiMv.-lling KaprncnUlire MX- Sits. TAN KIM TIAN SONS. I-™»1 Aeont.. Tliis Coafmaj aßta taw lan ib 4 kaMvbsoMM than mj Oom|,.inv doing brailKMin I lie East, Bad, beiag Sli.uij;ii.ii Company, iti biimMv natataHj paid bow pranptb than
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    • 230 2 XOTICKS. I Has just received AT THE AUSTRALIAN 110P..-E REPOSITORY A select consignment of Australian iJ.11.-. bridles. 1..« m- &c. Apply to c DAI.I.AN. (OHN LITTLE CO., LIMITED. Have just received the following RAILWAY CHESS DHAItiHTS PKXCHAXT FATIEXCE lIALMA (iO-BAXt; ASCOT. SAN DOWN An ins|>eetii>u is invited of our very
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    • 296 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 THK VICTOHIA TARSI THEATRICAL COMPANY. To-m.jkt. Ill* Htl— n IBW. The i rf nl I toman NAZIS, DESPISE* I) LOVE. DIIMW «cene» of deck, p»rlour, pi i-.mi, and camp 1 ife .tut harnnnK .hill- and dance*. ALL FOR GOLD, THE ISfcMATOGRAI'H. WAXTKD. Municipal Mm. South ti mi
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    • 52 2 M. S. launl^ for th. S(r..i. TS~. ihoald I. writtJß ob on. «ia. of tb. pmaat rmXw. ih»i nwht oth*rwiMi Im< poblUbW. All J.«tiriM~»ti«!t. w._biKt to th. oo»di. Uoo th»t ti. Kuv.r U.T. ti. «l,wti~~.t oot of li. wr ii o»» of pr~ of a»ttor. tat 00l lb> f<mr 4.T.
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  • 3073 3 INTERKSTINO CRICKKT YESTERDAY KINK WKAIHKIi. KIXK SCORING. AND An IX, mxo finish Tim representatives of the Selangor Cricket Club ia-rived. by the yacht EtnenUa abort ly before four o'clock on Thursday afternoon, and were booh comfortably housed with the their stay in Singapore. Yesterday, the lint day's
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  • 109 3 Till OISIRAIJI .'OHPLICITV. Tn lietieva correspondent of the ll,i,l\i fliHnainal Mate. .-Xl'li.itly and j postural; that M. Mam, uialatal Wench I 'reinier, had in his pos.e«ion. iiiiinodi:itcly prior to !>>•> IwiajßatlOß, full and inimpMla nraofeof Ihaooatpnranhroa th,' Republic, toaotber with capUa "1 oires|»oiidcuee which imd paaaad between
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  • 178 3 hn i 1 r.v.-r mnborf X* aim lookini r.ti »iUi l.'Hy unoko.tack awl dwarfed ftchlinf-mapt.arriYrd yeelerday, .ti«i anchored abort I, r, II M i t: ii ima already mi Hi,' Mediterranean, on bef ».iv la tba Ki. l.i-i, befon ill.- lalawar; an ,i» oatbnai m iniallail. nn.l then
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  • 1495 3 CONDITION OF THE SOUDAN. M« J L. Gorst, Financial Adviser to the Rgyptian (iovernment, who accompanied Lord Cromer to Khartoum, has made tho following remark! on the I condition of the Soudan since his return to Cairo: -"The great want of the country at present is p
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  • 79 3 Till -hspav night and yesterday passed orrvcry.piiell.v .ra.kers always eicep-1.-.1, than bataf laaa than half the reports u-ualty made at the policestations, arhtta Ibaaa aiadawan trilling. A i a hundre.l Illiaaj have anaaaad Hit ajantißna am of them in the street' A mistake very prevalent among
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  • 46 3 UtTP, VSHBL^I Ni" i uU I 1 1 Kiibj II kl. II liadoonbir. II I'nu I l! bUu Ml -lr Am ~-h KcM -tr MO Mr. MM Ml \l UmuM Iti I ..r i 11. ..M -\.ill.'\ I N.,. V..IU M ratemtaiui KUinj I VII
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 254 3 Tll-Multliims (lIIKCII BERVICB& Wwwiawi imaavr) ClUKlll OK KNia.AM) sr am'kkw's Cannaau skkvi.-es 7 a.m., Matin.. rjOa. m .11, ral I VM,ration an.l Sermoi. 4 p. m. IV," ln»in>,ii. l Sunday Shool. A.-11l p ill K.",|s,-n^' ami Sermon. Ofteitory for the Poor Kun.l Sr M.ttiiiw. in, kcii. HUMAN (Allinl.H ha. in.,
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    • 441 3 NOTICES. PAL KM KANIi Jti X I KD W K I It X, Troprietor All kinds of goods supplied from store attached to Hotel at moderate price*. m th. a. li 4 J. MOTION CO. WATI HMAKERS. JKWKLLKRS. OPTICIANS. REPAIRS I'KOMPTLY EXKI'IITKI) orarcra axxoixcemknt. THK SIXOAPDKK IHSIF.XSAKY I IMITED. *f
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    • 437 3 NOTICES. BKITISH ANTIFOrUNIi COM POSITION AND PAINT 00. LIMITED. 1 ctt //(>rr-/incj*j« proctM. Manufacturer, of nab* drying Knamel .'.imposition* for BMJra iKjlloms. The most eflet-iunl prevrntion against I orro.ioli au.l Fouling for st,'.,n, and Sailing Ships UUIIMUO, SCHMIPT A Co Agents, Singa|K<re w.a.M 1 11 K TOBGOE HOTEL D.10K.1 AX
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    • 899 3 XOTfCESi' BUI MALACCA TEA. The be.l, purest, and clirar*«t of all Teas. ,1,1 al M INK LOOK aCo, llaltety Roa.l. Roaan rOSO UB ana un-hanl Road. Orange Pekoe 45 ceota per lb Soucbong 10 cnli per lb tv lb ttOIUAPOKn BPOBTD.G CLUB. VH II I. \traci v anal M,-,.-mg ol
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 83 3 wkahiki: urosr. raaaaaaj A>rfc«« ■anaaat, fia IhK urn, M o.m ia.n !'pm K knar. .BOAJBMTSIaBT m m ivi,' awa X.K. X K I*l May. Temp M Yin. 5~Max. in sun WI i'^i Terr. ral. mi M 5 Rainfall Nil. H KAI lll.i. I 1.1 i.f.uAM IK*, ft
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  • 417 4 »»(l*rou, I.TH FIWtBT. IW. PROoncE. (Ralet an eomeUi to turn.) ( i!opr»B«ll 7.4 ft ,U I'ontianak 7.00. I'eniwr, Black -"".oSI.IO White,(s7.) «**>■ Sarawak SH). So Brunei No. 1 miPearl Hago <■'»• CoAVe, Ball, picked *> 00 (\>fleo Paierabang picked WOOCollee, I.iberian So. 1 17 r.pioca. arnall Flak. .7 30
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  • 69 4 Jo-Da. Ihtavia via pone ilatUuyckrr 2 p.m. llougkong Hormiaa, -2 p.m. Mulv <■* -t Klftne Snvptio. -Jam. l|a.,l)!>l>.; a Kian Yu.i,,, Ipm l>«*ll Sumatra, p.m. Hongkong Su.,ia 2 p.m. Muntok 4 Pbang Rain. I p.m. SaigoD a p.m. lapan \ia port* ftmHMMa p.m. Ponlianak IT. Oth HVn. 11
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  • 86 4 I 1808 EnuiPK :-Hy the V. Airra .c.i. vita the from Kurope of the HthJaa due on thpllih Fil>. Kkox Chis«:-B> tho H. M. ;..i(... due I ■■>!■»■ Oiif in IajdcI lire .Win P. 4 O. Jan •.►.'nd JiinlJIh M. M. JanSilli .Tun IMi N I'
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  • 231 4 AHBIVAU -■;«fro,u H,n,bunJ->l«M re X .1!;:-. a:i'i arpenti.'n. r EmM liom FremanlleM.— U Newman, J. Kol«-. ci. Weildrrl.iirn. K. J. Irvin.-, K. M. Nark... J R. Dodd P. |..u:.i». \V. Mrt'ullixh, ami Mi. anil l.i I IbUm) from Soura ban Mi .111.1 Mrs. kmtlniau, anil Misa Brink maa
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    • 234 4 Under Ibl. headlngtba folio-ring abbre.ialion.are uaed^tMrner .h.-.hip m -Imraue- \rt. -ia.-ht I ro. trnioer. ÜbV-OiJnboat; Br,t.-Brit,.h US. DaUj Stale. Ft. French Oer.— Herman Out.— Dutch Joh.-Johora 4c, O.c, General cargo d.p.— deck paaaengen U—tm-er-iii; T. P. W.-Tanjong Pagar Wharf T t» i) Tan i one J***l*
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    • 466 4 Amhtrtl, Brit. utr. IIX tona.Capt Maddoi. linl, Feb. From T. Anton, cth Feb. O.c, and 34 dp. Wee Bin Co. For T. Anson. Uth-Bdi. Bm Uiaf >""i. Dili- «tr lon«. Cap! Roluf", lOtli Feb. For Sournl.ajra.Hth Feb. i c and 14 d. p. Ek Leong Chan. For
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    • 608 4 VESSELS WHICH HAVE PROVIOUSLY ARRIVED AND ARE STILL IN PORT. Anih«n>, Brit. fu'h. IWtonn. Oapt Dun. ■1.-.-. IMth I>.-. From Fr.-in.iiit !h. 4th Xov San.lal»««l. Gothrie ami Co. D ah M,,,,,i. Brit. tonii. ("ant Smith SXth Jan. From Ijtlmsn. -'L'n.l Jan. Coal. Borneo Coy. l°— Dock. Hrn'ial. V A
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    • 438 4 I Wo'iw. port. imtuihU .til. „r am™.. H Htunw. JhkML Barry Ift II- M ll;ill. ni vh. n>ll»Mntl llamburs. X.l, B N-.« Ballaantl. EfonctOOl X.-l, U I 1 t Ba»i>an Baanlttn, X.l. 11.-iv.-m. llr.inen.Mnr J; Balm KrfK 8.-h^al H»nKkoii|r. Kel. I" P. 1 ft It. nl.iriK. Lallan. |M
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    • 59 4 PA8SBD SISIU BTRAlTS ok ARRIVED FOR ORKEK." Kii i>at« ln.k MB Siiii'h Nixs. Ouun M Kkiihumi: J»n snirit «.i.r»iiiop.- FUethu Dm 12 Hit n .11 Hut P. llen.lnk l)roo)[lrv«r IV. S4 Atn,l.T.i:i. Veb 1 Brit t.».AInwi.-k W«lw:ir.| Illut bs.8iiK.-rue iO«Uuta K.u IIBaMrU B L'llnt :k. I'nilmllll ABril l«t.\Volfr M.
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    • 172 4 a H.iu i K.u fib -Vtj.-n UN cru MOO Jatkal Muntok K.I. 7H.X. I t> Vun Uuthoorn l>ui »tr 1000 Eilbrachl Bttarla I-. Uoriimla lUI sir. llhl Ivlava Bombsv I«O 9 Kaiui'raMa M. yd, I7J Na.uil.Ui KlaiiK Mai-i-uirk.T Dot Mr. IDS Cramer Hatavia I.■ (I Pakan Brit Btr. M
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 175 4 NOTICES. JAMES WATSON CO'SSCOTCH WHISKIES UHmntTUDI INTHi: tUMB y y .< rcßcirK, iirnr paid. VV o si'l'.ci \I. RBBBRVE. »wj»»«o»m»"t»« DOMINIE. 10 YEARS OLD. „.,t.p*™ OBTAINABIE FROM KKT.II MAUCM "> McALISTER Co, cv— John Little Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE. ACETYLENE GAS CYCLE LAMP& laW^UaW TIIK "CALCIUM KING." Tin- Kami .in I
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    • 356 4 NCmCEJ^ With torturing, disfiirjirinr;, itchinp;, burning, Weeding, scaly, and pimply humours, instantly relieved by a warm bath with Cpticura Soap, and a single anointing with Cutktra (ointment), the great skin cure, followed by a full dose of Ccticura Resolvent, greatest of blood purifiers and humour cures. (piicura la aold throughout
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    • 222 4 NOTICES. LIME JUICE CORDIAL. THE BEST. dfc ajay«'»-»--«f'a«T.-^ t FURS. NO MUSTY FLAVOR. Or W°G^EAr Sf HtUNS, LONDON MACXIVKN UDCiHUOn IKNS TVy eamr n* n l«».i mmt blrwnng In mm Sold at nil Slationen. WAVKKI.KV WCIIIKJ, CDIXBI'IUIR, lVnni;, lo Hi>r M:ij.-t> tu. 3(i,(l VB Si;iUIAVAI.I.OS nuiMUom (jrisiNE tridn Tonic of
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