The Straits Times, 4 August 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, AUCIUST 4. 1898. NO. 10.598.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 507 1 „,,,,OKSIO COMPAQ. LIMIWD pi ■--SJS.'KrS-— mm !V Oe— *2 Sangation t'oaipanj. lV'" 1 11 'TLfT |wri'«T- A il sikamsiiii' companies. 1) OrrK-1, Coi.LV«ii Quiv 0 «-H»ii»aii,S«wH«Booß. fjUl KATWATKW afIIPAUI. l r,Ai.i'..Ai'i^. tarn, „:,,kai.tak. Malta. ai-~;^, llu^i.m., m,...'.""'""' s mai:. link. n fAwaaiM Aug. I 1 1 r Aug.-' ll io
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    • 934 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I -iMNKLLIKK I'AKKTVAART MAATSCHAPHJ .s 1 1 „r. Bbp a,.kn.v, vi .1. Dmrpaij too, -J-S. Collt«* tio«. BteanW From Expected W IIU* Keapatched (or .Y..,A,,.. B'maaila A 0(. 1. H'niii.»in. 1-ulu L.iut, Mo-nnuljau-V, C.l.i. Beronw. an.l Hoclongnn. Auc. llMavin. 4. Ilat.-ivi,,.i 1 1,,.,-il», n >-.,,,iimii l ..Sour^l,»y«,i Mm
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    • 380 1 |>HITISI| INDIA STKAM N.VVIGAI) ITON COMPANY, LIMITED. In PKNANG. RANGOON.* CALCUTTA OlleoftheCoinpanv's steamers is intended 10 leave laujong l'agar Wharf every week Passengers and Cargo are 1-ooked by the above ataaawca at through rates to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to East \tri. an Ports. Mauritius, or London.
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    • 678 1 INSURANCES. rpilK LONDON AND LAN< ASHIKE 1 FIXE INSI'RANCE COMPANY. Capital (sVIRJtn Paid up Capital -ili.'.VO Reserve Fund lITii.S-Vi The uuderiigneil. Agents for tho Company, are prepared to accept fire risjis at no'ISTKAD 4 Co. 'pilK CHINA TRADKR INSURANCE 1 COMPANY, LIMITED. (•npital Subscribed »2,n011,011u. Amount I'aid up «X).(«l. 1:.-ti'..
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    • 632 1 INSURANCES. LAW UNION AND CROWN KIKK AM) I. IKK IKBOBANCK COMPANY. capi i ai. iM,auo.<w<. TIIK undesigned have been appointed agent, at Singapore, for the above current rales. JABBER t to. 'IIIIK STRAITC INBDRAIOI I COMPANY, I.IMIIKD. i-i i is'i.t l— :t. II hi. nrn.l, SIROIPOU. Oapitnl Kully Subucnhod M.OM.u"
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    • 646 1 NOTICES. CONDENSED MILK i ltCiW"aaTa*eaa. :u Brand is guarantor!) ti ""^^jj contain till the creajn of the original milk. In CONDENSED Wi3 l^ e P roceBs °f manufacture nothing but water juj. a.,..Jif?l is removed, nothing but tho best refined <f£JQ *sr§ Avoid low-priced brands from which the jy*'~[~ cream
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    • 604 1 [AT EVEB lIAITENKH. M.'tal Foundry, Alitfirli. N. \V FTtMtonorfa in tin Baat,uador direct ■hmmmi annul inii't ymir IMIIIIHHaMIIa. nobody nnadeal raarantea af it» iguality Our mm ii [x>ck>ma>abettiradofmr]r oeatbla pumam >■!■ ndOrandHwh Raihl .th- Milii:iry.and other users r ,iii,;iiii.n« Poatafi h I. 11. JOHNSON CO \\'K bin to-day ntabliabod ounarne
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    • 745 1 "ACTKDMKK A CHARM." MR. J HARRY WATERS. HEAD Master. Ntaiios School, Rawu fiudi. Myi »1 retard Chamberlain'! Pain Balm a> a mn.l uai'ful liounoholil medicine I hnv,. >„,.,, .1 u^iii for tonlhaeli... ih.. rain NmM llasacherai.' Kvrrv OH "tin uarM'lliuiirwl.ini'a I':iri 1 Halm alwaya apenka in the «am<- li<rni» II
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  • 61 2 STRAITS TIMES. THURSDAY,4TH AUGUST, 1898. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS SPAIN SUBMITS. KsTAnusHan ism. PRICK II CKNTR. Subtrnplinu nah> n,id <i,hertiruig rolel may be fount on the fourth pwe.l pkack niNDiriciNs MHCB> to. EaaaVa, M August. It is WpOlted at Washington, on the authority of advices from Madrid, that Spain ha» aicept.Hl, in
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 28 2 PUERTO RICO. AMKKHAN MKnaWL The Americans have occupied the town of .1 uana Diaz, on the southwest coast of Puerto 800, amid the aasJaajsV tions of the inhabitants.
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  • 519 2 SINGAPORE LIGHTING. Mi:. (o-ntlo's report yesterday v the HOBkipd Commi.siuuer* on lh» ■IT IH'llllihm of electric-lighting proposals since tin 1 laFt meeting gives promise of as rapid a progress in the matter as is consistent with proper prudence. The need for the utmost deliberation, where one of the must important
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  • 445 2 opinions in France and llntatn upon l he late l'riucc liismarck, as it appeared m telegrams printed on Tuesday, is a curious tribute to the aged statesman, lie ha- btan IMUk ia our minds to-day; the flag of the (iei man Consulate has been a- a tribute
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  • 7 2 To-day's.-, m bank rate is 1.11,' i
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  • 14 2 l'noot vk. exchange, and share prices, and the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 13 2 The gwwila llmhjrl for the homeward mail will be published at II) o'clock
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  • 16 2 Haaaa a KolirandCo., booksellers of Batavia, advertise an assortment of new books and maps for sale.
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  • 17 2 A treaty of friendship, commerce, an. I nan tat ion has been concluded between Japan and Siam.
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  • 22 2 Ah Foo got nine months yesterday lor mealing a coat valued at So. 10. He has been mice similarly convicted before.
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  • 20 2 For cutting (iovernment timber withoutaperniit, Mr. Howard yesterday fiu.-d a man leu dollars, with the alternative of three weeks' imprisonment.
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  • 30 2 Captain J. Mills of the Im.'ij /.wiif'en died at sea suddenly of heart d:-e.i on the Ist August at II a.m. He was buried ashore in I'ahang the following day.
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  • 30 2 Mk llraddell appeared yesterday fat the defence of a Chinaman charged with breuch of trust in respect of a sum of 51.7111. The «ase was remanded till the loth
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  • 25 2 Vk-,'KH|.a\ a Chinaman, named Tan prisonment for stealing Sl.">o in notes and money, and a gold chain valued at $110, the property of two Chinamen
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  • 36 2 Tilt: trial of the Chinaman charged with culpable homicide for shooting a man in the hip and so causing his death is fixed for tomorrow. Mr L'ranted him bail yesterday in the sum of S3.UUU.
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  • 37 2 Tut M. M. CMaaim left Saigon at 1 pin yesterday, and may be expected to arrive here on Friday next ai about g p m She will he despatched during the night, or at daylight on Saturday
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  • 30 2 hi» rum..ured at Kuala l.nuipur that Mr. Keyserof.lrlebu has obtained the coveted ap|K>inlineHt of British Consul for ISrunci with a residence at Libuan. The salary is t«(H» a year sterling.
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  • 35 2 Ctran Mo-ridge, of the Haaaaa, who met with a revolver accident volcrday ninrnin" had to far IWWrawd last night H to ha able to walk to the Carrlaoa which conveyed him to fbe Helical 110-pltal
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  • 43 2 Hi: I.cask is prosecuting a dresser in the General Bai&toi for breach of trust in respect of certain acetic acid and a •Decided gtass bottle On the application of the accused the ease was remanded till the Mh, and bail fixed at ■MO.
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  • 47 2 COMMISSIONERS DRIVE OUT. Tin: Municipal CoHinissionrrs yesterday took a maiden trip in the new ru, to which the Kire Brigade horses were harnessed lor Ihe,,. A visit paid -via Tcluk Aver Street to the I'oudrelte Work-. where everything appeared to be in satisfactory "working order
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  • 123 2 A CASHIER'S EMBEZZLEMENT. ins mxF-ooLuotioi mn A. ill.- lintish Consular Court Bangkok on laeXSUi .inly. h. for- tha onsiil, Mr Archer, and a jury, Koon Kcng, an aaaialaiU oaabiai al Haaan Wmd-.r.v Co. rat charged with fraudulently cmhe/./luig a Him of Tieals .'».."..">". the property of his employer! The jury
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  • 188 2 CAMARA'S SQUADRON. It is not surprising that Admral Camara having saili-d hi- s.|iladiol to Port Said straightway sailed it hick again to Spain A Correspondent of he Tmmtf /w/iii describes his mgUDg reception on hoard the flagship wtile Admiral Caniara lay at the port nmnnl. Havini; escaped a suing al
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  • 302 2 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. TllK shipbuilding returns i-sucd by Lloyd's liegisler" lor the.juartcr el dad June .io-Ii show that at the end of that period there were (excluding warships) ,v*o vessels ni i.."c-l'.'»;s ton, groaaaadac construction in the United fihgrinia These figures .ompari- with 4H vc- .U Of (TLStI tons under eonstnictioti
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  • 450 2 MINING IN PAHANG. rMOBB IN UK. In is»;, tin.- Kauh rwinmj npoctsd ll,.";l!> ounces of n..1i1 tlio fflllafaf IDUMBpUf :t.*7l oum-es .>f null btattal -■■'■<»' lIIIIW from tint MM Tlit; greater portion of MCnkd by- the Kauh Cumlh, t- .1 il amount oniahad m tons, giving an mnp yi.-1.l of
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  • 458 2 A SHOCKING FATALITY. MR. W. C. BIBBY KILI.KII AT JELKBI \V« have to record a shocking fcadh at the Km Uhlc, Jelebu, yestenla, J which Mr. William OSm H,iZ accidentally met with hu death ]r Moby, who wa», we believe, Hi |,j,.., son of Mr. MM) Nate, Ik) manager of
    458 words
  • 52 2 BANGKOK COMPANIES. TllK Bangkok Tramway Comnn report! a proiit of o*at 4e\U)o tieaa during the year ling on the Mil .lone la-! dividend affix pW .'lit. lor the i- icl''.l. The Paknain ILulway Company lapoKl a proiit of over 1»11,u,K.l ticals. A four .mil a half |wr cent, dividend
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  • 296 2 CRIME DETERRENTS. TOTIIK KDITOR OK TIIK STRAITS 1 ml* Sin, (liirdailyah,in.laiitcro|i..f,ii™ inggeetatbal thetratem ,i| wbicliilii dealt with .alls brthacloawl rrolimr. I am not lelenilli; to detertive ni.tiiHe.deulated to prevent crime, bat lull* victed offenders, "in practice, ifool m theory, theaa need anlargimr, the am alreaily at disposal arc Dot all
    296 words
  • 104 2 THE PORT. Tha (Mat «>' about L3MtoD< ft to M.-i- nbei B from Calcutta v. -terdav a discliarging berth al tin the I'anio,,.- 1',..,. »l.ll>. 11,.. Im.i., China >,-l tin mi»f fr" She al-.. Dringl I"' -ide- general cargo The Mutualluier I'M-*} to have left Hongkomt two dit here abou
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 311 2 NOTICES. XOBEITJT EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, ID. Ml IK '.1 I [(INI I I. hi. MINK DYNAMITE BLABTI.NO ruNATOKS rßii bi Mima apparatus. Tin iMi Kiruwiw, lit ik, i ji.i ■urcuoi wuui THE ROKVEO I OMPAMY. ITU -■UK *»'■> un.Jm i. an.l llornoo i:avk \i iviis in srocg \i.i. mi m
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    • 727 2 NOTICEB. NoiK K. ii.. I.imitwi, iii.piv i>- l«t**l i>-nii!i t-Kt'^'-h ira* I I gat 111.-. t..»|«-t nnnant. i ..i I/Mewdh i-»t I^OOCnndlM Incandaaceaii ■taetri* city at 9 V\':i l r pal an-110 an<l 0.7s mam '■> n cflal fSCUnpar I.imi j i> *•> r Irolrum 0.18 HnffU ii. iii isiupn
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    • 292 2 NOTICES. I (D'AttC'S MARIONETTES.) "TO -«K M MPT TO 111 i'hat ■■mm, 1 THEATRE |rmtfMlM| Kntrani- i'n.-i.i.; 1,, Wmtti TO-NIOHT, and Every Evening, at 9 sharp. FBtca as usual. PUI at Walsh Ltd. Next Saturday, August tth. at 4.30 p. m. FißeTo ha n fi > ma ruzK
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    • 415 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS, j WANTKI). Prye River Dock Coy. Bh«ret. Frawr and Ncare Ltd. Debs. FOU PAI.K. Municipal Del, I •liiiijoiij I'l^.r I It. Tanjong l-iigar Dock IM. 4 J-tmiH Steamship C.iy. Share*. FRASBK 4 Co., Bttmn CI.EKK. W^ANTKD. x thoroughly .|U.ilm.-d >» MilljphgOtirfc. ij'c, Co S3fc TimtM. '!>> BE I.XT
      415 words
    • 82 2 M. 8. B. ilUuhd for tka .«tra,» Ti«« •bolld >-• •ritUn on ooa «<!• of tk> i«p- oolt By th. ■nMll tl»t 1-on.titi. ,ti m«ny M 3. ir« KJMWd tlut mirht otherwise bf pablittMd. tion th»t tt Manager Bay laare tn« adTartiasmflnt oot of tb# pap*r in caa* nf praaa
      82 words
    • 157 2 LAND SALE. Five lots of leasehold and tiree or freehold property were put up at auction by Messrs Powell Co yesterday afternoon. Dealing with th) lease holds nrst~(l) 14< acres, froning on the (iavlang road (about 7 mile from town), "went to Ana Kbranmh for •1,000; four allotments in Kinta
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  • 1270 3 MUNICIPAL COMMISSION. 1',,.:,, (Mr A i|lT Than —n aba fort, 5,,1,-t. M.-,.« ..>*•■•'.>■■•. «■■■> ■M. MATTEII*. I- 1 'it i n* n f lit i 'l npforn lte d iii« halaoee Mun ipaU ftind M is*, ti,.- i site 1205,000, „.,--MIKMK.M ■-siil tlii'ri! was li"t mu.h II tlMiraMeatfMi
    1,270 words
  • 161 3 MALAYA LAW DEPARTMENT. In, report .n Iba erork ol lbs h'ada rated Malay Ugal Adviwrs' office l.n .i, published. The work ol liienar hasc-onsiMedal »t entirely ol draftin« enactn pnti i nd Ivising tin (iovsrnnipiit. T! mi., v i v Irneuti mit.' |».i duriiif: il"' year in idsni V.IV it.'
    161 words
  • 726 3 WHEN BLOOD TELLS. \MKl:i<-\NS TO THK RESCTK. Tiir Tkrg rrotct or iapt. tatisall. Concession after concession has lately km wrung out of China; the great 1' irn.'J t.. tttttth with re»«onaMe Ban, by noofa repetition, ■in.. thoM bi in' IMS when Lord K...i. i. ~t--*l from i natf unwilling 'i^
    726 words
  • 431 3 . I Tin whok eydlng world bas i»--n thrilled «rh thestory ofrdr awful tmash Unit happeßed to fistt Hilts, the famous record-breaker, in a m, mc -1.111 m the Crystal lilacs trark! A l-rmLnili' of the handlebar <>( hi« pacina qnlatuplel 1 suaed thecolllsioa. K..ur..i tbs iiv men «.t,--1
    431 words
  • 1018 3 LANDS AND MINES IN MALAYA. RErORT FOR IH>7. ■■ML The Maaaer '.Wnimoif 6va*Ma nhlishes the annual report of Mr. H Coowav IMli.-1.1, tlir I'.'iimn-Hoii.'i of l-ands, Mint'?, ami Survey* in Mm Federated Malay BMW The total land MMi I mini in all the Stales aninm.ted to S«;>:t.7i:i tlif estimates amounted
    1,018 words
  • 528 3 SIAM AND FRANCE. INSAJISFALTORY INTKRVIEWii. WHO IS THK MAN t (From Cme.'ponilntt.) ■■■■tat, ail y«;y. The question mo-t dim-usM-d at the ['i i'-iii t iiiumcnt I >■ iw i v the I* i fin 1) i» the li.umkok i-orr.-ip-'iidertt of im? An* IVmI A wiek«go the tiiam t'r.f. I'm* be£an
    528 words
  • 160 3 GERMAN TRADE IN THE EAST. liihbbi i,,'th- anormoas growth;.-rui:.ll> ilal'lllll. K«r Ivi-t.lll '|'ur.'.'ry">.i'>" r ll'-r' i'nr ■>"'<' 'iiVTi.'.m'c indasuies is only equalled b; bei efforts br Ir.ule !ilu-i..i.i. A (•ar'agO, ;i MBmission of experti wenl to the Orient t.i -i in nw ill sod to gather information. Sulisiiiii
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  • 61 3 S.V.C. CORPS ORDERS. ■bad wuani m ncm Uaaapoce. m. lasnast, lam Urderlj (Meet br Hi.' awing nek: Capt-W U.SI.CI lir .llnwine. geatl i.'iVi.'.'V. 'siii.', 1 ii. n.i|.. m I!, sub-dlriuon. rh« Annual lie «l I M.-.tinillMll br n. LI i.ii l-i. ,r,. 111. him. ...I:, pin. al the I', ill
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 11 3 INDIGESTION CondysFl 1 lwirH«Ui > HH"''' l r '"J' C.MJ* II'" I
      11 words
    • 729 3 notici:. 1.1. pMMM hiiving anj Wimn :ih'nin-l .V \V \\,nl,i,.luil!.|.l,i-.'.1,iii,11% .-all M til'- 1 t i J ll.ii nh. >i' Hi, .-mi fi>' h obtain: > prop-rh i'Ookr.l full.-.! -teak l.i tUtt r»n«. CM ir.t.-l llnrt,.n Al,-. .nn.i i i :i:h- Havana i ,i Virginia l.rictitV nn.l a Kit -hmond
      729 words
    • 816 3 It ATA VIA. rprflS Br»t dM hotel. lighted 1 throughout liv elovtrii ily. i« sifiated in the i-rntr.- ..I t!>. residential uunrtrr, W-ule the Harmonic Club and clom to the King* l' It ofli-n splendid arcoir.modation for travellers and families The steani-lrnm pasNM in front nf the hotel Oauljbmtm to
      816 words
    • 510 3 POItSAI.K: KMPI.i >VMFNTS. TDLRTt AND PERSONAL! tinraa, Waantaa linn ;4iht<>ttlh limn, MM a lin*; 7th to ISth tim^*. S noli a liiw; «(i.Tw»nl«, <<-nt» lino; but so ch»rßi. Iron thun on* dollar. Thn«. li*> Hdv«ni« clow irt. in th i™», ran I* inMTt«l .1 tiim.«l,>r |I.Olt;awiwlL for tl.&O;a fortnight (or
      510 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 164 3 tMtSBSMWrrI Tin i:-I.AV. 1 1 II A 1..1 -i High Water. lllii|.in Panan« Kaces 2nd Day. Tug-of-War. Korl Canning. Dtumarck Memorial Celebration. 'lfiitoi.ii Club. 0. li \i, Marionettes. High Street. R Kkii.av. .".in Ai '..i »r High Watet 031 p.m. M M mail bi Europe, due B 8 A. Meeting,
      164 words
    • 81 3 WKATHKR RKroKT Kandant, KrrbaM llotyUa. Sr.l A*y*tt, la*. SH.m..lpm «p.m Kixutl* B»r. mOMSPHMrtiIs Trmp rti "7 4 TMI i\ iri i ii.. roo us TV* |S1 Ilir.ofW.n S. SI! S E it HMLiWnp WJ ,1Mio... 7*j llu in dor NMH S r-rr. mrf. 701 o^ lUinfeli Nil. WKATHKi; TKI.KdUAM if.'.
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  • 489 4 . 91MUW1I. 4TH AT.JCIT, ltH. PRODtTCE (Ratet are eorrxttd 1 1 30 a.m. Uambier Copra Bali 7.10. do Pontianak tt-70. Pepper, Mack. SfS.UJ. .lo White, (S%) Sago Flour Sarawak SHIJo Brunei 3.1". Pearl Sago 3°o. Code o, Bali, picked »00. Coltoe PalcnitiaiiK, picked „■-'■'■">. Codec, Liberian, So. 1 17 00
    489 words
  • 94 4 MAILS CLOSE. t ■<,<• Ptr .Ir. Ti»v. I'ontinnak vin ports I:', tm Noon 'icti^kuu- \niMV H f ,nij Jjtoi,./ 1 p.M. M.ila. in Kl:tni: MnMtfM :1p.m. Soorafaay* via port! H. G'un, S p.m. I'iilcuttti via ports I'tmttita, 3 p.m. I*, taut via port* .V<rnAui>, Spin. Mslw.'H ti. klang Wmm, p.m.
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  • 95 4 MAILS TO ARRIVE. From Kibopi :-B> lh« M. M. /.irfw. <li»- on tliu 'ill] lu-laiit with d«lf- to Ilie lAlh July. IM QUUI 11. tile M. M. Oetani'H, due on .Mb AuKUt-t. Tim Or M l)ii. I .f f Siiitia|>orw Due in I<ondon Arrived Jim.' MM M M July IT'ii
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  • 287 4 PASSENGER LIST |Vr laapkl b«B BBJkJI Mr. Todd, Mr-'l. Mr-. Morsanan.l childno. tttx.*. Kit laiH 'r.'i'i <'«l.nlt»:-Mr. P K. „.,1. from r«-n»nE. Mr.»nd Mr*. C. V. Buok.ll. Mr J.H. riwr. Ht>... Baa S»."/«.'u,niironi listiukoL Mr. M P. Iri.l. iar a, from Balavi>: Mr. .-khr.-u.-l IVr». s. X.».i. from Butavia;
    287 words
    • 169 4 SHIPPING IN PORT. ln<liTthi.h«adingth«itollo"fini(/,» tiont an< uaed sir.— at«am«r th.— ahip la. --barque; Brit.— British V. H. Initwl Af*t; Fr. Franch Oer.-Oorman Dut. Dutch; Joh.— Johore; io., (1.c., (»i-neral i-argo d.p. deck paa»i>nfcer» U.—Uncertain; T.l'. W.-Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T P. D. Taniong Pagar Dock ;B. W. Borneo Wharf; J.W.-Jardine'. Wharf;
      169 words
    • 1067 4 TRADING VESSELS &C ■■nW Brit Mr. WO ton< Caw iv. "JJ From .Sandakan. iilßb?S? and 4:M.p. \V.,.|d and c 0 ill" ilikan.Mh-Rdii s w-H/,-,i!<. Bnl. Mr. DOT t on D ■nd tag. From Baaakaa au jT. T^ •ad I dp. W. M,n.«..|d o?-*S llanckok. .Mh -R,!,. U l/yrfio. Brit.
      1,067 words
    • 443 4 .>,».', port, probattU date v -i-u, i. nan*/ o' (Kvin Argyll, Bangkang, to waM tiM .11 \-liirii.. MiiliKkoiiK. AIIUII-1 11. II M,-w Al.-n.'.uri:. Aimu-t II M.-.i-liiiitHin Souraluiyit. Aiik II Hv-n1,.. lti»,-:,n. H:i««in, Auk -.'I Haondtli 8.-n«ul. roloinl,o. 11. t I; V 11 BrnUrif. Losdon, .Ik I. ITlanai
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    • 79 4 TASSKH M'NDA sunns OH UIRIVBO TOR ORDERS. Hum I>atk i Uitb. ixii Smr'H Nahi. M rMIIIII Rio. Shu*,. BUI 'ult MIW l-i (ianlmMi Ml -,:.,..n HIM Maraiii Mink .Inn.. l» 1;..11.T,Um Balavia 9)l)ul s.» I'ro. Hr. Vanio .Mi-lin-gor July -.f.Ualatia Ilril v <io. do L'TDul. v-K hraalD Wiuan
      79 words
    • 145 4 ARRIVALS. 5 hat 4 To»- Caitaii Fhoh miul I i Rui. A 7* n~^T ..rit M o~h r. A,,-0,. ,i s. gy I ciiv,. Brit »ir i:»i l>:i>.'i Klui int -Hi I«—IW Dul .lr Wdlßtiilwi btavu All)) ll> S Ayr Ml Mr. ISM Oil Hortlmnd ftP. HinioMMJ < I
      145 words
    • 63 4 CLEARANCES. DUB Viwxl'B Nim t'uuAKh. i->i ii s pguiunw *> r •i Mm .Nam aenj; I lulwlla 1 Cho« I'liva 4 Kian Yaiik 4 Ki»n Ami 4 Vw Brit itr. HußUr Mr. (i11. .0n Dili air. Itumillll lint Itr Hi Mr. Jalltcoa vtr. Kun:illi »lr. Dm) ..r. fyU (irr .tr!
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 241 4 XOTICi S. NwiW Xcent* from fttoam, RIGAUD'S WHITE VIOLITt. RIGAUD'S white Mas. RI6aIID'S white MM, RIGAUD'S white lil.c. I RIGAUD'S white mis RIGAUD.C, l'ari> 3 N. B. HI.'nWNS «jUKB whisky. li.i],i,llv oaavag to tin- front. Sold all ov, 1- tho Peninsula. M< ALISTKK cV 00, BOLE A<;i.NTS. I'IIiSENEU BEKR XXV
      241 words
    • 353 4 NOTICES. CHAMPAGNE. IM IS KoKDKKKI!. EXTKA I>KV. for Great Britain) Louis Roederer, Carte Blanohe iSRIXK.MAXX CO. Krfilal JOHN LITTLE* CO. LTD. Ml JJKN SON S_W A TC II KS )ll«l n l.ikl I.I'PUATIt M!■ I 1...v „N MAKKI: TO 11. M. 1 Hi: QUEEN. Spatially m:»nufnitur*Ml and rccotn mni.l.-.l for
      353 words
    • 705 4 NOTICL3. THE STRAITS TIMES AND THE STKAITS BUDGET DAILY AND WEEKLY ESTABLISHED 1831. Trlrrkmu. Wk TO. TtlWfkir A,Ur,u :-"TlM». SIMIAKEI." The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula,
      705 words