The Straits Times, 25 June 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY. JUNE 25. 1898. NO. 19,565.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 572 1 notices., RILEY.HARGREAVES &COY. lIAVF. IN' STOCK TIIK rowmin UKJH CLASS STEAM PUMPS: DIRKCT ACTINd DIIM.KX AM) -1M.1.i: MININIi, SINKINCi AKIJ 81'BCIAL WUn, v, 'ieliv-.-r turn 1,008 pal hour. KVANHOOROTBH SIXKINfi PUMPS, „,11, linn M.-tal liners, buckets, r.iili md valves, :m lo ft,«o galhins per I ANi.YK'S (W'onTIIINCTON Ttt% IM
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    • 863 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I'OMNKI.IJKK PAKETVAAKT MAATSCHAPPIJ ruder cnnlrnet with the Netherlands India OoTernment. Ayn 1 at Sin^nffOrf SHIP AQBmjr, LATE J. I'AKKDELs A Co., L. 1 CoLLVKa QUAY. steamer From hxj,.-, L-,1 W ill l,e |i.s[, niched for On I'uM i. Batavia. June li Baeavia.Cheriuon Hamaraaß,* aoarahaTß JnaeMk „,.r.»,//.i,i.((. s,>ural«ya. J4.
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    • 246 1 EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES FROM MOKAITI AND ALEVKA. JUST UXPACKKJ). $1.85 PER BOX. ROBINSON m. ABRAMS'S HORSE REPOSITORY. POB BALE, kx. 8.8. toumuoi: 52 HORSES, COBS PONIES. All landed in excellent condition. This is without doubt, a splendid bntofa not a poor one ainon^Ht them. Ammnrnjl them can he seen horses •uitaMa
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    • 678 1 INSURANCES. 'IMIE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 KIKE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital B%UMOa Paid up Capital -J\-J,7M Kesene Fund «7t vlV, The uudetvigned, A(lenls for the Company, are prepiired lo accept fire risks at WuSkEAB 4 Co. rE CHINA TKADKRi INSCRiNCE COMPANY. LIMITED. c«pit»l Sul»crih«d $a.O0O.O(1O. Amount Ml up MM 1:. K'nnd
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    • 597 1 INSURANCES. I^HE STRAITS INSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. HItAD OKFIiB, SISOAPORt. Capital Fully Suhteribed $S,tnn.m»i Capital Paid-up ftm.iioii Reserve Fund 3^230 Balance of Working Account to Slst Devember, l"07 ilfl.lTS C«sh Assets at 31st IW^miwr let: W1.416 A. 8. Ml UUAV. Secretary Cndervtiiter /\ECHII)tI. J. D. A. PEREIRA. Hortic VLTt-msr a»ii Florist.
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    • 470 1 NOTICE?!. THE BEST THIN(. THAT EVER HAPPENED. rTUU I'ioiiecr 1...,kv.,,.k- an.K.eiierii! \|, Koiin.lrv Miorfa. N W. PrOrißI eaa. The only pcaetioal bK-k»-.,rks in the K.i-t. nndei rlin I EnreMnn iiKiii.-ik-eineiii mi. l -„i|-, i-, i-i, ,n If we cuiiiot meet your requiramcnta, ooMdy el-,- ,n irulc in.irkoii a lock.
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    • 258 1 PAINLESS DENTISTRY. I', >II.niKNS. I'i.ntist. KKKS MODUATX. I lov.-r Hemn. Cull .v uaa, Unv) llUnllilH mi- h> l-inil- surnienl BIMTI^II AXTII-HILIMi (DM POSITION AM> TAINT CO. Enamel Coniposiiions for ship's bottoma. The most elloellUl IL .e-*****l a^llllsl orr nand Fouling Ihe 1110.1 f..lllllli!».lle|. i., i si.--.ii. .-md s.-iilmi; -ln|RRtTKNBKRG, HCHMIDT
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    • 689 1 HOVSKROLD NECESSITY. CHAMBKKI.AINS PAIN BALM is a general Lmimenl lor the relief and cur, 1 of rlieiimalisni. lame (wek, pain in the side .111. 1 chest, sprains and swellings, cuts, bruise-. 1 urn- and Kald*. One ajnli c.-ition 1: 0.l t>, r.-l-c... rlu-iiinatic |min-.-iii-l -ju.iiiiH in one Ihe time
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  • 56 2 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, 25TH JUNE. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS CONTAGIOUS DISEASES ORDINANCE. Kstaki.ished: 1831. PRICK Ii CEXTS [aMarfpMas pata aaatajaVaneMaafaaai B*af tefonmt m the fourth p-i^.l H ICNACTMKNT AT HoNUKUNG. Zeaaaa, lisa June. Mi Clianil.erlaii, has announced, in Ihe House of Commons, that it has been decided to sanction the re-enact-ment of
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 38 2 AIIVANCK INLAND The American army has advanced inland from Santiago, and hold about six mil.-- of tl limit ry around. Admiral Sampson is now landing the big guns and the camp paraphernalia of the army.
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  • 27 2 ■PUTIM >ijl AllltOX (IS THK WAY. The Spanish Minister for Marine has announced, in the Cortes, that Admiral Camara's s.piadron is going to the I'liilippincs.
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  • 431 2 Mh. CB4MMUAn has announced in the HouseolColnmons that the i..ivcinmenl have decided to sanction the re- na.tmeiit at Hongkong of the Contagious Disease Ordinance. That is tlicerin: nuns, if it means that a Rimilar UIMMBBHMBI will shortly kl made regarding the Straits Settlements i),a it is unpleasant ni«-.
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  • 206 2 li awaanthal tbaSpaniah Minister of Maiinc ha- annWUWad in the Cortes that Admiral Caman's squadron is going to the I'hilippines. If so. it is odd that m have had no advice of the licet passing through the Canal. In "t Hmimslanrne, n wmM bediapoaed to take the
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  • 686 2 A UTTLfc while ago, we were able to givu some information of interest in regard to the coflee growing industry in Brazil and its prospects in the future. Since then we hive been supplied by a well known Malayan planter witli a .piantity of figures on the
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  • 12 2 Tilt: entries for the football cup close this evening at six o'clock.
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  • 14 2 I'kiidi'i X, exchange, and share Brian: aiul the mail list, ure on page 4.
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  • 14 2 Tut Exchange quotations on our back pSga -how a slight rise in the dollar.
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  • 19 2 A OtllD often dollar- is advert I for the iiiiimj of a o ,t II ll» 111.l book
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  • 15 2 <>n Tuesday, brio, Coronation ,lav, I then will he no issue of the ftS I
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  • 13 2 Us Uikc Yew, of Kuala Lumpur, invites tenders for surveying land at Hentong.
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  • 18 2 II tt. g. ffiraifsas took a run to sea >c-t.i.lav and returned to harbour at live o'clock afternoon.
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  • 15 2 MkMM ll.'oglandt Co advertise a warning aminai mlringenients of the l.angkat Crown (lil trade mark
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  • 21 2 Mks. Latham, who baa bata ill. goes home by the X n. L. Sn-himou Tu.s'I..V. and Mr. Latham will accompany her.
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  • 19 2 Tiik ii ail despalehed Irom Sincaiitre to London, via l!rmdisi,onthe.:trdJune, is expected to ba delivered on the L'7th instant
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  • 22 2 Mi; A Dowley advertises that, duriii- his absence from Singaiwre, Mr. K U.Bl«wul "ill be in charge „f the Vacuum "iHompanv's busi,.,-
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  • 22 2 Tm Unawnof the Madinal [tmM Bent, Slrails Settleiuciits. are reported tobe petitioning the Government for an Increase U) their salaries ne.\t year.
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  • 29 2 Tmk BahaoM Government has enacted t i it. when the price of tin there exceeds «4J per picul up to $43. the export duty pat bbam sliall be Sl4.Su.
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  • 124 2 Therk has been no development of importance in connection with t bullock cart strike. In the town there are several carts at work, but they have tv be accompanied by policemen. In the country districts, work has been almost entirely suspended. Areportwas current yesterday that several bullocks
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  • 28 2 ■aanm I'owell A Oe advertise furniture sale at Hukit I'mne.i, Cainpong ISahru. on Saturday next. Th. v also advertise a sale of gin on the L'-tii
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  • 31 2 To-DAY, Sergeant Keattie broagM thirty-live Chiiiaiiiau bel'ore tie magistrate for playing in a en gaining house. The prisoners were lined three dollars each with the option of I'itc da irnprisonrrent.
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  • 40 2 Aiimihai. Dewey has been honoured by the pupil of Xew Irleans and al theexiH-nseofSpain. The street street ua. formallT chri-tcueil Dewej street, and all the Spain signs ajan replaced by those liearing the name of the Admiral.
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  • 51 2 AcoKnisc to the District Magistrate of the Lower Ili.trict, Mr .John Tunic of Caledonia, Province Wellesley, visited the district and inspected Ihe land on bebalf of a Wealthy syndicate He wants HI.iKJO acres. A Ceylon planter hat also visited the district, inquiring about land for gutta
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  • 53 2 Yestkudav, bafese Mr Howard, m Williams was sentenced lo on. m..nlh imprisonment with hard labour fat stealing money from a Uikisha pullerbox. I'risoner also had refused to pay the coolie his fare and was avdefl to pay the man eighty cents with the option of two
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  • 49 2 The port of Kwangchauwan. 0p,...-,. llainan, j.l-t leased by the Kien. n tations. A Tomjuin aewapa| faras to aaajajl that the selection ol Kwangchauwan had l>een I mistake altogether and that the place is practically useless The entrance, it i- .aid is dillicult and greatly obstructed by sandbanks.
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  • 62 2 TIIKKB are two rikisha depot- :,t II and 4ti Havelo.k Hoad raepectirely. Yesterday an argument Braaatnera aato how much space the riUahaa of tbe res|»-ctive est.ibhsliineiits should. ,cc,,; v on the live f,,,,t path U,,,d- awe followed by blows and the police had to .piell the distuibance.
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  • 67 2 A -iTif tut tss awila— iiilimil reeentl] in Japan between Mr. .1 IW and Mist Anthoiiy.elOmi daughter »f Mra.amMln. J. Anthony of Penan* Mr .1 Dow was formerly enga.-.-d in the Bonefconft- an Shanghai Hank in Singapore of srhi. h his elder brother was ttutnagar The friends of the
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  • 79 2 Tan Cms Am. yesterday left his house in Middle i; I, in eharga oTa an and gave her instructions t.. pal *1..".17 in notes and si 1 er into the -ale, which she possessed a key On the owners return, he was told by the woman that she
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  • 80 2 Tiik body wUcfa was recently picked up at llorneo wharf, is that, il is believed of a man who may have committed suicide. 11.. was known to he indelit .vi.l to he an nprnm stnoYor, an.l tba pohaa i in lind ii. grouhd for supposing that
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  • 77 2 Last evening, the final in Uu fagk handicap for tiie Sapper .up praaajliail by the Ollicers of the 11. K. wa- pluy -,l off, andwaswon bf It Sett.. wboaesron was(!j-(i-i. The teal for thechameion ship cup of Ihe S. I! C, |imi|lllll l.v Mi .1. i: CiMhbaclsmi
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  • 74 2 ■naiaiWiaa 1 n«auWniifa Maiaa'ia a book by Mr. A. It Kati.U.m-. which Haaan Sw.inainls.>mieiiseln in have in irep.inili.ii It isanace.iiiiitof lifteen years pioneering in the native Mala* M\ Rathbono dwells on the eariv story of Malaya, m „.|,tr.,-t to its lal.-r liistory The personal I
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  • 131 2 lr is reported that Mr. ISerrii" t..n met with a bad bicycle accident jiltl before sailing and i« now in the doetoi hands in I'.-iiani: It is doubtful whether he will be able to move on toTai ping for some time to coma The Residents are aow.ttnd instant/
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  • 832 2 I raJWT i>i:kss- VT OMf (JhwewObejaaaalatj Toivlebiate the inn, anniv,r>, I 1,'" -'-"..Tenni, ,■,:",>;■ Home was give,, at the c t Xx house by UM member, J h l I'ie Isti, ,f aakl I .1 Ratlin jli. I l.i. .it which the hosts and of thegneau appeared in ttney^g
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  • 25 2 Km Kant Muniei|»lityhas» J.,., Koto Singapore to enquire and "I-. •Jii the pawnbroking 'h.-ie At the Mnni. I Ucenaa and oontrol the pawnahopi
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  • 22 2 1 1 S eU in Uwei IM.k. in Wtuinaeli 1,,.,:, „f -k Ittith havinj killed three Mala)
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 285 2 NOVICES. "xokki/s" explosives COMPANY, LD. nwraeli I»YNAMITE -^-"Hli^ i ruu HATO« w«a, oo**1S! OMPANT.ITD HKNTB, i. Mornoo "'»A\B IN HI ink BOVIt SIDLriSSTHEIiI PAINT. ffiON A\|> STEEL '■I «T-I»KKVKXTIVE «tarn 'i Ships. Machinery, Bridges ■m i cat. I fTU ROB 1;,,|. S j TIIK BORNEO COMPAKY.LTI). rOTTENHAM PILSENfS BEER II
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    • 586 2 NOTICES. THB BXCHANOB HANKS r nni. Kx-;i.n«.- Ranks wUJ i. I nut. being Coronation D». II ii NOTICE COcil Mn-.-l. BANDILAKDS, 111 TTKIiV A Co. lib Jon s7 111 NICIPAL NOTTCI ri'ill. public »v mi I n,:,t. i M I July ni-xT. nil dogs found oat of doora "■■l I-
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    • 411 2 UTEST ADVERTISEMEYre^ V~7 rpillf. is to rive notice that the aba I Koniukli.jke N.derlandsehc Maatw-li Iv. 'linen 111 Neilerl.indseh Indie. o r the 1 and baa been used by them lor over sii ye oils manufactured from petroleum obtain. Ihe trademaik eon-ists- of the repr.-. rhowordl "CIiOWN nil." nerallv at
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    • 812 2 ovc trademark is the Bfoßertf of the happi.i tot Ksploitatie van I'etrolcumIl;i2ue. Netherlands, and that it is used, e.irs us trade m.nk for illuminating led from the Netherlands Indies iit.iti.iu ofa crown similar to tbe above, ppaar above the Crown, nnd the word lajpl ii-tted from the trademark, the taiion
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    • 65 2 M S s. int>n.l.-l for «.<■ 5i,,,:, Ttmu <hi.nlj 1 writtOT nn on* .i.i* of th« r«per only. By tb* n«tect of th»t oonditiou. .u»ny M. B. S. tro r.m-t.,1 th.t miiht „tli.<r». rnblulnd. Ail ft.lvertip.ii|ir.,ntr»otj. An -ilii^t v, tbfl Uon thai tbe tluip, nay I-... the •.Inrtiwn.unt ont
      65 words

  • 1668 3 I ouestionof the fashionablencss 0,,'..'.-,V"y1.,.,es Ch,1,,5,e,t,,,g is matter [ban was a I ,|d,wfaea ,t was sullicicnt rtlagapon to say that you were .i.d .it Lovernmeiit House. That, i« how a gentleman, now deceased, not wholly ./m,,.; peM. „,,■.,1 the matter to the aatiafai „t -_n one whan
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  • 105 3 Van 41. baiara Mi WoUentan, 1.-oriL' Ah Cneong wai ehargad with criminal breach of trust in iia-naul of ninety dolUra, as a cashier Hob Ann K.e. towkay of a aawHßui. uid the accused wa. his cashier, and waa in oharge ol all received Witness bad occasion, one day,
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  • 103 3 VawmiuT.asucceaefulaab oftane) article, was bald in the Town II ,li The olijoct ..f the sale waa to augment thi fun I- ,'i the 1 liineso liirU' School, the beadmiatrasi ofwhioh, Hiaa Uage Brown, worked hard to bring the aatatoa s,i ceuful issue UrgenumbersofUdias alUinded throughout theday.andabriak trade
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  • 162 3 afterdiachargingaboatoM half ol h.i cargo ol coals for the Borneo Company at the Tanjong Pa.-a, l>.,ck Company's wliarl al Pul,. Biani, sras yosterda) »hiOed to the wharl ot the MraiU li iding Company on the same iahuid, lo di-,h.iue the remainder ol II a i.e. 1 to B
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  • 1794 3 Ivf. just baan luoking through the home utpan," -aid tin- Bluestocking, ami I .mi more t: an ever struck with I the hopele«i vulgarity of our modern lif.- a» displayed in the illustrations to the I Hailstone memorial numbers In one |K>pular weekly journal 1 found a gruesome
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  • 924 3 crcuM in java Tiik v.oihl-wide (aread of H fata eraieis evidenced bytbe statemenl la tha foreign Ofnea report ..four O il in Java that at. en. rmous in, rease hataken puce then in the Importation of bieydea Itbplaaaanttoreadthal Bag-lisli-inade ma, bines have been in i/o,ml demand, and that
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  • 58 3 At the date, ,f last advice-, the plapie in Canton was ndually dyta| away, the number of adniissiou.- to the plajrue hospitals heini; much smaller than a fortnisht previously, whan from three to four hundred cant were reported daily In the middle of this i ith, there
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  • 63 3 leadsa, ITaVAaat. The India Loan Hill pa 1 its second reading in the House of Counnons. the amendment by 8b W. Wedderburn in favour ol tba appointnirnt of a Baled fWimiltan ol Inquiry into Indian tinanee being ra anad The following is the result of Horace for
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  • 137 3 Rest, mighty Brain that seethed ivitb plan and sekeaM Triumph or fnilure shnll not Mir again It! suhtlf coil< Softer tl,:,i, -iiiiuii. Falli on thy brow lh,s Faaaa aMaaa pain. ■aaawsMytwalea wntaanaaßl aad lowa To such a s.-ul i;,,,| f,,,,. to fa Through earthly windows. Ikyaawl With win.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 174 3 TO-MORROW s CHURCH SERVICES. (Itou Brxwr urn Tkmn) CHURCH OK ENGLAND r« in. M..1111-'.' 7.3IP1L in.. Cli.,r»l tVld.ralion mill s,r i b. in. s.-ni.v ..i ihiTtHihiim r i.:^l |i. Ml.. KvfllhulljJ iilul Serin. in K..»l>. in., Kvfii«.na mi, I M.rinon. ROMAN CATHOLIC VlCTOBUBTUin VM. [1K>« lli-\ lii.'n. ti.i.'i:i. in.. i...«
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    • 197 3 Condy's Fl id 1 Inrtt 01. b»;K.j "CH"T 3 ffj:a. I >>Tl"i'l'l'l aia« M GOLDEN RAUB l-ii.e On, Dollar: t,, 1,, bad at tlie awan (iilie,. i, Kattyaad Wain Ltd.), or John Ut|le*Ce.(Ud.) MESSRS. G. R. LAMBERT Im M hi.' K,vn. aaaaa i runei ULISTBATEU BOOT CARDS, itii n:\v~ OF
      197 words
    • 231 3 MITiCKS. ROBINSON CO. Have just received :i Bhipment at "PREMIER" CYCLES over 40,000 Of the 8 ''cUbratc' Cycles were 1 1 97. I'.'itcnt Helical Tubes W1.i.1, ar, tntii'l, atron ili.m ordinary. Model "8." full roadster. 11, led lobe ftmi b, I a »p..kc«, Dunlop Tmpioal Tyivs, an.l Weßtwmd rima, oi
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 150 3 laaiaT— hib Hich Water. i.lBp.m s C C, Criebet. Fuutl>iilU'ii|>. Kntrioa d I. 0. 0. T. T.-ni |„,a,,,,' Club. T Hwitehbaek Railway Pai an Theatre !i HCBiavT, Wra Jobs, llikl, Watsr. 1.1 am U) n, :tr,l Sunday after Trinity. Band Taasiln Iweiln fl ail B.I& High Water. Lv ajn. 3.4S
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    • 72 3 II li „:.,-,)i:i K In H ji,i, is«H Ht.MjNK.. Bar. :".'!iM::,-r,LV--::. rnaa RU au ::i, W. :m, \S, Mr.otWln v.,i S Sa Max. i,'. ,,ji. 9IA Bk-B8 k -B Has. In Baa 147 J ait 1.-rr.m.l. 7"J S M gj WKATIII.IC 11J1...1.KA.M (K A. a T'Ugraiih Cu.) HOKOKONO.
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  • 494 4 gmuroii. 16th Jiki, IMS. PRODUCE (Hater are mrrrcltd to 12.10 p.m.) Gambler 5.«4J. Copra Bali, 7.1a Jo l'ontiansk 9.70. IVppw, Block 40*1. c!o White, (6%) 4I.IX) *i S oKlour Sarawak SOS. .lo Bruoei a.l*. taiSMi 4.'.u Ci>!f«i-. Dili, picked Mutt. (Mm 1 iii L.-int. picked 30.00. Code.*, Ubcrian. No.
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    • 88 4 Fkom Kt'U>PE:-Uy tho M. II I M.H-,,r,,r iluc on the 2Sth insUnt. Kroin China: lly th.- (iennan .<iara- ilivontl»'L>;tliinMant. 4-ti .sinnn[).>re flu.' :n London Arrive* May IMS MM. Jom r.tli Jun- 7il May Liilli P. A O. JuiH' I'.'lh June I.lth Hay fTth M. It Juno lMth
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    • 72 4 AKHIVALH. IVrs. 1i.,,i from P.-iLm -Mr ud Mr-. Waatarhoat F.-r-. I'umliui from Rangoon anil I.-l n»n« Mr. Hilmatk. Mr. I". Bligh. Mr. ;,n.| Mr, lt.Hl>k. Mi**,.- Kollyk (3i Ma,t,.iH...lyk CftMa Mr. N.,iri-. Iii I. v. .1,„/,.,-»■ f,on, KIaDK viu ports— Mi 11.-ll i-,-i ii tram Muk Asm yin
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    • 131 4 (For Siiujapon). lVr M. 11. Wkm from Mar»,.ill«. Janet: Mr. W. H»iir,«K., )lr. Duikt,Mr. S.Vin.-..iil. Mr. KuKl-r. T.r M. M. S./u.-i, (roni Marwillfs-July;l:-Mr. D.JoHM. (f•..,■ H. *.ir AW). I'.r r 40. ftfon Hum lAjnilon. WUI Miiv: Dr. I'l.omwu. Mr. J. I>. S. Pi.-kri-iiibl U. nl H0;.., Mi i«lii|imon
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    • 93 4 PW I'rr ,(r. 7W. To-Day. Malacca A Klang Sn ln >ho, I„ m H'kMf iL Shanghai .W.for 4 f,. m olir via port* Ban Liang, 4pm Munlok P'bsng i .'.i.. 4j, P. Ilran,lai. JmS, 4 pm. Ili«lra|{iri Amy Ann, S.iriiwnk I'oncatrtM, 4 p' m :i- %ia
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    • 111 4 Under this heading the following abbrevia- > tions are osed —str.—steamer I sh. —ship t-q.-barane; Brit.-British U. 8. United state.; Fr French Oer.—German; Dut Dutch; .loh. .l.ihori-; Ac., (1.c.. Ueneral i cargo d.p. —deck passengers U. —Uncer- i tain; T. I". W.-Tanjong Pagar Wharf, T i P.
      111 words
    • 1219 4 AuiYtij Kmci Noon o» Tamtmm Amh'r,t, Brit. «tr I OR ton". Capt I**«H» Mb Jam From Klang, MtKJniM. <i *n.1 »J .l.p. Din ami Co for T An-.n. llemMit, Urit »lr. M tuns, CM ■> J'lth June. From H.u:an. MM June, ttc, «i>l 10 dp. Wee
      1,219 words
    • 449 4 MM' i" O-7fHU. A.lrin. Hon)-konß.Jnnr»«; 11,1, n Km \fr,.,i. Hoof koog. July a; I. Simon..' Aroara, Hon»kon|r. i nvJiinn-ji Aram. I'anhll, )>'»il I'.-inal. .lun<> 10; Ml-,. I', ,l .i-ini; .1,1,1.- .->; Ii.;: i M,Trr Atni<la. HoiiKkonK. July I P. Siii,,,l.: Auß-I-t,!. Sy.lm-y, July 9 11,-lin Mt-y, r. Hallavirat.
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    • 117 4 Rio. :i V»n l)i.-m<-n I)ut »ir. w'pnHUH hMi Jans MOMndeb ud 0; L' 4 Drmli.-MIVI- (!cr str. IB7J Khiiiiii'- Uilli.a,.|i Mv h' I". Sinuui> •-■i N.unnin ItlM Ror *J DM Mlmn Bcval M«v Ittß Simon «wlO" M «rl TruiKsnnu llril «tr M Slumni.-n TrinmMß Juno JBOOB Xi» Hot -•I
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    • 115 4 Dm Vi-uv n,h< tumtMm Otrua IIEMTIMITIO'C Juiii-lM Dro.lii.nM. (*r »tr. I eiinimi Sumilio Brit Mr. Walil -•"> Mm lirit -ir. Loan hntai Britsir. But Mi\h-l. r Hrit sir. gmilll Bnbj lint sir. Bran H Koo.lm.ia llar.1, Hol^onc llril »lr. Ingui lt.w;i r ii k tr. 1M .i..,., Juno
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 236 4 NOTICTX JAMES WATSON COSSCOTCH WIIISKIKS AI;K THK VAI IK IN TIIK UXOX: V. V. (ft, SI I. IHI PK» CASK. I.ITY PAID. v. v. o. SPBOI \i. i:i;si;i:vi:. sw'-m., acuity mi. DOMOfIK IO YEARB OLD, v| I>ITV <•*<*> OBTAINAHI.K m ItKIAII. ÜBALUB, 01 McALISTEI? Co.. aoen^ JOHN LITTLE &Co.,m M-;\V
      236 words
    • 258 4 TlMl-.s- ami "BUDGBT.* v l »V.'..r.orf,. im :lon h or lift.-,-,, a „.|.v. Peat Frm HI a ouartar M, ,iU,,i, |)ott r I >■ IT, M a „uart,.r. or M) t vnt! "■;■>. 11... a.1,,.rt1».ii K r»l,.»ar,-: „r.., V, Um < 1 1 iin 'l ;'rd > tunaa, lOoanlaaUnai Jih
      258 words
    • 259 4 NOTICES. RED ROUGH HANDS Itoliinjr. scaly, bleeding pains, shapeless nails, anil painful finger ends, pimples, blackheads, oily, motliy skin, dry, thin, and falling hair, itching, scaly alps, :iil yield quickly to warm baths with CYtuti: wntlc anointings with Ccticiiia (ijinti t of emoliient skin cures. ©iicura Is noM iMwifllwill Hill
      259 words
    • 389 4 NOTICES. Tor Nervous PHosplioglycerate jj| OF LIME int motor* rwtteratiM 0* tilt ntrvoui t/iUm. n- rn*o Ifntrn «tua>M« v! 3^ ai "aJilv i«'mii*i«] ud V i PHOSPHOBLrCERUTE SYRUP ICMAPOTEAUT) PHOSPHOBLrCERtTE HIKE CMAPOTEAUTI PHOSPHCSLrCFMTE CAPSULES ICHAPOTEAUTI a. ra« VIVISNM, PAPIS FfI*HCF I MACMVKN AM) C'AMKHOVS IDI TVy wiai* >i a baaa
      389 words
    • 41 4 SHARKS \\A.\TKI) Municipal l)el-nlur». Taujone Point Dauaatura •fan Pr«a liiv-r Doukribarm. Htmlh lea CD's sin,,.- rmdtacOn. FOX SALE. ivnaerant I'lsntin^ Mmr,.,. I i.i-r,t N.....V... 1.1,1. hiralti ttlaamahln mi. Mayii:irJ J, Co.. 1.t.1. Jalaboa. SCIMERVILLE 4 OUKN. K A Share Brokers.
      41 words