The Straits Times, 8 August 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAI'ORE MONDAY. AUGUST 8. 18!>8. NO. UWL
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 316 1 A T LII TID I ii~. .v™r««J--"^mrn'MrANiE-s. 1 Ofiira, coiLvw .jrAV 1C r a,uKVW.N«wHAEBoik. KATWATW* OOWPAIT. ,-iv. JAI-AK. l'«!.Al<0 „.iNK. lIOHtWAKIi. KH, m Anc II v Aiie. Se,.l 11 .ir-tf Oct. .1 Oet'-'l :K rSKKV ,'r K ;:•;•■".;:^T,'^ >/,. ...;..n AllK. <■ V1.., Ant. '-'7 Hot Sept 111 Sept -.'I
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    • 874 1 STKAMSniP COMPANIES. I 'OMNKI.I.IKK PAKETVAART MAATSCII APPI.I Under eontrnet with Ihe India Unvemment. AfUmt Bimmnpon: Whip Ai.mnr. i.«ti .1. Dakm.f.i> Co.. :'-S. CoLLTia <it'»v. stertnier rrnan Elpft^fd Will br lKxpalched for 'in B'maeiln. Aug. I. Pulu 1.-mt. Moearadhrn, CeMl it.r..iiw. aad it.~-ioniiHn. Aaa, I t,,n. Hntnn.l. A. Itatavia.cheril»,,i.San,nranK.Sounihayn.&
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    • 706 1 nl:lllsll INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. TO I'KXANd, BAIMOOR, m CALCUTTA OneofthcCoinpnnv-«i.te:iniei,. in intended to leave Tanjone Piu,'.. ir wharf every week raantlium and OarfD are booM be Ike ilmin lleaaiim ,-n tliioujh rates to nil itii.-an Porta, Haartttaa, or ix.n.ion. TO ADKI AIDK. MKLIiOUHNI:. AND SYli.Nl>. iiiic of the
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    • 669 1 insurances; THE I.tINDON AND I.ANCASMIUK 1 1111 INMKANCK COMPANY. Capital ttJlMaa I'lii-I an Capital 11J.70U Iteserv.- Kun.l i.;. ..IV. The un.len>iened, Ac.-nt- for the Company, are [irei« to iweept h're risks at r 'l'u'il"siKAD 4 Co. riIJIK CHINA TKADKK INNUItANi K 1 COJIPANT. LIMITED. O«pit«l Sul«cribf<l Amount I-.. i.l
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    • 396 1 INSCRANCBi LAW IMDN ANDCROWN KIKK AM) I.IKK INS! KANCE COMPANY CAITIM. CI^KUOOa 'I'lIK nn.l r«ii-iic.l liiw 10.11 ..I. int.-. I I I a,lei,i. Nt .<„,;, for the iil.oie I Com|einy an.l me prep in. I to t ko risks a I eu.r.nt f«le». .1 VKi;KU 1 Co. •fHfc; BTB AI
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    • 745 1 NOTICES. STOP. THINK AXI) CONSIDER. WHAT «a offet no. Se.-nrily in your bonMa, K,v.-.1..m rVoao I'loit-. Urn >> circumvontlouafßatTißux. All tbaae bleeain lirth will become l| in.-li rite, with four varying lever*, ii perii.l prot. kl.--. .-.-i.-h' liavlnc ii non n.t. r. hin.-il'le k.->- ni iU nwn, mhl oi m.-utat
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    • 322 1 RErOMMFVDKI) BT A MEDICAL FRIEND. 'IVlIs now Ml; l sHAII.. THK I .1 Linu. H to .i-.- Chare i«.. I «:i- iiißoringaarereh rold, an.l a medical fri.n.l reconinvnded ('huntx Uei.iedy M ell.-, led -in..- that urn... wbr>t i i.t couftb I ■h K.-i.i..i> eterynh. THK DIsrKNHARY m KOII SALE-
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  • 72 2 STRAITS TIMES. MONDAY, 8TH AUGUST, 1898. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. BRITAIN AND RUSSIA. :n n HBL TRICK 15 CENTS. itiuhtcriplum rain and advertising ratn may l<efouwl oil the fourth page.] ■nAnrra usLATiosi ra china. imin.ii a maw rmiaßß. baaiaa, Xlh AugMt. The piv.s regards Urn political relations between Britain and Roaala n
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 32 2 RUSSIAN COALING STATION. A RKD SEA ACyll<iriOS. The Some Vremyn, a preiuinent St Petersburg journal, anuounc's thai Russia has admired the Sultanate ol Rehaiaa on the Kcd lea. as a naval base.
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  • 57 2 THE PEACE CONDITIONS. THE HftnUi ACCKI'I AX E a tkici riioiosi:i>. It is semiollicially stated at Madrid that Spain, in bar reply to the peace proposals of the Inited State Oonrnlaid down by President il. Kiidey. •Spain, however, propo-es a stipulation for thn sus)H'nsion of hostilities in order avoid complicating
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  • 18 2 amkuicax noon brubkirq. Tho first transport conveyinß American troops returning from Santiago ho> airiv.d at New York.
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  • 28 2 PUERTO RICO. AMKKIi AN nOOfl WKLCOME. The landine of American troops on the south coast of I' Hico ia now practii-ally COmpMad. The Americans were welcomed by the
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  • 24 2 QUEEN OF DENMARK. SEKIors II.I.NKSS. Theyueen of IVnmark is reported ■o he seriously ill The Qnnan'e family are aaeaiahllai round her haiiaMn at Copanbaaaa.
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  • 892 2 AMERICAN ACQUISITIVENESS. Duamaa tha mn'faii of Hawaii hy tin: I'nil.-.l gtalM, the Berlin /W observes that America has now joined mi- rank- oftbOM Fnm vbich indodo tin- Hqafattfan of distant coloojm in the sphere of their policy. IM.I :i.|.U "This event assumes mi laaaal of far-reachini; importance in its beariof
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  • 286 2 SPAIN AND THE STATES. THUlil marked dillerenec Mm Keillor's ninigl this morning and on Saturday in regard to the eoin-lusion of terme taMM Ik* States and Spain Many (gposttd lo hear today that hoatllltiM had been ibaadMMd on pmriphnal agreement fat poaat, in id.- |„,-ml,|,. by Spain's submission. We hear
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  • 262 2 THE STRAITS CURRENCY. In another column will be lonnd a raport of the martin*; in London, on the 13th July, of tli.- stmits s.ttl.i itl Aeaociatioa Apropoa of tha ,1,. i.-on of the meeting, out eomepeaaent aajra that tha faeHnf of the straits aasaeia tion is that. whUa they join
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  • 54 2 Tim (in i of Denmark, of whoeo serious illness Heater Meal to-day. a licrman princess and is in her lUI year She has than sons and three daughters. Her eldest dau-htcr i- the Princess of Wales Her second daughter is the mother of the Car of Kussia Her second son
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  • 58 2 lUlltlTA. the eoalini; station on the I!cl S,-.i just acpiiroj by Kussia. lies on the boundary b, tween the Krencl, and Italian protectorates on the African coast. OBSOatta l'erim Kussia l.a» leog aavotad eoaUag station there, and apparently her French allies have obligingly gratified the wish. France b.u l lbock
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  • 13 2 I'houick. exchange, and share pricos, and the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 13 2 For stealins firewood, a Chinaman has been sent to jail for three months
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  • 15 2 Titc (lovernment imites tend r- ha the conalruclion of an examination depot at Havelock Road.
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  • 18 2 Koii public BMpoaH, tha demolition of a temple in Victors Street has been ordeiud for next Satin lay
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  • 20 2 Till: lightship in the Balaam liner (Deli) is aaaJa in its old place, the repairs to it having been completed
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  • 18 2 Tim mail despatched from Baaaasofa to Laadaa, via BtindW, on the IHhJuly \t expected to be delivere.l today
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  • 23 2 Mk. F. S. 11. Jennings of the Qliafll 7'imfjt has iM'en elected a I'tipil ftaaiM lale of the Institute of Joiirnalmt.- [I imdii)
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  • 18 2 Iri« reaarte.l that Mr a I. Talhot baa ratbad ham the HtraHe Settleni' nts Civil Barrieo, dieol certilicatc.
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  • 27 2 A saanu pillar b..x baa i erected in Orchard Head in I r- ,v „l tl i.nket The box will \x cleared at certain hornon k days.
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  • 29 2 Tin: latest newsot 11. M S Haafaaa, is tlmt she was expected at Colombo on Wednesday l:i-t. Slie to take in IAI tons of coal and water there
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  • 28 2 Twn fhlaeae araai aiiaaeail eaataraay for robbery m respect of 'two aaM kreaaaaa. This Boraias the case was remitted by Mr. Howard to the Ooorl of two Map-tra:,-
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  • 17 2 D'Aac'i Marieoettae perform "ReWoson Qroaaa" tonight. There is in preparation a abeataaular diorama of the Spanish-American war.
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  • 13 2 It is notilied in the fJmamaniM 1 Obaafai that the order Inpaaing qoarao-
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  • 32 2 Tm:r and ii finaiaaif I left Hoar kaoc on Saturday laat and is due bare on Thursday morniin; next. The homeward mail by the I Wom<> I, at 0 a.m on Friday.
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  • 35 2 Caitais I. 11. Martin M K K M S Surveyor of tha Hani Mini, Main, arrived here on Saturday last on Ins way to Kngland to select new minting for the Siamese Govern' nieiit.
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  • 36 2 A i'iunauav, with a oooaidarable cimiiiial record, was pr< tit.-.l by Mr Assistant. Siipei.ntend.nt I. .mlincr, this mUtt, for t i,' tbafi Of I coat. He re- erved his d' nMOt and was committed for trial.
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  • 38 2 TukM .m aloaaaidetba wharf just before 4 o'clock On Saturday afternoon, deia| tin' run from Colombo lathe line t ime of 4 days and :l hours or an hour better than the reeenl record of bar ni-ter-ship the
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  • 32 2 Ui-sia ha* arranged ou'lM, duriai thrnext live years, ci K hl Ullle-hips. six lirei and tfiiw,m,l i*.,.u tor|iedo deßtroyers, and thirty other torpedo craft. The eeat aatimated al sixteen million poajnda sterling.
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  • 37 2 A Caiiaai laleeiiian. in the atnploi al Maaen RoUnaan and waa [hi. inorninj; —etmmeil to di waeki' imnrleoamant for the theft of tw.> silk belts worth four doUara H* bad l>een seventeen years in the employ of
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  • 46 2 Ykmkiiimy cviTiinf. a Baggie lad i<i»i>P<tl two bullock carte on Tanjong Pagai Road, Hid he was a l.iHi.n^ I .1. ni.imliil Mi, dollars. They ware givaa to him, imt lie was praanptlj arrested. Thie moraine, after enquiry, toe oaaa nw dis,,,:-,..!. the ,v,,t,.,,,:,: beinj; daaosad unaatlahotory
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  • 42 2 TRADING SOCIETY'S PROFITS. Tnr ffrtanriindi Trading Bociety's report lor 1-1.7 shows profit <.f a little over two and a quarter miHiona of gaJMen A -ix per cent, dividend waa raooumandad. Tha Boeiaty'i reserve And exceede two and a half mUliooi Of guilders.
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  • 55 2 FOOTBALL. The 1.-t lad I'ml sjavaaa ..i 11,,, Mobaanedan Cricket Club nw) oa the I' A. (round yi-l.i.lay in the Itli round of lie Football Cup Competition Tha fonuar w,.,, by fouV gpai to nil The .vh rouad between tha M s C Club and the Uarnl Anal, will be
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  • 64 2 NEGRI SEMBILAN. Tin adminietration report „n Karai >. iiil.ihiM 1887 rim the ran that year, as Iwinc S.—-JMO -1,-1,1 rxi't-sH ovfi the prerioue year 1 l|w» The expenditure stood al MU7.31:) The State Deht amounted to IM^OOO Coffee and ooeoout oulUvation v tending. Proapaeai on Urn joM li.-I.U an
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  • 160 2 PENANG RACES. TIIK THIRD DAY Thb third and lust day D f the Peneng laak flam oa saturdJ. ""'k lowing 1...,,,,.', r0.,,1.; "'•""•'"I--THS l'lsAMi S T I |i,;. K V Hkndloajtor.llHorw. lh,t Ki* ISL'SS"* K lr Air. l*n Hup 5..;,.. n Mr. 11. J. Marl, n, I Tub I.»ki:iwi\ ci
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  • 48 2 PROSPECTING THE PHILIPPINES. Paonanai Beekar, of tht I „,w State, (ieological HurVOI ordered to procee.l to the PhilippiaaH re)H>it on their physical aad e-pe,,.,!,, o the mioenb fc Beekar, who is a graduate ol llatn,j recently riatted the Tl m Kiiiular mission on behalf of waj London corporations.
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  • 60 2 GAMBLERS. A wau-rrmaaiaD egtraapoaaaM dans (aabliii( iagoinKoaaaj in the very und-t of (Eil under the auspices of a mixcil l::ihl: Xi: the Wily Celestial predolu,:, itin wonders that the anil rilil »•> heavily on InaigniAconl discover lh, sen iiiiilu,,|!,.: 1 otbeis have wondered in a :it many times and
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  • 71 2 A RAILWAY CONCESSION. TmCkim li.ixrite pubUabai IhtU text of till' Lubes IfaiU:,. winch shows that th" Belfiaßt, li.ivin, been unalilc to rcah/c 11.. fonn.-r contract has been traoalfi I to tha Buaao-Cbiaaaa Bank, at takes up 7vi«i of the *2S,oU> •uimW 800 Franra each. The i: adraooaa fully agaia^
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  • 85 2 LOTTERY APPEAL CASE. This morning tha ChapJi Xl I. n q appeal cue came up for i ing before Mi. Justice 1h,,,!,,,,,,, I Mr. Stevens and Mr J appeared nepeetivel) foi of the appellants, while the Altomrj' Ueneral appeared for the pi After some diacuasioo, II derided to send back
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  • 93 2 CHINA'S LEASES. Nt»« from TienUin dadam Britain has accepted a chuu» iala,-,,l Wei-hai-wei piovidini! fiir ti» return "I thai atation I whan Ruuia returna Port Arthnn" Talien-wan. China's aov-ei meantime are i,v, v i a.lmi-bion of her wanhipi to the port. I "xi aquare m ton are oompriaad in
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  • 96 2 ANTI-MISSIONARY TROUBLE. oanoj raaa paws ()ni: French priaat, H. 1 atiUhaMapriaoaarbytlii central >/■■■ n nl the •avioecand nope, fur lii fainl Hi. „.,,V:i M a> iped in a wounded nun rof natives killed of the property destroyed ii outbreak air not yel known 4a,««ial Imperial edr' Ma the authorities ol
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  • 88 2 IMPERIAL DECREES. banßdkl of July l-itl ol China mentions that nourishing as il should butaa thin in ex| re 1. I, hi.,- d| the officials in denounces the ra|w I underlinga v di from pushing theil CourU,and In dc i that trade »l ill 11 stall' ol thing* i" immed
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 336 2 NOTICES. \oijbi7s~ explosives company, li). JlUnufne.urenior: I>VN \MITIOKI lON 1 1 f UKI.A n\E nv\ \v\ iv BLAPIIMI i.;n HKIiiXAWWI ■-M KTV il'.'.K Bjmicn »ra ipparati b. 1 1 toa «i«,.irv an "...s him THE [10RNK0 i OOTANY LTD M-. I Vi- i\ MTOOIT*" Ml I lI X \Mii\K SIDEROSTHEH
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    • 674 2 .notices. NOTICB. VRTSI EDLB-nark Depot romovr-.l tn Road, So I C. Across i Signboard. NOTICE II HE undenig l.haveiKH-n.ippointnl i „.1. > „,r. f.., ,i S, I Ihlll- j 1...1:,iu I hare iu«t received a large aad sorted -„p|.l> the igai oMi: ANl> si. I. m,. moderate. 111 a II\M
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    • 249 2 NOTICES. PENANXi CSOAL DEPOTS. Large stock of best WELSH COALS always un hand, quick bunkering, current prices. AI'I'I.V Tv lIITJ'OIUCII *****00., PENANG ICE WORKS. Steamers supplied with best CRYSTAL UK. at Singapore prices. I'enang Ice is renowned for its purity and durability. AI'I'I.V Tn UUTTENBACHBBOS&CO^I SI'KCIALITY. BDPERIOfi IsKiXY BUtKB BBETEL
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    • 696 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. lU.KH: THKATKK. (Fiwt ul Fort Ca*B*W r,..,,, in li'orfo.) Se< .ud Mrrk sri-mnl rrk uilalial.-d m 5 of D'AKCS MARIONETTES. An mnl unparalleled in the annali of Ituafapom Hui--if.mii.-MS Hundreds turned any on rtalunlar riIWUUU and nir,ht. for wnnt of room. 1.11.l tight* l :i M(hl* "BOBtmOH (HI
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    • 86 2 At Hmnp.ircv on th 7ih ins... tii ofJoilN FislltK li'll.-nl Min;r S;rl ■rakUolllariea, Boraeo,ola»M ■i#vti--t of th»t HaMaV >un> M. S.S. *t* r*;eot«o n,i/l,i utherwia* I- i All *.liCMi#ttia;. „ntT*ctn mT- in 1 r-*t In th" nonrltbou th»t th* Ha.n**rr ir*y labtv tb*> g.dr*>rtiMHMot otit of thi Mpir in
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  • 369 3 STRAITS CURRENCY. 1* SI 1X M >*"'* „n!.- Mi (Hi HetUemeßta i hi 1,., m1. mi OB u ti the otli.-e* ii( 1> C.,,,,,,,ny..Mr. IirOUD, MMRUDK »..r.- .Mi-rs S .1 i: bite, ii M. t ii irtl nr, And lot*, I r ,-,r Til.- mr-eling nv med for Iba |.urlerini
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  • 40 3 THE GOVERNOR HOME. B II Mitchell 11.0.M.fl ..ii'-s.ttl enta hell reached London in ..t leal in., mil iftei and America. i> in i... b»l of health on I »nd Lady Mitchell miry girCliarlM ■■ului-iasl'ieaHy .'I li- Hi,- hoepitalili „,.1 Udj
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  • 42 3 THE FINAL FOOTBALL TIE. :»..>i the Royal Arv !au.l iheW.Y. B I' ipt. The folio* Royal Artillery. rumor, Cla y I ■<■-. and Hubbard il, Hamilton; ki.-ks. IHrand: halfback/, Wakb, I wendail; forwards, I i Gordon Meem 5,,,,,|,, R Mr T C li
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  • 31 3 AN ENGLISH DREYFUS. l il Devonport ha i II U 1.-. t .i 1 I'oiifldrniial -i-nal" -Hi... it] i.. 1!,,. ui,il";:» h'.-'ld.,','t >; 'in and America, menl which r^ n fwraiated intemtiag
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  • 1449 3 NEWS FROM MANILA. GERMANS COMPARATIVELY QCIET. I. Mat: -1- WITH THE REBELS. (Cmtinvtd from Saturday.) Manila Hay, 25(A July. The Germans are causing lesn trouble. 1 hey may have plans for tlie future ■Wehsnafcaam wrm more annoyance than their remarkable course in the p 1-1 hut attbe moment ih..y are
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  • 590 3 LATEST BY WIRE. LoSlaK, Utah July. Afutnalde, the in-unt.-nt'" "»,iir. (m« N-ronic di'linnt and it m«y i>.>--i!.lt I.c niimaaii t.> ficht the laearr'nta. In Uw "■■nl "I wbii-h loO,a»' troop* will he lln* examining nißKi~lrnt,. at I'ari^. n.tiwitbaUndtßf the anpaaHioi el il»- pafalic pi i'.>r hns .Im that r nmndnnl
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  • 98 3 HAWAII A TERRITORY. made Ironi Waahingtou to Tokyo of the ternu of tin Hill annexing II wail to lh< United, The Hawaiian (iovenunenl ceded it* territory, and tini B. Congreaa neolved to approvathe incorporation of the Isiandi as a lerritory subject to tin. sovereignty of in. StalM Treatiei between
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  • 1450 3 NOTES BY THE MAIL. XII.ITAIIY LAW ID SPAIN. Tmi Spanish Constitutional (iuarant>.-. which correspond to some extent with the, English Habeas Corpus Act. were suspended on July 15th. The < ree contained three articles (I) relate* to the arrest and detention of aojr suspected i.,t-.iii. the sanctity "f
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  • 122 3 SIR EDWARD CHICHESTER. Caitaix Casoaaatn of II M s TvnwriaUU i- at Piaeenl senior liritish Captain at Manila Hi- falh.r. Sir Arthur Chichaatar, the eishth banaat; IM at Voubton, new Knrnstaple, on July 13th, in l,i- 77th year. Heeuccaadad bfa father in the baronetcy in Itu, and waa Hriee married.
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  • 336 3 THE "BOURGOGNE" DISASTER. 1I«W— AT Nf.'. IaWS AMI lIAUKAV A- the result ol'.-i preliiiiin.iry niv, -I L':,li..M into the IV. .MfMJn ■■ollirion, the rVncb Daaul in Sew York report- Ibat the r. w I.l.uuele»,and 1 1 t the icrnM ..1 brutality that were witneaaad were earned by eonta Aaetriani
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  • 231 3 THE PORT. Tbi Atturia having Ml Uoogkbßf at i- expected to arrive bero on the 19th idem. 11 M s Btmaeim with naval relief, for the li.iii-li i!,.t .1 them water., ii pxnectod tn call lien for coal* about the l_'ili iuelanl The Smllio ran Lmgkai with .1 cargo of
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  • 290 3 THE CHINESE SEAT IN COUNCIL. to thi i pi t. ui or Tm "murts timks' sm, Th.' HunouraliK- Dr. Boon KaPg> term ofollii-e as n1.,. r of the I LegislativeCoum-ilwillexpire -..nietime within this mouth I am told, that he .1..-- not intend, for the present, to seek rc-noininalion, and
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  • 117 3 HONGKONG ADMIRALTY DOCK. Ni:i.oTlAlto\' hive Ihm.ii u-oiiif OB lor three years 1..-tw.-,-n tho Hongkong and V/hamnoa H.»k Company and the Admiralt) bi tl ctinn ofa new dock al Honeham and for certain ..tln-r i imroa-ed naval f.i. iliti... A private I circular ha- joat 1.e.-u lamed to the sharelioldeis of
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  • 242 3 SINGAPORE GOLF CLUB. Tit.- 1. -uli ot ih.. Ai.-u-t Monthly ■Modal Handicap played on Saturday, I WM as follows The vdluwing mired: I C Drcr, .1 I! Klcum, W Kvanc \V K,..t.' A. li.iiile. .1 Uraliem.J II l> .lorn- I v B M -1..r. M. .1 Miller. \V. J. Napier.
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  • 338 3 CRICKET. Tmcrii k.i match between the H C C let XI nnd Ilie I! A and K. K. on Pridaj and Saturday last 1. -ulted in a win li.t the fornur. The -cores were H f..llo»K. S. Held I. Hill- ,11 lapi. A. I mil 1, Batei H 11. \V.
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  • 47 3 TEMPERANCE CLUB. Thk mnnacement of this dob give n w>it^V mm/it? ti>-n)"rr*i »\v muli' It 19 onn ninnnp th*' nrmv fttrps tnkrti to m;ik.- ihe Clob popular. The thine prouu-es to he ■■■.---fill, mid. if it \t, it may had to the formation of a ahaj^awa
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  • 40 3 WAYLAYING A DETECTIVE. awataad hy In.p'.t'o Boarnt with rau-inc hurt to a detect! ta The r«o wan i'o-,|.,.ne.| till the 10th to give opportunity for further arre-l- The dteahled man la rewarded a- the beel AaUUk detective in the f,
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  • 68 3 ALLEGED CULPABLE HOMICIDE. i Yarrmui Wm Neil »a- aiiaiiud ..n nmnl n Ihf ehaiM of having nueod t:,..,|... fc.,|.t:,in MUlaofUw l.a.h, h.,,,,,1', 11m two men quarrelled three months ego, nod I trial ensued; the death .1 -r.l il IwM to 1..' n result ofthal ironhUi Tbi« morning the »v
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 123 3 vk--i:i LDVKUTU BO In .-All. itch, Borneo i F,,r Hydnei ..1 poru 'I 1 on Dtn V v M.A -4<o. OalrMta i1 po ts. I'm 1 00 'Mli \i W I Borneo UOWAKTII ERSKINE, I.I.MITKD. CIVIL. Mi:< II WU Al. AM> KI.K.i il;h Al. IM,l\r.l.i;>. \..i:.\ 1- ruk REDDAWAYB "CAMEL"
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    • 309 3 HVND PERSONALS Mk it lino; M l>n<l Jr.! a llH; 4thti>mh linw«, I i OM dollar. Thiu.' R Ihr, r lit' lnlT«*rtis4'inr'nt. rlo«i. get, in thin type, .yin l-i. in*rti*l M tinmtnrf I (V,;i>w«-k lor |1J»; i tanatakl tor MM: or one month '..rW Umv*,mi nonlh.' n... l^llllMiMl IrdJ 6.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 215 3 \W.\. HRM KKPORI Kmdanji Krrbnu 1-'--»».m Sp.m.«p.m. RBMAUK Bar. .vs. "-i. -.";■■>.• '•».> Temp. »m >mi 1 w 11'n, 11,. 1 mn l Ilir.ofWin.l s I > I St. Mai Taniii WU Mm... fx M»x. in .-mi "-,1. :t Trn-.M.! «U n K«inf«l' Ny y WKATIIKI: i 'KI.KiiliAM fJB I
      215 words

  • 490 4 . Simirou. -tm Awrit, in* PRODUCE (Rattn art tomtttd lo 1 1 ..HO «.mj (m,,, I Copra Bull TfT>. .lo Pontittnak, ti.Tft. I'epper, Blsik -J4 .7.".. Jo tt'lut*. (f.%) 44.7.-. Siujo Flour Sar»w»k -.'>ij. do Brunei. 2.10. lV:irl Sago 3.77.;. (MO, Bali, pii-kert a».ua ralFrobanK, picked HIA I roffpe. Lil^rian.
    490 words
  • 67 4 MAILS CLOSE. PW I'rr Hlr To-Mokm.w.' iMivlaparta Hmu<r,r <o« York Pnlhai, iituFkhal Wantgl, uluvlsporu A,.,, llh,. laiWkaltl llaijan Sultan, aeiulmig Awnfa, Umckok Omvmi, Sydney via PorU irmuau jjg» *»fart« i Z I.' Miia A. y.'.l"X' I. .\t:->.n via purt* Malacca, I*. Brandu raiuv. Europe ru port! <:.r 0 ,.,;,,,1.i, T,,,...
    67 words
  • 83 4 MAILS TO ARRIVE. Faun Mnota :-«>• Urn t o. mm im unihol.'itli i.-uiu with dauwtu th'u -J...1 July. Ki."M i'iiina: -Fly the V. 4 O. <'0r0...i.,./W due on llth \uti.-t Tim I .in 1. 1 it M.n- Due. .'1 Huein lAjn.lon Arrivwi June »l!i s. n. 1.. July :"4tli
    83 words
  • 280 4 PASSENGER LIST UOOTAIJ hn (1 .1/.-,. from rVnanr The Kallanof Jotaora, Mawn. .1 Campbell Kit awl II .1 Wllkimon I'.t-. Wo.Wu.-i, from London Mr». M H Noordln. Mr II .1. Ti11,.,, l>r .1. r.-....p1--II.C-i|.l.u. Kn»n.-i». iimlMr. H. A. t M "linn.'"?!',' »Dj"i"rltoi^ 1 H froji I ■1 1 Maun Dapoi
    280 words
  • 1 4 SHIPPING.
    1 words
  • 154 4 SHIPPING IN PORT. Under thisheadinj the fol lowing al>l>revialions are used str. -steamer sh.— ship k% Jerque: Bril.-British U. 8. United States; Ft. French; Ger. German; Put.--Dutch; Joh.— Johore. A,-., <i. ( cargo d.p.— deck passengers; I i tain; T. 1". W.-Tanjong Pagar Ulnrt. T P. I).— Taniong Pagar Dock
    154 words
  • 1071 4 TRADING VESSELS &C. AUITIUMIVCI Noon or ■IIIHIIII Al'mn, Brit. ttr. W.> tonn. Capl WdMl th Aug. From Bangkok. Jml tut. O.i Bornro Coy For lliinskok. U H.l« ««»<». Out «tr. l-.'l ton*. Capt IVIm-ic* -111 Aug. From r.-il.-mkini:. Kill July. »l.r an.l Mil p. Urn OHa Snw. For i'al-n Kmfnm,
    1,071 words
  • 376 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. Name, port, prnbakt* d.if> o< ...< MW of ojjriift. knyll. HooghOHL lean t AMuria, II .ogkoug. imcu.l v 11 M... AK-sin. Illlinl.UTK, All^ll-1 It M. Hunlnin, s.ur.Ll.ay.i. tu| ll DnruMi Ill«i-.,||. H.iw-in. Aii^ I>:>.M.l. I. Ki-iiiinl, I'olniuhii, (I. I l'-j I. ,v il lt.-t>U-.ii. llanKk.iiiK. Auv. I.''.
    376 words
  • 230 4 ARRIVALS. r Li. VUMKI.'* NAMI .V lutS. Cimil r«OH -taIUCI. Au K li. (i. M.y.r IW Mr HI HOHH PdUllg Ann II),.-. >i RadoMwu lap *v :;7-|s Hutnj Viilmrp luno 38 1. Himoii- nml I 8 McAlUtw Hnt Mr Hij smuli Manaw Jul) n«« Bin *Co I'" 1 M M-.r
    230 words
  • 124 4 CLEARANCES. Dith VmmL'tMtlU Fuu&Ku. linns Dsnunoi A"S Ham Brit »tr l>;,> I. uly I..,iiK<i.ri Mr. '> KutsiinK ttr. llr.nll, ivr.i.nn Mr. Itanhall Amli.i,! Mr H.'i... „r Qk tf ImUII:i tlr lluil-'.u I Rrthaa «tr. Dm Voalwlcfe -rr I Kniclit IVmplar str. Turn .Sulun -ir i K five l.fonj; i|r. I
    124 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 214 4 NO TICKS. FMSER& HEAVE'S ltd. *o&7* <z Soda Water j^fe %£> fo^ t IM. BOBINMK RBAO, 3INCAPOT.E. "^^L EMIL ZIPPEIL& EIAHBUBG. SHIPPERS OF ALL KINDS CM CONTINENTAL GOODS \Y A N T Connections in Siam and the Straits. .1 AM ES WATSON COOSscotch wiiiskiks AM r 1 1 1 lEBI
      214 words
    • 129 4 Vox; LEE BENO 00. I URCII Iflfl WAD. W IXK SPIRIT «V PROVISION MKIICIIAMS .v Vons I rioiiKJ Co i KY tl inform iiio« ...U...1..! uitli t li.-iv- .Hi.-.. Order* ivi |....i.,i.ii I,A.l ,A., 11t ,,i Thoirofllce ***** i tv Sundays pxcepu-d 'food, ground on the pmniww by ■powerful I
      129 words
    • 480 4 DAILY AND WEEKLY BTWiiime iB3i. TiU,k,,.,. A-I<lr*tt;- -"Tiyu., RUMftMM The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected Slates of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China.
      480 words
    • 271 4 BROWN'S Four Chows Brand SCOTCH WHISKEY, TMK >INKST WHISKEY IS THE VCiKI.n X .|-i -i to H.R.11. the Prince of Wain and 1] 11. Prince Rismirck. BRINKMANN A CO., Mi Ami. for SmtHporr itEULNU lON STAADAJUT TYPEWRITER. THE nut BEST. In New Yoiik, Chii abo, Philadelphia AND IioHTON. 7V. ttTjftmdttm
      271 words
    • 162 4 NOTICES. \/^^TJfSjfV Thc^c tiny Klil^fifA Capsules BBH HBtl superior iiTfl iKw to c P' ll! a Cubehs, and Injections cure the same diseases as these drugs in forty-eight hours without inconvenience. tutu c«p«i:t i*.n tM Bine HJIDYj FOR MUMS OF TOE CHEST. GRIMAULT'S SYRUP Of Hrpo-PHosniiTE of Like rieiciioej in
      162 words