The Straits Times, 8 June 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE a 1898. NO. 19^50.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 783 1 _„,g nOENRO COMPAWT. HMITKD rTIHF akaaM Llf# *ss»raoos. 1 n"«i(* Ddio» Fir. Insuranos Soeletj tlu Co»l-nj i v ,'il.H. le*J Assuranos Bcw»tj. n 'ttT M^S^Comp«T. ll' V i° nh.m \MI" ">" Compaay. Tt." Ma-.t«» lesweaceOo-peaj. L\mi*A. Jr AN V. I.IMITKK Agent.. sTKAMSHIP COMPANIES. 1 Orrici, Colltir Qoiy St \VHA«V«S,S:wHABBOtja.
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    • 790 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Aprnti at Sinqapvrr SHIP Ar.EKCY, LATE J. DiIKDELS 4 Co., 2-3, COLLTia QC*T. Expected Will bi- Despatched tor On Batavia. June 9 Balavia, Cheribon, Samarang, Sourabaya, Menudo, and Timor. June 11. Mat. Deli. 10. Panch. llila, Assahan. Hi, and Deli.
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    • 364 1 BHITISII INDIA STEAM NAVIOA TION COMPANY. LIMITED. TO I'ENANO, RANGOON, 4 CALCUTTA One of the ion i pan v'p steamers is intended to leave THiiiimg Pngar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are hookotl l.y the alK)ve steamers at through rates to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to
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    • 669 1 INSURANCES. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE KIKE INSI'RANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,127 .r4lO Paid up Capital Bl'i.TM) Reserve Fund 07«,3.>6 The undersigned. Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at < BOUSTEAD Co. TUX CHINA TRADER* INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital -„i. ,i-.i ft,onn,noo. Amuuot Paid op fIOO.OOO. Reserve Fund
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    • 301 1 INSURANCES.' fpHEO.I'KKN INSCUAXCK COMPANY Home Offices gi'EEK Isst'RASCK BfILUIKOS, LIVEBTOOL The undersigned. Agents for the above Company, are prepared to take risks at current fates HOOGLANDT i. Co. THE STRAITS INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. KSTtlll ISIIEH IAK3. Head Omen, Singapore. Capital Fully Subscribed $3/100.000 I Capital Paul up HOO.OOO ltcservc Funds
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    • 757 1 NOTICES. STOP. THINK AND CONSIDER. \»rHAT M oiler na Security in your h cs. Krccil.llll IVniii Tlicits, the W tirctiniyentii.ii of Kain Box. All than blessings ii|>on airtli «ill become yours by investing in one t'l nur tinniest ic siiiti's ol brass ndloeka in number, I inch alte, will,
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    • 771 1 I'AIM.Kss DENTISTRY. l>u. MKI'MKN.- I'imi i I Kl.s HODKBATE. (ov.r Messrs. Kki.i.v ,v Wvi-ii. Ltd.) 17 A STIRS RURTOAOR \N H M.KNCI OOMPAHY, LIMITED Aulhori-cd Cnpital. tI,BOD,OOU Bobacribtd i aooiaw A.lvini, made ujhui Morlfjan oil l*rae hoMs. Mian-, mid Other uppi'oved seclirill.-. State. Muni, I'll. iltl,i „t iler Public
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    • 834 1 CHAMBBKLAIira PAID BALM 18 famous (or it. cures „frl niali.m one application relieves the pain, and ran. Pan. Balm Ie a Menl liniment in'llle' aide or'clleV sprain lamene-v nt- hialeae burns and «ill •an such ailoeaat la less Übm than any o'her trealmcnl. s,,i i> K\ 1 1;\ i\ hi
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  • 27 2 Straits Times WEDNESDAY, 8th JUNE, 1898 PROPOSED SUIRRENDER OF MANILA. KSTARLtaHED: 18U1. I'RICE 15 CX.NTS. 1 Sttl'urripturH rate* awl tulrertuing rntt* may befouwt mi Ih* fonrlli ixwl
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  • 290 2 WEDNESDAY, 8TH JUNE, 1898. PROPOSED SURRENDER OF MANILA. tm pjocmiratii a iitoTtarrtoN M KoßKioxKia. tl II M.S. Si'-i/l brings news of severe I fighting between the rebels and the Spaniards. On the Ist instant, the rebels made bar hundred Spaniards prisoner?. ineludinji one Colonel and seven other officers Another account
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  • 60 2 OUAWK ItloTS. DISTIUIiANCKS AT HKI.FA>T. SOI.UtKBS I.KAi: THE STHKETS Umh, Mi Jsw There have been serious riots at The riots arose from an < >r.inge mob attacking a Nationalist procession. The mob overpowered the police on the teat, ami chased them to their barracks. Fifty policemen were
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 66 2 AMi:nic.\N noon i-.\nukd. BMOUBMBMR or THE FORTS. Reports have reached New York that live thousand American troops have landed near Santiago. This American force landed under cover of fire from several of the vessels of Admiral Sampson's Meet. The Americans were joined by three thousand insurgents. The
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  • 576 2 fan our apatU telegrams I'roin Hotufcrmg, it appaan as if our next am mmlH 1... that Manila has surrendereil without svan waiting for the arrival of the American reinforcements from San I'lMHimi It seems that Aflltaallift returniii); to his old province of Cavite, has gathered to himself
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  • 420 2 TllK battle of Manila Bay was full of incidents which should prove of considerable value to naval experts. The question is, what has naval science reaped from those incidents Not since theeontlict betweenChinaandJapan has there been such an opportunity of guaging the merits and demerits of
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  • 42 2 Ir is at Bangkok that, owing to the unsatisfactory state of Electric Lighting there, several Bangkok capitalists intend uegociatini; with the Singapore lias Co. to acquire the plant, etc. of that Company, now that the Singapore Municipality intend dispansiag with gat
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  • 193 2 I in: fanaticism of Irish Orangemen Im Iwl ll) wliw III|<»H in tti'lfast. >■■»■'■ Illlnmrtlmi fa Mil un Orange mull ha- alt.i.-kr.l a Nationalist prm <■- -inn in Itrllnsl, and lias |...w.:nd th..[...liii., iil'nlinin fifty Ml uo.inded. Soterioutwai th* situation rafardari, that ill.' military w.r.i called out and eieand
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  • 95 2 Reports have reached New York that j .-,,(KAi American troops have landed near I Santiago, covered by the fire of some of Admiral Sampan's ships, and that they have been joined on shore by ,i,OU»I insurgents. The remainder of the Ameri-an squadron has simultaneously renewed the bombardment of Santiago. One
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  • 13 2 I'koiuce, exchange, and share prices, and the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 18 2 Kaaaa. Fo**! ,t Co. advertise an auction sal Belgian cement at the Kor.ieo wharf, on the 10th iust.
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  • 29 2 The M. M. U,m left Saigon at ii a m today, and is due ban on Friday next She will probably be despatched at ."> p in. the same day.
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  • 27 2 As will be seen from the quotations on our back page. Raul,, an iMna rapidly. Fully paid shares now stand at SI7.AU Contributory shares have reached SMS.
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  • 45 2 Mxnaas. Yong Lea Seng. A- Co., wine, Orchard Boad, advcrti-e that a telephone service has now keen atta. lied to their office, and that orders will be promptly carried out. Their office will be opened daily from 6 a in. to V p.m., Sundays except-u.
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  • 46 2 YmTKBDAV. I Chinese coolie named Tan Keng .Soo, while carrying oil at Tanjong l'agar wharf, slipped and fell, striking his head against ix piece of iron. The man was conveyed to the hospital where be was found to be suli'ering from a fractured skull
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  • 78 2 Yestekiiav evening, about 7 o'clock, ,i carriage accident occurred nearly opposite to Bonbon I'oliee Station. Dr. Kowlir, in company with his wife, was driving towards town when the vehicle collided with a carriage driven by Mr. Carver. Dr. and Mrs Fowlie were both thrown out over the drain
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  • 89 2 fMHsI afternoon, a ri, kisha puller named Hee Kcug, returned home toil, Sunghi lload, taking with him a miantity of beanr, which he cooked and ate with sonic rice. About half way through the meal he complained of pains in his stomach, whereupon his brother went to
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  • 79 2 1.01.F STUKS. AuoMisT other goods in the manufacture of which the United States seem to surpass us, golf-stick* may be mentioned. In Hie American Consular Report on this subject, it is said: "That most American articles manufactured from wood are both cheaper and better made than similar
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  • 223 2 MPaajg rou I-HT. TllK re|K,,t of the Sine:, pore Chamber of Commerce for I-'J7 is bulkier than usual OWioftO the i;., hi .lollar agitation. Among the subjects which havaengagsd the attention of the Committee ..lll.e Chamber ilurlni; last year are: the local currency, fiovcrnmnit Note i,5,,...
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  • 247 2 IN IIIK ..UA.OMMS. V'unOM to Koine, says the Aamiem Bzporier, will be able in a short time In view tli.- many .alacombs of the Kternal City ill the actual light of modern times. Incandescent uun| B, .hai-cj with clectrieity furnishe.l by American dyu.unos. will be used to illunr.iate
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  • 228 2 8. 0. C. r. H ft As Association football played between the above teaL on hsplanade, yesterday afternoon r ground wan in good condition aiida' game resulted. Kach team bad onlv'i men, there being a defaulter »> The Engineer, kicked off towinl'V Cathedral and at tirst baked ilk" sooTinf,battoeOuh
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  • 291 2 flan. Uli.-s in in Ms, Mil. (>. t. Stonor, the District oilier of Clv Langat, in his re)H.rt lor April, remarks that during the year 1-wi the Ulu l.angat District waj OMdhaj with turning out 7,.V-i> picabj .1 in,, or an average of about M pi,,,!, per
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  • 491 2 FACTS ASI) miIUKS. Mr. J. Driver, the newly sppoiataj Inspector of Shools in FcderalfJ Malaya, has sent in I n-port on education there as carried m in < iov.-rnmeut and grant-in-aid schools. The Gaven> nient schools number thirty four and the graut-iu-uid ones, three. The attrii--lance of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 386 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S 1 EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD, Maaafajiaienul. DVNAMITK IKLiaXITH '•II MIM HI ,M| f K Il.\-IIN(, 1.1 i||\ h tKH Bl IBTIWa APPARATUS All H THK BOK.VEO ii\||'\\v nn KOI.K AI Bimun 1 N ll J? f »nd Horneo i:a\ R m.uais in STOCK li Al.l. IIIK AHOVK. II SIOERQSTHEN
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    • 976 2 NOTICES. NOTICE SI. 1 .rUiUtla; ra rad ear eßcas U A v, Cocil Street. SAKDILAJHM BUTTUtT 00. 111, I, in. l-,v S7 I is I Web) «1VO« that the part- nenhip which tot na) timo Irp i „,ie,l on i.y 11. .1 i Peek. I „,1 vVillmu i trim-
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    • 742 2 NOTICES. NGAPOIIE PHILHARMONIC I SOdSTY. hHTLAlil'llill'.ALA oli( HKSIUAI. '"NCKKT. Will 1..- gtvwi at Hi,' Town Hall, on miimilht «'l part-OOBCI ami dIOTSMf rnniri "ill pI»J two niovein. lit- "i nviln'i Rympnori) (No. ■>> overture Ij» bj Mr- liar.- and Mr. kmldjr. tnsrresioN, SI Rboi m Siati M tan „t Hi.'
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    • 628 2 ATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WAXTKI). Municipal DclKMituroK. Tanjoiig I'agnr Dock Deb*. l'rye River I>oek On. Shares. Kraner and Neave Ltd. 1M... KOR SALK. Straits Steamship OCT. Shares. FKASKK Co.. c. Exchange and Share Broken CHIKEBK GIRLS' scllool I'lIK «> H»ir-..-Hllv Mi.- Of I -..f.ll I .111.1 Kirn, ■>• Arli.-I. in aid ..f
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  • 1804 3 [All Rights Reserved.] CYCLES AND CYCLING IN 1898. (/iy r. r. /(.v/atr, b. a.) k E, i i:\NKs. AND MOTTO*. ",.'ir Tliiß confusion ia no* i little added o by the slipshod v i the word,* the speciaiuwd sonso, tod 1,,,,,-s:,- mini ohsine, toothed I pulleys, or what not. nhii
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  • 55 3 Hi Btonor, the District OOoat of I lv LaDgat, in bil n-iHirt tor April, mentions a vi-it paid by him to the Balgownie coffee estate. "There, he was shown Mr. Shepherd's pulper, a Blbai inganioui oontrivanee of bia own invention, and one which appeal to he Boding
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  • 52 3 1.M.1KS 1 Mi.NTIIM MKDAI. HAMili AIV I'l ay yesterday resulted in the tollowI"-' "SO"" Un.B*uodan M:,- Kiii-i-r Mr- RtrlQfßT Mi- I ran Mi~.\Y,nv Ming Uall Mr- rxraOdl Mi,-. I Ounn Un. Rvant Bean HVnp. 1..1 M. Kl 1 I 7--4 11; r, 1:1 .91 t H
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  • 208 3 liik <;. in-Kin itaamar ScoWta, un.l.i charter to the ttunian GoTernnJent, irrived from Odeeaa yeetarday, it< to I'.-n Irthur witba large number ol -„1,1,,-,s. and will leave lor her destination to .lay after taking in aooul i,i«Hi t,,ns of coal al tli.- Borne« wbart The Kingein iteamoT Uertha,
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  • 895 3 THE AITHOK OK -LOOKING BACKWARD." S< mk of tin 1 American papers report that Mr. Kdward Bellamy, the wellis seriously ill in fact, lie ii said to be dying: uf consumption in Denver, whither he went some months ago in the hope of ti lmiiiihl: his health. THE
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  • 28 3 A hkitkb Mania t» Uk BM^uk ntraali, dati'il Loodoo Ist init., ttata tut tii,- inarieuH hwr« ixptand to Ipaabb Roaboal /.'-j'« whfl« M :it araptlagtolMknUoUowithdMfalofaM
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  • 240 3 CHINESE I MPERIAL POST OFFICE. ORGANISATION SIIORTCOMIXUS. Mk. Consul I'layfaireays, in his report in Ninipo.tliat In February, anlmparial Mt-office fur China wu put id optnlion, he staff of the Maritimu fii-i.niis ben;; utilised for its mB-fl— Dp 0 the present the organisation lias not n suflieiently mature,! to admit of
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  • 552 3 A s»»'l "cry i- toMofUM prmul Mn-i. -i ■ftha ChutwhoMS during hit reign H hea.l maM.i- of tin- I i.x.l »t Uodtlmlof. In aiiiill.'iir farmer in Uw Ulgl arhood ■tuibowiog UU Udc Brown orerhU ini»lfl farm, ami a* tlit'V is-uci finln lit" pimfies. which wan buUI in tb«
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 337 3 THE DISCOVERER OF AGUINALDO i Wv. print to-day a portrait of llw II larable Edward Spanoei Pratt, U.R C'onsiil-tiencralat Sinnapore, formerly V.9. Minister at I'eli. ran. anil, more recently, the discoverer of the Kilipino rebel aaniaatdo, who Is leading the Philippins rabela in CbtHo. Iguana!** was living quietly In Bhigaporr,
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    • 586 3 NOTICES. I ABRAMS'S HORSE! REPOSITORY, •HORSES' "COB!>" j AND PONIKS.' Just landed Ex s. s. OMm, all in first SKVKUAI. l'ltl/.K PAIRS, A well-matched four-in-hand. s.wnil haodnm pairs or Cobs and I'.'tiiis tmtj hi inimrdiati 1 use. Msnt lirii bf mnitiiiii FODDER. Fresh supplies every 15 days, which ensures freshness.
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    • 494 3 NOTICES. JOHN LITTLE CO., LD. SINGAPORE. We have, just received a nrw lot of American Cooking Stoves, Lawn Mowers. Yak Looln, ftc NEW RIVAL Stove for Wood. >i/.- ouivon it;; it x ioi Fire Box wiU taka wood SOj long Ufi)/o a- Baak i •taUOO J NEW PARAGON Stove for
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 246 3 WKATHKK KKI'OKT. Kmtimt f*«l— Ho.^iai, ~n> .iu,,r. lacs. Hun »p.m.»p.m. Kkmarkk. Tamp. 81.1 56.8 7»0 7 >- M VV. I iliTh.-: Tliil Wli 7i;ii igfi liir.ofWin.' B.W. B.W. S.W. 9~s ai.?T. ss giJ Max in Sun 142..". fS Terr. rail. IM =1 S 1 Kaiofall »> S 573S 73 WIATHKB
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  • 523 4 Sivoiroßi. Bth Jim, IBM. PRODUCE (Rates are corrected to 12.30 p.m.) Qambier .V3TJ. Coprm Bali 74*. do Pontiaoak 7.10. Proper, Black K> 7S. do \Vhite,(o%) 3800 Smo KlourSarawak S.(»H. do Brunei 3.1 V Pearl Bmgo 4.40. Coßee, Bali, picked 25.76. CoHou Palembang, picked.... •o.'O. CoSee, Liberian, No. 1 17
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  • 88 4 From Europe:— By lh<- M. M. Ommtlut with dales to the Smb. May. due on tbe lllhinxtanl. From China: lly the MM. Um,4m on the 10th instant. Apl jutli MM. In Wai May .'nd K. I). I. May fTtb May Nth P. 4 O. May aHh May
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  • 255 4 lamit IVr>.s. Ml llaiulj'ir from 'Jolie:—Mrs Km lei s. Strata (mm Borneo Messrs. s i.»ii» li:n Courtrncy. and Vinrente, and Fattier i juerrvio. Per I. 11,, (rom Muai :—Mr. H. starlielin. poll- Mmr*. Hu-.oin. an.l Fram-r. l'er».s. Mm from Bangkok- Messrs. Sa-:ino ami Wolf. TO AKHIVE. {h'or
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  • 71 4 fur l'rr ■*>. Kchllltan via ports Carolina, Miniiii imf via port* Uinng Ann, Malacca* Linggi Mm, IVii.-uin and CaljipK, Madras via ports Isdaoora, Malacca Klmiic C>o» /'»./o. Sbaya 4 Macassar W.I FBI Di V. I^abuan via l>orts iltrubu, Malacca i. Klang JSmm, Soural ;i\a >Yin Sang S*TUKDAY.
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    • 129 4 UnderUmheading'hefollowingabbn-Yn tloni are uiwd »tr. -«t«am*r «h.— thin fcq.- -l>arou« Brit.— Hrituh U. H. United Stalen; Pr. French G«r.— German Dot.— Dulch; Job.^Jobore; 4c, O.c, General '•argo d.p.— deck passenger* V. Uncertain T. P. W.-Tanjon* Pagar Wharf T. P. D— Taniong Pagar Dock B. W. Borneo Vharf;
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    • 1117 4 aukiv.i .1 sum Nook or Ykstmuiy. iIMaM str. IW ton. Xa.odah7th Copra Kirn Hoaa Co. For Singkawang d u<rv flrimfio' 11.I 1 A Kir, 2,S«i* ton", Capt WatUnfth Junt From Hongkong Ist litl. I p AO.Coy. Kor Bombay, U— Ma. Kittaiier, Brit "tr. I'lHtons, Capt Rolx-rl son.
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    • 460 4 ATatiK, port, probabit date »t a-nni, r iwrw ol agenti. A A|var. llonjkonß. June In. .< M Ajkx. Java June It; Man.tirl.l. AMuria. Han l.urK. JuDFli. Belli] Km An.hi-c», Liverpool. IK:|.i, Hone' on;. July I P. Sim.n-. llallaarat. Colo uuo, June IX I', i (I
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    • 147 4 ■t rug S V«s»KL'e Nim A Tom. Cin-iin Fsom Siiliu. OW»mm* a Kio Irene lii-r -ir. j\u s,hu.|, rUmbun V|»l ■.mirlin M^ ■■■>■';: 7 Clio Bril 6tr. 78T AVhyte Jobora JuM 7S. SMii|.«'".- 7 Beaadla ller Btr. fflni XiniVnlorf ii,i,.,k, May 14 Briin Injrer < 7 Anot-WHU Dul wh.
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    • 70 4 DlTl. VtKlL'f NIME KuoAKli. I'ai his DlOTimTloa une 7 Sri Tanjong Fin.HK Dut »tr. Niumlah x Halm ohm K Ban Wlmlt Hin fir. Idwmh I!;HI Sfn^ (iiiiill gtr. I.VOIIH 8 BaukaUi Mr. Mandrj Clio »ir. Whyu- Onmlina Dut Btr. Orn h iMadU u.t. Mr. Zimcdori Kniuakura Mhi-ii Jh|i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 351 4 NOTICES. I For Constipation I and Biliousness I Aiiialuli mrtr Ml" cbiUnau I ESS Fn£ J«i»o mm h.b,,..i <0..i,p.,;<... I «ftuir« bfraih and *i.«-h-«Ji.h* I JULIO). 1, ru« Vlvlenne, PARIS Ran ward PbTiitUm* pfeacriba Grinwuti't M»tio I I inooff*n»,va trm<Ji in ,b* r*ain.rni ul .Vulr aad I 1 MATICO INJECTION
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