The Straits Times, 30 September 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1898. NO. 19,646
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 305 1 C W ,i..'* .S».H«»."« M rivMOtTH, .^.uedlor /Vr«..« in ..n.:. Hwiawi— iirt*" 1 l«iw. Haßaaral Oct. „i,l llet.-.'l Nov. I I ,o -z\ passenger*, (hin-cial Strtaiapa.) ]i)WI rtktk i.i RoT.ta i>". i» N ■..^l'J^'.vh.WlyinKin ssssssn lifter tbit lime a chaigi I- m... le. T,".,5,,r,, be taken r, he vessel's arrival.
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    • 839 1 STEAMSQIP COMPANIES. I'ONINKI.IJKK PAKKTVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ <""'r»ct with the Netherlands India Ooveinment dtmm «< ■ayajiin 5,,,, anaaor, vi i .1. niaaraM Co.. •.•-.•>. (Jr.v. steamer From I'lflniHU W lle I-spatclied for On •aaißbaya. Sapl E Bawaa, Boorabaya, li'mas-in Pulu Uut Vr. .lfrr.,H*r. IVnan B Oct. I. sJhi.,-,1. \ia, lr r?roor
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    • 429 1 SCOTTI.-ll tiKIKN'I'AI. STKAMSHIICOMPANV, LIMIIED KHOIJU» I.IKI BETWIIH nAICGKOX in ■aaaaaaa, s. ■aafknt Bat (aider. 8f» torn. A'cm.; llrmj, Capt. loslin. MB2 Tnt (ho*, Capt. Primrose, ma ..l-hra (Vu»»A-/oo,Capt.Koiv|er, 1,012 I'lira fhula Vkom Klao, Capt. Pivot, I.OIJ I'hrn Sang, Capt. W'atton, I,OJ| l>rr«w* s Capt. Curtiß, 1,0ft7 CAo» Fa, Cnpt. Williamson,
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    • 693 1 INSUIiANCES. fI'HK LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIHK INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital gf.liT.llrt Paid up Capital Jjrti Reserve Fund ii7tt,.l.Vi The undersigned. Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept tire ritLs at HorsTKAI) 1 Co. fpilf CHINA TRADKK INSURANCE 1 COMPANY. LIMITED. C.pit«! Snhscribed Wfln.nOl.. Amount l'ldd up K.-.r... Fund
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    • 248 1 INSURANCES. I LAW UNION AND CROWN KIRK AM) 1.1 XX INsrUAXCi; COMPANY. CAP! I'll. 1I,(IUO,OUO. 'pilK undersigned have been appointed I agent, nt Singapore, for the abate < i-anv and are prepared to take risks at current rates. IAKUKH A Co. TRANSATLANTIC FII.K INSIRANCK CO.. OK HAM HI R<; NORTH
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    • 736 1 NOTICES. JOSEPH liftoffs" Of Highest Quality. ..1 I n |,-fi Bl ft Greatest Durability arc Tharafora |a* kH CHEAPESI. I L H V e.f. :il IJ STOP. THINK AND CONSIDER \ini.\T we oiler mn Security in your hciu.-s. rre.-.loin Bran 11.. 11-. 11,. IT efacuuiVaaUoa of RanaSu. all thaae btaaainga
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    • 448 1 COMMON SENSE >-• NUTSHELL HOTEL DES DIDE& ItAIAVIA 'piliS ii,-t class hotel, Imlile.l I thnmfboul by alaetricit*, ii -iinaie.l in tha centre oX tha Buropeu 1.-ii1e111i.11,|,1,11t,'1,|.,.,i,1,.|i,,,1|. ir111 1 Clnl, un.i lose t.. tl,.' Klllii's Plalß. Il alien iphndid acooounadaUoa brtrav I -Unities TL. I"- nu tr.ii,, ]„--,-i n r,..Mt „f
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    • 751 1 HOW TO I'RKVKXT PNEUMONIA IN a n-.-ent letter from Washington DC loan old friend. Major <;. A Binder; fortweatl yearn rnited States Consul at NllKapore si,y- -W.iile at Dea lloinai I Iwame a.,|iininte.l with a linini. Tit known as Chamberlain. Pain Ilalni.whi.h 1 e.cellent aßainst rheumatism as well aagalnatiorciics.
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  • 11 2 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE DEATH. IDA, («<» Croplovl. the beloved wile of ,lr.C. A.Conp«i.
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  • 69 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. FRIDAY'S 30th SEPT., 1898. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. FASHODA QUESTION. KSTABI.ISIIIU ; PRICK lfi CKNTB. OriMOS OF HOI "TIMKS Lessba, Mlh Srptrmlrr. The I'', in a learliiiß article on the Fashoda bbmhM, declares a complete an. l iminwliato evacuation of the Nile Valley e«|il»torial province* by the French
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 18 2 Tho Queen of Denmark is dead. The death of Mr. Hayard, formerly American A,,,1,.,-sa.lor in UaMM, i»
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  • 1225 2 Tlie Oar's disarmament proposal, an .MnbodieJ aspiration for prolonged ijoaco though it may ho, declared, within I* hours of its puhlication, to have hruuelit war MMMfMaf nearer. ~ouif optimists were lost in ecstasy Iwloro the elevation of thu C'/ar's expressed purpose they ignored the very positive
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  • 665 2 Moxs. Paul Doumer. ci Minister of Finance in Paris, and present (iovcrnorUeneral of French Indo-China, arrived ban yesterday afternoon, by the M M Iwtm from Saigon. The steamer has made a very quick run thus far on her h -waid jouiney fr Shanghai, and i!i. (Jew r and
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  • 508 2 Mr. Thomas F Hayard, whose death is announced by Renter to-day, was brought prominently before the Kngliih-speaking public when he was appointed by President (lev, I :ii.l. in Urn, to M American Ambassador to Knglaud. From this position he retired only last year, when Mr. Whte became
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  • 177 2 In the Qwa of Denmark, death I. as or laa iiitiinatelv coniiccled with nearly every Royal house in Europe, She was more -i.,-, i.illy known to 11-. rf WmiM. its the mother of the Princess of Wales, tin. «as h,i .1.1 t dangktri The late (jiicen had. tor weeks
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  • 5 2 T»-«4T-.4» l»*, lt 1 I
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  • 14 2 H M S. n, f h,i, arrived 1,, I day afternoon from Hata'; j
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  • 9 2 "K, exchange, and 1 and the mail 1',,,, 1
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  • 1 2 lTUadverti»e"orthaUir
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  • 1 2 1
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  • 4 2 Two habitual -ftmdsri lr
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  • 14 2 It ia advertised that Ik. S |i... k 'j,:" examine,! in December mix I
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  • 14 2 TllKc.isein«l,,,.|, 1 W- I.', character and abuse 1, 1.!,, I till Cctobcr fill, I
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  • 14 2 '.'l, inch Work A-0,,,,h,,,.Y',^ I a. theß.,ni,-.ii,i55,i,.,,,i j I day, oil, (Mohor HoJ I
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  • 14 2 tin ■».vkei,d,n 1! onSat,,,,|. lv l ll I ratio |K-r thousand BM St* I
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  • 11 2 BwijwmauiD, ttaoa I Or 4 I iMnd lob* reported 11,-.,.-i,,l' I
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  • 24 2 .\U:M,. f :K5a,ere,,,,,,,|,,1,|, a t|l( minded that' tlie cut,",,.- for tbs UsS monthly medal Handicsp tobsSS OB r,.es.lay. the 1,1, ,i,
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  • 48 2 Ar the Oaatnl Polios Sutios naai d.iy ilUraeaa, .1 porti n .1 thsw«» »ork and plaster lell „1 11,,. "hr'ouch 0 wlnt'- 'Ti' :A tlirouuh wliite ails Un iiLiiiieutnui.e enriai repsinkaissai *tO|>|H»l. 11l |.|a.e oltl,, I work, there will bean iron S ir.|,-r pal I
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  • 55 2 Ar M.-sis Crans b resurdaj afternoon, tour km ..1 i.iui situated ;it Taojong Klin, wn pal .m 1,1 s.ueln oi.lei olt I riwIMISI lots wcle boll-lit by Ml .1 I M .it Maae'jWeenti >ai hi it h.t.:!^ i tell to K.,ii Yea 11 .k v Ami lor 17
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  • 65 2 snaMMM \ni ii nut, lr is reported th.i' II I sin, the C'muese Con-nil ial t Mn-ipoie. win. lias been 1.. 1 1.,,, to, --General ol KaUwi Soutlieru I'loiiu.e ol uuiii. 1 turned to bubi lv nu Ot two lilllholl 1.1. 1- fol i.«knii4-. II K waa 1
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  • 326 2 This morning M tbaUapraaaCaal WmUm lvi.-i JiuUm i» > MtJ.v liog Le;uii. MM I iri Coup. Muck K« il a Co ttgttbin faf Uh Mjiii'a In Hi.- ..I- iii.v Bin i ...i.. N.,%.1.1 Muliaui.l Ah .Man in. »v k I .1.,,« 111' luf I It-. M ill
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 504 2 NOTICES. NOISKLS ~i EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD. Manufacturers ol: Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, uima Safety Fuses, in Electric Blasting Apparatus. I I ii. BrilM rors naremwl ■i ■rnaaM to THK IWKXKO COMPANY. LTD HOLE AOKNTH HiKoirou. II \VK ll.« Us ttfPri IKs IN KIOCK 01 lIIK MlnVh. SIDERQSTHEN
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    • 209 2 NOTICBB. JOHN UTTU AND COMPANY, LTD. 1 Have just received a i Shipment of American goods r ;x.T.i;r,;isK" NEW meat CHOPPKR. lamilv -v. Bxi Ii Vl.-j:,. I MJH I" 9 UM. This Minting Ua. Inn. 1.. .-s not grind the nie.a like othei Cutton but I hops it. Simple in
      209 words
    • 482 2 NOTICES, Ml NICIPAUTV Of MALACCA ■VOTK'KU hereby given that the lists ol pers .n» „ualin«l for election SI Muni 'ip .1 Commissioner*, and of pemone, enlitled to vote in the electian of Municipal Commissioners for the Municipality of the Town and Fort of Malacca, have iii-i-ii -i'iit 1 1 1
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    • 906 2 LATKST ADVERTISEMENTS. WAXTKI). Tanjong Pagar Dock .Sham. Mutn.-i|>:il 6 X Debs. KOR UQ Taoiong I'ngnr Dock I VI,, I Tanjong r-it-ir Dock Deb. 4 BtaMaTradaagO*?. FKASEK .4 Co.. a. c. Exchange And Hhare Brokers. NOTICK OK REMOVAL. DLMMXnU has removed lo No. t, Walciloo Street. 6 10 ART NKKOI.KWORK DKIMT
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    • 65 2 SI. 8. S. AMU lot i1... si,,!.'. I\~. ■1i.n1.l tvn on nn« of the MM.r only. Bt tIM MClert of U»t omd.Uoa. "*ny if 8. 8. u« r*j*aUd mitfht utinTwi... bt> pabliahe.t. All »-li»rtt«inif cc»ntr»rU mm •uhi«ot to the coodi- THE STRAITS TIMKS" HAS THE LAKOBErr CIKCULATIOX Of AXY
      65 words

  • 349 3 1 LmprofwnMßH of the. TH. '""V' ,/.V.,n fra .g on during tba past five '«'"h',','rse' liraterTwho, tf formochat the present a hatch, arc not 1 ,,,.-'-V;" there is hardly ike t.. call a ihapal] ......1.-vM.,,.. t "'.V.'k. j.'t ti.e.r horaaa lf itjini k i,j,,,,,r,i waa going w J1-
    349 words
  • 33 3 la line oftMe i the option of six rpoaseaaionof contra--1 1, »e,,t 1...,,..; the penalty f«"«»iH.'.ai,s were fined .V.each*lda Ii ii-.-.l I'lrforman ea "His 1 I ard labour the r:,;::r &g
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  • 25 3 •reekb Araatioaa thereto, "Inch ca.h day I' "tensediacomforl pei form duties 1 caps ,i Usinperat. ciimate ■t, were take, > '"''ay it our I
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  • 36 3 "lealofihebatO. ""la He meadtly •vil effects, until /.and. v put over him 1,..,,,,, ■:.r:;--udeavoured 'i., 1 everbwrii. 1 -»n and, a the iv. "redwtien the mail u,,,j c > *ci f htea bimaelf to
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  • 662 3 THE PALACE REVOLUTION. HoNOKOs.i papers to the 24th instant received this morning, contain only telegraphic details of ihe Palace revolution at l'ikiii. A private telegram, received at Hongkong on the £(rd, mentioned that the Emperor had been deposed, and that the Chinese (Jovernli,cut had been taken over by
    662 words
  • 54 3 In I'erak. fiom to-morrow, no export duly will bu levied on coffee when the price falls below *l» a picul One per cent, will he levied when the value is SIU and up to S-'l a pioul. A sliding ale 1011,,..- ranging lo «U value whan the
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  • 55 3 <;hNRHAI.\VAI.'I..a United Stale- citi/CII. w1... fought against the Taiping rebels for the Imperialists, fell in act ion in IHS2. In 1877, the Emperor ol China deified liiili. having previously had his remains removed to S.Kiiiukonj:, where he is 6'.ip|Hisud to be worshipped by the oflicials on the
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  • 104 3 A Malay aafatar, naiiicd Sleyinaii. „I'iliesn .lam Paranakan Press, living in North Bridge Road, was charge,l yesterday momma, with being i" poaaeahob of stolen property ri. a quantity of type and .onier oui.i nis belonging W> M,.-i- naser and Neave It »...s v iced for the defence
    104 words
  • 120 3 j Tiik Yorka RmnenUl Hfle Meeting, under Diaby rulsa, was eon tinned at the l".< niili II 1 am;e yestci.l.n Appended are given tha bawl scons in the vaie, 1- competition! 500 y!s open to marksmen, rank and 1,1, i.-Coi Beacon,.t3;aooyds.ditto:- 1.-Co, Beacon and Ito.Shove.W aacfa
    120 words
  • 1015 3 RISSIA AND CHINA. The Hongkong Telrgraph publishes the text a convention just com hided between Chins and Ruuia. The Convention it|. the stains of Port Arthur mid Ta lien lin. and the neighbautaa, territories leased. It providea Hint only Russian vessels are to bu allowed to
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  • 905 3 Ijoodoii, lull Srptemlrr. l'K Hoplinson, who tu.'l with n t ,i:.l a, I'l,-nt whili- .'limbing in the High Alps, Waeaavwß not only a«ale«dinKole.-iri ian. in ill, 1, -il pn.l abstruse theori.'e of f.hvsics. In this latter connection Lo ha« r,»n. time to time been prominent iv the
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  • 116 3 Tiik Court of India, over Mrs. Canon will rule, i- far inoiv ipleadld b:i.v» ii writer who la given to aatna piitDjaaqM Biaggeration. Thin is alwo-luii-Iv ii' .>'ssa.v in iv.lit t» imprssa tin' natives and the semi-independent Princes, who still foraa a very important slemenl in
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  • 169 3 At a „,t:iin mMpnMrt two ►ail...- on.< Engliib and Ihe other lrixli te It" looki reach otborin cas* oisocidaot. During th« sctiaß tl.e Buglisbmui'i K- got oil; ami ha called to hia Maud Pat to carry him lo Iha ,U.cior. which PW readily proooadod
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  • 74 3 The mining report for August, statea that milling was carried on equal to 24 days with the full battery, crushing 1,900 tons ofb. .Mngsforayield of 167 ounces, 5 dw: < ,f smelted" gold. The Heidan pans treated M tons of old tailings and concentrates for a yield of I,'J
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  • 141 3 Tim Tenang Cricket Club held its annual meeting OB the 20th instant, with Mr J Y. Kennedy in the chair. The Chairman pointed out Ihe sound financial condition of the Club A heavy deficit had been hand off. and the Club had now a credit balance of
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  • 142 3 I'iik iiirxipal industry iv that pan of the talking coast that lies between Kuala Ku.uit.i,, sad tlic Kcmainati boundary, according to our I'ahang correspondent, is Ashing. But tho permanent population there is very small For every lishing season, numbers of Kemaman Malays conic over 10 Berserah, (iebing,
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  • 160 3 Thfre is a ruiuour that Prince Louis, yCHIOfSr brother of the head of the Bonaparte family, win, holds high tank iv ihe Russian army. about to be betrothed to the (.rand Duchess Helen, only daughter of the Qraad Duke Vladimir, eldest uncle of tha Tsar. Prince Louis
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  • 178 3 Wl have beet, supplied will, lone particulars of Hie new Government Baet-bottM at the Bbuangkok Paaa. The buihUng ooaDpriaaa a sittingpiope'ily lurnish.d. Ti.e car, -taker speaks SngUafa and can k. The Rest-botue is J.n>i feel above tba level of the sea in the foicst at the
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  • 172 3 WHAT ARK TIIK 1 'I.I'IMAI'K AIMS 5 In nn "intctvicu with the French Ambaeaadof at the Bartta Curt, about September let, by a correspondent of tha W WmnJmrvd, tbe Marquis daNoaiUeaiamadatoaay it..;.- notlm possibh' thai the l^yptl.iii ,|,|e>li,,n would be broached al Ihe pro| I l'eai c
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  • 187 3 Si. me A... ni, a., wpan contain rers •harp criticiam on Pmidenl UcKinleyi oonititutionoftba Peace Commiaaion acriticiam thai tnataeurioualywith moat of tha remarka, both original uid uuotad In, in America, in the London Journal*. Kavarthslaaa, Iba opiaios genarally ia that tin' By« comniii -i r- will, at
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  • 41 3 Thi following is tl.e programme of the band performance at the Tanglin Parade Ground, for Sunday after Processional March. San SaUatore Baker. Overture Don Juan Mo/art. Sacr. I Song. '1.,. Kameauv F»un>. Selection.. "Nabiiceo" Verdi. God Save the Queen."
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  • 186 3 VKsTKHDAYti PI.AY. .MAMri.,N«llll' Cait. l'ar»ons beat Klliol (ii-4. 3-6, li U. A SINGLES. Syn.cs X, Hamilton, tie untinished. n. tiNULca. ■Voadward l»'at t'ntlo (tt-'J M Godwin beat Maakn (»-7, Ol); Makepeace beat Seoular (li-". M, <i-Sl. The tie (io.lwin 1. Makeimace was postponed. 11 l>u 1:1 > Bluiid
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 157 3 i'aim.kss m:\tistky I vl( .vri-M-iiKNs v.ii ban |lism|isn t'EEe KEDUCED. U.lll B, Ilallery bad, BALI Of VALUABLE BOCSEHOLD H IiMTIUK, A, ai w.h.i.v,, h, 1:,.. i,. 11,.,,.,. 6M I flilli: andmiaiwil will -,-n >,> AnrUea al 1 \ViK«lneuk.liar<l..n Um.i.i; Wellies diiy, Mh OlMl'd. cMiulneueiiit! ,v I j. 11l the
      157 words
    • 310 3 NOTICES, KATZ BROTHERS. LTD. Are now showing the Ibllowing new goodfi .lust arrived l'.itcrlain Waiton, Nickel Carl Trays, Bapuate CompartDMnti A j^ V Ice Civ.itu Fi.'i-ziiiK Mui'liiuos. HANGING LAMP. $17.00. .S|.ucialK- Si'li-i liil, f\ Siitfni.'s lii-iiss Sccils. f Lawn Howling gMM. t Tenaii Balls, I Aj Tm l{ai,|iict.s, Tennis Nets,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 296 3 WKATHKi: RIIOBT. Kasvam Isivasi Ml tVst MM Bar. SS.ftHSBMWSOW Temp. T7.-> -."..i TTjO M W. B'll. Ilier 7.M1 7-u 71 I $S"* Ilir.otWm.i ss» N.W. i (1 Man. Temp. »i 7 Win n* »4% Mai. in Sun lr,7ii rerr.rnif. M c'T'c Rainfall Nil WBATHKR TBLEOBAM. (M. ■A. ,i- 0, 7.
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  • 503 4 •»rji,)iv»i.. -torn Sr.rrrM»ii. 1W PRODUCE. (Bain ore »rV*W to xo<>».> Gambler buyer- •*.l,}. Copra Bali v MB ,lo I'miliruuk.. •*>■ I'epiw, 81ack.... buyers X.HO. do «hit«,(st) WiO. j ■iauo Flour Sarawak 2.7.'i. do Brunei, 2-oX-!V.vrlSago t offee, Bali, picked 'J9.UO. CoSee Palemb«ng, picked.... 30.60. Coffee, Liberian, No. 1 IBM) rarioca,
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  • 122 4 For Vrr ,lr. Ti*'. To-Moruow. Pontianak M faaHaaaa. 7 a.m. Baagkok H. s. (■u«n, DJambla h'ian Ann, 11 a.m. Hongkong .Ii Japan HuhrbUrg. Ham. lvnang A..../, I p.m. Muar A Malac. a Fnrjnlla, t p m. Hell Hail 111 a, .'t p vi SoiiraLava via BacM H. l'i,h (.u.n.
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  • 106 4 Kkom KlEorE:-lly the M M. lair- with dates to the utblSept due on Hi-- '.'lid Oct. She brings replies to the mail which left Singapore on the Aug. I KkumCiiinv-Kv the 0 ftWlaarai. due on the 7th H.t Lt.fl Siiifnpori. Dub in l^ind AugttMll M.-M. li'th AllKLMlh X.I).
    106 words
  • 290 4 AUKIVAbx nana: Mr. and Ml. [allni aliaan A. E. H.iwlin-- P. R.i.lgei«. K. C. Man, Mi an.l Mi. .1 M (, Mr Tan Hup l-eoug, Mr. an.l Uv. Turner, and Mr \v. 0. *af down Par a. a Han Um§ (aaa from Cotie: Mi V\ uii^. and Mrs. Cossak r.-r
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  • Untitled
    • 162 4 Umlerlbldheadlogthofoltowingabhrevia i«ni nr» used «tr— ileamer sh.— ship m.- -barque; Brit.— British U.S. United Fr. French Uor— German Dut.— )utch Jon.— Johore; 4e., 0. c., General -arffO U.p. deck passenger*; V.—Uneer*|J° T. V. W.-Tinjong Pagar Wharf; T. f. D.-Taoiong Pagar Dovk B. W. Borneo i»-harf;J.W.-Jardine'sWnarf;N.H.W.->.>w Harbour Wharf N. H.
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    • 1183 4 AKKIVALB HIJICB NOOK OF YKsTkK!>V\. ■Wnaar, Dut. itr. SiO tons, OaaJ Baak Li'th Sept. From Deli, I.'ith (1.c., and 4« dp. Daen.leli and Co For Deli. 41 h -Rds. HnfirUUrg. (ier. itr. 1.378 tons, I'aptiiu Pflff, 30lh Sept. From IU111I nr: t-M Aug. Be. B. Meyer and oa. For
      1,183 words
    • 420 4 ■nsnaj p>m, probable dutr ni anajni nai namf ol ajanMh Aehiii.-. Liverpool, i let 4 HaanWi Ale-ia. H'kong. ta leave Ocl 10; n Bna Vnleiior. i'liiiiii. (let Id; MansaeM llengal. Colomlio. I), t tl P. It 0 Uillaarat. ll.mgkanit. IM P. ami 11. lienlarig. H'kmig laleaveOcti I 1 Benvoirlieh. London,
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    • 150 4 5 Vtmm!*Muu. io» Oaftau i Kw. S|il H BOM Rrit «tr. 2t17 l".i (i|.lnr l>ut »tr. a» Iknna) ■_ii Übaana Chew lint sir uu w.-Ui lii Hrouu.i Out ttr 9« Rwk ■»i Sri >stnnrin<la >lr (il M..-^ •J* Udj LwfdM Brit »lr. HI JIl Caroliim Dut >tr. IN I
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    • 67 4 Dill. VEMKL'ii V«Mli c KuuiKK. Ouun Dbiiuiiu ■Ml Krinus -•!l IVIIus *i N.-ra Kut s,iii B "t<> On >*iijj Klu Ann :>i ChMa*Chei< 3" Luly Mitchell Hr'i I'ontiaimk 30 Sinßkop 30 Sucvift Oat sir. khTnour Nor »tr.—ii brit atr. (oy-li «lr. Bradle) «r. Vwuit wSil tu. Muffonl Sir Mr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 485 4 NOTICES. JKA|4R|4GR of Japan TOILET WATER ippreuLtcil bf M. MioH pcrilW ?nd Die Minq ot comfort »i,i, it laart lotte skm KANANGA EXTRACT RIQAUIT' S-.C ••■l"- Vivicnne, PARIS JAMES WATSON CO'SSCOTCH WHISKIES ARK THF. BUST fALDI IN THK HUtl Sll.lXt PKB CAKI!, miTT P4IU. V. V. O. SI'KCIAI. RESERVE. paid.
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    • 360 4 NOTICES. I PAUTLfISS DENTISfkY I L'u. sTF.riiKXs, Dmnum Hall, nr Kimil. PBKa MODERATK. A|(enl for Oriental Insurance Co. spectacles. gKNBOITB__W ATC II B 8 Miniiiiiiinn*, bnawn iiili, i.o«ikiic. .MAKKKTO 11. M. THE^rKKN. Spe ially manufacturod and recom mende-i for use in the Kast. I'.,.vmis'« Hricm. STEHOTH "HKI.D WATCH. A Gold
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    • 1015 4 NOTICKS. .»<).- KPII BAKEK. Cn»l|, limn: VMi VIENM BAsTO, CM 7, Yirlvria SlrrH.) urannßM i" tiii ti t.i.i. a CHKISi'.MAS AM) NEW YEAR CAKES ol the Lest quality at very in, .derate charge*. 1,-e eieam, waler ices, nml io*. pini.hngn. prrpareil daily. Buns, sweet*. Chocolate. ii late leain. Ch..eolale Large
      1,015 words
    • 518 4 .NOTICED UtMI.MiIU.N SiIAMJAKUTVI'KWRITEH. THK I'l RST BEST. In Kkw York, CnirArw, PutUDKLi'tiiA AMI UoCTO*. 78% 0f Typevvritßrs in use are Iteiuingtons. Sole Aamtt Me AI.ISTER A CO. SO/9 I ENVELOPES. TO DB HAU AT THK "STUAirS TIMKS" (iKUCK. Til I PATRIOT I'NYKI.OI'IX I.IXHt SI. 10: sent free by Tost Sl.Sli
      518 words