The Straits Times, 30 June 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. JUNE 30, 1898. NO. 19.51*8.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 710 1 ■_,,F BORNEO COMPANY. LIMITED I sTKAMSlIll' COMPANIES, omaumilw IV Wharves Niw Habboib. jrgiH NAVH.ATION COMPANY. j|»K»«l"«"- Ui«»Ai-TAR, Malta, ami LomioM. 1 rnusti "dl" of 1-ading issued for /Vrtion MAIL LINK. OnMD. Hoiibwabi.. IKUX l i&H\vXZ j'nlvl' Vi'iiv :«> Jiily-» lt 1.1 IW. n.W Aug. 1» Sen! in S-i.l. H MKKMKKIMK.
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    • 834 1 STEAMSHIP COIU^MES. IV-ONINKI.IJKE PAKKTVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Under contract with tbe Netherlands India ( Agnt, nl Singafvn: sun' Aoeiicv, LATH .1. Dakkdbu, A Co., t-i, Colltbb QntT. Steamer From Expected W ill be Despatched for on Hanlam. Sourabaya. June 23. Bawean, Sournbava. Boeleleug. Ainnvnan, .M.ic.-is..-ii.nn,i Molu.cas. July I. r-n. llatana. Batavia.clierib..n.Sauiarang, i
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    • 645 1 SCOTTISH ORIENTAL STKAMSHII" COMPANY, I I Ml 1 Xli Hsui'LAE I.IKK Rgthekx HaKGKOK ISU IL.M.k n Monyk-ut, (\ipt. TaKler, tons. K,m., C»|.t .lo«lin. ma m Tai CW, Cnpt. Primroi*. OrtJ „/Vlm r.'A»MAV<i..,fapt.rVv<ilar, 1,011 rtra i *«ln BSi A'lao, dpi Hgot, I.ols ftm .Vo.u. ("apt. Wilton. I.OSI I'-upt. Curtis, 1,057 <•*•.»
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    • 685 1 INSURANCES. rpilE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1. fire insurance company. Capital K,12T,50a Paid up Capital -'1 i Reserve Fund i;7i,.:tv, The undersigned. Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at Pri ßo\"sTEAl) Co. fpilK CHINA TKADKK- BHUUKSI 1 COMPANT, LIMITED. capital Subscribed 1,,., in Paid up «J0.l«l. Keserve
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    • 355 1 INSURANCES. rE BTRAITS INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. BSTABUIHBD 188 S. Hbad Ofhcb, Sijunni. Capital Fulli s,il.«, nl-ed 11,000.000 CapiUl Paid-np t«O,o(in Reaerve Fund -1.-'. O Balance of Working Account to Slst DecemlKT, IW -.'19,1:3 Oaab A«"«-ts at 31st December. IW7 H»1,41I! A. S. MURRAY, Hecretary t llndemriter I I'AIXLKSS DKNTISTRY. Dk
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    • 578 1 NOTICES. CHEAP CLASS (JERMAN IMANOS lt\ KdSKAKKANZ. KASV MONTHLY PAYMI.NTs KOBINSON IMAM) Oft THE BEST raiira THAT EVER IIAl'I'llNIll". rnHl n niTtaakauißi laiTliaiiil IMb. foundry, AHgaifc.K W Pitwfa--1 am Tl ly pi.,' ti.Ml 1..i.-k«..rks in tbi Eaat, undri dii el Bnropaan lit and -ii|-.rvi-ioii II w. cannol in-.' Jrom
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    • 663 1 KFFECT !SMARVRI.IX)t;S" So unsnnuß iti ashman. 111,- «el|. known mrn-banl and proprietor of fmimia*l Hotii k,",insi-l when s|s»lim- vinw ui-Unco- nil, iv ha K«ve 'liaml.erlain lolle, Oholara, and niarrli..a l^-me-ii He -aid: llaie iiiuch pleaaore in t. -vii in ii to th.- beneficial marM I hare experienced (r,.,n
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  • 71 2 STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY, 30TH JUNE, 1898. ILOILO STILL SAFE. K8TABL1BHE11 1!U1. PRICK 16 CENTS. [SuUtripfimi rates and adverliting ralei may It found on tin fourth v >Q' CO.MMINICATION OI'EN WITH I.ABLAN. I In- >teamer Chumtra arrived at Labuan from Iloilo this (Thursday) The OaWraaa brings from Iloilo up to
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    • 53 2 aPUna OF GENERAL MERKITI PROVISIONAL <iOVKRN*ME*T To HE SFT l*F Uiulon, 301k June. General Mcrritt, the Commander of the American army in the Philippines, left San Francisco yesterday. General Mcrritt will hurry on to On arriving at Manila, he will iuue a proclamation announcing the establishment of a
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    • 29 2 SANTIAGO BELEAGUERED. WATEHSt PI-I.Y CUT OFF. It is re|>orted at \ew York that the American army, operating against Santiago, has cut the mains of the water-supply to that city.
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    • 37 2 EXTENSION TKOCLAIMKi). President McKinley has proclaimed the extension of the blockade to the whole of the southern coast of Cuba. The blockade is also extended to the i«rt of San Juan in Porto Rico.
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    • 55 2 CHINESE INLAND WATERS. THE NAVIGATION REGI'LATIOX.S. Mr. G. K. Curzori, the Dalai Secretary of State for Foreign Affair-, has stated in the House of Commons that the British Government will insist on the Chinese Government revisingtheregulations it has framed fur inland navigaThese regulations, said Mr. Curron, will have to be
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  • 402 2 Them: arc two extremely alHhetOlJ niiiKiiini incuts in the news Ahead of lli>- Mill." that we published yesterday. The lirst b that Mrs. J. R. Green, the widuw of the famous English historian, has betn commissioned by the (iovernm«nt of the United States to write a history
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  • 467 2 It is evident that in the matter of clearing the streets and verandahs, both the Municipality and the police will have to work circumspectly The native population arc daily becoming more and more discontented at the action of the Municipality, as ia shown by the late bullock
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  • 21 2 The P. and H. CW.«, expected this morning, did not arrive at the wharf until after two o'clock in the afternoon.
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  • 61 2 Mr. J. Bromhead Matthews was on Saturday, admitted to the membership of the IV;, ii. Chamber of Commerce. In Singapore, lawyers, and all professional men generally, are led to understand that the Chamber does not desire their aid. But, perhaps, Penang thinks of sending Mr. itromhead Matthews to Legislative Council
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  • 177 2 PcufLE are asking why the Egyptian (iovernment should have refused to allow Admiral squadron to coal at I'ort Said. On a little thought, the reason is obvious. The neutrality regulations provide that belligerent ships shall receive at neutral ports only such coal as will enable them to proceed to
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  • 8 2 Tiia homeward mail clones at a am to-raurron-
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  • 14 2 Tn« bsfeaap quolatidiis on our back pane show a alight ri».! in the dollar.
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  • 13 2 A Malay woman, livine at I.HJ, Kalaug Koad, died of chulora this muming.
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  • 15 2 A Brnaa commiltcd this moraiac in Tan To. k Sengs Hospital, by cutting his thro:it
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  • 16 2 Thk Slruih llmlntl waa publishe.l this forenoon. A mail supplement will be added in the afternoon.
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  • 15 2 Thk BaaUaat-Oaaanl and his oflicestafl were to leave Kuala l.umpur, on Tuesday last, for IVrak
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  • 18 2 The mail dispatched from Singapore to London, vi;i flrindisi, on the :lrdJune whs delivered on the L'Tth instant.
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  • 16 2 Thk Singapore I'hilharmouic Society advertise a piano debenture issue to be subscribed befort a specified date
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  • 20 2 Tin- pineapple preserving industry is on the increase. A new manufactory is in contemplation on a site in Seraugooo Koad
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  • 19 2 Brtba I*. <>. UUtaa, tomorrow Mr. W. Adams Oram leaves for Sydney and Mr and Mrs. Hurkinshaw leavo for BtafeßJUj.
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  • 26 2 Tin: „i nward P. O. OmmmmmUwlk thu mail from Europe wa> signalled at l'enaug at a.m. to-day. She probably will be at Singapore on Friday night.
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  • 22 2 Ik Perak aereral dhobies and their friends are to he prosecuted for sleepingin the clothes sent to the former to be washed.
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  • 24 2 A. L. I iiti hhan and two other lads have been aent to the Madras Medical College to qualify lor the grade of apothecary.
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  • 23 2 Missrs Jaeger k. Co advertise that they have been appointed agents here of the Law I'nion and Crown Fire and Life Insurance Companies.
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  • 27 2 Kahi.v this morning, the body of a Chinese pauper was found in the (icefoot pathway, in Telnk Aver Street No marks of violence were on the body
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  • 24 2 tenced by Mr. Howard to BlWHl— ai daqnC rigorous imprisonment for being in possession of a bicycle lamp. An owner is wanted for it.
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  • 21 2 Mk Wolferstan resumed his duties this morning, though evidently indisposed. At noon, he was compelled to leave the bench through illnesj
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  • 28 2 The as Tnnulad, an old Atlantic liner specially chartered by the German Government, was expected at Colombo shortly from Germany, with IJJOU troops on their way to Kiaochau.
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  • 33 2 Usmtita heading -The Port," yesterday, it was stated that it is a year since the O. s s Oaajnaa had been docked The statcmeut is wrong. The Cali/fK> docked on January lath last
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  • 41 2 Dr. Muglibton, the medical officer in charge of Tan Tock Seng Hospital, is making an effort to induce the hospital committee to remove the hospital lo another site. It is alleged that the present site IB unhealthy.
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  • 63 2 Sin W. llossKK, tba Chief Justice of Ceylon, cannot stand nhutlling in the witness bo The other day he ah no-Hi. .-I in Court at (mile that he would not tolerate it On the Hitli instant, he called up a witness aad Mad him to jail for two
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  • 55 2 omciAl. IN-mtclstoN. Ta—mi— operations on the Railway between Taiping and Kuala Kiuigsar are said to he at a standstill, owing to the indecision of the powers, and it is reported that differences of opinion have an.en which will necessitate the continued idleness of the ollicerengaged on this Bection
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  • 76 2 a MM without a Bam Thk Bombay plague returns, published on the 17th instant, are said to he the moot gratifying that havel.een published for a considerable time, not a single death fn.m plague b.-ing reported Thenwere only four at tacks, including two old cases which
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  • 103 2 WH-I HE KAILBU Mb. Krnest Terah Hooley, who filed his petition in bankruptcy, early this month, attributes his biluta to blackmail. He alleges that a syndicate ot newspapers absorbed all hat pr.-fi.s. and that lie paid one newspaper i" A single article cost him XIO.OOU. The la* court
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  • 88 2 Last night, the- Fatal Theatre was patronised by the mcmbi-rs nf the Weakly Knteitainim-nt Club There was a big house and the play was greatly appreciated. The special attractions were, as usual, the comic English songs by Master Uustamjee which kept the audience greatly amused Tonight, there will
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  • 100 2 THE ACTING GOVERNOR AT PENANG. Tub Acting Governor arrived at I'enang on Saturday, shortly after noon. Among thosi* present to meet Sir Alexander BwatlanaMin at tin- landiiu place was Mr. .1. Y. K.-,i,,.-.K. I' uf the Municipality Sir Al.-xandi-r walked down thi- .1.-ttv with Mr. Ki'litiedv to Huwninn Sti.-.-l, where
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  • 218 2 .Mr. k. Naauhgr, tha ivvidi-m of taa Baa Lib Aaauranca Cooou; of Canada, whom head office is in Montreal. li:i- 1 (in-.- nnavigating the rIoIk? in tlie int.-r.-Bts of the Company and has ooma int.. |..-iruiial eoatact with the district inan.ii.vrj Scarcelvai|uarlerof acentury ago, Mr Maraulaytook,
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  • 344 2 TO THE EDITOR OK THI STRAIT, T t) Sir, The leading arti.l,. appeared in yesterday's i,», :3! journal has attracted the atL, prove of the new ill;,, 1 n.e en m^i,v y o t f he e PU m^-.' of opiuin^iokm, eorJS, "fe ie.i\.«. „r six h.Hins
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  • 331 2 (from Sptnul. File* of the 'nme rru>, from ha SMft May to the IMb in»ln»t. ban i,,,. v lian.l Tho eankta tikmti "i lunt publicity for news ut 'militan ,r m silajai vat kapl aboal tna nbtDia until Ifea 1,1 instant, when itUSkwm BH f ;'ll el,
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  • 149 2 I'KttTEST ny THE ItKNOAI. fTHW*" F Tiik meniorinl of tlie H.-npil Chuoba of Comment) to the CuITWCJf < ■ittae in 1.011.1..11 is poblUMd bj >'"' (I, Mu l., r The DMMCiII I"""'" that Urn proposal to melt <l >wn MB diMt*H .in.l ',l.,nu. The ctttiwcj already
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  • 88 2 A OWUM I Alt .'1 THU st« lIIK MtU Mc.un.r H which arrived at Colombo, til from huiiif. luul to rc|«.rt the i third officer on Urn way out hi* unusual circiiinsNin..- Mi li.mi.-s, h.ul new I ana ataaajMr. Hawai tn loakiB« ovei the •tan
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 387 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD. Manufacturer, of: HVN WIIIK (IKLIGNITE HEI.AI INK |,y\ K 8«I mink DnxMTATURg mh:i v m'V.k rUrOAFPAkUTDB Turn Huvi Kji-uwirm. 8 0 LL If.i 1 1 ur *"™«><> a wi-ALiTv in "TkUM.lll n, 4SV OTIHIW Umtll. 1011 UIK BORNEO i ovil'wy LTD wuiann ■■^IM.iPOKK Bttrn stnte,,
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    • 172 2 NOTICES. ITU.! HKOTHERS. I, graa Sim*. I I I r.■ .iv... I largt atiK'k Mbh I'laret !:,r-l .li.r. $2.40 .1u11,,.,! Madec .|i». St'Bo I .|i.. Otma c|l«. S-4.V.". M-'i. ii..-li »t<Hk nf tuH.-nroni, lomf Rugar. hnii. h soap, lomatn Miuce. Rrwn-uems, iiM-nre H'Orifanß, eU-. ■■1.- and a larg.: quantity of
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    • 541 2 NOTICIS. THE VICTOHIA THEATRICAL COY. tunU, ml, Jam A new and pathetic piceHill RANJA THK TRUE LOVERS. IVaMn mKtiH Ind-rtlie patronage, and in the pre. •ence of" the Opium and Spirit Farmen. of Singapore." The well-known play: SOLOMON'S SWVIKD Ne» Tit 1.1 taaaat, alllwaata Dresses! HONGKONG AND BHANQHAI IIANKINt; COEPORATION.
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    • 636 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. A UKAXIJ CONCERT THK Sing»pon- Tempernnce Club will be given at tho Anglo-Chinese School, THK PKtkiUAMME INCLUDES. New farcefl, new songs, comic and MntimenUl, new jokes, stump speeches 4c, 4c, TICKETB.-May be had at the door or from M an ngrr. Kings pore Temperance Club Reserved Seats |lIWi-ts.
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    • 90 2 M. a. S. tatauWd for tfe SMtu Timm .hould t» writtai on „J. of th. puar ooW Bt tin U(l«ot of IH.I ooodiu.m. d»»r jTs. S. v. n*>U4 tk»t murht „U.srwi« bo pukii.h.l AI! •dT.rti.iiiroontT»rt. mn mt,«.t to Ih. ,-oisJi. Hen tW th. Huaor n« T 15... th, .H,,rti..m»roat ol
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  • 1406 3 TDK KIS(i AND HIS PKOIM.E. IBtiwt Hi' Li f* ,,//..rr./ llillman,U,lelyof i:,,,.jh,lc) Sum has i" internal pulitici. The Kn.f i»«"l' r i i mini»t«i» «re hi. and tllcl l>«'l lle IntrijfUM mar flourish under rach .ondn i,»n», but fttt- lenUnd the twin, tmt And Um miniBi.i-
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  • 455 3 S. C. C. r. R. A. a->TH Co. Tiik li. A. from Mali met the Club ill a In. mlly .Vsoeiation gam.' <in Hi.- Ksplalia.le. \e-tenlay afternoon. The <Mlilllrrawinmii::tlietiw*.|>lavv.l towards tha m. The Club men had the dlaad- taHga of the ranin tu.-ii «>i?. i>ut tlio benefUohilightbreeie behind
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  • 742 3 NOTES, NEWS, AND COMMENTS. COAL STRIKE. A conkkhincs of representatives o tlic As«u. iatcd Coalowners and of the men on strike was held on 31st ult. at Cardiff. The representatives of the men said they were ready to accept a 10 per lent, immediate advance, and they also
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  • 307 3 rfii kisi.s Tiir. Tiik Kin); of Siam left Bangkok on the Slrd instant, for a trip down tho coast of the Malay Peninsula. The bat 1.1.1. to be vi-itd i. Uoaa Tba King, says ihe II ,k,,1. Timm. will probably go as far south as Ke! ant. in.
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  • 945 3 (COKDIITED BY KISO's PAWN.") At.L chess correspondence should be addressed to King« Pawn." Solutions of last week's problems an* deferrjd to next week, in order that solvers may have more time to attack the difficult problem by 8. Lloyd. raoauai so. 43, by a b. < tattersai.i BLACK. PIKES.
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  • 220 3 i 'ti. Austrian Lloyd s steamer .Vuni i 'ilfrtr left Colonial on the. morning of the £Hth instant, anil may lie looked for on Wednesday, the Hth proximo. The Glrngarry which arrived on th.> instant, from Moji in Japan, ii 'li-. liarjmi; her cargo of about :■.»>■■' torn
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  • 622 3 Yea ha»e a very -ore finger, let ua My. It niHv hurl. 11 l..>i(— or. worse still, that fearfully painful thine, a felon. Uli. my! ',',IK "?|.r>.t...-!''lh»t li'ii'r. Ill- a'll tli.- lima ntttng lut or kin«k.-d aRain-t ■omethina simply tokoi pil outofbann'i • -ii.-.-,... I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 572 3 NOTICES. NOTICE U'(- have this day [mr-in-.- I the TT machinery plant 4c. of the Cotton and Kapok Syndicate, Limited, at No,. 8>! to Kampong Martin, and mil carry on I huuneu on tbe same premise, from this I Singapore, :.vth June, 189«. The i\ :tnn »n>l Kapok Purupinv SEE
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    • 492 3 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS. JKWKLLKKS. OPTICIANS i.M'Mi.- PROMPTLY EXKCUTKI) fl( \l* I 4 TI I<N MuKAITI Wit \l KVl;\. •I I'M' UHPACKKJ). $IJ6 PBB H()\. I). I OK. I A KAHIA. C 'i >nil. .1 I i :ti'c'i>iiiniiMlat ion, ii<x«l bathrooms, and reMooaUe Tli.-,,,,!^ Hi: iin Djokjakarta man :irr
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    • 519 3 NOTICK will be paid hylbcfenior v.v n m < ,1. oomtaity NOTICE. j ty KiNc: ni ibrnn friwi niMiinm Mr K H. Bta<nrt irlll ba In ohwfea of tab IMA \V A DiiW IKY Manager. Mil-. i)io if.. lUlli Jllll. S/7 ROTId \1 K h.iv. this. lii\ rMBOVtd our offlcefc
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 513 4 Smurou. 90th j wsi, MM. PRODUCE (Ralrt art comfUd to 12..% (lambier. ".hi. Copra Ball, 7.10. do Pootlanak, «.7O. Popper, Black, KM. I do Whit*, (5X) II no 1 Sago Flour Sarawak.. SOU. do Brunei- *.15. Pearl Sago *\n. Coftee, Bali, picked .10.00. CoJee Palembang picked.... XijOO. CoSee. Liberian,
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    • 119 4 IW P'ntr. Time. To-.MohKuw. Europe via portt ('hu*ar<, it a.m. Sourabnya via ports Itanium, n H ::i Colombo iUnlantrt, h a.m. Cotie via port* Sri Ptgalan. :j p.m Sbava A Mata^ar I'oh Ann, 3 j>. m Msm Klang .\>/r,i. 4p ni Japan via portH Japan, A pin. Syilne\
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    • 96 4 From Kitkopi :-»>• the P. A O. a, a. i „.,,l, ,lue on thelsl July ■tthsWn tv the ***** .:.i,,,. FKOM QOH liv the T. AO. s IS,,*,* Mnv ii'lli I*. t O. Juno I'Jth .lull.- 13th May .'Ttli M. M. Juno l»lli June MM May .IIM
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    • 122 4 AKKIVALB. hf i. Sswdbt from Klang via ports— Komi lUcbsaa, I'.mn.lall, and (iro..m. IVr a. Sri 8...i./i..r (rom Colio-sMr. M. 1). -.mull IVr 11.I 1 tO. hu (Rom LondoD— Mr. tirrutlon. Pit gssaatM from Ifcli- Mcssm. H. Tin Minlnlw mil HIIIII7I M.-srs. \V. .1. Burnrll. li. O. Darin.
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    • 56 4 (For .Siit.jap.irr). IVr SI SI LI bHUUmi from Mar•rillnJune I*— Mr. O. »nn diTllurg. FM M. SI. a. h. .W.i.-,. Iroui ManaiUs*-July3:-Slr J. HD. Jon..*.. Mr. mud Mrs. C. Mar: in. Mr. W. H. Ill—rlns lirM Mil. A 'iM-lIHi- coonectinf nil tba stsamrr frvii tiwu si Colom K
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    • 97 4 Underlhiiheading tha following abbreTialion. ar« uaed :—atr.—alramer *h.~«hip tq.—barquej Brit.—British V 8. United Sln>« Fr. FrancV; Oer.—(krntu; Dut. Dutch; .lon. -Johorr; tc, U. c, n.-m-r»l cargo d.p.—dock paatrngm; V.—l'newlain T. P. W.-Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. I). -Tanjnng Pagar Dork B. W. Borneo Wharf; J. W.-^Jardine'. Wharf;N.
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    • 1144 4 ■Am' i..t -ir 3.»1| ton.. Capt P<-m wolf, SOth June From Huml.urc I-1 May. O.c. B. Meyer ,1 Co. For Hon« kong, ind-W. Awim t Brit. «tr I .Tort Innn Cant Kolfi* iRIh June. From Hongkong. -JOth J,..,.-. lie. Bou.toad Co. For Java. L'n.l \V fartltr, Brit.
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    • 451 4 fan. pr^nl,l, dm, o t tm,^, mi at nvntU. \fri-h. lf,.rntk.>n«. July 4; P. 5u,,.,n. \tn,.1a.1!..n I tkon«,Juiy I; P. mi,,..,,. \uwl--u. »1n.»..1u1> '.i; IL-liii M.-i.-Halfcarv. 11k...,.-. luX p ,m. U rW»I. I July :»l: I. 6 fUwmn. Koumlmya, July Pa. :.l.iH.iyerii. ll. .uck. .uk, July I' 4
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    • 171 4 J VIMEL'a Nui 4 Tom Cmil) Feom suliu CuJ.ii">"'J'nr »\V Olhc Wi»|> Brit str M Unlock 'IVlolan Juno MCku 0«M Sri Itandjar Put «tr. 144 Flm-k OMla .lunr Aw Th») ■JU Xijni Novforotl ilu» lr». MM Monaol VlVMlock Mn\ II. W Nn IVgaUn Put «lr -J77 SwwiakH Klanc
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    • 89 4 Datk Vi.--i.iV Ni*> Klm.Aßk; "imi» Dwtisatio* lunei* Kncmhild li.r-tr. .Imit Havre »n.l Hiunlurg S» ChMitbja Brit Mr. JcDiOM Malikvsand KUuK i-.i'^ih. -ir. nii.Noii Han 30 Sinj»nore «tr. Kritli llanKkoL llan Whut Hid Mr. K.lwar.l- Ililliiun :u a> Will Oihf Wtaf Mr. \Villo.-k T.-l«.k linn »p Butmiir ulr. ltoln-rUon R*nj«
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 215 4 TI.MKS" AM) •HLDOKI'.- llwM a year, or fc'| a month or fifteen cents n OODT. Pout Kree, SHI quarter. sirailt v po,t free, »ix. 4 year, or S5 a <jimrter, ur 40 centf a copy. The advertising ratot are: first time, lfi cents a line; i'nii and 3rd lime*. IB
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    • 274 4 NOTICES. a*^ I <ur,-l Sends from flowers, RIGAUO'S WHITI VIOLITS. RIGAUD'S wniti MM, RIGAUO'S white mm, RIGAUD'S WHITI LILAC. Rie*UD'S whiti imi. RI6AUD t C; mmm* Paris v J ILBKNBB BREK KEY BRAND. IMrORTID UKCI 187«. ItKWAKK OF IMITATIONS. Noxk QfanM witihht MtMn two urai ISEHX MKVEI! A- Co. tu
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    • 44 4 HsUHßWiim Munici|ial D.-h.-inur.'- r, V lanjoriE l'«K»r I).-l»iilnr.' Ho., 1.. N.» Vrsf lti»«r l)otk Share* Mrnll- 1... I.,. Strait* Tnulins L'uv. FOH MALE. .•.-iK..r»ui; rianliiiK Mini.--. 1r;...-rA N.-^.-. 1.1,1. .xiraiu M'miii.liiji i',,v. Mavnanl 4 Co.. Ltd. MsJksa HOMERVILLE A OUNN. Eichanee A Bbara Brokers.
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