The Straits Times, 29 June 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1898. NO. 19.567.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 793 1 rpHK BOKHSOCOMPAMT. LIMIT! D •T-iiif RiMdard Lifs Aasmmaos. I w«b Ueloe Fir« ln«rano" *x>««7 Him iiursao. 1-OBP"J (Krj)- t^luiUjUU'^^".^. U Muto»l St.«. Nar.^ioo Company. Jlnt! LIMITED. Air«»t. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. 1 OmCI, COLLYIB t}OAY BUI XAVUiATIoX IIIMI'ANY. M'sVkaVu'a^., Eov"?--llVaiiiiixie, O.HBAitAK, Malta, Bbiudiiii, Vmici, I'lvmouth, Through Billsof I-ading issued for Prriiar, MtcZinnUat
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    • 1546 1 STEAMSHII' COMPANIES. I'ONINKLIJKE PAKETVAAKT MAATSCHAPEIJ I'n.l.r contract with the Netherlands India Government. A fir nil al Smgapurt: Ship Aoemcy, ij.ti J. Daimicu A Co., 2-.1. 'oixyiK Qt'AV. Steamer From Expected illln- DespaU-hed for On I'M /11./....1. ltntiivia. June 21. Baa»rnv,ohCTibiin.San.arang,4 Sourabava. Juneltl. Ut V ll'ihi, 11,'f. Snurabaya. 24. Sourabaya. Macassar,
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    • 1007 1 NOTICES. I'AHANI; (JOVKr.XMEXT NOTIFICATION. TENDERS an- invited for the following Revenue Farms for a term of three years from January Ist. 1 an.l terminating on the 31st day of December. 1801:— 1. The Spirit. Chandu. Opium. Gambling, and Pawnbroki.lL' Fun: for the whole watershed of the Valuing river, aud its
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    • 279 1 NOTICES. 0. TOMIKI. 26, High Street. DEALER Di JAI'^N'KSE CURIOS. HAS A I.AX..X STOCK JAPANESE GOODS AND mitt OF SIXCAPOKK FOKSALK MODERATK IMUCKB FRITCHAKD^OO. SOLE AGENTB For thl Stbaitb Hettlemests, the Federated Malay States, and WUEELEH AND WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES. The No. II Hand Haitian CaabfaKOadlMMJO 1 Treadle Ma.-hin.-s Oaah<MkO*dH|HJO
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    • 1284 1 NOTICES. CHEAP CLASS GERMAN PIANOS, HY KOSKXKRANZ. I A S V MOB TH L V I" AYM I H t MOBWBQH PIAKO co. STOP. THINK AND CONSIDER. ■\\MI\T we otli-i >.mi BauiulU iii your h. m.-. fi Itn Iran ThafU, the >V ibumiiajiHiw of Ban Baa. 1.1.-shiK-« up"" :>irtli
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    • 710 1 "IT IS REMARKABLE." SAYS MX NY WIL.SIIN IBM I'OPLI.AI; Chemist at R.wAtelKl-i and Mt«RKii. How Ohambarlaa'l Cough Remedy has attained a prominence in this dlsln.t, and though it has only been introduced a few taoalbl it list. taken the lead. From remark. I, my customers who have used thu
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  • 8 2 Ri, n mi> Bowman. V.k.i i-..'m i;..:V.
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  • 76 2 STRAITS TIMES WEDNESDAY, 29TH JUNE, 1898. ("Straits Times" special telegrams). ANOTHER INSURGENT VICTORY. Established: 1831. PRICE 15 CENTS. [tiubseription rate* and aArerli$ing rate$ may t* found on At fourth ptuje] A THOrSANI) SI'ASIAKIW SIUUESDKR. ■aajiaaj, Tuesday. (.ciic.l Monet, with 1,2011 met), besieged by the Filippino insurgents at San Fernando, sought
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  • 53 2 A I-KICE ON HIS HEAD. iovcrnor-Gcneral Augustin offers a reward of twenty-five hundred dollars for the head of Aguinaldo General Aguinaldo haa now seven thousand men equipped with modern arms, most of these arms having been captured from the Spaniards. He hopes to have ten thousand men in
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    • 56 2 THE SPANISH FLEET AT PORT SAID. CAN IT COAL1.mu1,,,,, Bjaj Admiral Camara s squadron at fort Said consists at two ironclads, two cruisers, three torpedo boats, and five transports with four thouaand troops. The Egyptian Government haa refused to allow the squadron to coal at Port Said. Pending further orders,
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    • 55 2 I'IMIM^KU EXPKDITION A(i.\INBT SPAIN. Accordinu to the tm York ll'fM, the L'niteil States Ciovernincnt is sending a fleet under Commodore Scliley to European waters. The instructions ol Commodore Schley, according to the Nnr York ll',;,l.l, an: to bombard Spanish porta and pursue Admiral Catuara. The Spaniard, are
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    • 35 2 THK THIItll B, S. KM'KDITION. London, 2»l I, Juiu. Four transports, with the third American military expedition to Manila, have left San Francisco for that port. This expedition consists of four thousaud troops
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    • 39 2 ON THK WAY TO BIKZ. COAI.IM, AT >EA Admiral ainara has received orders to proceed to hue/. It is reported that Admiral Camara lias made arrangement for collier* to meet his squadron in tin l>d Sea and
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    • 56 2 THE U. U. SiiIADUON. Commodore. Watson haa been appoiD* te.l commander the Inited State* pqnudron |troce<;ding to the coast of Spain. This squadron consists of three collier.. I Ounimoduri* S> n I > n:inn i in v« V *r•iay'a t.'legrani as '.•..niniamlcr of this *»jUa\tiroii. r« fii;ii
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    • 95 2 NEW MINISTRY FIIRMKI). U IIKISBON INTIIK KKKMICKtIIir M lirisum has succeeded in forming a Ministry, .o replace the Meline Cabinet which huJ resigned The new Ministry is now c.implcte M lirisKon is both I'lciiiieraud jflnliMi of the 'nterior. (.len.Tal Cavaignae is MiniMer for War. M H.-lea-e takes the Foreign
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  • 820 2 From the first of July, the Opium Farmer intends to refiue to Mil prepared opium, except in greater quantities than he has hitherto wl.l it. Hitherto, the minimum quantity of •m >ker could go to an opium-shop and need not spend there more than seven llllllfHa*. he
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  • 69 2 i Thk aWaa Kaaa* Baajadi that Mr Kernliaw should a.-t for Mr. Jackson as Judicial Commissioner, when the latter goes on leave. It may be noted, however, that the objection to such an arrangement ia that it I- taM that the oflice Of Judicial rommi,*i,,ner shall he M uite in.lepen.lenl
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  • 151 2 Si« Andrew Clarke, who was «overnor of this Colony from November 1*73 to May 1X75, utilised hia local knowledge in delivering a lecture on ■h Sumford Raffled, at the Koyal Institution, on the Ml May last. As founder of Singapore, RafflWs services aa empire-btiildrr naturally meet with greater recognition here
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  • 10 2 The homeward mail closes at 6 a m on Friday.
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  • 11 2 Foiß rooms, in a good locality, are advertised to be let
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  • 10 2 Mkssks Syme A Co., advertise for a surveyor for Borneo.
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  • 6 2 Thk Strait, IMjel will b* published
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  • 12 2 On chess column is lield over because of press of other matter.
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  • 9 2 Ki'RASians are now being enrolled in the Detective Department.
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  • 10 2 Tins weeks mail from England is exacted on Friday night.
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  • 15 2 Till Enhance quotations on our back I page ahow a .light rise in the dollar
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  • 14 2 A Miniiu ,>f l.icensine .lu«tice> I" advertised to he held on the 7th July
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  • 14 2 Majaaa, Katl Brothers Ltd advertise a cash clearance sale, commeiicing 011 Hi.! 4th July.
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  • 11 2 Tnt war department, local Royal Engineer district, advertises for a draughtsman.
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  • 22 2 A Japanese press telegram state, that the term of lease of the district around Kuwloon is W year, from the Ist July.
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  • 19 2 A roscmi in aid of the Singapore Temiierance Club is advertised to be given at the Anglo-Chinese School. to-morrow.
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  • 26 2 Tbk Cotton and Ka|K>k Company advertise that they now own and carry on tbe business of the Cot ton and Ka| .ok Syndicate at Kampong Martin.
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  • 28 2 Thk Monthly Medal Handicap of the Singapore QoB Club will be played on Saturday, i'nd July, The Ladies Monthly Medal Handicap will be played 011 Tuesday, M July.
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  • 31 2 Owing to indis|K>sitioii, Mr. Wolfer stall was unable to attend to bis magisterial duties this morning Mr. W.0.l ward took up the work of the second court later in the day
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  • 32 2, a shooting match took place between a Eun>|«an contingent of Singapore police, consisting ot fix men against six of the Penang police. The result of the match is not yet available.
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  • 28 2 During the J4 hours up, to noon, Mk piapM were reported at Hongkong, making the total since Ist January (171 days) LJM cases and 1,1:17 deaths.
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  • 33 2 In. l'arsee Theatrical Company will aariblam, to-morrow night, the play of Waaaaar, under the patronage of the Chinese Weekly Entertainment Club The performance closes with a fincy ball, song and dance
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  • 48 2 Tut: sale of work at the Town Hall, last week, on behalf of the Chinese iirls School, realized upwards of Sl,:tc including aa anonymous gift of Miss (iage-Hrowu and her friends l»-g to thank very heartily, all who so kindly to make the sale a success
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  • 45 2 Km, \V,H,dwurd ha* been appointe.l to sit as additional Commissioner of the Court of Kc.|ue»t«, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. This will relieve tbe Senior Magistrate „f of his work, and enable him to help his colleagues The new departure commenced to-day.
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  • 53 2 Yektekhav, the s s. UfUmmf landed 4i«) OWaaaa at the i|ilarantiue -tatioli. ill conse«iueuce of a ca« of plague having broken out on board The vessel aba carried a detachment of the Hongkong Kegiment, on their way to India The men are being kept on Iward under
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  • 50 2 batnom Kairhurst is ordered to Malaca Sergt llrennan has l*en promoted to the rank of inspector, and will take charge of D. division. Sergt. Hart has lieen made acting inspector in I'cnang, and K I\ C Welsh has got tbe rank of full sergeant and been appointed drill-instructor
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  • 51 2 I.ikit -Colonel M.Calli Governor of Idgoa, wa.-. at the date ol last mail BtMtm staying at the Clifton Hotel. Welba.k^, wliere lie was bjaal trealil by Dr. I'atriek Haaaoa aM severe BJaMBI eontraetiHl by him in the Ugos hinterland Mr». McCallum is underatood to be with her husband
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  • 133 2 MALAYA PENINSULA PROSPECTING Co. This mornini:, a meeting of the Malaya IVninnuhi li, imj Cyiu i.any, «M lielil at 11. ('ollyer (luay. The meeting was called lor the purpose of revolving v stutenuiil ol ac aunts up •0 the L"<th .limp 1 -'.i-. and to ;i|,|>oint olluers in Urn place
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  • 504 2 EFFORT TO INTRKASK ttIM Kbom the 6rrt of July, np i,,, n t0 retailed to the Singapore liuv^rx i different condition* to those which J* eitherto pMM. It hajWi-n'ii' .u.tom m the past to sell three h.«n. .1 the price of and eigut *Nts if taken aw™
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  • 252 2 BKITKU KEIHiKTS FROM LONDON Tin following is an extract fro.,, mercantile linns letter l.y v.-:.t 1 I.iberian Coffee Thanks for the urnpie you send us. Directly vie o[*iinl the canister we saw that the quality was veiy distinctly better than mj sample we have before seen from your
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  • 58 2 A woman, named Hadjie Miruun B> ing in Unhard Itoad, re|H>rt> H police that her ayah, a MvaaaM left the house early yesterday morning On examinutioii after tha ajao'a dq v ture complainant allagw Ilill aba jewellery to the value ol (IJM >»i«a| Up to the present the
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  • 102 2 Wbß reganl to the future "f PhUippiiMa, AfuinaMo baa pve« that the object of the inaurganU basNM part and parcel of tha I'w" Statcn, or if this cannot be aTtuajad, become an independent, republic, that if any Power other tli.mtl.. I "> States wishes to secure tin the
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  • 104 2 A COOIAOWVI r<'siu,- Iron took pUoa in th» buboui •liortl) 11 tt.'HK 111 eonfHH'l l*'ll IT II I"' iapartmoßt of tin Opium out ill :i >:iiiuiaii t" board lv« S had in r Ainoy. It 'lark ll ll Chpt muer, the Wiix sUmliliK :H I'"' mngnj
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 429 2 NOTICES. XOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPAp.LD. -■-of: I'YN mi 1 1 .XI l..\| '•XI.A I IM. N nn BLAHIINO UKI viim. i,i rONATOKn UAKBTV POSE V Bl IWIIfO APPARATI IHI «1,,.V»r rxI'KeOVXK, RKIKU aLI 'T.^n'il'""' 1 1 nr.««». Tain to bi of arrißioa uiiittv sraaihiTii to akv othik, ,n' I aau i»
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    • 600 2 THE VHTOKIA THEATRICAL 00Y. li'il'T lii<- [Mitrfiiimi'. »n<l in 111.- pn-- I pur* of the l'i.-i.1.-nl ninl the nicml*r. of Chin Weekly Knter ill ,il Club Illilttl I M I WOO D DEMOX, .mil Fan. I: .11 mtloM IM lllunnn.itiniiv Horses. Cobs, and Ponies. I III! M.I V-lI.K. I bipmenl
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    • 622 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I A GRA2ID O.NCKRT rpHK MaMon TemperanerCluh will be 1 gbM lit tl.r AnßloChinev N-hool. t.. Mnm, at»p. m. 1 from Manager, sincajior.- 1 empe.raDee <_ hib TO LET rp« Kurn. -i,,..i nmm -."el- pan* 1 pi- i, Ktth l.o:nd M.->|wi month n'b. Alin. two unfiirniHlinl room- Ml
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    • 235 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WAXTKI). Muni, i pal Debentures. Tanjoni! l"nK»r l>wl Delw. Prye Rive r Dock Coy. Hhares. Frater and NVnve Debt. FOR SALE. KiraiO Steamship Coy. SliarM. FKASF.K Co.. a. c. Kichange and shnr« Broken. fl VBVIV i > R. Wanted for BunMo > Duti Iminn j.r.-ir-i, i Muot
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    • 129 2 UN tbe -Tlh inst.. at Athol 'iaritens, KelvniM.le. <ilas|tow. the wife of Aa*OT Kirn of a daughter. <;msoN Maktik.-Oh the l«t St. John's Church, Sidrup, by thn R*vd. C. E. HhirloyWoolmor. Virnr, n-~i-.t»il l-y tl».Rfvri.'B. F. Btownin- A -.i-.iiii < ur«:. Wii.liim Dori^LU Of ,.x, o( Cholm«(oni. II ft
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  • 1307 3 THE FIGHTING AT MANILA. y,, r <h' strmt, naaaj -,<■ )HW>i''>it With th* AntTICGA TM r. kOn &t£ t a SI AVISH (MIIV WKl.n WITHOIT HOIITIXr. ,1 m KM. aMTNAI-I> (i 'S KORCKS. M^sii* j- -nrri.uniled by the insur a are three rbross deployed city: i>"c to the south and
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  • 63 3 Somewhat unexpectedly, the Chinese authorities have awakened to a sense ol 1 heir international ramonsibility. On th.-i'iith instant. Mr II M Hillier. Commissioner for the Kowloon District of the Imperial MaritiincC'ilstnimoHicially notilied the captain of the UJI deepatcn boat lain that he must remove his renal from Chinese
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  • 89 3 Tim outward mail steamer OsrasmihU left Colombo at B am. on Sunday, and is expected to arrive here on Friday evening. The following is her Far ICast passenger list From London Mr (>. M.,t1..n. Mr RW, Kite. Mr. Ful.-her, Mr K. W. lltitti-r, Mr. llalhincl. Mr. W.
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  • 215 3 TniiKK waa a goodly number o( .ivi lians present ye-lerday. bttadn a large their wives ali.'l"' In'l 'lrcn.".n!"t'he S.R.C. ground to see the cricket match between the staff eergaanta and sergeants of the w.-t Yorki p. the iub lergaants and targeantaoftho lest of the garrison. For the aeiutumodatioikof
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  • 369 3 The Austrian cruiser Bumiitarf took 100 torn owl out in the roads vasterday. aba (mi's t" M ."iila. Thco a H Panang ii dm ban tomorrow. The Oil /.v.f/i-A is reported to ba bringing a larp- QargQ of .lapnn coal lor thil port The Jr../.i.i oi Urn
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  • 1168 3 I.on-ikjk, IRth June. A shoemaker, whose name and nationality are nt pniaant unknown, yonUfrtlay flred twice at Count Arcovallfy, the S«cre tar\ to the lirrniH Kmlmnsy. just outside the Embassy. Count An-ovalley was wounded ni ihe thigh by one shot, the other bullet being stopped by a
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  • 2581 3 THE WAB. .n. Mil. Jui*. 1 111 Senate of the (MM States has adopted an amendment to the War Revenue Bill directing tile coinage of silver, at seignorange rates, to the extent or four million dollars a month Admiral Sampson, commanding the Key West squadron, lias
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  • 66 3 CanilU, named Chew All Tuan. report- that, a- he was returning horn, on the 27th mst. along Smith Street, he was attacked by four Chinaman. He nßagaa that they stole from him a bundle Of clothes and badly as-aulted him The complainant followed his asaailantaand led in
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  • 98 3 At I'uinoni. in May. millini was niadonhM daye,i rushinc tons from the mine. 100 tons from Tankong fora total yield ofiea ozs of imelti 1 gold The' Hi i.l ,v i hi- only »»ik. .1 1 shout half time owing to putting in new liners; 20 tons ol old
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  • 202 3 Two mat. li.-s wan played on the K-planade v.-lcld.iv. sC C Dili,, ,s ol thi.liariison. and S C C L'nd XI r. the QurrUun .'nd XI In t game between the 1-t XI of the C C and the Ourrison Officers, the B. C C intheir :.i-: innings put
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  • 174 3 BRITISH AND CHINESE CORPORATION. <l\l ol the iiic-l in, ant L-onipa-me- indeed i: ha- the potentialitios ot being the most itnportaiil that has British trado in China has M i-t been „_.-!,■,..1 hy Mi Han 1 aud Sti venaon, SI, Urulwrd Btreel I I >. ith a capital ol K50.1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 463 3 MINICII'M. NOTICE 'pin- Ha l< ■.i p -uioiis for the p.,.t |.t! m in- 1 all Pomlrelte Work-, lai. join P.^.i \pph. iwM inu-t hoi. l :,i-t In— Kni: me Hrn.-i- Ceillli. me. .i.oi.i. or Driver Haaaa Vessels' Ccitili.-.-U.-. Salary S.-0 per month. (Uartem or all, man. c-i A|. plication
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    • 399 3 NOTICES. NOTICK WK hasstah) asi nmoveu our agana Is No s, Cecil Btraei >\MiII.AM>S. HI tIBI CO. 4th Juno isis. 37 MESSRS. G. 11. LAMBERT a to.. Havk.ust ki. iivki. iii-ii rHOBOI ULUSTRATED POBI CARDS, WITH IXWfI 01 BIROAFOBB. SmOLE CARDS, Already Stamped. i.'. cam kaih i aoaatd M a
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 249 3 WEATHER KKPORT Ktutmi Krrlxiu HotpiM, i*lh Jmnr. 1898. Sjn Spm.Op.m. Hi -iikk Bar. i» OOf. i9.T70 -19 M I I Temp. H.lO BJ.J »2" W. B'lbThar 7K. r 75.1 77 0 t.u Ilir.ofWind N. H.W. H.W. S,t Max.Tfmp. S«.ij Mm 7f1.7 eja Max. in Sun 121 .1 %M Terr. nut.
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  • 474 4 BUMAFOU. »TH If HI, lt*a. PRODUCE (BalM an corrected to lt.30 p.m.) Ocmbier 6J0. Copra Bali. 7.10. do Pontianak, «.T0. Pappar, Black ai.-'». Jo Whita,(6V) -.41.00 Sago Flour Sarawak.. SUO. do Brunei.. US. Pearl Sago 4.ll'4 > CoSee, Bali, pick.d 30.00. CoBee Palembang, plckad.... 30.0a OoUea, Liberian, No. 1
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    • 222 4 I vi«Ef« n*he. io» ammm I ion Saiud Coniomu. J'ra *J jfflMtfcm Brit ,tr RtMIN San.aran,. Jun,- i-.vr. K. Ti.n Co. Lid i"-°" I** Ljvett l-.-n.iiic Ju.a.' W. Mansheld 4Co WfflataTter ,tr. *M HobattM l.inKtjarJu ne il ttee Bin anil Co nnuFoßooo Out .lr —'(Mink simVal A.- am
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    • 88 4 for P,r rtr. 7W. Mmk I! it.n dodavrrti fl a.m Djamkie ay .<„», Nooa! Bill, ion ,t I'u.n.l H. HK.iU Hi:, Noon M:.1.-i. A I.iiikri Hetene. lpm Miil.-i- ta i Klang Ckov PAys, iL] Colic via porn Sri Praalan, 3pm s l.a.Mi A Hacasur 3 p. n Bamaraog
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    • 86 4 From Kiaori By the P. A o s QiwumiM dv« on tbe Ist with date* to r lie 10th Jum>. From China By the P. 40.». s. Ctaami duo on thi- 30th instant. May -.'nil, 11.I 1 .V O. June li'lli June Jtl, May 2?th M.
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    • 164 4 AKRIVAL9. l>rs. s. l.iqhtaiai from Honjkong-Mr Ommaney. I'tr s. ft. MmM a%mi from Samarang— M. Gilneth. and Millar. Pits. s. itaia, itr from B. Linier-Mr. and M« Wi.-ink Per Okaa /''iva (ram Klang via ports -Mr. Stephen*. P.t s. .W.-« from Teluk Anson via poru Mrssrv Allen and
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    • 51 4 (for Singnport). PerM. M. i a ■'"-'i^ from Mars.ill<-«-JulyJ;-slr. 1> Jone«. (tor thr far Katl.) Per P. 40. ./.iuii i doro London. ;"«lh May: -Dr. Thomson Mr .1. U. N.Pickrrlog, (it-cvral BoaHC. Midshipmen P. W. Douglas, and (I I. Brown. Naval Cadet* B. Foray.J. f •.ii.s.J. B. I
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    • 133 4 L'nderthia heading the following abbreviations are Hied itr •Mmrr in.— »hip In. -barque; Itrit. Ilritiah U. S. United Ifcfl Kr French; U«r.-4ermao; Dut.DuWh; Jon.— Johore; 4c, H c, General cargo d.p. dei-k paaMDgprs U. Uncertain T. F. W.— Tanionf Pagar Wharf T. P. D.— Taniong Panr Dock
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    • 1259 4 Auitau Kinri Nook or Moxmr (<M«. (Iir. utr. S.I70 Capt l> •.will Junr. Krom Hongkong. 5l«l Juno. ttf.lMtyMiCii. For Hainhurg V W. Hun Ft Soon, Iinl. sir. toni>. Captain (Mink, L'Tth Jim.'. From Sanilm-, J«lh Jan*. O.c, and U dp. l.iu A-.n.i Far H»ml.»», J9lh— Kd«.
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    • 431 4 Samr, fort, probablt dalu ol am. .1.. ml namt ol ■>■ > .it mmmw Afri.h. Honiikoog. July 4 P. *****0 a.. Arabia. Hamburg. June M Behn M-;»-Atnida, Hoivkonn. July I P. Himou>! AitK^lierg, Sydney, July 9 Bebn Meytr. Itiillaarat. lfkoni. July ■•.<; P.* O. Bengal. Colombo. July 30
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    • 149 4 ii.. l Vi-.-n n«m,. Ki'.-.U;.-. Ci!T«IM DlumsiTios lun«l7 Aldershot Brit sir. Fuller Colombo and Rninion 8n Tanjong Piimng Dut .lr. ITllnlllll gfc-ll- ami hfol Sri romianak sir. Sim I'untmnak 1 I'O Brit »tr. Whvlr I'ulo .S-ml.ilnn -H BanHinOu.n «tr. .Mroit KlUfTispOcU S 82?* uL £S£ S Sultan BriHtr. I'hopard
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 283 4 NOTICES. FRASER AM) XKAVK. LIMITED, BDCOAPORE MANOwenmiis of ai.i, hksckiitioxs 01 abated waters OF FIRST gUAIJTY IiM.V TIIKtO.MI'ANVS PROrmra DEI'AKTMENT d"* 1 "nd^lkiii! U*tmZ2mmtir^**3*'* warkUfuaru -i I it*s and all informaiion given al Ihi- Company"! OBluai, m 100, ROBINBOHBOAD. .1 AMES WATSON COSSCOTCH WHISKIES AH IH H VAI.I K IN
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    • 257 4 NOTICES. INDIAN ENGINEEIUN(». AH iLLI MHtTEU WIXKIY JoIKNiL THE l:Ki i ii.Nl/ l-.l) uKi.AN OF THE PROFESSION IX INDIA. Hi 4 gvtnnleed bonhfidt eirculttion, LIST OPEN TO INSPECTION. PAT DOYLE C.E. CALCUTTA. nil HKOWX'S torn OaMM Bkam. SCOTCH WHISKEY. 1H» >;>>-. HHIUKKV IN THE WOKUI. Ail supplied to 11. li
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    • 288 4 Notices. ROBINSON CO. Have just received a shipment of "PREMIER" CYCLES over 40,000 Of these Celebrated Cycles were sold during 1h97. Patent Helical Tube* Wliicli arc much strong, i Iliau ordinary. Model S." full roadster. Helical tu!)e frame, tangent spokes, Dunlop Tropical Tyres, and Wat wood rims, or Fleuns lyres,
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    • 173 4 For Constipation I I and BiliousnoBs I I A .ict ud ..I. t.n.Jj 1m I.Ji. .si cUMrra I. I M E'.tlr I rr.mptlT upo. the lircr .loa«cfc uU I iDtc.nnt. Fruit JbUmcu.ii h.b.1u.1 CbMlip.tiM, I JOUEK. n»a VlTlanns, PAJUB B hT"** J Phnui^s prM<i.b« Gr.Muli Malic* Chr*s,< MsttSSaM Tb* C.p*ul#.
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    • 43 4 SHARES_\V ANTED. Municipal Debentnrm. .v_ Tanjong Pagar Dclienture Bonds. New Prye Rirer Dock Hkares. StraiU Ice Co. Straits Tnnling Coy. FOR HALE. I'ongeranit riautinv Shares, f'raser A BbMl Ltd. Straits Htvamsnip Coy. Maynard A Co.. LtU. Jvlebun. HI.MKKVII.I.Ki IiINN, Klchann A Shara Brokers.
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    • 18 4 NOTICES. ARIK BKIZAKn AND "~Rm7T Br» i ASi2ui Liqueur, Dole Agont. for th. 81^,, tuth. 4«. MOINECXlMTE* r
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