The Straits Times, 16 June 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1898. NO. 19,557.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 780 1 nO BNKO COMPaNT. LIMITED V Oojea Janaj s T ig,tion Compaaj. gi^B-sKsSa--STEAMSHIP COMPANfES. FtMawa, IVuxTaa Qoiv 0 Whabvis Niw Harbocb. SfKAM NAVIGATION OOHPAHT. ?US"lniu AcsTKAi.iA., Eovrr, ««KSEII IKS (IIIIRAI.TAK, M ALTA, Baom v«ic«, plvko.-th, L v, I- ,'.f lading issued for reriian JSSlwiartaa^SC /w., *»f« MAIL LINE. „,-,«a«u Homkwabu.
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    • 1313 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. f'ONINKLIJKK PAKEIVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Inder contnu-t with the Netherlands India Government. Afe»t* al >-„, Sun- Aoikcv, un .1. Daimifui A Co.. J-S. Collteb Qdat. Steamer From Eipreted Will l»- IVspatchetl for On IWAUsanitr. Penang. Jane 11. Penang. Oleh-leh, Padang, an.l Sumatra's wrOoaat, June l«. Inn OiWftoorn. Sournbaya. !i. Hatnvin,
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    • 645 1 INSURANCES. rpHE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRK INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital Ba\WiM I'aid up Capital M*,7M Reserve Fund 67H.SM The un.lersißiied, A(t.-nts (or the ComP "bOUSTEAI) 4 Co. Tilt CHINA TRADER IBBUBIBW "UriM. LIMITKD. Capital Sul... r,1..l (3.......... Amount laid up eoO.(M>. L.~-r.e Fund I^JOIOOO. lv.i Orrics. ll -v..s Th* tindi*n»i^inil.
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    • 298 1 INSURANCES. 'pHK gI'KKN INSIHANCE COMPANY ROYAL INSIKANCK COMPANY. QBgggl I.wkc BnuOMa, In ki: 1 he unden-igned. Agents for the above Company, are prepared to take risks at MOOUIM 4 Co. rpHE STRAITS ISSURANCK 1 COMPANY, LIMITKD. AIU I.IIKI, 188 S. Head Om Mincipou. Capital Fully Subscribed ..$3,000.00r Capital Paid-up „.n..
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    • 1302 1 NOTICES. THE BBBrI THIN(i THAT KYKR HAPI'ENEI). rpilK I'ioii.-.-r LiK-kworks :itul Ceni-nl M.-tul Alig:irli. X \V Provin--1 ot*. The only practical Uckworki in the bat, under .lir.-.t Biuaneaa liliinaccinciit ami sujH-rvinioii. [f we .iiiim.t t v.un ie.|itircii,eiits. i.,,|.,>,1v .-1-, Out -trade mark, ,11 a 1,..k i- .1 .ulli, i.-nt
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    • 676 1 EFFECT H HABVBUXMTB" S'< S\\> TIII'MAS C FI.ASIIM V. Ksv. the wall-knowa merchant and proprietor lii-n,,,, Hon.' Kawau-i*!'!. when speaking alwiut some inslanc- when he gate chamWrlain's CoHe, Cholera, and D Ut- s: t Ha.c nin,-h pl.-ns-n- ,n le-iifvniK to the i-.-n.-i.,-,.,i reenlte 1 have •iperieooed from Chamberlains Colic Cholera,
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  • 47 2 STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY, 16th JUNE, 1898. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS THE PHILIPPINES. ESTABLISHED: 1831. PRICE 15 CENTS. [l$uJ>4criplum rates and advertising rate* may be found on the fourth ptuje.) HERMANS .HIM A I'nKl. Thu I.eriiiaii ■aMpaajaji are openly discussing the probability of (iermany aecuring a port in the Philippines
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 36 2 ALL AT SANTIAGO. Au American lieutenant has made a l. mi ..i ,i\.i! inn around the harbour •I laaUvja. Me i. the whole of tin) ci|>aiiisli fleet under Admiral Cervera is there.
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  • 24 2 M ULTILATION OF THE DEAD. RCAM.-II BAUBAKITY. Admiral Sampson telegraphs that the bodies of the American dead in that quarter have been barbarously mutilated.
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  • 46 2 FRENCH MINISTRY. nuuußom wwiiWi The French Ministry have been ileloafil ill I'ie of lleputies hy majnritj of fifty, in a delate ou their general policy. .Subsequently tin- Ohwbaf passed v Ministry by a majority of twelve. Nevertheless it is believed that the Ministry will resign.
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  • 290 2 FRENCH POLITICS. iiiam.k of Ministry is now iiu|K.iidiliK in Kran, The |.n sent Cabinet, undor the |,ivM,,er-!n|, a| M Melini'. the thirty-til'ih Ministry that has held power in France since the fall of the Empire in Iff* M MM entered into office in April. I*9o, witlt a decided Protectionist policy,
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  • 503 2 SANTIAGO'S FATE. Bantam d. Csjba i.- in bad way Not iiKiny siivs sin m M h;ul information that Admiral' Cervera was blockaded in the harbour uith a ll.vt ofSpani-h w,n ships- among them the best warshipe that Spain po-sc-sd Then iin,.- mt nens that the Aiuerimn blo.ka.ling Heel uii.i.T Adtiiiral
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  • 21 2 lit- Honour the Ofiiier administering Hie (luvermueut will be at home at (iuMiriinmnt House at 4.45 p.m., on Monday afternoon neit.
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  • 27 2 At übout Ul this afternoon, a lire broke out between Tanjong Ithu and THiijung Katuag. At the hour we go to press, further particular! are not available.
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  • 5 2 AtHlMat interpreter is advertised for
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  • 7 2 The mail for Europe closes at am
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  • 8 2 Messks. Warn Co. advertise for boremasters for Borneo.
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  • 12 2 H .M S Hauler left Hongkong for Manila on the Huh intant.
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  • 11 2 kmuumm lady to teach two girls in Sumatra is advertised for
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  • 13 2 l'KoiH'i'K, exchange, and prices, ai.d the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 12 2 II MS l'lorrr arrived at Hongkong on the nth instant, from I^Luan.
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  • 10 2 Mi--k- P..WF1.1 Co. advertise a half-plate photograph camera for sale.
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  • 13 2 Tiik v. Clietrick passed through the port from East to West yesterday after-
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  • 15 2 At Hongkong on the 10th instant, there was ooc case of plague and one death
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  • 20 2 I iik V. S troop:, ordered to Manila are eipected to call at Yokohama on the 16th or 19th in>t
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  • 19 2 Thl! Peiak Turf (lull intends to hold a race inciting at Taiping on the -'.".til and -'7th August next.
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  • 17 2 An. naaßM lVrhani will conduct the ei vices ill St. Mary's Church, Kuala Lumpur, on bunday next
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  • 21 2 TH Mail despatched from Singapore to lAiudon, via Ui in ii-,. on the May. was delivered on the l.'lth instant
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  • 19 2 The Mm* «MH lvi >» P"l'l>shed this forenoon. In the ntternoon a supplement will be added for the hon.eward mail.
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  • 18 2 Mkssks Lvii Assam and R. B. Lindsay advertise their entering into partnership as the Mng.ipore Kapok Cleaning Company.
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  • 23 2 Tub P. A 11. lt.ill.mml with the mail... was signalled at Penang at U o'clock to-. lav. ai.d is uun here on Saturday
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  • 22 2 IlltCio.eriiiiient are about lo acquire -".(.">«. anua feet of land, opposite the neiv Christian Cemetery on ISukit Timah Road, for a filter hid.
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  • 32 2 A CHINESE SUICIDE. A Chinaman, named Tan Sew Menc, living at 41. Newmarket Road, committed suicide r;irly this niornine. by haiurinK liiiiiMlffrotnaheaminhisuoti*.' When di-. -,iv. red his toes were touching the ground
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  • 45 2 ANOTHER TIGER SHOT. Avtiikk tiger has been shot at Biiiii-. P.'tak The hrute was carrying ot' a .log Ix-longing to Malay when the owner killed him with one bull, t A week or so back two tigers were shot by Malay in the *mik district.
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  • 35 2 MALAY STATES GUIDES. TilKtillcol Second in Command of tbt Malay States tiuides has been abolished, »ay» the FM KmhT oHi.ers in barge of the three out detachment will henceforth be called "The Officer comiiiandini; I>.tacli-
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  • 49 2 SAFE ROBBERY. A Kkkx. -iiman. ii. .tiled A :assiz. living at Hill Slre!'t. re|K,rts hat l.etw.en Ihe I .'.lh ui-t his -iile SM broken into. aad thai MH, mt 111 cheques, and a uioiicy order were s'olen He ;.us|M»cts a Hyluill boy The o.'k of the sal. n> akhtJ
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  • 43 2 FATHER SORIN. I-'atiikk Sorin is nhortlv leavini: K.r IVnani; to relieve Father -\\iin as Vicar ofthu hilmn Dmmi Pothnlir Chunk m the Sorthuro btloraaaat laoona; r/repati.n of the Cathedral of the <..~>.l Shepherd are raising a subscription purse fur ['H'miiiii; to thu rV-v.
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  • 1117 2 BUNDI TIN MINES. A lORMJK nin'l OPINION Tai I Wninn J'wf publishes the follo» ing letter from Mr. James IbM arren. formerly of Cornwall. Camborne, no* tin dreiser at the tin mint-, kerne man. Si. tin*-' Malaya It may be ot interest to read a few remark* on tin
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  • 154 2 NEGRO SOLDIERS FOR CUBA. It is known that the President ol the I'nited States .lesir.s to se.nie tho for the invasion ol Cuba, hut iin.lei tli.--ni-l call only four companies »r. ohlailml, all from the Northern >!..'.- What he wants lodo is l.,, haw upon Ihe great iiiiiss of sturdy
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  • 81 2 RIOT AT NINGPO. A ItJoal OBBOJOVaS Ningp... I v iwrt in China, on the Bth One rojaoß woo lasted ami eompletelj destroyed I'lieolli. ialsallll.d Tb,,..'..the riot is said to Ih- -ing to the re. cut increane in taxalioi. an I tin high pn.e of rice >:\ onndnd
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  • 1068 2 THE Mil ATION ON THE 4TH j UNK XaUMIt.NT ACTlvm TIK vomits of last ««k tightins L the neighbourhood of Manila r0y.t1,,, Hoaghong !»«»>**■» of the 5,:,',,., are unanimous in statin* that Gaunt Agokoaldo and those of whom he is command ha shown tliat they mm made of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 548 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD. Manufacturers of DYWMITK OKLIaHIT] HKI.AIINI; HVNAMIIK BLASTINU (iEI.AIINK DKTuNATi il:> BAFKTT FI7.K ELKTBIC lil.As'iiNti Ail'AKAirTM« ABOVI KII'LOMITIK, M|>c ,U. ■latitaorraSß n (lain l)m T ii», »k« mm (>OVIR»HIST, A.IU IU.THCKIFOU OPAStXrun to bi or auriuoa W u.iitt an aTMtSIITH TO HI OTIIIU |,l7l>lli tOU aaxiis
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    • 983 2 NOTICES. NOTICE ll'l. lim.tln-.l.iv „uroltice» lo XO 'cell Ml"' I i, >A.M)I LANDS. UITTEKY Ct> 4lhJui|, Ft NOTICE rHK OojMa nf the IK'nuan OOnBM hr .a «ill not be reaponatMe for any 1,1... -onti.i. Md bj tlie crew of hi. vessel ,> In port. is i NOTJrTCATION .v MKKi.i
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    • 666 2 NOTICE& I I TOWN HALL. Iriday, Mth June, I»9k. al 8 p. m. l l.t.i. ii incut will 1,, cueti by the 1-upils of IHK KAI Fl.Kis (itm.s SI HIM II.. >r tbo beuelit of the School l'rlz.' Fund. Programme pakt non I. I'lano llui't. 3 Comic Dialogue. i.
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    • 422 2 .ATESf ADVERTISEMENTS. WAXTKI). Municipal I >.■!. Tanjong Parar Dock Del*. Prye River flock Coy. Share* Franer and Neave Ltd. DeW. FOX SALE. StmiU Steawlhip (V>y. Share.. FKABEK A Co., t c Exchange and Share Broken iyA»IBP.-A Chine* Interpreter Tf from 7109 a. m. Apply 6, Battery (.i.i.l. lop Door. 16,7
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    • 84 2 H. 8. 8. iatestM tor Urn $tr*at I\m** akoold written nn rmm n>t« of th* puwr only. By the no*l«otottW<»mtitK», wmy 51.5.8. on n^led thavi mirht oUwrwiM bo pnb)iab«>d. AT •d*i*rt«h>ir oontr»ct« »r» aubifM^ to th« coaditioti tb»t Urn Nauflt muT >•«*• tJi« »4v«rtiao>m«tit o«t of Urn papn- in okm
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  • 873 3 CHAP JI KI LOTTERY. hkavy ram mw> y^teniay alternoon, before a court Mtgietnlm, consisting of Mr. g] ,<!! and Mr Bond, the adjourned b<ariß| "I IIM Chap Ji Xi lottery case n, concluded The defendants were: mßooiHw, alias Kirn Neo, charged vim place of which she had „,,,,..,r.iry ">'•, No-
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  • 70 3 THE NEUTRALITY LAWS. ma at iiihiihu ."■>!!»■ Mh ih.lant, ,1 «v „.|..,,t,,| Hongkong that Iba Carton iteamor "< n purcUied. and thai U 1 »:l- ..l'.iut to l»lv M.nil. ;m.l l(oa(koa(. K,.,./,,l v ,_,.i i.u.1.-ai.yili. ■ll..n i :lv..n; police, naiquaaUty of unu iod nbadbMnnund. The police Motion ofnoMlOOoraooriilM on
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  • 39 3 PATRIOTIC LADIES. Uhft ,t i. HMtad, ar, do MOMtliiilf to ihow ilnotMm Thnr, ttMreforo, moetinf ia Q |ia lIMI. wpre«uUtiv«.ofX princi l"*^° •dvociting ihf bonott of all v '''K'-Hi, ..n;i. W i.ii1,.V11,..,u.irk..,l l-ii.iuv r« 5,,,i1, in of .Uui .•,!.
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  • 550 3 NEWS FROM THE NORTH. THK FRENCH AT KWA.NaCHAII-WAN. Thk dovernor-Cieneral of French Indo-China recently paid a visit to Kwang-chau-wan the CUaw t H>rt, off Hainan, recently leased to Fran, c Tin <nirarnur-(irni-ralwent I lure along with Admiral l>e Bmwn.l The reeept.on they met from the Chinese authorities at kwangchau-wan is
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  • 191 3 THE STRAITS CURRENCY. lIN Ml.vfckx A.VI) THE DOLLAR. lie Slinaof Of tM straits Settlements, Mr. l'.uqual, the Hun See. g| tli<isnocialiou. aaiu that the mtmct had iT -I'll.' 1 tini 1 t'l'i'ii occupying tlic ha Oafcw) ivrtoilali'y. "ii,^ l!n, »r as the Native w,i,- inn crn»*d, would rt-rtainly pnftf
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  • 35 3 HONGKONG PLAGUE. Di line tim M boon on t.> n«n, rti- urn, .v mm ud :i dMttu Row uUoua san nponad at Uocukuni tuSfaM the lolal «:uce l.i Jm (1M rf-vii 1.J67 and 1,114 duthi
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  • 1546 3 CYCLES AND CYCLING IN 1898. 1 1// ir. 9 (By W. T. Hidlatt. U A.) KKiHTrt AND PKIVII.K..KThe present Btatus of the wheelman dates from the passing of the Local (iovernment Act of ten yean ago. Previous to that time various local bodies assumed the right to legislate inde|iendcntly for
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  • 33 3 HAVAS TELEGRAMS. China ha flUlMllwl to Knin.i- the right of ranstriuting a railway I'akhoi to Vunnanf,, t'liina hM also apn-i-d to rirc tin* coiiipcnsation doniandi'i! tvumw siuatioii of I'ero licrllioldct at Kw.uip-i
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  • 77 3 CARTON PROVINCE. ciiriuiKAK of ffrmim A BMMoaj h.-ia Ijc-n s-lart. i in tin I'it'vin fCnton and the taauiyenta bannptund tin- city i.f Chowdiowfo, little to th.' north of Bwatow ud pal toil. Mil. tl»' Ili-lii. 1 MnL'i-tr.itc and Ins nil.- Tli.- M^iMrat,. ■»>;.„„-,. I, burnt and tin- who!,- .li-ln. I
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  • 263 3 SPANISH SOLDIERY. Tiu. 11,,,,,,U V T.U.jn,,.',. Manila lamqwudaul ha> no liiiih •■pinion of 111.-S|«lMi<llM.l.|ilTVlll.T,. 11..,.,;,«i.1,.rs it t.> b« pitiful to M n many Schoolboys valiantly playing ;ii nr The Spanish •aldian beaaya, in probabl) aboul v younp :i< oni on Tfaomai «tkin< ..n tl.. ■■Han, and moat of the men
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  • 102 3 WEI-HAI-WEI. Lli-Kt sa T»i 31st May On tli.- Mh inst. th» ll.ii: -ln|. On lurion. Viea-AdoM Seymour, ami right into the harbour, deruongtratinf tlie fait that there is ample water foi her. and sin- wan -;>..>■ at lea»t 17(1 Sinr.- the British il.u lv- been hoisted the Chinese are quite
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  • 139 3 AHEAD OF THE MAN. I Kit U«y An intlm-mial raomtHM is lonuing in Itnghml to promote Mm Aiij:loAimnan Alliam-e. The Dotted Utatw tro.>p« canmad at K],.n li calebmtad tktQnaao'i Birtlulay very h.-aitily ti> dHMIMIntI (DM will to»ani< lII.' sui;si>li-d .illi.iiKf batwna Britkii tod Am. i: Bppots, Lord Wol»eley lias
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  • 294 3 Tut All-in left I'eiuwg yesterday afternoon, and is due here to-morrow aa which comes to unaot Booataad Co., mar lie looked for within tha nail (but .■r i'iv.-.lays. his understood that -he rails here for the puriiosc of coaling The Indo Ghin iHanm Haa 1. it I'alc.uttaoli the
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  • 162 3 THE TORCHLIGHT TATTOO. Tiik following i- the pragma! I tb* Torchlight httoo udConi -it t,> be bald Tumttn Bunelu from to ILBO ..11 Sulimluy night MIMTAIiV TATTOO. Hlel i: ,_l. i As-, M.1. 1t ..I l.uar.i. ol Honour: lOflwll Uuai.l C|-...5«1. Hull.-r) h. ml.-.l bj Band. I.'.i lri,h iiuanl (Cr.
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  • 60 3 VESSELS ADVERTISED TO SAIL. hi W AiKtrnlm. 5.,1 i,,,, on I7tt lua» W HmMfleM On .>r Boaetaad 4 Co Bangkok, iMi, doa 17th .lvi,,-. Baraw m Mmtai| tta M. v „,1,1,11, of .Inn.-, lichii M-\.'i -,v c, '.'■kulU Tta porm. .V, r1,,,.1,ta, on JlHli Jaw, iiou-i, I Co Honukoiiß. Amcar,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 495 3 SHIPPING. M>K BANGKOK rpilK -i.vw.i.-r u./:itt\. i- .in. !>., irih I in-l»nl, ami will have pnapl rorfn-iytil ;tii. i |'.i"ii;f. n|>|i]\ in mm '".MI'ANV.I.IMIIK.i ■WMMMW— T|[ F.ITAI.IANA. MM IBM A..l> BOMBAY fHK Itnlmii »u-miii>i LKTIMHKO, 1.117 I lon» iv|!..<'.i|iiaiii IMnm. having left Hongkong, on the l-ltli in«t. may Iw •Rpacted
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 146 3 AKUANCKMKNTS TBDMD4T, Mm .ll XX. fflgh Water. SJlopjn. Sebagor Race. Kirsl Da] Switchback Railwu PkneeTheatra Kkh..u. 1 7ni JBM High Water '■> in a m v 11.I 1 A bomeward mail cloaw m K.C. C. Crickel ItalNei Bel 1 Hporta 3 KalHcU iris' School Bntertainnienl Town Hall a >.i; U4Y,
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    • 81 3 WEATHER KEPORT. Kmtdmt Ktrtau gmpiu, 15Mi Vi,«. law 9 p.m. Kkn*kk> By. 29.882 H3? Temp. M.i xr.O mo VV.B'll .Tht-r W.» no S, Dir.ofWind E. K.».t E. M«.T.n,p. H Terr. red. 74.11 5 2 ■Uiofall Nil. \S KATHKII TKI.KIiIiAM |K K. A.JtC. Ttli graph (VI IM fwr uuMOKoita RitroMii'UT
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  • 462 4 . SINUOU. ltn Jill, IM. PRODUCE (RaUi a n eomdtd to 12 *> j> «a. > u»ii.u.t \M. Coprm Bali „7*5. do Pontianak 7.10. Pepper, Black, MjOO. do White, (6X) m.» S»K,iKLmirS«r««aL 3 SO. do Brunei.. t.\K Pearl Sago 4.40 Colm/BiIL. P^ked mitt Coffee Palerobang, picked ;«m«i Coffee, Liberian. No.
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    • 114 4 SHIPPING IN PORT. I'nder Urn heading the f.i'.l.iwinitah! >r.'v 1 tionsara us«<l ulr tteamer «h.— ship I tq— uaroue; Brit--Britisb I. S. mile.l Stale., t'r. French- (ier. ( Dut. Dutch; .'oh. Johore. Ac., G.c, General carco d.o. deck paaaengers I*. In. -t uin; T. Y. W.-Tanjong J"agar Wharf; T. P.
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    • 1274 4 TRADING VESSELS &C. ■aWafcaapM Brit Mr 1 Mt loll-. CM Ham ii>ch Jam tnm r ftm. n li June Oil. T. C. Bogaardt. For I -i.-k .1 k-. l«lh-W. ft I fat I Brit. «ir I S7lloii«('ipt Dnvi.l.Uli tow, From HninlwMWIl Jwm. 1; c toii<i.-»d and Co F..rC»l.utt«, V W.
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    • 487 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. Sam,, port, pmhabU dat, fit mrrwnl. am Horn* ajnm. I Adria. H'kong. to leare June II B Meyer. Afridi. Hongkong, 'rave Jan.. 211 I Arabia, Huul.uik. Jun.- M Behn M.-».r l.iv-rpool.June ißjMaatflsh I .Un Hongkong, Jjly I P. Sim. 1 Ballaarat. Colombo, June It P. «0. Bantam, shava,
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    • 118 4 5 Vmui Njmii A Tom. Cimu Kwn SiiLlu. I'omioiu* Klo J'nr U K«;»i«l'nn Ch. Mr IMI QUto Mi.lill.-1.r..M:« iBOfM 16 Kltn.k.lal. Unl Mr MM I><j»ci X,iv York \i.l ;jM:ur IS Hippho Mr m Walil k'lsni; Ji.n, U> >■. 1 li.lx l r.i atr. 1.'>71 D.ivii'. Huriitkunii Jum- (Booi>Uad MM
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    • 107 4 CLEARANCES. DITI. VllilL'l NAHI Klv.,( K OttlUl bUTUUTIOH June 15 Aiitli. Brit sir. Un K «..rthv Dunkirk 1-. KudalCHtb >tr. W l( v n K Ja t >»: Ii Ki«nY«|.g >lr. Kun..tli Muar nn.l'i M l-«uit.i >.tr. ilu.lh.ui Mwr ■art If aliTn lii Sulun vlr. Cliuiwil lli-iil'L.ili- mii.l
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    • 68 4 . SaiuaraiiK via porla (Han? Ann,' II am. P?nang and Dull Calypso, p m Cone \U poru Sri Ptaatan, a p.m. Bangkok Htcati, 3 p.m. Malacca A Klang JVwro, 4 p.m. Bamaraog via ports OfaM .S>>i./. 4 p.m. BatmiuY. Saigon r*rt. 0 a.m. Malacca Klang .s'nji'*... 4 p!m! Deli
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    • 96 4 Kkom Eikupk By the R l O. H«tUui,<it, »il!i ilstc- in Ihr Bik Mat. .lv- on IU« lltlll liMll From ChiDa: By lUi- V.tnt. /'..r™ nullr., '111.- (.11 til.- llth lllrt:illl. -ft ."iiiropon- l>ur in I.mulon Arrived IU] mh P. o. M»> Nth M»\ aoti, M»v l:lt!i
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    • 92 4 PASSENGER LIST. AMUVAL-" l>r h v tfanafea from Klanff via porti Mr un.l Mrs |\.her. M.'».m>. Flanl, Niebol- Ki.l.insun. Thol.urn, .»l llourn Iv. from Paleinbmng Mr. Moltli'iihaurr. lYr». <;l. ».i«lf from L..mion -Capt. U.I Mr, Campbell, and Mr. AUonl. IV T.l.rr from foiKoo -Mann. lll.m Kuult. ami Mr. Kerrut l',.r
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    • 155 4 TO ARRIVE. {for StHgtrjHtrt). haven via ports, ilur on the .Mr.l Ji.n,- Mr AiiKti.t n.i'hn, Mr. and Mr*. Wil»on, Mix Kl(n.l.' \Vill»tc, Mr. and Mr- Kin talk*, Mr 11 Uasaa, Mr. Blo.hml/, and Mi. Hou. r.-r M. M IfIBIMTI (ion. M»rs,ille» .lull.;, He. \V. InpaM (Arab >v,r EM), P«r P.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 341 4 NOTICES JOHN LITTLE CO., LD. BIKGAPOBK. We hitve just received 1 new lot of American OooUllg Stoves. Lawn Mowers. Yale Locks, Ac. NEW RIVAL Stove for Wood., I? In; 1 in: Hux will taU wood •Jut long. XO.O/'O mt Klch 1 560.0" HEW PARAGON Stove for Wood. ■aaofatamtt H
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    • 187 4 NOTICES. Swwl Scents from flowers, RIGAUD'S whiti MUlt RIGAUD'S whiti mk RIGAUD'S WHITI JaIBIK. RIGAUD'S whiti wm. RietUD'S whiti mit. RIGAUDtC, mm Paris J PILSENEK BEER. kr ■in 1 Mi-i.i.ii i. siv. k MM, BEWARK OK IMITATIONS. Nost QMMaI wiTHoiT MM TWO lABKL." BKIIX UIB A- to.. tu. 111. |H
      187 words
    • 41 4 SHARKS WANTED. Municipal Itotentarm S£. Tanjong l'«t«r IMwiiture DouJs. New Prvf Riw Dock Mbares. M ,> ri.v.l t (V.V .-■r,, I..-I Ktniits Tra.iin K Coy. FOK SALE. r^ngprans planting sbm>. Kr.i-,r 4 N.iiv. Ltd. Straits »ti'nmship Co\. SOMERV1I.1.K4 0UNN, KirlL-ingi' Shar* Broken
      41 words