The Straits Times, 9 June 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JUNE D. 1898. NO. 19,5.51.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 825 1 .OMBOCOIIFAIIT.UMITID Tfc, vMn st-||ll BMaaaaal Comp«nj. To Maritim* l»surmlio. Company, Lu»itod. '■"iv^UMlTKl' AitMf. STKAMSHir COMPANIES^ 1^ Orrici, Collybb Quay fy p. \VH.»VaB,SEwH.BBOU*. 9UM NAVIGATION COMI'ANY. rlirough Ilillsof IJKIinR issu~Hor Pernan U 7 SS—aal anHA»,~i™Port..<U«,/0T ta (wul»n.l Son Francum ta Hmgionf. MAIL LINK. UHBiaa Homwiau. IH9B. IHS)8 1 hllli- I- l',irr,i,,,,iltu
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    • 836 1 STEAMSHH 1 COMPANIES. I'ONINKI.IJKF. PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPHJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. A,,rn>, at S<v;a)n,rr: SHir AdBSCV, uieJ. DaBXDEU 4 Co., 2-3, COLLYIR QUAT^ Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for On rialill. Batavia. June 111. Batavin Cherilwn, Saniarang, Sourabava. Menu.!.,, and Timor. June IX Btafc Hell I"- I'aneh,
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    • 372 1 BaITISH INDIA STEAM NAVICiA TION COMPANY, LIMITED. .0 PENANU, RANGOON, 4 CALCUTTA Onoof the Conipany'ssteaniereis intended 0 leave Tanjong Pngar Wharf every week Passengers and Cargo are booked by tbe ibove steamers at through rates to all •orts in ludia and Ceylon, also to East Vfi ic:n. Ports. Mauritius, or
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    • 666 1 INSURANCES. mm LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital fi.ii-fIOO I'aid up Capital »lt,7M Reserve Fund Mtjm Tho undereißned. Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept lire risks at current rates of premium. BOUSTEAD Co. THE CHINA TRADER-! INSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. Capitol Subscribed JS,OOn.OOG. Amount I'aid up BOO.lW).
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    • 289 1 INSURANCES. rpHK <JUEKS INSURANCE OOMFAHY ROYAL ix's VH A S K uoip A Y. HonwOfllcos: IJltES ISSIRAME III ILI.IXl.8, LIVERPOOL lli.- undersigned. Agents for thtt above Company, are prepared to take risks at HOOOI.ANDT 4 Co. 'PHE STRAITS INSURANCE J. COMPANY. LIMITED. l-uii.-m. 1883. Head OrrirE. Singa«,k«. Capital Fully HuUcrilK-d
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    • 1107 1 NOTICES. THK lilvsr TlllX(i THAT EVEB BAPPENED. 'IMIK I'ion.-er 1... k». iks ami llenciiil M-liil rVundly, Alit-iirh. N \V. I'rovm--1 ,-cs Tin- i.nly priiciical Uwkarorka in tbe Baat, under dind Bantwaa in iii.ii;. mint inn! siii.ervisinn. If m ciinnut iin-.-i faoi raquirameota, nobod* ,'i:!iu, L trade mark l,»-k ,s a
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    • 705 1 NEVER KNEWIT TO FAIL" MR R JOHNSTON. RAWALPINDI BAYI I have periwnally trie.: '.'hamUi-rlain'. Colic. Cholera. and DUrrima Baaiady, od ban given it to travellers who wen- pausing through a hotel I managed, ami I must nay I ni-v.i knew it to fail. It is a meilic'ine 1 can recommend,
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  • 18 2 KeTABUSiiED: IS3I. PIMCE U CENTS. [IJHlmrriplwH ralw n>«( tulvertUiitg raltt miiy Uftmwi m. the fwirlh pno«l
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  • 135 2 T HURSDAY, 9TH .JUNE, 1898 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS BOMBARDMENT OF SANTIAGO. A.MKRICAN ACCOUNT. KORTS SII.KNCEIi. l,"ivluu. till, Jant. Admiral Sampson telegraphs that his llect bombarded the forts at Santiago, for three hours, on Monday laet (Sth instant.) The bombardment resulted in the i Spaniards being completely silenced SPASISH ACCOI NT. The
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 47 2 TO STAUT 01 A CHUM. The Duke of York has gone to Portsmouth to command 11. MS. Cremnt on a cruise to last three months. 11. M s. 1,-,,,,.,/ Is a thirteen gun. first of 10,000 indicated horse power. She is stationed at Portsmouth.
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  • 45 2 Advicks from Pedir report that the Achinese continue to fall back before tho Dutch troops The Achinese mainly follow harassing tactics. One day, in harassing a bivouac, they were beaten off with the loss of sixteen killed. Only one Dutch soldier was wounded.
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  • 555 2 Yi>tkki>ay,wo printed a portrait of; Mr. Bpanear I'ratt. through whom AgaiaaUo went to the Philippines to head the insurgent rising there, loiter in the day. themtpfiltO refugees in Singapore displayed their admiration of Mr. Spencer Pratt by presenting to him an address, at the same time treating him to aniuaiealserenade.
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  • 8 2 Thk Singapore (ias Company advertise for a book-keeper.
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  • 13 2 Pkoditk., exchange, and share prices, and the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 11 2 Thk Xtraitt Budget will be published at ten a.m. on Friday.
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  • 14 2 The German transport Srandui, with Uussian troops, left Singapore for Port Arthur this morning.
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  • 17 2 I'iik toanM Hotel, Java, isadvertiiad as a first-class hotel at DjokdjakarU, ne»' the ruins ol Boro Budur.
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  • 22 2 A mom, the passengers who arrived yesterday from Pahang in the I'tntaiM, Were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford, and Mr. and Mrs. Fabris.
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  • 29 2 The Bsashg 3asaMs says that recruiting for the Sikh police in the Straits, has been suspended for the present, as the drain on India for Sikhs is too great.
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  • 23 2 The Singapore Philharmonic Society gives a concert at the Town Hall to-night. Particulars of the p.ogramme will be found in our advertising columns.
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  • 28 2 Thk New Harbour Dock Company, advertise their intention to apply to the Government for an ordinance to enable them to amend their memorandum of association in specified points.
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  • 41 2 Ft htiiek particulars of the V«val.iiulnta collision confirm the report thai all the mails in the Mtcm went down with her. The hinduU was disabled. and reached Diamond Harbour, Hooghly river, with her stern seriously damaged.
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  • 58 2 a Macao woman, living at M Albert Street, reports to the Police that between yesterday morning and this morning while she was absent from home, she was robbed of clothing and iawauan to the value of s_>7:,. she suspects a woman, whom she left in charge of the
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  • 69 2 AcASEuf suspected stupifyingby drugs occurred yesterday at Chiverton Cottage" Devonshire Road. Mrs. Lindsay, her two children, aged respectively four and two years, and a boarder, Mr Pittar, had for breakfast an omelette. Shortly afterwards they became sick. They suspect that one of the servants lately discharged, mixed
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  • 91 2 TWO TIGERS SH OT. A kew nights ago, a Malay, living at ISruas, shot a couple of tigers. They were both full grown ones, and the carcases were brought to the station for the usual reward in a rather decomposed state. It apiiears the brutes had terrorised the locality they
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  • 107 2 Thk coming of Mrs. BurphardtBoshouwer to Singapore is announced in our advertising columns. Mrs( liurghardt-Boshouwcr is a talented singer, who has been successlully touring in Java. At the end of last month, she was giving concerts in Central Java. She intends to embark from Snurabaya for Singapore,
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  • 109 2 With regard to the emoluments of oar diplomatic representatives abroad, a topic of interest in connexion with Bit Philip Curries change of post, the best paid Ambassador isSirK I. Monson, who, at Paris, receives i»,0i»). The tie)' II"" 1 to Constantinople. Berlin, and Vienna have each Xs.OOO. The
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  • 150 2 I SM V< ESSKII. NEGOTIATIONS. Taje. 5,,,,n Fr't frm announces the failure of the France-Siame.e negotiations to Httta the question of French BCOteetiOßOVaraltapjM Siamese subjects. Tliis protsetfea iinnatlnn has been naaaV ing for years. Many persons claiming Flench protection are now in Siamese prisons for asserting their
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  • 144 2 Bksii-ks ■boat Sfltt tons coal wliirh the s.s. Uttlingen brought from Australia junlmilnj «tui lanrtwi 7:1 horses. The CUtut is da* from Rangoon toThe fntu I ahlmpafl »H hnr airisaiTos. at Tanab Manh yesterday, and left for China; and so did tb« s.a. nmhtankin. The l >. 8.
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  • 1125 2 Thk United States Consulate at Singapore was yesterday afternoon in an unusual state of bustle. That bmtle extended itself to Rallies Hotel, of which the Consulate forms an outlying part. From a period shortly prior to five o'clock afternoon, the native* I of the l'liililipines, resident
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  • 350 2 BEI.ANQOR TUKF CI.III. The entries for the races at th* meeting of the Selangor Turf Club n Jun.- l«th, ISth, and (Sth, sn follows FIRST DAY. Race I: Phyllis, Bushrat, XelH. Cabin Boy, Victoria, Fashion ltice U Cnisader, Udy n. ttv Geisha, Bnowflaka. Knuna, San, v 1,.
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  • 371 2 thk (UKT of mnum tbakdm COMMIT, I.IM1TKI). TO lllEKliin.K OK THK STKAITS TIKt« Silt, Was the announcement that the Straits Trading Company l.ul Hindi- one of their directors a wedding present of Slll.llOO made by you on reliable information or as tile reault of m attempted joker
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  • 227 2 KISIS SET IN. A LUOt it crisis has set in at ScljiiiM Until I*9o the immigration of Chine* coolies there gave no cause for unetii BSSS Then bad times came and the number of immigrants daattassd bowenr. a Btunber of mfeee wen being closed down, the diminution
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  • 42 2 The greater „u,iu», ol tbl (the Mil/./ .V. „»i;osM|is.i>-l.M'- hi. a high, but not full, chemitetle ereaonasUbed with Uw •tock. monthana.lifcollarona fol. is of same softly ilimpiDM wu „j ,n.mode. It is pretlj enoufjj throat i« round »ud«l>iU'..ia>i UM young.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 306 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD. Mtnnfartiiron of mvn \mi 1 1: KBI H.M II JKI..VIINK I'YN M I I I II AM IV. 1.1 I.A I l\h lIKIIIN VMI;.« SAFETY n'v.K Bl \-i IV: APPARATUS mahtm BuTAia.uaMoi I' tl;|. (IF ITKITV H.h Illtl-1H.K... lo» qvtiJTT uro I IMI JOB lUX
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    • 500 2 NOTHK \l-| ,V.||H-.1.1V..-.,,,,>..|..U. N I -i-,.. DAXIMI IKDS, "I I II !•> i x'"i ii i: i rrebj >•!>'" Urn* ni" r"i .hip »lv. Ii lim for mm lima I. V 1.111 l II i ho inn. riii .plL.tii: Cheung K. ..k in Hi. i."i.- nr buaioeu uf Kngineen I
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    • 282 2 NOTICES. i\<; Ai'oiii: l'im.iiAKMoNk' i SOCIETY. purl i.m: ciioum. a ouchksi i; \i iiiiniU-r "I j.jtrt >.nii> tad eh iy ll'i— ini. Wiiijii.'r, Mi'ii'li'laxohn, Kir ,l v N.i. :ii. Ov.i mi.- L.i !r..V:V»'l»\ "'lin.'l u!i'l't/""'\V,''i'n,' \V.,1.. —4 I,) >i r Hooper, ■hnWarry, Mr. I Kirk, Ud 111 lan™. inxneioK, 11.
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    • 543 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I WAXTKI). HonlelWl IVlirntiui"'. TaoJoU PIOI Itoek D.1.-. I'rvi' River Dock Coy. Shares. Pi mm Mil Ncave Ltd. l>cbs. FOU SALE Mraitc Steamship Oiv. Share*. fkASKK «'i... i. |T Hrokrrn I I'M i:\si\s BOOK-KEBPEB mmtnl. I n mi.i-i i... mil acquainted with IK ll— ll. write a |00d
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    • 99 2 Pitts Wakk. On4th inst.. »tSt. (n.-cir|je« FeaaU, by the Rev. \V. E. Ho<lßkinson. llauiitonT. Pktts. L'nd son „f Win I'etls. OuUdlard. Surrey, lo I'tKi.i.iir, dnuuhter of Richard Wake, llifion Hiiniliden. Ahing>lon. M a. I inton^wl for the M",,', Timw phonlit I<■ •nltm on one .iHe ol the |*per rally,
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  • 2271 3 I, HOMO* tlieujual fortn w..- bold There S1 Kian-. MM M MdM ;i','""t">M rount^fc.l3o; bad ii loUl, $J.lL',l:t". as it Hi.- meotlai M:,j la»t. BJTIAI BTATWD «1 -MA II I.I.KRS BK B .,|ii<.KAl -IIKli" ll meeting ,r,iint dwtMMW which bad J"-t '''"I c there waa nothing ndi
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  • 484 3 BORNEO PETROL EUM. MM in ml lE. TllK Ikli r,.,,r,i,,l gives partieulaiK of theoil lieJiis in Cotie( Netlicrlandsßouth east K.irne.i), now work«l by a syndicate of which the linn of Samuel t Co., Ixmdon, is the principal member. Tlii- ate ia said to have a very large capital. The
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  • 247 3 (Mowed lawn handkerchief* with plain whit-- bofdart an ju-t huh in demand. A nrettv fabric lias i\ Clmntilly lace pit tern riiniini)! from l<> selvedge. Ihe Ullwi o( I he royal women in Baron* me said to I. Qneta Am.lii- of I'ortuKll ,in.l the Crown Prince- of Denmark.
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  • 2464 3 [All Right Reserved.) CYCLES AND CYCLING IN 1898. («j F Biittalte, 11. A.) TOI, BRAKES, AND ACCESSORIES. TVRKU For many years the great t yre question has been a topic of heated controversy among cyclists. No longer, however, does the battle rage on solids versus a cushion tyre oiler ilsell
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  • 44 3 S. V. A CORPS ORDERS I. Ordcrlv Officer fur the en-uu l.icut. (i. A, Derrick. S. Mr. A. BooaM having been duly elected, lipMted a» a l.uiui, r to A -uo.lin.ion. ChUner .1. II Dr\».l:de I tin., -ieru-d to the ratam bom this data,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 541 3 3 Sore Tfcrwts inu.scii..-. Keenr^M, WoanwsA Bane, j j Condy*s FluidC A ij'_ ,1 CAtmOX Tv iHIPOWMBM AND CAPTAINS KAIITJKNS ANTlFllf 1.1N(. OOaTFOsmoK. uther makes .in,,, our originnl nmnufa, uo.vsol.l. I li, aanilmi and only Oenrpedtioa with which Mr. j;iimt;Nhiii|sclf|,,,snnv connection is Hautmaws Kaiiiji.v-.'.'s are inarke.l with these word-,
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    • 394 3 NOTICRS. JOHN LITTLE CO., LD. SINGAPORE. \W have just received new lot of American Cooking Stoves. Lawn Mowers. Yale Locks, fto. NEW RIVAL Stove for Wood. M/,-,i1,h.-ii lil( 17 t In; Knt lio\ will take «,.0,l jn. long o v at ban I *iot«i NEW PARAGON rstove for Wood. Si/
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 145 3 AUKANCiKMKNTS. Tuiß«n*v, mil Jim:. High Water. L' I p.m. Singapore Golf Club. Spring Prfae Competition entries close. Switchback Kiiilway igO and -p m I'arsee Theatre v' l-hilharnionic Concert. Town Hall. U. I'ku.av. linn Jink. High Water. IJOa in L' 111 pin. M M hoinewanl mail. due. (Vm, ut An. t
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    • 69 3 WKATHKR REPORT. Kmdmg Ktrbat. Hmyiml. HI/, ,/u../. Igug. Ha.rn.Sp.mH p.m. Rihirkk. Bar DW13J9.H4029.K66 Temp. MM HO. 77.4 fj| W. BMbTher 7«0 77.(1 7«n «kDir.otWind \V. SJ«.E.Calni. gJS Max. Temp. BM Mai'.'i'n Sim 1 1 I Terr. rad. 74.Ralandl aTU. jj" WEATHKU TEI.KURAM. (B. A. C. TrUgrapk C'o.> "Hi June.— UOXOKOXd.
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  • 488 4 BmiFOßi, !>rn J; m, IIM PRODUCE (Rate* an corrected fo 11.4S a.m.) Ounbier, I .V 36. Copra Bali 7.4*. do Pniitianak. 7.10. Peppsr, Black M do \Vhit«, (8%) SB7S Sago Flour Sarawak 3.uf>). do Brunal_ Hid Pearl Sago 4.4 U. Coffee Bali, picked v. Coffee Palembang, picked 30.00. Coflee.
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  • 42 4 Municipal Debentures 6%. Tanjong Pagar I)elx>ntun- Bonds. New Prye River Dock Shares. Maynard 4 Cn.s Strail- IceCo.\i Straits Tra.ling Coy. FOR KALE. rengerang Planting share. I laser A Neave. Ltd. Strait! Steamship Coy. BOMERVILLE 4 (it'NN, Eichange 4 Share Brokers
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  • 87 4 From Etßors:— lly the H. M. Oasata iVth' instant" 5 Ki.mi China B] the M. M. Urn due on the Illth instant. eft Singapore 1'ue in J.-indon Arrive A|il litth M. M. Km 22n.l May .'l»t May L'ncl X. l>. I. May 27th May Mhv mil I
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  • 233 4 AKRIVALH. Pit i*. Snj'/'l*" from Klan£ via ports*— Ummn. Koi'rhII. Kuh.II. and Nirholaa. and Mm iliffor.l, Mi. and Mrs. Kahn-. mi im tmm Ddi: Mr nn«i Mm. H. HubaWi.-r. M.-mra. Brj»n. L. Vu Sl*** t{e. anil J. V. H. Moorroo*. PM H from l'alimlmnu -Mr. TO ARRIVE. (JW
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  • 98 4 A"' /Vr .If. Time. To-Mumtun. Kl.»yii Maca-sar I-- A B»nkk..k rltraSaan. p.m. Halai. a and Klang ifafoi-wr, 3 p.m. II \ia Anturia, 3 p.m. Bangkok Singapvrr, :l p.m. Malacca A Kl&ng yrera, 4 p.m. K. I'^ilinnß via port* Prrdn,\a, 4 p.m. Colio via ports .N'ri Bantijar, 4
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    • 139 4 Under thisheadingthe following abbreviations are used str.— steamer sh. ship N|.- -barque Brit.- British U. S. United stales. Ft. French; Ocr— German; Dut. Hutch; Joh.— Jobore; .t. O.c. Oeneral cargo d.p. deck paaeengere; U.- Uncertain T. P. W.— Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. P. D. -Tanjong Paga- Dock
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    • 999 4 TRADING VESSELS C. Akiitau Smci Nook or Vcstkkay. Atturia, fi.r sir. 3.310 tons, ('apt Haln. "11l June. From Hamburg, :trd May. (i.e. B. Una < Co. For Hongkong. Kith \V. Aiitifo Ataimr, Hal Ihi. !..<». tons, Capt Monti. Mil June. From Penang. Mil June. Ballast. Boustead .1 Co f X.1..
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    • 461 4 Nam,, pnrt, probable daf of orriroi, M name ot agenU. A|«ar. Hongkong. June |n, Mo^, Ajat. Java June 11; Mmx-tirM Anehises. Liverpool. June Id; MansMd Atnida, Hongkong. July I P MvoM Ilallaarat. Colo.nuo, June IX I. (1 Bantam, S'lu >.., June »i. D.uri'lr]. llayern, Brrnien, June Behn Mr
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    • 44 4 D*t« VissKL'a Nisic KniiiKK. Cipr»i!i Pirn* .ion Juiu. u (ii.n R Ann Brit »tr. l>u,ilop CtwritXM ud *M V' lv tr !*"J PUnMf J Ulpoora ,tr. I:,,.,,,, Mi.1, i- mi 1...1I0 P.(.hu»t,liumh.lmo Mr. Hggl IUu.-ki. BlUl str. I'.jl ».S»rMon Ur.t -ir. Leodoarii port!
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    • 61 4 PASSED BUNDA STRAUS OK AKKIVKD KOK ORDKR* Knu I Uatk Date. lakd Siure Namk. Commasdkk. gf Fxonwhkrk' I)tsii». HiRio. HAILINO ATIOS »1">M»y a) Brit s.Old K -in(ttonTuck.T Mur ilVwh Honrkone Jun. 1 1) U P.» Turfbor Jun, IfeM. ESCdSI L'Brit -rbinn Hills Kvmii. M l".N*»York -.'iDut u.Unibak
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    • 154 4 5 VnaiL'i Name A Tom. Ctrmx Fku* Snuu OMMOM a Kio ttJahßnnn- Sar s,h. 70N«,0.1uh Sil.u M, lv lv k S:in<- Born.-o Dut »tr. Ml Tuuke] KulonKun Su MAaal H IVrduw »tr I2U Miinlisll Kel«nUn J«M ITmOaM M Si n( !ii|K)r.' mr 7IM Kirth llari|{k.>k Jbm ilooßi < Vr
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 209 4 NOTICES. KATZ-BROTHERS. LTD. THE lIAKNKSS ami s\m>l.Ki;V DEPAHTMKMT, [gimoowußwm etcky bbqi mb v mombbi mca -i\i.i i. HABNBSB, BLACK I.KATHKi:. SILVEB HOCRTU>, 08, POXY ml HORBKBIZK I),, BBABB MOINTKI) It,, KROWN I.KATHEK DOOBLB HARNKBB, BLACK IKAIIIKI:. BILVKB MOORTXD, 008, PONY, ud HOBBI 808 l^_| Mi ai' Stalls. A liniilt: I
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    • 26 4 mi. ai sri;.\i.i.\\ hoksk RKPOBITOBY Kuu Btvui Urn un li.>An I ■:»;»> ud PtAhMti •uppliM iMiUI meind ..v.ry :.iS: i ,I.H..r,. bM K,-.k-h.ll li'Htli' bj l«{ieneoc*d
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    • 371 4 NOTICES. JAMES WATSON COS SCOTCH WHISKIES AltK THK ISKST VAI.UK IN THK MAKKH: V. V. O. *11.00ferca«e,dutvpaiu. V. V. (>. SPKCI Al, KKSKKVi:. Si.too ter cask, duty paid. DOMINIK, 10 TEARS OLIX *»«•«> per ca«k, duty paid. OBTAINABLE FROM RETAIL DEALERS, OR Me A LISTER Co.. sole agents JOHN LITTLE
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    • 621 4 NOTICES. Sweet Scents from /lowers, RIGAUD'S WN.TI VIOLET. RIGAUD'S whiti ro«i. RIGAUD'S wHirt him, RIGAUD'S white lilac RIGAUD'S wH.rt ..>■». RIGAUD.C mmmm Paris PILSENER BEER. KEY BRAND I viiii.ii.i- kixci 1876. liEWAKK OK IMITATIONS. SuNK Qmi WITIIOI T MUM TWO 1 M'.KI liKHX MKYKI! ft I ■.>-. tu. tli. s.
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