The Straits Times, 7 September 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Strai ts Tim es ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 7, 1898. NO. 19.1M1.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 404 1 rO|; lt OCOIirANT.I.II«ITID I" v-- f D :'lvTK.-) r *o flii< y, v > „,,v.,»n»v m J?i«iu»,APl».MTfni aioL l R nIMIBa L»w» ,'N'lvl'ini! •-»««"<"■ '''"T !I H "n. ../I'l'>M MAI!- l-INK. ||o»i»'U'. 1«98- Bep*. H W s*!**; 1 J*|7iiii|ir (Social j^ lor Enrol* > |h!M t. r-,,,1,.' Be».tl '"■'Can-mo'"' from
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    • 1139 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. ITONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPI'U Under cotitract with the fietherlonds India Government. Aarntu at SmgajHjrt: SHIP Af.EMCY, LJ.TK J. Darkdrls A Co -'-3 CoL! VER Ouay l-rop Expected Will be DespoU-hed for On Deli Kept. 2. Punch, Ilila, Assahan, Deh, Kii.l Edi. Sept.H. \,,,,hvys. Bmomin. Aug. -J!l. li'massin, Pulu Uut,
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    • 692 1 INSURANCES. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMUNY. Capital e-J.M7.riOo Paid up Capital S 19,700 Reserve Fund i.To XV, The undersigned, Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept Are risks at current rates of premium. BOUSTEAD Co. 'I'm CHINA TKADEEs INSURANCE 1 COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital Subscribed |5.. i«,.,««. Amount
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    • 717 1 INSURANCES. LAW 1 NltiN AND CROWN KIRK AND UFK IXSIUANCK COMPANY rUFITAI tt.dOO.oou. 'PHE iindvrvinneil have been appointed I J aticnt. at Mufopore, lor ihe obore Company ami are p-vicuct t-i I ike ri.k- at current nil,-. JAEOKU I THE Hill A 1 Tl INSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. >:-i«i;i lUBS. Hud
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    • 1212 1 NOTICES. Milkmaid -B-, BBAMB see that the jiiwDgHSEDJjfl H JBT *1 1 milkmaid ;i ii|i MllK 1 j^^gl Full Cream. ever Tin Largest Sale in the World. STOP. THINK AND OONSIDBR. WHAT we od.-r you. Sorority ill tour bomM, Fr.-clom from Tl.efta, the .-ir.-uinv.ntion of K.iln li.ix All these hllM-IM.
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    • 656 1 HOW TO PREVENT PyRUMONTA IN a rocent letter from Washington, C to an old friend. Mnjor (1 A. noder for twenty tears Inited Stales Consul at Sinnapore snvs Whrle a- lies Moines I became, acquainted with a liniment known as Chamberlain's Pain Halm win. -h I (ouu.l excellent again-t rheumatism
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  • 11 2 Established: 1831. PRICK II CENTS. Amy i. <...■„»/ m H,r fourth pant.]
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    • 85 2 GORDON AV ENGED. (XXITATION OK KHARTOI'M. UDVtH< IX BATTLE. 1.-nutun, 7th Stpl*inlx>\ The los».» in 111.' rank mid file of the Aiul -Kfryplian fones at the battle of tin I irni.iii lire as follows- British Twenty-throe lion-eonimin-•ioued .ili .t, an.l men killed, iiulndini; niiK-lit-n Mousing t.) the Twenty-Unit Laucers and
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  • 33 2 THE PEACE I II K SPANISH CORTES ■R'RCT -> •->. -s TO BK HKLIi The Col-ten hnvo ri!-a«sembl^l It was resolved in the OortM to die. Un tliu tmim of the I'oluiiieJ in iiecrel BBBsion.
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  • 33 2 NKW MINISTKK (IF W.\ K. The vacancy ill the French Ministry arising from the resignation of M. faialaaan. the Minister of War. baa b«n tillf.l by thu a|,pointmcnt of Ccneral Main
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  • 943 2 GORDON AV ENGED.. I > i-.-nlva matter of boon ere Ifel Kgyplian flag is OM more hoisted me Khartoum, was our very M* |ll«lllll 00 receipt of new- of ttM Sirdars preat victory at Oiuduinian. Thai mon Monday: the wpmttil MM lia- come to-day/and the OaMOOat and Hie Inion .lack
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  • 7 2 Today s 4m/a bank rate k 111).
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  • 14 2 Tub hoiurwanl mail by tlic CAu»« rt oinM al fi a in mi Friday
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  • 11 2 Tuk Mm* i:,..i.,.i will ha Imai at I oVlutk to-morruw inoriiing
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  • 15 2 I'k.iih i k. vxcliange, and share |Trcb, .ui'i tlic mill list, an- mi page 4.
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  • 24 2 A Ni warn M appeals from Uangkok Ml lixinl to bo huurd by tin- Court of Appeal hurt: wlik-Ii inocts on MM JTth illW
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  • 27 2 H. M. a Km was paid off al DsfODMCt, uli August iuh. frulll li.-i nrmmWlilHl on this ulation, nml MMbind tv tho II Uivibiun of tlm Klcet
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  • 32 2 VmniMMh thf 9mm at the Tanglm Hub on Friday next, we under--•:u..i tliut uhil.> Fancy 1),.--, i, Oflin—l, il is hOMd that many of the M.-mbt-rs will I,- pirnm I in it.
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  • 28 2 ltl'Ml.k is oktiiii- h.-r every |»iwer lo secure full nnval c<|.h|hihih tmtm* >nii.- tt nm««»-y The vc-s«-l. mii H.i,; especially lor the Km Katt arc MOrilta| |...lli,illui attention.
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  • 31 2 Many pertuns attended the I ourt ol I i n.-t» on their »ul>|Mina» at lv o'eliH-k this morning. The C'uiumimkmm nut at n uVlock. The furmer deserve but have no redress.
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  • 35 2 Mm. Na«Mali n..» «i leaves for Penally on Kriilnv, to take up the duties of Seroml Jfanintrale there Mr 0. J. Kauriders takes iharijo oftln'Tlnnl Court here, funding appointment of a successor to Mr Howard
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  • 54 2 ALLEGE D MURDER. Tins rtMN^ one Kcang Saik went to a house in Nankin .Street where lived a woman of Ilia acquaintance. A puirel iH'sau anjlie stahlwd her in the n«k. Hh Ml i.r,,i, M ,tly removed to iHMpital, Init died throiißli lons of 1.1...,,) as >o»n as admitted. The
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  • 59 2 Jl'Bamai lias bnn given iii the Mlomß| a»»s at the assizes: Sioli charge.! wilh lli, It as a Mmral, tl >■•■■"- miprisuniiiuut Tan Team Wan, i. t with dilivrry uf bait com poMMHd wilh the knuwMge that it MMMfMI, ilisdiarsed i'lin l.'liua Kk BfaaqM null tlu'lt 111 a
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  • 285 2 THE RIN LO DE. I me .lel.-l.ii Mmm,; and Trading ('om|..i.iy has matt known iilracts lion, a r.-i-i t n Hi.- Kin I'm' l.y Mr. \V. W illi.un-. who inpaoMd that mine on 1 lii' HM and L'lih ol lust month Mr WilliaiiianuiNlhattliei:.Mxrapliiral|.i>M lion ol tin' I'lMir— ion 1*
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  • 99 2 1 istiri'AV a I tunanian, reponou the police that he and throe other coolie minera from Johore engaged a tampan to go to the Kalians River flic sampan man. however, instead of taking them to their destination took them to the back of the oil store at (iaylanß
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  • 114 2 THE QU EEN OF HOLLAND. The Accession festivitira at Medm in Deli, on Ma Mat August, passed oil' successfully Al night. H* town was brilliantly .llumin.ted. and than was a grand ball at the lt.-si.lent s bonce. A nro,-lamation. dated the Bane, :11-t August, waa also an inibl.c. The Queen
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  • 364 2 itanxupr oy .ii kt A«ica. ttlflTttf* with a an. k. Is the (Juwnn iBBM l'ivi-,,n of the High Court, on Aafaet lab, before Mr Justice Wrajht, ii motion was heard on In-half of the (Uncial Receiver for the fotn.nittal for contfinpt of (outt at 1...rd Dl la
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  • 475 2 waichkn miii ii. nan mm id r. c. WIN KA9II.V. Tun ti.- Ih.|w.-.ii tin- sec andtbe It K in tin- lint mud of I!..- alum tsuonalWaa wa» aland off yeatanlay aftoHiuua i th.-s k C pound li.. t turf was in g.ioU tliaiflltlll. .iii.l th. t pM waa
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  • 127 2 I Oa c Oo I Tlie tii! U'tKivu !!„>,■ ■„i,, 1 a i, I !of the West York*, ;.!«> in th« In-' I riMiinl ol tin- .it i.n i it n mal played oil at TanglijQ y.-slci.l.iv aOai '< liuun and nwulti-,1 in .1 win 1,.. I
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  • 913 2 (•"1.1.1M10.N AT I AVITK VIEWS of THKI-oITI.AcI I rom ii ('orri t fu/f nl Angiul LW/., |s., s ll Tli.only .f.-idcnt, I nich has excited much inter. I lik p..-t lew days ai, uti!..,,,,., 1 I ,11,-,,,, at (jfce1,,. ■a -,1,h.-rs and armed Ininraaiiu I redneedaj,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 335 2 NOTICES. MHSKI/S KXTLOSIVES COMPANY. 1,1). riMih Dynamite. Gelignite, Gelatiue 1). i. Blaitii:; Gelatine, Detonators, Fuses, Electric Blastm; Apparatus. THE BOKXKO OOMPANY.LTD. NOI.K AIiKNTM Raw* m»i.-,. m.iii,, Jan. and HAVE AI.WO .-YITI II in BTOOI SIDEROSTHEN PAINT. ra paint hi IKON Wh STKKI, 1:1 IM i M i\ r THE BORX1
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    • 107 2 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. Bog to announce that their CLEARANCE Will commence on sth Sept. a>linuTc- and Beiges. 1 1 .1 Mow Silk.. Flamubttei and JVint-. Liile Thread Hoaory. S|]iui Silk Howry. Silk Milan.M' Gloves. Ooneta and I iiilfivloiliiiiL!. Sliawll ami Wraps. BunthMta. Toweb and Towelliag. Ira !o*ie* and Cii-liiim-. Cnl,
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    • 755 2 NOTICES^_ NOTICE MRANIII'iNY HANNAY BAEBUKN, It nuth.jiuml from this .tut.-, tv -it-. our firm |h-i pro-muti™." (UTHKIK 4 Co. m I s.|,t ih'.iH. :»v"t» XoTK'K AS TO N\MK ff«l ndanlfnad r..|U.-t« Hint corn»--1 pondanta «riil willl— n'l omniumNathan.' Communlcaltoaaaddroiaaa'*!. Nathan* ar» It J.I.- L.i iiiinmrry lin.l to b< .t.ln.r.-.i t..
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    • 881 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I \va.\ti:l) KOi: S.M.K Municipal Data. I Municipal Dab. I Tanioni: I'aear Do -k Del*. Ttnonc l-iicar !>■» k IM I MrmiU TnSi| Cuy. «liare«. mm Co., il c. Kichange and Share Broken. BOABO ASH I.ulKil.Nc; I 1"* »K BmMon or familie*. near CJovero--1 ll.ii-i-. willi hiiio|«'*n
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  • 3474 3 I H 4V .KnKMoKR-<t... ,V,ting M,,,rn,-y (i.ner.l) WngOelantal uditm mfr .hill. (OB-Ir-'l'-I- C-Mdent v i,(! liualdanl nginecr). ....ihennnutes ihe Hon Q 8 1, ,le,.e,| L'hambet ol th, table relating ad Hi- r.-L-i-tra- .v.n.i.v Singapore There Ih.lirsl twelve j 11l the iviri::,: ill with the sale ,in .luanlilies of
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  • 206 3 Kaiii.v tbia moraine, Br* broka at No i::. Reach lane The upper-half of the hou-e »as occupied by a Chinese woman ud her son and two daunhlels. while the lower h'llf was rented by a cuple of Chinaman. iin alarm beiiuj tiTea by some Malaya, the Fire Brijad*
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  • 70 3 M.,, vo womaa, Uvwgal >;\ Upper lloki.-n Street, waa found in an uaooa- ttata 1 i-i nigbl In her bedroom, anddii-,1 tlyalierwanls II appeals thai a Hokieo fri. id „i ben code* nwnd to persuade her t<. leave the hIIMO Mie refused. wbenUDOn the man went out and
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  • 58 3 Ir is reported from SI IVlei-l.uu that th* Xoriuti, a newpaper than, has declared that it will he time for a eonferoiea to b* held betwoaa the rrpr nt.i'ivei. ol ihe Paver) "hen ihe reasons which lea.l lo the mainlenan.-.-of th* piestnt buf* nriuaments shall j have been
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  • 681 3 1.1 their nmuh with Surrey at the Uval on the M August Yorkshire lost a cerluin amount of |,i. -tic- as a side. The whole time available for play on Thursday had betii occupied by Surrey in scorint; 4,1- for fix wieataaa, and with the ground still in
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  • 114 3 Ihr.v iii.n „f the Ye*4 V.irkf. »,-re placed in the dock, thia marainf. <>nu waa charged with beinK diaorderlr, tbe ..ih.-r law «nli weaaj criminal brea. dborderly conduct, trmpWg from lefal eaetody, and •aaauttini a public servant. Ihe Bnl man lined Hire,- dollar*, <>r aw dan; hla c—iianiuiii
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  • 112 3 l\ the Cmiii of KetiuMl^ Uno mornin-, ih.-r,, apiwarod n lady lo defend her npivlication In set atida a dijtn-- warrant, to which bho had bean aubiocted ii tltngroond thai alw waaequally lialilr with lli'- principal truant bf the narmatri ol Ihe ra I a hatm ,i, Queen
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  • 74 3 Tin 1.a,1i.- monthly medal foi Bepi,i,,i,.i »v played for yesterday, bnl ovinaj tootliei i.-iiu-i.- verj bvladici UIM U rry banded in the nsaUaoi ■rratcli »core ol eu, but, harina woo uneealready, tlio medal wen) to MiKvana r» lew 18 83. Tl.. following ;u. the full Korea >li--
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 53 3 mU UW 1 Lll-Kll H) SAIL F,,r CalcntU mv port-. /v.,,,..i. on nil S.-i.t. Booster! Co, HongkoDg, A,-, ll .In.- nli s.pi Markka .V II M.-li" FaAaaa, ea :mli Bei i: lead a IV) -Hi lepl Bern** v aaattaUa, oa i-ih pi W. uwßelda Co. Msuritiu*. /<.«« lit r».
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    • 164 3 At ITInN SAI.K Of TIIK HTAMM! sin BAMtJAMmt Ul 1 1 TA (Al oi uta MM HbraaWi l.v/, 5.,,1. j slii in. 1. 1 Mi liti-i 1 aadartha Imi.h lag mi, l n.m riini.iiit.' lialaeaa inKniK)re and ll iiij.'ini:i--in Length m bat, fin-niiili l' 7 f.-ei B ni«: depth l«
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    • 166 3 j NOTICES. i John ITmOi-D COMPANY, LTD. Havo just received a Shipment of American goods. "KNTKuruisi;" \i;\v MEAT, CHOrPEH. F;unilv Kxch > *I---'.V Utg*r I K.SS, Tins .Mm. ;u Ma me does not grind sham*al i-ut Chops it. simple in Construction Eaailt ,le;ine,l "K.\Ti:i;i'i;is; IOFFEEMILL Family -i, l.v i, Th.Coll..
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    • 439 3 FOR SALE: EMPLOYMENTS: TO LET: \ND PERSON ALB Ist Tim, I.', cenU a line; M »n,l ;lr.l times. Weeaasa Uae 4th le Bth limes, is eeata lino 7th to imli times, 3 eenUa Ha*! aherwarda, I ci-mk n llne;bul no hunt,' less than one .Inll.-ir 1 ma to linailnil :i
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 279 3 WEATHER REPORT Kmdantt Krrbou llMpital, tVA Sryl. 1« H».m .Ipm 9p.m. itIHtKIS. Bar. itw.7 a«M jv >m Temp. 78.S IU 77 K W. tfll.Ther 74(1 HJ> 7SO "1 Dir.orW.n.i kmv. N.W N w E o S Max. Temp. B.VO S~£ Mln 7.1.:! Mu. in s,.i- l-JOfl Terr.rad. 70.L> %V* Rainfall
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  • 502 4 8i»«»roa.: 7th Samiiaia, l»»s. PRODtTCE. (Rolen are comcttd lo V2.JO a.m Oambier Mi, I'opraßali da Pontiaoak t1.40. IVi.per.Bla.-k Kl.7f. do Whita,(6X) 4300. s«ko Floor Sarawak^ 5.72 J. do Brunei. *•«>■ Pearl Sago "-i CoSee, Bali, picked •-■S'.M) Coffee ralembang, picked 90.n0. Coffse, Llberian^ So. 1 l»O0 Tapioca, .mall Flake
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  • 155 4 MAILS TO AKRIVK. Fkom Kfluiri:— Hy tl.r P. ,t (I. Ctn.natflrl, uill. ,lat.-s to tin- IMIII Augu.t dur on th.> loth hat Fkom Cms*:- By the r* O.s j.CAi..«.i, Ju^ on the pith Sept. Tina 1 hi, k Or Mm- 1 1.-,-Loft si ngnporn Im.- in 1 union
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  • 360 4 I.T. /(from Sa.lonK Mr Mh. Iji. hlan. Far a. 1* from Ml Mr. J. Wall. 1,. /,,>».. from 11-1.-slr M.-s.r.. I! T Ti-yisa.Jo.i-ph Chawill, an.l IVar. l'.r .V../«. from 1,-luk An~.ll m< |K.rl» Mr». H rropl.y, and .Mr. 0. Oanlai TO ARKIVK. <>v aajaynm) I', r Uormnn v.
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    • 130 4 l'n.l«rlli.«li,-a.lrii;lhpl.>lli)\\.i.L;al.l.ri-vui :»ii- arr I ■> I—f I tll.-thip 1 bn/ -barque; Bril. Britinh; 11.I1. S. I'n.W si a,-*. Fr. French; Uer.—(}«*rni«il; l>, Jon.—Jobore; *0., O. i-.. (K-m-ri\l canto il.p.-,l«i-k pAMK-ngrre t'.—t'ncerl«in; T. P. W.-T»njonK r««i»r Wliurf; T. P. D.—T»ni«nK rViKnr l>o.k B W. Bornso Wharf; .1. W.-Jur.line
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    • 1061 4 TRADING VESSELS C. Auiuu Sinn Noon or tanWl UwiJ. llrit. Mr. I,7VMon«, (apia.n M,lnlo»h. lith S,.pt. From Moji. •.'.Mil \ii|i tt—W. iVnMiir, Bril. >tr. 1.-. 1-.'."! tons. Capuni Bannut) ne. 7th S^pt. From rbanranc 3r.l ■anl BakVW. afinillll ami f... F..r Hani; kok, I'-K.U. (itrium, Bril. «lr. tWO ton. (apt
      1,061 words
    • 388 4 Nam*, port, prottabti dalr tt nmr..:. mi Andulusia. ll l.iiry. lap! I- 11. Krnr, Ai.uu.l, H'k..iiL-. 1..1-..>- >.■[.!■• II M.v.-r H-nual, Colombo, Del P. .t 0 ll:ill:uirnt. lloi.-koruj. O-ul; IV m Id Bingo Mam. Europe, >„.. Borneo, Hongkong. Hept 11..1I 1 .1 11.-il :1.!.T. 1.,, i I. „l
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  • 116 4 vt«iii.'a Hmu a iokii Ounu raaa feiun S Him ~n Snmariii.ln u t »i r Mc> IMuabi* Hepl I kng I Oonek Brit sir L'-.IT 1t.n1.. r V..k..1i.u,i.i \u. I iv ir.'a: i;..«i.\ Hongkoni \u.' ll' >»*•■ Inn" «ir 4<.i Illi, kl.u.ii,- Kluik r-.|.i --"I 1 S 1.:,.1y M11.h.-ll
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  • 69 4 iui, Naxk fugAKiu (bruii Ik-: I •apt B Bril -i M 6 iWlim .lr. Fun— t <'Ui,.ih ,ir. geente 7 Hydra' »lr LyoM I Amnra .lr M.m.- k 7 Sri rhugganu iilr. Sliiniiin-ii r»k>n «ir. i uri« 7 M I'onliauk l>ut itr. S.himr 7 I Bun Lioo»
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 403 4 NOTICES FRASER NEAVE'S (tit V<^* <!** IK. RCrihSON «OfvO, SINCAPOCC. JAMES WATSON CO'SSCOTCH WIIISKIKS AKK TIIK HR V\| I I I UK MAKKKT: V. V. $1 1 OOI'KH CASE, DOTY MID. v. v. (>. SPECIAL i:i:si;kvk. w»\oa >■ niw. »ctt »«■> DOMINIE. U'< YEAKSOLD. tumimmm watw mm mil mn wti.K
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    • 854 4 NOTICES. It<aylv«>^%%V^lV»»^%»%»%%%%%%^av%^.»yfc «-»t v I THI MOST MFRUHING DRINK IN INDIA. I iJj K)NTSEERAT 15* LIME FRUIT JUICE I >B A I [«i [V Th. LIKCIT Hr. iwiPNl <M r.klh' i s* •'«<. laan-nam, lu:sii a nai uw.a nui aan. ta., nvitrooL. a 1% •»*•»>•<»■»>■».».*.•% Ti.-l.'ay'O-o V.t.t.-V-S H.U.I.ANS
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    • 233 4 NOTICES. I For Constipation I 1 and Biliousness I i I I I A >.<■ .n.l all raaaiv l.r 1.J... ."I cUUra. I I JPUEM, a. rea PAJUg RtnuwnrJ Phr.Kian. pmc.ibc Cjr.Mult M 11..0 I i f> rasCassaW. u 8 ;.k«(.,. p .ib.. I MATICO INJECTION la used In
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    • 29 4 I NOTICES. j REMINGTON STANDARD TYPEWRITER. THE FIIIST A BEST. Is Niw York, Chkaoo, I'imi alh AXD HnaTiiN T.v. of Typevrriters in urn are Ktiuirifttona. Mob Aonli MrALIRTKR CO
      29 words
    • 48 4 "TIMKB- AND BUlxii^W •J |"sg| »»^7»ar, or tim7 y i6 i d rti<ln time;. 10 caw a tin.'". i h "^t,,^ B^ Im" •'"c.'n'u "T"''^''] diante less than one dolUr.''"',,^' I lain, about eight words, if **j type, an.l there ar. .i K ht lin« to as i.T
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