The Straits Times, 15 June 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 15, 1898. NO. 19,55 ft
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 682 1 BORNBOCOM^ANT.LIMITBD T»' SfaMaVtaiaM .'o-pany. STF.AMSIIH' COMPANIES. 1) Qrmm, Collvbb Qn»Y f> r WiiA»VM,NßwHiaßooa. W******. \l-fTHAt.IA. AI>KS, BtiVPT, INP Iit>It!»OI«. MAIL LINK, mm** Hombwjkd. IHUB. jn i. 1* ibffot yaiiini. (sp»i»> J^Tto, Kurop«.) IhW. I I. i Ju" 1 i I 1 ar <! lulvl4|'J»w> -'"'V Auj I Me* •'«•> i,"
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    • 1100 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I'IININKI.I.IKK I'AKKTVAAKT MAATSCHAPPU liKl.-r contract with the Nothirlandi India Government. Jiitmfn al Shwii}«>rt: Slur Ai.KKi'Y, late J. Dabndbls A Co., !f-3. OoLLVBB t^UAY. si.-sni.-r I Btpacted Will b» Daapatched toe 0j J<n>ar<i. It.-itavia. June 10. Batavin, ('hrrilion. Sainarani;, Sourahavs. .M.-iui.l.. nn.i 'Inn,, r. June It Mali IMi.
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    • 650 1 INSURANCES. THE LONDON AND LAICCASHIM FIRE INM KANCK COMPANY cnpit«i m,wjm Pbi.l up Capital XU,IM Reserve I'lind 67r1,5*5 Thf un-lernigned. Agents IM |)Hiiy. nn' prt-|»Hn-il to ai-copt .ire iiA-iil 4 Co. rwvat imixa ikahlr oMnuKS J. COMPANY. LIMITED c.pit.j s U b«ribi-7 mm ■■ma Kuna i, OH II ii 11
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    • 455 1 rpilE gI'EKX IXSIRANVK IiiMI'ANY KOYAI. IXSIIIAM K COMPACT. Honii'llUl(v<: (jrnii« bMin Bantam, limiMt Tin- iiii<l*T-i^rii-«l. Ap-nti for the atK>v.Company, in pr.-iwivil lo Ma n-k- maim 00. THK K Tit A IT.* I NSC HA Si 1 F IDMIAXY, LIMITED. i !--.<. HUH SlSOiloM. Okpttal fWlr sui«.-riii»l UDO Capital Pani-up !.«*<■»
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    • 500 1 j (NOTICES condensed Milk The "Milkmaid" Brand is guaranteed oontitin till thr oream i>f the original milk, 0 WLaU l le process of manufacture nothing but water ™tn.^.u/^B ta removed, nothing but tho best refined 'U I Avoid low-priced brands from which the jLM'EJu. U cream lias been abstracted, and
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    • 239 1 CHINEBE UIRLS' BCHOOI. rpilK aeoal Balf-narii Sals I arful .in.i Pane; Articles, In aid ol the (nil.,- ..I Ihe:il..n.-5h0..1, will take pl:i.v. Ood willing, in the 1 pp« ft Town Hall, on Friday. 111.- -'III. of .Inn.-. sal m hi log al I o'clock In tke MKssks. GHEE SOON ,t
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    • 415 1 'HT 18 REMARKABLE," SAYS MR W WILSON. THE I'Ol'll Ml Chemisl at Hawaii-isi.: ami MrmiKi How Caambarialn*s C in«h famed) In .attained a pro t. and Hioiuili it ha. Vfhobavan eilt i i I nn.-onvtn.-eil thai it poaa Ballties I neier h.-ilal.- to r.-,-,.iiiM,. n.l ii to all who
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  • 14 2 DEATH. At the (ieneral Hospiutl. on the 14th instKiit, Joiiv *UMBWI Vimcest aged >e»"
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  • 63 2 STRAITS TIMES WEDNESDAY, 15th JUNE, 1898. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS THE PHILIPPINES. Kctablishku: I mi i'RIUK 15 CENTS. [tiulecriptiun rala and adttrtiiing rota may Ik found on t'w fourth po«e.| oKUMAx mmki ox wava. Itutulun, 15//t Juice. Attention has been drawn to the con- j oentration of German men-of-war at Manila. Rumours
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 31 2 LEITER'S WHEAT CORNER. OHUMH CHICAGO. Lfiters wheat corner at Chicago has Collapsed. Ten millions of bushels have been thrown upon the market in consequence. A heavy decline in prices has resulted.
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  • 38 2 JAMESON'S RAID. OKFICEKH KKIXSTATED. The has decided to reinstate, on half pay, unattached, all of the officers who |iad forfeited their commissions by taking part in Jameson's liai.l The only exceptions are Sir John Willoughby and Colonel Rhodes.
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  • 59 2 VICTORIA CROSS. PwMMM TO BE OIVEX Mr. Brodrick. the I'ndci wawntarf „f State for War, has announced, in the House of Commons, that the Victoria Cross will heucofortu carry with it a pension of lifty puunds a year. Right to pemion arises when the Crosi has been conferred on soldiers
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  • 22 2 TAMPA EXPEDITION. MMimi KISOM HI WKMT It is officially announced at Washington that (ieneral Shatters expedition has left Key West for Cuba.
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  • 21 2 A CTIOn AT GUANTANAMO. A.MEKICAX LOSS. Fba American loss in the recent action att iuantanamo amounted to only five men killed.
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  • 306 2 GERMANY'S INTENTIONS. To moat people, we imagine, the our telegrams to-day, that Germany has designs upon the islands of the Sulu Archipelago, will come as surprise. It does not MB pos-ible thai the rumour can haw found its origin in any naval concentration on the part of Germany. So far
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  • 289 2 LEITTER'S FALL. Hum disaster BU I.eliUlen youni; j Mr. i..ii,r who had •aaady nafW to beat tlii! record in wheat COTOBm His lather. rich speculator, had n-thiHl from boafaaai when tin MB ■IBMIII HH Mi Ql commercial illation. Though yoiinj; in >iir>. l.cit.r Junior ■•owed -n. li aptitude ami (Btarprin
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  • 434 2 "THE SONG OF THE STRICKEN." W>. ;im 1 1 1 1 in .mother column a poem m ulled "The Song of the Stricken. Tlie writer deals with nations which have once been great China •Slain, I'ersia, and Turkey- and with their present state. The substance of the hope of the
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  • 22 2 III." Honour the Officir udministoring the Omnaal will bo at homo at liuvernment Boon at 4.43 p.m., on j Monday afternoon next.
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  • 94 2 llßlnsHKKs everywhere will hail with satisfaction the recent decision of the War Met In future, Mr. Brodrk-k explained in the Bnm of Commons yesterday, the Victoria Cross will < any with it a I'.-iiMon of £50 a year. This pension, however, will only be paid to thoße soldiers -and presumably
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  • 158 2 It was in June imw, tbat the trial of Dr. Jameson and his companions took place in Kncland, anil resulted in a sentence ■.f Mm months' imprisonment lor Dr. Jameson, ten months' fur Sir John WUloughby, seven menu,*' for Major Robert White, and In,- months' each lor Colonel Cirey, Colonel
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  • 8 2 Thk homeward mail closes at >• on Kriday.
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  • 10 2 The Bbviii Owdan will be published at 10 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 15 2 IVoi'i. k. exchange, and share prices, in. l the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 12 2 liilki: will he regimental athletic •ports at Taiiglin on Thursday, the Klrd.
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  • 15 2 Thk King of Mam is ■ill 111 to ..sit Japan oni -hurt holiday in August
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  • 15 2 It-It Tin: Hr'M Yorkshire Regiment will ande for BrlfuU En-rciae at Tinglin, m Friday mania,.
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  • 16 2 (.las in the East-where coal ii ear ia not the light of the future, ays lv.".*.n(
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  • 15 2 Thi Singapore Philharmonic Society will give a Popular Orchestral Concert about the end of July.
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  • 21 2 We regret to state that Captain Vincent, of New Harbour Dork, died about i o'clock last night in the General Hospital.
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  • 18 2 Mi-'R- li Aptroot Co. advertise that they have established themselves is commission and estate agents in Change Alley.
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  • 23 2 Ni mriks ofSikh policemen are BaW to lie enlisting at Bangkok, the pay having been raised from fifteen to twenty ticals a month.
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  • 22 2 Ar-r«R the torchlight tatt.w at Tanglin on Saturday night, an open our conceit will lie given. The proceedings commence at J* o'clock.
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  • 37 2 Japanese papers are telling the story of a fraud worked upon a Herman linn in Yokohama by one of its chief employees. The sums stated by them to htm has fraudulently dealt with amount to pa*,
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  • 36 2 Thi Swm tH*~mr leains that II H. M. Consulate there will begin a series of prosecutions for afln lafjalialiim There appears to be quite > number of KuropiMiis who have failed to register themselves at the Consulate.
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  • 40 2 Mk and Mrs Clifford.™.! Mr Ilibby leave this afternoon by the MaiajM f..'r Klang Mr (Tillord proceeds to Kuala Lipis -the new administrative capital ofl'ahang but Mrs. Clifford remains at Kuala l.umpur fur a time Ur Bibby proceeds to Kaub.
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  • 49 2 Vies- Admiral Stork, the new Commas-derm-Chief of the Russian Kar East B<|uadron, was to havegoneto Port Arthur by the Russian transport FWmbV, which left here yesterday, but for some reason he. has been delayed. He is expected to arrive, howevtf, at an early date on his way to China.
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  • 33 2 PARSEE THEATRE. The programme .it the Parsec Theatre, last night, under the patronage of Mr Seah l.iang Seah, was numerously attended. The play staged we il successfully with the aid of Knglish songs.
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  • 67 2 JEWELLERY THEFT. A llokic.v named l.iin Low, living at 31), I'pper Macao Street, reporls that between 111 last night, and US tinmorning, a box *****, ining jewellery and clo.hing to th; v \ie of «-'7 was stolen from his nedroo .1. There were no niarku ofaforced entrance, and the BoHe*
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  • 84 2 THE SULU ARCHIPELAGO. Tub extent of the Sulu Archipelago under Spanish protection, to which to day, is defined, in a protocol signed at Madrid, March 7, 1-;,. by representatives of Great Britain, Germany, and Spain, as including all the islands lying between the we.tern extremity of' the island of Ml
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  • 113 2 . It will interest the friends of Mr Wiuuins to know that letters have been received from him, from home, of a .late up to lot h May He went home b\ the ,v (> bnrnn, and, as a tribute to P. A I feeding he notes that
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  • 98 2 SAILORS ON THE SPREE. Ykstkrday afternoon, Km or six Dulcli ud (icniian sailors presumahly under the inthicnce of drink, cndeiuoiirrd toboardthe M ,M. llHliri, the crew of which ship resisted the invasion, lv the Utl that t..11..w. .1 the Dut, hmen and I ierinaus tried to force their way by
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  • 118 2 POLICE CASES. \s the .Summons Court, yesterday, on the prosecution of i j,",-i S.iiut.m Inaiwctor Mayhew, Ta Ti Kow. was ill liu ilnlltii and entafor •toftai lilty'-sii cuMof iii ■W— .'l* the niiniLer allowed in his ill the same Court yi-hrdav Mm Mr. Eliuni, Sy.d Shaili was
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  • 232 2 OUR NEW "DESTROYERS." I'm: A.lnnrnlty. from all npwta, is wideawake at present to Uh (rowing Imr,nilanni of tin daattoytr in naval warfare 1.i.11e by little, says the Sloming fW, a fatmkUbla lie, t ..f destroyer* i» beinj; gathered loaathar in ■MM water- Sun,,- „1 these Intl.. vessels have been sent,
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  • 406 2 ILLEGAL ERECTION CASE. mr. a. cloi'ct tnmmm. Yutkmiav afternoon Ub BlllMi Mr. A Cfawl was summn for (I) erecting a Inmndary wall wT^,' gmng n0t. and (J) I* lot Sg? m a plan to the fniMlhihllmi of Hun^lit, Km, ZaL j charge of not providing a verandah but tins wa,
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  • 50 2 PIPE THIEVING. Co.Mi'Ui.vrs have been made of Ua lothep.liceby Mr. Ililliei. liranch School, to the cue. t that ton one has been .-tealing the pip'of attache! t., the nhaol V datactin waj 1l e.I on the watch, and 1,-'I I a man was in 'he Id cutting the pipes.
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  • 428 2 THE UNITED STATES AND THE PHILIPPINES. M. Ilosm, the Japanese Mmi -i. called 't the Damd State-, BUtl Department on the IHih May. ..n.l rhniad therejiortH originating inS: I', t.i-! ,i; that Japan had objec e.I r •cquUilion of the PbilippiDM > I niicd state-. The Timm ItcwYorl criespondent says
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  • 113 2 STRAITS CURRENCY. \J,;. WILL nit MArin: Tm Si'irot.iiv ol thi Chamber "f Coiinner. c lia> from Urn Hon C W 8 Kynnersn-y, Actint; Colonial So r.lan. tl letter in rcfcieuee to I I Currency Col tl Secret' Sir, With ii.i. i. ii. Jin I uarj resului i. mi- r.v v.:
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 496 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD. Mannfvtnr.r.orDYRAJfI il "Kl.niXlTfc 'ir.I.ATINK hvv M I I k BUURINU min^-j,;.^,,,,,, ■ARTT Fl'/.K THE BOBJreo COMPART, LTD HOLB AOE.NTK. N "7. B.V8 .V' t '"^'i r j"». and Born«, HAY*. AX WAI 8 IN SKM'K AM. JHE ABOVK. SIDEROSTHEN PAINT. I IJM „<„„,,,„ ffiOM AND
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    • 829 2 NOTICES. HEW HARBOUR DOCK COY.. LIMITED. NOIKS k li.-r.-uv c,.en that it is inli-tidt-dtii apply fur an Ordinan.-e fur the following ur unit of the following purpoooi that i* to say 1. 1.. OHHOI the third OfctUOO of th.oMtnf Memorandum of Association of Hi,- c,,iiip.iiiy an.l to rabatlluta therefor.-,-l»uiw» aulhori.ini:
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    • 837 2 NOTICES. TOWN ham. I'ruLy, l7tkJtme, 18»t-. ut 9 p. m. An Knlertainment will be given by the Pupil, of THB (illil.s SCHOOL. rur tl.e Ik ut „f id,. School Mn Fund. Programme Pa«iKi«,i. I. Tun., hue :l. <\.mi... Dialogue. J. HukalMU. i. The Alabama Coon. 6. S|mni.-h Dm, I'
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    • 598 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WAITED. Municipal Debentures. Tanjong I'agar Duck Del.-. Pry« River Dock Coy. Sbaroa. Frascr and hrn Ltd. Deb». FOR SALE. ~i i .hi. Steamship Coy. Shares. FHABEK Co.. v. c. Kv'!ntii X,'K and Share Brokers r E tmm established ourv'vi-s t)ii> fur, a» Coiuiin>..ioii hikl Estate AgenW in Change
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    • 66 2 M. 8. S. iute»Ud (or U» Timm ahoiM k. writUn on nnr ud» of the pun only. By Ihf nwl«t ol Hat toaditioo. m.n/3. S. S. nj«**l th*t mik-lit ,ihrr»,w bit {<u>.|i«h~l All ».l»*rt sin,- rontraou *n> .uliis-t to Urn eon.lition th»t th» UMUMrvr ma.v l««r« th« kdTarbaMU«nt out
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  • 329 3 FOOT BALL. R. A. t S. C. C. .unsutv game tinder Association »is played yesterday afternoon, tb'e above teams. The K. A. inning the toss elected to play towards I i The S C. C. were without the of tlieir usual players, i lia.l not such a strong team as
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  • 131 3 COTTON IN JAPAN. cotton mills in Japan. A meeting „f representatives of the industry was bdd ntentlv and the following pro- discu-sed (1) Tocstablish .it, n mill company under the „i In* Chwwo Bos'eki Kwaisha f „i u.tialCotton Spinning Company), aitll a paid-up capital of I. >,-n to be increased
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  • 407 3 NEW LONDON BORNEO TOBACCO CO. As exttaordinary general meeting of the above company was held at the „;!,,i s. li.l. l.caden'liiill-stieit. on llilh May, the Hon. 11. C Strtitt, Ml', (chairman of t:,e company) presiding. The Chairman said that he desired to lay More the shareholders the state ol' ■ffakl
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  • 179 3 THE PORT. I'mk Italian steamer M...i'.m is duo from Hongkong cither on the mh -i-t instant. She bungs cargo for noon n,e which left Koji ..tithe Ultimo, with a full cargo of cals 1 i tliis port, may In- aspoowd at any rheO. H S Juaaa, having dnv Uarged it^o
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  • 665 3 THE EMPKROR RESTIVE At a private council of the Emperor and his ministers recently held, it is stated that the Emperor enquired the condition. A minister replied after the usual formula, urging his Majesty not to give I il to silt-It idle talcs. China wastho Middle
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  • 262 3 PROGRESS IN SIAM. Lord Salisbury.- Convention of .Itinuary, Isuo 1 in regard to Siam, the Siamese authorities constantly turn to India lor assistance in the various departments of the Administration, remarks the W.i.i t Baowtti l'rior to that time, when toman* were needed they were obtained dire! Iroiu Bunpa, and
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  • 120 3 TRADE ON THE YANGTZE-EIANG. l'nt net value of tbfl import trad* (dixt'inguUbing f»reij;ii and uatire imporla) of tin- Treat; Mrta .'t lb* VangtM tot 1»B wai a- foUowi: K.MiMin llL'.:tL'.'l.".V.. Native il.7.' 1 In- value of exporti from the Yangtze part* last yeai ni t 'HWJl.t'-l With regard li> the
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  • 486 3 RAFFLES SCHOOL SPORTS. nnr uay. Yisterdav afternoon, the first day of the Raflles Cricket Club athletic sports was held on the Kafflcs School ground. The programme was a long one, and included a larger number of entries for the various events. A good start to linish everything went off satisfactorily,
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  • 158 3 CEYLON PILOTS. I.IMITED I.IAIIIUTV ThoOoTanunoßl ofCeylnn piaajOM to pass a law to limit the liability of pilots there. The main provisions are these: A pilot apiminUd by the (iovernor shall i not lie liable for licgicet or want of skill beyond the sum ot one thou-and I up, cs. on.
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  • 171 3 NAVAL NEWS. The Japanese cruiser lUtnanoe has „i n;.1 .h,1 all her trials, s|M>ed and ginnery, and has 1,,.,.,, litiisht-d for sea at the Walker shipyard of the Klswi. k Arm. She realism a «|ieed of IBM knots. Her crew an. on 1.0ar.1. Hen site leaves for .la|mn very shortly.
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  • 361 3 HIGH HOUSE RENT. THK Bni MIT AT HOSuKOX... Arlh -if;, a company wan starleil in Kobr act, for the umnwrilMlllQlll ..I thrift ..s.i acain-t hii:li hoona nuts It Lore the iiatne of the I'liina Troviih'ttt l.oau ami Mm t^ai.'.('oiii|...iiy The Srat nectiiic of shareholders was held at Uongkong on
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  • Article, Illustration
    965 3 CHESS. (cOSDIITSI) BY KIKG'» PAWS An cbeu eorrupondence should t« addressed to Kings r-awn." Solutions: Problem No. 3K (Obermann) *i—Kt3; So. 39 (Sorko) IJ-R Correel solut s received from Nil De>l>erandum, He 11,.-.and l.o M. I res. Nil Desperanrtum draws my attention to one of my hints on problem com|Hi*iti'in.
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  • 76 3 . Wk are Nations old in story. But the roblx'r > am outwore Our great strength that WOO us glory lv the spHciuili, days o( yore They have lift us bruised and gory B> the road we tread no more We be im|H,tent and dying. As
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  • 83 3 When we ran wild OJ »M| and >tr.'ani. Sava-;e. un.-lad uncouth. Will] t.iiud- too nn to even dream Of Knowledge, Vli'ue, Truth. Proud M JO know not pride. W,-e with ii lore llial doth elldow He other ran hanatnl Vet, since your b,»N have given ye Soiiiedetliiess. paltry, base.
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  • 91 3 SPAIN. Judge, oil nn Brother., judge for me The measure of my pain See. oh my Hri'th-i u,-e[i to seiTM broken bawl ol (natal Behold Hie lands 1 won and kept Abject liencaih my yoke. The mm n»i miiiiitv j;all -onn -w.-pt All li.-M IV Mrniijcr folk.! My pioreer., migbty
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  • 66 3 PERSIA. Mv |n--i- lulled me with thrir lay> Till kindly »l«-|i came ocr me And brought a dream of ancient da¥^, And India prone before me. Then I awoke alas, no land Hul toemi-n twain on either hand I're-M-d bard upon my border. Sing to me Hati... Omar, xinß, Beguile
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  • 72 3 TURKEY. -si. k nnto death* -aaajh-laal I'hey m\ dam an lia( I Ih-i. i-.-i-.-1.--> l.atil.le l.r. ak» my n-^i. l'l-..t. -tin-: ami amemlini!. Si-e at their aelghbe 1 rs' throatn the] tl>. Like Baiiie-oooka ha <t on t gluing, DlapatlU how to help me vie. While I look on delißlitini!
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  • 46 3 CHORUS OF LITTLE NATIONS. Fon-ilnoninl in wi\ n l>H|lll folk, lljv.- ni.r. v tli.ll. «ti l.or.1' Oh. n> fnim fon-igii yukr. Km :in.l fi.mi -m.r.l. tot y.l little Ioiikit 1 1. ..»t Lord thv nii'rry riMm The land i- 1.. Iha ilioitii, au.i Ikaaad, ««kiio»
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  • 132 3 Bnik.-n oar -pnil-. the -v.v .Utlial we l«?ar Tlin.-i- In ok.-n in pitil,--- atnfv Sorrow.,lurk -orro». !!■•> carl. Hint »ew.-ar ror UM .lava that arc left v- of liCOnal Ooil from thy Heareu i..,,k down on Lead thin.- .-ar to oui- ry of llaMall'l Sore
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  • 114 3 CUNARDER SOLD TO GERMANY. Tan Canard Staanubip Co] Moln.-r ranaaa ateain. r 7> .i./.'.'hastieuinoldlo the German Government, and haa Ml l.iv,T|..i..| tor Wiili.-hn-liav.n lv 1.W.1 i,avaUt.,r.-f...i;,-r,,iaiiKiao.-liau. The Trimdmd ii b»int all hw oabiu taken out X) that ah.' ran load M nimli am as ]K>ssilih'. ll i- uiulcmluoil that she
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 651 3 NOTICES. KELLY WALSH, LTD. Itm KKCKIVKD COIN'S GOLDEN MAGNET, A SWKKTAM) ntAOEAUT TOBAOUO 1(»K THE ril'K. IN HKItMIKTICAI.I.VSKAI.KDTI.NS. (^iiiirti-r lb. sif, Halt lb. 0.90 One lb. 1 «<> KELLY WAESII. LTI>. MAISON F. PAUL 4k 00. I'KKXCH HAIIHtIIKSSINi; SAI.OOX. ■Ml lli.' honour tv iiilorni the ladii-.-ol'.Shig; and Ilii-ir eMtanaaU lh:it
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 246 3 WKATHBK KKPOBT. A' ralnii lfaa»ffal. nil, Jwu, lsx. II 1.1,1 Xpn, RIMAKKB. Bar. 3V.BXSID.7BAiB.M9 Tomp. 98.3 » si 11 wr.iribThei si a r»o ::m ie Ilir.ofWimt K. S.W. n.W. k! Mnx.Teni,,. BA 2~ Mm... V. H.l Mm. in Sun 117:' Baln'rall Nil. s WEATHER TKLKQKAM. (K. C. A ,i-
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  • 503 4 . Siikapou. i.'itm Jimi, IMS. PRODUCE (Hntet are corrected to 1n .4.1 I Gambler t -V<"!Copra Bali 7.46. do I'ontianak 7.10. Peppar, Black. AM). do White, 39.3S Sago Klour Sarawak JO. Pearl 5ag0...'...! 4.4H Coffee, Bali, picked>. Coffee PalemlHrag. pickad... .90.00. Coflee, Liberian, So. 1 1«. SO. Tapioca, imall
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    • 105 4 SHIPPING IN PORT. I'ndertbishaMliilgthpfollowingabhrt.Tia. tionsare used sir. —steamer sh.— ship tr,.. -barque Brit-British U. 8. United Su:m; Fr. Fren.-h livr. (hrtnan Dut Dutch; Joh.-^Johore; 4.-., (i.e., Oeneral .r.rgo d.p. deck passengers; I. I'm-er-tain T. I. W._Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D.— Taniong Pagar Dock B. W. Romeo Vbarf, J.W'.-Jardine- Wharf
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    • 1065 4 TRADING VESSELS &C. UUTiu Mian Noon or Yl.-11 -jui i**kv M*.atr, MM i,.m. c»pi lj»nn- i.rtln IMhJaaa.lVoai >„, r.'ihJun.v Xi M 11. Kai»ha. Kor Dunkirk. Itlth W. Hntarier. Brit. Mr tons. T^i.t KotMTt•on 1.'.1h lvii.v Ki,,n. Klnli-.-. IMll. Jill..'. 0..-.. «.H <l.p lln, anil 1'... Paf ll»T,j,r l.lilj-r. l»lh U-I-.
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    • 456 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. Same, port, probable (taU nf amnit. s n name 01 aiirnlt. Adria. M'konK. to leave June 14 II Hi Atn-11. Hongkong, to I, -IV, .1,111. .11 Ar.l.i;.. Ha urg. June .1; llelm Hem Anchi*ea, Unrpool, Jun* 1Atmda. Hoiitkoni;. July I P. S 1. lljillaarat. Colomlm. June I- 1'
      456 words
    • 131 4 . Ki.,. j 5 Vwu'i Mmm a lon* Outta s.ilii. oh 14 CfcaaagCam Ul:: \v lain Jom B Kkoo Aik ß»n| 14 MnlAiis I' -I I- Domll Y.,k<.li;un» Mm- J» P. Ud 0. CoV. 14 Wilhelmin* l)ut .ir lav U ltaa«kok Judu ;'M Bn 14 Vjmm In -n
      131 words
    • 83 4 CLEARANCES. lUti. Vuuil's N»nk Xi it .t Hi i'u i.> 1)mti««tio« June 14 lhoiiitii Brit str. Bartlett li OhnagGhm >tr. Webb 14 M.'.lv-,, Mr. lUl|>l| li WUhdralH Dul Hi Bom I", Uri; Mr. It.- 1 1 If. Mal:i.v« Mr. (HMO II Ainx IU 15 Bini-oMaru J«o rtr. Oook 15
      83 words
    • 114 4 . For Prr .Ir. Ttw 10-MoRKI.W. llangooii Vtuitka, 1 p.m V■ Linggi IhUnr. p.m l'atlanif via port* M- .< j' p.m I; B i.»i.. Bagan r,i ■>«. > p.ra Malacca Klang Chov Hkyo, t p.m Miuir 4 Mfiini-cii Kian Venn H p in FenariK .7.,....,, 3 p.m Benijkalia lin^an
      114 words
    • 90 4 MAILS TO ARRIVE. Kki.m Bi-kopi :-By th- P. 1 .i, with ,lat.-u, the |M May. due on the Huh limn I- 1 in I'liina: Il> tin- I'.tl I. I'arramallu ,4-lt Mnirnporr 1M1.- in London AfriTfr M.-iv St V Mav Mk M;i> aiili M.iv l.lth M M. Juiw June Till
      90 words
    • 225 4 PASSENGER LIST. AKKIVALH. IVr V.r. from TVluk Ansoii via |iait*l 111 K. W. B. Hark.-. TO ARRIVE. (fur .S'mijiijiorr). liawn Ma (k>rt«. ilui- oil 111. 1 L'.tr.i Jun.-: Mr Uicii-i 11,,'lin, Mr. and Mr. Wilson. Mi- Klh 1. 1.- Willktk, Mr.. Kmknlw, Mr. K. lUfaa, MrJß,,ii.-. mi.l Mj. Ma...
      225 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 268 4 NOT KIS JOHJN LIITJ JE CO., LD. BINGAPOBB. We have just received new lot of American OOokillg Stoves. Lawn Mowei>. Yale Locks. Ac. NEW RIVAL Stove for Wood. M,-i- v.-n H,, •IT in; I n,- 11..X vvill l:sk.- vv.,,,,1 1..n-_ tt/Q/t ,ii 1.1- li AB NTri j i ft*, NEW
      268 words
    • 64 4 LIQUID FUEL. Tin. bm am, mm nuinaanai rou si i:\MsuVrs.' NTKAM LAI N< lll> I.(K'(»M()TI\ l>. USD sTKAM-ENiilKßi 01 KVKIiV DEa'RIKTIO.V Vt aball :ii-nly he pranand to •upply Uiia lv.-l' in any quantity aUoinl rmation can be had ni totht nd coal offittini up appliance* tn BVME ft co. EGYPTIAN
      64 words
    • 443 4 NOTICES. FRABER AND NEAVE, LIMrfED, SIMiATORK. MAXt ka< n KKi:s or ai.i. i>ksci;iitioxs of akuatep waters <if nw qoAUTT only. THE CO.MI'ANYS n;i.\Tl.\<; BBPAKnOHT tan ,-..n, l ,kMv n-ii,i,,;«..l will, M i>f tl," mo-t m,>ler,, description and being, lite til.- At cm. i> vii i; 1 Ik viitmi v r
      443 words
    • 185 4 NOTICES. I Far Constipation I I and Biliottsnessf jrjLJEM, m» Vlrlipni, PARIS R*n»wntd Phrtieiini pretctit* CriMuli*. M,t, I HATICO IIMECTION ii und In recent I MATICO CAPSULESr Hi, chronic c«« I MESSRS 0. R. LAMBEUT ,V CO., ■MM KEl'KIVKll A HnliK COtUOM OK THE I.ATKST I'llOTOGK.YYlHKS. mni wn uummh nuum
      185 words
    • 40 4 SHARESJrtAJSTED. Mil niri pal Debrnlurm 6 2 TanjonR Viunr Itel*ntur« Bonili. N»w Pryo Dock Sh»ru«. Maynanl CoM I.h'.i:, Slrait»lriiiliiiKCo». FOR BALK. ivni.vrm]|; I'lanllllic >',. Kimir A Ni'av, l.til. HlrmiU 8l»iuii>hip Cov. MlMKKVII.I.K Alii NN Kii-hancii' ii Share ilruker,
      40 words