The Straits Times, 13 June 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JUNE 13. 1898. NO. 19*554.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 747 1 _g| QOBWIO COMPAIIT. LIMITM tf.'STLJ. a5-~0, 8«»t,. 1 Cl^TMann- Ids«imo» Company. ,m l^irer b>»r Torajwuiv. i^^nnu-oM'o-p^. limit*. II Kl' Ait-nta. si KVMSHir COMPANIES. 1-) Orrioa, Collter >Jd»y P. Wharves, New Hißaooß. g(UI NAVIGATION OOMTiIT. y ,i- rok China, Japan, Penano, A,'^K»u»,AnEN,EoYrT, ii tirif ti i.c* OiBKAi.TAR, Malta, bSmb, Venice, Plymouth.
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    • 813 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES." I^ONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ I'nder coutract with the Netherlands India Government. Afl'nlM al Smiiaforr: SHIP AnENCY, LATE J. DIENDEU 4 Co., ii-S. COLLTEE QVaT. Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for On J,i,,ar,i. Hatavia. June lU. Hatavia, ('beribon, Samarang, Sourabava, Me ia.l. i. and Timor June I" Siat. Deli.
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    • 491 1 BaITISH INDIA RTEAM XAVIOA TION COMPANY, LIMITED. TO PENANU, RANGOON, 4 CALCUTTA Oneof t lie Company's steamers is intended to leave Tanjon K I'iu-iir Wharf every week Passengers and Carao are booked by the :il...'e steamers at through rates to all puns in India and Ceylon, also to East African
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    • 686 1 INSURAInCES. rpHE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIXE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2, ;27,.'i00 Paid up Capital V 12,7«) Reserve Fund The undersigned. Agents for the Company, are p.-epared to accept fire risks at P "rM)USTEAD 4 Co. TIIK CHI 1A TRADER-: INSUKANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital s,,|, ,il 1 «J. Amount I'aid
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    • 529 1 INSURANCES. rpHE (JLEEN INSIRANCE COMPANY UOYAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Home Offices: 0.1-EEN Inscrance 11, hi. ings. Liverpool The undersigned. Agents for the above Company, are prepared to take risks at i current fates. HOOOLANDT 4 Co. THE STRAITS INSIIR A N C K COMPANY, LIMITED. VSTHIISIiU ]-<!. Head Orrii-K. Sinoapuee. Capiul
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    • 1143 1 NOTICES. STOP. THINK AND CONSIDER. WHAT wa oiler you. Security ba your homes, haaoaai liom I'hells. i.,e >> lir.uiiivcntioiiof liiiin llux. All thiw bhteinan apaa "airth will ban youre by investing in one of wirdoaMaricanitMof bt— I padloeka. six innaaear, 1 1 inch riie, with varying louts. laapetial protat
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    • 745 1 HOUSRHOLD NECBBBITT. CaUMßnuan uu. Keneral Liniment for Ihe niief and cure of rheumatism, lame liack. pan in the side anil chest, sprain- anil swellings cuts, brahaa, lmrn« an.l aMUa, tine np,.!, cation i- -i,.| to r.-liev.. rln-umVi anil sprains in one tlnr.l 111.- t.nie am other treat,,,,.,,, r n
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  • 60 2 MONDAY, 13TH JUNE. 1898 THE ACHEEN WAR. DITCH sIVOKSS. HEAVY ACHIVKSi: HBJM, On the IMb instant, the Pedir Column stormed and captured Kota Putoh. and a second stronghold close to l'anglinia Kawo.n. The Dutch loss whs five privates killed. One oflicer and seven privates w.r, wounded. The Miciiiy lelt seventy-one
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  • 35 2 TIIK COAL STU IKK. uoxnra feared. TKOOI-S I'l Ml Uaaaa, la//, Junr. A si.-iioii-, fermciii has un-.t. ..m-.^j the miners on stekt* in South Wales. Troops haveAoen hastily despatched to the seatol disturbance
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 55 2 iKNSdKSHIP KNKOKCKD. The censorship has stopped all news nmruini th* sipodltluu which la« ut started from Tampa, in Florida, for Cuba. The present whereabouts uf the expedition are not known Meanwhile, American warships have seized and occupied the outer harliour of <iiiaiitanaino, a port about thirty nub-
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  • 64 2 FJaH <>F ITS SPRKAP. TKOOPT IN THK got'THKRN STATICS IX aanana. N ine eas,.s of yellow fever have appeared al M. Henry which is situated at the mouth of the Mississippi River There are grave fears of yellow fever now spreading to the troops collected in the Southern
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  • 386 2 laH Welsh mining coal strike, which now threatens to lead to rioting, began early in April last. The dispute arose from the miners demanding an advance of twenty per cent, in wanes. The men had a lixed idea that, by restricting the output of coal in that
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  • 56 2 Ar the half Jeailj meeting „f the IVi. insular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, to be held to-morrow. Mil Ill ill m mill i* mini 1 illillwil at the rate of pet cut |kt annum on the preferred stock, and an interim dividend at the rate of 7 per cent
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  • 58 2 Till: .-pauish sl.alnei t !..l..iii;in;.- to Maajn, AkaOOOa and Cv anivi.l a: l-ilman early this morning vii aatpatehaafcon Doik*. she ill have l.abuali to-morrow morning. Tel, -rams -,iit to Laluian ts-da) will tak. 11 ..11 by the ffi-mrfnr to Iloilo. It would therefore appear that the Anieriean lleet at Manila
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  • 77 2 At the Illlllj taailll annual pcnural iiißftingoftlte BißfßporeOatCainpaßj, bald in London on the l»tli mat., the li.iin.ian, .Mr. Baßtaal BpaacaT, said that tin- past year, notwitlistatuling the lew rate of •nhaaga, wai lit Lest in make per tun f coal tliey lull ever expi uen.e.l II- ;i!tnliute,l this favourable B
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  • 22 2 Piriß Findlater, who hid been appearing on the Alhambra stage till I/ord Wolselcy expressed disapproval, has been made gatekeeper at Balmoral Castle.
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  • 59 2 The first annual report of the Malay Peninsula Coffee Company shows a i.'ti.'it on the scanon's working of i1,9T5. This is partly accounted for by the weather, which during a gn-at part of the year was exceptionally wet and unseasonable, and partly from the disastrous fall in the market price
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  • 109 2 saaaaaVat important .piestions affecting venereal disease among the Singaaan garrison, have been put to th* .Secretary for the Colonies by Mr. Duiicoiiibe The latter gcntlemannskeo tliefoimer whether he had received a report tothe effect that in the five years ending lfe»6. the ratio of venereal disease among the troops at
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  • 122 2 Mr. <T,'«J.-tno«'» death was followed on I'riday, the Mh ult.. by speeches in Iwth Houses of Parliament, supporting a petition to Her Majesty to pans' the remains of the revered statesman a public funeral in Westminster Abbey. In the Commons, Mr. Kalfour said that Mr. Gladstone possessed, in super-eminent degree,
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  • 234 2 The case which was heard at the Supreme Court on Friday afternoon, involving a claim by Mr. Leach, th. lute manaser of tl.c Straits Develo; 11. .111 Company- sawmill, for damagefor wrongful dismissal, provides foni, excellent food for reflection, especially for employers who are in the habi of engaging engineers.
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  • 160 2 Tiik a' of twobiindreil square miles of territory at will involve the erection of defensive forts on the newly acquired land. That again will involve an addition to the garrison of Hongkong. We heard it said that an enterprising olliccr of engineers had already formulated, in advance, his aehaaat
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  • 7 2 M« Abrains advertises several horses for »ale.
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  • 15 2 i E, exclmnu'e, ami share prices and the mail list, are on page I
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  • 11 2 Uwmm. I'lmcl] A Co, advertise a fimiituiv sale at IK'vuhslnri' Ruad
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  • 13 2 Mn A S Anthony has been chosen Captain of ta* l'enang Cricket Club.
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  • 12 2 I 111; >clangor loverniiient invites tenders for renting speeilied revenue farms there
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  • 15 2 VaalßßMi ■IhHIIIWII th* s. s. ijrnngt PHan rjaaaad tkraogt the [njrt from East to West.
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  • 13 2 tttmm film i.iitu- <.'»., 1.11I., advcrUm Urbj) boMv, baa ImmI Kr;-r.-». as a speciality.
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  • 19 2 Tin mirtH of thn German rVsia advertises that he is not responsible h.r the debts of his crew.
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  • 20 2 Tim: Resident (.en-ral has selectol Aiiuust I'tfth as the day upon which tinball at his new house Will be held.
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  • 24 2 An elllell.limnel.t is advertised lo I H given by the pupils of th.. Bafflea GiHg hu.l. at the Town Hal on the 17th BMt,
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  • 21 2 A ii.ant of Snerbwiu, the properly „1 Mr. l( 11. I'add.iy, may be nan In Mesorn. J. Little I Co.'s godown.
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  • 25 2 Tiik P. t mail steamei BaCtnt let Colombo at I p tv yeslerJay. and ■nay be rxpe. ted to arrive here 00 Sat irdny iiiotiiinc
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  • 20 2 Ax auetioii sale ot ateat 7" ,1 preserved piueupples, sca-Uaniap I is ad.'crtitedtobebeld by HaMBI ToweU it Coy ontheUth tnst.
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  • 377 2 JUDGEMENT THIS AFTEKSOON. JirxiKMKXT was given at the Supreme Court this afternoon in the case of I*ach the Straits Development Company, which occupied Hrn attention of the Hon'ble Sir Lionel I'jx on Friday His Lordship stated that ibis wan A case in which tlir plaintiff, Mr. Ajach,
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  • 28 2 Ir isrei".rted in tho BaaaW faaa that Pram Rabi, the .Siamese Ministei of Justice, will leave for lOurope tha month for the sake of his health
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  • 20 2 LORD N EWBURGH. I>iuii Newhurgh intends bavinsnafanaai shoitly in his yacht b'flora. Krom here he to Java and Borneo,
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  • 33 2 TORCH LIGHT TATTOO. TasasM will be a military tattoo or the parade ground at Tanglin ncxi Saturday evening, at x.oHl. The rcgi mental sports will be held at Tangbn about the I'Sth inst.
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  • 38 2 TWO EXEC UTIONS AT PENANG. Two murderers were to be hanged at Penang this morning. One is a native Who killed a woman in his keeping. The other murderer -a Chinaman by .lame— bud killed his own wife.
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  • 39 2 Me--im Boustead and Company rejana aas* ..I theft at Onltjraf tiuay. Someti batwl en j e-terday and today three skeins of yarn were stolen out oi v oale. The cane is being invesligaled by lie i^lice.
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  • 41 2 The homeward 1' ,10. f.irramnlla lad Hongkong at 4 pin on Saturday last and may be expected lo arrive al Bug* pore 011 Thursday morning, the Ilitli instant. The mails by her close on Knday at b a.m.
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  • 37 2 The district oflicer at Taaafsa reports that during April two black panthers Baal two leopards were brought 111 Three of them were trapped alive and were exported to Siugajiore. The fourth was shot by a Malay.
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  • 41 2 Tiik Sanitarium, says the ftoai at Port Uickson has been tarnished and will shortly be ready for .Hcupalion It is said to be very nice building, and shrubs and Etas* are 'Mara planted in the grounds surrounding it.
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  • 54 2 A mm "I housi-breaking and theft has been n-poited to the pattca by two Burmese traders living at MB, Qaasa's Mr.el This morning, about :;:«>, one ol the n found the door of the house ipen and discovered that some one had stolen till box .outaining clothing etc.,
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  • 53 2 Tiik Malay Mail says that, in the Kuala Lumpur races, t'oyton has lieen scratched for the Grand Stand Cup, the fourth race on the first day, leaving the issue to be decided between "L..cky "Triton" and Blazon The •lilrie. for the third r.i.e on the first day should
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  • 88 2 A CsTOUMAI "ai I Clieong Chew, living at M, H k L- 1 1 1 1 Street, tried to commit suicide on the morning of the 9th inst by drinking k ems, and by afterwards taking large dose ofopitUß Yesterday aftern.Kin. the man was sent to the hospital,
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  • 103 2 Bontbo tttaah and the Msrm which eollid«l off tl.ii Hoochly river, luvc been known amongal saainan as iinluckj ■bipa, says the Rangoe* ii.ctltt. Hardly a rear of bet by no maana short liftOH l. ill wiiieli the hitter BJM 11. 1 ill some casually or Borne very tiu-ht
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  • 950 2 Msr.iVK.RY AT Bl KIT IIITAM A IsUsaua has been re. Haul), dated I _'th instant. r.a,|, nc Have struck reel" at llukii l|,t carrying go.«l gold In ,1, bmjJ K.m.'he,:no, yet through lilfl been, tloo.led tem|.oranlv FIVK -WKEKI.V KEPOKT. TIIK KKsl I.KAN-ll' op lt The report by
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  • 45 2 I. turns out that. be-,,les the. Knuh-I' I and Indian mails for llurni.i. H'«l Kuropean and Indian mails for I. and the Indian in.uls for Singa|wte and I .Mali. .1. have been lost by th) blind* I naj „1 the Hesaa. I
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  • 62 2 A Chinaman named Hoo I>iil', h>>"~ at a«, rtocbore Road, says that. >.•■-'•'■ day, he and his clerk went to t! ..I his shop to cook some faod 3 p 111., leaving ,',«ili« asleep t:; .oillitel lln their return. tttOJ fc»»* that the till had I n
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  • 70 2 PENANG PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. .\i in.ctiiiKoithe Paoan| M""^' pality 00 Urn 10th instant, the Presidenl, Mr. J. T. Kennedy, said lie hal r fed letter 1 Hi I C Browi 1 b.l.aii ol the Preabyterian rwiu.'stini; peiM.i-ii.i.l'. .I'.ti forth, Mi-iion the vacant piece ol land in th.. old Protestant ten"!" 1
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  • 77 2 I, is nportad la the S that the conatrucUono/ the Petdub'" Railway neu Bangkok, has tioi.e.l. Mr P. 1 I' Kiwb cootract for U» preliininarv .urw work, and the const met ion ofUM "fl will be carried out dtipartineiitally J Qotremment The brancli It' ia abo stated thai
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 474 2 NOTICES. 1 XOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD. 1 Mhh jfa-iurtir- of DYNAMITE till lI, MI t UKLATINK DYNAMITK III.ASIIN.. OKI riHI i.i.iumioi;. 11.1. lIMWOF M M H I 1.1.1.ri:.!- Bl ,"l"\i. tPPABATI 9 IHi iwivii Kii'Lokivih, au»o»»cioaan u uiy Burinr, v* C»*vsmaMMaT.^!isattM*Mi S^'l".T--ALL lIIK ABOTI SIDEROSTHEN PAINT. "'"■"i»"i> win ;um
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    • 885 2 NOTICES. NOI'ICK i .lav removed oar osso* ks Cecil Street BAKDILAITDB, BCTTEKV I 00, iih June. I-'- XT >KVV HARBUUB DOCK COY, LDOTED. >roTH E i... by glwa thai it is t < ippiy lOf an Ordiuan.-e [or ih owing or one „i the MlowfasJ third dw .f the snd
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    • 564 2 LATEST AI)\T:RTISEMENTS. THR VICTDftIA THEATBJCAL OOT. TO-XIGHT. manuT, im .urn:. urn QRAHO sl'Kf IACI'LAK ORRA love von Love." M:w ih:, i. fa SixiMioiii: Pfj nofison Iniler Ike palrollagoof Mr. LaßOg Seal, SOd I'llliulv. A TBIPTO FAIRY LAND THK CUPBOAHD GHOST loi: sai.i. ABLAi K Doll pony, roona aad hand-
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    • 877 2 L\TEST ADVERTISEMENTS TOWN HALL Friday, 1 7/ A .Innr, 180>. nl II m in Knterl:.inment will Ik< uiv*n l.y the Pnplb „f THK KAKKI.KS C.IKI.S' SCHOOL. to the benefit of the s,hool Mas Kund. Programme I Piano Doat. a Oasaai Hialogue. ■J Mu-ieal Drill. I. The Alabama Coon. Bpanb* Dane*.
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    • 43 2 Km', w -(In the lltli May. at Kinloeli. Re,kenliam. Kent, the wife of CinRI.KS Kii.mvn. of Wynberg. Bromley. Kent, of a son. At Herat. Inntitution Hill, on the I lth I n*|l ill, tin. wife of ti.. mi 11. nr. of a daughter.
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  • 2834 3 \|l. CH.tMIIKKI.AI> was pres'-llt on ,v 1:1 th at the annual meeting of Birmingham Liberal Association. men ing the business of the icleireil to Mr Clad',,','nes illncs-, and nioved a vote of ,n,pa.l.y I» 1 »'"<■>' fol" ,ii-,u--ed hOBM affairs, and 1in ,,l to discuss the r,,r,ign
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  • 693 3 ihi: mki:iini.. Tm Johore trial races were held i n faturday, al Johore, in 1 1..- beat of weather and in the pretence of a grdM number of apaotatora, Tharewaaa hir b] rinklingof Buropeana preaant inclodi: j wvcral lediea and gentlemen from s.i inpore. The temporary atanda,
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  • 532 3 CAUSE OF THE ACCIDKNT. KISDING AND VEBDUT. j Tnß Aden correspondent of the faw I 1 nf India writes under date. Hay Mth i The enquiry into the causes which led to the wreck of the China was concluded here on Monday, the Mrd instant, after
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  • 243 3 At the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd yesterday, the l-'oast of Corpjll Cbritti was celebrated with much solemnity The Church, both inside and outaide w.,s tastefully, though perhapa gaudily, d »ted. 'and the high altar looked niaeniiieeiii. Bishop 1..,, aaaiated by Bevels. N'ani and BerihoUer pxrlormad
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  • 320 3 Tm Ottmnooi which Ml Kuchinotsn -ji;. I. ultimo, iiim.-iloii the Illli inatanl and went alongside the Tanjong Pun Wharf yesterday with I, lodj „i il i..r ill.-' Mit-ni Uu--;in Kaiiha. The Buarion Volontoei Fleet steamer I lion. Odessa fen the north with Russian troops, arrived alongside the Bat
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  • 1855 3 Uanosj, :'sth Ha*. Mi. Winter Knight, acting as a corr.'.]>oiid'-nt for the IVstSS, sueceeiled in Inn, line, r. (übn maskiff but was e.ipiiire.l by the Spanish off. ials, and is now imprisoned in ('uliantt-*. The llnti-h Helena!.-., to the fortheominc Su^ar Coiifeivn,',' have In-en np|K.inted. lt.-uter's coriespnndenl.
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  • 26 3 AaOTBBB pinea;., blisbmenl lias been started at Pen in thi* time by a Buropean nl Ayei [tain establishments ,',t v like (Settlement
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  • 75 3 COUNTERFEIT R UPEES. liie m T m ii,, i. the preva lence of illicit coining in India tinve the lobiiiß of the uiiiiLs. The countermil nil a are hardly ditlinguiahable IV the nil I turned out by the mints. The ..ineis make from tf to 30 pel cent, in the
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  • 74 3 A Chikuus, living al 5, Hoeklam Street, states thai oa Friday but, be and live others were suddenly taken ill alter partaking of tome food Dr. Boon Kens was c. dl iii and eventually they all recovered. The complainant •uapecta the cook, who* has bolted, of putting
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  • 229 3 SI NGAPORE GOLF CLUB. TImi following played bul did not liand in Ihuii ncoroi lion. J M.AIIn. ■un, U \V BirJ, I II I'.., m,n. lion W R. Uollyor, C >1 tinuil Daltoa, J H l>. v-!..l.-, > Kvan- I lirahain ig, E.1I lien in, Dr II Jaininun, Keri .V.I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 381 3 NOTICES. ItKkcTlOX OF PRICE. s\vn< iii'.vt k i:\ii, way !sK.\<!l ROAD. 1 8 p. m. i /•;.'^,i»,,. kk 1 1 i:n joutunre io ckhtb Oa >'.• ,<,i,. H'K illll.niiFN. I'.KTI UN JOURNEY .-.ICKNTS < AM \KI;IKI> nwpls or „ne or ttt., single emeu can hnte K con InrUblo home, as
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 39 3 IIKK i;i'.ini;i k- I ItW i m i liar. _':i--l-~.'7. *->,sX, leiiip. WJ BOJ MO v.,. i. l,, WS 7»0 3 -1. -.U. \1..,. I -i Uax-'inßii =f< UhiUl ML I Tui Urns bull nt Fort CsaaJng i.-n iir
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    • 196 3 AKRANIiKMKNTS. HoaMT, isn Ji Hial. Witer H> pin I o Q T Church Mouse 7.:n> Switchback Railwmv 8 I'aisoe Theatre. 9. TtrnnUT, I ith Ji m, Hich Witi-r lljs am i::»|vni Preserve,! pine-apptss sale Powefl. TaßJong htaar. Malacca AssilM WnonsMT, l.'Tll .1 ni rSflh Water 7 Mam T:U|> in ftrcmaY,
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  • 550 4 BwaAFou. 13m Jvm, IM. PRODUCE (Halt an eomeled to 10.4. r > a.m.) Oambier I -V4O. Copra Kali 7.45. do Pontianak 7.10. Pepper, Black a 0.50. do White, (8X) 26 Sago x lour Sarawak 3 20. do Brunei.. 2.15. Pearl Sago 4.40. CoHee, Bali, picked :m.OO. Coffee Palembang. picked....
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  • 89 4 From Eißor« :_By the P. 4 O. bollcuint vMh Malta the 'JTtli May, dv.- on thp Iml. instant Kr.jni China By the r.Ai > I'nrramuttu dM un Hi. llth initnnt. ••ft Singapore Due in London Arrives May Mil P. O. May Lllth Ha) aftth May 13th M.
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  • 200 4 l'er a t, PMBa from lUngcxin ami I'rimnc Messrs C. Ha, ton. and A J. Dickson IVr muQmm from Klungvin ports; Hasan, Aviat, Pereira, ati.l Nurris. Pit s, s. M.,1,,5a from BtQgkok -Mr. IK OrootML Per s. s. A*atsaM from Calcutta -Messrs. Walsh, ami Hla. k. Cur s.
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  • 110 4 IW I'rr .1,. Hw MfteMrti (Mb lla.m i -in via jRirt- l.mlij lAtnqiUn, II n m l-ontiwak .Ian h» .si,,., l p.... TrniKRiinu tta |K3rtt //o /^o,i 3 1 p. m Itaipui via purl-. /Jc,;;ia/,j, S p.m. Sarawak. V,*r unfit*. L'pm Klanit via port- if. Cuau, J p.m.
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    • 141 4 rnderthn heading the following al,bre»ia lions are used str. —steamer sh. ship bq.- -barque: Brit. -British U. 8. United States; Pr. French tier.— German Hut Dutch; Job.— Johore; ac, G. c, General cargo d.p. deck passeeff^rs; U.—l'ncertaln; T. P. W.-Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D— Tanlong Pagar
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    • 1473 4 AaiiTALs hihi-i Nook or lanaW Bomto, Brit. »tr. 404 tons. Capt Smith, llth June. From Bangkok. 7tli Jiino. Oc, ami 'J4 d.p. lajw Sum. For Bangkok, 14th— Rds. Bankn, Dut. «tr. U'7 tons, Capt Vo«, U'th June. From Palembang, 10th June. O.c. and 19 dp. I.iin Chin
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    • 435 4 Namr, porl, probabir. dalt or «m:, a. I name ot afltntt. Arnl.iK. Hamburg. June Be hi: M-.r-Am-hisn. Liverpool, .lune 18; Mamfwlii. Atniila, HoiikUiik. July 1 P. Himon« llallnarat. Colombo, Juno Is P. v. llanlnm. S'haya, Jun.. Dn,M< Ilayvru, Un-inen. .lun.. >.l Brim Brrißal, C'olonilu. July 1« P
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    • 266 4 5 VKWEL'a IIM ft l'o». (iIIHW FBOM SkILXU. COKSlUlOi**. S Km 11 Brit rtr. UH l.v.Ht May .11 W. Mansfield 4 Co. 11 Me.iu-a »tr. HUN Kal|.l, lltanKkok Juno <i W. ManntieldftCo H Borneo str. mi smitl 'is.-.naki.L Low Sum K»/ilku str. MM H,.|| ICnniMon June 4 Houstead anil
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    • 117 4 Date VsuM/a Xaml FuiiAKii. Cutta Dmtuutios June 11 lU)-ii Brit str. Dwidaoa Nauf II Anovwar DatMh. Nv.»l:iii Mukswui 13'HoUoiig AQftu KtaW vUTporta 1» H<-W Mr. 1i.k~1.-r lVnaiiß an.! IVI. 13 Anthrnt itr. Koz.lls Dugud T Aiuoo IS Hvi-Li'oiig rtr, TurniT IMa£ in* »U porH 13 l-.n...|1!i Htr. llucNi.n
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 434 4 NOTICES. T'"'* ;in v A^^sjaaUiJ^ft Capsules 1 BBjpfßfl uperior M I B^k^v t(> G paiba, y^^^^^BW Cubebb, and cure the same diseases as these drugs in forty-eight hours without JtMilliimsai FOR DISUSES OF THE CHEST. GRIMAULT'S SYRUP Of Hypo-Phosphite of Like j Proscribed in Frsnc* for th« last I Co
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    • 213 4 NOTICES. ERASER AM) \KA\ E, LIMITED, .SINGAPORE MAUT.UTUiKKSOK ALL 1>ES('KI1TIOXS Of AEISATEI* WATERS OK FIRST QUALITY ONLY. THE COMPANY'S PKIXTLVG DEPARTMENT Mq lujiiphKlv <" l ui|.|.<Hl u ith I'lnni of the moat ino-lern .1. -iriptiuu and being, like ilir lamo Witm: I)] rvRTMEST, umler skilled |>r(Ktknl management, the best cl»»«
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