The Straits Times, 25 August 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1898. NO. 19.(111).
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 485 1 n .S«OCOI»r*IIT. LIMITED nas^VS BOBSEO COM-l.'-'^f^l> *<""» ■^SJciIMPANIES. 1) fF ,CS,OOU.V«QO« X fl, WHAKVM,NtwIIARBOfIt. nul MinomOH OlflaPAII. K 001, itmM, l-awiio j£?Am*» s*sllll*i'»J Homwuu. M auk. an iJS Causa* SapS! I IMlnnrtil Oct. mid Oct. :'l N Nov. I Ui KM V',!!!:ood.."!n 1 N ior K a "'"I "i-'i't-" 1
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    • 859 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. J^ONINKLIJKE PAKETVAAKT MAATSCHAPWJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Aumt. a, atfanarsj Ship tamer, lat« J. Daekdelb 4 Co., 2-3. CoLLvia Qo«. Steamer From Expected Will be" Despatched for On 11mun,,,. Soural.i.ya. Aug. l4. Sounibn, a, Macassar, Mcniido.OoronUlo, M. 1v,;,.,,A,'..8aUvia. „0. Peni'iy, liij™' Padang, and Sumatra's A
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    • 289 1 SCOTTISH ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED Ukii-lak I. mi nmin Basoiok am- HoNoioira. s. .ir...,./i ill, Capl. alder, W>» tons. a'ona /.>„.,., ('apt. .1.,-lin. MH2 7'.n Chou, ('apt. Primrose, Wi2 fhra Chom Klao,C*nl. Fowler, 1,012 ri.r,, Ihxda CKmn Kirn, Capl Pigot, 1,012 lh'a Sana, Oapt. Watlon, 1.021 /Vensronfw, (Upt. Curtis, 1.087
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    • 669 1 INSURANCES. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £i>,127,»00 Paid up Capital kiljarj Boserve Fond «7«,5-W The undersigned, Agent* for the Comliol'STEAli 4 Co. 'nilK I'UINA I'KAUKB INSL'KAM'f 1 COMPANY. LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $S,U(in,on,. Ainouot Paid up (HJO.UOO. L', -,r>.. fund 1,," >■««>. The un,l.T-i^ii,,l. Agents for the
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    • 571 1 INSURANCES. LAW UNION ANDCKiiWN KIKK AND LIFK IMUJRAHCK 00HPANY CAPITAL t)VXX).ono. THEunder-ignod have. Inch appointed agent, at Sin^a|ior<-, for thu above Company and are prerwired to risks at current fates. JAK(iKK Co. THE STRAITS INSI'BANCK (XJMPANY, LIMITKI). FsTimisiin. IW3. Hud i iffi.-f, sivi.AL.KK. Capiwl Kully Subscril«d »3,000,000 I'apital Paid-up
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    • 1457 1 NOTICES. THE BKST THING THAT KVKK HAPPENED, 'PIIK l'i.m.vr 1....-kw..rk« iin.l (h'ihtiil M.-I:iI Ki.iinilry.TAli^irli N \V IVn n--1 lu.lia. Th ily |.r:u-ii«ill..vk»-..rk-. in ihv Kiis.l. under dnel Baraaaaa ■UUUMHCMIIt ami nRMi It' we laiinot Hurt nun r 1 1 n r.inint- tiulxslv el-.M-an. Our ir.ul.' mark on a lock in
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    • 633 1 RRLAI.VSCOLIC, CHOLERA DIAKRIKKA REMEDY. MMHd i..i,,.,1v (or l«n«l ,-on.. in IMI vnnou. ,Y,rm«, Ik.Ui »n.l rhildrvn. It in |u»t .m-h a i- mj in.inK iboaM km «t ami, ami especially dunna tin- mimnirr «•>•" .-oil.-..-!,..!-!-. .nnrbUH. ,lya». rrtuaa, blood; Itol anil cholera •ÜBtUn on- most «u\::l A f,.» ,|,..r, f
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  • 121 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. THURSDAY, 25TH AUGUST, 1898. (Special to the "Straits Times.") NEWS FROM MANILA. "AT OUTS" WITH AUGUINALDO. \S-i-s,'ripti,», rates a,*4 <ulv*rtiti,ng rutrt may be found on the fourth rvm- WANTS limflAL I.OAVUS AND FI9IIEB. ttungkong, 'J4lft Aug., 5.27 p m. The 11.I 1 8. warship Xonadiwck arrived Troubles
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  • 67 2 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS DEISCONTENT IN JAMAICA. SEPARATIST MOYKMEST. HHM TO AUKHI'A I'ROED EmlM,lM Auguil. Tint \V,>«t Indian bWa ar.- wholly dissatisfied with the .wi'tancv promised them by the Imporial O^vprnmcnt, in nlh'viatioii of their impovcriahrd rondiMl" VOTI TO BK TAKES made to take a vote of iln- ponple, a "plrbiKiU," on
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 59 2 RHODES ELECTED. In the Cape elniionx, Cecil Rhode* has been elected fur the N.imaqualand MM by an overwhelming majority The success of the Afrikander Bond at the elections ie assured. THE WAPEOOAT. The Tim*t blames Sir Gordon Spring, the Crime Miniiiter of the Colony, for making Briti-li nfMßtMf
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  • 25 2 FAILI'KE OK I UK CROPS. The crops in Russia have again failed A partial famine there next winter i- regardod as certain.
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  • 389 2 Th« news of greatest moment in Keuler stulegrams to-dayis undoubtedly that concerning the movement now making in Jamaica in favour of annexa* tion to the United Statea. Jamaica n by far the mutt important of the Went Indian islands in British powssion but its history has been
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  • 80 2 Mh. Arnot Reid, Kditor of the Strailt Tim,,, left I'ekin on Tuesday morning fi>r the second stage of his journey home riii Siberia. He is accompanied by Dr. Ilillier and Mr. C. Harrison, the two American gentlemen who hare been touring the Pacific islands and coasts for many months past
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  • 194 2 Mi. Chamberlain's special committee tin- House of Commons failed to agre« upon any scheme of old-age |.rii-u'in as practicable. Must persons ic-epted their report to this effect as a knock-down blow for any national sJM in this direction for a long time to come. It was with some surprise, therefore,
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  • 313 2 Tin news from Manila, both by telegraph mil mail, that we publish today is of importance as an indication of the assured difficulties attending a settlement of the future of the islands As in Cuba, so in the Philippines the insurgent chiefs desire to attain at once to dignity and
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  • 7 2 To-b*v's 4ms bank rate is 1 111!
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  • 8 2 Thr mail for Europe closes at am to-morrow
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  • 7 2 A MMaVctMl hotel advertises for a bar-keeper.
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  • 11 2 1 lit Slrnitt lhulgrl was published at 10 o'clock this morning.
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  • 15 2 Mr. R. Thompson advertises that he I is oiwn to engagements for tuning I pianos
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  • 14 2 The Nmml left Penang at 1 p in. today, and is expected tomorrow evening
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  • 13 2 Thb Baavard Trou|«. advertise a pcrlormanc.' at the Town Hall on Saturday next
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  • 20 2 An aucti'.n sale of steamers is adverNMd to take place at Messrs Powell Cos Kile room on the 1.-.tli .September.
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  • 22 2 Tiik new l'ry» Kiver t>oek Company hel.l its half-yearly meeting at IVming on Fritlayla.t. A four per vent, dividend m 'leclared. i
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  • 21 2 1 is MMMai lhat a gentleman in Province Wellesley has purchased the land around the oil-hole at Bukit Mertajam for *J,i'uO
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  • 25 2 ■am Chinese were charged to-day with play in a common gaming house at IS, Kallang Koatl One was fined *3.V and the others S.i each.
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  • 21 2 The Mm/m gunboat M*k,,tl! aj «k,m<u arrived here tins morning from Bangkok and salute.! the port. She leaves tor Batavia to-morrow.
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  • 23 2 1 nit Dutch resident! of Penang have raised eight hundred dollars forgiving tho sch.wl-cliildren there a treat ou Queen Wilhclmina s coronation day
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  • 32 2 Ai.miral Bush s friends, both ;u Siam and elsewhere, will be glad to hear that his eyesight has much improved as the res alt »f bit vi.'.t m i«ud«a far BMdttal advice
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  • 30 2 It hat b««n ordered bt the Rmp«ror of China that agriculture he ttrongly encouraged in tb* i-mpirc ami rrwardt b« giwi to wraoDi who find out new msthoda ana inv«ntion>.
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  • 31 2 Thr OoTomniont of In'ii-i has nismisfwi a native jmHeo in thr Pnnj«h, hsihihI Oiirdisl Sineh. on proven olmnron of bribery »nd oorniplion Two of the witn»s«M acainst him hare hwn murdered.
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  • 32 2 Muwm Povrll ,1 Co adferttMi an auction -:ilf of «:i1v.irh at Tnnjonc I\ie;ir Pork tomorrow. Tiirv also :i<ivirtiw a furniture mI« at Biwte Hill, Born*H) wharf, commencing on Friday, the 2nd September.
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  • 42 2 Tni notii'p in yesterday 1 iwue of th* power of attorney to Mr R. H Zariti. by M.-<r. ]Uc«M »nd Hlllw, lia< bran •oin«whRt nltrred to-dav. in order to avoid a powihly wrong construction that might be placed upon the original.
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  • 43 2 Kmii V thin innrnilli; thrro CMwmm broke into No. 3,1, 1'pper C'himlifw .Street and »tol« pro|>erty to thn \:\\\u< of»2l Til flunk —Ml .-Mill lltg On** til'* liu'li, .in 1 two ili'll i worth of property was recovrred. The othrrt effected their escape.
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  • 88 2 \l'i have just received a copy of Who's Who" for the current year The new departures made last year have been maintained and even added to. so that the book is now an admir able compendium of information upon men and matters generally The biographical section will M
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  • 752 2 Tills morning at the .Supreme Court the Chief Justice gave judgment in thn matter of the estato of Kong Uhiian. (lo.-e.vwd, between the Otlicial Assignee of the property of I. in. Hock Jseng, a bankrupt, and Koh Km* Xi-o. Two applications were mado in this on behalf
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  • 296 2 HINT. FOR 91N(M w from th. t.o k,ai. K ,onth. UH I, ,„,«';'>«■ low.u«e,unableev < ,u,.^" i'* 1 -unable oven to deliver ti. I* AU.i-untracllinie i" U:1 •"•mi >t lyphuoiu and paS. M «^"*j Hongkong CM Xx v,-urV way to Un.lon l,y Am«ri« fE the I'lub oi J>iiaiii;li
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  • 388 2 Bembilu n.,,r,,^,i lillll Lli-I.Mll, i lll.h took I'l.ira in aicimnt IS given by Raidd t. «lw a»,ii. that Urn mi] ■■ii.m.r ci in tea denoiioi i> In' neknt comtitntu uf the Ragri Sriuhil.iu li it urn Mgmtiei the Sine State- Thnin nil. il through four chiefa VtiW lawgiver!."
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  • 31 2 A OaUUMM, U caufht this morning in tli< lead awrth* Call n,, 1 1 rested, and ohirged witli tb« Police Court tlu BiMi nt U WM :i»|
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 422 2 NOTICES. 1 XOHEJTiT EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD. Maniilvturenof: Dynamite, v Gelignite. Gelatine Dynamite. Blasting Gelatine, Detonators. Safety Fuses, Electric Blasting Apparatus. mum- to ana! fhituk „,,,,M ul.l THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. HOU Ai.l 1..■ BMNsa,Mam J«»». »n,i 1|,,r,,.., lIAVK ALWAVH M TPMI- IN SIOCK 1. 1 INK aBOVC SIDEROSTHEN PAINT. .>'<
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    • 1034 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN" HALL, SINGAPORE. Saturday Night, Aiw 37th. OVI NIUHT ONLY. THE HA WARD TROITE. J u»t arrived per a. t. Karrakalta «n ruut* for India. To the gentry, military, and public. HIE llANVAl<lMiirea. kno»le.lge'l to 1.,- Mm "l.ver.-»t «n,l moat vereallla have iUftt '.iiipl't.-.l 2 years' •□gnxeuir Dt
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    • 388 2 I LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS, i WANTED. IV Knor Dock CO)'. Sl.:,r.Fnuer ud Keave Ltd. Deb«. FOR SALE. Municipal Deb. ISMunicipal Deb. 4 Taajonf Pag»r Do.k Del*. 6 T«njoti(t Pagar Dock IVb. 4 UlrmiU Trading Coy. 8h«r». KKASKK t Co. I 1- c Eti-hanjce and Share llr Ac rWANTED. 4 lIAU KKH'H;
      388 words
    • 87 2 I M. 8. S. .nt.ivl«.l f. .r I l,a <lm.U MaM ■."•Id wrfttoa on oem »i.U> of t*« p*p«r only. M» tb# n«rt«rtol that "..oiititM. nuMj M.S. 8. *x» ■> <■■'-'■ All fc.|T#rt;.in» oontiw^a »r« aahi«At to Ui» tw»b. tioa tbftt Ui« y-^|W HUI7 ltwr« the adrwii*Mn»nt oat al I!.*
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    • 14 2 Prodk X, exchange, and fhare prices, and the mail list, are on page I
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  • 1214 3 ■j i imimnß. Q otee before Urn 1 .\iaulu. but I hope that ,ny th< iiow»<»f p red on I da> ;.i I ivoka an micace- I rhera arem mi time, -it iiai i. .11. I be nary ought •gig ihWhecauseahead- .•1.-M|...i.t1..-citythj M 1,,,.... :.imv.l. Bill ng
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  • 640 3 nBU OF PEACE. iMndun, 380 July Mm W.-i luili.i Uanb ucapl Cuba, -iv( 'ii'i^my over Cuba, ami Amrrica ■i ..aling-slatiutl in the 1. I'lroiics I urmip tin- non-assumption by America I IN the debt* of Cuba or I'uerto Rico; oo I ir indemnity; a joint commission to I
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  • 85 3 dm. lim band at* ivii.v Inimictßf Bitiumoning hiinwlf Mid ofamagwhrata Gniua binuelC and from Bombay comet ■ii instance of tjudmi ruling himtelf out aider V.'iy cunoutl; th* Govwni.i, i > declined to iceapl UwnUbn and inn tied ;iL-ain<t it id the llijili Court, uliicli ruled tin- ndiaa
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  • 1601 3 WAN r hi) COLONIAL SEAMEN. Mi. Gowhen received at the Admiralty, on July 27th. a dcputawho urged upon him the desirability the lloyal Naval Reserve. Mr (iuschen .1 very busnie-s like in grappling with the proposal. He expressed limir-.-lt anxious that the Colonies should make a considerable
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  • 83 3 A twunw naa wbam boat, Man with riii'. was Ivinc in Mm river uft' Mugaziw- R0.i.l was;inm>i-il 1 1, is morning l.y ;i ni-|.i,i,ms BolM M l.nar.l. A tampan waa aloapid* with tbiaa bap ttwthievH tlit-ii ■ttaaiptad to nakaoff. Th« Twtkam man 1.M.1 oa to Urn boat
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  • 123 3 A Japanksk was lincil tw l,v Mr. f..r obatrncting polk* contabla la tba duchai|«al hia Jm v hail Mil.iv Mrrant, i>l«id,d suiliy to liaaliiu 11,,,.,. bn— I L,ik» from hi mill vhw*b* mi anplond, led ni ho) in piton lur Uuw moßtb*' bud tabaar. A charga twimhl
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  • 149 3 11A1 M rifPUAV. I* 11, Ladle*' D.Mi1.1.-. Mi> Wa.1.1.1! an.l Mr*. Sal/mann ( lsl)beot M.< Rvatt and Un. W. tlui.ill rec i v 1 8, aa,g t. In I Ik- II daaa final of th« Mix,-I D ml Mi-, ifaioucb ud Mi Hina ley (rec.-) proved
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  • 63 3 For Hongkooc, due on mh All*., ll.m-t. li A CO CnUiuui M-i portt, /-,i;.i on |Mi An*. li..u-i«i,i .t Ca ll. niikoni:. /V ■.«i.;,i. .In.' !h Au S llt-lm Uoyei Co Uangi >».-■ i.-x-i. as Mb Aai l!ou>tod 4 Co. 11. ti.l. I g tod slianjjlijn.
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  • 102 3 RIirORTS FROM HOSUKONU. ■UTISH ■inn makk READY Hono*om; ni astir with startling rumours of |M>nding trouble between (in-at Britain nml Rmsis wlien the i lrlt All 111.- avuilable ships of Admiral Seymours *<]uadron are under orders again lor North Chins. The 9mfhmA paTinn-ollis post|>onrd; the V<< vi-it Itntavia
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  • 115 3 Qmbi Dm i Haf^on, Mt Augun, ne. I Or.l.Tly Iffl.-.-r (or Ib< .•n«uin nn-V In.l li. 11l F J I j.i1i.1.l 0r.1.-r.v St-in-nnl (or Ihr Mill w«k, S,r K t. BA. (i i Mr. W. II ]n|.l.->. Iluiiik Ihtii duly ■•Iwlwl. i» |K) -l«-il hi. v <iur
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 119 3 HOTEL (11. Van HORGK, BAROCT. U|M up MO vo«'t haoglt PAVILJOBN SYBTEEM ÜBOOT I'AliK fOOT kia.lir.-r.. tm mini.- BUbrd-M Bpad hat Emm n Sauna radar lowiakl Bvap. K«k. ABRAMS'S BORBE REPOSITORY. Tint BALE, Xv aouxoKt :>•_' HOBSES, cons A I'UMKS. All ImM m, v. n.-i.t rnimaHhin Tlii- \t without doubt,
      119 words
    • 681 3 I "notices. I I'AL LAN s AI'HTRALIAN IIOKNK KFPOBITORY. Horses, Cobs, and Ponies. ivmUmm B wcei-h n.rv. oraci u.i.v Miwtsd .■.ui-tiiMi.'iii of p HORSES, cons, ami POKIKB, .11 in (rood condition. Also »oiu« splendid • Cuw». CORONATION KKSTIVITIKAT UAT.W l.\ 4 T the ixvanion of IMOMOMMaI .V vttlw to li.-t.l
      681 words
    • 665 3 1 ■'< ttSALKt KM I'I.n YM BNT& TO LET: AND PERSON ALS. IriiM, llhtdk a lino 2nd and Jrd limr«, lOrvntaa Una; «h to «th tiniol li <7-nt. line; 7lh lo ISlh linvn. 3 conU > lin..; afterwards, a .•cut, a line but no haw If.i than one dollar. Thim.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 286 3 WEATHER UEI'ORT. KmnJamj AVWmu H,,.,,,h,. JtfA Aug. IWW "«i lp.m ■>.'" KsMAKHa. R«r. ml«mi<miss»9u Temp. HI H V>.M KOO I VIMTIIiThfr TH3 79.0 780 ba j IHr.ofWin.l IW. Ul, J M». Trinii 88 3 Mm 78.0 S~ Max. in Sun 117 0 rerr.rxl. 75.0 Kainfall Nil s ukaiiii-.i; TELEGRAM If-
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  • 227 4 3 VKMiLi/d Nam> A lohi*. Captain From Sailsd. Cokmqxku*. 24 ,Will O'llie Wiipßrit UK WUtook n.n.ina la HCbuOHU '.'I Craifeara »lr. MM* Ktrkwood lloniskonif Auk liili. VVoo.l ami Co -I l>:ii in- fir -'18l Frith M.>ll>ouriu- Auk M.AlihUr 4Co M KiuYulf -It. M Kunulli Munr Auk l'4Kliik> Taoni{ Inn.
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  • 495 4 vmeirotk. Sfltn MM I'HOIHTCK (Haiti art correcttd U> 11.1* I Hammer buyer. SJe. Cour»B»ll "-W. Jo I'onlianak Poppar, Black il* ,!o NVhite, (.-,X) <<i!O FlourSar«w»it SIMJo llruuoi »or, earl Hago 3 •otiee. Bali, picked ■■eHee ra!emlian(. picke.l ••«>.'>'. •■oSe- l.iber.aa. No. 1 17 30 tapioca, -mall Klake Ua
    495 words
  • 114 4 hor l',r ,lr. Tiif. To-Moimow. \ia pott" ftimiuiuira. Ham. I', iri^'kuk OMM HI n 111 Anioy via port* RmP«« 11a.m. CatWmaporta »■■<■, n a.m. Baagfcak Sin<raj>or'. Noon. 1 .pi]' vi.-i |>ortN torwottt 1 ii.m HtfLali. llacn 7V,»,, S pirn. InnKiianu »ia |virl« ll'. (IV»< lIV.p s p.m.
    114 words
  • 74 4 From Ktraort:—By the P* O. Hatlatrat, due 01) the Mcl AugUht. tBBI I.i«n Or Mm- Dm. 1 l^.fl Singapore Due in London Arrived July 11th P. 11. Au» 7lh AugWh Jult ri• IM. M. Aug Hi-. Aug Itttu lul) (Dth N. I) 1.. Aug.'Jnd July :w\\ P.
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  • 262 4 Ai:aiVAL« Pars. s. Sni>i>ht> from Klaus via ports It. vr. Miller. Haaan. It Duff. H II -n 1..,. h. Mi- Atiehaut. and Mrs. Craigir. Par renraria from Harawak-Mr. Per fcaiaM from Deli Mr aad Mr.. r «>u. .Mm-r-. at T. Tills, and II li. Paanakoak. Par P.
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    • 175 4 I' o.l»rthia heading thu following al.breyia '■'.^Uiir^ueTliri* -Bril'uh. l<*. D. I'm tail *x»-j—. Fr. French O«r. -Gorman Out. [>utcb Joh.-Johore; U. o H.-n.-r.l '■argo d.p. deok pa*a«ng«<ra; IV—Uncrr•mb: T. P. W. -Taujong Pagar Wharf T K l> 1 aiming Pagar Dock B. W. ilorn.-o V»-'i«rf J. W.
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    • 1173 4 TRADING VESSELS C. ABMTaU Mind Noon or YkTkm i\ B»..>c/i. lint. ilr. 1.4«U lon-. OMMhI Fanjuhar. YAh Aug. From Hun(l<>n(. IWh .iuc. Or. T. Kuiiona. For I.OIIXII. I' W. 1 a llrit Kir. I.K4K lon», hi Kirkwoorf, Mth Aug. From Hongkong lltth Aug. O. Wood. For N York. A.ri«#. Brit.
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    • 295 4 Vanw, por., prohattl* I if- at arririv. t j BnllwM I'dliiinb.i. kmmtl IM" Ililliaal. l.'oliimlni. <l. t P. II Il.ii mi. l» llonib-it. llorneo llmigkoiiK. S.|,t 111, I' HiMil'di, Am :ii. lliiiigL.ini; I llrualdnr. Loadon, gepl I-. I' BUMBI C'lileduiiien. Cidiinilßi. (I. I I MM laiidin, 1.0n.10n. Hep)
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    • 78 4 i-askkd itnrtu mun oa uulivid pub ordbks nma~- i>»ti. i»n Urthu Cunia. hmii Ri«. hIVM Aug 111 l>ilt ll'lrrilcn T.x llul»rl July Viii-lit.l n Id tint bain Bel™ ITllrit ..\V. Hi Wilmq 11..1y M»y I.", I- 1.t.1.-l |>l 1 1. II IT Hut >.• Mrnpi Mint Au« ITllil.uii
      78 words
    • 55 4 Kill VlS*!!.'! NiMH riMitn C»1T»I» |>, -i;««liu« .us M Ilionu"! Brit >lr Rut Ml luiviu Mr. Hwboa 18 Ki»n Yhdk Mr. Kun.lh 25 Clio« Pkn -tr. J. I1I«M H UtuwmlM PXbm -ii. Hnrttl S» Nnm Yonj .ir. Daman l">r!r JJ""*" k'ii'i'i';"" Nat M.. mi. Hunter frl tflllilih MMr, Hum
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 472 4 NOTICKS. JAMKS WATSON tSc CO'SSCOTCH WIIISIvIKS AUK THK lIKST V\|l I. IN lIIK MAKKCT: V. Ml I. I-Kll. iSK. IH'TY PAID. V. V. i>. si'Kn.Vl. KKSKKVi:. naw caa». am !■■> DOMIKIR. lo YEARS OLD. >'" >»<«"-»mp.iu OIU AT. Wil.K KliuM KKTMI. IU .1:1. OB MrALISTKII <'n.. ,..>■■ MCALISTER CO. Larg-e
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    • 542 4 l!i;.Ml.\(ilON STANDARD TYPEWRITEB. i in: yuan t bbt. In Kn V.Mik, i:nf A.i.l, I'HIIJIUKI.IHIA AM) HoriTON. 7."> Typewriters in are Ki't:iiui.'tolis. Mala Agriit.' M. LURaS .t 00. mm III«)\V.N'S I-.. i i. Camra buuiD SOOTCB WHISKEY, sin: iim-1 ajajauti a m hokiii. As suiiolie.l lo 11.X.11. Use l'rince of
      542 words
    • 1011 4 NOTICES. HOTRiTdES INDEB. HATAVIA. rpillS lis-t elit-s llutel. I:,.!. 1. -1 1 Ihrougboot l.y .1.-.triiity, ii Mi.M..l in the oantra of lisa KurVpaaa ie.ia.i,ti:il, l ii.,rtei,l..-i.ietli..|l:irni,,nie Cliih anil dOM to tie KinsV FMo, II OMtTS I "tii'i it P ii.i.l il 'li fnf tf»l* vcli.-lhiihil l.ill!llie> Tba sti.intnuii paaaaaintroal al
      1,011 words
    • 87 4 NOTICES. Sanaa] Scenfs from (lowers, RIGAUD'S whiti vioLirt. RIGAUD'S whiti iioti. RIGAUD'S whiti j»»«m. RIGAUD'S whiti iiL/te. RIGAUD'S whiti irk. RIG AUD 4 C; mmrnm Pans KOIJINSON CO Have Just Unpacked 4 SS TENNIS IACKSTB I TENNIS I IAGKRIJ "SPECUL CHAMPION,' I&50 UOLDKN'S. SLAZENGEim AYRK'S. WISDENS. TENNIS HBB^ TENNIS NKTS.
      87 words
    • 276 4 NOTICES. BBTSaLIBHCO it C ,>f HAMS \~J ARE THE BEST. ALL LEADING IMPORTERS AND DEALERS, 23 Greit St. Helen's. LOW DOW. J^^ NOI.MAN P j WBHai WHISKY. lial.iilly ci.miii-c to the fruut. Sold :ill ovir ka. Peninsula. McAUSTEB ft CO., HMLEAGENTH T H I TOBGOE HOTEL I).f()K J AX AUTA.
      276 words