The Straits Times, 17 June 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1898 NO. 19,558,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 487 1 NOTICES. TICTOHIA-ARCADE (<)l.<)MH<». OrNaTTI OIAH OmitNTAi. Hotel ,m, Piaowaai Jetty. iiKFU'KS. VMiKKSIIiKNTIAL S lI AMHKIIS to let in the alM>ve I of which i» 'ituated in the moet Nt |„,-,tinn in Colombo. Ac apply to WIMITAI.I. A; '<).. Coumno. f 1 A B« n ">- HOTBL Cft VANIIOUCK, (iAROET c,,lci;en
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    • 997 1 iSTEAUSHII' COMPANIES. ETOHINKUJKI I'AKETVAART MAATSCH.VI'II I I'ndcr eotitnut with the S<-therl.-ind» India liovcrnment Aurvit ni Majapere; Bmr Aaner, t«ir. J. 1 arnhei Co., i-s. c.iu.vm Qi-»t. KU-anier Fran l--|., '.,1 V\ ill 1... He*p,.,che,l f,, r r« Umm. I'.atav.a. June Id HataviaClier iKjn.Sainarana. 4 Sourr.Uivu.lone 18 Vntufrr IJ ma-sin. IJ.
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    • 645 1 INSntANCKS. ri'HK l.iiNHtiN AM) LAN.'vslllliK 1 FIKK INSURANCE OOMPAKY. OataHal £:',:i':..v.i Paid up Caiiilal 1'11'.7-«i Raaarn tat 1....... n?,.*v, The iiiid.r-iii I. U- it- th. .' pan;, arr nn uw |«l ri k- it i i .v a. 'I. mmi iiuiitK uiin;iM.ici j I i HIM IT, LIJIITKD ,'i HW
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    • 287 1 INSURANCES. 'IMIK i.UKKN INSIKANCK COMPANY ROYAI. INSIKA.NCK COMPANY. 0.1 sts Imi kANc^IH lu.wcs, LlTMirooi. I'll,- undersigned, Aden's for the above Cinpniiy. arc prcpar.,! to take risks at current rates. HdiKiI.ANDT Co. I'HK S THAI IS INSI'KANCK COMPANY, LIMITED. i-ritn istiri. I--:'.. Head Omm. Hinoii-obi. CaplUl Fully Subtcribad »3,000.0C0 Capital Paid-up
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    • 1009 1 NOTICES jtslpftilLffrs Of Highest Quality, and ».-^> n nrilA Greatest Durability a>.- Therefore il k■ CHE APES 1 jj Lll V STOP. THINK AM) CONSIDER. I\'ll\T wa oir.-r yon Security in vonr Boroea, km Ir.nii T'li. 11-. tlie >> iir.-iiniv.-iiti.ili of liatnlliiv A11t1,,-,M.— n^snpon airlli will become vour-l.v inveatincio m
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    • 731 1 RECOMMENDED BY A MEDICAL FRIEND T JOT mi; .1 shui ihk .■mni. in .-it i.) iiKo Cham tli Urin.,l. -«a\ II lit" I »n- ranWuM m.iT.-k from bad miuli mi.l ...1. 1. anil medical M,.ndo,H -ham"-, Main > rniinh I bough! 0« t»IHi-and it eSevted a complete eun Since u,at
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  • 400 2 STRAITS TIMES FRIDAY, 17th JUNE 1898. (By H.M.S. Linnet.) MANILA STILL HELD FOR SPAIN. K8IABI.ISH1CD ML l'KICE 1.1 CENTS [SiJ^rriptiaH ralu undadrrrtmng rala miy bejuutvl on the fourth paqe.] HI T THE P.KHEI.S AUK KAINIM;. DAILY riCHTIMi BKTWKKN SPANIAKIIS AMI KKBKI.S IHK AMhftJ.ANS IIU NOT JOI.I IV Mauila, Tlinhp, .<««
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  • 342 2 (Special Telegrams') KUALA LUMPUR RACES. h ii.i laapar, IfeUqttaafafap Yutiibiuy was tlie tir*.'. day of the Selangor Turf CM) meeting al Kuala Lumpur, t'nfortunately the weather was not tine, mid the race were couMMUb not «o well attended as they would utiierwisr have t«en. I majority of the favourite, won,
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  • 154 2 THE ACHEEN WAR. OPERATIONS IN PEDIR. HlMsr KKVKMM On the 12th June, the Dutch troops perating in Pedir, advanced toßeureuoon, with the loss of one trooper illed, and three privates wounded At Iteureunoon, the Dutch forces ere received by Ilintara Kemangan, a r..ii, in. -nt Pedirese chieftain On the 14th,
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    • 32 2 THE PHILIPPINES. MOKE I S. TKOOrsOR THE WAV. lAmdoti, |}M June. The second military expedition to Manila has left San Francisco The transits will be convoyed from Huuolulu to Manila by men-of-war.
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    • 47 2 HAWAII ANNEXATION. ACTION AT WASHINGTON. ANNKXATION IiRMANDS. The House of Representatives at Washington has passed a resolution urging the annexation of Hawaii. In the course of the debate on the resolution, strong declarations were made iv favour ot seizing and retaining the Philippines, Cuba, and Porto Rico.
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    • 41 2 TAMPA EXPEDITION. SIARTKDOS TIEHUAY. The I'nited States censorship has permitted the publication of the announcement that thirty-five transixirts with American troops left Tampa on Tuesday last Thirteen warships were eecorting the transports. The final destination of the expedition is not stated
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    • 21 2 FRANCE. MINISTERIAL CRISIS. 1 lie M.-hne Cabinet has resigned. M Ribot will probably be the PreI mier of the new Ministry
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  • 353 2 THE AIMS OF AMERICA. I Auaoat despite themsel»es the people «>f America are being drawn f:,jn. their j politi. al secluuon. Nor is it possible to foresee where the change may end A nation that proposes to hold large and populous islands in the Atlantic, in the racilic, and in
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  • 410 2 THE STRAITS CURRENCY. I'hkki; may havr been abaanai in our issue of > c.-1.-rday, a re|iort of a meeting of Dm Malay States Miners Association, recently held at Kuala Lumpur. < >nc of the aajfcaaa of the mc.-tiiiu "as to discuss the change in the Sti.ul- currency that was proposed
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  • 21 2 His Honour the Officer administering the (iovernment will lie at home" at Government House at 4 !.*> pin., on Monday afternoon next.
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  • 93 2 Ir is communicated from the West Yorkshire Regiment that, on Saturday night, tii.-. carriage entrance to the torchlight tattoo will be by tin- gate in Napier MBaA The exit will be op|Kisite the officers' mess bou-e Carriages will not b> allowed to leave the road which runa through the barrack
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  • 14 2 Pkoihvk. »-x. hang.-, and share prices, and t!ie mail list, are on aaaji I
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  • 25 2 Mosi<av is the anniversary of the Queen's accession to the throne A royal salute of twenty-one guns will be fired at noon from F<>l fanning.
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  • 25 2 A aaoaaß general meeting of creditors, re HaBBM A Co in bankruptcy, i-advertlx-d to Ik- held at the Official Assignee's otR.-e on the l'4tb inst.
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  • 29 2 The sentences of d.-ath, pa-.d on Low Ah .li and Vellian al aha) |M l'en ing Assizes, were carried into .U.ct in the gaol precincts there, on Monday laat.
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  • 30 2 a ■auaaaai Land Oata paaa habeen sentenced to two year.-.' 1,,.ril labour for making an alteration in I cheque that had been handed to him to cash at the bank
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  • 31 2 Tuts evening, at U o'clock, there will be an entertainment in the Town 11 ill in connection with Kafll. < Uirhf Scliool. Miss M. H.Klgkin. the irimipa!. has prepared an attractive pro-
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  • 40 2 IHK trade n-lurns of the Colony for the third quarter of last year 1. lu-t 1,.-, i, published The date au.l Smum in these returns have already been .I.' .Il with in the (Mm* Haaaa al the JIM May last.
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  • 35 2 Tins notified that, from the Ist January, l-UU. the IVlice IKpartm.-nt here will naatto purchase, forsale to the public, standard weights and measures, and the provision of these cuimmnliti. will be left to private enterprise
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  • 44 2 MUNICIPAL OUTLAY. Tilt: ti.rrnimn.tCazettt publishes the Singapore Municipal Supplementary liudg.-t. No i', of leW, providing for an outlay of aßH^tftf. Over .fcyiKxi goon aaaaial pankaaM at lan, l and houses, about *ls..wi aie r.-.|Uir.-d for p6udrette plant, and S4,«"U for oil lamp street lighting.
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  • 49 2 A CASE OF ABDUCTION. Ykstkki>ay .ifti-riiooii, seven Chinese (Hokiens) were charged before .Mr Wolfrrstan with kidnapping a CUaaM woman namwl SiaOh 1 k, at -rlmrtll ti.m in Yeo Chu F.ang Road, on the Uta ol May. Mr. van Cuyleiiln-rg naauad for the prosecution and Mr Suaquiai for the prisoners
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  • 58 2 DEATH FROM DYSENTRY. J. n It. Baaau, late CUW ci.rk „f tile i'olke Court, who «H MtaMad to mm? months' iinprisonnu'iit in Krtiruarv l;i-l lor taking kriV», t:ik.-n ill uilh dyn'titry at IM kuiil 1 :itcl\ 1:../.-lls «H .i' lo lm« tli.' u'.."l In'forc thy rx|iißition of his HBtonea, but
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  • 65 2 DEATH FROM SUNSTROKE. SKR.iKAST Wells ol lII,' Rsjnl Artillery, »:i« attacked by waattnk* la~t wmk. md died on Tuesday. 11m ihi l»««l ir.i, favourite witli all, ah. l l.ix ' yi-sterday aft*-rnooti uus ittendud by nuu>U'» of his oommdM llld other frfilil The MM b r > l r.-,
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  • 97 2 YESTERDAY'S FIRE. Yk-tikdav altt;riit»on, then* v\i'u■Hn in town td it a bi|| tin- wta MMiM U-tw.-^ii Tanjoni; Uhu ud I .ililunn UtOBC. Tba kill t I hu police mpw is thai a Chiaamu iiadt a l)i« Luiitirt- rul>hi»li On Urn < .th.r .in (n-vitam Infonni us h:it,i~.ii.->
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  • 61 2 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Thk Legislative Council nieetn ruesdav neit, at 2-M BJB The n,j' ,fthe.l»y include the follow,,;,:*^ by Urn Acting I'olonial s.,. r ,u v ■whataaa a sum of tilQMa provided in 'The Supply ,)r,t,,,,, 1-97 un.'er the head of mi c ■•xpenditure for new barrack.. s,, lt of $.i.>,AJ4,
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  • 64 2 THE PHILIPPINES. a vol. k IBM HIMUm TllK (jui-en.-land (iovemunt r.-.,ntl. i.-cciv.Hi .omniuuicalion fr,.,,, iZ OaOtRI Tur,,.-r. lVmier „f V,,,,,^' suggesting that WuM-nsland should Ma With the .ither chime, ,n rep,,.,.,, tatlon to th. Hntish Cov.-rnn,,-!., the suh|.-ct of the tutur.. owncrsln, the l-hihppin.. Islands. The PwaSiof Qaaanaaad baa wallad
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  • 94 2 BRIGADE DRILL. At li :«i ihis morning, under the maud H M jor Cneral Jonra-Vaiuhin i briaaat drill held at Tantlin front of the ollicers- ines!. All the availalil.. iii-n in the r.-ciment. the band, took part The various In., Ml .i.-. ut.d with great skill and pm i.
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  • 113 2 OUTWARD MAIL. Tiif Mail Steamer Mhana M IVnam; ft p.m yesterday, and i* aai ban at U a iii. to-morrow. The follow, ing li.-r pa.».uger list for the Far K.i-t Mr 11.-m,i K u.n, Mr. St.vl. Mr. I, W. Hull, Mr. an.l Mi>. W. A CainMl Mr. A. suniin.-rvill,., Mr.
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  • 89 2 SINGAPORE FOOTBALL ASS OCIATION. TIIK annual general meeting of tli, Siii|M|,or<- Football Association was lnil la Urn H C C. pavilion yaHaiday aft* noon. The following 01ti... kana w.-ie .1.-.t.-.l for the year: I'r.-icl.nt Mr S.oulei Hon. Sle. and Tr, Mr r.C H Mill.r;Comi,iitt,-..ti...ii,M-; „f two representatives each lr,.m I:
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  • 164 2 POLICE CASES. tmmmaa, bafen Mr. Hawaii Taj ft was Miitiiired to three months' hard labour for criminal breach of Chaa Hill was tilled twenty dollar- »nh the option of two months' m. t r ment for being in jiogeession of connaaaail ChaataW Yesterday, before Mr Howard. Tan Hung and
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  • 117 2 THE STRAITS CURRENCY. Sin, 1 MUM that at the aMtfaaj of the Main Slam Wan Association, recently 1..-1.1 in KuaU Lumpur, tli.- Hun. Secretary is retrial to have stal'd that "tOi IBMfal the .l.illar Urn awn bubm would get for their tin' With rafcmua to this iHliiinal. will you kindly
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  • 196 2 THIEVES AND THE POLICE. Sir, A> M all hands OM li' tin; mii i hi' coatMDpt ttxpn Bianpon p01,,.- ;i- .1 I•»■ 1 ml n ■rimaoai an publi luruivf DM it 1 rti' ro.uh on ymii s; l a Intl.- lam writine th'la at Sl'a ■ftar ten minute ujuueoaaafiil >i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 515 2 NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD. Maoulacturanof: DYNAMITE OR] IGNITE UELATINK DYNAMH* BLASTING ciKI.ATINI. DETOHAI IBf unrt run BLBOTBIC lURIM Ail UUX The above Kzploaiver beikj hl lurwarun 111 uun Beitiik, vi nun (ioriEKnisT in mi. imuniii, ocuu. •TRIXQTH "ru l '"J" UD TIIK BORNEO i oMI'WV LTD SOI.K AGENTS. Native KUIot,
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    • 934 2 Mil UK >» No il Mn-t. s\niiii..vni>p. Him a>. NOTICE. Fl CaplKin of lue liennan,ue A I will mil I- r. »pon.|l 1« for unv isbti ooalmctaa' bj the ere« of hio vpMel lunn|:li«-i nay in |K)it. i- KUTICB. I hi a—am »ik. 11. i.iMisw am j thit day
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    • 921 2 NOTICESTOWN HALL Friday, 17M June, ISUv 11/ 0 p. >v. \n Kntcilainment will be given by the HupiU of THK KAFFI.EN UIKLS frVHOOL. Kor the benefit c' the School Mai Fund. Programme Part Fikst. 1. Piano Duct. 3. Comic Dialogue. J. Mu-ical Drill. I. The Alabama Coon. Spain. l; Irian
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    • 738 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. Municipal MtMm TanjonR u-u Dock I'--' Prye River Dock Coy. Mtiaiw. Fraaer ai><< Neave Ltd. Debs. FOR SALE. Strain Steamship Cuv. Shares. FRA8F.K A Co.. u. c. Eicliauito and Share Brokers THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1888. bnonm i 111 Bankrupts. Adni. Order of l<S»i. I Ke Yoo Uny
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  • 1390 3 (Kril Article.) IHr; UW OF THE El-ROPEAN. AN I .NIHUEUVKU HEPROACH. ■Hj Berry Ilillman, lately of Bangkok) Taxal is much sympathy wasted in giniapon and Hongkong, to say nothta«olporla farther afield, over the lot I. iropean resident in Siam. ",,..-.ii ii i-l may paint Bangkok i,.1l on
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  • 117 3 AN AUSTRALIAN EDITORS WAIL. A writer in the fhnlliliiie. Jleacun" thin writes feelingly of the Press in that far North Australian part:—" It is ini|Hissible for pressmen to keep clear of sharks unless they are able to buy boots and clothes, and live like other people. The editor ofa paper
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  • 94 3 FOOT BINDING. A proclamation has liven issued by the acting I'rovincialJudgeof Hunan, 11. K. Huang Kungtu (f<irmerly Coiwul(.ieneral at Singapore), exhorting the people to unbind their female children's feet. It appears also that the district magistrate of Shaoyangli-ien has also of his own accord i-sued recently a similar proclamation destined
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  • 239 3 ELECTRIC LIGHTING. lAS I.M.INEB UTILIBKD. The electric light, expensive an it is. has made such headway in Shanghai. that the Gaa Company f.els alarmed It DOW aeaka to win lack its old constituents by pushing a system of independent 'electric plants diiven by gas engines The measure of success which
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  • 323 3 THE PORT. The <:t,», }y l, on arrival from London on the loth instant, remained at Paail Panjang, where she discharged a quantity of explosives into lighten, alter wbich she m. .mi. .1 1., TanjoßtPlfU wharf to discharge general cargo. The BraKßMyiH arrrred Btongelde Polo Hiani wharf y.-sl.r.lav meniing. from
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  • 537 3 THE PEDIR EXPEDITION. So far, the Hutch forces hare had easy work in l'edir, and hare ;.i:::-,| considerable advantages with alight lora. The Held force Unit mttde a clean ■weep of tilt' enemy around the start brought under lire: that the enemy's positions were turned one after the
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  • 329 3 . Til): I', kin correspondent of Ihe H<mgktmf IWeerapt writes, under date the nth May. that two most important contracts we're signed at the Tsung-li-Y.iiniu there during the previous week. The lirsl area a contract with tile Uu-.-t'hinese Bank for a railway one hundred and forty miles lons from la!
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  • 160 3 THE EXTENSION OF HONGKONG. TllK United Btatei naval authorities have l.c.ii utilii-ing Chinese Kowloon. >pe, ially Mn> !'..■>. Th: t bay and Ihe neighbouring territory, meaniringaboul two tquara miles, bne been l.a-.'dti'llnt.iin.andwillsoon form |H.rl of Hongkong. The 11u.,,,1,;,,,., 1'.1,;,r,n.1. aakt BOW; what are the American to do when the
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  • 534 3 FRENCH INDO-CHINA. THE HAINAN QUESTION. I lit Couvntf tie iSmnoB comments At It had yean ago urged the annotation of that island by the French Governdinit position in the Gulf of Tonquin. That journal coroplaius bitterly of the reticence of the Colonial Government in the matterofthefutureof Hainan, and concerning the
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  • 185 3 POCKET PICKING. Baaanur, an increasing Bomber of poi k.t flicking; cases liavc occurred in Sin^a|M,re. and th« police have been |.ul to considerable trouble to catch the offender special detectives being placed in Uattles Square and ol her placet where the thefts have been most frequent Yesterday, two thieves w.r,■•aught
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  • 246 3 SIAM. ■am *m> ptunn* uoaam Tba 5!.,,n llh^n-.r .Iw.'lls upon tinneed for devekwiiw tha available productive reaourcM of slam. It posut> ..lit tl 1.r.H1i., I Bin is lit |'.r.'-.llt ml. 1 luni'MiiM!. <>t ponntl? Imi.. 1,.. i] ipeol to .'\liait nld Iron, all, ■(•■■■l tvi'fs l.ut LbareianoUrnorfei Km
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  • 39 3 SUNDAY MUSIC. Tnbudol khaWaal V ik-liir, K, -i mont will |.|:.y tl. 11. piec« al Tanulin. on Sunday aftpTDOun Triumphal March "Aa-noria" Moor.-. lifitur.- 1..- li.'vgl .I,' Ilioiue" Auber 1i.»0.-.v.,,1i 10-llnttk'. Km. l.' WWae, SolKtiou Lii J.t otiu' ttorto'
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  • 526 3 HOME NOTES. A Wa widow generall> make* hay I nliiVth.' saasWaa* Crawford: "What do yru mean by a I MtoaiaMl good mftn:-" t'rabsbaw:.] 1 One of those who laltour (or low and 1 charity at a salary of about £1,1101) a year A hair in tb« 'butler Waiter, look, li.'re'lhn'uliissluuniitliol.uu.'i
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  • 144 3 s. v. A. CORPS ORDERS. 1. Orderly Offi.vrfor Um UMlflg wmki fad Lieut. K.I. BiBJllWM f, -jn,\ l.i.-ut. I*. Hilton i- tniMM II 1 ninntlie' l*-avt" from the Utk in>tant. Tin' 'allow i nn ir« j irl«*r» hav n(( NftMMd t<> lire ixi^tcl t > > BdImHtIsIoiH if follnw. :_<iunn<r
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 8 3 INNGESTfoNj j Condy's Fluid* 1 lMi^to"b«,inj "CntnV Sn.'Jl3.
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    • 204 3 NOTICES. JOHN LITTLE AND COMPANY, LTD. Bave just received a Shipment of American goods. K.YIKKI'KISK" NKW MKAT CHOPPER. Family mr. 6 li at Back, l 1 SI:!.".. 1 i. i ]uti -J S.->j:. Tlii- Mm. mi; M;i. lulu 1 din's not griml he meat like other Cnfttan tint CbojM I
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 230 3 WXATHBR i:i:i'oitr t\aiuttinn K>*l«tu lii-Mf-ua,. lltt/i Junr. ]>•'.** Ua.niSp.m.epm. p~— Bar. :V '-'7 Jo i".i.m I Temp. ci.l" rK.U.MU >._ .V. fflbThor 7!"..H T!"" ■5-= .>ir.ot\Vin.l S.W. E. B.W. o-jf II «x. IVmii. 8H.4 z Mm... MO 5f J Ma*, in Sun 141 I f"" Rainfall' Nil. WKATHKU TKI.KUIUM (<■.'.
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  • 447 4 . Swsirou, i;t» Jas*. \—t PRODUCE (Rate/ art emrtrltd to H .10 p.m. Jambler •<-« .'opra H:>li a '-4.V Jo l'onli»nak, 7.10. Pepper, Black, N 1 I do White,(6X) 4000 ■»«o Flour Sarawak 3.d0. IVarl 5ag0...'."!!!..!...!!.... Z 4.40. Coffee, Bali, picked 30.00. I Coffee l'alenibang, picked.... 30.00. I Coßee, Liberian.
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  • siiippini;
    • 108 4 SHIPPING IN PORT. I'mlcrUiiiheiulinKllu' following ahhreTiaions nn> uwd »lr uteiimrr'; sh.— »hip :q.|ii.- Brit.— BritUh; V. S. l'nite>l <UU»; Ft. French (tor. -German Ihit Hutch, .1011. 1. i11.. r.-; A. U. C. it.'ll.TV -Arfco d.n.— d«t-k pMwiin.Tj' L'.— Uncer Jim T. P. \V.-T«njoni< lV«f Whurf: T f. I).— Tiroioni!
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    • 949 4 TRADING VESSELS &C. ('wraalMrmwi. Brit, -tr 1.171 In-. Caal Donrard, iTihJun.-. Pm l^".' ana, Wli M»v. Or. Svm.nn.l C. I ITtli \V. i./.niio.i. l' I^MMMCkftfUMa, IKtli Jim,- From llonpiv. lit! Roust-nd :in.l Co For Kimgnon. I' It l« //wfra. Bnl. «tr «ltl lonn. I.v.miv lot!, .1..11.- PMn Haniki.k. lit tn<l
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    • 505 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. Samt port, protta' U dat of amviti. a' A.iri*. IM...1I1!. to 1.-.V.. Jun. 11.11 Haw \ Hongkonc, to lew iJuui-jU; I Vr.W«. llaiiil'iiiv.Jun. »;B»hnMfm \n, hi-.-". !.;>. r|»...| .Inn.' I- Mni.lir'U Atnlda, Hon«koO|(, Jul) I. I' Kimoo|i.llmiiHl.<'<iloiiii..i. Ju i. I' .V ii lli!>'..'ru 1d... .tun.".M li.lm M.M.r 11.
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    • 101 4 ANJER. r\SSK|I MINHA BTRAITS OK ARRIVED TOR ORDERS ra« inn, i>»«. m shi,»Na».: Coim>»i»» w raommu DansKm. gilLUia BW [an* aifr l-i. l>i aAans|BamMj PMi SMairi 11 ..llul i Hu.-.lfU.h May Manila Umpool TBrit|K,i,» Uclurdi Mar iltiacdM Hoogkotii flDut rim-.- M.-iii- Vi-«t A|.i NAmatordui Bata< i Kllrit l-i.1..
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    • 89 4 5 Vwu'< bw It. I'm i.inmit HI Van OoMM Hi lining Ann Hi* Id I,.i»i:i IS (,;.n.nun Hi <i -nOlpi 17 ftol kIMM A loan Cinm Km. MO --i Proton Dai to B7U Smiu Brit «tr. SIM Dualop ill I Lyon. sir. HIM k-ul «tr 19J5 ruhu- >-Tr
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    • 53 4 Dm. VuML'a Nix< FuulUk. OktUll 'uiu-lit Inniu K.nt 111 DuMI -ii htqubi .■i I' I'.lM-'i I'ir.t.m 17 Nmi Brit Kir I'.n-h 17 Cro»n „i Arr:i«.m llr. Dormrd 17 Owk D«>iM IT» CUHUi 17 lihr* MM nr, Maicuutti 17 VnnUoern l>ut Mr. Hmil 7 *rj IVj.i.n ml i-ii-' Henum
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    • 94 4 To-Mokkuh. NdHI via |H>rU Von GotM, a.m. S:«inuii 7'iftr*. Dam. Sjimaniiiji via port* ( A \<t, II a.m. l'cn}*u^ ftota, I ['••nang Am. L* p m. Mu'ir Far/alia, Spin. Malacca Klau« >nwiA«. -I p.m. Deli ,Nuwfl/ra, 4 p.m. [□ilragiri .4 <■■*-/ J i. 4 p.m. Cot if
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    • 87 4 MAILS TO ARRIVE. From Kl»orE:.-!ly liiv I\4O. IMUuml. unh .lali-m Uh ITtt May. tlw on Hi,. IMhiiuUnl From China H>ih.M.M. ;u on lll.Sllli H.-Ulll i :r Btngapon uoota i omion Arrivwa I Hay Mb P. k O. May Will May 90Ui Mai l.'Ilh M M lui.v.-.lli Juii.- Tlh Maj irotli
      87 words
    • 202 4 PASSENGER LIST. unuu I 1 Hf*a (nun Haiißtol. Mr Lmnd I.i i i Vm* Oiom from Ilatavin: Dr. li hlnmr. Minn (iuodyrar. Qramf ■dmou, Canpagoa, HcmUmaa. uud V. Slppa. ff.*O.».l.ft ll from lloilllki.liu l\ii ;<nd Ml- U'lntlry, Ml. and vl .1 m.-vit. Mr. (i. \V. K»jrar, Mn llniirni... Km ChUIH
      202 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 318 4 JKflNRNGR of Japan TOILET WATER tppreua'; and ihc WiiHiotadiifcrt i! Maati to Ihe skin Kananga Extract r;qa i Vivianne. PARIS JOHN LITTLE CO., LD. SINGAPORE. We liiivc just received a new lot of American Cooking Stoves. Lawn Mowers. Yale Locks, A: i". NEW RIVAL Stove for Wood. •MB Ml 17
      318 words
      231 words
    • 327 4 NOTICES. SKUKAVAI.LOS KERRUUINOrs QI'I.N'INK. The Ureat Au»rM trian Tonic of r.-i 1, vau vian Bark and Iron; JIJ over 300 medical Ww\ oortificate* notifying Fi» 11- troat .trrngthBI^BjV giving iironorlii'K 19 an-l, at the «n,, time, being of an JoJ^^^^^L KxgitaiTi! Tasti j^^^s3H Per Bottle fl.£">; (Cft JaT^Baaaa <r Caae,
      327 words
    • 33 4 ■HABBB UANTKl). i;uijunK l';i^ar Dtbaatora New Pr%« H.v.-r Dook .-haret. Slrnil- I,-.- <■..-, Mrait> Trwiiiiu Cuy. KlK s.U.K. Phmc i i.i.i. siniMSii.Hiii>lii|>r.n. Mnvnar.1 4 Co. LM. llMw SOMKKVIM.K4 GUNN. Eu.liHni.ti bhare Broki r>.
      33 words