The Straits Times, 1 September 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER I. 1808 no. lao-Ji.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 384 1 „,0 COMPANY, LIMITKD J £j— ■^JiiiTli'Ml'AMfX j 1) OFFIC«,COU.V»QD*V I (I W iuKV«»,S«wH»»Bora. *0 j nul UIHBK* OOHPiCT. P-,,1 .urAH, PrxAtsn AI.KS.^VII, k. M K.PnMo.TU. ':':zt ,ll.™,kong I „m:. i HOMIWAUI.. laaa. Allß. »i I (.1 (1 (i.t. 7 ii. t. -i MM. AUJ.J7 „1 <',''' "I ■1/ Del. thnt
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    • 864 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I'OMNKI.IJKJi PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ rndereeutnet with the Netherlands India Gomament. Aiiftiln nl Sinyßparr: Sim- A<ii:tlry, i.ats .1. Dassdkls 4 Co., -.■3. CuLl.vaa Quay. From I. M .c 1,,! Will bo Despatched for On Japan. Beuebajra. Aug..v. Batman, Booraba<«, Boeteleaa, Aatpeaaa, Maomiar, Timor, ate. Sent. 1 7...,./,,.r... Batavia. ,11. Batavia,
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    • 309 1 HRITISII INDIA STF.AM NAYHiATION COMPANY, LIMITED. TO PENANO. lIANCiOON, A CALCUTTA OncofllieCoinpauv'ssteamcrsie intended to leave Taniom! Png.-ir Wharf every week I'mwiiKei-i. and 'argo are hooked l.y the Mhove steamers at throujrh rate-i to all ports in Indi.i and Ceylon, aUo to K»«t African Ports. Mauritius or lx>ndon. TO ADELAIDE, MELROURNE.
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    • 650 1 INSURANCES. mm I.ONDO.N ANI) UHCABRIBE 1 KIRE I.NSfRASCE COMI'ANY. Capital l-2.ii7,«» l"aid up Capital L'U'.TISO ■■ana Kund tIUJHt The andenlaned, Ar-ius for the Com. pany.tre prapamri to accept Ire risk.,.' iirrcnt r.ii.-. of premium. HOISTEAD 4 Co. 'pill- I'UI.NA IKADKK IXSI'KANrK I I'OMI'ANY. LIMITED. „.n«i-,.i«rib»d ..MflnOffk in.- up II
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    • 356 1 INSURANCES. LAW IMtIN ANDCIJOWN KIKE AND UR IXSinANCi: COMPANY. CAPITAL 1:1.000,00". 'piIE under- i«n.-d lime U-.-n appointed I acenl. at Blngnpara, for the above Compiiny and are prepared t,, tike ri»k» at cinrent rali-s.* Co. :-.< '.< 'PHK HTIIAITr! I NS II It AN C K 1 COMPANY, I.IMITKD.
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    • 910 1 NOTICES. TIIK BEST THING THAT KVi;i{ HAPPENED. rnR I'ionei-r l...,kiv,.iks anil (iener.,l Metal l-'i.iinilrv.'JAli^rirli. N \V l'r,.vin 1 c«e. India. The only practical Lockworin ia the Seat, under direel ■nropraa inuaaaaiimil uud .-n|» ni-ior. If %ra cannot mccl yout raqoimnenta, nohodjr els.iean. Our trade mark ob a lock ia •tifflcionl
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    • 666 1 ho\v- to rRi-:\i:\r PNEUMONIA "I W a nwi-nt letter from W»ihin«t«o. DC. 1 to«n old Mend. Major (1. A. Stmlrr, Singapore mis: -While nt lies M,, lues I «s Chamberlains Pain l>ilui. which I found oic«ll»nt against rheumatism well ai laatint umam el the throat and- ,hesi (giving me mud,
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  • 17 2 KsTAM.I*HKI>: 18:11. PUICK 15 CENTS. [Sltblfriptioit rnUn ilivl tulcrrliftttgrattr may U/ouiul 0,1 lite fourlk ,>.i<i'\
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    • 74 2 THE POWERS Tl A«'.inLE. A JAM raOM HiA.NCK 1.,,,,t1<n, BU iafaat It li beli.-v.d that the Powers will accept the C/ars invitation to join in an international Peace Congress. tion at the omission of the Ciar. her chosen ally, to consult with the Paris (iovermneut before, the
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    • 29 2 FAIAI UUIUUUK. li. the course of tart week, there were ■VMO deaths from plague in the Bombay Presidency. In Bombay city. \M fatal ai.v were l|ll||l
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    • 86 2 KKKNCH XX IWIIIIW. taaaiaa, l»( Saytaatar. the CVar's ilisannam'ent mli.-vi.-, accuse him of ignoring the continiioupi mi >lrcnuouß efforts by Fiance to recover the provinces „f AUace anil ALI.IA.WI. IMIEItII.I.Kn. It i«,! fill at l'ariatl...' blow to th.; rrillalal Binalaa »llinti(-e l'rcsi.lent Fatirn an.l lii«
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    • 78 2 DREYFUS CANDAL »TAK'l'l.lN(i AKUESI. In franco, MHBag aaaaaUgaj haal I .-.'ii .-.nised by the arrr->t of Colonel Henry, th.- chief of tb.i Intelligence i Departnu lit of the French Army Colonel Henry has confessed to haWnit; written a paper incriminating Ilieyfus by name. Ibis |.a|H-r. which purported to procce.l from
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    • 62 2 Mll.l I AKV MISMAXAOEMKM. auMam m taoun manaemwt, OaaanJ Mih-K. lb.- Commandi-r in- j Chief of th.- Lnilr.lSiat.-s army. O|M>nly .-..vus.-s Mr. Alj-.r. the Swrrlary for Wu.ottnm i,,i.-.mana S eiii«nt in .on- j JiKtinu tin- op'ratiina in Cuba, nhith rcMilti .1 in apfUlßg losses in the army IhßMfhaickMai (ieneul
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  • 97 2 mOOK BY A RHNM j(BffU UUgram to H$ Slr.nls Timtt.) llougkung, \il Srpl. IJOjUL The P. (>. H-h II;, wlucli Ims jn-t arrived from Japan, hroiipln in tlio orew of tin: ( MUM Trinid.ul, uhirl, was ImunJ for Kiaocliuu with coal. The jttmmm mm rirfrtd un Taodai
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  • 134 2 Kbkmh irritations fbmWtummiml treatment is pttmM) natural from the French point of view. To the mittHtf it is itaMMl as poarib as the boulevard bombast about lite Kranco<Hii«biun alliance Bunia li.i- alw.tyK, and will always play h.r o«n game; tlit recovery for Krantu uf tUc two lost province* has no
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  • 132 2 Till Dreyfui case haa entered u)>on a new sensational phase In July, tbe Minister for War, M. Cavaignac I read out in the Chamber of Deputies three .U'umciii!i presumed to establish the guilt of Dreyfue. They formed, so the Mim.ter alleged, part of intercepted correspondence of German and Italian military
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  • 8 2 To day's 4m.'s bank rate i» 1 11|
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  • 8 2 Tin: tank Slate Kailway advertises for an accountant.
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  • 12 2 I'HoDfCK, exchange, and phare prices, in.l the inniUist. are on page 4.
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  • 11 2 Thk t*ajal tlmlgtl will be published at 10 o'clock to-morrow rnorniug.
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  • 12 2 Tn>: American flag was ceremoniously hoisted at Hawaii on the ll'th August
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  • 12 2 I'lIK telegraph ship Kreonlrr is aajaaad on cable work in the China
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  • 18 2 D'.lw a Marionettes advertise that at Saturday's matinee a doll will be given free to every child present
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  • 17 2 Thk police-court cases on Tuesday afternoon and this inornine oiler no feature of s|k- ial interest.
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  • 23 2 II M. S BataMaaMOT undo, k, ,1 at Nagasaki on August l.'lth. and 1.1. for flam and W ci hai-wei two days later
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  • 21 2 luHBI Powell A C". advertise an auction aila of buildirm' allotin.-tits near Telok bra at their aaVtMM ..n the 7th inst.
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  • 20 2 Tut: Hutch steamer .Vauitam an. bor.d in the barliour, wa* brilliantly illuiiiinatcd last in-lit from stem to stein with lanterns.
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  • 24 2 TIH band of the Weft Yorkshire Ucpiim-nt will play in the hardens on Satuiday .'v.'iiiiij; next, at <J o'clock in stead of on Monday.
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  • 24 2 A CaWAMA* stales that notes, money, and a paid ril.R valued altogether al $JIJ, im \esterday taken from his r in Almeida Street.
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  • 18 2 Uuuuahada lively b Murli.t -li, .-t yesterday.iftein... Awouldt* l>eae«'-iii.iker p.t nthaff badly knocked about. Kleveu men were arrested.
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  • 31 2 Tin. M M afraaaa KaaMJ left Saigon at noon yesterday, and is due here to-morrow at about 7 a in. She will probably be despatched at J pm. the same day.
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  • 30 2 Jai-an i- said to be preparuig for a league with Kugland and the United States ajiainst any attempt on the part -.1 the l.iaotunj; alliance to interfere in tbe Philippine...
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  • 28 2 I.\ Chinatown yesterday the ere loony of feeding the spun- of the dead »as observed with fiillceremony Afterwards the |Ki..r scrambled for the fragments Cracker riling wa.s general.
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  • 35 2 AllolsK in New Market Koad was cut. red early yesterday, alid*U« were stolen. A woman raised an alarm and a Kling was up in time to see a man disappear from one ol the windows
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  • 32 2 The Woosuiiß-ShaiiKbai Uailway waa to have been ..j-en.-il lor trallic on the 17th nil., has, owing to the non-arrival of lilKKuge vans and covcied waggons for the goods tralhc, this was delayed.
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  • 27 2 rrom Bangkok an- M IMrance, me French Minister to Siam, and Mad mi.' Defrance; Lieutenant Flower, tha lite xi.-nlili.' adviser to the Siamese liovirnment, and Mrs. Flower.
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  • 34 2 Sir Alexander Swettenham, Sir Frank Swettenhani, Captain A. A Duff, Mr -|H.|i.',r Pratl, and b. eial l.i.lie. ,n,,l ;ciitleinen who were present .t the lUaad y Kail atsdanuor arrived licre .est.idav, shortly after mid-da;
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  • 55 2 1 1 im allied that a soldier, urnler tlie lofluanw ofltaaor —tod four littles ill spirits at 7 IViump Street on Tuesday, oa btbn llfaul a ttUk. on Imvinj; In li.rcol liis >a|i, wlii,-h is marked with his nmiihui, and Ui cam- that ba i> likely to have la make
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  • 56 2 Tu-siokkuw ciciui] at 8 3u, a inisidhliiuw OQBoen will ba give,, in tlio BoMlwnl liutitute, under the auxin. af tin V. K. T. 8. So clwrgt will bt uda i..r ■dniaaiua Tba amMbuum to a >■' I MUgmnaMViU i«- Mr> WWiart. W.-oi.-iiitini. Mrs. Diss, Mi», W.'llh u-rimul, U JJi.»,
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  • 121 2 Is lli, Tournament ,ri.ket matcli I pland jmtmtimf wltmoeon, bctuwn \< cricketera of over Ihirly and under thirty years of age, tlw lal'ter more than .l"vi Hi. ir nprnntnti' Hen. The juniors put InfitW IW, against tli« winw'at Korthawinnurß, Sharii (7n) i Htt Maiw.-ll (II) we.c tho highest ■man.
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  • 27 2 Ok Ti aai.AV the ordinary fortnightly Municipal Commiasion was held. There were present Ciontlo (President), Huhst. Meyer, Kvann, >lose*. and Ch. ..i U:ang Tbye
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  • 33 2 The Financial Statement showed j that the copper coin account stood at SIM ;cuxient accounts al »4,»*JS and B«ed deiwsits at «L'L't),oOO, total Si'.M,»»o as compared with Si-ia.Ti'4 at the previous meeting.
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  • 502 2 The haafJMßn aaU the <i«alliaa tor i the alterations of Boat (juay had been •übmitte.l to the landowner", incbidi'ii: Muan I.imJiak Kiui.Seah MaTtHwh, and Muhltafhaaa; no oppacHion m liL.-ly toaii-efrom any of the-e per vii. They were, he believed, convin gad thai tlicv would not lose by tba
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  • 105 2 For the week endiup Au^ii.t Kith there were llln deatbf. civilly a death raaaofMMpw null.-, eompmrad with 4tl!»intbc precedini; waak, and wit!. 4t; 1:1 in the oarratpoodiiif w.-.-k „i \W, ThalbUoviDf waratha aauaaa .-t rial ity It.iiultent fever A'l phthisis :I4 l-eii-ln-ii M; .IvM-ntery 8; diarrhoea 7; and
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  • 50 2 It, II- ai.iouiitin.- to >.-,:.0.-, were then nan, 1i,. in, 1 for |„i\ui,-n» In addition to these, some small bills bad I v ..n< in for i. .pavilion „1 aaaaaMCMßta. Tbaaa had been ciamined an.l rariaM by the Fiiia:,,c romnnttee. and amounted in all to RK
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  • 202 2 The fmrnamn aaU that a petition had Ik'cii received from the Kliu Hi. ,li.-s iii Ifartaniia Btreai aaking for a furl her allnajalnn of lime oafora leavmi; the Municipal laundry Tha. ■aid they had been ordered 1..' us.- Iha laundry by the Municipal C,,, i. ■aoajanud, that bainf
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  • 321 2 Another iietitinii, the. President atated h.i.l I n sent in by aaaaa „i th,. aanaayaaia the tarviea ol the Miuiin-l-ality. aakinf that some proriaion for tin- futiiie might be made fat MaploMl in receipt of wag.:» Crow nine lo twelve dollars. They would be (jlaj, if pouiMe, to
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  • 79 2 The other day al Shanghai, Ihe Ai 11,,r1..i Fien. huian oi warcolluled *ith brwrar, an American vnj Acouii,,,-,,,,, lull taken* to be adjudicated 01, by the Km,, -I, Admiralty Meanwhile the Captain thuJWa Hurt has bean instructed bi Hi.- Ii A I. ,1,,. i11y to mi., t1,,.
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  • 130 2 I luiur wu lana aatberiad Tu. -day afl.-rn.Hin at 11,.. I Barm ka wlian Ll -Col Until Halloa and Hie Olhceia ol Hi, Illli I' H'alea'lOwn wan"al borne' t., t1,,.,, f.icn I- Kt.ntl.ingi iblewai doaa for tho pleasure andentc [uiiim. nl .-ftbr (Uaatl The ladies gollin-
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  • 369 2 INKoilMArioS TO I.i: tV lIAV M Is r.i.--l.iv ■■araaofthe 1 i (■ami bi i .-f acoounl of a meetiag of Iba Bincapora Cbaanbar ..f Coiumera which bad b..n 5,..-, i.i i li. ai an add,..- hoin Mi oMoflhaCoauniaaiouen iioa It iveHioj in ib.. Far F...t on, PhiUdelpliU
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 441 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S" EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LI). Manufacturer, of Dynamite. Gelignite. Oelatine Dynamite. Blasting Oelatine, Detonators, Fuses, Baotric Blasting Apparatus. 10 THE IJOK.VEO CX)MPANY, LTD. hoi.X AOBRTK -i.tni, iata, and II aVI MAt ■> .1 111 KIN stIiMJK SIDEROSTHEN PAINT. IKON AND STEEL i. i. ,i i, i,, -,l t,, ba tl,.-
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    • 811 2 xiticks. .\.i IKK 01 KKMdVAI. ruiT. I a Da*«a im- mama! from \.j BpoUiawaada llouaa, ejK.tii»iT,.o.le I'urk. to Ihe adelphi Hotel, K"om >.. Ml I N'ollCK Till Mima the fork Fitrn of the It.-i.l.'il. > Kfa-I Coa-t of ~,.i,.at,.-, executing Iha districts Be«(kaJia an.l TaruianK f..i I-'." and tor l-^«..
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    • 450 2 NOTICES. TOWS HALL HATUMDAI l.isr Till- BANVAIDB TWO N I CUTS ON I, V. MMaj und M»ndn>. Srpt. :trd .i:, 1 iid.-i ili-iin.-iiisliud aMaaji Bntira cliaaaja <»t proarainiiM. Hu.\ 111,,,.." open »t iii,. Boauraoa 1 ll t\u Co. THBATKR |f,.,i« rl <■„„„;.,.,. faMaa 1f...,'.. I UatSMaktal l.n.i :i Mshi
      450 words
    • 653 2 LATEST AD^RTISEifEXTS. WANIK!) KM SAI.K t Mnnli anal H.i. Miini.-ipil Dab, 4 Tiinj'.ni! Raajai |i..k IK.-1,? 6% Tanjnns I'ngar I >.»■!> Deb. 4 J ■India Trailing Coy. Sana, 11. UUH A Cu. ,1 befeaaaai mt Hhar* lirokers PKUAK STATB RAILWAY. 1 il'All UIBUUMr. \l' \N IKII an A.-i.tnnt A.-<-.,unlnnt. >>
      653 words
    • 86 2 Oi th* Mil. August. At KuaU I.UDipur, the wito oi Wmmmn c. Wmm, ot a daoghtaWi M. 8. it. intfO'l^l lur Urn Rtrattt A»t- abould I wntt*»n .m otM l« ot tb« |>«p*r <mli. Bt Xhm Mfket »r tfcst roii ittuii. iiuuiy M 3 U. .viv roj^jl*- i U might
      86 words

  • 1708 3 CORONATION FESTIVITIES. H rH ro VII lIAI.L. on iiiiik oamat. AM n.v1.N... MMiU tO he ''it „lv to put on unfcignedly to the tl ittainmenl Wilhelroine, I, u;lit proper Prinoaa of Bast 'i the i v for ratulilioM ire .re widely v. Smother on To Ensippeals p.irti f Hi.--v long
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  • 2061 3 JOTTINGS KROM MEMORY. (Hi) a l.'vl.i Contributor.) M. and Madame de „-q wuro very hand* some dressesas a Dutch liurgomaetcr and bis wife. Mine de Vi.-.j had a lovely gown of green lilllisulll. ailssil with sable, over a petticoat of yellow satin, richly embioidord with gold
    2,061 words
  • Article, Illustration
    885 3 1-OSDICTItD BY "KISO'S PAWS." ALL chess correftpondeace should be .1,1,1 r I to "King',. I'awn Sout.onot Prol.Tem No SI (I.oy.HQ K Thi« trictv prol.lein h»» npparenily bnfflod many as ran and I h«v,- not received any tolulion from my trio. I.nndrea. Caiisa and Nil l)H«|».r«n.ium Sul,». ribrr, Sai L
    885 words
  • 336 3 TO THK EDITOR OK Tn« STRAITS TIMES Dear Sir,— l am glad to see, in yours of 10th June, what you call a Ka-n SugKcStioii,"fronithe/'i,,«o»fl.,that Kaltlcs Bejaan is preferable to the "old jail site, and altho' no notice has been taken, as far as I know, of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 142 3 INDIGESTION Condy's F J i 1 Imiit on bujmj "CnKOYSH'Jia w^w ENVELOPES M HAD AT TIIK "IRUIB 1MB' ORB i li i; PAT i: IOT i.Nvi;i.ori:s. l,ixnj»i M; -rut km kf IM itJA Till. ANTIQUE I'.NVKI.oi'r.s. IMHB >cnt Ir.-c ly l',.!-t St.i.V iiowAKTii kkskim; LDOTKD. I IVII.. MK( IIAMi 'A
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    • 916 3 AUCTION SAI.ES. MOKTOAOKKS SAI.K OF LAND ra AM) HOUSE. ih AtPrisskpSt andatSikaxooon. it Id To bo held at our MMMM R^Mwaby, 7th Htftmttr, m I H pm T AND comprised in Statutory lirant a Ij So. IKK, arva *.V*\ ft. lu it rent ?|ht annum, tam'lliir with tho dwi-lling house
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    • 566 3 F<>USALK KM1MJ>YMKNTS TO LKT; AND PKKSONAKS .l«TTl»E,U l -cnt« lino; and >n.l 3rd tinira, 10 centu > lino 4th lo 6th tinwl, IS ocMitt n hnr; ;u, t o latu timm. 3 i-enU line; r'lerwanU. ,-riil. linn; but no ■■burg.- leu than one dollar. Tliut. t»r<>. tf »<Werti»emt'nt, clow «-t,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 146 3 AKKA.M.KMKNlS Tlll'llSllAV, iM SkiTKMIIKU. II ph Watar. 10.51 |>.m. .V, 'Philharmonic < h. li.-l 1.1 I'kiiiav, I'M) Bwnmna. High Watar. llJ5a.m. ll^Sp.m. Concert. Bouetead Institute. f.M- s C.C. Crick* Tmuiu nt Plaata Au.ti»n. TaHJoag hoi l'.,»vll. 3. S V.,l S.|ii:ul ai..I Sword Drill 518 M U. nuwl for Europe dua.
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    • 102 3 i:\tiiki: BJCPOHT. v., X, Msmjnasi Mat .!,..>. |ggg Vaja.lp.ix.Opjn. at--.-— liar. LWIIIM Temp. r-ll 3 w.iiibTh-r mo 7:0 :;S;, Hir.ofWiud S.W. N.«. Calm Max. Tam|i --42 Mia :i., g.- 1 Max. inSunllM. IVrr. rad. 7u :i E \Sl* Itninfall JM T» WKATHKI! TKLBGHAM {K. K. A. A If, /••i-iruph in.)
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  • 187 4 i Bra. I'.ni -I. ll'i.l I! Hongkong \uj IS Hoimto«il ami Co. nm Mr. Saj Voor Bangkok tn; r. c. Hagiwnlt. :1O «ri Mngganu lieu mi -I Bhimmcn rringguu Via; S9OngK« ll. i Itc IHS7 groiyio ml. nits \u. z.- 1 SI Rddie lie laM SunJ Hollo log
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  • 480 4 >," .i-i.r- 1«T Si rtcMni IWS. IMIODIICE. (llnler art corrected to 11. I* a.m.) ti mi r uuyorl VftO. Copra llali 8.80. Jo rontianak «.40. IV-tiner, Black .In «lnto. (f, 4) «J To. --uo Flour Sirawak, U*. Io llrunvi '.'.ft". I'-irl S«o :>7O. r.'?.-.-. ll»li. pi.-ked MUOS, OoftW Palemuanpi
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  • 163 4 McarawT 11,I 1 l.iitu in p..i i M. „*»ii,. ,;n.,u. MAILS Id AUKIVK Paoai Boaon liy lha M. M Sntnl >■ i'h -lilt.- L.i t'i.' II 1 .1 iik. i-t .in.- ou 111.. Snl Sept. PtOH lly the M. M. E Hi,,, n», doe mi th.' -.'ii-l
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  • 118 4 IVr I 7, (rom kt Mi,,. 1, mi11, 1. I'.r from Taint laaoa \i:i port.; M.— *.l,mi. nn.l EaerUni I (run. 1t.i1:,.,..: M.—r1;,.1..,!- K-l-l-r. .'ill.l 5»..1. I.-. v from BaUria Meaara U. .M.i.i. i: Bnvduivt, and k. I Fornaru Pat from Palembang:- Mr. I Brand I I
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  • 217 4 (h,r mhMpon.) Par M H. .1 nanevtlna •iih the -l.'iiin.-r A'otaJ nl < ..l fr,.|,i M- -„11,- \,,L'. 14 --Mr U Klink, Mr. .1. M ll'-uiltll.-. Mr.nnu ,M,.. S Peril. 11. a Man from .M.r.-iii.-, \,i |ir c H.Uamrd I far On I PI P.* 11 a. Canton
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    • 139 4 DafariMakaaatattttWtoataaahkvifU. tions ivrr uivd :—»tr.~ikKmer oli.-i.liip t-q.--baraua; Brit.-nriti.h U.S. I'nit.l Su'.m; rr. French; O«r. —Uormaa: Dul. llutch; Joh.-Johor»; A.'.. 11. c, li.n.'rnl '•lUKO rf.p. —ilev'k pjlMenjl^rß I.— I'iw.tWin; TV. \V l.mjnnn r«,(«r Wh.irf; T. I". 1).-T:inion(! l';iK«r l>o.k B \V. Horm-o Vhnrf; J. <V -J>rdin«> Whurt; X
      139 words
    • 1066 4 TRADING VESSELS C. iKiiviK MM Noox of I, aaan Hna ro .5V...11. Hut. -tr. M 1080, Oaatata Odtak, «IM Aug. From IVinliinink. KHIi \ua «<•.. »nd «> .l.p. Axumi Kor I'un'ian.k. 211.1 lMn. (;...r/.,.. 11,11. -1,, im; t,.n«. Captain 5,.,,ri;,.\ tab 4ng Praia Calcutta, l'lsi Aug. BonifuCor. For
      1,066 words
    • 282 4 I Nam', port, probahU dntr ,it itrnm. <■ I Ain.-iri, Hongkong, RelX V d:iln- :i. iriMirß. SV|,| 1«. II Kin 1 Ui'.i.i. II 'k. „,-Mo I'Mi.-. V.--1 r. ■iianl. i < ■■'.«>■ 11.I 1 Aii I! II .ngkonf. !>■ I' Id HOC ll"1l^. OUK, S-|.l HI; P
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  • 84 4 PABBED s I N1 1 M RAI HI "I li VBBIVEU FOX "I I. Rill II l: Ktn W\ v. DilK. ami Sim-« N\*k ClPI41». Itlu. 1.. tug «|ul hq.i laeiM Moati Siful bq.OnMM Coala KIDul >.i Socmblng !>■■ Bon I' 4 Hut K. Wlh.-lmiii.-i Huiik.'i L-.llat ll'.li. k
    84 words
  • 106 4 l>iTi Vk.u'jSihk FuaAMn Ounu llEMi^' I Vujt :!O M.mi Bril -T M i 90 i lio -11 WhyU .10 11.-.ui«i Mr. i: .«l II in l'..h (Sunn rtr .111 I-Vhii* Iml itr. Uh :ji t'.illiav Din Mr. Hchonlng >.|'t 1 p> Brit >.lr \i 1 Hebe «tr. InkiU'i 1
    106 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 329 4 NOTICES. AM KS WATSON COS snnni wmisk'hn 111 III!'. ItKs'l v\!l Illi-. M.MIKH y I mm. ojbb> Mil I'aiu V. V. O. S|'|;« I \l. Kl>i;i:\l.. W3«r««a«a,Wlffl»l» DOMINIE. 10 YKAIIB OLD. ll( ">« pah. til |MJ[ I-K'iM I MoALISTEH It Oi.. MCALISTER CO. B> Large shipment expected lOth August. 9
      329 words
    • 837 4 NOTICES. HOTKI, ]U-:.S IXUKS. UATAVJA, frills Hi I ,l.i botai tiuht L -d 1 t:.r-,i U ,.,.,M I.- oloctridtr, la »ifn,t.-.i in lha retitre of the Buropau i,-i.i. tialqi irl r, beside the Harmonia dob nii'l d< nin ili.. K-i,- I Ii offen -|.1."i.1i.1 i, tion fortrmrellera nr.,! i.
      837 words
    • 137 4 NOTICES. I Hv,,|SMl,f,»»l/1,»',-,-., RIGMID'S WHITE VIOLITt. RIGAUO'S WHITE ROSE RIGAUD'S WHITE JASMIN. RIGAUD'S WHITE LILIC. 11l GAUD'S WHITE IRIS. Li N. B. f^^\ BROWITB B*H:iAlScel«'| >I'K(IAI. I «xm ii wiiiskv. l!:ipiiils r.imniu- In tlic IVollt I Sold :ill MM lli«' I Peninsula. McALISTER CO.. siil.l-: Atil'NTS. TEACHER'S HIGHLAND Jh| WHISKY.
      137 words
    • 500 4 NOTICES. saTAaLiaHCD t Q rT~AO WU i J ARE STILL THE LEADING BRAND. AS SUPPLIED TO GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OFFICERS' MESSES, CLUBS AND HOTELS THROUGHOUT INDIA. PROVISION DEALERS OUAC«.rj3'l-OV Sm CO.. 21 Orcit St. H.le:is, LONDON I ?.;™DE MARIO pj \\'ili:i;K.\s ii" tarabooi tara >aan 1> p.i-1. n,:ui,if. imvdl,. „'uit..- it
      500 words