The Straits Times, 21 June 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SLNGAJ^UjE, TUESDAY, JUNE 21. 1898. NO. 19,501.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 788 1 .nSEO COMPANY, LIMITM -,«a-^ Lrf. Nor «ic« C«i-» Fii» l»amraaes Codas* A- Ai-r-e- O-ja/UJJ^ !J" f^C"' l-»s»»s» L. W X"'"* l M< Ssvigangaoot^aaj. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Orricl, Colltm IJniT -1 1- AM NAVIGATION OIMI'ANY. ■sssriis. ssszJSSm, as? v ik-kM i-ivf. Gibkaltae, Malta, through Bills o( Lading issued for Prrtian l^io »aal
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    • 1343 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. ITONINKLUKK PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ ruder c.i. tract wilh the Netherlands India Government. A "i/ Sin;mt-T' Simp Antacv, l«t« J. Daikiiku k Co.. 2-a, count Qiat. Steamer From Expected Will lie Detpati he<l for On I'un z;«.ia. llatavia. June l«. llatavia. Cheribon.Samarani; J Koural.»vn June 18 Cat ■!•< tfa. II
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    • 627 1 INSURANCES. THE LONIMIn" ANll LANCASHIRE FIRE INSI'RANCE COMI'ANY. Capital t-.'.127,«)0 Paid up Capital lIJ.nO Kererve Fund h;ii,:(U Tbe undersigned. Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks al HorsTKAD 4 Ok Illlt' i'HIKA IkUIiKK BWIaM* I COMPANY. 1.1 Ml l KU M'.iHl.-ill-nl-i Aui'.UDt I .id up. ml.'"' >an-
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    • 313 1 INSURANCES. 'PHF. STRAITS INSCRANCF. 1 COMI'ANY. LIMITED. avraKLiiiHin IWS. Hud Orriri. Mtiusrou. Capital Fully Halncrilied M..aai na. Capital Paid-up l:.-erv« Funds lltl.-i-.M 11-iltiice of Working Account to !lst neeembajr, IHaW eH4^)XS ■»h A •set- at Slst Dajesjmber, MM 1.:M1..'.1ii A. H MIRRAY. Se rei.rv t I'ndfTWr.le' TANJON.. I'AUAR IHH'K COMI'V.NY,
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    • 995 1 NOTICES. THE BEST THIXU THAT EVER HAPrEXED. T»I1K Pioneer l/« kw.irks :intl (ii-nrral M.'al K.mmlry. AMisarh. N \V IWinI oai Tli.- only practical l/H-kworkti in the Kast. under rliroct En onenn m.'mam -nieiit ami suprrviaiun. If cannot meet your Huailisf. B .b<Hl) tjilMl l)iirir:iiieniarkunaU.cki»:iMilli.i.nt Banataaol its quality. Om m.itto: Satiskaitioii
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    • 664 1 RR BEST REMEDY FOP AC AM) DIARRHOEA. a reading ao iidrertl«*m«ot o! unberlainV Mb, Cholem, an I ■a Krmnl) in the WorweUr re.viilly. which lead, roe U> bin. I EH truthfully -«> I never v remedy equal to it (or colic nn.l 'iifcrrhn I*.1 I tiAvi' nover had to uh>'
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  • 67 2 STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY, 21st JUNE 1898. MANILA'S POSITION. EnABLisatu: 1831. TRICK IS CENTS. SulHcripHon rales and aih'ertisinQ rates may be jmmi on tlui fourtk pat*} NKWS N THI RSDAY LAST. Xkw- from Manila up to Thursday, the 16th, has now Iwen received at Hongkong. The situation is unchanged, except that
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  • 359 2 KUALA LUMPUR RACES. Tilt: third mid last Jay'- raring of the MaiWOC TurfClul. took plan yesterday at Kuala l.nnipnr. Infortunately, ruin i' ii ilui ih i iir al i in it 'ii. iind MMmxaUj the proceedings were •loinewhat too dntup to he comfortable. Ut-spiK' the ruin, however, the four re-icl<ni«
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    • 21 2 THE CADIZ SQUADRON. mti LAST 1-lOHTKD. hjvlon, |M June. Admiral Camara's squadron has beeu sighted off Cabo Degata, east of Gibraltar.
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    • 23 2 GENERAL SHAFTER'S ARMY. LANDING AT SANTIAGO It is reported at Madrid that (ieneral Shaffer's cxiwdition, which started from Tani|>a, has landed al Santiago
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    • 39 2 SITUATION IN SPAIN. KUIN IMMINENT. A manifesto M the war has been published, bearing signatures on behalf of thirty-live provincial associations and eighteen new-spapert, in Catalonia. The manifesto declares that immediate peace alone will prevent the ruin of Spain.
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    • 434 2 PEACE OR RUIN. It nill ba seen that, HMOR the MflpMßl wo }iriut to-duy, is one r**rr"*Hrg that a aaajHMa has lie™ &igncd oy thirty-live, provincial aasociatton ami eighteen newapapcrs in Cutalunia, declaring that nothing but immediate peace aaß now prevent the ruin ul Spain. In the lirst should
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  • 567 2 HIS HONOUR AND PENANG. Tin- afternoon, the Acting Cjr.rni.r and the Ac ting Colonial Secretary leave in the Sta Il'Ut for Penang. It has lntlit*rt(> lu't'ii ;i not uijro.isonablt' com|>l»int on the part of Penang, that the t > < 'I-- of Penang see too little of the Governor of
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  • 86 2 His Honour the Officer Administer ing the l io\ eminent held yesterday an numerously attended The band of the West Yorkshire Regiment supplied the music. The customary refreshments abundantly and excellently provided, but there seemed to bf some surprise at the absence of the barley water that "Tlie Moralist' 1
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  • 221 2 U the Spanish squadron under Admiral Camara, which was seen near Caho de (Sata yesterday, is off to the Philippines, what i. to become of Spain's seaport* The Mediterranean goal „f Spain is more vulnerable than her oilu-i coasts, and it is also more important. owing to the uiimber and
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  • 8 2 and the mail list, are on page 4
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  • 12 2 The Japanese cruiser MaUiukima left Formosa for Manila on the 4th
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  • 16 2 Two arrests have been made in connection with the robbery per[wtrated upon the Sultan of Sulu.
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  • 27 2 Thk ordinary general meeting of the Malay Peninsula Inspecting Company, Limited, is advertised to be held al No 1 1, C.dl > er Quay on the -"Jth inst.
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  • 20 2 Messrs l^eong Man Sau Co, i.f nlaaaa* hlMii at th* Chief I'olice Office from the Ist to tlieSth July next.
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  • 30 2 Thk full nominal roll of the casual: ties in the Tirah Kipcdition on the North West Frontier of India is pubiised It includes M killed, M wounded, and 10 missing
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  • 36 2 HONGKONG PLAGUE. 11l r:m. the M hours up to noon, l:tth lime. I new eases and I death from placue wen- re|mrted at Hongkong, making thr totaUince Ist January (164 days) 1,--'T7 cases and 1,114 deaths.
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  • 32 2 The agenda at the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners to he held to-morrow, includes the following sub-t-.-t- piw limits, leave of Health Ollicer. beizure of condensed milk, and aanaaßMßl <•( Hurricane House.
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  • 49 2 Sii.vfh imports to India continue to lie enormous, hut vary from week to week as shipments arrive. Those of the third k in April were worth fortyeight lakhs; those of the fourth week. twelve lakhs and those of the first weuk in May, forty-two lakhs.
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  • 45 2 . l)i him, the wck ended May i'.">lh. British dollars were transferred from the Bombay Mint to the Customs House lor export to the value of Rs-.'.TC-l.iioo The balance included «7J lakhs of silver held in bullion on account of tenderers for this coinage.
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  • 45 2 BEATING SERVANTS. Tin: magistrates in Hanoi inTonquin recently sent some Frenchmen to prison for beating their servants, and a great outcry has resulted. The liovernorlieneralhas been lltttllall aal 11 ll said if this i" persisted in. Frenchmen will be uifablc to live in the interior.
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  • 61 2 . The New Deli Race Club have lixr.l races to he held at Medan, on the Hth August and the Jnd and the 4th September next. There will be eight rT.Mits on the first and second days and six events on the third day The last race on
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  • 41 2 ENTERTAINMENT AT MALACCA. (>y Saturday nicht, the Chinese Club at Malaca gave an exceedingly pleasant, which was attended by all the European community, including the Chief Justice and the Attarsinging and the like, and everything was very pleasantly carried out
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  • 43 2 REBELLION IN SOUTH CHINA. [HKllimykan'jTrlegriipt, reports rebellioueoulhrcakainC.intonprovincewhicii the authorities Hud hard to put down Dm Hack Klag faction is terrorising tli. people in Hie ilitcl.sts of the rebels Two secret societies an also active in said to be working on plans approved by
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  • 58 2 P. O. SAILINGS. Tut P. k 0. Company Mod a tall,of the proposed sailings' of their st.a niers, homewards from Singapore, with dates of departure from Ist July to lull. November. Another table gives the proposed sailings outwards, from I'enang and to China and Japan. The Singapore dates run
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  • 62 2 HOUSE ROBBERY. A HlNt-K woman, living in Kallang Road, near the Uaa Works, states that about 4 am this morning, she awoke and saw a Malay standing near the doorway of her bedroom. On alarm Mag given, the man made oil. It was then discovered that a tin box containing
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  • 79 2 GAMBLERS FINED. i in Saturday. Sergeant Heatlie of the (.ambling Suppression HaaaitlH—.l made a raid in a bungalow at (iaylang Koad, and aaaoaanM in atrestlni: fourteen Klines, who wan play ing at cards. He bund also twenty-live dollars and sixty eenls. and one Dutch note for live dollars It m
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  • 138 2 SIAMESE MALAYA. PnM Damrong. the Siame-e Mim«--i tar fof Paranja Allans, has just returned to Bangkok from a visit to ftniaian i Malaya. Tim (Ham Otmnm amlhil llm I'rinee crossed the Malayan PMiaaoU twice. The whole country is described ns lieing in a very pros|>erous condition, the mineral and agricultural
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  • 117 2 HEMP AND RHEA. Tin: hemp an.l ihea plantation at Suan l.aiuli.ih fa getting on well. The hemp crop pramim to b* very line, i Much of the ih.a had to ba replant, -d owing to the heavy rains prevailing when thccultini:s mm Bret put in. and a consignment ol and
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  • 68 2 . The returns from the Tai.ang or portion's Mines for the month of A pn were as follows ■cmin uaajaaa, Tons of stone crusheil, 1,421. Oxide of tin produced S) ton:m heads of stamps ran lor s.ur_d:,ys the working expenses were JF.KAJi BATAMi. Tons of stone crushed, ?mi9 Oxide
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  • 94 2 CYCLISTS FOR THE ARMY. The War om, baa lanatiana. the onnation of acorpsolimhurv ,v,1,»,. mi.i live companies are to trained forthwith at Aldersliot, aller the tna,,. „-r „i tin- Mounte.l l.if.mtry K, c company will c .st of oaa aaatain, :en -il' i.'erii-. i colour -serf! iir sergeants, four cor|wrals.
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  • 101 2 . c.vtai.oma. though the rietnal rarioa in Spain, has suffered mo-t deeply Iron, the loss of the Cuban market The Catalonian manufacturers reeentlv tried I* place their co.»l« in the PUkW pine Islands They went beginning to sii.ceed and their export, to M.uuU were increasing rapidly. This^fthiiiit'lias been blighted
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  • 193 2 . A iiomk pa|HT states that order reigns in Italy So says the Italian <iuvrmment officially, but we may be pardon. ,1, -ays the -line journal, tor withholding prove- it- ouli den. by taking oil tli,censorship on the correspondent* and allowing people to fct on their 1.,,v,1,, in
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  • 200 2 THE EXTENSION OF HONGKONG. IUPOItTA.SCIC OK THE K\«ST. Tn^Hongkong Mb rVa>indis.insing the leasing of Chinese territory extend the boundaries of Hongkong, states that the lease carries with it full British juri-,]kli,i:i are the territory. Some difficulty and delay have baan ea«ai in the nei.vli.iiSgam bf tile Customs question, but the
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  • 312 2 MANGOSTEENS FOR EUROPE. TOTIIK KIHTOII Or Till: "STRAIT* 1001 Ba, -I »-ml herewith the M*«oai dens Bulletin "in «hich I think you mil find some articles of intere.t to yciir readers, partieul.irly a" article on mangostcens, some IBM lately. lint they must have l.ccl. too old when picket), and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 504 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LU. Mani.factnrer.of: I' N WIIIK ..lIHAIIK V '■XI. A I INK IIVN \M| |K BLABIIXU OKI. MINI. HKIIiNA lulls SAKKIV l'l T '/K lUOTRIC BLAaTlira APPABATUf 1H« II«.VK KxItOSIVM, BtlllO UJ, UviimHir, »m> iv, Ti.iuroai, ouakah- THE BORXKO t OMPAKT, LTD isul.K AOE.NTB. Native sinte-, Suim.
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    • 765 2 NOTICES. Nona WK huietrmdar removed our office* to No Slr.-.-l. BAHDILAJtDC BCTTKBt 4 CO. GUAH WHAT!' TEA. rIMKK notice th» IllWlllll goodI will of Cliia !..•!> lo ChopOuan wu.,u ..i Ho. 87, Him Quay, Btagapora (Bankrupt*) in Uietf iradv or baanatt ol "Tluan "what! lea "and till' toad*
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    • 518 2 NOTICES. THE VICTORIA THEATRICAL COY. TO-NIGHT. TUKBBIT, Hal JVWM, MM HUM A YIN NASIIi. and an aimisiiiic tarei 1 RKDUCTrOM OF PRICE. SWITCH ISA< K RAILWAY BKACIHtOAI). opm m s ,>. Krnmug, BROTH JOCKXEY lo CKXTS. 'hi Stit"f' «ii*,t?<tjti 4 lit 7 p.m. FOB HIM I'l. N. KKTIKN .lOIHXKY CKNTS.
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    • 897 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I WANTED. Municipal IMienturea. Tanjong Pagar Dock Deb». Prye River Dock Coy. Sharaa. Truer and Neave 1.i.'1. I FOR SALE. Straits Trading Toy. Sham. Straits Steamship Coy. Shares. FKASEK 4 Co., i. c. Kx.-hnnge and Share Broken I'AWNHUOKKISS' OKDINAJt'CKS \KS ]>■>». AUCTION MIBoJ undaimod pledge., goods, and jewellery
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  • 1413 3 . (etssrast^rtssk) a,ffarrf 1h11m,,,,, lalrly of fcsfjhl| TMK IUM.KiiK I I.IMATK. Tlicre is much misapprehension the climate of Bangkok. a natty il la ta ple.i>anter than it ia .;i nted A years I. ..r.l LXimuraofKU Fahr. in shade, aofWJ Kahr. This is a od range, and varies
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  • 244 3 NEW SPANISH TAXATION. Tut Km. in. c .Mnii.-tei- prepeaaai for taxing the export of minerals from -pain are yet nuiagrq, Hut the hotthat a souroa ..f revenue, hitherto largely overliHikeil, is alx>ut tol>etap|i,-i]. open's up many question! as to future |his-il.i-S|-.iiii i- known to lie, although her linn,,,- aic in
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  • 207 3 GERMAN COALING STATIONS. Tin: report that no Urili-I. ship iiad hitherto been pcrinittcl to .ill. -I Kiao- ha, i Harbour, owing to delay in settling the Police Regulation- thai port, is denied by the semi official //.i,,,/ i 'iiiiesjwaifiiiil The journal adds thai Kiao-ehau is an o|ien part, and
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  • 128 3 THE MINERALS OF CUBA. 1 ,.t which may have (thing to do ivith the war Thcchief metals worked ■re iron ana rnaitsjanaaa but aoppar ami l-..1,1 an- also found Nearly 400,000 m"!-iiv Jo I'hr'ini'n.'i, u*\>f llarylaas/anu Pennsylvania It forms ttearly Ihreefounha of ti iv Impottad bi Dm Americans, Urn ml
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  • 98 3 TIMBER AND FREIGHTS. fi BM D N pomt- out that the limber trade between that country and China labours under two gruel disadvantages the i.iv.iii diffiirdty and Urn high ratal i batghl One raeull ii thai Mnnatia. tbroash Hinffapore, is getting -i graal limbei i-u-m. thai rightfully should be
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  • 481 3 COFFEE IN MYSORE. Whit arc regarded as hybrid coffee plants, the result of cross festilization between the l.iberian and Arabic kinds are, says the ttm (innlrnt Bulletin, being cultivated in some districts in Mysore. An account of the plants has been furnished by Mr. Cameron, Superintendent of the Kal Bagh
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  • 366 3 THE INEVITABLE SIKH. EXIIAI -TIOS OK VI I'l'l.tes. Ihe Hbhs fessM -We grow weary of pointing out to home BBS/eaantsa that the supply of .Sikhs for lighting pnraoMi is by no means inexhaustible, and that tho available recruits are piimaiily nec.le.l for the Indian Army What are we to say
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  • 303 3 THE PORT. Till: Uussiali volunteer licet steamer Kit fn le-ta. for Vladivostok. i- reported to have left Colombo on Friday, Ihe 17* in-tant, and i- due here on Thursday next, the Slnl instant. she is ezpaolad to innlaniah her boakan The Km Wtrgmtd, of tlir «vino linp. Ml Slian'slmi OB
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  • Article, Illustration
    1058 3 . A 1.1. cbeu rorn-*jKin*lrn. should be -■l.i-lr to Kn.«V l'a»n. Solution of problem No. 40 fPaiidayWs Xl 11.',. Althouxh wveral -olv.ts found thin out pretty quirkly. they wen* r.oni.l us-.-,I for a long time to the mat.-, when lII.i. I. King goe» to 81. the answer to winch is
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  • 317 3 . The stat.-ni.-nl- made from time to time that the lions wen 1 getting very m-sree in Central and Southern Africa seem hardly borne out by tacts We reail in the Rlinlt Saa» Hess seal they are getting fairly numerous again in several district*. North of the /.amliesi they
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 214 3 "CondysFluid Iv ,iv 1 I Drinkl*> W r r 1 COHIIr < BITCHtU, of I 5.1. i., I !«!»<. «r» Of bi.l. M»k>n. BBWAHI Of SUBSTITUTES HOTEL DES INDES. IiATAVIA 'PHIS lir-t saan hotel, limited I throughout by electric,.,-, is illlated ill thceelltleol the Kuro|K-an residential iiuarter. Inside the Harmonic
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    • 763 3 AUCTION SALES. HALE Of VAI.IABI.F: IKUSKHOI.I) FI'K.M ri'KF 4c. I me iRorKTY of mr. 1 viz. (ossasßCßS RIKIOIVCl;) AT T«, I'RIKStr UTRtIT. \n/«rrfo./, tUt Ju,,,, al t 1 \RAWISIi room furniture, marhle i..|> j I tahles.whatnot-,ornamentn,curtaina, car|iet», Ac., Iron bedsteatht, pohnhcd ward- rol>e«. MM lahle« with mirrors «ila. li.-,l Ac.
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    • 419 3 NOTICES. JOHN LITTLE CO., LD. SINGAPORE. Wo have, just rcccivt-d a new lot of Aiiifiican Cookinj; Stoves. Lawn Mowers. Yale Locks. Ac. Iff sawsni NEW RIVAL Stove for Wood. Si/eofoven l,i, i: v 104 l-irc llox will take wood -jn' |„v- JMM atExeb I/- •0.5 HEW PARAGON Stove for Wood.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 195 3 UkATHKIt KKI-OKT Kamtang JCfrtiau 'Mth JaBML IM*H bub sp.m "p.m. Basuaaa. liar. tr.'i i",.54.-, :-i»kl Tomn. >7.v MM) kiki W.h'll.Ther 7!U Mn 7711 >.^- -luroiW 1. SK S.W. S.W. -f Mai. Temp. MI.I Mm 7.1.-. S3 Terrnul. tT.» Hainf.ll a sTaUTatsß ti:i.K(;i;a.m (K. K. Jl. .1- T'lntraufi CO.l g|el HUM,
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  • 476 4 COMMERCIAL. miurou. Jlrt Im, imt PRODUCE (Riff. o« tomdti U 1* JO j>.a»J Gambler, Copra Bali, -JJJdo Pontianak, Peiper, Black, Jo White. *>«• sago Flour Harawak 3.1 a. do Brunei,. 1H PMriHago «-ao. Coft"ee, Bali, picked MOO. Code* Palemoang, picked 30 uo Cofee, Liberian, No. 1 h IHO Tapioca, •m»ll
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    • 140 4 SHIPPING IN PORT. Under thii beading the fol lowing abbmii. tiona are uti»d tlr. «teamer »h. thin fcq.-- barque: Brit.— Briti.h U. 8. Unilort Sta'.e«; Fr. French (lu.-Otnuu Dul. Dutch; Joh Johora; 4c, O.c, tl-n.-r, W|tn il.n— d«'k pumiliVl U. UIUWT .«!n T. V. W. I iTiiom hgitr Whurl 1
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    • 1059 4 TRADING VESSELS &C. Abbitau Htnom Noon or YcmtKutv Anckitet, Dut. str. 1,805 ton«, *pl U>l Hams, 31st June. From wrp-*>!, 1 'i h Urn. Mm. and IK dp. W. \u Co. For Java. 22nd -W. .4.1r«1, Brit. itr. 1,471 ton.. Capt Major flit Junr. From Khaiigliiii. Dth Jim. Rol la>t.
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    • 393 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. •Vaav, por(, pro6oA^ itaU of sjsMh s«" <>' o»«»tt. STk»HKK» \.lria. Hong kung, June 2» Ilthn Km Afri.ii. HonKkolif to leave June SO Ar.iliia. Huml.urK, Jun,. Hi-hn Mfttr Alniiia. HonnUnit. July I P. Sii.j. H-.ll^irnt. H'koliK. July LN; fill. IlanUlin, S baya. Sun- 21 I>arlidrl> Bayern. Br.-nWn,
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    • 153 4 I Puc. 5 ITaaM Bum Tom. Cinm Fto* s>iui> iv%-. a I Bm :XI Karutlli lul itr 147 tinmono Muar Juno HUlatxino I'o •-■O M»lacL» Brit «tr.: (Hm-ii T. An«on Junv IKH. S.nip Coy lw W Juno i air. 4M» Morris Smlnni; .luiir I- S S«l.ip ''■'> -■0 Jtatire
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    • 121 4 1>»TI 31 M 21 si H M SI SI SI VuUL'tKIMI Flu.tKl. fIW DUTIXITIO* 0. Apcar Brit str. OHIMM Hongkong Han Hin (luan utr. Scott KlaiiK via port* ('liraiigChaw »tr. \\,-U\, H'konn Swatow nnil Amo; Hebe str. InLster IVimnil sml Ivli Ban l'oh (Juan Itr. Mtrallon Maoa"~:ii vi.l ports
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    • 122 4 MAILS CLOSE. Fur P'T .lr. TVm«. To Momow. 1ij..r,1...- Kian Ann, II a.a. Colombo 4 ISombay Idtumi Man 11 an Pontianak »ia poru 11. IK. s« Noen. Bangkok A"nif«6ero p.m. Malacca -s-.i iWfc, 9 p.m. B'gkalis Bagan lit T«n», 1 p.m. r i .-rua: > via ports Huitau, 9 m.
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    • 91 4 Fkoh KIBOI-t:—By the (jrrman a. a. Bo vrra due on the 22nd inatanl. ,Vom China :-By the M. M. )'»rr«. doe od iv- I' li inatant. Ma.yXlh PA O.May l>9th Mav 30th Ma V 1.1th M. M Juiio nth Jim.- 7th Ma>» 31th 1' O. Juan l:i!i
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    • 246 4 PASSENGER LIST. lVr». Ram- from Sandakan llntn. Broildi.*. h attorn. >ml .i<hn«idor. lVr llariv from Calt-utU, Mr. Kin|[ham. TO AUKIVK. (for Smaapore). Per ierma.l s. s. llayrm from Rremerhatuo imii-. 'lui- nil lln- •-Mm Jun.. Mr. Vi-ciml Di»hn, Mr. and Mr« Wilson. Mi- K li- WilU-rK, Mr. and km. rii-rslov.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 356 4 NOTICES^ MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE Fortitj tiic System against Disease with PURE BLOOD. 'THE BEST SECURITY FOR HEALTH." v vi,' vnfc-rt'> "i v i /^rx./^vr^TVQsf^3 A/l .NX i I Iv i"?SmJ©JI lv f\cS* v^^ t.&ss.ncc "os~FUjib extract of nzo j*m«iioa Esld. tTo3 r .laf-^f«aiß?l^ »Ttft IlsfssssflW 1829. TORPID LIVER.
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    • 463 4 NOTICES. /(LAIGDID WOHEI I f~~^ rALE cmLBHEN I out people. mvALms YIN CHAPOTEAUT (tumuin m v tarn) A DELICIOUS NUTRITIVE STtUVLAST till tlta-aitrr >«<, auiail.itd -to. Sw .ik«r lulii Uq»U <p> 1 *iU KBaia cm th* MiaM a. H M iiUiCIKI M cotwtllaliMU w.ik.t.i lxlirf.itmiT.pnm. j»^ O f ia.aEs*.aa—a>.
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    • 52 4 8HARE8_W ANTED. Municipal Ttobrnturm 6%. Tanjonj Pa«*r Drbenttira Bondl. Now rrvn KiTer Dock hlmriMnil. I <• I Slreiu TntdiDK Coy. FOB HALE. Panncnuiil Pl»nting Shun. Frawr A Sam,, Ltd. HtmiU 8t«amsbip Cot. Mavnard A Co.. Ltd. Jelel.ut. Si iM KilVII.I.K A UUNN, KlchanR« A S}har« Broken. M A II Q
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